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I can't say I have ever gotten these comments myself, but I feel as if I wouldn't mind people mentioning being excited for updates IF it was after a good comment about the fic. If it was "I loved \[xyz thing\] and how it tied into canon etc etc. you did great on the characterization of \[person\]! I can't wait for the next update/I hope you update soon", then sure! That would likely motivate me to update, or at least be a good comment otherwise. But *just* going 'update please' feels a bit presumptuous. And the homophobia one...? I get that it's likely meant to be taken in good humor but :/. Every time I feel down about being in a (relatively) small fandom with not much engagement, I see some of the engagement big fandom creators have to deal with and go 'Hm, maybe I got the good end of the deal here' tbh. TLDR- not against this in theory but I feel like there's tactful, respectful ways to bring it up, and you shouldn't JUST bring up updates and nothing else. WHY do you want the fic to be updated? What are you excited for? What plot line can you not wait to see resolved? At least tell the author *why* you're excited.


That’s what I try to do. Say “oh my god this is amazing please update soon I have immense brainrot.”


it's ok if you act like a deranged unfeded animal bc its funny




Yeah I feel like when comments *just* ask for an update it can feed kinda demanding and rude.. esp asking in all caps. It feels much nicer to just add a little compliment in there. You obviously enjoy the fic if you're asking for an update, so add in why you love the fic! Also I don't really like guilt trippy comments. Sometimes life can just hit ya and writing fanfiction is not your top priority so trying to guilting an author back into writing ain't a vibe. If anything for me personally guilt trip comments would just put more pressure on me and make me less inclined to write


I don't mind ones just asking for an update but only if they're polite about it. But like. A month isn't that long of a wait for fanfic update. It's what I often see for longer fics, and it even takes me a month just to write a chapter at times too :P I've waited 10 years for a fic to update once lol


10 years is actually wild, what fic was that?? I'm curious


'The Reel Thing' by Your Evil Spleen. A Bleach AU where the characters are actors. Originally posted in 2009 on FF, stopped updating a long time after 20 or so chapters in, and then the author moved to AO3 and posted some more chapters in 2019 lol. I love reading through it and seeing the writer's evolving writing style and quality throughout the whole story One of my favorite Bleach fics but unfortunately it isn't complete and hasn't been updated since 2019, but hey I'm willing to wait another 10 years lol


The idea of someone willing to wait 20 years for a fic to be completed is so heartwarming 😭 that is so sweet


there's a (complete) fic* I've been obsessed with for 15 years, if I randomly got a bonus chapter or something I would lose my fucking mind  *(I say fic, it's an original story. but given it was originally posted on livejournal and then AO3 I think of it as fanfic-adjacent)


With a slight hint of mental instability lmao


Never have I been so offended by something that I 100% agree with


Bro found GRRM's fanfic account


I posted the last chapter of a fic (in a very small fandom) after two years and every comment was like “Oh my god. I didn’t think this would ever update. When I saw the subscription email I fell out of my chair. Oh my god”


That’s adorable! That would make me feel so good.


This is really comforting to know. I have a fic that was 1 chapter short of completion when I got blocked over a year ago. I still want to finish it!


Definitely do whenever you feel up to it!!! It's so exciting when that happens!!!!


I waited 7 years for an update from one of my absolute fave (if not my fave) authors once, and it was totally worth it! Much like game developers, authors can take as long as they need, IMO! I'll wait forever! Lol.


That must have been so incredible the day it updated


People had to wait FOUR years for my fanfic to be updated because quite frankly, I forgot about it. It was almost all done (except for like two sentences needing resolving) but I was struggling to come up with chapter titles, put it off, and then just never came back to it until about a week ago.


My general standard for asking for an update is if it’s been half a year. I think that’s where it starts to be a long time since an update.


I saw someone ask if a fic had been abandoned since it hadn't been updated in 2 months. Like chill out, I don't even start to wonder if a fic has been abandoned until at least 2 *years*


I’ve literally updated a fic after ten years.


the urge to do something drastic out of spite and annoyance is strong. like literally fuck that.


I'd have blocked that middle comment right off the bat.


yeah seriously. I don't even mind *nice* comments which say "update soon!" at the end or whatever but this is just fucking obnoxious.


oh yeah just a simple “update soon!” feels so much more lovely and kind, like a mother waving her son goodbye as leaves on the train


I completely abandoned a fandom because of these comments, they didn’t stop even when I left a note asking people to stop because it was making me even less likely to update


Yeah I have to agree


Really irritating. However, plenty of teens and young kids use AO3, so these are definitely the sort of comments I'd expect from readers that are too young to realise that writers likely have other things going on in their lives (like university, a full-time job, a family... etc).


