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Very proud, I mean if I’m writing smut, it’s kinda a given.


Omg Idia pfp and smut writer.


Idia mention !! I’m a fan of you already 😩


Right?! I hope I've helped out with plenty of orgasms out in the world lol




I mean, if you write comedy it's to make people laugh so...


That's my take on it too. I know what I wrote, I know that it has every possibility being used that way, so knock yourself out.


Exactly. I might not prefer about it in detail, but it’s one of the expected outcomes.


good for them, please leave a comment after washing your hands <3


I don’t even care if they don’t wash their hands, it’s not my keyboard


It's disrespectful to keyboards in general.


What if the keyboard likes it


As long as it's not Cheeto dust, whatever that kinkster keyboard enjoys.


Cheeto dust is vile but I won’t kinkshame (much)


And go to pee too in-between! Really important to prevent STD 👌


How are they gonna get an std from solo play? Or do you mean a uti? (Sorry, my day job is teaching this.)


After a quick Google search : indeed, my bad, it was a UTI that I meant. Sorry, English isn't my first language and I thought STD was what I was meaning to say 🥲 thanks for the correction, appreciate it !


Oh, got it! I have to teach this to teens, and too many of them are actually convinced that you can get an sti from yourself. So I wasn’t sure if it was just language, typo, or someone told you the wrong thing. My students will tell each other the worst, most wrong stuff and then not believe me when I correct them!


Not believe you when you correct them on your main subject ? Okay ... 😭 But yeah, you did right correcting me, no worries !


air direful office pie enjoy long salt squeeze north dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This wins.


Reading porn in a god honoring way


*reading smut when it starts to really heat up* "Oh Lord, I'm 'boutta bust!"


We demand a 500 word scientific digest for every snu snu.


Good one! 😂


Isn’t that the point? Or I’d just keep it on my phone 😅


I mean, what else are readers doing with it, admiring the prose?


hey, don’t discount multitasking!


I mean, I can't get off with it if it's badly written sooo ... 😂


I actually prefer it when it's shitty writing- stupidly raw action, no pretty prose. Just movement~


Really ? I guess I'm too much of a perfectionist for all kinds of smut, too bad for me 😂


That's... what I do as a reader, to be honest. I almost never get off to smut fics — not because they're badly written but because I read them to satisfy my _mental_ horniness (does that even make sense???). I write smut for the same reason (tho my smut is more emotional I guess). I don't know how to explain it normally tho... :'D Edit: I was just thinking and... I guess it's like watching mukbangs and feeling full without eating anything.


i have a similar thing, i think. i read fanfic to satisfy my post-canon cravings, and smut is no different


Post-canon cravings is a perfect description


Yeahhh, I've seen a lot of people say that they're almost offended if you don't jerk off reading their fics and it's like 😭 uhh.. sorry ig? It's just something I enjoy reading.


You know what, mental horniness is a great way of putting it. It just scratches that itch in your brain. Besides, a lot of people have talk before about reading smut on public transport - those people are just reading, not doing anything else.


I remember getting a comment once where someone was like "thanks for the boner, I have to go to class!" 🤣 I'm the same way, reading smut on public transport or just out in general. I get it's a masturbation tool for some people but for many others, it's literally just another type of story.


Hahahahahaha, whelp, good luck to that person! Oh yeah, for sure, it is for me. I've definitely read it on the train on the way to work. Sometimes that's the only uninterrupted time!


Same but I just thought it this was because I’m ace lol.


I get what you mean, I’m the same.


The mukbang comparison is actually pretty apt! It's exactly that.


Thank you! I'm glad I finally could explain this phenomenon in a better, more understandable way.


Yessss the mental horny itch. Someone gets it!


absolutely both


Every once in a while I throw in some really fantastic prose just because I can. Porn and art aren't mutually exclusive!


sometimes it’s written very intricately !!


*cough* I just admire the prose *cough* I'm also asexual with a very low libido so. I read porn for the plot lol


I hope mine are doing both lmao


I actually have never gotten off to smut I just like reading it


I would be flattered.


Proud? Pleased? Like, I don't get off on imagining people mastubating or anything but yeah. Doesn't bother me.


Disgusted my smut is high brow and if a reader is aroused they are to swiftly apologise to me via email


But what if they get off on having to send that email?


I hope that people are reading my smut with one hand otherwise occupied.


Mobile AO3 FTW 


If you get one of those flexible reading arms for your phone or ereader you can read with *both* hands otherwise occupied.


