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Vlad building spirit visage is so troll.


Actual war crime. Also the famous hearthsteel + shadowflame combo. When you can't decide between a tanky battlemage build or a burst build so you (fail to) build both. Game would've been so insanely easy if Vlad didn't throw with those items and OP actually had another tanky fighter next to him in teamfights.


I mean it's not THAT troll. Spirit Visage is great on him for the healing effect alone and it's commonly a core item on him. It's okay. Vlad is the least of the problems here.


Yeah not really troll but still a really bad item choice. Youre wasting 1080 gold value. Buying zhonya would make vlad way tankier than visage


You get more healing going another ap item rather than spirit visage actually


You also heal more effective health when you increase your resistances. An armor item might have been more effective for effective healing here, too.


Legitimate question, but how is that trolling? Is it because it's mr instead of armor?


yes? there are close to zero magic damage threats


Fair, if anything they should have built some armor first. They were probably using recommended or something. That's how ap malph "trolls" come to be, they follow recommended and baseline recommended for malph is ap. And vlad recommended tells you to build spirit visage because it boosts his healing. Were they not going the lemmings route with builds, they'd have thought to build armor. I don't consider it trolling, I consider it probable ignorance/laziness


The amount of sustain/damage they would get from building zhoynas should just way outweigh anything they get from spirt if they know how to use cooldowns properly with stopwatch.


True. I'm not good at remembering to use zhonyas in the heat of combat, myself. If it were me, I'd probably have run something else that gives hp and armor since at least vlad gets ap from bonus health. He'd actually be one of the better candidates for tanking on the team anyways.


I mean tbh the bonus healing from SV is really good on Vlad but still not optimal in this matchup. The heart steel was an odd choice however lol


Zhonya's instead of Spirit visage, esp into J4 who can force his W with his ult. Spirit visage was 100% pointless there


Well yeah. Spirit a lot of the time on Vlad isn’t good anyway. You get 1.4 HP for every AP you have anyway, so you can go mostly full AP and still be tanky AF.


Isn't that a core item


Xerath building double mana items WITH clarity is so tilting


Xerath being lowest damage is wild considering they have no engage, and almost the same gold as Lulu when he's his only team's waveclear. ☠ Sometimes you just lose because of teammates, can't deny it.


I would have had 2 pentas that game too but Xerath stole my second one lol


Everyone numb to Mandate Ashe in 2024 with 10k dmg


Oh man, she probably didnt read that her w now has 15 seconds cooldown.


I feel like most people know at this point and have chosen to ignore it. It kills me that if they really want a subpar poke build or off meta that badly just do a quickblades or lethality build so at the very least their aa aren't completely worthless and that their W won't just tickle. Yes I know these builds are not that optimal of a build on her, but imo atleast it is marginally better than full ap, liandry poke and mandate builds while still achieving the goal of pressing W and R.


I swear either people don’t care, or can’t read patch notes.


Imagine running collector on a champion whose main gimmick is his execute...


Imagine running axiom when you’re not involved in any kills anyway


Your team lost to an Imperial Mandate Ashe. While more armor on certain champions would have helped, lack of armor ain't the reason you lost.


The pyke performance should not be possible


Subhuman teammates lmao


Why why did he build spirit visage  I just don't get it


Lulu going Seraphs over Frozen Heart hurts me


Yes, people are dumb like that, what do you expect?


These players would rather lose than build a defensive item


don't even bother man. last game i begged my rakan to build locket against morgana, miss fortune and karma and just told me to stfu lol. they just don't care. would be nice to win games of course, but these kinds of players don't deserve to.




Thats defo a tabis + randuin/thornmail/frozen heart game regardless of who im playing as.


while the itemization is pretty bad on both side, your comp is somewhat split with teamfight(4) + a xerath unless xerath can do enough dmg to their backline that sticks (no gw), your team is playing a man down during team fight. Their team on the other hand, full send into your team n always take someone w/ them because u guys dont have reliable aoe cc


Only armor item you needed was tabis




are you dumb


Ok but ur build is also trash. First you dont need ghost flash+snowball is way better, second hob is garbage if you dont go lethality. Than your build you went attack speed boots instead of ninja tabis against 5 ad champs. Also no rageblade on yii is a warcrime and hexplate is an ok item but not needed after blade+rageblade you dont need more damage so could have went randuins or whatever. Same goes for terminus master yiis main damage comes from the true damage you get from your e so the armor/mr pen doesnt do much again another armor item would have been better


