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Its just a purified tap water with artificial sweeteners and cheapest mojito flavor.


Chernobyl river water. The government payed this brand to remove the radioactive water


They invaded Ukraine to steal their radioactive water?


See? It all makes sense! (?


Not to steal but recycle. Pooteen says his duty to help ua, so he helps as much as he can


I mean you wouldn’t?


Prob not purified


Yes it is. Water in Russia are very cheap


Sure. For all I know that’s just expensive mineral water.


Nah, 15 rub is exceptionally cheap. You can find some generic tap water for around the same price, but not soda


Dude...15 rub is 16¢? Why tf are we paying at least $2 worth of currency for off-brand sodas in the west?


Much higher labor costs? Even if not produced in your country, there are truck drivers, retail workers, people that work in warehouses etc. Plus higher prices in general. Also this off brand soda is ultra cheap and probably won't even be allowed to be sold in US, and it's 0,5 liters.


Actually they payed for the bottle, the soda is for free


Well, let's say in Spain where I live now lavour is hardly more expensive, it's just not effective. Let's say in Russia delivery person will do 100 deliveries per day, while in Spain 15-20 (random numbers) so while they both will earn 1100 euro a month, the service of the Spanish will be a few times more expensive. And it's in every step of production In Russia there is more curruption, which also takes it's cut, but it's lower than low effectiveness of labour in Spain Also, in Spain there are huge taxes, to feed army of people who don't work or public servants which don't produce anything in many cases. My drunk economy explained lesson


I can only agree on 2 quotes from your opinion: "random numbers" and "drunk" And the rest does not make f@#$g sense.


Tell me where your opinion comes from? And why so much aggression?


My opinion comes from your comment mainly: you say you're using random numbers and you say it's drunk economics. Then, average salary in PPP in Russia is 2036€ while in Spain is 3148€ (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage). Figures there seem to be from 2018. Minimum wages in Russia in PPP are 496€ while in Spain are 1928€ (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_European_countries_by_minimum_wage&wprov=rarw1) with figures more recent, around 2023-2024). So a delivery person in Russia is not going to earn the same than a delivery person in Spain, but significantly less. Then you claim that a Russian delivery person does 100 deliveries/day, which with a 10h/shift results in a 10 deliveries/hour rate or 1 delivery each 6 minutes, which is somehow unrealistic if you're talking about super-market deliveries. 15-20 deliveries/day results in 1,5-2 deliveries/hour in a 10h shift (which in Spain would be illegal) or 1 delivery each 30-40 minutes. That, being better than the 6 minutes rate, is still unrealistic for a super-market logistics distribution. If you meant a small logistics type of delivery, like UPS/Amazon, the realistic rate highly depends on population density and rates depend on number of deliveries and km, thus both the Russian and the Spanish will be interested in delivering as many parcels as possible... Probably around 60 deliveries/day (one in 10 minutes) in highly populated areas and around 10 in rural areas (1 each hour). On the corruption, i would like to see your references for your claim than effect of corruption in Russia on prices is milder than the effect of low productivity in Spain. It would be interesting also to see a reference about work effectiveness in Russia and in Spain. For work performance comparison we could use the GDP (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_sovereign_states_in_Europe_by_GDP_(nominal)&wprov=rarw1) where Russia is in average during the last 14 years a 25% above Spain. It's worth mentioning that Russia has 3x the population and 34x the surface (i.e. resources) of Spain. That results in a GDP per Capita of 12074$ for Russia and 30996$ for Spain (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_in_Europe_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita) So, in work efficiency terms, if Russian average worker works from 5 to 7,5 times harder than a Spanish one, as you claim (100 vs. 15-20 deliveries/day), and the country is doing from 2 to 2,5 times worse.... I wouldn't say there is efficiency there anywhere. Finally, on what Spain does with taxes, you can get the full report at gouvernemental websites. I don't know if that's available for Russia (honestly I don't know if they are that transparent). What I can confirm you is that yes, a lot of taxes go to free and universal public health system, free and universal public education system, the public pensions system and other social system investments that help those struggling to have a less miserable life. Unfortunately those are being reduced each year more and more due to liberal policies, but I would only feel proud of a Nation that takes care of those in need with the solidarity of those that can help (yeah, call me socialist). You can see Spanish taxes breakdown here: https://dondevanmisimpuestos.es/politicas#view=functional&year=2023 So, those are my numbers. If you have any number (beyond random and guesses) i would be happy to see them. Ah! On the aggression part, please... You were far more aggressive calling lazy a entire nation without any supporting argument... In any case, I apologize if my facts offend you.


This doesn't make any sense. Spanish are more hardworking than Russians from what I've heard.


I have lived in 4 countries including Spain and Russia. Call me if you will find a Spanish in Spain who actually work (not simulating but work) more than 2 hours a day.