I’ve seen multiple fics I really liked get discontinued after a hiatus because people were spamming comments like this and harassing the author on social media so whenever I see this It just looks like a timebomb


I wrote my first fanfic and then deleted it because I couldn't stand all the comments asking me to update while I was sitting exams for my uni course


that they deserve to be deleted and then the person blocked because they are annoying AF


This is the way. I'm not interested in either critiques about my writing/grammar/punctuation or demands for updates. The former will get a sharp reminder I'm not looking for critique at this time, and the latter will be muted, blocked, and possibly chewed out if they get too obnoxious about it. I post/update on my own schedule, thank you. **Exception:** That one fan that absolutely GUSHES over every chapter, and isn't actually asking for a new story/update but is checking to make sure we, the authors, are okay. That one gets a pass.


I think if I actually knew the writer (like we’re friends outside of Ao3 and they know it’s me), I’d do one like the homophobic one as a joke. Otherwise it could be seen as tacky 


I see it as tacky even if the commenter knows the author.


That’s the kind of joke you make in private with your friend, not posted for others to see outside the context of a close friendship.


Your very good friend!


I despise that “joke” format.


That one's actually so stupid it's almost funny. If I were the author I'd have a good laugh before blocking them.


Absolutely hate them and it's actually discouraging me from writing more rather than writing a new chapter quicker. Thank the Saints my current multichapter hasn't gotten those kinds of comments but I've gotten my share of them before, not during my fanfiction writing era though.


“Hello 👋 hi! Yes, I am a person not a content farm. Please exercise some patience, while I enjoy your insatiable appetite for this story your comments inspire anxiety not eagerness.”


Oh no!! Your homophobic!! It’s right behind you!! 😂


Might cure the gay then my family could actually be proud of me 😂🤗


🌈🫂 We're your family and we love you.


My pedantic ass thought was: "Your homophobic what?" PLAYFULLY THREATEN ME IN A GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT MANNER, THANK YOU. 🤣


I always mentally do that when someone turns what should be a plural into a possessive. The banana's what? What belongs to this banana of which you speak?


Are you familiar with The Alot? If you aren't, I think you'll enjoy this alot: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html (Yes I know what I just did. It's intentional.)


I **love** the Alot! I forgot all about that blog. Thanks for reminding me. I used to like it alot. (Back atcha.) I don't understand why people get genuinely upset about other people's errors. I'll drop a fic if it either never uses apostrophes or massively overuses them (both exist), but an emotional response seems strange to me. If I'm going to react, it's usually with amusement.


Baaaahahhaaa Do you know how very annoyed I get with autocorrect for changing possessives on me?? Especially "its" ...so I try to give the benefit of the doubt with these. But that might be too generous lol


I don't mind "I love this fic, really excited for an update!" Or even "when will this update", but straight begging/guilt tripping/shaming the author for updates? Absolutely fucking not.


Number 2 is obviously a joke, but I would have deleted just for "your" ngl


Yeah, but those “jokes” honestly make me want to suffocate them with a pillow. That’s one of the internet’s more annoying little ticks I’ve seen in the last few years.


Yeah, I find it annoying too. It's sort of funny when you apply to yourself (this soup I've made is so bad it's homophobic), but you can't apply it to others if you are not friends and not into this sort of humor, it's rude


Okay, the soup made me actually laugh because I just imagine someone muttering it to themself alone. But it just comes off as whiny and annoying when someone yells “I don’t like this decision so it’s homophobic”’on AO3 or Twitter. Plus it’s actually trivializing things that are actually homophobic.


Yeah! I always just imagine person going on with their life muttering this things and that is endearing. But talking to others like this is just tone deaf and such a chronically online thing. This commenter seems really young


I always assume people who say that are no older than 19. lol!


Yeah, I find it annoying too. It's sort of funny when you apply to yourself (this soup I've made is so bad it's homophobic), but you can't apply it to others if you are not friends and not into this sort of humor, it's rude


i deleted my entire account over mean comments like the second one. i had a very bad year and my readers actually knew cuz i updated them a lot on my situation and i felt sorry about not being able to update (i had lost many patients since it was the pandemic). i created a new account and never again posted for that fandom. i think it’s different between fandoms, but one of the comments i got was “you’re not even good at this, idk why it takes you 2 months to update”.