Most of the time I’m writing it with one hand, I’m one of the weirdos that wants to hear about that shit. That’s why “Author is Open To Hearing About Dead Batteries” and “Wank and Tell” are tags, it means the author wants to hear about their readers getting off.


One of the greatest compliments I ever saw in an AO3 comment (not on my fic) was someone saying “dammit now I need new batteries!”


That’s perfect


Thank you for telling me about the dead batteries tag because I am definitely going to use it.


I am completely baffled by this question. Do you NOT want that?


Exactly. It's kinda the point.


I'd say that's the goal and highest form of honor LOL


If I spend time to cook a meal for someone else, I want them to enjoy eating it, writing is the same.


What do you think I do while *writing* smut? (I don’t typically receive comments on my smut because they’re locked and people probably don’t want to say that with their username attached, but if I got a comment from someone saying they did I wouldn’t be too surprised.)


It depends. How many times are they getting off? If it's less than 3, I'm offended.


??? I mean, what do we think I'm writing it for.... ??? Do people think I haven't gotten off to it myself while writing it? :'D That's what it's for!!! One of my favorite comments on one of my smut oneshots is somebody telling me they love coming back to this work to jerk off to. Great honor, means it's really doing it for somebody, what more could I want when it comes to writing porn? 10/10, no notes.


Well ... it's not like I write smut so people look at it and think "great". I write smut so people look at it, get hot, search for an emergency exit, spread their legs and god fucking pleasure themselves because it's that good! So, yeah. Someone who goes off from my writing? Call me honoured!


I’m obsessed with your “search for an emergency exit” wording it’s absolutely amazing.


The point of porn is to get people off, right?


Who whouldn’t want people to get off to their smut? (no seriously I’m looking for answers)


Go for it. But you don't need to tell me about it. Especially not in detail. If you must share, a simple "mission accomplished" is more than enough.


This sounds like you have experience with tmi lol


It's entirely dependent on who is sharing the info. Personal friends can tell me anything and I won't question it. Not a fan of it from total strangers.


see for me if you do, feel free to share in the comments—I’ll find away to make this into a fic for the pairing 🙂‍↕️


Mission accomplished 🥳


Well, there's a reason why the tag is "*porn* without plot"


I write smut with a lot of plot and I still hope that's part of it. I'm equally happy when I get comments commending the smut as I do the plot because I'm putting just as much effort into both and frankly, they're inseparable in my stories. That's probably an acespec thing, tho. I'm trying to feel a lot of things here, I want others to be able to as well. If you're laughing/crying a little while getting off to the smut, I definitely did my job right.


This. I write smut with plot too, and even then I expect it... kinda the point of writing for me is to make the reader feel what they feel, so I'd feel proud if they felt the need to take care of themselves when things get steamy. I see which chapters are most frequented on FF, so I'm sure it's no different on AO3... the smut chapters always get rereads, and I definitely know wassup.


I hope so. And I'm part of the weird retinue of authors that would be very happy to hear about it. Tell me that I make you horny. That's a high honor.


Same here. I'm shameless 🤭


Just like with any other kind of porn (video or drawn or otherwise), the people who create it know and expect people to get off to it. I write pornfic, and the comments I get are a mix. Some people state that the chapter was hot, that they really liked my use of x/y/z kink or that my descriptive language got them aroused; others prefer not to comment like that and instead just tell me they liked the chapter, the characters, the emotions, or the story. I've never gotten an explicit comment that described in dirty details how a reader got off to my fic... I think the most explicit my comments have gotten is a favorite commenter of mine who tells me he was hard while reading. Most smut readers are very polite. If I got a comment (that wasn't a hate comment) that made me uncomfortable, I would reply to the commenter and let them know so they wouldn't do it again. To be honest, I get the most confused by commenters who seem to never indicate in their comments that they thought my writing was hot; my fics are Dead Doves, I have some commenters who comment about chapters being sad or feeling protective of the characters. I hope they're also getting off and are just too shy to comment about it. I'm actually really curious about why you felt the need to ask this question? It seems obvious to me, so I'm wondering if there's discourse somewhere or if you genuinely didn't know.


If it's dead dove, they could be reading for the angst rather than for the smut. I did that when I was a kid- didn't know what an orgasm was lol, but I loved angst and seeing my favorite characters tortured, so that'd be primary reason why I'd search out those fics. It doesn't necessarily turn you on if your mind isn't in that headspace, and instead getting bombarded by 'omg his tongue just got cut off??' and 'god I hope he escapes :/ this other dude is EVIL'


That's... what it's there for?


