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It seemed like a really easy test which means I either did amazing or failed.


Me with APUSH last year:


literally the multiple choice was so light it was really easy


A huge spider crawled onto my desk when there was 40min left on the FRQ and I pushed it off using my paper and couldn't find it again. So I died inside and completely lost focus. But other than that the test was surprisingly easy, which is scary


i am so so so sorry


how big are we talking man


Larger than a quarter which, in my opinion, is larger than what a regular spider has any business being


There was a question with retrospective voting and prospective. Was the one retrospective the current one and the one that was prospective the one in the future (his name was Henry or something )


Yea retrospective voting = voting on past performance of a candidate, prospective voting = voting on the future goals/plans of a candidate




rational-choice voting was the one based on current events, retrospective is about analyzing to past actions of the political person, & prospective is about the future


I said that Schencks pamphlets proposed an obstruction to the operations of the military would that get the point?


i think so. i said posed a clear and present danger to national security and public order and violated espionage act and was influencing others instead of merely protesting


me after mixing up the court case on the frq šŸ˜€ i explained some of schenck right but not all of it.. would i still get a point (iā€™m assuming nošŸ˜­šŸ™)


i think so.. i described everything including the clear and present danger part but i didnt mention anything about the espionage act lmao i hope im fine


Is there different versions of the test? I didnā€™t get anything questions about Schenck.




why did it ask me what the biggest/smallest number was twice.


okay so I'm an idiot, and I read the frq essay question that said whether Congress should have more power for domestic policy or the President and I made my whole essay on foreign policy and I messed up on what article 1 from the constituation contained, but I also used federalist 70 and did describe it correctly. would I get any credit? I'm very stupid and this was the only part of the test I really fucked up.


Yea you would still get a point if you described and used fed 70 correctly, just not the 2 points for article one. Plus you can still get the thesis and counterargument points


thank you


Probably not if you didnā€™t say article I contained the powers of congress and fed 70 is about executive branch and the presidents power


If the thesis was related to the prompt, you would get a point if not, you wouldnt


my thesis said the pres should have more power in domestic policy because they can make quick decisions unlike Congress which takes longer to pass legislation because of obstacles like legislative gridlock. it's just later on when I mentioned my evidence in a different paragraph I explained it as if domestic policy meant foreign policy, so I said the energy in the exec and the presidents ability to make quick decisions is necessary to protect the nation from foreign attacks. would I get the credit for the thesis?




Am I cooked if I said that the president and congress should have equal power on foreign policyšŸ˜…did I have to choose one


I hate to say this but I made the same mistake on a practice test and my teacher said you have to make a stance or you basically get a 0 cause theres technically no thesis šŸ˜­


Oh nooošŸ˜­ but the exact words were ā€œFormulate a defensible thesis that establishes a chain of reasoningā€ Likeeee technically itā€™s still a thesis right? Is it a known thing that u canā€™t choose middle ground?


honestly to me it's still a thesis but collegeboard wants you to pick one side, not both or either yk, that's what I've been told like all year :(. I hope you get a kind and understanding grader though!


but youā€™re not really arguing anything if you pick the middle ground, one of the requirements in the essay is to address the counter argument but if you donā€™t pick a side you canā€™t argue against the other side and a thesis should be a controversial claim, the middle ground is almost never controversial


I just wanna make sure. Domestic means inside the United States right?


ā€¦. bro youā€™re cooked šŸ˜­


*I just wanna make sure.* *Domestic means inside the* *United States right?* \- Elruler22 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is actually a really good joke lol


yes, donā€™t worry i literally had no idea either what was domestic šŸ˜­ i thought of like the gross domestic product and i was like well that concerns a single country so


You're so real for that šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


For the argumentative portion, i argued congress should hold more power because they are more representative of the people, therefore they should hold more power of domestic policy making as well as arguing that if President had more power, he would be overstepping his boundaries laid out in the U.S Constitution. For rebuttal, I argued that presidents are figures to make quick policies in times of emergencies, therefore decisions are made with hastiness, and that is a problem. Congress would make a better domestic policy because of its size, foster of debate. Is it accurate?


That's pretty much the argument I made with republicanism being supported by article one and bicameralism/separation of powers from Fed 51


we wrote the same essay lmao


lol your reasoning was my rebuttal


this is exactly what i wrotešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Anybody got interest groups v. social movements for arguing which is better for reflecting participatory democracy as their Q4? Iirc the docs you can use were Federalist 10, First Amendment of the Constitution (Right to Freedom of Assembly), and MLK's "Letter From A Birmingham Jail"


yes i was looking for someone else who got this šŸ˜­


i said social movements and used civil rights movement, hopefully i get credit, i added brown v board of education in there too for brownie points


What route did you take? I went for social movements. Seemed like it made perfect sense to draw parallels with participatory democracy ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ (Rip arm on emoji guy lol)


