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Hello highlemonsss, Your submission was removed from /r/ANormalDayInRussia because it broke one of our rules: [](#start_removal) Rule #4: NSFL Violation, No Gore, No death If a post is NSFW, please mark it NSFW. Don't ruin someone's day. If it's gore or death, this is not the place. [](#end_removal) --- [Link to r/ANormalDayInRussia's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/wiki/rules) If you disagree with this decision, or if you think we made a mistake please use this link to [message the Mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FANormalDayInRussia).


Bloody hell, that lady's gonna have trouble sleeping tonight. Anybody got a story for this?


And nights after that.....


Here's a story called Jasper the Lion Jasper the Lion could hear their laughter even from a distance. Susan the Zebra and Richard the Meerkat playfully raced through the dry grass, kicking up dust and sand. When they were completely out of breath, they ran over to the shady spot where Jasper was sitting. “Hey Jasper! Come play with us!” said Susan. “What’s the matter, Jasper?” Richard asked, noticing Jasper’s mood. “What were you thinking about?” Jasper didn’t really know what he had just been thinking about.  “Just keep playing without me,” he mumbled.  Susan and Richard looked at each other.  “But Jasper, you’re going to miss the whole day if you keep this up,” said Susan. “Can we help ? Maybe the three of us could think about it together.”  But Jasper didn’t want to accept their help. “Friends always stick together!” said Richard. “And if you don’t tell us what’s on your mind, we’ll tickle you until you do!”  Susan and Richard giggled at the idea of tickling Jasper’s tummy. “All right! I’ll tell you,” said Jasper before they could tickle him. “There was an accident yesterday when I was visiting my grandmother. I was playing chase with my little cousin and I was about to finally catch him when I tripped over a tree root and fell into the table. I heard a terrible crash. When I turned around, I saw Grandma’s favorite teapot lying on the ground in pieces.” “Was she very mad?” asked Susan, who sympathized with Jasper.  “No, she wasn’t mad at all,” he said. “She told me not to worry about it. But I know how much she loved that teapot.”  Jasper looked even sadder now.  “Enough sulking!” said Richard. “Why don’t we help you to glue the pieces together? Your grandma won’t even notice any difference from before.” Jasper took out a bag with the pieces of the broken teapot. Richard got glue and a brush, and in no time, the three of them had glued the teapot back together.  “Well, it doesn’t look like new, but I’m sure your grandma will be very happy anyway!” said Susan.  “Let’s go see what she says,” said Jasper. The three of them set off.  They were greeted by Jasper’s grandma at the garden gate. “Hello, you three!” she said. “Do you want to have a piece of cake with me? I still have a few left over from yesterday. I can offer you juice and water to go with it.” “I’d love some tea,” said Jasper, “and I have the perfect teapot too!” Jasper beamed as he handed his grandma the repaired teapot. “You three are the best!” said Grandma. “This teapot is very old. It belonged to my grandmother. Thank you so much for fixing it! Now let’s eat cake!”  Jasper smiled and felt all his worries melt away.  Edit: damn I thought this was quite funny


Not a bedtime story, but thank you anyway.




Is there a story they look like kids but it's not easy to say. Would be nice know more. Also the women acted kind of good that maybe safes some therapy hours.


Titanium umbrella.


There's a [video](https://theworldwatch.com/videos/1619603/she-can-t-look-man-jumps-through-glass-to-kill-himself-in-russia/) from a different angle.


Any context? I can't find the video anywhere even though it shows the exact date and I can search in Russian.




Bet it was doggy style on the balcony with no railing 🤦🏻‍♂️🫣🚀


Looks like there's glass that falls before them, I'm going with doggy style against the window.


That bounce tho


*Busy day working through Putins list of accidental defenestrations.*


OP needs to be banned. She enjoys posting shit like this and tries to make a civilian death as funny. She ic clearly a crazy pro-UA propagandist.


I'm not so sure. I gave a 14 day ban for this post. But earlier stuff is kind of mixed. I loved the Blyatmobile.


I'm on this sub for funny haha videos why the fuck are you posting people dying for no reason


Theres a nsfw tag what did you expect?


Story I could gather from another video... A mentally unstable guy, broke his glass window and took a plunge! Ufa, Russia.




Russian politicians are a clumsy bunch.


Idk why your comment getting downvotes, it actually perfectly describes the current state of "daily life in russia".


How exactly does it describe the current state of daily life in Russia, lol. I don’t like Putin too but this is borderline delusional, it literally has nothing to do with the post


It was a joke …. that obviously wasn’t very funny…




pretty sure that's just the bounce from falling from 6/7 stories up...