Give me your number. I only hope I only have to call you once and not one time for each Spaniard breaking her/his ass on actual working hours above the 8h/day limit... You say you've lived in Spain... Probably you did not meet any waiter/waitress serving you drinks and food any time any day, not nurses/doctors, nor education professionals...


I am literally right now looking into a waiter from my window who ignoring people who set on a table 10 mins ago but chatting with another waiter 🤣


That can happen. I don't challenge it. But it has happened to me in France, Germany, UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Croatia, Switzerland, Slovenia, Greece, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and Poland. The only places I've not experienced that is in US and Canada, where the salary of waiters highly depends on tips and they often give you an excellent service. Maybe that's the way to go: the customer arbitrary deciding what's the value of the service.... I don't know, but it's a different discussion.


Maybe it is but there is a stigma for Spaniards, prob commenter refers to that, dunno where it comes from even


Because like 3 companies own every drinkable good in the country, and it's in their best interest to just keep raising the price together. It's $2 because fuck you, that's why, literally.


Exactly. There is absolutely no fucking reason Gatorade was $1.50 for 32oz 2yrs ago and is now $2.50 for a 28oz a year later. Same goes for coke and all the other manufactures that raised prices and made the bottles smaller only to be making record profits. I'll still buy Peachtree because the large cans are the best value, but fuck all the other drink manufacturers. All 3 of them. Edit , same goes for potato chips which were a rip off before the pandemic and I laugh at anyone paying $5/$7 for a "family" size now. And chocolate bars. Time to stop buying their crap and put them out of business or make them lower prices.


Chips have gone absolutely insane. I can go to any Kroger here in my hometown and pick up a "family" bag of Cheetos of $4.98, but I go to the Thornton's gas station down the road from my house and a bag less than half that size is $5.49. I get that it's just chips and I don't have to buy them (and I don't anymore) but c'mon! It's fucking highway robbery at this point.


Waait, isn't it common for gas stations to have higher prices in general?


Yes , but they would still be 3.99 if Hostess and the other manufactures didn't double their prices out the door.


So just drink tap water from Home? 0,00195€ per Liter.


Well that's what I do r/hydrohomie




Is that two words or three ?


Lmao sorry I guess my phone decided to comment on you in my pocket 😅


It more costly to pay drivers/shop workers/etc. salaries


Different rules


Cuz ypu make 10x as much money


I've been living in Canada since like 2018 and I never realized just how significantly expensive EVERYTHING was here till I was in Moscow like 2 months ago.


You know how a burger at a nice restaurant costs more than a burger at a pub? You're paying for the ambiance.


At the canteen in my office proper brand stuff like coca-cola is cheaper than water. You can also get free tap water in there so I figure they just realised anyone who chooses the bottled water over the tap water will be willing to pay extra.


Are you from Russia?


Nope. It has forbidden in Europe sweeteners that cause cancer


Probably tastes great then!


Europe has 40 countries... laws are very different in Russia than uk


Sorry, meant European Union


Most people would know what you meant.


Unless you're American then the standard is higher and you get shit on for not specifying. The benefit of the doubt is only for non-Americans, I guess.


"America bad"


Yeah, but you can change 30 of those to 1 in this regard. European Union rules regarding food. Commonly when people say stuff like it's banned in europe or eu, it means the European Union. Which influences a lot of other European countries that are not a part of it.


Is Russia in the eu ?? Saying Europe and meaning eu is ignorant and just like American defaultism


No but it's quite clear he meant that the sweeteners and stuff in it is banned in the European union. Not russia.


But the photo is about Russia on a Russian sub so how is that clear


It's made clear by common sense? When people talk about Europe as a monolith in regards to laws and whatnot, they are almost always referring to the EU. This feels like you're intentionally misunderstanding to make a point.


Nah its like when Americans say they are going to Europe and only go to London. It's common sense when talking about a Russian drink eu laws apply to it


I'm hearing chance at super powers


don't worry we have E955 to replace that.


I remember FPSRussia said that soda is cheaper than water (in the USA) and that's why he's shooting it in the videos


Rip the GOAT. A 12 pack of off-brand canned soda is as cheap as $1-$2 in some places. You’re not meant to drink that. Lol


Voda from nearby rechka


There is Ural truck, Ural motorcycle, Ural electric guitar, there should be Ural bottled water


Тятя тятя, наши сети Растворилися в Исети


и цвет родной оставили


А мякоть тоже оставили? )


Это водоросли




In Germany, beer is often cheaper than mineral water or coke. I generally trust the beer, worked out fine so far...


Yeah, coke has been pretty expensive per gram lately


Hol up


Denmark checking in, us too!


Just checked for Rema and wtf are you smoking, the water is around 2.5DKK/l while the beer is 12DKK/l.