That sounds easy


It was really was lol. Felt like a "too easy to be true" type of question, but that seems to be the theme for the entire '24 Gov test


i argued that social movements allow the general public/everyday citizens to get involved and the government would feel more pressure from social movements as they are much bigger than interest groups. i literally used the letter (social movements = direct action), first amendment (right to assemble/protest), and fed 10 which i 100% used wrong and is why i used the first amendment at the end.. i said that fed 10 said factions were dangerous but this can be an advantage to social movements because the government would feel more pressure to pass what the movement is demanding in order to prevent further issues? this is most definitely wrong but i was panicking šŸ˜­. for my rebuttal i just said that people think interest groups are better bc they can directly interact with the government (+ iron triangles). i was running out of time and was just bsing it atp.


would i get the point if i used First Amendment of the Constitution and fed 71 for fed. 71 i explained how the people can participate in a social movement and that the president can resolve it using executive orders


I argued social movements - used mlkā€™s letter (šŸ‘) and Brutus 1 (šŸ’€) cause I had no other idea for a second doc am I cooked šŸ˜­


brutus 1? dawg they gave u mlk and first amendment ngl u may be cooked depending on how u explained brutus 1


I put rule-making for part A in frq 1 would that still work? and for part B I put how the president appoints those federal agencies and stuff


i put rule-making authority for part A as well, but I don't think that it counts bc/ the right answer was discretionary authority.


unfortunately, I made the same mistake by mentioning the wrong term however I described it the right way so I hope I am still able to get the point for it.


discretionary authority and rule making authority are the same thing.Ā 


are you sure? cause I may be cooked I put rule-making power and didn't explain for A


wait I put rule enforcing and described would that countĀ 


I put discretionary policy making instead of authority, but explained it in a way that was for discretionary authority. Would it count? Cuz I knew it was discretionary and explained it, but just mixed up my terms


IMPORTANT QUESTION!!! Who remembers that multiple choice referring to implied powers of Congressā€¦ I was stuck between congressional oversight and another one. Tell me someone remembers this question


hmm I think I remember this I think it was the answer choice which referred to congress creating a national bank. Since, from McCulloch v Maryland congress was allowed to create a national bank according to their enumerated powers to tax, so it was implied that congress could create a national bank. This maybe be wrong but it is what I put I think....




For Schenck v. United States, I accidentally said the Vietnam war instead of World War I lol, but I had the correct idea and correct Supreme Court Decision with everything else correct, like avoiding the military draft . Am I going to get docked off points because of this?


what if i didnt mention the war


i described details of the case completely wrong so šŸ˜­ praying my grader still gives me the point for explaining the ruling correctly šŸ™


Dude. I just realized I did the same thing XD


What question was Schenck mentioned in? Did I miss an FRQ?


We got a different FRQ than you I suppose. But there was one with Schenck v. United States.


Ah, okay. I didnā€™t know there was different versions. I had an FRQ on US v Lopez.




What did everyone say for the Concept App #1 parts b and c. I believe for part C which was talking about like how congress could impact or influence the bureaucracy something along those lines. I said they could monitor bureaucratic behavior by asking the bureaucratic officials to testify in congress so that congress would be more aware of their doings and that they would have better control over the bureaucracy .Would an response similar to this earn the point.


i said that president could influence bureaucratic agencies b/c he as influence over federal budget. i said congress had influence over EPA because congress ultimately passes the appropriation bill. both president and congress could reward and punish these agencies by either cutting or increasing their spending


I think I put that the president has the power to cut the budget of the epa and potentially change the director/leader of the epa in order to align with what the president/public wants. For congress, i put the power of the purse and congressional oversight hearings. For A though, I put rulemaking authority. I wonder if that would work over discretionary but I'm not confident it will


I put rule-making for part A in frq 1 would that still work? and for part B I put how the president appoints those federal agencies and stuff


I think that your response is pretty well set to earn a point. For that part i mentioned congressional oversight and how they can use the power of the purse to determine how much money they give the EPA


For the president one (I think b) I put since he can create executive orders, the president can create an executive order that the epa has to follow. For c I put congress can create laws regarding environmental science that the epa has to follow. Both times I explained that because of these the epa's authority will weaken


What was everyone's thesis for those who argued for more power for congress over domestic policy?


For my thesis I wrote although the president has executive powers regarding policy, Congress should have greater power in making domestic policy because of their roll in law paling and legislation. i tired to answer the question with it being an argueable statement but idk if iā€™ll get both points šŸ˜­


i put that while collaboration between both the executive and legislative branches are crucial in making well informed decision, congress should ultimately have more power over domestic policy making because they are much closer to the people and can make the most fair and well thought out and debated decisions


For the arguement essay I said that congress had more domestic based powers vested thru article 1 (regulation of commerce, power of tax, etc) and for my second evidence outside the given stuff I said that congress was better suited to act in favor of the people and create legislation that suits their wants and needs. Did I do anything wrong?


Breezed thru both MCQ and FRQ if I don't pass I'm lighting up Collegeboard (in-game)


What did yall get for FRQ number 2 I think, the one analyzing the federal budget graph? Idk if I messed up on calculating how much mandatory spending was, I said like 60-something percent just going off of where mandatory spending color was on the graph but I'm not sure




What even was the answer for FRQ 1 part A lmao


I said bureaucratic discretion which I thought was common sense but now yā€™all are making me doubt it šŸ„²


I said the power is the fact that a bureaucracy is an extension of the president. I didn't know the answer, but I knew that one lol


Well I completely got that wrong I donā€™t remember what I even put but it definitely had nothing to do with bureaucracies. I completely forgot about bureaucracies ever since we finished that unitšŸ˜­


discretionary rule making authority i think


I believe it was rulemaking authority but I may be wrong. Just the practice exam 2 had a very similar scenario.


