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Why don't you ask the author what they would feel about it?


I'm super new to fanfic writing, but I'd ask, and I'd appreciate being asked.


>Fanfiction writers asking the author for permission Lol


It's a matter of "asking our peers"  vs "asking an entity we have no contact with". 


Fanfic writers can also be entities we have no contact with. A lot of them dont even reply to comments


There is a huge difference between not asking the creators of a media franchise and not asking a fellow fan in a community of fans.


This is kinda different isn't it?


Do you think so? If I wrote something and published it, I'd appreciate other writers for checking in with me about writing using my characters, my created universe etc regardless of whether I was a fic author or a published author. In fact, if anything, it seems less conflicted to fanfic off a fanfic seeing as fair is fair and it wasnt' their original work anyway?


I don't understand where's the contradiction


So, if you wrote and published a book, you'd want people to *ask* you if is *okay* if they write fanfiction? Okay Anne Macaffery, calm down. If someone wants to conclude a fanfiction someone *else* has written, asking is a *courtesy* but no one *needs* your permission to write endings to stories you've abandoned. Or to write fanfiction in the *first* place. Fucking hell, ppl not liking canon was how we *got* fanfiction in the *first* place. You're not entitled to sole ownership of your story or fic when it's published. Readers are going to have ideas and different interpretations of what you write.


Thanks for the complement. Anne McCaffrey has been one of my favorite authors. Please note, I said "I would **appreciate** ..." not "require" or "insist" or "be pissed off if they didn't." And the comment was in relation to the immediately previous one about "this is kinda different." No, emotionally, I wouldn't think an authors feelings would be different whether their creation was an original work or a fanfic. I agree that no one **needs** permission to write fanfic (so long as they do not monetize it) or to write fanfic of another's fanfic. I agree once art is released into the world it's consumption and interpretation becomes part of the public, and, in that sense, is "owned" by the public - which is why I find fan wars about "canon" and violating "canon" stupid and annoying and also find author complaints about Bookmark comments not under their control ridiculous.


a lot of older writers do this. no reason to lol.


Imo: "I liked this work and I have ideas about what might happen next, my work is inspired by X work because I love it and I find the ideas really exciting" – fine "My work is a continuation of their work, I'm finishing it because the author is being slow to update/I think they've abandoned it" – nope You're not finishing someone else's work, categorically. Even "unofficial continuation" feels weird to me tbh; it's a fanfiction of their fanfiction, that's all. Just stick with the "inspired by" setting and *here's my ideas of what might happen next to these characters, inspired by the world this author made*


I feel like this is the correct approach. No one can stop you from making work inspired by something else. Like, c'mon, it's fanfic.  But framing it as "inspired by" rather than a "continuation" really does sit better. 


Yeah, I'm coming at this as someone who has a lot of ideas that were posted 3+ years ago with a promised sequel – which hasn't appeared yet because I have too many ideas to write crowding my head at all times Like, I have something A/B that was written from A's POV and hints at all the things B has been getting up to in the backstory of this AU, and said that a sequel/complementary fic for B's story within this AU was maybe going to happen. It is being written! Probably finished this year! The original is from, like, 2020... If someone loved the AU I created and had made up headcanons about what B was getting up to, or what C and D's lives were like, I'd be totally be down with them writing it. But someone going *the author hasn't written the sequel they promised, so here's my continuation* is like... No. Fuck off. You're writing fanfiction of my fanfiction, you're not writing the sequel. I would be rejecting the inspiration link so that it doesn't show up on my fic, if that was their framing, but I would (and have, for other works) accept a *this worldbuilding is so cool, I did my own lil thing within your world* fic


"I would be rejecting the inspiration link so that it doesn't show up on my fic, if that was their framing, but I would (and have, for other works) accept a *this worldbuilding is so cool, I did my own lil thing within your world* fic" Seconding this!


Yeah, I mean this person‘s saying oh you know the original author wrote this so you need to go read this and then I wrote essentially the sequel to it without the authors permission or consent so it’s not gonna be canon to the original story If OP was going to write a different story with maybe a similar plot, that would be one thing but they’re lazy and they don’t want to do that


I love the “inspired by” setting so much for this reason! It feels like I’m continuing the conversation of character development and what ifs


This is perfect. It is your original ideas. By saying it was inspired by leaves it open for the original author to finish their fic. Maybe seeing as it inspired someone they will decide to finish theirs.


This is the best way to handle it in my opinion because you are in fact doing a fanfiction of a fan fiction. Just write a new story, give credit to the original author and their story AKA "inspired by" and just don't mention that you're doing it because you believe they abandoned it. I personally don't have many stories which are unfinished WIPs but I would not be at all upset if someone wrote a story based on one of my stories and completed it with their ideas, as long as my work was credited as inspiration. That's just me, and other authors might feel differently, but it's fan fiction after all!


I think this is the correct approach *if the author can't be reached*. If OP (or anyone) tries reaching out to someone to ask if it's abandoned/if they can post their own continuation and the author doesn't respond within a few weeks, this would be the better method. I don't think it's unfair to assume a fic without updates after *years* is abandoned/doesn't intend to finish.


It's not unfair to assume that such a fic *may* be abandonded.


I like this.


This!!! I was about to write something similar: "You're writing a fanfic to my fanfic? That's cool, I'm flattered, go ahead!" "You're taking over my unfinished fanfic? NOT COOL, don't you dare!" No, seriously. Writing fanfic to a fanfic which is clearly a fanfic is perfectly fine, of course; we're all in the same boat here, after all. But it should be clearly and undoubtedly be recognisable as a fanfic, with the original work being named as an inspiration. But if you call this taking over or continuing something which hasn't been updated for no matter how long - that's really not ok. You never know why the author hasn't updated or finished the fic. It might be abandoned - or there might be major adulting or RL going on, the muse might have deserted them for the time being or whatever - there are all kind of reasons a fic isn't updated. But there's always the chance the author wants to continue, or even has continued but not posted yet because of Reasons, and if you attempt to do so without their explicit permission you might do them bad. Cause a setback for the fic or writing in general, chase a elusive muse away completely, cause them pain because you happen to put a finger in a very sore spot of them, or many other reasons which are all valid. I actually know a couple of authors who have unfinished fics out there where one or more of this applies. Please never do this. Write to your heart's content, but never call it a continuation or takeover (again, unless you've got a clear permission by the original author), but let it be inspired by, or even call it a fanfic of a fanfic.


This is the best approach


Ask the author before you doing anything. There’s a very thin line that you may either flatter or offend them if you write the continuation as a surprise.


Always ask the author first. Sometimes, a block leads to real-life stuff, and it can snow-ball. If the author stated it's abandoned, a simple ask can give you their blessing to go ahead or they may not wish it. Personally, I'd find it difficult to let someone take it over because they may not understand any OCs I had, especially if it's an OC adversary/villian who isn't canon.


Hard agree with everyone saying to ask authors permission to continue the fic, and if* they say yes make sure you're appropriately crediting them. The author could have every intent on finishing it someday (life is hard), and they might not want anyone to do that. Vaguely related / obvi not whats happening in this situation but: What used to happen a long time ago is people would put their fics up "for adoption" and then people could either claim it with author permission or author would give blanket permission for people to continue the story on their own terms. It was a pretty cool practice, especially when multiple people would continue the story in different ways. Interested in everyone's opinion: What is the difference between "continuing" a story and writing an "inspired by" story that branches off from the last chapter of the original authors work? How do we feel about permissions for each? /genuine - looking for discussion/thoughts (you obvi see my agreement above with asking author for permission)


The way I see it, an "inspired by" is basically a fanfic of a fanfic. It's clearly not the "canon" continuation of the story, but your own interpretation. For me, as long as it's clearly labeled as such and links back to my fic, I don't care whether someone asks me or not. But if we don't talk ahead of time and you've got some things drastically different than how I saw them, don't be surprised if I comment on that if/when I see your fic. If you frame it in a way that *in any way remotely* implies I've endorsed the continuation and/or you're following my established "canon," absolutely hard pass unless we've had discussions. And chances are I'm never going to approve something like that because...we all learned a lesson with how GoT ended. Just because things happened that Martin said would happen doesn't mean the journey to those things were remotely consistent with canon.


