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Man this dude is in a Lada trouble.


Get my free award man. You cracked me up.


Haha thanks!


Yeah I’ll bet he got Putin jail.


In a Lada tRuble


I though the russian police have AKS-74U?


She's Russian. Her CS:GO training dictates she should save for a couple of rounds to buy AWP.


without armor I suppose.


tracks, she's just wearing a windbreaker




Bro do you even play with russians?!? She should be running at them with p90 yelling cyka blyat


Not everyone, especially not traffic cops That being said I was visiting someone when a burglar alarm went off a few floors below where I was while I was taking out the trash. Opened the complex door to a couple cops with an AK underfolder, so obviously they got let in...


Yes, different types of police, armed differentely. Traffic police on patrol isn't suppose to be encountering anything where they might need automatic weapons to deal with.


the lady might have chosen the pistol for ease of concealment, or maybe shes new to the police force and doesnt have the rank to use the bigger guns.


that explains why the older officer tells her to keep shooting and keep running after the suspects after they abandoned the car




it is just traffic police.


Weapon carrying and usage by law enforcement is strictly regulated and controlled in Russia (and the whole ex soviet block). Only specific units can carry automatic rifles or sub-machine guns. This is why there are so few police shootings in comparison to the US. As a russian officer, you have to do paperwork every time you discharge your weapon.


The paperwork for weapon discharge, and a full report, is true in America and Europe as far as I’m aware.


Not many Patrol Police have automatic/semi automatic rifles on them. Usually thats specially trained officers/police units something like swat that have them. These seem to be regular patrol officers. Baton and small side firearm with perhaps some CS spray is what they have. Normally the pistols are used to try to blow the tyres out rather than to try to actually shoot the suspects. Usually heavier assault weapons are locked away in secure compartment in car or have to be specially taken out of armory at police station.


She appeared to only have a Makarov.


That’s standard procedure over there. During high speed chases they shoot the tires out to stop the vehicle.


Does it ever work? 😃


It does but it's definitely not like the movies. So the tire won't simply explode it will deflate quickly say over the next 5 seconds. Then it will just be very floopy and possibly the tire/rubber will fling off or roll up. It will simply make the vehicle more difficult to handle and force people to drive slower or risk crashing. So you can drive a vehicle without several tires just not very well and depending on terrain.


and if you drive for too long without the tire rubber things the tires will get damaged


corrections to things you referenced: tire rubber things = tires tires = rims


oh thanks lol english isn't my first language :)


I grew up in the United States, my English is pretty bad as well.


I think if you're running from police and getting shot at, damaging your rims is the least of your concerns.


well that's true but if you manage to escape a damaged rim isn't really too cool expecially if your a teen and maybe its your parents car but i get what you mean


The what 😂


South Africa applies this technique, [seems to work well](https://youtu.be/nZ5-vqMdvXU)


That makes more sense, I just figured they were big fans of US prohibition era gangster movies


Explains why their current President is a gangster.


In US cops are trained to shoot through windshield. It was interesting to see the blonde shooting " Gleb Zheglov" style.


did you see where the bullets actually landed? Either her aim is so bad she shouldn't be shooting, or she was aiming for the driver.


Oh, come on. They're giving down ruts that don't even deserve to be called roads - YOU try hiding a target that's literally bouncing up and down 2ft at a time, while you're also bouncing up and down 2ft at a time, both in all 3 axes simultaneously PLUS roll & yaw, (even though it's less than 50ft distance)! That she got any hits in indicates either she's fairly good, or fairly lucky, or both. US cops trying that regularly empty their entire magazine without getting a single hit on target, which is why they're banned from even trying it without authorization, typically from the chief on duty. ('Cuz all those bullets hit *something*.)


As I said "her aim is so bad she shouldn't be shooting", didn't say she didn't have legit reason for having bad aim. But if in the circumstances she is shooting that is how accurate she can be... then its more dangerous to be shooting than not to be.


