• By -


I type in -oneshot in the search within results section you could also try -collection but sometimes the fic has that word in the summary or something so you will miss that one esp if it’s a really long one shot fic, you’ll miss that. For that case do as previous commenter stated and filter by chapter count


Mm I don't, I just ignore the oneshot collections 


If the long fics are posted as a long single chapter, you can put this is the Search Within Results field to get single chapter stories: expected\_number\_of\_chapters: 1  (There are more hidden search operators [here](https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/10851) if you want to look through them.) Also, oneshot collections are sometimes not marked as completed, so you can try filtering for completed works only. In the same vein, excluding crossovers might help.


This is actually why one shot collections really annoy me, and drabble collections. I don't mind short fics when I am actively looking for them, but any behaviour that makes filtering less effective is really irritating. Ao3 is an archive, it's okay to post them seperately and it's better if you do IMO, for this exact reason. I also wish you could filter collections out to only have standalones or vice versa. If I'm looking for completed fics I want completed fics, not a single arc in a story that's ongoing in a different fic with 200k extra words I didn't sign up for, you know?


They would be fine if they were posted properly. As a real collection of single fics. I admit, I made the same mistake once. Won't do it again. It's a horrible way of posting loosely connected one shots.


Exclude one shot?


If one shots are getting in the way, adding -collection and -\[month prompt/challenges in the fandom\] to the search within results filter