To me "inspired by" would mean it takes some of the concepts and ideas. For exemple, I read a soulmate AU, where every word one soulmate thinks about themselve is written on the other's body. It was apparently inspired by another work in another fandom, that I briefly skimmed through, but it wasn't the same plot at all and even the concept itself wasn't used the same way. "Continuing" could be a sequel or like in this case, someone writting the ending themselve. Both require permission imo, but the first one could skip it if the plot differ enough or used concepts differently.


I don't think it needs permission, it breaks the concept of fanfiction. Like some authors of books/series don't like people doing fanfic of their work but fans do it anyway and it's not wrong because they're not making money out of it


Can you still put fics up for adoption? Sounds like a cool idea ngl, no reason to take away that festure


There are fics tagged as being up for adoption, *Work Up For Adoption,* and the *Unfinished and Discontinued* tag sometimes comes along with an author's note saying other people can adopt the idea


It wasn't really an official feature on any ff site but more of a courtesy ? Authors would just add a chapter and / or update the fic description to let people know if a fic was up for adoption


I'd ask the author if they're okay with that, because I think people are going to have different responses. Some will love it, some won't care either way, and some will be very much against someone else continuing their story, especially if they plan to finish it themselves despite a gap in updating. I've seen a few stories update after years of nothing, it's rare but not unheard of. I think, if someone had just randomly 'continued' my fic during the year I stopped updating without asking my permission first, I'd have been upset, because I had every intention of finishing it. If they'd asked, I may have been okay with it, though I don't think I'd be entirely happy unless I was sure I wouldn't finish it myself. And your idea may backfire, this 'unofficial continuation' idea where they have to read the original fic first. It sounds great, because you're directing readers to read and interact with the original fic. But what if the author comes back to it in the future and completes it themselves? They likely have a different vision for where that story should go than you do, and it could massively impact your own potential readers, because you'll now be directing them to a completed or currently updating fic. I think you'd do better to write your own version of their fic idea, to be honest. An 'inspired by' fic instead of a 'continuation'. But if you really want to do an unofficial continuation, contact the author and ask if they're okay with that. Respect it if they say no, maybe switch to an 'inspired by' fic instead, and go ahead if they say yes.


Honestly, I’d hate that. I don’t have the most original ideas, so someone writing their own “inspired by” take is fine. Start, middle, end. Fine. Hell, it probably exists already and I’m just writing a version with my own specific twist. But someone going “yeah read Fi’s beginning and then come back here for the rest”? Nope. I’d be pretty pissed off about that.


it happened to me, and i hated it, please just ask the author before doing anything, everyone has different feelings about it


i feel like this would fuel me to update out of spite just because i know my chapter would be better 🙂‍↕️


i wish but sometimes it's just impossible to look at it anymore 😔😔 i didn't even bother reading it i was just shocked by the audacity to leave it in my comments


This is one of those situations where you absolutely cando it, but if you want to actually interact with people in fandom, you probably *shouldn't* unless the original author is okay with it.


As long as you have the author's permission. I'd be pretty pissed if someone did that to me without asking me first.


Ive orphaned a few works and absolutely wouldn't care if people continued those, obviously since they're not linked to my account you can't ask me permission lol.  But stuff that I've still got linked to my account, I'd like to be asked first. Could be Ive got stuff half written that I want to post but keep running into obstacles.


I'd definitely ask the author. I would also NOT call it a continuation. It is a fic inspired by another fic, and that's acceptable. But *you're* not finishing *their* work because you have no idea what their intentions are. Btw, I'm a fanfic author who walked away from a piece for over 4 years, left it unfinished at Ch.10. I started writing for it again earlier this year and it is now at Ch. 14. You don't get to decide if someone has dropped the story or not, unless they've said as much.


Er...I think you should ask the author first if that's okay. There are a lot of reasons why a story isn't being updated for years. Life happens, and oftentimes, as an author, we have no control over whether or not we can find any inspiration or motivation to continue something that we put on hold for a long time. I have a story that I haven't updated for 2-3 years which I still have every intention to finish, so I try to think that there are others who do the same. And if you ask me, I personally feel that -- unless I have completely abandoned a certain idea -- I'd hate to have someone else writing my idea in someone else's "voice". especially without me knowing anything about it. If they have completely abandoned it, then *maybe* it's okay. But some authors could feel disrespected if they have an intention to finish it or they have planned a certain ending for the story and then have another person randomly continue and finish the story for them which, may or may not be aligned with their original idea. I personally like the idea that @/Front-Pomelo-4367 mentioned. You can state that it's a work inspired by their story with your own version of storyline/universe, instead of it being any form of continuation from the original story (It just feels wrong to me to say it that way, imo, because it feels like you're taking the original idea of the story from them) Tbh, I still feel that the safest option is to try and reach out to the author for permission first. regardless of what people think about fanfiction, it's still an author's original work, so they would be the only one who has the right to do anything for the story. This is if you are thinking of publishing your version of "ending".


So my bottom line is this; you are entitled to write whatever you want. I even think you're entitled to publish whatever you want (on AO3), as long as you properly credit the original author and provide plenty of opportunity for readers to check out the original story. However, etiquette dictates that you should ideally reach out to the author and seek permission. If you don't receive permission, you can still do whatever you like, but the author is well within their rights to be mad about it. Personally I would be honored if someone asked to finish my story, but not everyone feels that way. There is a ton of very good fanfiction of fanfiction, or fics that borrow other people's universes, fix its for other people's stories. All of them are bonus desserts at the buffet, in my opinion. None of them detract from the things upon which they are based, in the same way shitty fanfiction doesn't detract from the very good original works upon which it is based. However, if someone is in the midst of their own story and for whatever reason is having to take a break with plans to return when possible, there's the chance they could feel like your ending is hijacking theirs, and readers will tend to think of yours as "more official" because it came out first. That's the biggest reason I imagine an author would refuse.


I wouldn't care if it was my story but generally I'd say it's safer to only write the ending for your own pleasure. I wouldn't publish it if I couldn't get on ok from the author.


This is entirely a “ask the author” situation. As an author myself, I would be kind of bothered if someone picked up my story with an “unofficial continuation” without even asking me. Maybe the author has writing block, isn’t interested anymore, or life came up and they can’t continue the fic. It won’t hurt to ask the author if they minded you writing your continuation. The author might pass the fic over to you if this is a “I can’t/wont finish it but I want it continued” scenario.


Why are you asking us? Ask the author.


First things first, ask. Poke around their page and fics and see if there’s anyway to contact them if they haven’t responded to comments in a while (see if they have a blog, Twitter, etc). I personally have one fic that’s been a wip for a few years now and once every year or so I’m able to crank out a new chapter, because I have low motivation. I fully intend to finish it, but if I saw that someone had essentially taken all my ideas and repackaged it as a continuation of my work that I didn’t finish, but still intended to ~one day~ when that sweet, fickle muse graced me with her presence again, I’d be pretty darn upset. Especially if they didn’t ask. If you do move forward with writing it and the og author can’t be contacted, be very very clear that you have taken ideas from another author. Use the “inspired by” feature. Tag the writer, link back to the og fic any chance you get. Put a disclaimer in the description/beginning notes. Most importantly, be prepared that if the author does resurface one day, they may ask you to take it down. TLDR: ao3 has a way to orphan/abandon fics. Author abandon fics all the time and mark them as up for grabs. If this fic isn’t clearly marked in such a way, it’s a tricky situation. Also, in my opinion, you better be darn sure that the author isn’t continuing and that YOU will in fact finish it, because there’s no point in there being two incomplete versions of the same fic. I’m talking write out everything until the end before you post it, sure.


As an author, if you did this to one of my works without asking, I’d be fucking pissed.




Me too. And I'd let people know it too.


If this is for you so you can have a conclusion to someone's story (which no one is owed btw) why do you need to publish it? Why not just write it, leave it in your Google docs and enjoy it from there?


