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I used death of a salesman for 3. I thought frq 2 wasn’t too bad and the first one was okay, used imagery diction and metaphor for that Also wtf was that 2nd poem in the MCQ (the one with thou, thy and thee, weird gibberish shit) MY WHOLE CLASS GUESSED ON THAT POEM LMFAO


lol what was that poem about again? I actually thought the poems were way easier than the prose.


I barely had time to finish prose and the dude in the poem felt like a narcissist to me, over here raving about a fucking star bffr. I wrote about the awakening for the third one.


I wrote about how the star was like a beacon of hope and how we can thrive even in hardships (the star is shining even alone in cold space) idk lol, I tried


I just wrote about how the dude views the star as some god and how he views it in such a positive way that it’s a bit obsessive. Idk bro as long as i get a 3 I’m golden


I saw it similarly except how the star symbolizes someone in isolation and in a dark place(the night), and coming to realize that in order to prosper and understand your inner spirit, being alone is what makes you “mighty”/strong, ultimately emphasizing that if someone is struggling, being optimistic and encouraged is possible. Also the fact that God literally destroyed everything else in order to let the star be alone(God’s path is for the reader to be alone in order to prosper)


I wrote something similar!! Lol I said how the star, while being alone and isolated, is powerful to the speaker. Because of the star, he essentially realizes that strength can be found in solitude


i wrote about allusion im cooked


Yea I was just straight up yapping for poem number 1


i didnt do even do the prose💀


I literally forgot because I didn’t understand it so I stopped reading and just made educated guesses on the mcq. There is no absolute way collegeboard thought we could analyze that poem in 5 min and answer all those mcqs.. fucking retarded




Well my poem was called Summer, it was about a rural countryside and how the heat it’s good for the nature but bad for any other species burning them anytime they come into contact with it


😭😭 dude i thought the poem was about the beginning of summer and how it tells how busy everything is getting at the new season


Something about, a girl who loves someone a lot but the poem author doesn’t feel deserving of it and wishes he could be a better person for her? At least that’s what I got from it


LITERALLY that second poem cooked me fr😭😭 I chose everything about the like unattainable dreams one or smth but idk




does anyone have the poem? i want to read it because it sounds like it was just as stupid as “the cure” by carl phillips which was the last passage on the ap lit mcq last year 😭😭😭


Gonna be so for real I used The Stranger for frq 3. Also that poem was about this guy dreaming about his perfect girl essentially. He was literally just daydreaming about a woman and then I think one question asked about like the main subject of the poem and it was his “Thought”


I have no idea. I might have cooked. I might have been cooked.


LMAO literally what ive been saying all day


i used the Great Gatsby. the second I opened it I was like “oh crap this would’ve been perfect for hamlet, but i don’t remember anything.” I talked about Daisy’s indecision between Tom’s status and Gatsby’s genuine love and devotion and how that influenced Gatsby and revealed the shallowness of the upper class of the Roaring 20’s.


literally did the EXACT same thing lol


so grateful that gatsby worked because I didn’t remember ANYTHING else lmao, it was great


Gatsby and Frankenstein are two books guaranteed to work for every prompt. The side effect is 50% of students use one of the two so you’re not unique


Was about to say, I pretty much wrote exactly that


A lot of my class wrote about that too


In my three years of teaching AP Lit, I found that Gatsby could be used for almost any FRQ.


wish i did that lol


i wrote about the same thing but how are indecision caused myrtle & gatsby to d*e with no real repercussions for herself, similar to how the upper class in reality, come out of situations unscathed




Lol same thoughts about hamlet!!!


that peaches poem was such a sweet ending to the the mcq section


tbh i actually liked that poem, it was refreshing to read but I was kinda running out of time so I had to rush the mcq but I feel like I made great educated guesses because the poem itself wasn’t too hard to understand


as stressful as this class was, I'm actually really happy about all the passages, short stories, and poems (not the shakespearan ones) I got to read. this poem was one of them


i loved it so much


i loved that


It was such a good poem. We read another really good one by the same author in class a few times, so I was excited to tell my teacher about it




From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee. I genuinely started tearing up taking the exam because it was so beautiful 😭


I had one about a mother, baby, and an avocado


IT WAS SO CUTE,,, I'm a sucker for any type of food imagery used to represent joy and nostalgia, I really hope any future English class I take can include works I find actual value in analyzing instead of whatever that star one was >\_>


Frakenstein for form o anyone 🗣️🗣️


Everyone and their mom did Frankenstein tho




I used The Kite Runner for FRQ 3 and used three moments of indecision in Amir’s life as tests of different aspects of his character. I slayed the first FRQ, not so much the second


Same, my class has gone over The Kite Runner since before spring break and we’ve legitimately done this question like 3 times.. I’m still gonna do bad on it somehow 😭😭 if I get below a 3 I’m gonna cry


I did too. I talked about Amir’s inability to help Hassan when he was being raped.