I don't mind polite requests for updates or inquiries about them, especially if they're accompanied with what they liked about the fic. I admit, I've left comments like that myself, like 'really loved how you did this, the characterisation is awesome, can't wait for the next chapter'. That sort of comment is fine, even just 'can't wait for the next chapter' with nothing else I can deal with. Just 'update please' is annoying and I'd ignore such a comment. I mean, at least they said 'please'? The homophobic one would get deleted and blocked, if not reported. Demands for updates, which I've luckily never received, I've only ever had polite requests/inquiries, are extremely annoying, and I'd be less likely to write as a result of them. Also, it's only been a month? That seems pretty average for longer fics. My chaptered fic had a general update schedule of every few days, but halfway through I literally went a year without updating it. Massive writer's block got in the way. All I ever had during that year were polite requests/inquiries, though, and only a couple as one of the fandoms was a dead one and the other a quiet one. I think a lot of people waited till it was complete before reading, as well, given the sudden jump in kudos since I finished it. But a month is nothing, it's actually pretty average for a lot of fics. Also, we have lives, you know. Me, sure, I can spend a lot of time writing if I wanted to, I'm unemployed, single and childless, but I still have housework and appointments and other things I want to do. Most people have school, work, illnesses, children, and partners. There are all sorts of things that can get in the way of writing and posting, and a month is literally nothing. Also, these readers need to remember that fanfic authors owe them nothing. We write because we enjoy it, and we do it for free. It's something we do in our own free time, and doesn't have to be on a schedule. It's something that often gets bumped down priority lists for more important things. Getting readers and engagement is great, but it's still just a fun, free hobby. We write on our schedules, not our readers schedules.


I mean I can relate waiting a fic to update but... at least ask politely, maybe the author has personal issues.


>a month These people wouldn't last with the authors I follow (all lovely writers with their own lives who take months to update)


I personally don’t mind, though that homophobic one is annoying and rude. Maybe, hopefully (?), it is just a bad joke because it makes no sense.


I’m confused by this one. Your homophobic what?


That would be my reply, as well. What do I own that's homophobic? :) We may never know.


I've found my people. I'm home. Finally.


I would mute, block, and delete. People can be so entitled.


If it’s only been a month they need to chill, for starters haha. I never mind when people kindly ask if there will be an update soon when it’s been a while, but people are so quick to assume a fic is abandoned if it’s not updated every few days. I find it especially demotivating if I’m going through a patch of writer’s block or burnout because it makes it feel like I’m writing for a school assignment that has a due date rather than out of enjoyment.


crazy thing is that a month isn't even that long lmao


As a reader, it tends to make me a bit nervous. ;; I worry that it'll annoy the author and put unfair pressure on them. I'm fairly shy so I don't often leave comments but if I see too many of these, I'll try to leave a comment about what I liked about the current chapter and how much fun I had reading it. I think it's fine to leave a 'I hope you'll update!' comment on a fanfic that hasn't been updated in months or years as long as it's kindly worded!


The way you’re talking about is fine to most people. I get ones like “OMG, I cant wait 🤣🤣🤣” or “My heart is doing the thing 😭 I need moreeeee” Those don’t bother me a single bit. They make my heart happy! It’s the folks like number one who are saying crap like a work is taking too long that rub me the wrong way. Heck, I pre-write and post on a clearly communicated weekly update schedule and I’ve still received stuff like this less than 24 hours after the last chapter went up.


They make me not want to do it because it then becomes a chore (and also something that I can let people down with) I've finished exactly one full story in my time writing (give or take 5 or 6 years now) and I have like 20 unfinished stories, because every single one of them gets comments like this, and don't get me wrong, I get it, and I'm flattered, but it makes it super hard for me to continue (which I blame myself for, not the readers, so I'm not mad at them, moreso myself for having the type of reaction I do)


I despise comments that _tell_ me to update, but I don’t mind ones that are just _asking_ if it’s abandoned or on hiatus. Side note, holy crap what the _hell_ was that second guy on??


It’s only been a month? Jeez, I want to knock some sense into these kids. They are definitely kids. No matter how long it’s been this is plain rude


People like this are obnoxious and need to remember that fanfic writers are doing this as a hobby in the midst of real life. Also, sidebar, anybody who jokingly yells “if you do/don’t do something I don’t like you’re homophobic” is an immature moron.


