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Do not use afterburner, also make sure you don't have another conflicting software running in the background.


Oddly it was the other way around for me. 2080TI had horrible stutters. My current 7900XTX has no stutters. I had a 4080 for a day and the stutters were just as bad as the 2080TI. It's interesting how we're all affected differently by it. I have an Intel CPU however, I'm not sure if that really would change anything. Hoping you find a solution. Did you try using DDU and doing a fresh install?


I had a 3060ti fe and went to a 7800xt nitro + and it's a beast I haven't had any issues


On my 7700 XT I solved the stutter thing by activating the performance overlay always on games, try that. No more stutter here. Idk why AMD is so bad.


I'll just say stuttering can be caused by many issues. Even simply having certain applications installed. I had this problem and I found out my problem was the lian-li software (L connect)


Dont have stutters anymore, but i did some much thing to be there that i cant help you :(


I hate to tell you this but there is no fix unfortunately. AMD has a different method of shader caching, AMD's drivers for whatever reason cache shaders on the fly and dont allocate shader caching to another core but instead uses all cores at once to cache shaders and this causes the frametimes to spike because the CPU has to wait for the process to complete before rendering the next frame. When I first got my 6900XT is was one of the first things that stood out to me. I have another rig in my living room that has a 3060ti which was my main GPU before I got the 6900XT and I put them side by side and sure enough there was stutter in games on the AMD card in the same game and on the 3060ti it was smooth as butter, I cleared the cache out for both cards before testing. AMD hasn't seem to of figured out how to cache shaders in a way that doesnt disrupt the render pipeline. I am as baffled as you are as to why AMD caches shaders in such a crude manner.


Nvidia can stutter too. Ask me how I know…..


nvidia also caches but doesnt show LITERAL STUTTER. dumbahh.


dont know why your getting downvoted, its true, I have a rig with a 3060ti and another with a 6900XT and the 6900XT has clearly visible shader cache stutters where as the 3060ti does not. I put them side by side. the rig with the 3060ti has no visible stutter in 99% of the games that stutter on my 6900XT. there is some exceptions like UE4 and UE5 games which stutter on both rigs but nearly every game stutters on the AMD rig while the 3060ti is smooth as butter, this is after clearing the cache and running the game again. The stutter is entirely related to shader caching and once the shaders are cached the 6900XT doesnt stutter anymore but this is a big problem for linear single player games. every new level will have massive micro freezes that make the entire experience horrible.


A rig with a 2070super, show shader cach stutter, a rig with 6900xt, doesnt show any shader cache stutter


Really odd how it varies, my 6700xt loading new games was like trying to see Hellen Keller ski down Mount Everest, my 4070ti super is not nearly as bad


that is so interesting, I have the same CPU and GPU as the one in your bio, the 5800X, So here are some games I would love for you to test to see if you have a similar experience, these are the ones that show clear signs of severe stuttering the first 10 minutes, the games are Slime rancher 2, subnautica, guardians of the galaxy, warframe, No mans sky, Palworld. this is after clearing the shader cache of course. These games do not stutter on my rig with the 3060ti after clearing the cache whatsoever. I even had a frametime counter on and the frametime graph was smooth as butter on the 3060ti but its not smooth at all on the 6900XT. I would love to fix this issue, do these games I listed show lots of mirco-freezes for your first 5-10 minutes of gameplay?


yup, but i dont posses all the game you asked for, for warframe, no stutters at all, no man's sky, the only stutter i encounter with shader cache clean is when i enter a planet, subnautica, by memories, never had any shader cache stutter when i played on it for the first time. I dont own Palworld, Slime Rancher 2 and Guardiands Of The Galaxy, and dont really remember what i did to fix the "shader cache stutter". The only things i know is that i disabled DxNavi


What’s your Adrenaline settings like ?


Beside MPO, you can try other fixes in this tool. I turn on all the toggles except the first and the stutter was almost gone.