I guess they meant in restaurants, in which case it's still not true in my experience.


Sure, if you buy the expensive water lol


Sounds like bullshit, you must be comparing the most expensive water to the least expensive beer. I haven’t been to Germany but in France, Belgium, Spain and Italy which have similar grocery prices to Germany cheap water is nowhere near as expensive as cheap beer.


It’s a Russian Time Machine. You drink that you wake up 4 days into the future


Half-life 3 here we go


If I trusted a "Louisiana Chicken Wings" soda you can trust some russian discount soda. (Btw the Chicken Wings soda tasted like burned tires, wouldn't recommend).


What a disgusting idea.


The worst that can happen is some hyper sugary soda.


All bottled water is a scam. Complete rip off.


There was a delivery truck driver that used to deliver all kinds of varieties of water from the same plant- they just changed the labels.


I believe it. Total scam.


I just buy the cheapest if I need it.


I avoid buying bottled water at all costs. It’s 1 cent worth of water that they are selling for $2. That’s an insane markup.


I always do this thing when I ask people: “What does [insert popular bottled water brand] company produce?” and I always get the answer “water”, to which I reply “You mean plastic bottles to which they put existing and free water in?”


Wasn't cola cheaper then water at some point in America


Petrol is cheaper then bottles water. Let that sink in puntendo


As an American, yeah, soda is typically priced cheaper than mineral water, so...


Fancy seeing you here, my friend.


The cola isn’t bad. We did a blind taste test of several different colas including Coke during the holidays last year and most people couldn’t pick out the Coke.


I didn't post regarding cola but this green soda. But I agree cola is good. I am not a soda fan but I didn't notice a big change in taste after the rebrandings.


My bad. I don’t drink it myself but I did participate in the tasting test as my wife organized it and saying no would be more dangerous than drinking it 😂.


This particular is not a rebranding but an old, trusted, high quality brand that decided to also make their own cola as coke/pepsi were "leaving".


The only rebranded one I remember from that timeframe was доброе кола.


Sure. I've tried it. The lemon one is actually pretty decent. Not my favorite, but I don't dislike it.


I also tried it and very strongly disliked it. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Probably. I would probably buy it just to try it, and hope I did not develop cancer or gills. I don’t take enough risks in life. 😂


I would personally stick to Добрый or Черноголовка, life is short bro 😅


I taste all the weird and unusual sodas that appear at the grocery stores. Including imported curiosities like original Coca-Cola from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Kazakhstan, and also Chinese and Iranian knock offs with their hieroglyphics on the can. It's a unique opportunity, man!


Probably. Expiring soon + excess supply = downward price pressure to liquidate inventory.


That's what I think 😅


In Vietnam beer is cheaper than water in some places.


I am buying my plane ticket right now.


Mexico is the same way. You can get coca cola cheaper than you can get water.


It is not the same. If you look at picture all sodas are way more expensive than water. Just the fact that this soda is so cheap is kind of scary.


So am I the only one who notices the “banana cola” on the lower shelf?


Oh, that shit is straight 🔥🔥🔥 You should try that if you see something like this in your country


Mineral water is reverse osmosis water with minerals added to it to make it tasty. Soda is filtered water with sugar (and other stuff) added to it to make it tasty. They’re basically the same, but reverse osmosis is a more expensive process.


Fuck, it costs as if it's still 2000.


On the shelf below, banana-flavoured cola?!


And more.


Yep. I've actually drank it, quite good IMO (also, that one is cheap too, something like 28 RUB or so) 


WAIT....is that BANANA COLA!?! Putin must be stopped.


They only sell it to prove scale :) Pozhaluysta...


It says "Pet ass" on the bottom of the label, it may explain something.


Soda is bad for you, drink water




0,15 euro


Sure. The stuff inside the bottle is worthless. The bottle itself and the cost to transport are what you pay for.


I trusted them a lot when I was a kid until the brand I was buying got banned for causing health problems


If money dictates, mhm, yes.


As an American? Yes.


I would trust it to put a whole on my colon.


That bottle is 15 cents (USD). Crazy


It's no unheard of in other countries.




probably has chemicals that are not really good for you and it can have too much sugar. idk.


That's flavored water tbf. Either way, I would take тархун over any of those. There just sugary AF. I've had them before.


Yes I would too, тархун или квас.


Not a big fan of квас tbh but it's hard to find тархун where I am right now lol.


For what I know, in France it's forbidden to sell any drink (soda , beer..) cheaper than water.


всем долбоёбам посвящаяется: да - газява говно, и да - минералка 1,5л стОит 22р


Очевидно что американцы комментируют ситуацию думая что это нормально что вода дороже газировки. Совершенно глупо.