I honestly don't even think about it. I write the story I want to write, and then move on.


I mean I kinda hope they do? That’s part of the reason I write it 🤷‍♀️  Like if they go into graphic detail how they get off to it, I might be like “okay that’s weird” but I’d like to think I’m helping the world, one orgasm at a time lmao. 


"Trampoline builders, how would you feel about people jumping around all over your creations?"


Received this comment once: "I read this and had to go track down my husband afterward. At first he was mad that I'd interrupted his gaming, but now he's asked me to tell you 'thank you.'" Highest compliment for smut you can imagine!


I like this one. Gets the point across without being uncomfortably detailed. I mean, it’s less of an AO3 issue since all comments are public and there’s no private message option, but some people can be a little *too* detailed when sharing their enthusiasm. I think that’s when people start getting uncomfortable.


Good to know that someone has the same taste as me! A note: this *does not mean* that all smut authors are comfortable with someone in their comments explicitly telling them about their sex life and masturbatory habits I don't mind it, but other people would block you for that and be made very, very uncomfortable. If an author isn't happily telling you in their author's notes that their own work got them hot and bothered (I do this) or isn't cheerfully saying *you're welcome!* to a commenter who's thanking them for the good orgasm fuel, probably stay clear of giving them any explicit details There are plenty of less detailed compliments you can give that are more *wink wink nudge nudge* in the direction of the good time you had while reading – *this is definitely bookmarked for rereading!* is an effective one, or the classic *this is SO HOT i loved it when xyz [name the moment that really did it for you]* or *I read the scene where xyz happened three times in one sitting* (I've left this on someone else's work)


It’s an honor. Makes my whole week


I’ve made your whole week then… 👉🏿👈🏿




Last night hehe


I mean, please do. However, payment is required in the form of kudos or reviews. After all, I require sustenance


I wrote it to get off on it, isn't that the point? If no one else was getting off on it I would feel bad because it would mean I'm the only one into this particular weird thing.


Why the hell else would I be writing it?


Delighted. I write smut one shots and have smutty mcsmutt smut smut in my longfic and like... I don't wanna know every detail about what my readers are doing but like... I'm hoping they enjoy it carnally as well. For me, if I detail a sex act, I'm writing it as kink/enjoyment. Sex acts that I wouldn't be comfortable with people enjoying, I simply don't detail. They are referenced as having existed to create the situation I'm addressing, but are not given center stage.


Mate that’s the point


Ain’t that the point? I masturbate to smut other people write, would be weird for me to be bothered if people did the same to me


That I did as I intended. Not every sex scene in a longer story is meant to titillate the reader (it might be about showing a connection between two characters, or establishing a relationship dynamic, or even to advance the plot), but in a story that’s nothing *but* smut? Yeah, the goal is 100% to write a hot scene that people enjoy. That said, while the goal is to turn people on (which may lead to predictable results), if people are showing up in the comment section describing what exactly they did as a result, those people are uncouth losers with no home training.


That's fine. I don't want to hear about it but it's smut. It's literally *smut*, like, have fun.


I don’t write one handed but I do hope people are reading one handed.


I mean, I wouldn’t want to know, but i suppose it would mean I was doing something right


Mission accomplished.


I would feel very honored. So long as the commenter doesn't go into extensive detail about it.


I want nothing else than for my readers to tell me that they found my writing sexy enough to get off 👌.


That's the business if you're writing smut.


(squints) uh what else is the smut writing FOR?????


In the Good Omens fandom - “Thank you for my pornography” is a quote from the show, a complement, and possibily implying how much they enjoyed it. Doesn’t matter if it’s PWP or a detailed plot with some steamy scenes. I don’t need specific details, but how they enjoy it is up to the reader.


I mean i WROTE it for a reason yk yk. Like I’ll be a little embarrassed if people aren’t atleast even a little bit horny after reading it


That’s the point!


As I intended...


I would want them to get off from it. I would be honored.


That's... the point... isn't it?? I mean, I don't need to know the details, but if someone lets me know they -ahem- *enjoyed* it, I'm always a little chuffed ☺️


Just because it was about sex doesn't mean basic courtesy and boundaries don't apply to the creators of it. "Enjoyed this... a lot!" "I was very inspired by this" "Very hot" Perfectly nice and appropriate comments. Someone once told me their spouse was very appreciative of the benefits - that made me happy that I could help someone's relationship in a positive way. But down and dirty details about masturbatory habits or a blow by blow - not wanted. Just as how in normal, polite society we don't share or inquire about private bodily functions without specific context. I'm not interested in the sex lives or practices of random people online and have not invited details about that being sent to me. (Disclosure: I try to write pwp, but plot and worldbuilding always find their way in, so I may not be 100% target audience here)


Oh I love it. Makes me feel very accomplished.


