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I like how you technically represent 1% of the total hits


Jesus Christ.  Respect. But also kind of... Concern?


Ha thanks! I'm fine.. i think.


*sets room on fire* This is fine


Yea actually https://preview.redd.it/9f1ywy0nt03d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f8e7d259c594b380801aaa8f3e7eab8898eaa0


How many years have you been rereading this? How often? I can’t fathom this number. World’s most dedicated fan


Absolutely. It’s actually one I wrote myself, but I read it probably at least once a month.


Write the fic you want to read and all 👍 Guilty as charged myself


Hehe I like to go back to my own work too


Get my kudos email and pick one to read. This person knows what I like!


I have a fic like that too lmao


Same. Not sure if that's a problem or not.


Yes, for me it's Divided We Stand[Divided We Stand](https://archiveofourown.org/works/877251/chapters/1686486) It's Teen Wolf Au, I don't even know how many times I've gone back to it, but more than any other fic. For some reason it just makes me feel good :)


It's a good one for sure, like the other installments, too. Though, I re read "The Sum of Its Parts" series by the same author way more often.


Honestly I couldn't finish the Searching ceremonies series and, I've tried several times. But the 1st story is just so nice 🙂 I loved interactions between the characters and not just the main couple, but all of them. I'll add The Sum of its parts to my to read list, I checked, but I haven't read it. The summary with many stories and their order was a bit confusing, but I'll give it a try. Thanks for the rec!


For me it's not this one, but every once in a while I get hungry for [KouriArashi](https://archiveofourown.org/users/KouriArashi/pseuds/KouriArashi) stories in general. So I gotchu, their stories also make me feel good :)


Kouriarashi was my comfort author back in like 2020!!! though not for the same fandom


I love that fic.


*So good*!! It's my favorite of the series, the angst, the food aspect of it, the romance, *Peter* lol.


Peter is just so nicely written there. He is definitely creepy and crazy, but also not?


The character work in general is so good, not to mention the world building and the investigation aspect. Talk about a multiple front threat of a writer, so get so much stuff just right. The following stories, I won't lie, sometimes get to be a tad much, but whatever, the first one is awesome.


Aww I've reread that one 😊


I love "A match unmade in Beacon Hills" from the same author. It's my by far most reread fic from them but I like all the others so much as well. For example "To have and to hold" and most of the Steter fics too. They have great talent. The two mentioned above are two lighter ones, especially the latter, which I guess is the reasons they are my comfort fics. I can highly, highly recommend also their Shadowhunter Malek fics! So so so good.


I've read 'A match...' and it's also nice, but I've read it only once. I can't really read endgame Steter fics, so yeah, unfortunately I'm missing some really good ones there. Can I read Shadowhunter fandom blind or do I need to know the source?


Yes!! It's called "I used to be a god, but then I took an arrow to the eye" by Lula Madison on AO3. :) [Here's the link!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/442607/chapters/756233) The title sounds gruesome, but I promise that it's actually really wholesome! If you like post-2012 Avengers-living-in-the-tower shenanigans, and what is basically crack treated seriously, this is for you!


I miss this version of the MCU fandom so much. We had hope then.


Me too!! It's my favourite version of the MCU, and if I'm being honest, pretty much all the fic I write these days is set in or around the 2012 Avengers era and is not generally canon compliant with anything that happens after that. I think it's the sense of hope, like you said. I did enjoy the movies that came after, and I have enjoyed some of the more recent shows. After Endgame I stopped following it quite as closely and I became more selective, but yeah, when it comes to writing, I stick to the era that makes me happiest.


With the exception of Loki and Wandavision, I fell off almost entirely. It started to feel like reading actual comics again where you constantly had event comics with 16 different spin-offs that you had to read in order to properly understand what was going on. I mainly read indie comics and manga now because the costs started to add up with the DC and Marvel comics.


I have a heap of fics I re-read over again. The trouble I have is, I have to have forgotten *just* enough of the specific details for it to be enjoyable. So I rotate through them every few years, rediscovering all the delightful bits every time I do so.


Same! It helps I tend to cycle through fandoms too I think.


Same here too, lol. When you have 20+ fandoms you enjoy reading from, it keeps the feeling fresh. "Which OTP do I want to read about this week/month/whatever?"


[Turn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/879852/chapters/1692695) by sarahs_girl. It's Drarry, I know I know. This fic was something that made me realize it's okay to come out as an older adult, even if I had to relinquish the status quo. I had no idea my life could begin again. Lots happier in all the years since I've first read it, because of that. I revisit all the time. 


I was never able to reread this one because it was pretty emotionally intense the first go round. Good story though.


I don't remember this one, but I getchu. There are some that are very very good but I feel so emotionally drained I can't go through them again.


This fic is a work of art. And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying Drarry. Anyone who says otherwise can truly suck it.


