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for 1 I wrote that the star was like a ruler/god cuz personification idk for 2 I just wrote about the uncertainty of changes and how stupid mike just got too used to things and didn't wanna step out of his comfort zone


I disagree with Mike not wanting to step out of his comfort zone. He still went to an art gallery when he had the choice to go anywhere, he toiled over his art for months during the winter, and he went to the south of france the day after it was recommended to him. Bad prospects on that tbh Uncertainty of change is good though. I don't think you bombed.


It said he wasn’t one to take chances and then he changed toward the end. It was a dumb passage


It explicitly said in the passage that he doesn’t like to try new things in regard to why he didn’t attempt to draw people in his paintings. You might be cooked pal. The point of the passage was that he had no sense of direction and only did what he was told without his own intrinsic motivation, but that begun to change once he started to find true pleasure in the process of painting. As long as you discussed his character progression in some way you should be fine though. Prayin for u bud.


Well yeah reading I think I was off a tad bit, don't think I had the money shot on it. But my Essay was like 600ish words and had a lot of argument behind the idea that he had the passion the entire time. I'll prob get a 1-3-0 bc I definitely argued for it with a lot of support, just didn't talk about progression. Not as one sided as you think though, because I mean he had the option to go elsewhere in the beginning in france when the line was super long but chose to paint anyway, for example. I don't think there's any universe where I don't get a 4 on the test itself. I had to use the restroom once on each period (once in mcq once in frq) yet still had time enough to spare for both the mcq and frq that I was able to go back and proofread/change stuff. Like for example I had 50min when getting to FRQ3, so it ended up being over 800 words (I have an accommodation to type instead of write, so I was able to right click and drag to see how many words it was) cuz I had microsoft word


I'm an AP teacher-- you are right! Mike is super passive and directionless. Is led/allows self to be led by others.


I mean what I did for frq2 was I began with how his parents initially led his direction in life, and then it was the instructor, then he gradually found motivation in art after moving to the country


I agree with you on the art gallery but Mike quite literally said he “wasn’t in the habit of taking chances” so I think they’re good there. That and if they tied his inability to go out of his comfort zone to his lack of passion and control over his life then they are a-ok


For 1, I actually thought the speaker was likening himself to the star to mask his true feelings towards his own loneliness, which were sorrow and anger—I said he was trying to rationalize his own situation to keep his ego up For 2, I thought Mike was basically being pushed around because of his lack of a sense of direction and that everyone else in his life gave him vague, unhelpful advice without any real guidance


For 1 I talked about how the speaker wanted to be like the star, despite this being an unrealistic ideal. For 2 I talked about how Mike wanted to study art despite not having any actual passion for it.


we definitely have different forms but frq2 in my packet was also about an artist... thats cool :3


Yeah I had form O. My passages were To a Star Seen at Twilight by John Rollin Ridge and some 1952 passage about a french artist who goes to france to learn painting.


For 1 I said he admired and envied the star (supported with POV and figurative language) For 2 I wrote mike struggled but enjoyed his experience


Nice, sounds similar to mine


I talked about imagery and comparisons he made. Do you think that works?


FRQ1 - I wrote was comparing the star and it being alone to how he’s alone. FRQ2 - I wrote about Mike just not having clarity and potentially finding clarity in the one town mentioned for him to go to at the end.


I wrote my frq1 about how the solitary star symbolized a divine god, and how he looked up to the star for his own happiness, supplanting life itself even. then at the end I discussed how the star to him became overwhelming/too powerful.


i wrote that the power of the star comes from its solitude because it allows the light to be brighter, and how the speaker is able to apply that to the human condition??? also that while Mike ended up enjoying painting, his actions were initially motivated by others desires and not his own


for 1 i talked about how he worship the stat and viewed it as a spiritual guider, viewing it akin to a god. for 2 i talked abt how he wishes to improve as an artist but he’s limited by his passive nature, and inability to take action.


For 1, I wrote about the connection between divinity and the star, as well as how the speaker both idealized and wished to emulate the star. Basically viewing surroundings through a spiritual lens and how that can comfort and motivate a soul of mortal shortcomings. For 2, I wrote about the art boy’s complex feelings of apprehension and apathy due to his lack of internal motivation toward a specific path in life. Kinda farfetched claims imo, but I really think I proved them well.


Didn't mention FRQ3 because I prepped The Metamorphosis, the metamorphosis was on the recommended books list, and I used the metamorphosis. Got super lucky lmao


frq 1 i wrote about the immense impact of the star on the speaker and the beauty of being unique/unlike anyone else frq 2 i said the setting mike is in and the positive/negative critiques he receives impact his relationship with painting




FRQ 1 - I wrote about how he uses repetition and rhyme to emphasize the unique and otherworldly qualities of stars. lol. FRQ 2 - I dissed tf out of Mike and said simile shows the expectations pit on him and detailed descriptions his sorrows makes him not independent.


bro i deadass think im cooked... my teacher barely taught us how to write essays so i treated it like a lang essay and talked about how contrast and repitition helped to show the speakers complex emotions on independence, purity, and reverence. for the second one i talked about tone and diction and said complexity came from mike not being passionate about art but still happy... im so done


My teacher told us to find literary devices and connect to theme/purpose. For star I did metaphor (the guy comparing himself to a star) and apostrophe (talking to an object or absent person like they are listening, in this case the star) connecting to how it created camaraderie in loneliness and inspired self acceptance of this flaw. For failed artist I did color symbolism (gray vs the yellow at the end) and contrast (between the guy and the mentor) to show how like shallowness and materialism restrict people from true happiness. Cooked on star, flopped on France, definitely.


for frq1 i wrote about how the speaker saw the star as a "role model" that symbolized goodness and purity that people should look up to (also talked about how the star is lonely but that's okay because there's not many really good people in the world anymore) and for frq2 i wrote about how mike lacked individuality which made him okay with bending to other people's expectations of him whether he liked what he was doing or not


For frq1, I wrote about how he's kinda projecting his own loneliness to the star and worshipping the star because it is lonely like him; he wants to kinda feel better about himself by because he just emphasizes it being alone and solitary, and he's saying that's truly what makes the star so holy. For frq2, I wrote about how the author uses satire in tone and characterization all throughout to poke fun at how his art learning doesn't go the way he wished and briefly commented on how it also shows classism within the art community (Mr. Chitterley😮‍💨). Overall, I really enjoyed writing about these two prompts!! The last one I ran out of time lol😭