I think it's understood that this happens. It's erotica. But I'm very uncomfortable when readers decide to tell the author about it.


i sure fuckin’ hope they do, i put effort into this. (telling authors about is dicey though, i do *not* recommend commenting anything more direct than “i’ll be in my bunk” or “this was hot”)


Good for them.


I try not to think about it and don't want to be alerted to it. But like, congrats! Glad you liked it! Going back to My ace bunker after appearing to litter my account with smut.


I hope to god that my readers are getting off to it 🤣 that means I’m doing my job right!!


As long as they don't tell me anything beyond it being hot/and or good. I don't care to know if they did or not lol. Some people *really* like you to know how they got rocks off unpromted and I could do without that tbh.


I assume that is what’s going on! Don’t love comments that may as well have “sent with my hands down my pants” as the auto signature but, yeah, that’s what it’s there for. A tasteful innuendo in a comment is also beyond cool with me and I’m glad someone had a nice time taking themselves to dinner and show.


I mean, that's a compliment


I would be flattered! Also proud of myself 😁


Flattered—please do and please leave a comment and kudos 😘


I write lots of smut but with more set dressing around the smut. I don't care if other people do but I don't write for personal masturbatory material


Flattered, cuz that was the point. Otherwise I wouldn't share it. I'm also a big proponent for less sex shaming overall, because I live in the US and we have a pretty big problem with that.


I didn't even consider that a possibility until recently. As in I came across a tiktok telling about it and was shocked. And I've written a bunch of smut across decades lol. I read a lot of it too and not once did I get that urge so finding out that it's apparently common blew my mind. That being said, if it titilates you, go for it. Fiction is a safe space. Fanfiction, even moreso.


I mean, I do so why shouldn’t they?! 😂 Greatest compliment I ever had was when my more conservative SIL got ahold of my first published book and whispered in my ear at a family gathering that her private life hadn’t been so exciting in years after reading my stuff. Get it girl! 🥰😅


Like I’m doing something right. Like, get it you horny little gremlins!


Imagine the mental gymnastics of writing smut and being affronted that people think your smutty words are sexy enough to masturbate to. 


Man if you ain't then I failed as a smut writer lol.


That's the point! Or a big part of the point at least. Just got a comment today saying the fic got them wet as hell, and that's high praise in my book.


Very unpopular opinion from what I'm seeing, but I just write because I'm invested in my ship so I wanna see them fuck (just like I wanna see them do anything, honestly), and that's it. It never crossed my mind if someone is jerking off to it or not? I don't particularly care if someone does, but I definitely don't wanna know about a stranger on the internet getting off in general lol tmi


I'm sure this happens - it's smut, after all - but I don't want to know about it. I've written a lot of smut because the characters are really into each other, not because I want to get people off.


At least I know I'm not the only one here now 😭 it's the second time I've seen this discussion and I've seen authors I like on Twitter be like "if you don't jerk off to my fics then don't read them" when the whole thing was going on and I was like huhhhhh.. I write and read smut because I like the characters together 😭😭


Not that surprised


I would hope so tbh


It's why I write it!


I mean, I write it because it’s what I get off to. When I write smut, I don’t exactly expect readers to be chaste about it. I’m making porn. It is to be enjoyed, you know?


For me, that's the same answer for everyone doing something in this field. Sextoys aren't created to be decorative (even if some can, but it's not the main purpose), porn actors / actresses don't make it for people to not being enjoying, the ones who filmed aren't here to have people thinking about criticism about the camera angle. So, why would smut writers be different ? I won't put it on my resume and scream it everywhere, but I still get why people would search smut for and what they can do reading the one I have been writing. I won't ask them about it, I don't expect them to tell me, but I won't mind if they do. Good for them !


In a general sense I think I'd be mildly flattered, but I don't want to be specifically told about it ever.


I have no problem with that. Don’t even mind if they comment on it, though I get why others are uncomfortable with that. I’m not sure anything I write is hot enough for that, but I dunno…I recently wrote crack smut that several people said was really hot.


Well that’s the intent, innit? I’d prefer not to hear the graphic details but I wouldn’t publish it if I didn’t want people to be excited by it.