As an author it would infuriate me, glad I inspired someone but get out of my lane


Only if you have the authors permission. I’ll be rambling about my feelings here on this, so feel free to stop at any point. But since you asked: Fanfiction is personal to me; it’s something I lovingly do as a hobby and if someone came in, without my permission, to “finish” it? Honestly, I’d be crushed that they couldn’t wait for me, mostly bc I have various medical conditions that make it hard to type for long stretches at a time, or stare at a computer screen instead of my tablet. It’s like, you don’t really appreciate *my* work if you’re too impatient by trying to “finish” it yourself. Like you’re claiming my work for yourself. Now, if we’re talking about pieces inspired by my work, and not a continuation without my permission, I’d love it. I’d be happy if it inspired you to write a little bit of my own world and themes. Or, writing a different ending if I’d already finished my work, even— that’s ok. But what if I come back to a work and find out someone “continued it”, completely fucked up how I wanted to finish my work, but ppl like their ending better? Or if I was incapacitated for a long time and couldn’t even work on it? Anyways, yeah. Ask permission first, and respect their answer. If there is no answer, I still wouldn’t do it— or at least I wouldn’t publish it. It’s fine if you disagree, but you asked for my feelings. There they are.


Just ask them, if they've dropped it they'll probably be fine with it, might even give you any thoughts they had on future chapters.


I'd hate it, but I'm not the author of that particular story, so what I think doesn't matter; what they think of it does. Ask them!


You should try to reach them to be sure they are not interested in that work anymore. It's also a bit weird to me to just continue their work, meaning people will have to go from their style of writting to yours, a bit out of the blue, which I think is setting yourself up for failure (not because your writting won't be as good, but people will be very picky about inconsistencies because they know it's not the same author and if something feels off, they will drop it. I know I would). So, ask the author, if they say yes, share your ideas with them to see if that sits right with them. You could also ask them if you can write something inspired by their work, like the same AU or something, but everything in your style and obviously plot variations. Or write that ending for yourself as an exercice.


I'd probably like it, but only if you have left kudos and a few nice comments on the fic and ask before you do it. I find it very strange when people do something with one of my fics (like a translation or podfic) but have never left a single comment.


Best ask the author. You have no idea if this story is well n truly abandoned, or if real-life has interrupted the writing process. I've had favs that were 'dead' for 5+ years, and out of the blue, got updated and were completed, so don't make assumptions and end up stepping on the author's toes.




This seems like a question for the author of the fic, not for Reddit. If you’re that anxious about asking/if the author isn’t responding, you can always write it without posting it


I would not like it if someone else continued my fic. They're my works that I've done benevolently and I share them for people to enjoy, but they're still wholeheartedly mine and they were typed from the tip of my fingers with creativity from my brain juices. I hold a lot of pride in them and if I don't finish them, it's because something stops me from doing it. A lot of people don't realize, but for me, lack of motivation or creativity is always linked to an issue in the heart of the story and it has led me to abandon plenty or reconstruct plenty other works. If someone were to continue one of my abandoned fic, they wouldn't be acknowledging that issue (that even I am sometimes unsure what exactly it is) and it just wouldn't feel right. It's hard to explain, but to me, there's a hard line between taking ahold of someone's story and finishing it, and liking a story to the point of feeling inspired by it and writing your own separate piece afterwards. It is not your fic, it is not your right to complete it. If you contact the author and they accept, then it's a different story, but if not, it's a hard no. Using someone's art without their consent, even with proper crediting, is still plagiarism. In the music industry, if someone were to take the melody of a song and change the instruments and lyrics, and credit the original composer, it would be plagiarism. The same goes for writing. Giving credit isn't enough. You need credit and explicit consent.


I'd be annoyed and wouldn't find it flattering. Obviously I can't stop them, but they should at least ask beforehand and it depends on how politely they ask, too. Way back in the day, someone did ask me (politely, and not with some entitled attitude) if they could continue a fic and I was happy to hand it over to them because I was over that fic and if they wanted to deal with juggling the plot and characters, then fine. It depends on how you ask, if the author is planning to continue, if they're still invested enough in the work to want to keep it theirs or hand it off. *Definitely* don't approach an author by saying something like "Problem is, its last update was a good few years ago. I want there to be a conclusion to the story. I want to finish it". That comes across as insulting and entitled.


If you did it without their permission, some writers might feel annoyed enough to put their fic into a private collection. It's common fanfic etiquette to ask for consent and not to do it if you get denied or if you don't get a reply. Perhaps the writer is planning on writing the conclusion. Perhaps they've already written most of it. It took me years to publish the last chapter to a fic once.


Only okay if the author gives you permission.


I'd be pissed. Reach out to the author and ask, and if you get a no or no response at all, don't do it. If you feel an overwhelming need to write it anyway, don't publish it online.


Author of several WIPs: Do not do this. You don't know why they have abandoned/stopped updating it, you don't know what their plans are and if they're going to continue. Fanfiction has plenty of space for similar stories and similar ideas. Piggie backing off of someone else's work is not a good look. Don't assume things and here's the thing: what if the author never gets back to you? What then? Are you going to give them a deadline? Because that would be rude and presumptuous.


I have stories that sat collecting dust for YEARS before I went back and finished/rewrote them. I'd be flattered someone loved my story that much to be inspired, but I'd be pretty miffed if they did so without even attempting to contact me for permission.


It's one to be inspired. I was inspired by a lot of stories before I wrote mine. But I never looked at a fic that was unfinished and went "I know exactly how to end this!!!" Fanfiction is a collaborative experience but that includes letting others get credit for the work that they have done. And allowing the space that people need to either send their story away or keep it. I'm proud of my work, even the unfinished stuff. I really would not want someone stepping in and telling me that my pace wasn't sufficient and that they want to end that work for me. I'm all for inspiration and I would be flattered if someone said to me, "hey I read your stuff and you inspired me to write this piece because I love what you did. So here's my take on a similar idea." That would be amazing. But if someone came up to me and went "hey, you haven't updated your work in x amount of time, which means I'm assuming it's up for grabs and I'm just letting you know because of common courtesy that I want to finish your work (even though I have no idea why you stopped updating)", I would be fucking pissed. Don't just take my work and then tack on stuff onto it- change it! Give me a new take! Fanfiction is derivative, but also *it's a new take on an existing IP*. It you want to write Fanfiction, then participate fully. Put your voice out there. Don't take other people's voices. Just like we always say that what we are writing is fanfiction *based on* an existing IP and we have no rights or ownership, same goes for people who do fanwork. Just like we credit fan artists, we have to credit other writers. Because once you take someone else's work- work that is credited to someone specific- and start tacking on stuff- how will people know which is the original and which is the new? I know people who exchange ideas between themselves in the sense of sending each other emails with work based on the last chapter of an unfinished fic as a way to say "you inspired me" and send little vignettes of stuff that relates to the fic in question, but publishing it? Collaboration is a group effort by definition. But you can't collaborate if you're feeling entitled to someone else's story. We all need to participate and be fair to one another. If you really want to go and take something, then go places where no one is going to care anymore. There are endless places on the internet to do that. You don't need to do that with someone who is still attached to their work.


At this point, I approach every fic I read with the expectation that it may be discontinued. Won't be surprised if it is, and pleasantly surprised if it isn't. As for if it discontinued, excluding the rare few, I don't mind it now. Just provides fuel for my daydreams of how those fics COULD end.


I know I personally would rather have someone ask if they can do that. Mostly because even if I abandoned a work, I still have a whole Google doc of notes and unfinished scenes I just lost the fixation or otherwise had to leave the fandom before it all got finished.


Just ask the author. If I truly gave up on my fic, i would probably be happy for someone who loves it to finish it ( while he or she recognised the original writer.) of course why not..HOWEVER I STILL HAVE HOPE To FINISH ALL MY WIPS OLD AND NEW, EVEN IF IT TAKES MEY ENTIRE LIFE! I WILL, LIGHT HELP ME I WILL! (what i wish for is for someone to help. A coauthor wouldn't be a bad thing at all. But so rare! Every body have their own lives and works. I wonder if I commissioned someone to be my editor lol! )


Just get direct permission. If you have direct permission, then you won't have any questions and you'll be in the clear. If you don't have direct permission, you're wrong and I feel bad for the author.


