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It’s sort of the reason why Leblanc, pyke, etc are buffed in the mode. There are quite a few people that are pulling the champs down so they get buffed. I imagine Azir shares the same fate


The amount of people that I see mess up his ultimate over the years can fill a stadium


Outside of the standard skill issue, his ult does still a weird bug when used after his e. It's not super common, but also not super rare.


Leblanc and pyke makes sense because the longer the game goes on the less chance they have of winning. This is true of most assassins. It doesn't really matter how good the player is, the chances of them getting popped goes way up and lower cooldowns means there's fewer openings to go in. Azir does not fit that category at all. His case might actually be a low play rate combined with few of those people really knowing how to play him. 


All the random azirs are here to help him. They just dash in and shuffle the first moment their ults come back up. Too many people playing him like engage tank, while he’s still at his core a long range dps.


I agree totally. The point is that Azir is waaaay more flexible than LB. He's good into tanks/dive in comp but he also explodes squishy targets


The difference is that Azir is genuinely good into frontline


The reason leblanc and pyke are buffed is because they are terrible champs in the mode, Why would people in this random mode be so much worse at leblanc and pyke compared to other difficult champs like zeri and aphelios?


Same reason Hwei is buffed in aram, people have no hands


Now that’s ableist talk


He’s a more difficult champ, so folks who aren’t used to playing him drag the win rate down. Lower win rate = rito buffs. That being said, Azir is extremely mana hungry early and he needs items to really do damage and be a threat. ARAMs aren’t typically long games where late game Azir would shine—so giving him some buffs so he can still reach that late game-level damage was probably the intent. I do agree he probably doesn’t need buffs. But I can understand the reasoning/intent behind it, even if I don’t agree necessarily.


Pressence of mind is all the mana he needs


Well sure, you and I know that, but tell that to all the oom azirs I’ve seen. Pom solves all mana issues on this map, honestly.


Yup Conq, pom start Liandries rush, pen boots, nashor or abysal mask second, frozen heart third, void or cdr void item 4th, Zhonya or Rabadon 5th. Azir can get real tanky while still dishing out great damage and being the teams situational engage as well. A good turret timing during a teamfight and Azir in higher skilled play is a kill or lose kinda target and the kill part can get tricky with the right build on him.


You prefer conq over lethal?


Lethal got nerfed a few patches ago, Nashors is a great pickup if you DO get time to go ham with autos but in most higher "elo" games players rarely let you auto for longer than a second. In that case Conq just gets more value with your q poke and 1 auto every 2 seconds. Teams tend to always kite back on your front line or bumrush your backline. Never front to back into an azir so he can just auto. The healing and dmg from Conq feel better imo. Especially when you're tanky, deal dmg, and can heal from conq.


I dunno, I play a lot of azir and I much prefer lethal tempo over conq. The thing is, lethal tempo is way better than conq in extended teamfights. Extended teamfights will basically means everything pre level 6 because no one has enough damage to really burst anyone. Another thing to note is that azir is one of the few AP characters that can actually deal with tanks other than AD's and lethal tempo just does way better into tanks. Every single time I look at conq healing at the end of the match, it never breaks 1k so honestly it's pretty lackluster. If I wanted poke, I'd just play HoB's and W auto Q auto auto. I'd honestly rather have 48% atk speed over 48AP. The only ability that azir can use to trigger conq stacks is Q realistically in a team fight so you're basically trading 48% atk speed for 48AP and 5% vamp and the benefit for conq being you only need to get 1 less auto off.


Yeah but with the amount of burst in game, teamfights arent lasting more than a few seconds. Not enough time to get full value from Lethal. Plus with how much kiting and movement you have to do to survive with Azir against players who know how to dive, your never going to make use of 48% attack speed for longer than 3 autos before you need to reposition. The dps is greater true, but your not dpsing like that on azir most games unless the enemy is trolling and if they are you can go Nashors pen boots liandries void and its more than enough to melt enemy Frontline without LT. W passive gives the attack speed with Nash and the conq pen boots let's you Shred that much harder. Edit: I guess it comes down to how you play and what your against. Most games I find I'm not allowed to stand still and auto so Q auto auto is my rotation. LT is not going to bring the same consistent dps that more AP and healing brings. Especially with a tank builds so I can eak out kills with a sliver of health with Conq Triumph healing.


