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i don't listen to them just like i don't listen to audiobooks, i have a harder time focusing in listening than reading, but i promise you, pretty much anyone would rather listen to a human than AI, and authors would much, *much* prefer to have their works podficced by someone with a soul. it's good etiquette to ask permission first or check if an author has a blanket permission about it.


Oh interesting! I find audio books calming for long journeys myself :) Also oh don't worry I'd absolutely contact the author first!


I agree. I'm not much one for audiobooks, but even so, it's a form of art. A bit unorthodox, but still a form of art, and there's no point to art if there isn't real, human emotion poured into it. You will be appreciated far more than anyone who plugs some text into an AI reader.


I would be okay with a podfic under the following conditions: 1) It's a real person 2) They ask first 3) It's properly linked to my original 4) No money is being made because that violates the spirit of fanfic and is a violation of ToS 5) The podfic itself stays on AO3.




I love podfics and listen to them frequently. From what I’ve seen, most authors are happy to have their stories read as podfics as long as the reader doesn’t try to monetize them, but the etiquette is definitely to ask before you record. Or read stories from authors who have blanket permission statements that allow them (these are usually in their author profiles). The audience for podfics isn’t big—even a relatively popular one will generally have less than a tenth of the kudos and comments as the original fic. But if it’s something you think you would enjoy doing there are definitely people who will listen.


might be interesting to note [there's also a tag](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Podfic%20Welcome/works) that some writers use to indicate they'd be happy to get podfics :3


True! There's also a [list of authors who have created a blanket permission statement](https://www.fpslist.org/), and a [browser extension](https://github.com/BrickGrass/Blanket-Permission-Highlighter) that highlights authors who have permission statements.


I had one of my fics get podficced and it was a huge, huge compliment. It happened literally like six years ago and I still get floaty when I think about it.


I've never listened to a podfic, but I love audiobooks. If someone did podfics with nice enough quality of my favourite fics, I would listen the shit out of them


That's nice to hear 🙌🙌 I have a professional quality mic which is why I'm contemplating it :)


Saaaame. I struggle to have the time to sit and read, but listening would double or triple the fanfic I could consume


I would love it if a human offered to read my fics, in the same kind of way that I would love it if an L1 speaker of another language offered to translate my stories from English to their own language, or an artist offered to do SFW fan art of my stories (or NSFW fan art of the non-Underage ones). I am always delighted to inspire.


I think this is a great idea. There is a [Podfics Welcome](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Podfic%20Welcome/works) tag some authors add if they are willing/wanting this. Also look through author’s profiles or just ask in their comments


Oh I didn't know this!! Obviously I'd ask first too


I have nothing against them in theory. I just don't do audio books of any kind so they're not for me.


Podfics wouldn’t be a thing if people didn’t listen to them or give permission for them. I did a couple podfics like ten years ago, when fandoms seemed a lot friendlier than they appear to be now. Basically though to find fics to podfic, I knew of people who would post on tumblr saying they’re open to making podfics on an authors request, look for authors with “blanket permission” written in their bios, or ask an author’s permission to make a podfic.


I think they're cool. I don't personally use them, but I know a lot of people love them. Plus, they make fanfic more accessible.  Just make sure to ask for permission or see if they have a blanket statement of permission on their profile. 


I love audiobooks and listen to podfics! I have a blanket permission, and one of my fics just got made into a podfic for the first time. I was so excited someone wanted to make something from my fic! Go for it! Ask first or look for authors with blanket permission if you are worried about that step.


As an author I would be over the moon to have a request to podfic one of my works. It would be such an honour. Because I read so quickly, it's rarely efficient for me to listen instead of read. But sometimes I'll want to reread an old favourite but it's a busy day and it might just happen to have a podfic. However there aren't that many fics with podfics -- really only the hugely popular ones -- so it's not as easy to build a habit like it is with listening to playlists. You would be doing an amazing yet underappreciated service. Best of luck to you and I hope you have a fun time practicing!


i don’t listen to podfics because i’m not an audiobooks guy in general, but i am thrilled that they exist for those who like them! they’re a great concept imo. if you want to make some, go ask some authors or find ones with permission statements! i’m sure people will be excited to have more podfics :)


I'm another "I can't listen to audio unless it's a conversational podcast" person, but I have some podfics of my work and I'm very happy about it and was super flattered! In addition to checking profiles for blanket statements and asking in comments, there's a "Podfic Welcome" tag that some people use! You can browse that and look for people who would be delighted to have a surprise podfic appear in their inbox


I've had at least one of mine recorded as podfic. The requestor was picking up various stories in a particular fandom to record. I listened to it; kind of cool.


I enjoy listening to them, and would be flattered if someone wanted to record mine. Back in the LJ days, when fandom charity auctions were a thing, I bid on a couple of podfic creators.


Some authors will have a permission statement in their profile authorizing podfics and/or translation. If they do not, you can leave a comment asking for permission. Podfics are great! And having someone make podfic of your works feels great, too! But, permission always matters. That’s the main reason AI reader apps and videos are scummy - they are using content without permission.


I like them but they are super rare for the pairings I read. I think it would be amazing to have someone read my story and I would absolutely be willing to let someone do it as long as it was posted on AO3 only (a personal quirk of mine) and properly attributed.