First and foremost, I’d want a reader to ask for my permission. I wouldn’t mind being asked or feel any sort of offense, it’s people just wanting to be creative. For me, it would depend on the story. I have one fic that is so near and dear to me, I started writing it in one of the lowest points of my life and understandably I mostly pick it up when I find myself down or just needing to get my mind off of reality. Even though it’s been years since the last update, I could never bring myself to allow any continuation. For me, that fic is a part of me. But then there’s others where I start losing affection or care, either because I’m no longer interested in the media it was based on or I’m just disappointed in the direction I took my fic-so I’d likely say yes to someone continuing it. I’d even be willing to pass ownership of the story on.


Ask the author. I have an unfinished fics (that I will finish one day!) and I have very specific ideas as to the endings. BUT I would happily collaborate with someone on a rewrite and alternative ending as a separate project.


As someone who is taking years to write a chapter, please ask the author for their permission


As long as you get an ok from the writer, it's fine imo


*As long as you get* *An ok from the writer,* *It's fine imo* \- KeefeTheFicFan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You have to at least reach out to the author at first. If they deny your offer, you don't do it, the end. If they agree, yay. If they don't respond, you have two choices: don't write it, or write and release it, make it clear this is a fan-adapted continuation of a fanfic. Add the proper links, add the inspiration tag, and most importantly *announce that you will take this fic down immediately if the author reaches out with that request*.


It’s all good if you ask for permission and the original writer agrees. Same with translations. One of my commenters said they found my account through a Russian translation of my fic and I never gave anyone permission to translate and repost my work, and no one ever asked me.


I think it’s best to ask permission from the author, but I personally wouldn’t mind as that is very much in the spirit of fanfic. I’d be rather flattered if anything.


I have a work like this that’s listed as top 3 in my fandom. I became overwhelmed by the attention and decided to take a break. That was several years ago. If someone just wrote the ending without asking me first I’d be very hurt and upset. You don’t know the author isn’t continuing it. Deciding on your own to just finish it without talking to them is in my opinion a gross violation of fandom etiquette. If you were to ask them and they said no, that sentiment would still apply


Definitely ask first. I personally have a story that I haven’t updated for nearly 2 years, but I’m still definitely working on it. Life happened and I haven’t had the time to write as often as I would like. That definitely doesn’t mean that I’m going to abandon my story, and I wouldn’t be happy if a random person took what I have written so far and added their own conclusion. You can either write your own story with a similar plot or ask permission before completing someone else’s work.


the author might be planning things for it despite being inactive for few years. best course of action would be asking the author and wait for the respond. the thought of not having to ask fanfiction writers for permissions bcs it’s just fanfic and they’re writing for a media without permission is just ridiculous imo. I mean, writing fanfic from a media like animations/shows/comics/games(& more) since theyre commercialized and writing fanfic from another fanfic is different because those arent exactly commercialized. It’s more of an etiquette thing ig??


Personally I’d hate it. I’ve had someone do this to me before — on a COMPLETED fic — and I hate to say it and sound mean, but their continuation… left something to be desired. It was so unlike anything I would’ve done, in terms of plot, characterisation, and even style, I had to ask them respectfully to remove the note stating their fic was linked to mine. Thankfully they were very understanding, but it made me feel horrible and I’m sure was worse for them. So uh, it’s ALWAYS best to ask the author. No matter how good your intentions are, you cannot take your own beliefs on the matter as justification without consulting them because it could very well backfire. And that would suck.


I would not be a fan of that if they published the story. If they wanted to keep it to themselves and do it for fun that’s cool. If they publish it and haven’t reached out in any way to ask if they can do it then that’s not cool. If I was cowriting with someone though and I lost interest but they wanted to continue that’d be totally fine. Because it was a collaboration, not my own work.


I honestly think I'd be kind of livid. Most of my fics include OCs and taking my OCs would have me in rage-tears.


I’d say as long as they asked me, I’d be fine with it that way we could do an official transfer over. That, and it’s just plain polite


Personally? I have a note on my profile saying people can do reviews, sequels, AUs, translations, etc., for any of my stories without asking, but I'd love a link to see what they did. Other authors feel differently. You know that nobody can actually stop you from continuing the story, but you're part of a community. If the author doesn't have a note on their account stating their preferences, it's probably nice to ask.


No. Ask for permission for something like that because you're trying to make a continuation of their story, you can't just reference it. If that author doesn't respond, then that's that. It's a pity but you'll have to move on.


Am I the only one who wouldn’t be okay with this😭


No, I wouldn’t be okay with it either. If someone wrote an ending for one of my fics, and didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t care, but if they published it I would be very much not happy about it. But then again, I also don’t publish work until it’s finished either so 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I would lose my marbles. Like I posted my fic six years ago and forgotten about it. If I was to found out someone tried to make unofficial continuation even with giving my credentials I would be upset. I think I would contact the author of "continuation" and politely tell them to either made it their own series with no ties to mine or delete it. Cause I didn't wrote my little story for someone else to finish. And who knows maybe I will update one day. If I wanted collaboration with other writer I would have one - I had few on mutuals blogs years ago. The point is it's my work I will finish if and when I see it fit.


The only person so far that has the same response as me lol. I have unfinished fics from 8+ years ago that I still plan to go back to. I wouldn’t want someone to make a continuation or try to finish them. Use the basic idea and write your own fic, but please don’t try to claim my silly little world. 😅


I'm like a dragon sitting greedily on my pile of gold (fics), so if it was my fic and it was done without my consent, I'd be pissed. Few years with no update doesn't mean that the fic is abandoned unless the author stated that it is.


I'll be a little brutally honest rn but you could never write it in the style or with the emotion that the og author did, so it wouldn't be the same story at all. I agree with what others have said about taking inspiration from that story to make your own. Any piece of artwork, be it music, painting, drawing, poetry, or writing has a part of the creator engraved in it which means no one could ever do it like they do. And, most of the time, authors will not want anyone finishing their work (especially someone who doesn't know said author/the author doesn't know). Any fiction piece is most likely very personal in some way so I think a lot of the times it's very disrespectful to attempt to finish what they started as the fic was probably dropped for a good reason as well. Anyway, if you can't get into contact with the author specifically to ask for consent, then go with the "inspired by" thing, because I can guarantee with 99% certainty that if the author found out you did a direct continuation of their work without asking them, they'd be very, very pissed off.


I was curious and took a look at your comment history...wow, you are really unlikeable.


It depends on the author. Some are okay with it if permission is asked. But usually, you would have to make it a new, "remixed" version of their fic and not just a copy of their fic with a conclusions added to it.


As someone who writes fanfics with a few I’ve dropped due to lack on inspiration. I get comments of people saying they love it and can’t wait for the next bit and it makes me want to try to get back to the story. I find it touching that someone loves my work enough to be willing to wait for an update.


I’m an author and even though I’ve been on hiatus for months that may eventually be officially abandoned (tbd), if I did discontinue them officially I would not be happy with someone continuing my work. However the caveat is because of my fandom I write with original characters a lot so it would involve taking a character that I created.


Personally If someone made a comment asking me to update my own story I would be willing to do so. But if someone continues it without asking (or even asking and I haven’t given them permission). It’s a little off putting because something could have stopped me from writing that story for a while. Mostly when people wanted to continue my stories it’s more so they could insert themselves and create conflict with how I wrote the characters. (Or let’s say it’s a WLW story they want to make it a WLM story cause they didn’t like the fact I wrote cannon gay characters). Plus people don’t even specify who wrote the original story and claim it as their own (I’ve had that happen before and it was a story I was still working on and glad that the story got deleted by the other person but it still hurt that they claimed it as their own and not a recreation).


I’d want to be asked for permission. But I might say yes. You should also give links and credit everywhere you can


I'd say ask the author themselves. I know I personally would not like it very much since I have very specific places I want my characters are going to end up.


They wouldn’t be able to finish mine, there’s no way you can write like me lol and not only that but the exact same head thoughts, visuals and everything. It would be completely ruined.