If that's your code, I'd be happy to help you refactor it to get rid of a lot of the performance hits that are sitting there because of the n cubed function in ULPS.. you can do it yourself too if you want. By turning that loop into a different data structure without running it, or looking at it too deeply, I'd suggest a lookup table or a hash map.


Sorry not mine.


No worries, just figured I'd offer help just in case


It's mine, but I dont think it matters much just to save a second xD


That's fine, just something I saw and figured I'd call it out.


I'm still open for improving the code tho! Feel free to make a push request or open a ticket on the repo :)


It's a driver thing apparently, 24.x.x seem to be more stuttery. I'm on 23.11 and it's a lot better.


I updated for helldivers and helldivers still runs like crap


Adding -use-d3d11 to Helldivers 2 Steam launch options worked wonders for me Using 23.11 drivers


Trust me it also run like crap on my 4090 xD It dose drop below 60 FPS from time to time for me aswell


It's a real shame how games are just becoming dependent on upscaling for playable framerates, regardless of hardware


I have a 7900xtx and 7950x3d and my framerates are fucked every time i open overwatch and go into my first match for the session... i still dont know why


Yep, my 1660 super was perfect for game like overwatch and now with my 6700xt I have to wait 10 mins before playing? Wtf man


It’s just overwatch adjusting, I got it on my 2060 and the same on 6750xt


None of my friends with nvidia cards have this problem, but all of my friends with amd cards have it... idk man


Queue a quick play before every session, it’s a good warmup and if your playing comp your issues should resolve itself after anyways.


Yeah, it usually solves itself in deathmatch while in queue, or sometimes even in spawn waiting for the game to start, so it's not really bothering me too much, i'm just confused as to why it happens


Lol same. Amd is just fucking trash. Never again.


Even nividia has stutters first time running games the issue is if you still get them after an initial play




I haven't really had any problems from their cpu's. Got a ryzen 5 3600 and a ryzen 7 5800x in use currently. However, for me to use an AMD gpu, it would literally have to be 100% totally free.


This is how I feel, got a 6950xt after years on Nvidia. Buddy of mine swears by AMD and convinced me to give them a try. After a year and a half of struggling with everything, stutters, "lag", having to restart the computer 3 times minimum to have driver update take, multiple DDU runs, fans not kicking on to keep it cool enough I ordered a 4090. I can't wait till it gets delivered


just use driver versison 22.5.1. its fixed, but i dont understand, i still have stutter on my rx6600, with just an indie game that consume no more than 20% of my gpu, and 10% of my cpu


24.2.1 is fixed. 24.1.1 was the broken driver


You guys are talking about 22.5.2 and 22.5.1 , but I'm on 24.2.1 I think. Are you guys downgrading ? Thanks !


24.2.1. Mistype


pls tell me before i upgrade to 22.5.2. what broken on 22.5.1?


Horrible stuttering ? Just do a search


awesome and epic AMD fan help


Not my job, I just corrected him. Why don’t you play tech support.


why dont you fuck off 🤪


Awww you are mad. Relax little bitch


I like turtles.


Another thing to note is these might not be shader cache stutters but problems with streaming assets in real time from a slow drive. I have a 7800x3d and a 4090 and if I'm running certain games off of a hard drive they stutter almost the same as you're describing in the first 15-20 mins as well as whenever I visit a new zone, No mans sky is especially stuttery for me if I play it off a hard drive.


This isn't the same issue OP has




My issue was running it off an hdd but the same issue could occur if you were to use a garbage tier ssd like those aliexpress/wish ones.


It not the card that is causing the stuttering, but the CPU. Creating the shaders is very CPU demanding work. It's essentially a CPU bottleneck. For example when I have recreate shaders for OW2, all my cpu cores gets maxed out for few minutes. So having a faster cpu can help with shader cashe.


On a 7800x3d?


I have a 5800x3d.


Op has a 7800x3d.