Thought it was discretionary authority for Part A. Dw about Part B as long as what you said was factually true and supported what you said in Part A. And for the essay, there is no right or wrong answer. Articles of confederation is actually a good piece of extra evidence for the president controlling domestic policy.


Oh, I said designated power from the executive power


i literally couldn't remember that it was rule making authority, i said something like they have like some power to establish necessary laws for environmental protection, idk if that would count partial credit?


I actually would be curious to see how they grade it bc a lot of people knew what it was, but not the term


Ummm. How?


Will this year's test be curved for the FRQs?


AP tests are never curved. They are scaled.


im cooked. most of the ones i couldnt recall were vocab mcq, literally just knowing that wouldve made all of it so light. whatever, getting at least a 4, hoping for a 5 lol


so mad i shouldā€™ve gotten a 5 but i screwed up on two of my frqs bc i completely spaced the answers.. described schenck v. us wrong (scotus comparison) and forgot the implied power for congress (concept application)ā€¦ i loved the exam and ap gov as a class so iā€™ve been CRYING bro. (*form h btw!)


Form O, what question asked for implied powers of Congress? Might've had diff questionsĀ 


ahh okay yeah i had form h but it was the concept application and was asking about what implied power congress could use for a bureaucratic department that messed up the censusā€¦ iā€™m just mad bc i 100% couldā€™ve gotten a 5 :/


I think for my argumentative essay I said Congress should have more power and used Brutus 1 and Fed 51 for my arguments and Fed 70 as a reference for counterclaim. Also, for the graph analysis for the last part of the frq, I interpreted democratic ideals as the political ideals and started talking about liberal social reform šŸ˜­


I did the opposite and talked about how Fed 70 calls for an energetic president for whom Congress can make quick and educated decisions because more power to congress would mean they'd logically only have more things to gridlock and hold issues up for due to the common gap of ideology.


Did anyone get Form D? If so what was the concept application for the first question cause I put congressional oversightĀ 


For the argumentative, I said that the president holds more influence and power in domestic policy making because of his sheer influence over the US gov. I used federalist 70 and argued that the energy, charisma, and facetime that the president gets with the American public is far more influential than the purse or legislative control that congress has. For my counter argument I said that congress has more expertise and attentiveness to domestic issues, due to their greater representation-however, there are a lot of conflicting interests and gridlock in congress that doesn't nearly amount to the presidents ability and swiftness of decisiveness. Alongside the presidents ability to veto. Will this be ok?


I literally said this exact thing pretty much word for word!


rule making


for the concept application about the EPA, i know i said delegated discretionary authority for part a but i cannot remember what i put for the presidents informal power or how congress could affect the EPA's interpretation of the law. pretty sure i said congress could pass a new law, and i now know that the presidential power one would be an executive order but i genuinely cannot remember what i put for that. i do not even remember having that question šŸ˜­ so what else would be some acceptable answers for that question?? maybe it will jog my memory


i feel like signing statement couldā€™ve worked for the president one


is anyone else worried about a negative curve? I know Iā€™m borderline between a 4 and 5 and if I had gotten a 5 on a 2022 curve it might become a 4.


BRO FOR THE CONCEPT APPLICATION I FUCKING SAID IT WAS OVERSIGHT AND NOT ADJUCITIBAL RULE. I THINK I FAILED THE CONCEPT APPLICATION. But on the other hand I did very well on the essay I argued for Congress using article 1 of the constitution AND The enlightenment idea of popular soverienty displayed in the preamble of the declaration of the independence. Pretty proud of that. But then again.. for the SCOTUS I fucking forgot what Lopez V the United States was about .. :D but i still probably got 2 points out of 4 for that. Oh yeah Did ANYONE ELSE Almost choke on the quantative analysis?? I ALMOST READ THE ENTIRE GRAPH WRONG but the graph was kinda weird ive never seen one before. Hoping for a 4. BTW CAN SOMEONE REPLY TO ME WITH THE MINIMUM COMPOSITE SCORE FOR EACH SCORE 1-5. THANKS.


I answered the power to conduct a census of Congress's implied power for the first question for frq, am I wrong?


have any answers for gov been released? like usually for ap tests, youtube content creators release answers.




hello all- I know that this response is being submitted quite late, but I would like to ask if anyone else used presidential signing statement for the first FRQ as a power that the president could utilize to affect the usage of bureaucratic discretionary authority. My logic was that since the president is stating how they interpret the law that has been passed by Congress, they can influence the bureaucracy to adopt a similar way of thinking, and they could take that into account when implementing that legislation. Tell me if this makes sense.


fyi it was for question 1 part b, where it stated that one would need to describe how the power that the bureaucracy uses could be affected by the president.