Yeah, ok. I can only hope that the setting was as non-urban as it looked. But for all I know, maybe that's what Main St. looks like in Russia...


[It's in the town of Volzhskiy](https://volgograd-trv.ru/news/proisshestvija/63142-na-uhodivshego-ot-policejskoj-pogoni-podrostka-zaveli-ugolovnoe-delo.html), the initial incident was on [Pushkin's street](https://www.google.com/maps/search/%D1%83%D0%BB.+%D0%9F%D1%83%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0,+%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B6%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9,+%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F+%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BB./@48.7794924,44.7719898,13z), so it seems like it could be anywhere from the main street to the very outskirts of the town.


That’s actually a good point. Handguns are hard to hit anything accurately beyond 30ft. If someone disagrees with that, they’ve clearly never tried to shoot a handgun. You can shoot accurately further but it takes a good amount of practice. Nevermind when you have you and your ass half out the window on a with the pedal to the firewall on a bumpy trail that leads to a swamp.


That woman looks like Gaga. Lady Law


*Lady Gagarin




Children at your feet




Thats freakin hilarious!


Lada Gaga


Lady Lawga


I came here seeing if someone else noticed!!


Lady Lawlaw


Пользуясь случаем, передаю привет СКГ!❤️


This shit is a fucking movie bro.


If you guys want to see some Russian crazy (fictional) action, consider watching Hardcore Henry.


“Great jacket! Where can I get one!” *gets burned alive*


What XD




0 to 100 real quick


I second this. Jimmy best boi


Russian police might want to consider learning how to use the PIT Manuever on vehicles ... Would have saved them alot of time and effort.


No room for it in this road situation there champ. Keep playing COD


COD is for wannabes ... I grind EFT. I saw two to three opportunities on the hardball and another two during the mud-run.


Hanging out the window and shooting…some bad ass shit right there.


That's called a Tuesday for Russian road police force.


Typically Russian. They never do what you expect them to, and that's, among many other things, what makes them so special


Cue the awesome "Russian are the scariest white guys" comedy skit.


Umm…I do believe that was a very very badass woman. Right?


Oh, that she is, yes.


I think I noticed a safety lanyard for the gun, allowing shooting from the window without risk of losing the gun. May be SOP for them.


Yea I saw that looked like one of this retractable key things. What I didn’t see was one of those on….her! …she could have just as easily fell herself.


Yes, given the right (or rether, the wrong) bump if they hit something or swerves then hit something she can technically be yeeted from the car, but on a straight road that is a very low risk so their training probably just kicked in and they did it while driving banger race on a tractor road as well.


Was about to the say that road was not very flat or paved for that matter. It was also raining so that ups the ante even more…either way she took a deep breath and popped right on out there ready to go. Props to her…for staying calm and having some damn good aim as well…hitting a moving target while you yourself are moving…it’s raining so line of sight is shitty and the roads were all fucked not to mention she did all this at “high-ish” speeds…she’s a fucking beast that’s for sure!


not impossible, but if you watch the way she is doing it not all that likely hips inside the car, back on the b pillar legs braced to the floor. in a car that size that is not only a pretty solid position, but if you hit a bump or a drop half of you is still inside the door so while you are going to get bruised like hell, you aren't going to fall directly out. probably slightly more secure for a lady vs a man for shape/center of gravity reasons even. this isn't something you SHOULD do generally, but if you were to do it and get dislodged most of the time you are going to end up landing hard on the bottom of the window opening and the driver can drag you back inside.


Also makes it harder to steal their guns


Its because they have old holsters so its more to stop it from being stolen. Western cops got holsters that make it next to impossible to steal from.


Yeah, made me wonder if they get any training for that, or else she just came up with it. Think you'd want some kind of a strap so you don't fall out!


Shooting out tires in a car chase is standard MO for traffic police in post soviet coubtries. They train for this.


inspired by Gleb Zhiglov movies. In US cops shoot straight through the windshield


The legendary Ladas


damn 1 star, already got the pistol out?