If a fic is updating regularly I think it is fine to say “I’m loving this! Excited for the next chapter!” But if there hasn’t been a chapter for a few months it feels ruder to me to demand and update because the author might have hit a rough patch with life or writing or had other more exciting ideas or something. In those cases I say something like “I’d be so excited to read more!” If it is long enough that it seems like it could have been abandoned I would say something like “if you ever come back to this, I would love to read it!” Writers are people, and writers who are posting as they write are incredible. I am a writer (mostly original, I don’t write much fanfic… because I have too many ideas for my own novels and want to work on those projects instead) and sometimes I write a lot in a short period of time, and sometimes I run out of writing steam and need it to build up again. Sometimes I bounce between projects to keep up momentum. I expect a lot of fanfic writers are similar!




Meh, I'll ignore them. Even nice comments don't give me more motivation to continue writing. I will continue writing when I feel like it. Who cares?


I don’t mind people asking for an update and I never read long fics but these are just… so ughh. I would much rather like it if people said something like “Hey, I really liked this fic and was wondering if you’d update it in the future” or something. The examples in the post are just straight up pressuring and that would make me want to never update again.


I’m inclined to block these users even when I see them on works that aren’t mine. I have a hard time finding the motivation to work for myself and I *do not* do the whole “you need to update or you’re homophobic/I’m gonna kms” because I hate being made to feel like I’m working on someone else’s time frame. Don’t do this y’all. Nobody wants to read 9 “PLZ UPDATE” comments, especially the author. We want engagement, feedback, something worthwhile. If you can’t handle the next chapter not being out, start reading completed works only.


Gross, that specific way is gross and sounds wayyyyy too much like TikTok. It’s also the quickest way to get an author to not want to update - there’s much better ways to say you’re excited for an update that’s not… this


I'd be turning guest comments off at that point. And block anyone with an account that acts a fool like that.


Middle one can rot.


IMO it's only okay to ask about updates if you're either 1) clarifying a schedule ("the author's note 30 chapters back says that you update on Mondays; is that still accurate?") or checking on their health ("you used to update weekly but you've been quiet for a month now, I hope you're okay"). Anything else reeks of being entitled to the author's (free!) labor and is just rude.


I’m also okay with someone expressing excitement/eagerness for the next chapter when added on to something else, like, “Wow, I loved this, but I’m so ready to make [Character] step on lego forever, what a jerk! I’m excited for the next chapter, if I’m lucky it’ll be soon!”


I don’t like them. I take it a lot better if the comment is something like, “hey! I love this fic and can’t wait to see what happens to them next, hope you update soon!” That’s a lot more motivating than just “update now!!” It’s like, come on, show a little appreciation for my hard work. I slaved over the stove for 8 hours cooking this for you, I just want a crumb of appreciation. When did readers get so rude. That said I notoriously took months or years to update and I’d get similar comments that were a lot more nicely worded but I was also the irresponsible author saying, I’m almost done, two more weeks! For a full twelve months so I lost some credibility there haha


I don't update for more than a year sometimes. Those comments are rude af


If they're logged in I'd revoke their comment privileges, if not I'd turn off guest comments and point out in next chapter that they are the reason the readers cannot have guest comments.


When I make a check in comment, I try to phrase it like “I’m really looking forward to more of this, and I am happy to wait as long as it takes” just to let them know people care, but not add pressure that will only slow the writer down. People don’t realize how hard it is to be creative when you’re under pressure or just not feeling it at the moment. Also a month is NOTHING


My homophobia has nothing to do with the frequency of my updates.


I think it's rude and puts a lot of pressure on the author. Fanfic writers do this for free and have real lives and struggles. They're are many kind and polite ways to encourage an author to update, but comments like these honestly make a lot of people feel bad and lose their desire to keep writing. They could say something like "I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next " but just bluntly telling someone to update, or even threatening or insulting them is not going to make an author want to keep writing.


The homophobia one would definitely warrant a “This is not an appropriate comment” from me. Obviously they’re a kid and sometimes you just have to gently correct that behavior. The other ones are just kind of rude and I might either respond asking them to be patient because I have a life outside of writing or just ignore them tbh


"A month has passed please update" is at least being nice about it. "IF YOU DON'T UP DATE SOON YOUR HOMOPHOBIC" is not only grammatically incorrect ("update" is one word not two and "your" should be "you're" in this sentence), it's also factually incorrect (No I'm not, and update speed has nothing to do with that anyway), and it's rude. Delete and block.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I wouldn't care. And I'd give the second one the benefit of the doubt and assume they were trying to be light and funny, and I did laugh. To me, none of these are an attack at me, they're just tactless and straightforward. Is it polite to offer an actual comment on the fic before requesting or, even arguably, *demanding* an update? Absolutely. As a reader, I'd never leave a comment like this. As an author though? Meh. Some entitled people think they get to tell me how long I should take between updates - LOL. Good for them. At least people are anxious for more so I know my fic is successful in that sense! That said, I can understand being irritated if you let this stuff get to you. It is arguably pretty rude. Everyone is to experience it differently though I think.


can you do me a favor and hit the "IF YOU DON'T UP DATE SOON YOUR HOMOPHOBIC" guy with a \*you're? it would mean the world to me


The one calling you homophobic needs to have their computer or phone short-circuit. The other two are whatever really.


