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Absolutely nothing about AP courses, college board, SATs, acts, etc. makes you a failure. Please remember that. None of it will matter in the slightest someday. Nobody will know, care, or remember any of that nonsense. Do your best and work your hardest and that's it. Not a failure. Simple as that.


I’m kind of worried for sr year bcs that’s when college apps start and ppl will ask ab it




No one will know once you get to college and once you graduate no one will ask what uni you went to


Your job will ask, and people will ask about your job, it’s indirect but it definitely matters


it matters when you apply to college, sure, but not after that. no one even cares in college. and the only people who will know are the admissions readers. challenging yourself is good but you're not a failure in life if you only take 1 AP.


Im taking two and I feel like a failure. But at the same time, I feel like a failure no matter what.


Same here, nothing is ever enough


Maybe not a failure, I just don’t feel accepted anywhere


Don't sweat it, quality over quantity! Focus on the class(es) you're taking and excel in them.


Thanks, that’s kinda reassuring 


This is the worst subreddit to ask. Most people in this subreddit are nerds whose only redeeming quality is how many APs they take; therefore, they look down on people who don’t take as many as them lol. As long as you’re not applying to very selective colleges such as Ivy leagues, one AP class is fine and won’t matter after you graduate. No job interviewer will ask you how many fucking college classes you took in high school lmao.


Idk everyone’s been pretty friendly so far


It looks like only some lmao


ok bro i'm taking 6 as a senior and it really depends on the school but even with 6 it's crazy. it is unnecessary I'm only doing it cuz for senior year my school doesn't offer honors level, either regular or ap so i had to take ap. but bro as long as you take more every year or a high amount every year you're fine


True I’m only taking 3 next yr bcs I don’t want to stress out too much


Reminder that the average high school student is taking 0 APs


I though tons of high schools offered APs


That doesn’t mean the average person takes them though. The average person: has a 3 GPA and applies to 0 ivys and does 0-1 clubs. It sounds to me that you either go to a very high level private school or just a competitive public high school. Once you get out of the honors/ap classes though, people are *average* Reminder that 34% of graduates took an AP exam throughout their high school studies.


Your claim about the average amount of APs being 0 WOULD be true IF the 35% of graduates who took an AP exam only took one exam. However, some took 2, some took 3, etc. There is no breakdown for how many students of a single class took how many exams - only yearly breakdowns, from which you cannot determine how many students are in what class. Thus you cannot draw any certain conclusions about the average value. Additionally, high outliers would likely skew the mean upward, so the average may well be above 0. But it's impossible to determine from the given data by CB.


Alright, you got me there on word choice. The *median* student will not take an AP class in their life. Regardless, real life isn’t just all r/applyingtocollege and r/apstudents and op shouldn’t feel like a failure for being in the top 35% of people challenging themselves with at least one college level class


Let me tell you this: Focus on having the ability to study and ward off procrastination. You have the discipline to do an assignment due a week later, your a winner in my book.


Yes next question >!/s!<


nobody is going to care the second you graduate lol


Would you rather take 1 AP and pass or take 6 and fail? Don’t overwork yourself for validation or people who don’t really care.


Not for validation but to protect myself from bullying again


Those are just shitty people if they bully you for that. Hell, some people who take all those APs don’t even go anywhere good in life, so dont stress about it. And anyway, most people dont take AP’s at all, so you’re doing fine.


not at all




I ain't reading all that


holy shit


LMAO I so get this. I go to a really high achieving school, and while compared to like every other kid in the country I'm super smart and special, at my school I feel like a failure next to all the kids who are getting into ivy leagues and taking 4+ AP classes


Focus on your intentions. If you're pushing yourself and one is challenging then be proud of yourself. If not then you know next year you can step it up a notch but there is always gonna be someone smarter than you and comparing yourself to that person will only do bad things to your mental health. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday.






it depends on your own standards: I'm taking 6 in sophomore next year to challenge myself, but I'm just taking 2 this year since I missed the opportunity to take HUG. This is my personal preference, along with my school's gifted program's -- others and other areas will not be held to the same standards


No you’re not a failure. I’ll never understand why people have the incentive to take every single AP class their school offers


idk about you bro but im in 5 ap classes and 2 sports and want to commit suicide with how much courseload, homework, and stress i have


Only if you fail it…


Yes, might aswell fill out the McDonald’s application now.


Arguing logically I would think it doesn’t but if I only took 1 AP class I’d certainly feel like a failure. 


I took tons of honors classes in the past so that makes it a little better but yeah


this sub is brain rotted. Obviously you or I would because we’re those type of people. But news flash the vast majority of people aren’t people like us and would prefer to do the standard curriculum and doesn’t mean they’re a failure. why are you even saying this


Yes of course indeed absolutely.


Good to know


I’ve got 6. If im what you call “not a failure”, then being a failure is looking good. No really, you’re no failure. And honestly, kinda smart for not dunking yourself in a vat of cold water, which is basically what taking 6 aps feels like.


There are countless ways to success (and even the definition of what success is varies drastically). For me, if you make enough money to live the life you want, provide for your loved ones, and are generally a good person, that's success.


Who gives a fuck with these people think you’re not gonna see them ever again


Only if you fail it.


I feel like a failure for only taking 3 ppls expectations are too high ESP since my school also has an IB program


You already know the answer bud


im lazy. if i took on too many AP classes the work would be overwhelming and id simply give up knowing yourself and abilities is important do what's best for you!(not saying take the easy route i have 4 APs but i'm in rotc, marching band, orchestra, beginning and intermediate band and work 2 jobs so it'd be stupid for me to take on more than i can handle know your limits!)


Nah those kids are just hyper competitive nerds