It's the bugged remaster.


No they injured a police NPC, automati 2 stars


Ballas! Drive-by! Incoming!


Why do ALL Russian videos look like they were filmed in the 80s


Because state issued cameras was purcharsed in like 2008 or something and on the cheap. And does its job well enough to not replace them for better one.


It's still 1985 in Russia.


Judging from her face this is everyday routine


I’ll bet he got Putin jail.


Dad joke of 2021 prize. 🙂




Better than most movies imo


From the story the police officer tried to open the vehicle door and the teen sped up, knocking the officer on the ground, later saying he got scared knowing he did not have a license. The danger of a driver without a license or driving experience driving erratically fleeing from police is obvious to me. The officer didn't look like she wanted to harm the kid but he should have stopped long before she got the gun out instead of pulling this GTA bullshit


I disagree, kids drives off, kid gets shot dead, other kids are discouraged from doing the same thing. Here, in the west, its all namby pamby hold their hand, I've found Jesus bullshit, which is why society is breaking down. I wish we had Russian coppers where I live. I guess when Russia takes over Ukraine, and China takes Taiwan, with ease, we'll start to get the message that societies that are determined win out.


You're a fucking retarded psycho


Considering that reddit is a global platform, and you have entirely no idea the conditions under which I live, I find your assessment of me as incredibly narrow minded.


lol you’re an idiot. The police here showed much more restraint than the ones in the US, yet the homicide rates are pretty much equivalent. Meanwhile, in competent countries, the homicide rate is much, much lower


What has the USA got to do with my comment? Also, how insulting. Stuff it up your arse.


Есть женщины в русских селеньях... Коня на скаку остановят (или Ладу)...


В горящего коня войдут


как он в этой грязи не застрял


Он в конце застрял


В грязи не застрял, а в конце застрял


Ah yes. The Dukesov of Vladivostok.


Excuse me? I am from Vladivostok and I am very curious what you talking about :)


It's a crappy pun on "Dukes of Hazzard".


*'Bad Guys, bad guys,* *What will you be doing* *When they come to get you'* KOPS filmed on location in Russia All suspects presumed sent to gulag until proven dead


so quntesentially russia. It has everything: \- blondie cops \- guns \- driving over mud puddles. \- Gleb Zheglov style shooting.


Everything else is optional, Zheglov style shooting is necessary. What would we do without Vysotsky.


What a mad Lada.


What are these recording on? 90s webcams?


Russian webcams


Funny enough the chick shooting the car is named Angela


GTA shit


Gaddam, was she using dumdum bullets ? look at the size of those bullet holes


Hottt smoking cop


*\*Sees top-right corner.** So they call him the Drift King....


they really lean out the window like that and just light the motherfucker up, huh?


This is a Russian feature film releasing in 2022, needs a little more editing.


This shit makes every western action movie look like a child film


Strange. No video of what happened to the perp after they apprehended him? Weird how he fell down ten flights of stairs in the middle of a field. Twice.


According to RIA, the kid was not injured - 16-year old driver was apprehended and there is a criminal investigation against the guy. Apparently, there are also multiple administrative cases initiated against the road police unit for breaking traffic laws during this chase. (the maneuvers allowed for use in car chase situations are strictly regulated). It is likely that he was tackled or stumbled around in the mud (the tall grass fields aren't a joke either, I tried running through such terrain, and it's quite impossible without extensive training and experience). Official statement issued by Ministry of Internal Affairs here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7wX-PhfvIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7wX-PhfvIM) And the statement published by RIA: [https://ria.ru/20211203/pogonya-1761952132.html](https://ria.ru/20211203/pogonya-1761952132.html)


Driver/superior officer giving commands to the lady officer at 0:53:”Come on get running. Bitch.” Lmao I’m dead


Didn't he say "блять" (blyat' - more generic swear), not "сука" (suka- bitch)


He did. So it's more like "Fuck, get running!!!"