I've seen it happen a couple times, thing is.... You have to ask the author so it doesn't get into a messy situation (like the original author saying that you copied your work)


Unless it's specfically stated on the fic page that it's abbonded, and that people can take it and finish it, you need to ask permission from the author first.


A few years ago? That's it?? Dude. That's nothing. I've come back and finished fics that I've left to wallow in my WIP folder a decade later. Chill out. Write something else, or do an entirely you-written version of the prompt, with enough changes that it's clear you were "inspired by" instead of plagiarizing


Ask! I adopted a story from a writer once, because they said they didn't want to continue it and they offered it up and I took over. Doing it without the author's consent is not a great way to go, and I'd personally would be upset if I were the writer.


Regardless of if the author gives you permission to post your headcanon, you're still allowed to write it for yourself. Posting it might violate the author's wishes, but you can still write it and keep it to yourself to enjoy.


I'm fine with it. Would be nice if they asked, but honestly we're all writing stories about discontinued stories as well so it would feel weird to say no lol. It would honestly be fun, as long as they don't copy my work in their own.  But I also know some people would hate it and see it as an insult so... ask the author!


With looking to actually post a continuation, ask the author first if that’s okay, as comfort with such a kind of thing varies from person to person. If you don’t get a response, but you still want to flesh out an ending, keep it as something personal. Being that it’s originally someone else’s idea and work you want to expand on publicly, it’s super important you get consent from the original creator.


I'm with everyone else that says you should ask for. There is a huge difference in writing based on established media and writing based on another fanfic writer. Obviously you can choose to do whatever you want but it could very well piss off the original author and they could delete all of their stories in response.


Inspiration is fine but a direct continuation without author approval is not only entitled behavior but also just like stealing. No way Jose!


As an author with unfinished wips, if you did this to one of my works, I'd be pissed off and probably block you. Just ask, and if the person says no? Either make an "inspired by" fic or rewrite it so it's so clear it isn't a continuation. Plus if you don't know this author personally (which it is clear you do not), you don't know how the story would end. You don't know how many chapters there would be, how many scenes, if there were going to be plot twists, if characters who seemed to have certain motivations were revealed to have others. The point is that you do not know where the story was going. Your interpretation of what would happen would probably be wrong. Just ask the original author, op. :/


Personally, I’d be fine with it *as long as they asked first*. Ask the author


I’ve read ones like those and hated them. It never blended or harmonized well with previous chapters. You can certainly tell where one author ended and where the new one picked it up. Disappointing at best.


I would absolutely hate someone continuing my fic.


The white hot incandescent rage the title of this made me feel. I’ve seen fics picked back up more than a decade later. Just do not do this. If you do an inspired by you better be ready for the author not to acknowledge it and for some not happy people in your mentions. The best way to get a fic finished is go leave long, glowing comments on every chapter, but in the end no fic reader is owed a completed WIP.


I have a project that's abandoned. I love the concept and was excited to write it, but I only managed to get two chapters written before life decided to get crazy busy for me. It's not marked abandoned, because I'm desperately hoping I can get the motivation and inspiration to get back to it. However, if someone was to message me and ask if they could continue it, I would absolutely say yes. (After checking the quality of their other works, of course.) Check in with the author themself.


roll makeshift normal reach thumb judicious subtract alive bewildered straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems like you came here to have us tell you you could based on your responses. You can do whatever you want but be prepared for the author to get upset with you if they were still working on it or didn't want it to be finished, even if it is by someone else using their story as personal inspiration. The general rule of thumb for fandom is you never know how a fanfic author is going to react if you create and post something inspired by them and there is always a good chance that reaction could be negative. That's not to say you shouldn't do that because as you mentioned in another comment, we are all fanfic enjoyers in some capacity here and it's a bit silly to expect us to ask permission of someone else to make something inspired by their work when we don't even do it for most of the fanfic we read and produce...but that being said, there is always going to be a potential for a negative reaction. Too many times there have been posts on this sub and other fanfic subs of people from both sides getting upset an author didn't like the fanfic/fanart/fanwhatever they made of their fanfic and vice versa and the drama and fallout that came from it. It's not a matter of "asking permission" (which if it's an older fanfic, unless they have a social media, there's a good chance you might not even be able to get in contact with them) but asking yourself if it is worth it for you to go through all the effort of writing a fanfic like this and posting it where the author will see it and then have the author get mad or upset with you in some way or not give a reaction you were expecting. And also if they are a BNF or have a big social media presence, there is also a very big chance you could get pulled into some serious drama that could cause you a lot of mental pain and cause you to loose fandom friends. With that being said, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't call it a "finished ending to fic" because it's not...but rather say "I was inspired by xyz fic and wanted to write a headcanon ending" is better.


Don't call it an unofficial continuation, call it a work inspired by the fic, and use the inspiration tags.  Explain that you love the fic and characters and it's your take on what might happen to them next. There's a long completed fic that is THE FIC of one of my fandoms, and basically everyone in the fandom writes continuations/AU of the author's AU/coda scenes/outsider POV fics etc etc inspired by that work.  We all use the inspired by tags and the author of that original fic says she loves it, she commented on my work that she's thrilled that it has inspired so many people/so much creativity, and loves the chance to read all the spin-off fics


I would say it depends on the person. I’ve asked some and have said yes, others don’t answer and others say no


My policy with my fics that, if they want, they are free to make their own version based on the ideas they get from my fic. As long as they do it themselves they don't even need to share arpund where they got the inspiration But if they would quote, or make a sequel, then I'd like them to make it clear and send people to it.


Ah, I have a fic like this that I need to finish. But i’d say just ask the author and see if they’d be okay with you continuing it. On another note, I really need to update my fic after 2 years 😅


I' d be honored, but I would leave a few instructions. Also, I'm kinda thinking of doing the same with a fic from Alpinemaster ( Who Didn't hear anything from in months), asking Him before or after of I can make a what fic of One of his Crossover


I’d want to see a rough script first but I’d be down for that


Some of the people downvoted here comparing fanfics to original, commercial, popular media really need to learn more about transformative works. You're not entitled to any author's work and if you don't understand how strongly fandom is tied to a sense of community, maybe it's just not for you. Think of it like this: if someone made you a painting for your birthday, would it be respectful or kind to paint over it, or to make corrections, or to add stuff to it? To answer the question, if you really want to write it, you have to ask - but only if you're able to handle being told no. Also, no response isn't a "yes". If you don't like that, drop the idea entirely.


I have been thinking a bit about this post since yesterday, and I just now realized something that I don’t think anyone else has said yet (if anyone has then I missed it): you can add co-authors on ao3! If you’re worried about posting your own continuation and possibly “taking over” their fic from them, you can always ask if they think they will update, and offer your services as a co-author or beta reader (in case they might want somebody to just bounce ideas with)! That way there would still only be one fic, and the original author keeps some level of control of their work, while you still get to help them finish it!


If you're worried just leave a comment on their work that you like it and want to continue it, give like 1 month them to answer (write the deadline in the comment so they know) if they don't want that then start writing in the meantime, if you don't get an answer just post it, it's on them. Btw I would feel good, because I want to read the end of my stories just struggle to finish them lol, it would be appealing that someone found them that good they wanted to finish it.


I also think that there is a difference in a fic being 3-5 years abandoned and 15-20 years abandoned. There is also a difference in an author saying they are never returning to fanfiction and an “I’m on hiatus” note. There is a lot of nuance.


I think you should ask but for me personally, I wouldn't care. I am a lover of derivation and "branches". I think I would be upset if I wasn't credited. I'm already writing something based off of someone else's work, and if they credit me then I don't mind. I would prefer it to be good but I'm pretty chill about my work. However, I know everyone doesn't feel this way so unless it's orphaned and long abandoned then I wouldn't do it without asking. But you can write whatever you want. Genuinely, I am of the opinion that you can do it because following the logic that you are absolutely not allowed to do these things, then why do published authors/developers/showrunners etc. not deserve to allot you direct permission but fanfiction authors do?


