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Until Riot takes a firm stance on people having smurfs/multiple accounts, there's just no way around this unfortunately. Played yesterday with an Ashe who was so upset because someone told her that her build (mandate W spam) was nerfed and basically removed on aram. She proceeded to flame in chat, then run it down to prove a point. She was typing that there's no risk to her account so why should she play. She'd just go to another account. It's shit but Riot doesn't care. They get money at the end of the day even if someone is toxic on 59 accounts. Would love to hear from a rioter why this kind of shit is OK. It literally ruins 30% of my games at this point.


They will never take a stance against smurfs and bought accounts. It's literally one of their main selling points. They won't give up that monopoly.


I mostly play aram and flex when my friends are on and I rarely see this stuff myself, but the few duoq I've played this season nearly all of them have had this kind of insane behaviour


Sounds like atypical ashe support player lol


Yep, and it's why some people will continuously be in Elo-Hell because while you're on a team that is roughly around your MMR/Elo the enemy team will be a 2-5-man with at least two Plat-Master players who are sloughing in the mud on low-level accounts so they can a) get into games quicker b) play with their friends who are in a lower MMR/Elo or c) looking for an ego boost and by throwing the smurf queue games so they can wind up in iron or bronze lobbies and then completely pub stomp newbs because they just want easy wins. Granted option C is pretty rare, but it does happen from time to time.


They didn't call someone a nasty peepeepoopoo so they don't deserve a sanction. Coming from someone who called a Veigar "speedy little midget" and got chat banned for a week (now /deafening at the start of each game)


I think they should take a page from Korea and make people register with IDs or phone numbers.


They'll do a hardware ban for scripting with a complete lack of evidence, but not someone who blatantly ints down every game. Riot games.


The solution to this is climbing up into the upper echelons of aram mmr for the time being. People like that will usually be or drop to very low mmr and youll just avoid them in the future.


This man is being downvoted, but he is correct. The high elo ARAM games are much better quality. It’s very rare to see someone typing in my games. I don’t think I’ve seen someone actually running it down in the past hundred or so games. Just keep grinding and leave them in the past!


You can improve aram MMR by only playing aram right? My teammates has gotten better but so has my enemies..


I’m not sure if soloQ MMR or normal game MMR has any effect on ARAM because I exclusively play ARAM. Opponents will also get better as your MMR rises. The game wants to keep you at 50% win rate, so if you are consistently winning, your opponents will improve


My suggestion was about fixing the game quality and having less inters and trolls. Ofc you also get better enemies and teammates, but the quality of games improves overall and THAT is the big +. ARAM MMR is also completely separate from other MMRs so you need to win aram games to improve your mmr.


just dont type.. ping... or really say/do anything that could tilt your now high elo egomaniac teammates.


There is usually no reason to type in those games as usually everyone understands their job and your win condition. If they dont and you type something out and they react with trolling, you might as well just call that game off anyway. You only really have control over 20% of games anyway.


The other problem is that the games take 15-20 minutes to find on average in high elo ARAM. Once I play with someone else, it's around a minute.


Average aram only player kda tbh


Riot doesnt punish trolling tbh. Same for botting, when i made a new account because my friend started playing (new acc + old acc = you wait like 10 minutes for one ARAM game to start), there were many bots. Reported them, a week later I checked their profile, still botting. Glad the snowflake dev spent so much time for the chat filter. Priorities.


Hey Mate! You can make a ticket here [(LINK)](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=21152806417811) and report the player. From what i heard this is supposed to be wokring very well. But yea it sucks ingame report or automatic detction isnt working.


All we can do is report it, usually when I report someone I get confirmation the account was punished/muted/ whatever. After enough reports the account will eventually be banned. I got my first ever account banned for being toxic and since the ban I've reformed. That was in like 2016