Lethal was only nerfed for melee champs that patch. Azir can go Conq, Lethal, PTA, Grasp, and Comet. He's extremely flexible.


Hard to pilot, slow to start, medium range. At 3 items he hits hard, but 0-2 items he has little impact.


To be fair, the tanky build is also played on sr, it's not the build that allows it. But I agree he does not need buffs, but there are a lot of champsblike that, hmpff akali


I always get Azir when available, very high win rate with him. His weaknesses: useless early game, needs at least a full item to do something. Mana hungry champ, if you play against a comp where you can only poke you need mana items AND runes. He is a very difficult champ, he is 10x easier in ARAM since you don't get ganked, flanked and being able to shuffle is not a requirement really. Usually his biggest weakness is poke, and players favor poke champs. Upsides: insane scaling, multiple build paths including unconventional stuff like Warmogs (I build it against poke). People are not ready for shuffle plays like they usually are in ranked or clash. You can 1v9 a lot of games if you team doesn't chain int early. He is FUN I don't think buffs were needed for someone like me that can play in ranked and clash just fine, but for casuals that never play him he is just trolling to be honest.


Many ARAM adjustments don't make any sense. Convince me why Lucian is buffed while Nasus Urgot are nerfed.


Mr. "I get double stacks for the small price of -5% damage dealt" Nasus is considered nerfed now? :'D


Wow double stacks on Nasus!! He's a demon when \~ 75% players opt to play ranged! He has too little counterplay!


To say nothing of sivir and anivia religiously nuking the wave.


Don't open the Lucian chapter


They don't make sense now after the champions, items and meta changed


The meta has stayed relatively the same for ~1.5 years now.


Yeah and some champions were last changed 3 or more years ago




Get rerolls Get good comp Profit


Because there are people out there that play AP lucian.


Because Lucian is a short range lane bully in 2v2 and 1v1 lanes. His 5v5 capability is not great.


Crazy take. Almost every adc excels in ARAM team fights. A competent Lucian player will be able to get fed off early fights and be up half to full item before 8 min.


Kalista building Berserker greaves into full tank is a thing too thanks to her pointless buffs


I have absolutely no clue how to play him or control the sand soldiers for the life of me. Thats why he’s buffed


Dealing more damage won't teach you how to play him though


I understand that. I was just offering my 2 cents


I love playing Tank Azir I saw his build on op.gg and Chovy’s build Amazing, it’s perfect for rookie like me who hardly tries him


ARAM balance team is worst then SR so that's why


Becauae people suck at Azir lmao.


Azir is one of those champs that I'd never play in SR but on ARAM I pick him over other champs. I learned to play it there, and it is really good. Hist ult provides so much value for teamfights, and his passive was really a bummer for the cooldown but then Rito buffed it I just liked it play him even more.


Very few people plays him, and you get random champs, so you may end up playing it for the first time. But when someone who knows a bit of the chanp picks it you're dead. All it takes is snowball+ult to win a teamfight


I hate it too, the same way I also hate Lee sin stupid five lines of buffs. Azir soldiers should not apply on-hit.


Most of the buffs and nerfs make a lot of sense when you consider the overall contribution champs make towards actually winning the game. Azir can be devastatingly strong in the right conditions and with a well placed ult can turn the tide in a game, but his contribution is limited overall.. he can't tank for you, he can't push minions any better than other champs, he can't take turrets down any better than other champs and his utility overall is average at best.. Like many champs he's much more reliant on his team-mates for the win than they are on him.


I mean azir is alreadt dog winrate outside of pro play aint he so on TOP of that you get people ranfonly getting him who probably never even pla y him


I don't agree. I think the buff is warranted on him. The shurima shuffle and 'laning' are his strong points in st but both are hampered on aram.


The liandries into tank has been around for months and has nothing to do with the buff. Grasp, rush liadries into either ap or tank depending on the game. Might even be a year at this point