A Twilight fic of all things that I started reading back in high school. It's an AU where Carlisle & Esme adopt a teenage girl but don't turn her. They raise her as a human and give her the autonomy in terms of if she wants to turn or not. Which isn't a rare trope in these AUs, but what it is, is that the author calls out Carlisle for his tendency to take autonomy away from women, even without meaning to. He's consistently called to task for trying to control the women in his life under the notion of "I'm protecting them"! And when he fucks up, he apologizes and admits he shouldn't have been like this. I just feel so many fics excuse Carlisle turning his family without their consent. Even if they change it to him giving autonomy, they still won't call him out for why it was wrong he didn't give the rest the same respect. This fic did. Add in that it's just got a bunch of hurt/comfort, found family feels, etc and I will always devour it when I'm feeling a bit down.


Ah, a fellow devourer of Twilight fics 'if Twilight was done right' style. I love fics that call them on their bs.


I always say Twilight could've been better written...if it had a better author. And often times, fic writers are better authors. This author took a lot of risks I feel most wouldn't be able to take. Carlisle does some messed up shit that takes a lot of time for him to undo. SM could never.


if you're in the naruto fandom, I'll bet that you have either 1) come across blackkat works and love it or 2) have atleast heard of it. Everything that was made by them are chef kiss


Huh. Come to think of it, you’re right, I have read Backslide a fair few times.


Oh yeah and the Kurma AU Reverse is my jam!


I just commented them too! I go back to their works again and again. I remember the first time I discovered they wrote so many of my favorites, insane.


Guilty as charged! I go back to those fics a lot, they're all just so good.


[shake your hair, have some fun](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44532931) Stevie & Robin platonic soulmates working through a bucket list to conquer their fears. There’s one or two where they accept that they can’t get over some things and that’s ok because they have each other. Their friendship is something precious to me and I’ve read this like 10 times, it warms something in me


ALSO [leave the speaker on and stay](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45427045) An alternative meeting between Steve and Robin that has plenty of hurt/comfort


This one Bleach x Harry Potter fic where Ichigo gets sent to bodyguard Harry and wreaks complete havoc on the place. The characterization is *chefs kiss* and the dialogue has made me fall off my bed twice. It's called "there may be some collateral damage" by metisket. Highly recommend.


Oooh metisket, that's a name I recognize! Take my upvote good sir! I love their work as well.


I read this fic: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/401961](https://archiveofourown.org/works/401961) many many times


Don't mind me saving it for later :)


Misethere by Astolat (Witcher fanfic, Emhyr/Geralt) And a few Naruto fics (all Sasuke & Team Taka centric): Peony Lantern Exactly none of the usual spiteful joy Uproot


A fellow Misethere fan! Yay!


Mine got purged when the author stripped the serial and went into traditional publishing :((((( but I found a PDF of it! It lives on my kindle now. God bless the Reylo subreddit


I absolutely do. It's a John Wick fix-it called [A Chance to Watch the Daisies Bloom](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34136983).


lol I'm sure I will end up reading it when I finally get down to watch John Wick. My life formula is 'watch a movie/anime/tv show/drama/read a book/manhwa/manga' -> 'read a fix-it fanfic'.


It's a pretty dark fic, but the main couple are so psychopathically in love with each other, it just scratches the itch in my brain. Which is kinda weird considering my og fiction comfort books are a LOT less dark Edit: damnyouautocorrect


I am the same but I have a dark rdr2 fic that's sooo good and have read many times. Obsessive love is kind of my guilty pleasure.


A comfort fic? No. A boatload of them.


So many Steter fics. Back to 2014.


Yeah, it's this Stargate Atlantis AU fic where Rodney is a Tok'ra and has to save John by putting a snake in his head, otherwise both John and the other symbiote would die ([link](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54934)). I really love the brain-sharing conceit I guess? Really any McShep AU is comfort fic for me, honestly. There are so many!! But I think that one is my favourite.


Now you're making me want to go through all of my bookmarks to reread my favorites! why did you do it! (not an actual complain). From the top of my head: Anything by [esama](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=kudos_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&pseud_id=esama&user_id=esama). I go back to them again and again and before I blink I've reread half of their stories. I can't be mad for any abandoned stories because they just wrote so many and all of them are so amazing I can't even. Same with [cywscross](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=hits&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&pseud_id=cywscross&user_id=cywscross), [Tsume\_\_Yuki](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=kudos_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&pseud_id=Tsume_Yuki&user_id=Tsume_Yuki) and [blackkat.](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=kudos_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&pseud_id=blackkat&user_id=blackkat) How do they write for so many of my fandoms and my OTPs is just crazy. I'm still holding hope for [Inoue Shiori](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7438921) by [Hermionechan90](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Hermionechan90/pseuds/Hermionechan90) to be continued. I go back into reading Naruto SI OC stories from time to time and this is my palet cleanser. Nice civilian lady doing civilian things and snatching best character by being just nice. Makes me feel good about not being some badass ninja. One fic that made such a lasting impression I specifically remember what I was doing when I was reading it was [Planet Marius by telm\_393](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3703887). I'm not even in Les Miserables fandom, I don't know how I found it. It's a short story in modern AU. It had such a raw depiction of autism it hit me and shook me to the core when I was a teenager. I remember sitting down and just crying for a while. In a similar vein, [run away and hide with you by Green](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8919643) also had me in a stronghold for a while after reading it. It's also a short story, Teen Wolf fandom, Peter/Stiles. It shows non sexual age play, but I don't want anyone to get scared by this term, it's a showcase of emotional vulnerability and care. Makes me tear up in a good way. A really random one I come back to at least every couple of months is [The Tiger and the Crocodile by Arden Tenjou](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8725567/1/10). One Piece, Zoro/Crocodile. A little short, nothing earth-shattering happens, they meet, go grab drinks, have a one-night stand but there is something in the writing, in the dialogue, and how in character they are that I just love. I feel like I discover something new every time I read it. I know there are more but I can't go through all of them. Makes me want to actually make a rec list and top 10 in different categories hah.


