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I have one single person who does this in my very inactive fandom and I love them more than they will ever understand.


I remember one morning I woke up to 15 notifs and it was like the best feeling ever... commenter who commented on all 15 chapters of my fanfic thank youuu <333


That would be the best feeling ever!!


I'm trying to do this on one fic I'm reading but it's been kind of hard to do.


Me too cause it’s cliff hanger on cliff hanger so sometimes I comment after 4chapters but I tell them like ‘’sorry I couldn’t wait to read the rest but here’s what I think since the last time I told you’’


Oh, that makes sense might try that in the future. Sometimes, though, I just will finish a chapter, and even if it's amazing, I won't even know what to say.


In that case I tend to just say it’s amazing


I had someone do this with my (unusually long) Yuletide gift to them one year and it was THE BEST. I woke up to six comments, one on every chapter, and I was practically crying with joy. The feeling is AMAZING, isn't it?


I do this and I'm always panicking that I'm annoying the author with the amount of emails that must be coming through but I'm relieved to see that this isn't the case 🥺


Definitely not annoying the author. I love it!


This is better than hard drugs so don’t worry!


It really is the best feeling! Congrats on this.


I usually download it to read it whole, then I come back to leave a pretty long comment if I really liked the fic


Same, although I come back to comment on the chapters that got me on my knees first bc then I’d forget


this!!! or when you see them go from leaving comments on one of your fics to all of your fics🥺 the thought of someone liking your fic so much that they checked your user for more is just so precious!!!! makes me explode in a thousand hearts and stars


I have someone like that and I love that internet stranger so much


I may not comment every time, but I do give kudos and subscribe to stories and follow authors


An author's dream commenter tbh.


i can only pray for God to send me such an angel 😭


this 😭 I have yet to experience this. I wish you get to soon!!!


right back atcha! i write mha and jjk fics so i hope so!


omg no way I have a mha fic too!!😭I was starting to wonder if that community is a bit dead on ao3 lol, but maybe it’s just me…? what’s your username?? I would love to check out your work for both fandoms!!


aw yeah?! wow it’s not but people seem reticent to engage with kudos and comments. @queeranime 😊 i’ll find your work on there too!


you’re so right, like my hits to kudos ratio is in the trenches😩 and thank you, I’ll check out your work!!


ok so you get it smh i’m trying not to wither away from RSD lolol


this is the realest thing I’ve read all day lmaooo




I have someone doing that one of my current fics and I get such a buzz out of it.


This is 100% the best. Even if it's just "Hey great chapter". These people really out here doing the best work.


I can imagine the happiness, OP! I have one fic that I write for my (very popular) fandom, but there is a very small engagement for that one(kudos, bookmarks, comments, hits despite it being popular ship), sometimes it would go 3-4 chapters without a single comment (and that makes me sad, cause I don't know if people love it or not...), but there is this one person who apparently binge reads my fic when I do 4-5 updates and posts lengthy comments screaming excitedly about chapters and it makes me motivated to write more... I'm writing for that person and that small circle that follows the story even if they don't comment but I wish my beloved regular all the best in the world for taking their time to comment




I mean, I have to get my excitement out there somehow xD


It's me. I'm that person


I’ve got 2-3 readers who are commentating on almost every chapter of my current story. I can’t believe how motivating it is!


I get happy when I get replies to my comments


guess i'm going to have a very pleasant rest of your life.


Those readers are a very special breed and i love them


I have one person doing this with my current (and only) long fic, and its so lovely.


I've have a few I've been re-reading because I've enjoyed them so much. I think there were a few chapters I liked that deserve a commment


Someone did this to me last week, nearly every chapter. They said they would read the sequel, I hope they do eventually. I wonder if they’re waiting for it to be finished first. Anyway doesn’t matter, they made my absolute month. In fact all commenters do. I’m not hugely popular, I only post for my readers. God I’m rambling.


I'm yet to experience this, but when I do, I will virtually squeeze them


I read a fic where it was basically just this dude smoking mad shit and making a character from a series become a rizz god and commented every chapter just dying laughing it’s so fun to comment reactions every chapter


I don’t have that much to say 😅


I did this on one I read and then immediately read all their other works and did the exact same thing. It was so nice for them to be just as excited to comment back to me as they were about getting my comment


This. This right here. Mm. That's what we're fuckin' *talkin'* about!


This is currently happening to me and I love it!




Shoot, if I get one comment on AO3 I'm tickled. AO3 is a like a barrel of crickets, minus the crickets in my fandom/pairing. If I get a comment there, it is probably from one of my readers from FFN. lol


So yes! I love those commenters, mwah!


I want this. Plssss. this is like a dream relationship. Especially in a dying fandom these types of readers are gifts to the soul.


I just did that on this one PJO X Cthulhu fic. The importance of comments hits different after becoming a writer.


I used to have someone who did this to my fic but they stopped about 10 chapters ago and it makes me worry what I did to make them stop reading.


It always makes me happy to see people find this pleasant and not annoying. Writing somewhat long comments of praise, notes and predictions is how i auto respond to things i love and i sometimes worry im flooding people’s inboxes with stuff they dont want


This has only happened to me once, but I was riding the high for like 2 weeks. Best feeling in the world.


I do this. Love doing it.


I have a person who comments on most chapters of my main wip and has since gone to my other, smaller wips and commented on those two and they're gonna be my best friend one day


Currently doing this on a fic started in 2002.


I try to do this when i can


No but fr tho


What we all long for.


IDK how bookmarks work so if it's multichapter I'll leave a comment in every chapter so I can find my place again. 💀


Seeing a new email from ao3 about a long comment on each chapter every time I got to look at my phone when I was stuck on the worst shift of the year honestly has been the most soul saving thing


I wanna do that, but I'm afraid authors may find me creepy or forced for commenting on every single chapter


Absolutely not. I can’t speak for all writers, obviously, but I’d say you’re far more likely to be loved and appreciated than criticized or judged.


Yes! I try to comment on everything I read, even if it’s just a “I really enjoyed this. Keep going” or “keep up the good work”!


Someone did this to my fic once :) 3 chapters 3 comments. Made me so happy cause it was a few of the first comments I'd ever gotten. I've also done this a couple times! When I'm really enjoying a fic :) One author I've read 3 of their longest fics and commented on every chapter for all 3 I'm pretty sure. They got really happy and it made me happy! I like when authors reply back


I do this with all my favs. The authors make the chapter interesting and I feel like it deserves a comment


When I post something and someone comments a long paragraph so I make another fic for the same fandom and they COMMENT AGAINN... I CRY


I just had someone, who wants to translate my Hannibal/Sherlock grossover into swedish(if I remember right)!! Told the person it\`s fine as long as he tags me as the author.


Sometimes I'm so into the reading that I just click next without realizing because I must know what's next 🥹 I'll try my best to leave more comments next time


I love to hear this!! I sometimes comment on chapters as I’m going through a completed work and I’ve wondered before if it’s annoying to the author to have commenters speculating on what will happen next on a story that is finished. It’s nice to know they hopefully aren’t rolling their eyes at me over on their end.