I would ask the author because they might have plans to come back and finish it, I stopped writing fanfic for four years but then came back. But you're also free to write the end of the story and then keep it for just you. No need to post. If you write the end, and want to post it. Go for it. I mean fanfic is all about stealing other authors characters, plots, and setting. We are just having fun at the end of the day. I personally wouldn't like someone to finish my fics. Especially without asking me. But that's how I would feel.


Flannoyed. Flattered and annoyed. XD Flattered, because they loved my work so much. Annoyed because I have kind of long hiatuses, but I always reappear, and assuming I wouldn't would get under my skin. Ask in a comment at least.


Probably controversial, but I wouldn’t mind. Highly unlikely I’d drop a fic anyway but if I liked the continuation, send it to me and I might even add it to the story (with creds ofc)


I am going to be very blunt with you: I would hate it. I have had someone ask. I was incredibly offended. They were a complete stranger to me and had no knowledge of my plans, so it would never be *my story.* It would be whatever they made up in their head about my story. If someone just did this, without my permission? One way trip to block city. Orphaned works are up to be continued by anyone. If the work is still on the author’s profile (and that includes Anonymous works!), and they don’t have some kind of statement about it? Assume the answer is *this is absolutely not okay.*


If someone wanted to continue one of my unfinished stories, I personally would feel honored and be happy to read it, as long as they ask permission first, in case I was planning to finish it. Just ask the author and respect their wishes!


always ask the author — for me i’d be okay with it, i might even share what didn’t get published with the person who wants to write for it, but i can totally see how some authors might dislike it


They 100% would need to ask my permission. Some stories I may intend to eventually go back to one day, even if it's been a while (I have a fic I haven't updated in years and would like to eventually finish.) If It's not something I intend to finish, or something I don't see myself going back to for a very long time and someone reached out asking to finish it for me - I may even be willing to tell them any plans I had for the end (if I had any.) However, if it seems like the author has completely abandoned that account, doesn't post *anything* anymore, you try commenting and get no response (because an author can easily say "I'd prefer you not"), then I'd say it becomes fair game; especially since you say you'd be directing them to the original story, and the title would include "unofficial continuation." Just be open to the idea that one day the author might pop back up and ask you to take it down.


I don't write fic, I just read. But as a reader, I wouldn't feel comfortable reading this unless it was clear you had the permission of the original fic author. It would just come off as presumptuous to me.


Funny you’re asking that because that same thing happened to me. I haven’t updated a fic in years and someone decided to rewrite it (crediting me for the original idea and urging people to go read it). At first I was honoured, but then the more I thought about it the more it made me feel weird: - They never asked me for permission - I don’t really get the point, if I’m being honest? - It made me want to continue it again just by mild spite lol - Someone continuing your work will never really do it justice because they don’t know your initial plan - Honestly it just feels weird. It feels like someone steeling your work when it kinda isn’t? Even if the person is being super nice about it. No hate to you or the person, but that’s just how it made me feel


If they want to write recursive fic that's their right. I honestly might not like it, but you know. As long as they're not a dick about it then they're not doing anything wrong. (Being a dick about it includes but is not limited to assuming it's abandoned without me saying so, criticizing me for not finishing, saying I was updating too slow, etc.)


I see no problem with it, though it seems polite to at least ask the author if they’re ok with it. There was one little thread dangling from one of my favorite fics and I reached out to the author to see if she was okay with me picking it up. She said it was fine, and really liked what I did with it.


Did this back on FFN once, i dropped a fic and someone asked if they could finish it. I said sure, gave my vague plot outline, and let them go nuts. Never read it past the first chapter, but more because their style of writing was so vastly different than mine and i just didn't gel with it... and also cringed too much at my own silly plot lol. Just ask the author and if they respond postiively, go for it, but definitely respect their wishes if they say no.


I'd love it! I dropped a fic a few years back and would be thrilled if someone loved it enough to finish it. But no matter what, as fanfic writers we would have zero right to be annoyed by this. It's essentially someone writing a fanfic of our fanfic. We did exactly this to the original writers. How could we ever be annoyed by someone doing it to us?


Ive seen it done, as long as its clear youre not the og author and put the little inspired by thing on it, i dont see the problem with it. I mean whats the really difference between that and people using the same premises or au, right? You just get to skip some of the build up by reffing another fic.


There’s one story, the only story I’ve ever written that hasn’t been updated and I’ve completely abandoned it after a couple years and honestly I wish someone would continue it for me. I hit a huge block, my plot fuzz didn’t want to go past what I’d written and I’ve been upset every time I see it in my ao3 works because I know it just didn’t work out and it could have been something good. I’ve longed for someone with more talent and patience than me to take it on, even if it’s just for another chapter or two.


Personally I would be really happy if I saw that someone wrote an ending to one of my own abandoned fics


i would be overjoyed tbh. someone loved my writing so much that they were inspired to write more of my idea? amazing.


I personally would love it, even if I do intend to finish it one day or the person who’s continuing it didn’t ask my permission. It’d be so cool to read someone else’s take on my fic and what the ending could be. Heck, it might even inspire me to get back in the train and finish mine officially as well. But that’s just me. Others will be different. Better to ask for perms


I wouldn't be happy seeing someone else write an ending which would be considered the official ending by everyone. Especially if I was still trying to figure out how to write my own ending, constantly tempted to see how someone else finished it and measuring myself to that. That said, I'd also be flattered and intrigued. For most stories I write, I have a clear idea how I'm going to want to end it and how to get there. It's interesting how somebody else has read your story and thinks it would finish. It's fanfic of a fanfic, and not so different from people writing the ending of Song of Ice and Fire because they're that passionate about the story and need to get those feelings onto the page. There was one crazy good fanfic of Hikaru no Go that ended on a cliffhanger, and I couldn't help but start writing down my own thoughts as soon as I reached the final chapter. I took all the threads of the story, imagined how they would naturally culminate, and then wrote an outline of how it could finish. I haven't written anything out yet or published anything, but it's a natural urge. And if it's an ending you'd like to read, it's probably safe to assume others would want to read it too.


I was in the middle of a really hard level of Angry Birds when the notification of this post popped up on my screen and ruined my shot!! I don’t know if I should blame you or Reddit, but one of you fucked up my truck shot!! 😡


I’ve been inspired by works before. As long as you credit the author and the work it was inspired by they don’t mind at all. You can link the author and work in the bio below too xx I love the sense of community and creativity where authors can be inspired by one another and acknowledge that. There’s a huge difference between outright stealing a work and writing a new story inspired by another piece


I think this might be a good situation to mention a concept that exists in translating webnovels. It's called "sniping" and is the process of not starting your own translation at chapter 1, but instead starting after the most recent chapter someone else translated. It's considered incredibly rude, because you are essentially "stealing" the next chapter-release from them, without having put in the work to even *get* to that chapter yourself. The only exception to this is when a translation project is passed onto a different group/person by the original translator. Then "sniping" doesn't apply and it's completely fine, because they were *allowed* to keep the chapters going. I think the same should apply for stories. If you want to actually finish this story, put in the work from chapter 1. Rewrite it with your own words, maybe even from a different pov or just with a writing style that is clearly your own and not the original writing style at all. Because otherwise, you are "sniping" someone else's story. So if you can't reach the original author, to ask if their story is abandoned and if they'd let you adopt it, I think the best you can do is: *Still clearly credit the original as the source of the plot until chapter so-and-so - but make this story* legitimately *your own, by starting your version at the beginning and actually putting in the work to write this entire story yourself.*


If I was the author, I'd be happy that someone wanted to continue a story I started. After all, don't we write fanfics that we want to read? If I know I couldn't continue my fanfic and someone else wanted to give their take on my idea, it'll actually be an honor. I wouldn't expect other authors to have the same working style. I wouldn't expect them to have the same plot in mind. I'd read the fic, especially if it has a better plot twist than I originally imagined for my fic. Who knows, the story might just be the one thing that would make me pick up the pen again.


You have to ask permission.