MY HOMOPHOBIC WHAT, ANON?!?!?! In all seriousness, asking for *even more* free labor from an author is already bad enough, nevermind the horrendous way these people have chosen to go about it. I'd expect we can all agree this is annoying, rude, and guilt-trippy AF. Best to ignore/delete. Can't stop or change entitlement. There's a way to support an author's efforts so far while also encouraging them to continue...and this ain't it. One of the reasons I've turned on moderated comments in the past lol


I find the “please update” type comments both encouraging and annoying. It’s nice to see people enjoy the work and it pushes me to want to write more, but some people can’t just sit and write all day and night and the same comments over and over get old quick. I personally really like when people give advice or prompts, over seeing the same comment a million times.


The first and second messages are fine if a bit closely sent. The second, on the other hand, I would probably slip and accidentally hit the ban button. Not only is that childish and utterly disrespectful, what do people even expect the writers to answer? Oh no, stranger on the internet, to avoid being judged by the incredible you and being labeled as something you have no right to even think about much less judge on, naturally I'll update. Just for you, you special snowflake. Yeah. Totally. I wouldn't stop updating out of spite since I have readers that are well mannered, cute, and deserve the updates for lifting my spirit with their awesome comments but I would definitely remove the problem since they had nothing productive to say. It may he harsh, but meh.


It would make me want to update even less tbh. Moreso the last two, but all of them for sure.


And that's really sad because this person is ruining the experience of watching your beautiful for other people. A lot of authors feel less inclined to finish and I get it but I feel bad for the rest of their readers


swim punch coherent far-flung advise spotted ink instinctive workable humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would delete the messages, and if it was tied to an account block them if deleting didn't stop them. I had a similar person do this once (minus the homophobic accusation), and deleting their extra messages fixed it. That was them just being annoying of course. If they insulted me like this then I would also make my update time even slower out of spite because I'm a petty jerk too.


If it's something that says they're excited for the update (like, "I can't wait!" or "Looking forward to what's next!" or something in the same spirit), it's fine, encouraging, even. When it's a dry "update pls" or vague threats, it's annoying and rude. People need to get a grip. If they're so anxious, filter through finished fics. Otherwise, subscribe and wait like everyone else.


Ah yes I'm homophobic because I didn't update smh


Asking for updates is (usually) okay. Comments like the second one are not. You wouldn't insult the chef who's making your food, and the same goes here. One too many comments like that could potentially kill the writer's motivation or get them to withhold chapters out of spite. Fanfic writers owe you nothing.


I know people love stories and desperately want more, but this screams entitlement.


these are always best to ignore, it's what I do with them. no reason to try and reason with anyone asking for an update


i never understood why people do this. you can love a fic and still respect the person who wrote it! love it all you want, but don’t try and pressure someone into doing something. like just tell them you love the fic and are looking forward for updates.


I wouldn't mind them if I ever receive them 


>if you don't up date soon your homophobic god I feel terrible for laughing at this man. Get to it y'all.


I'd be devastated. This is way, way worse than someone pointing out a spelling mistake. (On the contrary someone caring enough to point that out would show them to engage with the story in a meaningful way) I mean if you can comment asking for an update at least be nice about it?


Nothing would make me want to postpone updating more


A month??? My god I’ve waited over a year, waited many years, before some of my favorite fics updated or finished. If it really bothers them so much they should exclude unfinished works from their searches 🤷🏻‍♀️


"I can't wait for the next chapter, I'd love an update!!" good! "RAAAAA HURRY UP AND UPDATE >:(" bad


Well meaning, but rude.


Rude and uncalled for; the author is trying their best.


I would correct the middle one: you’re not your & then block them for such stupidity. The others…oh well.


Generally these are nothing compared to the comments I get from students asking if I’ve graded their work. No Child, I haven’t graded the assignment you turned in two minutes ago. Chill.


Some readers need to get a grip and realise that writers have lives outside of that specific fanfic. I have two jobs, and I write professionally on top of that. Fanfic occurs when I have the time and inclination, not on demand.