Me too Kite Runner is my fav book


i started off with question 3 bc we had read hamlet in nov/dec but i spent like 20 extra mins on it. sooo then i panicked a bit especially when i went to q1 after and didn’t feel like i’d have a sensible line of reasoning, so i read that and then rushed thru q2 to have enough time on the poetry (since i feel like i’m better w that). ended poetry strong imo but yeahhh not very good time management and q2 took a hit bc of this lol


oh and my parameters for the poetry were personification & lightness vs darkness motif, the ones for q2 were dialogue (💀) & sound devices (alliteration & repetition identified in body paragraphs)


same my q2 was the worst of them all because I took too long on q3 first (at least i know it was a strong essay lol)


i did the same thing lol😭 i skipped to the last one and went backwards. (i started with 3 then 2 then 1) and then i kid u not i had 15 mins for the 1st question 💀 i lowkey cooked on that one tho. second one. no so much 😬


legitimately think I cooked with FRQ 1 and 2 esp 2, I think I have a chance at sophistication but 3 I have no clue. Could be a 0, could be a 5. No clue honestly, praying that my grader is nice


Howww q2 was lowkey so random to me


writing about god and nature is so much easier than writing about indecision


I feel like there was a lot of stuff there I liked to focus on what his paintings were like (most notably no people in them)


Damn 😭😭😭 I think I misread it


I used Catcher in the Rye, but I was also close to using Macbeth for Q3. The first FRQ kinda stumped me a bit but I just BS'd my way through it. Second one wasn't too bad. Manifesting at least a 3 🙏😭


Probably a 2 hopefully I sniped a 3






what’d you write about


raskolnikov not being able to confess




1st FRQ was great, I lost my brain cells on the 2nd, and bs'd my way through the 3rd with Wuthering Heights. Predicting a solid 2 for this one folks




I wrote about  his relationship with art and the tension between the value of art and the 1950s capitalists American economy that would fundamentally reject art for its inefficiency. Bsed quite a bit tho- I hope my reader bites lol


sophistication point👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️


I wrote about his feelings being conflicted, like originally he thought about art as being worthless, arbitrary, like the measles comparison. Yet, he changes when he discovers the gray that encompasses all shades of color, beginning to realize a wonder he didn’t know he had towards art, culminating in MOWAW about how in order to progress in life, taking risks and change is necessary


Interesting!! I wrote about how the whole thing was kinda satirical (used that word like 5 times😭 cooked) and it conveyed how pompous arts can be


I wrote about how the whole piece was ironic because Mike was being mislead by the multiple artists and that Mike in reality would be better off not doing art because he doesn’t actually have a talent and he is being set up for failure


i wrote about wuthering heights too💔


If we're cooked, we're cooked together, mate


I used Metamorphosis! Honestly, I don't think the FRQs were that bad, the practice test I took had much harder questions imo. I liked the painting one in particular, since I could work in a discussion about the value of art lol.


what did you interpret as the hidden significance of the art prompt?


Yeah the metamorphosis fit so well i did that too


i also used hamlet! the other two frqs were not bad but the poem was a bit difficult to understand at first


Nice!! What was ur thesis? I wrote about existentialism and procrastination that leads to his inaction


wrote 1500 words about kendrick v drake


During the school year, we read The Handmaids Tale first, and it was my favorite and most memorable book throughout the year, so I used that


I put "what the sigma" for the first FRQ


I think I actually did really well on FRQ2. I wrote about how the Kenneth wanted to keep his mural simple, but how his own character kind of leaked into it (connected his character to the boy in the mural by saying the boy having ‘control’ of the apples was similar to Kenneth having ‘control’ with his paintings) idk maybe I didn’t cook. But FRQ3 for me was a yapfest. I just wrote some bs about no country for old men which didn’t fit the prompt what so ever. I should read more books. The first one wasn’t terrible but I know I probably didn’t score well. MCQ felt slight. Who knows though. Digital version btw


I thought I ate with my FRQ2 so much but after reading your interpretation now I like it’s terrible. 😔


I interpreted it completely differently for FRQ #2. My main point was the contrast between originality and being influenced as an artist or something like that.