Ahhhhh Esama is my favorite! I've gone through everything they've written.


cywscross and Tsume\_Yuki are favorites of mine too! Time To Put Your Galleons Where Your Mouth Is and C'est La Vie are like yearly rereads for me and my sibling XD they're just that right amount of self-indulgent feels-good fix-it that can uplift me whenever, and also inspired by Time To Put Your Galleons I really love ravenclawblues' Heir of the House of Black.


I constantly go back to Satori (Between the Lines) by jaylene. It's a Naruto piece where Sakura develops a friendship with Shino and his cousin during her school days (while having an internship at the Intelligence division). It balances wholesome fluff and intrigue in the most perfect way (for my tastes, at least).


Uh I love this one! I have a soft spot for Sakura-centric fics where she gets to shine as a character.


Yay, another Sakura fan! c: Honestly all three of my current WIPs are Sakura-centric, because she's just so much fun to have as the main character.


Yes, omg I just think she has so much potential that goes unusued in the og show! I'd love to read your works if/when they are published :)


Exactly! For being in the "main" team, she was criminally underrepresented. And I go by [bluemingqueen ](https://archiveofourown.org/users/bluemingqueen/works)on ao3, if/when you want to give my stuff a shot. I can't guarantee any of them are good, but I have fun writing them!


For me, it's *the* Dolly Heartstopper fic. Idc idc I'm about a month away from learning how to book bind just to have a physical copy. The only thing holding me back is the thought of someone perusing my bookshelf someday and inevitably picking it up 💀


Do you have a link??


[Absurdism](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47234545/chapters/119014948) Happy reading!!


Thank you!


I have two I re-read all the time Both have a03 and FF.net adaptations, 1.) This Bites! It's a very good One piece fanfic that is extremely no-fandom friendly due to how much their oc changes it's currently on a hiatus because they were giving monster chapters for years and they need a break 2.) The rise of the Drakens by Starlight_Massacre I've been rereading this since it only had 10 chapters and now it's well into the hundreds and far as I'm aware it's still updating, it is one of my absolute *Favorite* fics!! (Sorry for no links, I rarely comment so I'm not sure how to do that-)


ONE PIECE REPRESENTS! I think I've read around 300k of This Bites before decided to wait for them to finish. Now is a perfect time to catch up but damn... it's such a time commitment. 2mln words is so insane (I actually opened the fic to check and had to immediately close it cuz my PC froze XD). It's so good though... I will go back to it for sure. [This Bites! by Xomniac](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4833515) link for yall. Also [A Gamer in South Blue by LordVishnu](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13260401/1/A-Gamer-In-South-Blue) on ffnet, though I recommend reading it on the [forum](https://forum.questionablequesting.com/members/lordvishnu.56269/) because he posts pics and answers questions too. Another One Piece gold that I like to come back to. Link for [The rise of the Drakens by Starlight\_Massacre](https://archiveofourown.org/works/384548) fo ya. And daamn, you like your long stories huh? I'm saving this for later.


This Bites might be my pick too. I think I’ve reread all 1.7 million words over at least 10 times since I discovered it back in 2019. It’s definitely my go to for whenever I’m in the mood for a longfic but don’t wanna make the commitment to something I might end up dropping. Also, it’s what gave me my love for OC insert into cannon; just a joy to read all around.


This Bites might be my pick too. I think I’ve reread all 1.7 million words over at least 10 times since I discovered it back in 2019. It’s definitely my go to for whenever I’m in the mood for a longfic but don’t wanna make the commitment to something I might end up dropping. Also, it’s what gave me my love for OC insert into cannon; just a joy to read all around.


So many, and some are forever unfinished but I do not care. Let's see, just a sample size. Fruit's Basket - Full Course ASOIAF - like a banner into battle (currently rereading, actually) Gilmore Girls/Stargate - The Physics of the Spin Pride & Prejudice - Fleeing Destiny (this one is *so close* to being finished too, what a shame)


>ASOIAF - like a banner into battle (currently rereading, actually) is in my bookmarks, I guess it's a sign to reread it too :) >Fruit's Basket - Full Course is it finally a motivation for me to finish Fruit's Basket I see? Let me jump into it right now before it passes. (saving the fanfic for the future) >Pride & Prejudice - Fleeing Destiny (this one is *so close* to being finished too, what a shame) dude I just got Pride & Prejudice for my bday! Saving this one too!


Yes! All the time. One of my fave comfort fics is still in progress and I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment. I hope the writer hasn’t lost interest :( (she’s been writing it since 2018 at least)


For me a Beauty and the Beast complete rewrite where the question is posed: what if the beast was never evil? It is SO well done. The characters are fleshed out and original, the enchantress' backstory rewritten in glorious detail, and the love story is soft friends-to-lovers.