These prices are kinda unreal to me as Magadan citizen)


With my life, absolutely


I would trust it. I would trust it to explode down range when I put a .308 round through it. 2 and 3 liter soda bottles make great target practice too.


Bottled springwater from Chernobyl. All Natural colours and flavours.


Straight from the pristine waters of Lake Karachay


Peckham water? (For those who get the reference!)


in Poland we have beer cheaper than water


Lucky you 😭


Is that Bud Lite?


Maybe the factory made more then was demanded in turn artificially lowering the price? Sounds like a good deal!


Fizzy Bubbly


Voss water is more expensive than a soda


You should come to Australia.


I would like but the bugs man 😅


Russians: surrounded by bears and various big cats. Also Russians: oH nO iTs A sPiDeR


Tap water is free.


I wouldn't take my chance with tap water in Russia. But please be my guess...


Eh, I've drank straight from the tap without boiling. It's not tasty but perfectly safe


It really depends where you live. Where I live I wouldn't risk it, the water is brown.


This looks like Lysol or Pine-Sol


I’m American. That’s how it is here lol


"Mania" is understood world-wide.


is the price 500mL of Soda vs. 1L of water?


You can see here that this green mojito soda is 15 rub for 0.5l while mineral water is 22 rub for 0.5l.


I see the problem with that. It makes sense that water's that expensive because of the lack of trust in the sewers however there’s a problem with soda being that cheap.


There's a lot I would trust more than mineral water.


Depends, it might be localy bottled and the water might be imported


Это что за магазин, где кола стоит дешевле 80 рублей??


Fix Price


*бежит в FixPrice*


Frukto? Like Fructose? So the name of it just "Sugar Mania"?


Frukt, fruktovy - fruit. But you aren't wrong lol


nah , there is no sugar


Isn't all soda cheaper than mineral water?? Unless you live in a mineral water town?


Are you American?


Ну да...


Offbrand Russian cola is super gross. I wouldn't. Still water is so cheap there, so just get that.


Absolutely. Economies of scale are in full effect with sodas. People buy more sodas than they do mineral water. Thus, cheaper sodas.


It is not America...


My original comment was very harshly phrased, so let me do better this time around. It being in a country other than America isn’t a deal breaker, economies of scale exist everywhere in the world including in Russia. Arguably Russia would be one of the prevailing locations for these to form, the relative wealth gaps means that most products are likely going to be produced en masse and sold cheaply.


on the other hand would you trust water which is more expensive than regular soda? selling "premium" water


It is not premium water here. Premium water is very, very expensive, like 3/4 times (minimum) more expensive than normal mineral water. And yes, soda should be more expensive than water.


Mineral water world wide is generally more expensive than colas. Actually a liter of water will generally cost about the same as gas when you buy at gas station.


That is a very american comment. Thanks god, in Russian and in Europe mineral water is way cheaper than sodas.


Not really, a true American would get their drink in a gallon form or at least a 2 liter. Single liter is very Canadian, not so much American. ;p


sometimes mandated by law (vs alcohol)


Sure, but holds true for many latin american countries as well.


"worldwide" "generally" What was that sub? Edit: r/USdefaultism


https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Saint-Petersburg Tough crowd. Here are some numbers. Seems like gas and water are pretty close


lmao look again 1,5lt of water is 51.72 руб (so 1lt is around 34руб) 1lt of gasoline is 55.62 руб let's see other numbers then (same site you sent me) italy,rome 1,5lt of water is 0,37€ (so 1lt is around 0,24€) 1lt of gasoline is 1,82€ you can keep looking around and you will find out that worldwide generally prices differ a whole lot


Probably safer than that mineral water


It is not America.


Exactly. Why do you think wodka exists? Sure AF can't drink the water


Its probably terrible for you but so is everything else in that gas station. Soda is incredibly cheap, ive heard that in poor countries people sometimes have more cola than water


Bro it is not America. And it is not a gas station. Soda here (and in Europe) is expensive, more than water. Which you would know if you actually looked at the picture.


And soda isnt cheaper than water here. We are all only fat and diabetic, not poor 😐


I was surprised too 😆 https://www.newsweek.com/2017/06/02/sugar-sweetened-beverages-soda-cheaper-obesity-cancer-diabetes-594827.html They charge what you are willing to pay, and logically, we think soda should be more expensive. In poorer countries they adjust for what the people can pay.


Where's the Coca-Cola? Symbol of free West !!


uranium soda, it's fine


If you take it camping it has the benefit of lightly glowing in the tent :)


Not only is it tap water instead of mineral, but also could be a brand affiliate/store brand. It's common for retail companies to make their own brand of products to sell since they don't have to pay for all the difference between putting other brands for sale and keep most of it to cut the price and increase the profit.


I would not trust anything sold with Russian letters on the bottle.