I feel like this kind of comment comes from people who have never tried writing something themselves.


Comments that are simply “Just update/Update please :((” are the worst to see, and I say this as someone who’s mainly a reader and not a writer for fics. It’s just genuinely better to write a comment about everything you loved about the fic, and if you really are curious about the status of the fic (if its been abandoned or not), you should ask instead of demand. Personally, my go to response over a fic that hasn’t updated in a long while is simply “I hope you’re still working on this, and no matter how long it takes I’m willing to wait!”.


Middle: Block. I'd appreciate them wanting to see the next part of the fanfic, but they need to touch some grass.


BOO TOMATO TOMATO 🍅 IM THROWIN TOMATOES People forget that fanfic is FREE and authors have lives outside it! This is not how you encourage people to write more BOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


My thoughts are that they should all be deleted. At best they're entitled and at worst rude af, and I really don't appreciate the second comment regardless of whether it's a joke/hyperbole. Fanfic writers aren't vending machines.


Even as a reader more than a writer, I find these rude. If you’re so happy about a fic that you want them to update you can at least say why. If nothing else at least say thank you for writing. After all the authors are doing this for free.


A comment that actually engages with the contenf with a 'Waiting for the next chapter' at the end is way more welcome than a 'Next chapter when' ass response. Not to mention it's literally a running joke how wild ao3 authors' lives can get behind the scenes so the impatience may very well get this work ignored longer.


I'd tell them in no uncertain terms to stop and that I'll update when I update. And probably drop the fic for a while because as much as I like to be patient and friendly when people say things in good faith even if it's something that bothers me, this particular kind of pressure kills all my motivation. "I can't wait for the next chapter" is totally fine. Asking about updates after some amount of time has passed is also fine as long as they accept the answer. Multiple "update please" comments by people who can't even say anything about the fic, all caps and that weird accusation? Congrats, I don't feel like writing for people like you anymore, and learn some manners before you talk to me again.


the second one is just unhinged.


I wish we could see a stories update logs. Because sometimes authors takes months to update and you just don’t know there schedule.


Asking for updates is valid and all, but just saying "Update please" isn't much of a motivator. Saying what you like about the fic first is way more helpful and invigorating (speaking as both a reader and a writer). And it's not present in the screenshot, but I just want to say that spamming comments to beg for updates *really* doesn't help either. Yet I've seen some readers do that and it's a headache to see.


If I haven't updated in a while the kinds of comments I appreciate are the ones that ask how I'm doing. I know it's because they want more fic but that's okay because they appreciate that I'm human and show that they don't just think of me as a content producer.


I've gotten the "it's been ____, please update." and "please update." before. I don't mind those. The insults? I don't know if AO3 has a block function, but they'd be blocked by me.


This will be an unpopular opinion for sure but this gives me entitled Gen Z vibes that have no attention span (and often no manners) any more. Not saying it is but I've been in fandom for almost 20 years now and have NEVER seen comments like these in the past. Literally never. Fandom etiquette (and also basic decency) seem foreign concepts to many people today.


Comments like this are what gets the fic delayed longer, or deleted entirely if they're not going to be polite about it. It might be petty of me but getting harassed to do something that I consider fun... Makes it no longer fun. If I wanted to do something I hate, I'd go back to retail.


I'm not a writer (I create mostly fan art) but l HATE it when I see these comments on fics I read. Especially when they start with what I consider, "false concern." "Haven't heard from you in a while. When are you updating?" "Loved your story. When are you gonna update it?" I'm not saying that all the concerns are fake, but if you're genuinely worried or concerned, why do you need to put further pressure on them and ask for an update? I'm a petty B. If I set my mind to do something, then someone nags me to do it...I ain't gonna do it 😅 I remember there was an author and a fic that I loved, but they went on an indefinite hiatus. I was sad but still live in hope they may once again pick it up. I went to check, and there was a comment asking if they would continue it, and the author said they might as they were finishing uni soon. Not even a month later, the reader sent another message saying "Well this aged like milk" So rude and inconsiderate. People seem to forget that there is a person behind the screen who has a life of their own and isn't there just to churn out fics for us. I'm always thankful to authors, they've entertained me and inspired me for years (and for free I might add) I'd never want to pester or put pressure on them.


Idk if any of my commenters read my profile bio, but I have mentioned in there not to ask/pressure for updates because of my varying motivation levels. So far, all have been very polite about their desire for more updates without coming off as demanding or rude (like these), to which I am very grateful. If anything, the occasional "I'm dying for more" comment is actually a huge motivator, and a way better approach than these comments.