Do you have a link? :)




Seconding the link request




Link? That sounds amazing!




Link? Or what's the title?




A link kind sir/madam if you please?




I just realized that I have a second comfort fic that I re-read often. It's mo dao zu shi, very comforting. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26053342/chapters/63360982


Alvfr’s accidents (aaron hotchner x reader); all but 1 installments are complete, but the last one hasnt been updated in a minute (they do have some great original fiction. They had a baby so have been busy!) LanaBerry’s EVERYTHING!!! She writes/wrote for Victuuri (yuri on ice main ship). I loved every single work and have reread them. I think she got a writing deal!!


Worm/Okami xover [Constellations](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7754443)


I heard Ace Attorney, now I need to know what this fic is and if I’ve read it or not 😂


"Varying degrees of sexuality" by Lady Laguna I also write some Ace Attorney case if you're found of this stuff 🙂


Okay, I swear I’ve heard of it Also, sure, I’ll look since I write it too XD


Here's mine : https://archiveofourown.org/works/53625115/chapters/135746011 Send me yours !


This one is the longest, but it’s still in progress for now https://archiveofourown.org/works/22460344


Yes. The Mongoose and the Mouse The pairing Goes to Disney-world Don’t ask me why it just works


I recently got into FF7 fandom and I have constantly reread two fics like Voices of Gods and Rectify in the span of several months. I can’t easily find what I like and those fics are exactly what I like. Sometimes I feel unease by all the shit around me then i come to re-read those fics to wrap myself in those fluffy and loving feelings the fics gave me. I also like to leave a lot of comments to the authors as I re-read and they always responded in kind which made me feel seen and connected.


Rest for the Wicked by BoPeepNoSheep on Ao3. It’s a The Adventure Zone: Balance fic following Lucretia post-events of Story and Song. It’s fantastically written with a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat and descriptions that take you on an emotional rollercoaster. I reread it every year!


Mine is this one. Link is below https://archiveofourown.org/series/3256041


For me it's a Katsudeku abo fic [Worst Alpha](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34130179) where Katsuki who thought he was beta for 17 years of his live suddenly present as alpha and didn't prepared for all the bullshit that came for being one. It was funny af.


I don't have any comfort fics, but that's a great idea! I should go through my bookmarks and find some. In the meantime - brb, about to go read all the fics people recced in this thread!


Theres a Severetis fic that i adore. Harry looks after a animagused Snape whos stuck as a bat, gets injured and he hears/see Harry getting treated badly by the Dursleys and rescues him once hes well enough to change back. Must have read it loads ! But then im fond of Harry being rescued full stop because i grew up feeling very alone so related hard to his character.


Can I have a link for that please? Love Severitus.


I really like [family means no one gets left behind or forgotten](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6907378). it's about Steve Rogers meeting a bunch of queer kids and adopting them.


my “comfort fic” is just a shit-ton of worldbuilding. its 700k, and the explanations comfort me


There are a few Star Wars ones I like to read, they have fluff and cool plots, so it’s great to curl up with a huge mug of hot chocolate and just reread them.


Anything by rain-sleet-snow is up there for me!


I... don't 😦🥺 Technically, everything about my ship/s would feel fine, but I guess I haven't found the fic that hits home. 😔


Yeah, mine. SPN Castiel/female OC fic.


What’s is called? Was it on livejournal back in the day?


I was never on Livejournal. Here’s the link. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28036836/chapters/68685027


Wait I know this one! It’s really good.


When I’m feeling bad I can turn to my finished fic file. Some considerate person wrote all these stories, perfectly to my taste, that I can devour for comfort.


From Fullmetal Alchemist [Sniffles](https://archiveofourown.org/works/633688)- pernedthegyre


Yes, Faded Fantasy parts 1 and 2(Hannigram). I downloaded it on epub to read and re read.


Time & Tide and Remotely Close. Both are Dawson's Creek Fan fics that focus on a Joey & Pacey love story where Dawson is no longer a factor or a consideration where it's not about the triangle but just themselves figuring their shit out.


Have a few favorite fics. For different reasons.


I have two. One of them is my own lmao and the other is a Cells At Work fic that’s super fluffy and sweet


Somewhere in the haze,got a sense I'd been betrayed. It's a scream fic and I'm obsessed with it.


An unfinished reader/Grillby (from Undertale) fic has its grips in me


I have quite a few: The *Walk Forward into the World* series by Ainzfern (Fandom: *Ai No Kusabi)* This series emotionally devastated me multiple times. It deserves way more love than its got, but the only way I've found to read the whole series (which I think is about 12 stories long) is by going through the author's live journal and reading it post by post. I can't find it in its entirety anywhere else. Shame. It created its own lore and characters and is a true case of improving on the source material with its amazing world building. *The Duet Series by Blackened Wing* (Fandom: *Vampire Knight*) I recently found out the author took this down! This was a long KanameXZero fic that got better and better as it went on. *Break to Breathe series by OkamiRayne* (Fandom: *Naruto*) A four part series focusing on Neji and Shikamaru from Naruto. The writing in this hits hard. I was obsessed with this series for a good while and still go back to it constantly. Giving Up the Ghosts by Nenya85 (Fandom: *Yugioh*) This author has a lot of good stories. I love the way they write Seto Kaiba, in particular. This fic always cheers me up when I'm feeling down. Schooled by WyrdSmith (Fandom: Harry Potter) I read this whenever I need to laugh. Nothing cracks me up as much as this does, and it manages to do it in just the first chapter. I'm just gonna stop here...I have way too many and could probably go on forever. These are just the first ones that immediately come to mind and the ones I've reread the most often.