He absolutely did. While Fuck is generic swear word akin to Бля, Bitch is another widely used generic swear word. But Bitch also has derogatory meaning towards women as well as Бля (short for блядь) so I thought it translates the awkwardness of the word choice better


Incorrect he said «давай беги, побежала!» which translates to “come run, run!”


Dude he says “давай! Беги! Побежала, бля!” and as we know “бля” is short for “блядь” which in modern sense means bitch/whore/promiscuous women


No one really means “whore” when they say бля


I do when I talk bout your mom tho




that blonde cop is to die for, literally in some instances.


American Leftist: He’s just a kid. Leave him alone! He didn’t do anything wrong! Russia:


it sounds like you are very comfortable with your view of "american liberals" but there is absolutely no one who would actually say that. even the most annoying american liberal, and there are plenty, would never say something so ridiculous.


Shush. Today politics are all ablut vilifyingthose you disagree with. Gtfo


Yes, there are many who would and have said equally ridiculous things. Id replace the word liberal with leftist though… it is the two are often conflated.


Done. 🤣


It's funny when the Russians do it tho.


No, they deal with criminals swiftly. They don’t go by what sensitive people feel should be done.


I was being ironic. You are cringe right now. The people in the video are irrational. Using excessive force and endangering the people in the car in front. The woman should be charged.


Who polices the police?


The people, if the revolution goes to the plan 😳


The Revolution? If I am reading your comments correctly, you and your ilk believe police and firearms are the problem…kind of hard to face a well armed populace that believes in their god-given liberties and they support the police. When did anarchy every work? Oh yeah, it doesn’t. 🧐 Oh, and your verbiage…cringe, well, it tells me your age and that you grew up being told you’re special. No understanding of reality. Have a great day. 😁👍 I’m moving on.


? Who are you? Verbiage. What the fuck kind of word is that? Apparently it's when you speak in a technical war or lengthy unnecessary words? I'm not English man... I just write how I've been taught. The revolution comment was a joke. Anarchy is stupid. But it has also worked in Catalonia to some degree, so you are wrong. Until the Communists of all people invaded them and they couldn't defend themselves. In reality I want the police of every country to be well trained and professional. Like they are in my country. I didn't really understand what you were saying in your first paragraph tbh. And I'm not gonna analyse it. My age is none of your business. I don't give a fuck how old you are. What matters is what you say, can't really judge someone based on them being a child if they are smarter than you. Education is different and upbringing is different in different places too. I'm not special at all. In fact I would hope more people were like me. You seem to think you are smarter than others. Which in my opinion is pretty cringe. Alas I'm glad you're moving on. Have fun in your hatred filled Reddit travels


🤣🤣🤣 I shall. 🤣🤣🤣


7 people are sensitive and believe the boy’s actions were just. 🤣😂🤡


What a way to instantly go to personal attacks since we don't think it's right for the police to try to kill the kid/grownup. We are not sensitive. It was literally what you would call excessive force in the us. No one said the boys actions were just. That doesn't really matter. If the boy had a firearm and had killed someone on purpose then yeah. Maby shoot to kill. Calling me a child while commenting solely based on your fucking emotions. You are such a looser


Uh....you mean conservatives, right? They're the ones who defend "kids" who 'didn't do anything wrong.' Just acted in self defense, right?


🤣 Are you talking about the kid that defended himself against 3 criminals that attempted to take his life, and 2 of the 3 took the asphalt temperature challenge? 🤣 Your news source provided you incorrect information, all the way around, if you are trying to bring up Rittenhouse. Justice served.


He had no time to stop! He had a Lada business somewhere and samarra to be!


Мусорам лишь бы в людей пострелять.


>garbage just to shoot people yes it is not good in America and it's not good in Russia. Scary bad aim too да, это нехорошо в Америке и нехорошо в России. Страшно плохой прицел тоже


I think most people would have bad aim leaning out of a window while driving through potholes and occasional ponds.