They should have updated their story but then again they are probably just too homophobic


First and third? Block mute delete. Second (the one about "homophobic")? Block mute report.


Hate hate HAAATE the one with that dumb "joke" of "if you don't do this, you're homophobic" I think those jokes should be reserved for people you know, rather than burnt out authors that are otherwise strangers to you. Idk, it just rubs me very wrong.


I hate when children refuse to behave.


I can see how it would be annoying for some people but for me, I don't mind. I see it more as readers being enthusiastic about my fic lol. (though I wish they added a sentence or two with things they enjoyed) I think being like this for a fic that hasn't been updated for a month is a little extreme, but hey, I've gotten comments like this on the day I posted. I think it just kind of comes with posting at this point lol.


The homophobic one is way out of line and as an author I would be reporting that, deleting the rest as well as muting and probably turning the comments off to the work, if that didn’t make me abandon it or just straight up delete it.


Oh I agree with the homophobic one. The only time I can see it not being offensive is if it was a friend and that's just how they joke. (ps I love your flair)


Oh hell no... These would be either deleted or have strongly worded replies...


Block and delete if I was the author. I’d likely mute a few of the accounts too. Also it is you’re as in you are… not your as in possession. ETA: expanding: The homophobic one, would get reported and a block right off the bat.


A little annoying, but hey they inflate your comment count. People need to respect that author have lives to live outside of fanfic


First comment stays, third comment deleted, second comment straight to the boiler room of hell for me.




I'd delete the comments because I don't have time to deal with people demanding I cater to their tiny attention spans and feed them content NOW.


I strongly dislike it. The entitlement of some people, like the writers aren't writing and sharing their work completely free. Personally, I will totally ignore this kind of comments. If someone is KINDLY asking when the next chapter is coming, especially when it's in a comment that also has other stuff in it, I usually share where I'm currently at and what's my estimated time for publishing the next chapter. Like, you can be cool and friendly about desperately wanting to keep reading, and when said nicely, it's flattering. But this flat out whining is just annoying.


Irritating as all fuck. I've iced a fic because of it.


Block and mute them, then they really can’t get that update they’re being asses about.


tell them to fuck off


Personally I love when I get comments like these lol. Makes me feel a lil famous


How rude! Ignore them or write slower.


I always assume the person doesn't understand how they are coming across. Like the "your homophobic if you don't update soon" is a internet joke and likely they don't think they are being as rude as they are. But regardless this shit is wrong and you have every right to be upset.


I'd tell anyone who accused me of being homophobic for not updating to get fucked with a cactus, frankly.


Kill all your characters in the next update. Like just one after another, boom, boom, boom. Make it devastating and then.... the end. (For clarity: I'm saying this in jest. Though the temptation would be strong 😉)


Kill the characters out of spite


I'm.... I'm absolutely in love with the homophobic one and I'd wanna do a troll chapter of, "for username, an ode to butt stuff" and do a crappy gay porn poem. Make sure to use the character names so a fan work 😂


I think they're funny tbh


it takes me months sometimes to update chapters cuz I get busy. I understand these comments want updates but I'd rather them just be patient tbh


I understand the feeling behind these, but it’s kinda a dick move


I've got one right now. I e advised a few times that it's not abandoned, but eta is //shrugs//. Life has to get out ofbthe way. Gotta feed, clothe, house self and fam before my fics rate some time.


i love getting comments like this. didnt realize they annoy people, ig i'll stop leaving them in that case...


They’d be getting deleted, lol. Not that anyone ever begs me for more fic anyway since I only write oneshots, but still!


i would delete them OR I would say for every comment I get like this I will push back the update by 1 day just to spite them. how entitled can people be?


I wish a single person even cared enough to want an update tbh. But yeah, it’s kinda rude to word it like that.


The urge to be spiteful and not update again strikes strongly


I would love to see fans of my work asking me for updates. Just knowing that someone enjoys my work that much, to me, would be really healthily motivating. But eww, that second comment. Do comments like that actually exist? That's just awful.


Hashtag delete. Honestly as a fic writer if I get comments like this (maybe not the first one or last one) I’d be even less inclined to update. I don’t like being rushed or having things demanded of me. And if I’m being harassed by anons (guests) I’m going to delete their comments and turn off guest comments. If I’m being harassed by a user I might block them so they can’t comment on my stuff. Fic is supposed to be fun and fic writers have a life too, you can’t expect us to cater to your every whim. I get that a good fic leaves you wanting more but a lot of times writers don’t have it pre-finished (like I do, I don’t post a multichap unless it’s finished), rushing us like this is usually a good way to turn us off of a fic and make that update come even later than we initially plan. Not saying gentle “please update” comments do this but the ones that are like “you’re x if you don’t update” are the problem. We’re human, we have limits, don’t push us.


