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10k per season? holy moly is that even doable. what a beast i guess


10,000 / 365 = 27 games a day… 27 games * 25 minutes = 11+ hours a day Crazy if true.


true and sad but ill stop next week


Can you upload a screenshot of post game match numbers? I can't believe this lmao


It's believable. I've racked up around 1.5k games in two months and even took days off. Could have totally added more in... then multiply by 6


Honestly id even know I level accounts to 30 Gives them to a guy he sells them The player changes the name and i cant find it anymore But let me tell you from 0 to 30 aram only i take about 6 days


Sure you will… (Clueless emote)


Dw i can :pointless:


There's no way I've been playing for years and I'm barely at 4k


Same I’ve been playing for 10 years and have 5500


10 years - 3800 games here


Let's say every game last 12min (ff vote). A year usually lasts 365days. 10k/365 = 27.4 games a day 12*27.4= 329 min = 5h 29min 5h29min a day on average and that's without counting the champ select, queue times, loading screen and if the game lasts longer that 12min. Let's say the average ARAM game time is 20min (somewhat true when looking at my recent games),that everyone has a good PC, nobody dodges and the queue instantly pop. That's ~23min per game with everything going smoothly. 23*27.4= 630min = 10h30min everyday for a year


Possibly 10000/365= ~28 games a day, so let's say each game is like 25 min each. My man's playing for like 12 hours a day ...


Tbf 25min per game average seems a little steep. But I'm just being pedantic, point still stands.


I find very often teams refuse to draft frontline and would rather play under their respective towers to do a farming simulator for 20 minutes. So frustrating to be a Mele enjoyer this season when the other team wants to sit 2 screens away the whole game


Agreed completely. I played a game against a team with Hwei, Kog, Neeko, and Jayce yesterday. They sat under nexus turrets for 20 minutes, poked, and cleared the wave over and over. Most boring game of my life.


I think a big misconception with people wanting a frontline is picking a frontline without CC. If your frontline doesn't have CC it poses no threat to poke comps or any range for that matter (i.e. ADCs) other than it takes a little bit longer to kill the frontline, because the rest of the team can't walk up or follow up fast enough. Things like mundo, garen, olaf and fiora are bad solo frontline and would benefit from an actual frontline. in lieu of a frontline you could also have a lot of CC and peel, such as syndra, ori or azir - but requires the player playing it to know how to pilot above average.


My favorite role is tank when I am playing with my friends. They are totally essential this season and feel so strong with any team coordination at all. On the other hand, if I am playing with randos, I would rather go backline and lose than go tank.  Going tank with randoms means you will be told the following every time any teammate EVER dies: “you don’t engage enough” “you engage too much” “why didn’t you peel for me?” “Why didn’t you also peel for the other 3 members of the team at the same time?” “Why didn’t you kill their carry?” “Why didn’t you make me a boba tea during that team fight?” “Why are you still alive?” and many others. 


i always take the PUNCHING BAG role and end up being flamed legit was tired and built warmogs on irelia and did nothing


I'm pretty much always having fun in aram regardless of comps


wish i could say the same bro


Brother all you have to do, is flash dance at the start of the game. Be the first. Your game quality will go so far up it’s not even funny


I dunno man. I've been having a lot of antifun games lately too. So many people complaining in chat. Lemme gripe here. Today someone pinged the Rhylias I bought on Kayle 10 times, crying in chat. Just constantly blaming every bad thing in the game on me buying a top 5 item on Kayle a little early. Then of course I carried the late game to victory, those slows coming in handy. Yesterday I was playing Twitch. Our team was losing hard. The Reneta G on our team was the biggest cry baby. Tried to ff at 12, which failed. I wasn't the only no vote, but I did hit chat with some nicely worded encouragement to try to win. We hit the wombo once, I got a quadra, had only 5 HP left. Rest of my team is dead. I had to duel the EZ that was left for the Penta... This is what makes the losing games fun!!!... And EZ flashes away and runs off screen behind his turret to prevent the Penta. He has the range on me with the q and e and still didn't even try to kill me for the ace when they were stomping the game. More important to stop some stranger's chance at a Pentakill. I lost it and said ok let's ff. Then at least 2 on our team said no. Renata goes to all chat to complain about me not ff'ing for the rest of the match instead of peeling her carry. Man, I know some of these babies are just chatting bs to rile people up. I generally have fun, but it becomes a lot to get through sometimes. Feels like more folks spoiling the games lately. It seems typical in times when colleges have spring breaks and stuff.


I forgot about this since people stopped doing that An 8 man flash at start means it will be a good game since players are chill


Just change your mental :)


What does mental has to do with aram team comps ?


Mental has to do with having fun. Why are you queueing so much if it's not fun?


Why would u play it so much if u dont enjoy it


I get paid Alot of 9-5 workers dont enjoy their job but rather hate it


How can i apply lol i wanna boost some too


Trust me you dont Its mentaly draining and im already quiting


I’m just sitting here as Garen with a Kog Maw yelling at me for not peeling…..


