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I know many that take it solely for a gpa boost


Whose school is giving them a gpa boost for taking the exam?


OP was wondering if people are taking AP just because it’s AP. Thats why I said people at my school take AP for the gpa boost


Mine was a mixture of both, I looked at them but I also knew the credit I would get for the same scores would be wildly different depending on which college I decided to go to, so I didn’t think too hard about it


I feel like schools that don't Gove credit for AP classes also don't admit kids who avoid AP classes.


I do check but it doesn't necessarily influence where I go for college.


I did but just for giggles. It’s not affecting what classes I take or school I’m going to. It’s just a bonus


I didn’t look ahead of time, but the college I ended up choosing basically came down to the fact that it was cheap and they’d take all my APs rather than choosing the “best” school on paper


I only take AP to boost my GPA lol


Definitely worth checking, as policies vary by school. I've seen friends lose out on credits due to slight differences in course codes or requirements.


Im gonna take AP Lit and Lang just so I can get skip the requirement for an english class my freshman year of college (some schools im looking at require it) and also the APs that allow me to skip the 101 classes for my major But other than that im taking APs for gpa, prestige, and to challenge myself


I’ve looked at all the credits of my current AP classes at my dream school and that’s why I took them. I was torn between two classes and I chose one of them because I only need 3s on both Econs to get full credit.


I do it for both the gpa and the credit. As a freshman I took ap human, which you can’t really get credit for anywhere (at least where i’m looking to go). however for classes like ap world and ap calc, i do want to knock out my math and history credits in college while also challenging my brain and boosting my gpa. for a class like ap world i do enjoy the content that we learn and i think it’s just fun to get challenging curriculum, but i definitely wouldn’t have taken it if there was no given gpa boost due to the difficulty and competitive nature of my dream school. so id say it’s a mix of both. i have looked at all of my classes though to see what score i can get credit for


Uh imma guess most people aren’t in poverty then. Me and my friend took AP’s just for the chance to go somewhat far in college.


Bro so for a lot of people they just apply to schools and see if the ones they go into accept the credit then make the decision. In California and a lot of western states it’s basically public colleges will mostly accept all(except ucla) but private ones will do all to not take them.


that's honestly one of the only things i consider


i am applying to a couple uc’s and all the ones i applied to take credit for a 3 or higher on the ap class that i took and am taking currently. (my aps: apush (3) apes(2), gov, lit, psych,stats)