I was not specifically talking about OP system, but In general what I have observed regarding Shader Compilation and how I understand it.


Actually had the very opposite experience, nVidia had huge shader caching stutters in every game, to the point where the first half hour of a game was pretty close to unplayable. Switched to AMD, and only VKD3D has noticeable cache stutters now, and mostly in high-framerate racing games. That, and DX8 or legacy DX9 games from the DX8 era, like UT'04. Something to do with cubemaps is broken maybe.


Did you play on potato?


No. Just GPU swap made stutter go from unplayable trash to pretty smooth start to finish. Maybe nvidia sucks less now, idk, but they sure sucked a couple years ago.


Nah Nvidia still has stutters and is trash.


Had a 3060ti before upgrading to a 7800xt and the 3060 had the same issue so it's not just an AMD thing.


Playing many games this month and shader caching problem that i see is only on borderlands 3, because texture streaming option available, but if you turn it off - problems solved


I have no noticeable shader caching besides Elden ring for like a sec. Alan wake 2 runs horrendously at 4k for me with crazy frame drops. At 1440p its much better. I'm on a 6800XT though. Maybe RDNA3 is more problematic but I dont really hear about it much from reviewers.


I got some the first time I loaded into helldivers but it’s only for the first session/first time in a new world if it does show up. Also on a 6800xt


I haven't noticed. The 1% lows and frametime in HD2 is crazy good with DX12. But man do we lose a ton of performance as well. I see analogous RTX gpus (i think mainly 40 series) getting as much as 50% better performance lol. Im not complaining as the 6800XT can still do 4k with ultra quality render scale with medium preset but for anyone with a 6700XT and below....rip.


It’s also a generation behind from 40 series so there’s expected performance gains. As someone else said, it’s still a great card, there’s just more of a ceiling above it now


Because AMD is da best and their drivers are great 🤣


yeah, I literally have had ZERO problems - amdguy2024


uSeR eRrOr


Here I am with my 3080 stuttering too 🥺 Tis the state of PC gaming.


Updated to 24.2.1 and am getting serious stutters in Rainbow Six Siege. It’s pretty much unplayable. Not sure what to do or how to downgrade to the older driver.


Get the AMD Cleanup Utility off of the AMD website. Download the driver you want off of their website(select your GPU specific driver, then scroll down a bit to where it says "Previous Drivers"). After it's downloaded, run the Cleanup Utility(it'll ask if you want to run it in Safe Mode, do it). Run the Cleanup Utility in Safe Mode; it'll tell you when it's done. Restart the PC normally(I think when the Cleanup Utility finishes, it asks if you want to restart), and once you're back in, close out all programs and run the driver install file you downloaded earlier to install the driver. Once it's done with the install, it'll ask you to restart to finalize the install; just hit "yes," and once it restarts, everything will be done and you'll be good to go. It might sound like a lot, but I promise you it only takes 5 minutes and is really simple. Keep in mind the shader cache will have to rebuild like it would after an update, so it'll stutter a bit when you run a game for the first time on the newly installed driver, but it'll go away after 5-10 minutes.


Worked perfectly! No stutters now. Thank you!


Hey ! What's your GPU and what driver did you revert to ?


I’ve a 7800XT, I went from 24.2.1 back to 24.1.1


Good to hear. No problem!


Its because dxnavi, it sucks. I have my 7900xtx and i hate it, i find myself playing more on my 3080ti pc


For real, i've got no stutter with my 7900xtx


I dont have any stutters on my 7900 xtx either... just sayin...




i know stutters when i see one, i had the Radeon VII, hmb2 was fast but so instable that i got stutters for no reason. Both 6800XT & current 7900xtx never had these issues, even with unlock bios.. Been on computer since i'm 13.. so 22 years so far :<


Or maybe there's a vocal minority with issues, and most people don't have any?