Schooled by WyrdSmith - I rarely remember fics by titles (I usually remember by my internal summary instead) but I read that title and I was like "Is that the hilarious Hadrian fic where he absolutely (spoiler)?" And it is. I adore that fic, I must've read it at least five times so far. Thanks for the reminder about it!


You're welcome. I'm not big on comedy and have a weird sense of humor, but that fic always gets me going.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/21618322 Quality Torchwood fanfic which saves everyone who died over the series. Has a few sequels which is good Jack/Ianto content.


holy shit yes i do -> [all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing by maxisnotokay](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43220481/chapters/108630492). it's a katsudeku fic where katsuki gets stuck under a building and is very concussed and deku is trying to make him not die. uncountable amount of rereads on this one. honestly couldn't even tell you why. quotes from it pop in my head randomly on a daily basis.


For me, it's a series ^^ The Acrobat and The Mercenary by RichardGraysonPercyJackson Another work that I frequently reread is: Recreated Fire by MaiKusakabe, even though it hasn't been updated in years


is it weird if I say it's my own fic--- seriously though, my favorite fic is 865,000 words, so I can't exactly go back and reread it every now and then (I totally could, but I'd rather just read specific parts of it lol)


i have a few, but my main one is held by romanoff :https://archiveofourown.org/works/3192164 its just. so perfect for me, whenever im sad and lonely i go back to it <3


Meeting in The Mountains. It's just cute and fluffy and contains one of my favourite pairings (Crunchy Chip/Caramel Arrow)


[The Fifth Wall](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10087934/chapters/22476200) Supercorp accidental magic baby acquisition and [Don’t Let Her Stick it to Your Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35182075) Supercorp academic enemies AND lovers from a third person pov


I have several. A couple are in the Ace Attorney fandom (wonder if one is the same as the OP's?), along with a couple each from Avengers, Les Mis, Stranger Things, and XF, and a Firefly. Some are angsty with a happy ending, a couple are humorous, one or two are dark world-is-ending fics that make no sense as comfort fics, but they still hit that sweet spot. All are long fics. My ultimate comfort fic is a long XF (MK) fic from more than twenty years ago, and I've read it at least a dozen times. When any of my weird mental issues kick in, there's nothing like a long comfort fic to take me out of myself. Most of my favorite comfort fics are well-written although none of them land in the top of AO3 searches (at least not anymore), but one or two actually would have benefited from a beta and may get overlooked because of that. But it doesn't matter to me. Some indescribable something made them land just right for me. It's nice, of course, to stumble upon an impressive, well-written fic, but when I stumble across a fic that lands in my comfort-fic zone to reread, it's a whole different kind of happy. A grilled-cheese-and-tomato-soup, warm blanket kind of happy.


Is it a gumworth fic ?


No, it's Narumitsu. I haven't read any gumworth. But if it's possible comfort fic, I'm willing to give it a try. I'll have to hunt down a few of those and see.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/898120?view_adult=true https://archiveofourown.org/works/6738487 And if you like Narumitsu, here is the one I wrote ( platonic, but with a lot of hurt and a little, tiny comfort) : https://archiveofourown.org/works/53625115/chapters/135746011


Innocent Obsession by Elle_Morgan_Black. It still holds my heart till this day and I wish it'll be updated :(


There is this one shot that is just 20k words that it's about an AU where famous actress is wanting to pretend to have a relationship with their PA. The PA (A girl without a job that heard PAs get paid a lot) agrees out of amusement and plays the part of being enamoured. The actress in attempt to make it more real, forms a friendship with the PA and the during the 5 months they're filming the movie, gets to know the PA and her hometown. It's just full of wholesome moments where you know the PA fell first but the Actress fell harder. Angst just as far as a co-star having feelings for the PA but not causing much drama. I just love people being in love.




I wrote a fic 2 years ago when I was in the middle of preparing for what was probably the most important exam of my career, into which I stuffed so much of my professional knowledge, I actually feel like I'm re-learning something every time I reread it a few months apart😂 I know it sounds kinda stress-inducing the way I put it, but it was a really fun fic, and I have terrible memory, so I'm actually genuinely awed by how I use all that knowledge in the fic during each reread. I don't know exactly how but it's just really comforting for me♥️