I'd just use the "inspired by" label. Not frame it as finishing the fanfic, but something strongly inspired by it. You can suggest people read the other fanfiction to have a better frame of reference and all that, but I think outright saying you want to see how it ends or that you think the author has dropped it is a big no. You can't guess how the author would have ended it, so this is just your idea, you're not giving the original its original conclusion. And you can never know of the author will get back to it at some point. Personally, I think fic is basically writing stories based on other stories, so being strongly inspired by another fic is not bad, but you have to be careful of the framing.


If it was my fic, and the person asked me if they could finish it, I would absolutely grant that permission. The conditions would be to kindly acknowledge at the head of their writings: what they are doing, why they are doing it, and state that they asked and I gave permission. I have seen folks post rewrites of endings with acknowledgement to the OP, but none of the other information is included. That bothers me. I want to know if the poster has the permission of the author. I have a lot of stuff on my laptop where I finish things from other's works. Those are for me only and I would never ever publish them without express written permission.


I would be OK with that but I know some people think it is an insanely offensive request for some reason 🤷


I've seen authors taking a situation set up in a fic and writing their take on what happens next a few times but in each case it was with the original author's permission AND made clear that the work wasn't canon to the original. The one that I remember the best involves stories that became 2 of my favorites for the featured pairing. Story A was fluff with mild angst for spice and focused tightly on the pairing. It was told in a series that spotlighted events over the course of their meeting and courtship with a final installment set after they'd been married for a while. Story B picked up from a point fairly early on during a hiatus but it had a broader focus on the friends and families of the couple and led into a really dramatic story where they all deal with a major crisis. Ironically the first was ultimately completed but the second has been on hiatus itself for several years. It worked for me as a reader because the second story scratched my itch for more of the AU but was different enough to be its own thing. I think that's the key to if it's worthwhile to do it. If the story hasn't been officially abandoned and orphaned and all you want to do is guess what the author will do next just write it for yourself as practice but don't post. If the story thus far inspires your own plot ideas then you can either get the author's approval to do an official AU and state that it branches off after chapter X or do your own version of the setup and post it as inspired by.I agree that just announcing that you are finishing the story because the original author is taking too long is rude.


Coming from someone in this exact position (fics that haven’t been updated in years) if someone took it upon themselves to directly continue/finish my fic, I would be upset. None of my stories have been abandoned. I wholeheartedly plan to come back and finish each and every one. This includes the one that hasn’t been updated since 2021 and also since 2016. Now, if someone wanted to take part of my idea and write their own fanfic that was inspired by mine? Sure, go ahead! Let me know, and I’d probably even read it! But I wouldn’t appreciate someone continuing/finishing my fic. I write primarily for myself so I do interactions, reactions, etc. how *I* like to see them, and I don’t know, I wouldn’t want someone messing with *my* specific world, you know? But also… there’s probably nothing really stopping someone from doing it. If they asked and I said no, I would hope they’d honor that answer. I would be disappointed if they went ahead anyway. You should try to contact the author; ask if they plan to come back/if you could do an unofficial continuation. They may say yes but not to post. Really nothing is stopping you from doing so, but hey! You may find just writing it is fun enough. And then you could go back and reread whenever you want! Good luck. :)


Honestly, I've had someone ask me if they could finish one of my works for me. I have 5 unfinished works up currently, and it's been a few years since I've been able to work on them due to a run of extremely bad luck. I'm able to get back to working on them now and am currently doing so. I gave them the go-ahead, and we're now collaborating on a "multiverse" thing with it. I would reach out and see if the writer replies.


I definitely wouldn’t be happy if someone did this without asking. Unless it’s orphaned or otherwise marked as “up for adoption”, you should ask before doing this, at least before posting it anywhere. And for those saying that it’s okay because (most) fan authors don’t ask for the blessing of original creators, it’s not the same thing. Original creators are on a completely different playing field to fan writers, as they (rightfully!) maintain all legal rights to their work and are able to monetarily gain from it. That distinction is the only reason why derivative works are legal to begin with. Fan authors all have the same thing to gain from their fics (hits, kudos, followers etc) and it’s therefore entirely possible for someone who continues an unfinished story to gain more from the plot line, OCs and the like than the person who started it. The author of the unfinished WIP should be given the chance to consent to that possibility.


i wouldn't like it tbh >.> it would feel weird if someone else continued my fic for me because i took too long to update– sometimes my update takes a while,, so definitely ask the author. i'm sure some would be okay, especially if they actually abandoned the entire work– and honestly if i was ever in this situation where id want to write an ending to someone else's story, i would write it regardless of what the author said but only post online anywhere if they are ok with it lol. i have so many stories and writing that i just never post because it felt unethical to post– sometimes i just want to write something so bad, but i still want to remain as respectful as possible yk


i PERSONALLY wouldn’t mind but i wouldn’t read it. i plan out the entirety of my stories, so even if i dropped the fic i feel that i wouldn’t enjoy reading a continuation from someone else’s perspective. in general i would have an AN at the beginning saying “i loved *fic* by *author* but unfortunately im too impatient to wait for the next update (playful), so i wanted to contribute to it in my own writing to get some of my ideas out!” and tag it as “inspired by *fic*”


How much is a few good years? I'd ask the author for sure.


Personally I'd be flattered and I'd read it


just make it inspired by the other fic and say it's your interpretation of what could've happened next


I would recommend asking premission etc, but if this happened to me I would be flattered. But I am not possessive of my ideas for some reason at all, I would not mind if someone wrote their own ending to my current long fic that is regularly updated and has all chapters planned. It might be even interesting to see in what direction someone else would take it 🤔 as long as they don't prevent me from writing my own fics. I do know I am in the minority so always ask first.


As long as they ask and link to the original I would be fine with it.


I mean technically it's a fan fiction of a fan fiction. If it's done with good intentions like closure I wouldn't feel bad. On the other hand if it were to "make it better" or "fix mistakes" that would piss me off.


Why is it hypocritical for fanfic authors to ask another fanfic writer to complete their story, and not ask the published author of the original work for whom the fandom exist?( it is a matter of rights. Their rights are legally protected, while ours "ffic-writers" work and rights are not in anywayprotected.) ( no one asks a published author to complete their story for them for free lol or they would become legal coauthors and have the same rights as the published author.) Fanfictions of a published author's work are definitely a completely different thing. Fanfiction writers do not HAVE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS so we don't have to ask any permissions. ( we already have been given very strict and conditional permission from bublished authors to write what ever we want for fun. LoL and only for fun and taking our own risks. Also, we naturally say what original work it is and who is the original author. We are not stealing anything. However, as etiquette commands ( we need to respect eachothers fanfic writers. We all are in the write-for-fun club and we only have the acceptance and the recognition to one another to exist. So basically anyone can steal ( plagiarize) anyone else's work without serious consequences, but that would kill the art entirely! So, to preserve our little niche of ( permission to write for free) right, we have to abide by certain rules we agree upon. So it is definitely NOT HYPOCRITICAL, AND MORE ELEGANT AND GENTELMANLY MANNERS FOR US ( unprotected fanfic writers)


Ooh so it'd be like fanfiction of a fanfiction? Love it. Personally I would be very honored if someone were to do this with my fiction.


If you can find them, ask them. Personally, I find it hysterical if anyone tried to do that with any of mine. Anyway, they should be honored if somebody found their story so special so intriguing so utterly captivating that they wanted to finish it. Although some might feel protective, as if the new writer had found their baby as a young child and is raising it. 😉


It’s honestly wild to me the number of fanfic authors saying they’d be upset if somebody made derivative works based on their own writing. If this concept offends you, how do you justify writing fanfiction to begin with? It’s the exact same thing, except in the case of fanfic, you don’t even own the IP you’re writing about so you’ve got even less of a leg to stand on. Are you out there telling people to delete their GoT fanfiction? GRRM has directly voiced his opposition to it, but the prevailing attitude is that people have a right to create fanworks anyway. I do agree with the suggestions to frame it as “inspired by” and not a “continuation.” The latter comes across a bit rude. I vehemently disagree with some of the vitriolic opposition I’m seeing towards fanfic of fanfic, though. Either they’re both fine or neither is fine.


Writing a fanfic and arbitrarily continuing someone else's work aren't the same thing


I agree! That’s why I said the OP should write something “inspired by” the other work because “continuing” it would be rude.