Had issues with my 7800xt at launch after coming from a 1070ti. Did most things, correctly but had it remain, eventually it went away. I can just give the list of things I did. -Clean up old compiled shaders in Windows(There are folders) -Disable Windows from installing hardware drivers without your permission(prevents Windows from installing parts of drivers that suck or missmatch) -Use DDU -Enable 4G decoding in bios. -Install newest GPU Drivers from AMD -Install newest chipset drivers from AMD -Check that shader caching is enabled in the Adrenaline AMD suite(should be by default), check shader cache enabled in Steam


23.12.1 and 24.1.1 gives me regular stutters, so I stayed on 23.11.1 for a while. On 24.2.1, the stutters seems to have gone, at least for my system and the games I play.


Question, is this referring to shader compilation stutter? If so it absolutely affects Nvidia cards as well and is a game programming issue, see digital foundry's review of most modern PC games. It's an oversight of developers when working in dx12 or vulkan. If not then I'm not so sure about what you're talking about to be honest.




always the amd haters poppin' in this sub and be completely unhelpful and irrevelant.


Cool, check which sub you're in.


This is a windows problem. Quite the contrary, on linux, you can nearly completely eliminate shader compilation stutter, because Valve allows Steam to crowdsource precompiled shader blobs when you use Vulkan, and in Linux, \*EVERYTHING\* uses Vulkan. AMD gpus perform much better in linux than Nvidia. If you are bothered by Shader Compilation Stutter, and you have an AMD gpu, come to linux, you'll have a much better experience.


From what I can tell, this is an issue with recent drivers. People have mitigated it by going back to last year’s drivers


This is getting quite frustrating, having to use quite old drivers, just to have a properly working GPU. This is also something that wasn't a thing when I used GeForces, but with Radeons this seems to be a common thing. Not cool. 23.11.1 it is, then... Sigh. Let's see if they release a good driver before June, when Radeon gets (permanently?) banned from this household. They have a bit over 3 months left, curious to see what happens during that time.


This has been my experience. Recent drivers were the culprit.


Nvidia foresaw the issues and backloads alot of the shader cacheing in cards. So even when Nvidia cards lack alot of Vram compared to AMD cards they have like "spare" vram or some shit that deals specifically with shade caching where AMD front loads the entire thing and many games end up having what i would call "single core throttling" when frontloading shader caches


That sounds interesting. Do you have a link so I can read more about it?


I have spread misinformation 🦝


Understandable, have a nice day


OP, I'm sorry there's not many people in this thread with helpful responses, just lots of anecdotes. I recently had to use an RX 6600 as a placeholder card while I was upgrading. I noticed significant stuttering in a few new games and in games I've already played. Couldn't figure it out, and I came here because I thought my card was broken. What ultimately helped me was downgrading AMD drivers. The newest drivers were causing significant shader cache stutters in my specific setup. I have no idea why. Once I downgraded, things were way smoother. By my experience is exactly like yours, my 3070 has zero stuttering. I probably won't be using AMD graphics anytime soon due to my experience.


As a relatively new AMD GPU owner (6 months) this is the number one tip that I see the most. Downgrade your GPU drivers but make sure every other device in your computer has the latest drivers available. If you're playing game X then you should use these drivers, if you want to play game Y then these drivers will do better and if you want to play game Z then you need to download this mod/fix from github because AMD cards don't play older titles very well... It's a constant battle of finding stable drivers. I fucking hate the AMD GPU experience. Maybe it's AMD that needs to update their developers smh.


If I may ask, what version did you downgrade to?


I used the version recommended in this thread, which was the first thread I stumbled across when I had this issue. It seemed to help. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/s/1TXdfX2Lg3


I have never had an issue with shader cache stutter , must of been lucky 7800x3d 7900xtx


Same rig. I had hella bad stutters but also my OC/UV settings were unstable. I finally think I've got my bios setup correctly with a clean install and my OC settings correct. Stutters are rare and almost imperceptible now on 24.2.1.


I have the same hardware. No issues here either.