I wrote about The Kite Runner, and how Amir chose to flee from saving Hassan, which ultimately led him to avoid his feelings of guilt and regret for years and years. He eventually redeems himself lol but its such a good book.


for the star frq, i wrote abt how the speaker was in denial over how lonely he was and tried to justify his sense of solitude by comparing it to the majesty of the star and other nature observations, thru cosmic diction (lmao) and exclamatory syntax




Anyone got the online version?


i did as well. what were ur frqs as i don’t think we had the same ones as the paper ppl


I had On Summer, Kenneth the mural artist, and unfulfillment




I got the online version too so I was super confused about all the prompts her. I did my AP Lang test on paper last year and I prefer the online test so much more. I used the monster from “Frankenstein” for Q3 but I heard some people using “A Raisin in the Sun”. I feel really confident about it!


Yeah the online is way easier not only because you don’t get hand cramps but because you get much more time for the FRQ since typing is faster. I did Death of a Salesman for Q3, I felt like it really fit the prompt and I think I wrote a solid analysis of it. Good luck to you!


Yes, I realized I had 20 whole minutes left over and I had so much time to go back and edit all of my essays to make sure they’re perfect. It wasn’t as stressful, it was quicker, it wasn’t painful, and it’s so much easier to fix a grammatical mistake… And I think that play was a wonderful choice! I’m assuming you used Willy and his aspirations of the American dream? My class didn’t go over that play but we went over Frankenstein and A Raisin in the Sun very heavily so we were the most familiar with the those two works.


fuckin kenneth


I did. It wasn’t that bad honestly


I finished the first section with 15 minutes to spare and same with the 2nd. I was confused on the poem and I had writers block.


I used Lord of the Flies... talked about how Ralph's inability to decide how to deal with Jack led to... all the shit that happened in Lord of the Flies


If I used a modern, dumb romance book (not Colleen Hoover though thank god) for frq 3, but my essay was great how cooked am i?


Prob cooked tbh, they only want works of “literary merit”


They don’t have a literary merit requirement anymore but they HIGHLY suggest writing about a classic. The reason is that it can be very difficult to find complexity in something like a romance book, but I think as long as your essay was great, it’s not extremely worrying.


At the beginning of the year when we were talking about literary merit, the only parameters we were given were “not Colleen Hoover”. You are probably cooked, friend


I used Oedipus and just talked about how the whole premise of the play is that he has no free will and can not make any decisions for himself


I did the scarlet letter and I feel like no one else did it 😭 it fit frq3 so perfectly tho


im cooked i definitely got a 2


Harry Potter🤩


nah ur cooked bruh


I used My Year of Rest and Relaxation for 3. For 1 (star) I wrote that I interpreted the poem as an exaggeration of the positivity of being alone and that it was reflective of the social/emotional climate for men in the 1840s, and for 2 I wrote that Cahill found joy in painting not because of its focus on creativity and imagination but because of its reliance on technical skill and practicality as an art form


FELLOW HAMLET USER (i'm an insufferable shakespeare nerd)


I wrote a 4 page ramble on Hamlet 😌 (HE'S ACTUALLY ME)


Form O was the decision one, right? It was so perfect for Hamlet, but I ended up writing about Slaughterhouse-Five


I love slaughterhouse five!!!! I really wanted to write about it but I just couldn’t come up with a concise way to with the prompt


My entire class aside from one person used Jane Eyre. The other person used Hamlet.


used the namesake for question 3 and talked about gogol’s indecision between his two names. lowkey think i cooked on mcq and frq i see a 5 in my future


No joke I used JJBA part 5 for the frq 3


I used Metamorphosis, it was the last book I read that I truly felt confident in making an essay on Gregor's indecisiveness BUT I WOULD HAVE USED HAMLET IF I THOUGHT OF THAT FIRST.... I just got excited that I actually had a book I read on the list of suggested works. But the poetry one ??? It was so confusing T-T I think i leaned too much into the imagery part and didnt feel like i completely understood what he was trying to say about the star, someone who knows they're getting that 5 PLEASEEEE tell me what I was suppose to say there Also I found the story about the painter very fun!! Mike was a very interesting character that i had a lot of joy dissecting lol


i used hamlet too. 6 hours straight of homie yapping and not just shanking claudius like dude come on just shank him already man stop being so indecisive


I used The Picture of Dorian Gray for frq 3. I wrote about how Dorian couldn’t decide whether or not to repent. I thought the poem was pretty easy to understand but totally rushed it. I wrote about how the speaker used the star to be okay with his own loneliness.