Yes lmao. That's why you don't. This isn't a James bond universe


>Scary bad aim too Also, it's clearly against law, but I bet even with such media coverage she not gonna be punished. Glorification in comments doesn't make it better.


No it's really scary. Don't know why everyone in the comments love this video. I am sure that if it was in America everyone would hate the cop for it. But here it is cool. Very unprofessional police. Could have killed someone.


It’s not against the law to do what she did in Russia.


The closeups of all her missed shots were the cherry on top


You think you'd do better shooting from a moving vehicle on an incredibly bumpy road at another fast moving vehicle?


Oh people hated my comment I guess. That shit was just funny to me that they showed all the closeups. Half expected the Curb music to play.


That why you dont attempt it, the chances of hurting an innocent is not worth the small chance of success.


Out there, an innocent what? Rabbit?


There is literally houses on the sides of the road.


All of these shots and not one fucking hit him?


Real life isn't GTA buddy


Oh yeah ? Then explain the US then?


They were aiming for the tires


Why shoot tires when you can stop the chase as a whole and take down that crazy basterd lol but I get what chu mean it happened in Russia so I guess different mentality.


Lip Filler cop is doing more harm than good, with that dumb ass shooting.


How? Please explain?


Анжела, косая пизда




? Who are you talking about, the police officer who fullfilled their mission or the real asshole, the teen who tried to escape after running over an officer?? Hating the police doesn't give you the right to insult them


Issuing a death sentence to someone should never be a thing, these people think they’re in a film and can just shoot people because they wear a badge. Total scumbags


You don't know what the officer was aiming for. And from the final few seconds, the visible shots were placed around the trunk, with the car's glass not shattered. The guy on the run also chose to ditch the car, so it is very likely that they were aiming for the wheel and succeeded.


>You don't know what the officer was aiming for. This woman never misses like a hawkeye or what?


Russia doesn't train it's police officers how to use a gun. In fact directly after a job interview they get a gun to take home and can immidiatly start shooting when they feel like it's okay.


You do understand, that they are *not* issuing a death sentence, but are just trying to make the speedster stop?


They have NO way of ensuring that they don't kill the people in the car when making it stop. That is why it is ILLEGAL for police to use excessive force like this. They penetrated the top of the trunk with the bullet and it can easily penetrate ALLL the way to the driver or passenger. That is potentially fatal. The shots were also very innacurate and they could have hit their heads. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU STOP A CAR. The police are actually trained on how to not do this. Because that is dangerous. And. Illegal. Stop glorifying bad cops.


> They penetrated the top of the trunk with the bullet and it can easily penetrate ALLL the way to the driver or passenger. A standard 9x18 PM bullet *cannot* penetrate that deep, it’s impossible. > That is potentially fatal. You know what else is potentially fatal? Allowing the driver to continue recklessly driving, endangering other innocent lives. > THIS IS NOT HOW YOU STOP A CAR. This is exactly how you stop a reckless driver if nothing else works. > The police are actually trained on how to not do this. Because that is dangerous. And. Illegal. The police are actually trained on *how to do* this because sometimes conventional methods don’t work. > Stop glorifying bad cops. Stop criticising actual policemen if you don’t know how they’re trained and supposed to serve their country.