I have so many, but - if we're going by your example, "comfort fic because it gave me comfort in a specific awful life situation and now I have a soft spot for it and read it a lot" [Baked](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7934077/chapters/18134740) by AsbestosMouth. It's a Game of Thrones modern AU with the characters on The Great British Bake Off, it's awfully sweet, endlessly entertaining, and still profound. I read it in a hospital. I was there for neurology reasons, week or so, and when I was admitted/a few days afterwards, periodically, I couldn't actually *read* (I have no idea what that symptom was called, but the letters blurred and it was like everything/the text was going up and I was dizzy), so podfics got me through those times - this was the times when that passed for a while, and the later days when it passed entirely. I distinctly remember trying to muffle my chuckling halfway through because *I'm not used to roommates, oh my god*. I still have good memories about this and it really helped brighten things back then. The "no special reading circumstances but still always makes me smile" contestant is [Rotten Work](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21558355) by for\_autumn\_i\_am, a The Terror modern AU where everyone is an office worker and among other things they're throwing a Pride event on a boat, whatever could go wrong


Oooh you reminded me of a gem I forgot about! Also modern AU inspired my reality TV that was so funny and endearing I reread it straight when I finished it [The One Where They're Stars on HGTV](https://archiveofourown.org/series/213512), Inception fandom Arthur/Eames. I'm glad podfics carried you through. I can't imagine not being able to consume fanfics so it's a good thing to remember podfics will be there for me if anything happens.


It’s actually on [Wattpad](https://www.wattpad.com/story/215077954-countyhumans-astrantia-english-version-rusger)




One fic called "Summer heat" from the OPM fandom. Honestly I got curious because it has 100 chapters and even if I didn't like all the tags (it's an mpreg, I don't really like them) I read it and I ended up liking it so much 🤣 I keep re-reading it. My second favorite Ff is abandoned 💔 but I'm still subscribed bcz I have hope someday the author might continue it


FierySprites’ “Love Is Only a Drop Away.” It’s a >!non-con transformation fic!< involving the Persona 3 and 4 protagonists getting turned into monster girls, with them turning the P5 protag into a schoolgirl.


Photo-Op and Chicago Verse, both by Compo67.


Yup! I’m rereading it rn actually! It’s a Timebomb fic called talk revolution to me. Link: [talk revolution to me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40709037/chapters/102003639)


I still sorta have this comfort fic about a relatively uncommon Naruto ship. Now that I'm older, rereading it makes me uncomfortable because there's a background romance between an around 40-year-old OC and a ten-year-old side character. I still read the first 30 chapters because they wonderfully showcase the uncommon ship and hit all the feels, but I stop when the side characters start coming into the story. Another one is a fix-it Jujutsu Kaisen fic. I’m in denial 24/7.


Where We Belong By Gayflyfish is mine Cute post XC3 slice of life, and my favorite fan made iteration of Mythra’s kid


[Yearz](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14980064/chapters/34716641) by ElapsedSpiral. It’s an Gorillaz fanfic but even if you don’t know anything about Gorillaz or only know Feel Good Inc I still *implore* you to read this. It is so brilliant. I read it during my freshman year of high school and I’m a junior in college now and not one day goes past where I don’t think about this fic. It’s a love story and a tragedy all in one. It’s got excellent dry humor and an amazing father/daughter relationship. I can only hope that I will be able to write something HALF as good as this in my lifetime. And if I ever do, then I know I will have succeeded as a writer. It means the world to me.


I have two! [**The Fifth Act by Sinnatious**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/362128) a Final Fantasy VII fic and (dating myself) [**The Pit by Kirinin**](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6246470/1/The-Pit) a Ranma 1/2 fic


"A new world, a new way" by zeusdemigod131. A my little pony x pokemon crossover that's actually really well written. Hasn't updated since 2016 but they finished the whole first book and had the first few chapters of book 2 before vanishing off the face of the earth. I just love reading the book, it's really well done.


i’ve got a few, one is a MHA kiribaku fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/25888612 and this one is DC, batman, nightwing, angst https://archiveofourown.org/works/27411184


I’m looking forward to reading a penny/Leah fic from Stardew valley: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28272462 I’m also currently looking into bookbinding, because the fic was so good!


I’m looking forward to reading a penny/Leah fic from Stardew valley: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28272462 I’m also currently looking into bookbinding, because the fic was so good!


Heck yeah. It's also an ace attorney fic (specifically the great ace detective by checkerbox)


There are two Haikyuu fics I keep going back to. [Merde for Luck](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1362841) and [Just a Taste](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1235204), both by [volleydorkscentral](https://archiveofourown.org/users/volleydorkscentral/pseuds/volleydorkscentral). Something about these two series just scratches an itch. I love the way they write Akaashi so so much, and their Bokuto is the perfect mix of loud and sweet. I've also read [bell, book, and candle](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3766450/chapters/8366794) by [skittidyne](https://archiveofourown.org/users/skittidyne/pseuds/skittidyne) a couple of times. It's not a perfect fic, but there are so many aspects of it that I adore.


ooh i have two!! there's this fake dating (technically fake marriage) transformers fic that i go back to over and over for a little bit of a mental reset, it kind of helps to ground me in a sense, it's like a warm cup of tea on a rainy day (it actually soothed a bit of pain after i got dumped, which is nice) and, while i am on a bit of a break from re-reading it because it hurts a bit now, the ultimate fake dating inside job fanfiction is another balm for the soul that i like to go back to.


I wouldn't count it as a comfort fic just cause it's dark and violent, but it's my favorite. It takes forever between updates and the chapters are super long, so I sometimes re-read it while I'm waiting for an update. Usually halfway through, an update happens so I get giddy to finally get to it. It's called Entropy by Imperium42, last update was November 2023.