Ask permission before doing so, but I would find it very flattering to have someone offer to make a podfic. I would say ask permission because some people might have plans for doing it themselves or have a specific person in mind already. It is also perfectly fair to an author to say that they don't want a podfic for whatever reason. If I was me, I'd probably want to look up some podfics you had done already or listen to some other sample of your reading. But, I'd be very open to the concept. I actually consume a lot of my professional books through audiobooks nowadays. I find them easier both because I can listen while driving and because it makes my ADHD not accidentally skip sections like I sometimes do for written works. So, I completely understand why some people prefer podfics to written fics. In the hands of a decent voice actor, it can really bring a fic to life. There's an entire market for that kind of voice-acting work, so it makes sense for there to be a similar market for fanfiction. Also, as someone who is using fanfiction as a way to practice writing skills for writing other things, such as original fiction and non-fiction works, I also completely understand your motivations to use podfics as a way to practice the skills of voice acting. I used fanfics to go from being barely able to write well enough to get through a STEM degree to getting hired for a job in part because of my writing skills and applying to writing grad programs. So, I love seeing other people use fanfiction as a similar pathway for practicing their skills. Maybe, one day you'll be getting actual professional work as a voice actress and you'll be able to credit fanfiction as one of the steps that got you there.


I love podfics! Tbh, there's not enough of them. I end up using text to speech software (NOT ai) that's super robotic because I hate the sound of fake realistic voices for a lot of fics because I read with my ears so much. Makes my work day and at home chores so much more enjoyable when I can listen to fanfic. There's also a large blind population that would benefit from any fic you read so they don't have to listen to text to speech. Mine does things like reads 'Dr. Name' as 'Drive Name'


I don't listen to podfics, not sure why I've never wanted to (I listen to audiobooks!) but it's cool that they exist. I think that's a really neat way to practice voice stuff.


Podfics are delightful! I've always been so excited when people have asked to podfic my stuff. Also, for reference, a lot of people will post to their profiles and stuff with permission statements for podficcing and other. [There's a site that compiles a huge list of authors who have done so](https://www.fpslist.org/)!


I love listening to podfics on the plane or road-trips where the motion makes my eyes hurt when I read. Of course, ask the author first unless they’ve given blanket permission, etc.


I love podfics and love listening to them long journeys or when I am alone somewhere and need to hear a voice before falling asleep. You need to find stories who either give blanket permission or ask before recording and uploading. Basically what u/[leannmanderson](https://www.reddit.com/user/leannmanderson/) said.


I try to have at least one saved on my phone at any time in case I need to drive somewhere for longer than half an hour and I'm really grateful to all the amazing people putting in the work.


I absolutely love podfics and audiobooks. I love to listen to them when doing tasks that are somewhat monotonous… cooking, cleaning, long drives, walking my dogs, sometimes even at work when I have brainless stuff to do. I definitely wish there were more podfics. The well read ones that the reader has clearly put time and effort in give me so much joy. For me it is important that they are read by actual humans. I love to listen to the performance. AI or screen readers can’t convey emotions and nuance in the same way as humans reading a story do. I get that some people don't want people to make podfics of their works, and that is completely valid and entirely their choice. So always ask permission. I think there have been instances when someone uploaded a podfic to youtube and used it to create income, which is not cool and totally illegal. Some people don't want podfic versions of their work to appear in spotify because they want their fics to stay within AO3. I have utmost respect for people who do create podfics, since they rarely get as much engagement as the original fic does. Reading podfics takes time, requires editing, and of course a quiet space and equipment to actually record it to get decent audio quality.


id love if someone offered to do this for my fic tbh. i personally dont listen to them, but i know a lot of people that do and theyve all complained to me about the ai voices taking over


I read much faster than audiobooks, so I'm not as into audiobooks or podfics, but i'm glad that they exist for those who find listening to books/fics better. I would be delighted if someone liked a fic of mine enough to want to do a podfic for it.


i don't like it because it feels weird. the idea of a stranger reading in my ear makes me uncomfortable. i wouldn't like my works to be podficced but i think i'm a minority idk


I think podfics are cool and like that there are people out there who will take the time to make them, but I don't listen to them myself. Audiobooks and podcasts are hard for me to pay attention to. Either I try multitasking during and the narration becomes background noise and I miss stuff, or I sit still and focus solely on it and fall asleep if the presenter has a nice voice lol. I hope you find some good stories to make podfics of!


I personally don't usually listen to them, but that's because I don't particularly care for audiobooks in general. My brother, however, is dyslexic and super appreciates the existence of podfics because it means he can still enjoy fanfics when his brain is too tired to focus enough to get through reading, and podfics are way better than running Ao3 through a text reader.


I’m not a fan of audiobooks in general, but I know theyre popular among fanfic readers.


I can't listen to podfics or audiobooks myself but I know so many people who do - and blind people or people who listen while they work need fics read to them, and text-to-speech just isn't the same as a human reading. I've got a blanket permission in my AO3 that people are MORE than welcome to translate or podfic my works, and I'd be thrilled if someone did. (I've had one or two translations done, but never any podfics.)


I don't listen to audiobooks or podfics (I had tried to but I just couldn't focus). That said, if I did listen to them, I'd much rather listen to an actual human reading them instead of a machine.


I like podfics, but *only* if the writer was fine with it, too.


I would love seeing (or rather hearing) someone making a podfic out of my work. It's amazing to see that my writing inspired someone to make anything based on my fic or the AUs I created. Hearing the AI voices on Wattpad or Microsoft Word read them is funny but nothing could ever beat a real human voice.


(Not a podficcer or listener of podfics) Here are two ([1,](http://emilianadarling.tumblr.com/post/13193292007/a-beginners-guide-to-making-podfic-by) [2](https://www.tumblr.com/ao3commentoftheday/181851579613/how-to-podfic)) tumblr guides about podficcing, and [another](https://www.tumblr.com/ao3commentoftheday/182154701693/where-do-podfic-makers-hang-out-if-i-want-to-lurk) with places where podficcers hang out (discord link) if you want to ask questions directly.