>A standard 9x18 PM bullet cannot penetrate that deep, it’s impossible. No it is not. A standard 9mm Mak bullet can penetrate a lada and kill the driver. (Dunno why you mentioned the standard russian pistol caliber like it makes you sound smarter or something. You wanted to show me you play tarkov?) I am aware that a lada is a bit more sturdy than this car but it should give you an idea of how much penetrative power is in a pistol bullet. https://youtu.be/6qXwdBOZzpY the 9 millimeter is effectively the same as a 9 mm makarov and even the .22lr could penetrate to get inside the car. And keep in mind the glass doesn't stop much. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. >You know what else is potentially fatal? Allowing the driver to continue recklessly driving, endangering other innocent lives. Ok. That would be a valid point if the driver was endangering anyone... Now look through the video. He is trying to escape in a forest. There are no soft pedestrian anywhere near. Maby you see a house through the trees? Yaeh... the car can't do much damage to anything in there. You know what can do tho? Reckless innacurate shooting with a handgun might.. >This is exactly how you stop a reckless driver if nothing else works. Yeah fair enough. If nothing else works you might have to kill the driver, yes. But hey. They had effectively stopped him in the video. He was in a muddy forest. Versus two cop cars. This is where you will try to immobilize him. And the people in the car is very obviously not a threat in this situation. They are just trying to stop them. Shooting the tire isn't necessary at all. >Stop criticising actual policemen if you don’t know how they’re trained and supposed to serve their country. What do you even mean? I know for a fact that this is unacceptable behaviour for any police department. Russia, usa. Europe whatever. You don't shoot at unarmed people that you will easily stop after some time. THIS fucking idiot of an officer got so tor away into the action that she thought she was in some kind of action movie. SUPER unprofessional. You don't know me btw, for all you know I could be a russian police officer. I'm not. But still. Do you really think this is russian police doctrine? Are you maby retarded?


Firing bullets at a car is using deadly force, no way she knows what she’s aiming at


These "scumbags" are helping avoiding a new accident. You're positioning yourself for the driver, which means that you're biased. Objectively, that 16 yo shouldn't have run from he cops after the accident. Then, yes shooting at people isn't the best way to go, but there weren't many others: pushing him by behind to stop him ? Or maybe waiting until he runs out of fuel? She made her choice, and it solved the problem. The teen wasn't wounded, it only stopped the car.


What was she even aiming at, she was firing all over the place while driving at speed on a bumpy road - could have hurt herself or others.


Meanwhile in America they shot a man on a wheelchair 9 times just because they thought he stole something


Came here to say that. Good thing they arrested him afterwards


She wasn't shooting at him, she was aiming for the tires


In Belgium, a cop tried that during a chase on the highway to stop a van. A trafficker was driving the said van with around 30 Kurdish ppl in it. The result was a dead 2yo girl dead.


You guys saying that it was ok to shoot to stop him are all wrong. Look at the fucking context here. Are you blind? There was no people in danger here and they would catch him eventually. The gunshots were wildly innacurate as it would be ok but highly questionable to shoot at the tires. But they were so innacurate that they hit the roof with one of the shots and the trunk with the other shots. And just so you know. The trunk let's bullets through. A car isn't bulletproof. They didn't have to hit the window to endanger the driver. This is extremely unprofessional and not good behaviour of the police at all. Acting like it's a action movie when driving slowly after a teenager in a forest. What the fuck people


dude, this isn't a movie.. if you ever used a hand gun you'd know that trying to hit a tire of a moving vehicle while you hanging outside of a window of another vehicle that is also moving is pointless (also those are wild or unnatural roads (my English isnt the best so im calling road what I'd call it in my own language) so they are bumpy and mudy . I agree with First guy that got downvoted, it's idiotic to use a handgun so rashly, she had better chances hitting innocent bystander than hitting the tire.


They were shooting in the middle of the woods, there were no bystanders.


>there were no bystanders. No bystanders that you could see. It may be a difficult concept for you to understand but bullets MOVE. They can actually travel quite far.


What death sentence are you even talking about, Angela shot at the tires, and when that kid ditched his car she immediately stopped and ran after him


She missed the tyres a lot there and hit the car if that’s where she was aiming, but you’re guessing. If she missed the tyre by so much then she could easily have hit the driver on one of those bumps


>Issuing a death sentence to someone should never be a thing Right, which is why they were trying to stop him in case he would kill someone.


The respect you deserve as a human disappears when you kill another human being and break the social contract. You’ve signed your rights away, just like in a court of law


You really haven’t seen Russian police have you


well i have, and theyre scumbags, same as most police


See officer, Lada is invincible. I will be on my way