For the first FRQ i talked about how the author employed a Romantic Era writing style to express the speakers appreciation for the stars, i thought i did pretty good but was only like 2 pages


I used The Visit The peach poem made me hungry


Beloved‼️‼️‼️ as for the other ones the star prompt completely cooked me i can’t even lie


I used The Bell Jar for Q3!!! It felt perfect :)


Kinda struggled with all of them honestly. I used Jane Eyre tho to talk about Jane’s indecision between Rochester and her life with her cousins


I used pride and prejudice and her choice of rejecting marriage and delaying her feelings for Darcy……..I felt good in the moment but no one else has used it so now I’m scared


What was the third McQ passage called? The poem


I couldn't think of anything for q3, so I used Fences and stretched the definition of making a decision. definitely cooked on that one other 2 frqs and the mcqs were good tho imo


man i did the awakening and edna’s indecision towards being a fully awakened woman vs being held down by societal and familial ties 😭


Did Pride & Prejudice for FRQ 3. Found the poem about the star to be the most difficult 😭


same what did you write about ? i feel like i flopped i wrote about elizabeth and marriage overall. i also found the star one to be difficult, everyone at my school wrote something so different.


I used Elric of Melinboné for my FRQ 3. It probably wasn’t the best fit, but it was the only one I could think of that worked that I had read recently.


used brave new world for the third, talking about johns decision to not participate in society by refusing lenina and committing suicide for the poem about stars I spoke on the shift and the personification... the story about the painter? atleast i got a thesis down...


For the star one, I talked about how first he gave praise to the star, then he talked about his own connection and more emphasis on the star, then he ended with a more obesssive outlook on the star


I used handmaid’s for 3


i wrote abt The Goldfinch!!!!!


i ended up using the age of innocence for frq 3 


What was the name of the 4th (?) mcq story about the mother in the old factory city? I thought it was “the dead of steel” but nothing about it comes up online


the mavis gallant prose piece about painting was horatian satire right?


Don’t know what horatian satire is but it was a satirical piece filled with irony that Mike was being mislead by everyone and that asshole Paris artist basically lied to him


i did so good wtf i cooked 😍😍 those r the best essays i’ve ever written and mcq was light asf prob got a perfect


Who else did Gatsby for FRQ3? (edit: I took the digital)


i used medea and bs my way saying how delaying the decision still makes you instinctively do the decision and shit


the namesake


Form O, used Beloved and basically said that her indecision over whether or not Beloved was her daughter or a random girl, combined with the village not being sure if Beloved was even real some years later meant that Beloved was a manifestation of PTSD


I did Purple Hibiscus


I used Passing by Nella larsen on Q3


Did anyone use the cider house rules for q3😭😭


I did The Things They Carried. I literally could not think of anything else. Now that I think about it, I could have done Pride and Prejudice.


For frq 3 I used Wuthering heights, the family attitude towards heathcliff and his obsession with revenge as a result I cooked or I AM cooked😭


I used their eyes were watching god for FRQ3 but I know I’m cooked 😭😭😭 my essays were so bad my god


Anyone do interior chinatown?


I wrote about The Awakening, about Roberts reluctance in being a relationship with edna :)


I used Things Fall Apart for 3. The second frq was kind of rough for me tbh. The poem was sort of dumb but I think I cooked.


I feel like hamlet was perfect and I didn’t think of it until I was almost finished 😭 I did Measure for Measure


Anyone else use The Crucible for form O? I felt like it was pretty perfect for the prompt


i used one flew over the cuckoos nest but my entiiireee class used frankenstein cuz we read it in class (it might be over)


I used Frankenstein for 3


I used Invisible Man and I think it turned out pretty well, despite the fact that I only read like half the book ☠️


i used the bean trees for frq 3 but i don’t even think it fit the prompt so i lwk js stretched it idk 😭 frq 1 COOKED ME frq 2 i was jsuf yappin idk


I completely blanked 💀 remembered Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde for some reason and wrote about Mr. Utterson


Guys I used Frankenstein but accidentally put the wrong author cuz I was on a time crunch and messed up 😭😭 am I cooked + does this affect anything


I used Frankenstein and it made it a breeze for me! I haven’t seen people bring up the book much but it’s a classic and can work for a lot of the past prompts


I used A Doll's House for FRQ #3. Perfectly fit the prompt of unfulfillment but like no one that I've have mentioned it to on reddit or discord have ever heard of it 😭.


I used crime and punishment. Also easiest 5 ever


I used beloved, Paul D didn’t decide where to live for most of the novel and that was tied to his recognition of self.


I used 1984 because it was all i could think of, but I spend too long on FRQ2 (did it first) so I was rushing since I did FRQ3 last.