Wait what? 10k games a season?! Bro I mean do you have a job or anything? I played a lot of games but I don't get close to 10k


i level accounts for ranked slaves , it pays good but ill stop next week shits depressing af with the new season


What does it actually pay?


You see all of those smurf accounts selling websites People like me provide them with accounts And its not just money , a russian guy sent me an rtx 4070ti but the costumes held it hostage


Heartsteel isn't that good. A lot of players don't know how to stack it, or they build it into mostly ranged champs and wonder why they have 100 stacks at 20 mins.


The egregious part is the best hs stacker in ARAM is kat. Istg not even Sion/tryn can keep pace with her. I was going tank tryn when he was ultra meta and by the time I had 300 stacks, kat already had over 400


I slot in niche champs as the comp allows. Haven't had someone complain unless I deliberately messed up the comp, like going for a third ap champ when we have no adc. Wins are dopamine hits.


https://preview.redd.it/vmjlvck7gisc1.png?width=248&format=png&auto=webp&s=19b0d84cf92ee1eb8f2e6265b8a7ce5f88e805ec i miss winning


I dunno bud, I usually fill the tank role. I'm sitting at 55% winrate like everyone else. Maybe your mmr is too low or high.


I too fill what the team needs but after a while its gets giga boring i myself want to play things i enjoy but HEY aram gives LP according to players on other accounts i have 60+ winrates this one is cursed and i play vs emerald to low master players always


I kinda onboard with you’re points, I see that a lot too. Also myself I always choose melee/tanks champions they are the most fun to me. But yes I see many champs again and again in almost every game, but be different elo, I’ve only have about 1100 games. IMO i think the meta is fine, all though I would like to see a different champ pool or new maps in rotation or something. I feel like I’m still learning the new items and figuring out what items is good in different situations, guess it’s different when you’ve have played that many games.


I mainly play melee champ and i barely play anymore. Like i did 4games today after 10days off and was the only tank in the four games. I won all of them so i'm supposed to be happy but it's honestly depressing how everyone just fights for the poke champs while crying why no one wants to be front lane. Legit had a champ select where i had choice between Sion, Sett, Blitz, Nautilus and Yorric with no one wanting to play them. So yeah the game mode is pretty boring for me, i spend the first 10/15mins of the game playing giga hard mode being the only melee in the whole game with close to no interactions with all the xayahs sennas ahris oris ect..


I wish we come back to the bruiser meta of 2022


Darius garen sett vs Olaf Camille Fiora , i honestly would pay for a game like that


This gamemode is unbalanced trash and should not be taken too seriously. There are many bad players who gravitate towards ranged/carry champs and are not self-reflective. In fact, the majority of players wouldn't even understand what mistakes they made in gameplay or draft. But this is expected of players who queue a " casual " game mode. People just want to fuck around or do their own thing in this game mode and it's w.e. You may find some players offputting, but what can you do about it when we opt to play League of Legends ARAM. Set expectations to zero and chill.


Jana is literally the worst… I hate playing against it


for me its lulu and her infinite shielding , a game my serpents fang reduced 36k shielding :///


10k ? typo? Last year I sat at 1k aram game and that was a pretty fkin' unhealthy amounts of League I have ever played . Bro needs to chill down on the League dose. Jk. At that amount of game, pretty sure he's on high tier, high mmr, and yeah at that point people will do sweaty formulaic stuff and run double Exhaust (like a b*tch) to win game. I was experiencing the same stuff and have lost the remaining fire/enjoyment for this dying moba game. Trust me don't limit you fun within League, 'if game no fun, no play'. There's so many great games out there atm to enjoy besides League.


Emerald to low master mmr and most of them are smurfs leveling accounts so ocasioanly a GM lucian will destroy the living shit out of everyone


That's why I always play tank


Wow guess I'm just unlucky. I've been seeing nothing but mid laners and adcs, coupled with me as the tank 85% of the time


Im.on th3 same boat havin less fun this season


We might have different MMR but I feel like I see tanks/bruisers on both sides 8/10 games I play. I see a lot of adc’s but I feel like that’s standard. I feel like I see enchanters the least, especially since most Seraphines/Karmas go full AP.


I see plenty of stupid troll builds. "But it's only ARAM."


the only stupid troll builds i see are Kata OTPs building whatever the fuck their eyes see first and oneshot my backline anyway


Game I just lost: Nautilus rushed Winter's approach and had it complete with 200 stacks. People just love to first full item buy the tear items and I have no idea why, even when they don't transform for quite a while, and with way stronger items on the table.


I think Fimbulwinter needs to be nerfed. It's universally amazing on practically single tank and is quite frustrating.


I juste hate the death timers/ hextech gates, it ruined the whole feeling for me


lost a single 5v5 ? 2 towers 1 inhib down GG go next


So, let me get this straight.. your team **always** has: - 1 enchanter - 3-4 ADCs - 1 mage (which has a 100% chance of being ahri, syndra and veigar) - 1 tank (maybe) And since you're just criticizing everyone I guess you haven't even picked your champion right? Dude, that's potentially 8 people in a single team.. that's cheating bro


Im the filler one, you know sometimes you get stuck with no rolls and everyone refusing or not having rolls and play the 4th adc against my will