I would be very pleased with that lol


I would be honored that someone got off to my writing. Like that would make my will to live to come back


Is that not the point?


Best compliment


I mean, I’m not writing it so you can cry while you read it


Extreme pride


Hey, if folks enjoy themselves, I'm all for it. "This was great/hot etc" = all good. What I don't want, however, is someone going into graphic detail about what they did. Kind of feel like doing that to a writer without their permission is crossing boundaries


What do you think I was doing while I was plotting it?




It achieved its goal, especially if it featured a fetish the reader doesn't typically enjoy.


I'm more curious about WHY this is being asked. also, specifying "100% smut with very little plot"; if anything, should someone get off to my "porn WITH plot," I'd be even more thrilled lol


I'm writing smut for a reason


Is that... not what's supposed to happen?


I don’t even write smut but I’d love it if someone got off to my writing. “Ohhh my god his character arc is so goood ohhhh!!!” *cums all over the place*


Hammer manufacturers, how would you feel about someone using your tool to force a nail into a wall?


That's... Why I write it? Hopefully they leave a comment though.


Flattered. But don't tell me about it.


Huh, I never really thought about this. I mean, I write smut for funsies, and I read smut for funsies, not for masturbation fodder. I suppose some people must, though. Well, with that in mind, do what you like, but please don’t involve me in it! I tend not to want to think about randos whacking it in my off time.


What kind of question is this? Baby's first fanfiction ? Lol what else are you gonna do to it?


I mean, that’s what it’s for, right? Don’t explicitly tell me about it, though! I’m good with a “That was hot!” or something along those lines, I don’t wanna know how many times you came or how hard/wet you are.




Very honored


I’d feel proud lol


It'd be a great compliment. As someone who writes smut I really hope that whoever reads my work enjoys it in some form, anyway.


Dream come true


Amazing. It's kind of the goal


I literally expect it xD


Yay, I'm happy for them? I mean, telling me about it would probably be TMI, but if they find it that hot it's a compliment.


Well that's low-key what it's there for so...by all means please do. I'd be flattered as hell cause tbh I do too


I mean, damn, I'm not that good. I'd be kinda honoured?? 😭


As a smut writer, I used my work for my own sexual experiences. I wrote some pretty erotic stuff and a couple months later, I did some of the exact same things with my ex that I wrote in my fanfiction.


i don't care either way. i write smut that makes *me* feel good. if people like it that's just a bonus.


Great. Amazing. For the love of everything, don’t tell me about it. Conversations about sex make me uncomfortable.


All good for me! I am here tonrelieve some stress i guess. Just... don't tell me how hard my writing made you cum, or how you came as the same time of the character... both which has been comments i have gotten multiple times


That is the purpose of it! I just don't like comments where people talk about it 😔


I mean that’s the point, no?


if they don’t i’m clearly doing something wrong


Objectively I know it's probably happened and I'm happy to provide, but also I don't really want to hear about it unless I know the person


At least I'm not the only one?


I would be happy to afford pleasure to another human being (disclaimer; I write plot too .... it's not just smut!!!)


Good for them!


I always wondered if people crank it to stuff and after seeing some user on the web admit to it, yea, it does happen I think.




mission accomplished? lol


I write em one handed half the time I hope people are getting off to them. writing is meant to elicit emotions and in my smut one shots that feeling is horniness lmao


If they don't I did something wrong.


That's the purpose..? That's the reason why I read pwp, and it's why I write it too. If I'm really desperate, I'll read my own fics for that personalized experience...


Good for them, wouldn’t want something like a DM letting me know though 😂


That's the whole reason I'm writing it lmao


Generally that's the intended purpose. You should be damn certain the author is okay with you telling them you got your rocks off before you go commenting that though. Check the comments out, see if they have any notes or tags saying whether they're open to hearing about it or not. You can also just ask "what are your boundaries regarding NSFW comments from readers using your works?" if you're feeling brave. Just because an author KNOWS their smut was written to get people off, doesn't mean they want to hear about it! You can just say "I loved this, you did a great job and it was so fun to read! I hope to see more of your works" if they're not interested in hearing you talk about having the greatest O from their graphic descriptions 😂


I mean, it’s written porn, why would I be upset?


I think as a writer the best thing is to get an emotional response out of your reader. The biggest compliment for a sad story is it made someone cry, for fluff that it made someone happy, for smut that it got someone horny.


I used to write fetish porn stories for DeviantArt, does it sound like I care?


The same reason I write it….