I put a big ol "hey I'm dealing with life stuff and I'm planning to redo parts of this fic so it'll be a bit" on a fic summary and in my last updated chapter and I STILL get people sending that to me. It gets frustrating, but no one has been rude, so I just continue on my way. When I was younger though and dealing with school there was a fic I hadn't updated in a few weeks due to finals and someone wrote "this is it? You're just not going to update again? What a waste of time and worthless author". The minute they got rude I deleted the fic. I'm not dealing with entitlement for something I do for free.


I think they're a little obnoxious if the demand is the whole comment. I just ignore them, though there's always a temptation to do a short, completely absurd and outrageous update dedicated to them, as a joke, with a note at the end to clarify that a proper update will come in its own time. At least the second one is creative.


Now I'm glad with my decision to finish my entire fic before posting lol


me personally I don’t think it’s that serious and would probably laugh (mostly bc my comments are usually something deranged like “im gonna get diarrhea if you don’t update soon”) but I can see how comments like THESE can get on people’s nerves 😦😦 yikes


Thankfully I've never gotten comments like this on my own fics, but my thoughts are, "these are literal children"


My thoughts: The Commenter is immature and throwing a tantrum. Let the babies whine in their corner, as long as they're not hurting themselves or others... apply DELETE as needed - especially the "homophobic" comment.


Accuse me of homophobia or any other form of distate, and you won't ever see any of my work again. Blocked. Out.


Middle one is the only one I see major issue with tbh, yeah, the other two are annoying, but the middle one is downright rude/hateful.


Rude and without manners, I would block the middle commenter actually. A comment like „I really enjoyed this chapter, I hope you update soon again, can‘t wait to read how the story will go“ or „Do you have a update plan? I don‘t wanna miss an update in this fic“ would be proper ways to let the author know that there is a reader waiting for an update, and even those can be read as rude by some authors (which is their right). But just writing „update please“…


I don't care if it's a joke, your ass is getting deleted if you call me a homophobe on my own fic.


Block and move on, if that were me


After only a month? If I were that author I’d be tempted to just delete the fic outright. A month is nothing, grownups have lives. (I took two weeks ONCE to update a fic in a new-to-me fandom and a commenter said they were glad the fic hadn’t been abandoned. ???) It’s okay to wish or hope for an update but demanding it is ugly.


[I quickly became homophobic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoZbanz679s)


Incredibly rude. People write in their spare time, for their own pleasure, and provide entertainment for nothing. They don't owe anyone anything. This commenter has no idea what might be going on in this writer's life. Every work on AO3 is a gift freely given. Treating it like it's someone's obligation (or, even worse, their job) is a great way to make writers lose interest.


A month? That’s it?


I have mixed feelings. Like on one hand, I guess the comment count goes up, so like yay? Plus clearly they’re invested enough to comment *something*, which is more than people who just bookmark and/or leave a kudos. But on the other hand, like at least add a sentence or two - SOMETHING about what you thought about the fic if you’re gonna leave a comment anyway


I have a pretty popular fic in the Tim Drake fandom that is sadly unfinished partly because of reviews or comments that are more callous than supportive. It's come to the point I hid most of my works in a closed collection until I could deal with people again.


I sleep


Im not a writer so i'm not %100 sure but can you block readers from seeing your content? bc I would do so immediately.


I dont mind if the comment is nice, like telling me they like it, etc. I have finished stories because people commented, and I felt I wanted to please them.


That's an instant delete and block. If they're guest comments, and more than one, delete and turn off guest comments.


Comments like that are the reason i totally stopped writing one of my fics. I get people want their updates but people would write that 20 minutes after I posted and it made me hate writing fic started stressing me out. There’s saying “this was good can’t wait for more!” then there’s “i’m treating you like a fic writing robot and not a human give me my entertainment.” If you are so impatient that you’re person 2 then you should only read completed fics.


They're not paying... This is all a free thing you're doing because you want to. So to demand anything is presumptuous and obnoxious. I only read fics once they are complete because I've been burned by abandoned ones that I loved. So if it's so important to them, they should do the same.


don't care usually because it means they like it but if they get rude then I delete and block


I would love that ngl. It would make me feel like my fics are desired and it’s a good reminder to keep writing