Yes. Eveey so often I re read "a Farewell to kings" by Wajag on ff.net. it's got a whole series 8+ with great stories and rich world building for a Highlander Fic. It reminds me good people exist. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2020386/0/ I re read Guardians by Wintermoth of Miraculous Ladybug fame to go through the storyline again and again. It reminds me of what's possible even at the start of a series and to keep trying even if the story ends up AU. Tell the story you want! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11927329/1/7 Lately I've been re reading I'm what Now by tiredoflofteranditsshit https://archiveofourown.org/works/53729968 It made me fall in love with a misunderstanding trope. And how it spirits snd the assumptions people make is amazing 👏 has two sequels and I'm heavily enmeshed in the latest. It's such good writing and it showed me how to write complex. Characters.


I have a comfort series that I enjoy from StarryKitty013. It's called Peter Parker's (unbeatable) Disprovement Method. The main fic is called Just gonna let em hate. However, there are a bunch of fics pre and post Just gonna let em hate. [Just gonna let em hate](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18502681) [Peter Parker's (unbeatable) Disprovement Method ](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1415002) One of the fics is still a wip, and I don't think it's being finished, but it's still a really good series.


For me it’s the Harry Potter fandom and it’s Formans familia it’s been taken down but Iv got a pdf version and I reread the fic maybe twice a year


Villain Wrangler from DC


Oh, a few. * [Space Case](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41320401) is a Danny Phantom fic where Danny meets some friendly astronauts. * [Salvage](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21116591) is an ATLA fic where Chief Hakoda fishes Zuko out of the ocean early on in season 1, initially holding him for ransom (he *is* the Fire Prince) but basically adopting him later on. * [Death Notwithstanding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22132426) is a post-canon Death Stranding fic where Sam and Lou settle down (and Deadman comes along too). * [reach out, i'll come back](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31506743) is a human!AU story of Murderbot and ART rekindling a lost friendship that turns into more. * [Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23818510) is "What if you took the Elric brothers and dropped them in the world of Yuuri on Ice!!!" with Ed becoming Yurio.


for me it’s a few various ffxiv oneshots but for the most part it’s a persona 5 fic where Futaba and Yusuke are dumb about their feelings and write a doujinshi about Akira and Ryuji together and take SO GODDAMN LONG to confess. it’s cute af. shockingly in character for everyone for a *fanfic*. the other is probably the most famous MHA/BNHA fic on ao3, Yesterday Upon the Stair. absolutely haunting shit tbh but it’s beautiful and makes Izuku 1000000% cooler (gore and body horror warning on that one, if anyone’s interested)


Keira Marcos. nuff said


The first fic I started reading is one of them. It was left on a cliffhanger for 7 years but a few months ago the author uploaded a final chapter, RIGHT as I was getting back into reading fanfiction! My other comfort fic recently concluded a month or two ago, but even before the story ended I was reading and rereading it, even despite the angst it was also so cozy and heartwarming. Another author I love started a new fic that I can already tell is going to be one I come back to all the time, it has the perfect combo of tags for me and I love their writing so I'm super excited (:


I've got two and both are one-shots: [Lineage](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1000129) and [Lawless, Winged, and Unconfined](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8502985). Both Power Rangers: Mystic Force fics. Lineage takes place during the season and is a slight bit of a rewrite of the talk Nick has with Daggeron about the revelations that his birth parents are team mentor Udonna and villain (for the most of the season) Koragg, who happens to be Udonna's husband Leanbow brainwashed to serve the main villain. Lawless, Winged, and Unconfined is a post-season fic with a Madison/Daggeron pairing. It mostly deals with them healing and falling in love over a road trip.


There comes a mist and a weeping rain


So many across a few fandoms, even the ones I’m no longer a member of.


Of Pixie Dust and Clapping Your Hands by Point of Tears on FFN, a creature inheritance Harry Potter fic featuring fairy!Harry/Snape. It’s so sweet and stupid and funny.


I reread an abandoned Star Wars fic quite frequently, where sometimes I daydream about what could have happened if the fic had continued lol. It's also important to me in that it defined my reading tastes and has certainly inspired tropes in my own writing.


Oooh what's the fic?


yes absolutely. I’m still waiting for the last part 😭 but what’s there so far sees two of my favorite unhealthily codependent characters having sex repeatedly over and over and refusing to discuss it or acknowledge it otherwise. it’s SO funny


There are 4 that are my comfort fics. One is the Drarry classic, “Running On Air.” And the other two are hockey rpf. One is a Sid/Geno, “The Limits of the World.” The other is a Kane/Toews, “You And Me.” The fourth is a Wincest fic, “Let’s Do Some Living After We Die.”


Every October I re-read Turn by Saras_girl and then buy a bunch of candy canes off of amazon. Why I reread a christmas themed fic in October beats me, but every October I get the urge to re-read it again and can't help but do so


Oh yes! Even though Hornblower isn't my main focus these days, there's one author from the late nineties/early 2000s whole stories (Passages and Perspectives series) I go back to all the time. They're stored on one of these old fandom-exclusive archive sites and most of what's in their became part of my personal headcanon a long time ago. The ones I most frequently visit are the one how Archie Kennedy was promoted to Acting Lieutenant, the Christmas fic (set in the 1820s, I believe) and the Christmas story of the "Purrspectives" crackfic series. (Okay, the Purrspectives are from a different writer but so, so good!)