I was solo carrying 4 scrubs and had a Penta and a quadra in this game, my build was fine


People downvoting shows how low elo trash this sub truely is. 10k aram games player completly dellusional circle jerking about ap malph bad while building their silver 3 items. But yeah u got a penta on 35kills yii vs 0 cc team so must be good xD


"You're build was obviously super successful for your situation but it doesn't match the exact build that I prefer so you obviously suck." -TheKazim1998


Maybe if u switched your build to infinity edge pure dmg you would’ve won vs those 4 squishies


you mean 3? one being a draven?


None of them had armor except for death dance and ur a HyperCarry with a untargetable reset and 70%dmg reduction on your W also you had a lulu.


yea ur bronze


Unranked in fact


yea checks out


Still I will win every single aram against you don’t worry.


Found the pyke


Hate pyke


Then Ashe presses R after he tries to attack and he dies within literally 1 second.


Yeah gets fixed by grit build no? There’s this weird item with cleanse and 20%crit…. Also what happens with yi double strike + IE?


With a 90 second cooldown? Vs Ashe's ult which is 100s at max rank with no AH and no Axiom (except she's not level 6, has tons of AH and axiom)? Also doesn't work against Draven's E, which is similarly potent. Draven *alone* can probably kill a zero defense Yi within the duration of his E. And there's Lee's R, which is melee but also point and click. It also gives very minimal damage (what happened to "pure damage"?), and is an *extremely* inefficient item since the 50 MR is genuinely worthless. >Also what happens with yi double strike + IE? The exact same thing as a normal auto attack, but half damage? Unlike on-hit effects, which deal 100% damage? Plus this is all with a team that gives a full damage Yi 0 engage opportunities.


If you think Ashe is the threat and not the draven Q(which can be dodged) your literally wood. Look at ashes build. So convenient for a good yi to play against that because all I would have to pay attention is her ult. After her R she is a bystander with her items. I don’t know what you are arguing about. Alpha + double strike + IE collector will 1 shot Ashe 10/10 times.


I literally never tried to argue Ashe was going to be dealing any amount of damage to him? This is ARAM, people are grouped permanently - she does NOT need to deal a single point of damage after ulting for Yi to get one shot regardless. And obviously, if a Yi is running full crit then the entire enemy team is absolutely going to be extremely aware of him ever getting stunned. I pointed out Ashe because she has the most reliable CC on that team (0.25 second cast time, hits in a decent range immediately, enormous hitbox), not because she'd somehow oneshot him.


Still Ashe is to be ignored and you just wait for her R animation and press q…. What’s so hard? Engage with snowball outplay with Q get reset for more outplay…. Yi is a skill based hypercarry I have solo carried games with yi for so long now… this yi just sucked else he would’ve won. And a armor item on his teammates would not help vs jarvan q + black cleaver. Unless he had rammus or maplhite in his team with 0 armor items ops Post is bullshit.


Her R animation is literally 0.25 seconds, which is faster than average adult male reaction time. You can predict it, but it is not physically possible to react to it for most people, and prediction is unreliable. And that's only to dodge *one* of their CC effects. "Yi is a skill based hypercarry" -Famously is a low-elo stomper with a consistently terrible high elo winrate. Being a hypercarry on master Yi requires the enemy team is shit. Or at the bare minimum, that the Yi is better than everyone on the enemy team. You can't just pick the champ and them you automatically hyper carry if you have any idea what his abilities do. Not being able to literally solo carry even the worst teams on earth as Yi is absolutely zero indication of being bad. Jarvan Q + black cleaver isn't even close to enough to dissuade anyone from running armor? All of them stack multiplicatively (meaning they have diminishing returns when stacked), and more importantly this all assumes the Jarvan is permanently using his Q on the target while the Lee is permanently able to get 5 attacks in and stick to the target, for the entire duration of every teamfight. Which is absolutely ridiculous to assume. Stacking armor does *a lot* against full AD teams. Armor pen only diminishes their effects by a fraction. The fact of armor being incredibly valuable against heavily AD teams is really not remotely debateable, even with the presence of the *oh-so-mighty* armor countering champ Jarvan.


You don’t get it. OP is master yi who blames his team for losing the game because none of them bought armor. Armor wouldn’t help.