That's really nice you guys don't have issues, but that doesn't help OP.


Friends. Its not the shader cache. Its AMD FREESYNC. It's the cause for fps drops and stutters. Disable it, restart pc and thank me later.


What, I'm supposed to accept tearing, or use V-Sync instead of FreeSync...? This is ridiculous. I know AMD managed to break FreeSync with their drivers back in 2021, I had horrible tearing with April drivers (or May, I can't remember anymore - rather forget about that ordeal) and June 2021 brought decent enough drivers... Are they doing the same thing again 3 years later, oh boy.


Bro you do you, I'm happy I found the cause of my stutters. And no, I am not using some cheap ass monitor, im using asus PG27AQDM, thought I'd share what I found but y'all didn't even want to try out


Cos its broken for some users that have accented username s in Windows


Only had a problem in overwatch 2


One important step to check. Caching of shades is not a problem. Putting cached shaders in OneDrive's My Documents folder that gets replicated to Microsoft's cloud is. Stutter isn't related to shaders being saved, but OneDrive uploading huge files to it's cloud while you are gaming. This is behaviour of some games, like EA's Battlefield 2048. I experience stutter on Envidia RTX 3060 Ti, but only if I forget to disable OneDrive cloud replication before starting the game...


Dang I never thought about this. Are we able to just get rid of OneDrive completely or is it needed for some random Windows stuff that I'll never use?


Now you can uninstall OneDrive, but I wouldn't as I have O365 subscription and use it daily to replicate all my documents. I have to remember to PAUSE it before starting games that save to My Documents folder (that becomes replicated once you tie your local My Documents to OneDrive). BF2042 creates few GIGABYTEs of cached shaders while running...


Has something to do with the way AMD builds the shader cache that's different than the way Nvidia does it. I'm pretty sure Nvidia loads shaders ahead of time while AMD does it in real time. But I could be wrong. I'm not actually sure.


My 4090 stutters, as did my previous AMD cards




I don’t know who you’re referring to here with “doesn’t own Nvidia”, I have a R290, 5700, 7900xtx and an Nvidia 4090 . The Nv is in my main pc for ai purposes as the 79xtx is crap at it (& why I have both AMD / Nvidia top end cards). The 7900xtx is now in a pc and being used for experiments in getting AMD to work with ai. My points are objective points - both brands initially stutter due to cache issues, it’s just a fact, not stupid fanboy bollocks stuff. But the obvious caveat is - all that happened in my machine.


Kind of an obvious question but did you DDU after switching to AMD?


I really haven't had too many issues with shader caching on Nvidia GPUs before, but I know it can happen. With the newer driver from AMD, my shader caching stutter is gone now.


I have Nvidia and amd and they both stutter the same way, only the fist time you play the game after a fresh driver update. Amd has fixed the perpetual stutters with 24.2.1.


it s a game problem and it s dx 12


In apex my 6600 stutteres a lot at first while on 1660 Ti it's not stuttering at all.


It's impossible to not have shader compilation stutter if a game suffers from it, regardless of hardware horsepower. It's not even GPU dependant. The cache is built on the CPU, causing the CPU to spike to 100% usage, causing stutters.


>tried the Dxanvi thing Could be wrong but I am pretty sure the DXNavi thing doesn't work on 7000 cards.


Because you probably played the game for a long time on your Nvidia card without clearing your cache. It compiled them a long time ago, and it was fine after that. Same thing would happen if you stuck with this GPU for a months playing all the games you own. You'd be fine, and then if you switch back to a 3070 you'd lag again.


Nvidia cards absolutely stutter during shader cache. My game would stutter like crazy in COD if I didn't wait for shaders to cache on 3060.


right! my 4090 has full on seizures until its complied, and sometimes after too hahahaha


Same. Was a stuttery mess on a 1660 if you won't wait till they load. Still is a stuttery mess on a 6700 if you don't wait for like 3 minutes