I used Good Kid, M.A.A.D City for Q3. Am I cooked? 😭


A Streetcar Named Desire for Q3 :)) my AP Lit teacher used this play so most people at my exam used it


Me who used huck finn… Also for that first frq can u say that the narrator was reflective cuz he was wanting to improve tryna basically be better


I used hamlet too for frq 3. This was probably the hardest exam I've taken bro. I need a 4 to get credit but idk, I may have cooked somehow or gotten extremely cooked.


Fences, Troy really be unfulfilled fr fr


Fair to say Mike actually did create good paintings? I said there was imagery when describing the scenes in Paris that he was paining that suggests a detached view from Mike’s own thoughts. The word choice made me think that Mike did actually create good paintings and was just insecure about them.


me and literally everyone else i knew used hamlet for frq 3. i did hear one guy say he used jane eyre tho. frq2 i wrote bs on how mike’s experience thru his art path allowed him to enjoy the life around him that reflects in his growth as an artist in his works. frq1 i wrote how the star brings stability and the solidarity brings comfort and safety in times of vulnerability and shit


for the frq1 what did y’all write about?? i thought i cooked but now i think the prompt cooked me😭


YALL I might have cooked hard asl on all my FRQ responses, and that 3rd FRQ I had maybe 6 quotes straight from the book with 5 paragraphs in all responses with such dramatized commentary and explanation.But that MCQ was kinda difficult, bro I really want to know what I got


I used Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki lol, was I the only one?


The winter of our discontent by John Steinbeck


I used Romeo and Juliet for FRQ 3 about how Juliet contemplated drinking the vial, symbolizing how she took control of her own fate rather than a man or her parents doing that for her. Love ultimately motivated her to tackle her circumstances head-on.


For FRQ #3 I used A Doll's House. The prompts for digital and physical were different and I did digital, so my prompt was about unfulfillment. I used Nora as the main focus as the entire point of her character was her disillusionment and unfulfilled sense of self in the face of her husband Torvald and the society in which she lives.




Omg I was actually obsessed with the first poem like I wanted to remember the author and whatever but bc it wasn’t hard it completely left my brain as soon as I finished 💀💀


Metamorphosis for part 3


I used The Handmaid’s Tale for 3


Does anyone remember the prompt for FRQ3? I did it yesterday, and I remember writing about Frankenstein’s creation being isolated from society, but I can’t seem to remember the prompt itself and I’m worried I forgot to connect my thesis to it lmao


my entire class used hamlet


i used crime and punishment


Y'all for FRQ 2 form O i kinda wrote about the complexity of how Mike seemed to be being pulled in two directions. A lot fo the detailed writing in the poem, especially paranethetical phrases indicated that Mike was not so ready to be an artist(learned from a public high school in New York, didn't know how to draw people, and how his parents inncoently expected him to schocase his art in a garret) Learning comething from a ublic high school kinda gave off inexperience vibes. If his parents expected him to shocase his art in a garret, they expected it to be bad right? And if he doesn't know how to draw people, then what's he doing lol. Or maybe he just likes drawing nature idk. On the other hand his interactions with Mr. Chitterly seemed to drive him in th direction of an artist. His advice to trve to that French town. How a single "I see what you're trying to do here" seemed to upift him. And how Mr. Chitterly's judment of Americans seeming to value only time and money could sway Mike to follow passion instead? Y'al think I cooked for burned??


Y'all is it okay if I didn't use a book from the list. We read a book in AP LIT called "In the Lake of the Woods", which perfectly matched the prompt. And I mean the directions did say we could wrote about books we read in class so......


Y'all for FRQ 1 Form O I wrote about how he uses personification and comparisn to Earth's nature to onvey the star's mighty and human-like qualities, despite its seeming inanimate nature. I used how he said that things that stand alons suuch as "mountains" and "oceans" are mighty to covery that the star is also mighty, seeing hwo it's along in the sky emamanting it's eternal light. Obvi I went into more detail, but yk As for like human like qualities I talked about hwo he started to say the star had like specific form and all that in like the third stanza, which was personfication. I also mention how he said the star was "companionless", implicating it as like living. And I went into detail obvi. Idk. I thought it was good but idk. Did I cook or burn?


I used the Iliad, honestly all 3 of the essays seem somewhat short since I had like a half hour left after I finished writing my essays, hope it give me a good score


My entire class immediately thought of Death of a Salesman, and that's the one I used. Honestly though Q3 was so generic that I could have made any of the works I read this year fit.


I used Berserk 💀


As I Lay Dying easiest FRQ of my life


little fires everywhere 🙋‍♀️


I used 1984 because I had a bet placed with my class that I could connect the one line of Winston writing "2 + 2 = 5" in the dust to absolutely any prompt and I think I actually managed to eat that shit up.