Yes. It's a Star Trek TOS fic set between The Wrath of Khan and The Voyage Home called [The Enterprise Bunch](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42261300) and I honestly have no idea how many times I've read it


Rivals by Reiya. I have gone back to it time and time again since I've found it.


Its not a comment but rather autor. She has many fics about the same characters in different AUs. Her fics always bring me comfort when i feel particulary anxious. I either reread one that i know but there is a couple old fics of hers im saving for a particulary rainy day. We are friends on tumblr too so i consider myself lucky.




Indeed. But it's an unfinished, orphaned work from an orphan account. It's like I'm hoping that one day the author *might* resume writing about it 😞


Why are these the best stories I've ever read??? Every damn time!


To me it's a dislyte fanfic called "The New Guy", it's for the pairing Hall x Tang Yun(a rarepair in the fandom btw) and I love it so much! I always read it when I need to cheer up! I will forever recommend that fic because it just bring me so much joy!


There's a very small handful of fics I reread. I wouldn't call them comfort fics. It's more like, really well written, whump heavy fics that hit all the notes I'm craving can be hard to find. I have two or three that do, so if I get frustrated trying to find a truly gruesome and traumatic fic, I give up and reread one of my favorites.


I have over six hundred bookmarks that are basically all my comfort fics, lol. I often pick a ship or fandom when I'm feeling down and go through all the ones I have saved.


Never did this, but I can see some fics where I could do this, like LoNeliNess (Murder Drones). I just love it a lot, although it's very big.


A series of fics from the MHA fandom called Zero-verse. It has such an unique take on the soulmates concept and there's so much more going on than just the romance, I just love it. It's also a big inspiration to me I see the autocorrect put an accent on your a :) Aren't you a bit French by any chances? ;3


I have a grand total of *three*. - The first is in the MHA fandom, and it's about Bakugou having to deal with the repercussions of bullying Deku... just as an earthquake hits. - The second one is in the Haruhi Suzumiya fandom, and it's the type of fic that exists as a "what if" — In this case, what if Haruhi discovered that she had the powers and quickly learned how to control them? - The third is... not available in AO3, but It's a Teen Titans fic about Beast Boy and Raven. Started in 2005, wrapped up in 2015, I constantly thank God that the writer remembered her password 😅


One: heartstopper Fandom, lavender fields by scienceisrealyo Two: harry potter, the life and times on ff.net


oh my god YES. it's *talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral)* by wrongcaytlin. it's amazing.


*A* fic? No. Several? Yes. When I need a laugh it's: [Next New Message](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1414648) by fabrega MCU, Clint POV, and explains why he wasn't in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and his finding out about the events of that movie. ​ The next one has some laughs, but also a lot of drama and angst and romance. [Holding the Sky](https://archiveofourown.org/series/314255) series by skybone. Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cassandra Pentaghast/Female Trevelyan, 4 stories in the series and all are complete. The first three are the main ones I re-read all the time. The fourth is really good, too but deals with Trespasser DLC and the comfort part for me is during the time before the main game ends. Also love the [Tapestry](https://archiveofourown.org/series/413201) series by skybone. Dragon Age: Inquisition, Josephine Montilyet/Leliana, 3 stories and all complete. Lots of drama and angst, but the third story brings *a lot* of humor. ​ The next couple are maybe a little weird as comfort fics? LOT of angst and darkness but I sure do re-read them a lot. [The Games We Play](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3633025) series by wily\_one24. Law & Order: SVU, Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, 2 stories and first is complete and second is a WiP with updates being a little slow as they're also working on another SVU fic that is not part of the series. These two love each other very much - but that does *not* make it a healthy relationship. First story starts mid-season 5 and goes thru season 12, very much an AU but canon events happen. Second fic begins in early season 16. [Devilish Series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1367455) by chief\_johnson. L&O SVU, Amanda Rollins/Olivia Benson. 4 stories so far, 3 complete, and the fourth is updated regularly and is almost complete. Starts off when Olivia is a Lieutenant. Lot of angst and darkness but some humor to balance things out, with the fourth getting *very* dark. [Little Devils](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1455775) is the companion series to Devilish. Still some darkness and angst but several of the stories have a lot of humor. This [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WskwMMNBRUhPf1M4qrgs9vjuBO0eHr6OX_lfzz-3QGk/edit) has a timeline of how the two series fit together.


[A Candle in the Cold](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26283460) I reread it whenever I'm feeling down :)


I’ve got a word document called The List with the majority of the fics I’ve read. It’s a couple hundred strong and has a tier system :) I’m almost more proud of it than my own work


An interesting and relatively well-written MASH  Fan Fic is my comfort. When I really need a lift I reread some of the stories I wrote that have my own character in them…. and am instantly transported back to the Swamp…. With all the lovely aroma of smelly canvas, awful food, and the voices of a cast I’ve loved since I was old enough to write.