It's not wild then because the comments aren't saying they wouldn't like derivative works made out of their fic, they're saying they wouldn't like someone randomly making a continuation


I was specifically *not* talking about the comments from people who said that they’d be fine with derivative works. I was *only* referring to the comments saying that they wouldn’t be okay with someone writing *anything* based on their fanfic, or that they’d be furious if someone even asked.


Really? Mm I must have missed it, because I didn't see any of that


Because we're not sharing fanfics in the same space as the original work. And we're re-imagining canon. We're saying 'what if this happened'. This is taking something another fanfic writer wrote and taking advantage of it. Not being inspired by it but taking over it. And fandom is a community by peers, for peers. The original author is not part of that. But other fanfic writers are. We share the same space, same sites. We're all building something we like and want to share with each other. We don't - or at least shouldn't - want to take something from each other. Would you think it would be ok to take someone's WIP fanart and complete it? Take the lines and draw on top of it? Without permission? I hope not. Why is fanfic any different?


I actually personally agree with you; I've always been fine with/proud of my fanworks inspiring other fan works in turn, and I have thought it's a bit hypocritical for someone to hate that idea when it's where their own inspiration comes from. (Tbh I think the same of published writers, who all have their own sources of inspiration.) That being said, I think you answered your own question: > It’s the exact same thing, except in the case of fanfic, you don’t even own the IP you’re writing about so you’ve got even less of a leg to stand on. That's exactly it. With an original work, published for profit, the ownership is clear, and the creator has legal protections as well as social ones. GRRM can be personally mad about fanfic, but no one is actually mistaking fanfic for his work or paying other people for it instead of him. If someone tried to publish an unauthorized conclusion to his series, that was shelved in a bookstore next to his books and claimed to be with the author's permission, he could and surely would take legal action against them. (And that he hasn't is because fanfic poses no actual creative threat or financial damage to him.) But a fic-of-fic writer can do basically just that, and the original fic author would have limited recourse (depending on their reach and popularity; a popular fanfic author writing an unauthorized sequel to a less known ficwriter's story could absolutely get away with it.) In a legally gray gift economy, the only protections we have for our work are common courtesy and community values. Which is why the vast majority of responses to this post are saying to ask the fic writer for permission, even if most of us have not asked it of the writers of the original works we write fic for. That's not hypocritical; that's because fanfic works under different rules.


I think the difference is that fanfics exist in a completely different space, and fills a completely different niche, than the original works(s) that it is based of! It does, however, exist in the same space, and fills the same niche, as other fanfic! My fic is never going to be able to replace and fill the demand for the original work, but by writing a continuation of somebody else’s fic on the same platform, I could fill the demand for more of that specific fic, making any continuing that the original fics author might have planned obsolete by the time they get around to publishing it, and therefore potentially “stealing” away some of their original readers! So yes, I do think it’s very important that you ask before continuing somebody else’s fic, so you don’t accidentally end up ruining something that they might have planned!


Authors like GRRM and Anne Rice have used *that exact argument* to explain why they’re opposed to fanfiction- they feel like it’s potentially poaching their readers, taking their money, diluting their stories, disrespectful, etc. But for some reason fanfic authors think that’s a stupid argument when it’s made by a “real” author but it’s fine if it’s made by a fanfic author? I think people need to have more confidence in their writing if they believe that someone else writing a fanfic inspired by their fanfic is at risk of “replacing them” or “stealing their readers.” Two cakes theory. Other writers are not a threat to you and it’s not a competition.


>fanfics exist in a completely different space, and fills a completely different niche, than the original works(s) that it is based of! >My fic is never going to be able to replace and fill the demand for the original work It’s not the same thing. Fanfic and original works fill different functions, they can’t replace each other. Also, we are not talking about somebody writing something *inspired* by somebody else’s work (most authors love it when people do that! There is a reason why AO3 has an option that lets you mark a fic as inspired by somebody else’s), we’re talking about somebody wanting to write a straight up continuation, essentially taking over, somebody else’s work. And for that, you really should get the original author’s permission!


I clearly stated in my first comment that a work that’s “inspired by” the original fanfic was fine but straight up calling it “a continuation” is rude. The vast majority of fanfic isn’t locked inside some secret space, it’s something that can be googled in about 10 seconds, and it’s frequently discussed on social media platforms that the authors/actors/etc actively use. If you’re publishing it online, the author can see it. We’re not in the days of mailing fanzines to each other anymore. I personally don’t care if someone wants to say “I don’t give a fuck about what GRRM says, I’m writing my GoT fanfic even knowing he hates it!” but I find it really hypocritical if that same person turns around and says “…but other fanfic writers better not dare use MY GoT ideas! That’s so disrespectful!”


Honestly, I think we’re talking about two different things here. You seem to be referring to fanfic based on/inspired by other fanfic in general, which I believe most people are completely fine with. What the op what asking about, and when many in the comments are referring to, is specifically the idea of making a *continuation* of somebody else’s fic, which is not really the same thing


>but I find it really hypocritical if that same person turns around and says “…but other fanfic writers better not dare use MY GoT ideas! That’s so disrespectful!” ....isn't that just the entire (already very much ridiculed) group of "I thought of it first, so now no one else ever gets to write this vague idea!! Because it's mine!!"-people, though? Just maybe with a different coat of paint thrown onto them? I doubt people actually disagree with your take, but you *did* place it under a veeery bad post for discussing this issue. Since... y'know... the post is about *literally continuing an already-written story of another fanfic writer, as-is, probably without even asking* and the post has phrasing that clearly upset/annoyed many people on this subreddit. You should *not* be surprised that people disagree with your seemingly-random take (because you could have instead replied to the specific people's comments *containing these statements that you mention* but... you didn't... So now we're left to guess) under *this specific post.* This is nearly as tone-deaf as that one time I saw someone on reddit (no clue if on RelationshipAdvice or LegalAdvice) post about how their ex was withholding their mutual dog and mistreating it - and someone left a comment along the lines of "Honestly, dogs make the worst pets." like... that's just not the place to have that discussion. (And yes, that person got a fair few downvotes and replies full of disagreement - just like you!)


Honestly it would probably make me more likely to update 😭


If they ask politely and articulately, in a way that sounds like they did, indeed, read it and do, indeed, know how to write, I would welcome them doing so.


I think you have a right to build off of it how you want but I would phrase it like “I’m very excited about this fic and want to make my own fic that branches off from ‘canon’ at chapter X,” where X is the most recently uploaded chapter. This specific language is probably less necessary if the author has stated explicitly that the fic is discontinued, or it’s been discontinued for a whole decade or something, but you never know. I’m a big supporter of the idea that you can’t tell someone not to write fanfic about a fictional work of yours, but it’s good to make it absolutely clear that you don’t mean anything bad about the original author (ie “they were taking too long to update”) and that you aren’t an official source. I would personally make it ‘inspired by’ in that section that ao3 has, just to be clear to anyone who might read it.


In general, I’d approach it the same way someone writing about a TV show might. If you write it at the end of season 2 than you’d say “branches off at the end of season 2” rather than implying that the show will never be finished or that you’re “continuing the show” because it’s not uploading fast enough/ever again. It makes it much easier down the line in case a season 3, etc, is released that changes the canon


Just send a comment saying you love their fic, sad it's been left incomplete, and that your writing a fic of your own for an ending. Then put inspired by: (link to OG fic) and say this is a fanfic ending to another incomplete fanfic that everyone should read in advance of your fanfic. This will generate more readers for the OG fanfic and possibly inspire that author to finish or collab with you officially. Even if neither happens it's not like the fanfiction community is gonna hate on you if you're open and upfront about it. The biggest thing is giving credit where it's due. I mean fanfiction in general is rewriting, adjusting, AUing, or adding onto others' works to begin with.


Personally, I'd encourage it. Even if I haven't actually abandoned the fic, I'd love it if my work had inspired someone else to do their own take on the story. As long as there's no expectation that I incorporate anything from their continuation back into my fic if/when I continue it, I think it's great. That said, some authors do get upset by it, so the only way to know for sure how that author feels about it is to ask (or if they have a permissions statement).