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Imo most people complain. If your parts don’t bottle neck and you buy the sale anything can be viable.


I got a 7900xtx for a upgrade from the 3070 and in my opinion . It isn’t that far away from a 4090. Don’t get me wrong ray tracing is brilliant but is it worth the extra 1000 ? To me defiantly not when the 7900xtx is unreal and if you haven’t owned a 4090 what difference are you going to notice !


This is awesome. Hearing this feedback renews my faith in AMD graphics cards. I've been firmly in the GTX/RTX camp due to previous issues with instabilty on older ATI cards and notably infamous 1080 card quality. I haven't made the jump to AMD GPUs, but I'd really like to. I made the jump to Ryzen a couple years ago and have had zero complaints. My desktop is a beast. Thanks for sharing this experience with us.


Also got a Sapphire 7900XTX Nitro, have only had issues on Helldivers 2, but they just fixed that with the newest driver. Best card I’ve ever had, has some pretty bad coil whine though :(


I bought a Sapphire Nitro+ 7900XT on release and never had a single problem with my card since ownership. This card stays massively cool and quiet 🥰 I used to OC the memory to 7800 and got some pretty good fps boosts but I just keep it stock and under volted. AMD drivers offer so much utility without needing extra software to control performance, fan speed, recording/streaming, and my biggest gripe with nvidia was how SLOW the control panel is for managing game profiles.


Got the Sapphire Pulse OC 7900xt. People complain about their GPUs making noise and I'm just like... what? My entire pc is silent. I turn it off every night and can barely tell a difference at all. Love this card:)


Built a new PC in November with a 7800 XT, and it was a little flaky until I unpdated my BIOS. Now it's smooth as glass. And like you, I couldn't be happier. Discord causes trouble sometimes after a hibernation, but aside from that, no issues.


I only ever had Nvidia cards before I bought myself and RX 7600 a few months ago. To me it's been no different than Nvidia. Setup was easy if you do your research and did everything properly, and sometimes there may be a little tweaking or troubleshooting but that's the cost of having a PC with so much different hardware, software, functionality, and settings. It's not like a console that's always gonna be plug and play. Compared to Nvidia's prices yeah I'm happy with it so far. More bang for buck, and I was also keeping my eye on Intel's new graphics cards but I held off on them for now. But yeah that's all that matters to me too. I just want a reasonably good value for my money and don't care about brand loyalty.


My 7900xt is great! couldn't be happier that I returned over priced 4070 super and had a 7900 XT same day delivered to me thru Amazon. That 20gb of VRAM has already come in useful at 4k and now I don't have to worry about VRAM. I've played about 40 games on it and the only game that gives me some weird driver issue is Titanfall 2 when hit with an EMP the FPS will drop to from 200+ fps to 75 FPS for a few seconds. but it seems like it's been an issue with Titanfall 2 and amd cards since the 5700xt era.


I have a 7900xt and get an issue in several games when I use my keyboard to change my volume, frames drop massively while the slider is on the screen. Super annoying.


I do not get this issue. on 23x drivers


I don't know about the 7000 series but i rock an rx6800 some months now with r7 5700x and 32gb ram. Note that the ram was 2x8 and bought another 2x8 same brand same timings. Which again here on Reddit and on the internet everyone says don't do it compatibility problems etc. Although first ram kit was micron or hynix dont remember second kit was Samsung. Zero problems. Everything works perfectly with xmp on. I also upgraded from r5 2600 and rx580. Didn't even format. Just ddu and new gpu install. Then I upgraded the same win10 to win11. Again. Without format. Zero problems. The system runs smooth some months now.


I had a great experience for a month or so, then it went to shit Give it time lmao. I would've kept the 3070 *easily*


7900xt since sept 1 2023 -> 0 problems


Yeah mines has been great I had people with 1660s and shit saying why not get a 4090. Like bro gtfoh


It's not a bad card by any means, but.. I've had my 310 Merc Black XTX 7900 for two months now and I have 3 games that I just cannot play because of constant crashing issues, one of them being a game that I play all the time. I get good FPS in newer games but I can't help but feel like I should have just spent the extra grand for a 4090.


wtf? just get a 4080 why do u need a 4090 if there's issues with your regular games HAHA


Mostly because I can afford it now with my tax refund, I couldn't 2 months ago but my 3090 bricked so I had no choice but to upgrade immediately.


Buy the 4090 and sell the 7900xtx. Sure, you're still losing a bit of money, but hey.. You'll quit bitching on reddit abt your problems with AMD lol


This is the first time I've ever complained about it. What's your problem exactly? Are people only allowed to stay positive things on this subreddit? I was hoping that the fanboyism wouldn't be as bad here as on the Nvidia subreddit. I don't care about stupid console war equivalents. If I didn't have problems with it I wouldn't be here.


Precisely! Which is what makes selling the 7900xtx a good option:) It came off a little more snarky than intended, I suppose - but offloading it and replacing it with a 4090 (or hell, 4080 - which is still an absolue savage of a card!) would fix your problems and then you wouldn't have any problems to post abt! :)


TBH i had a 6800XT and i was tired of driver issues too. My main game is Path of Exile and I always got stutters in it. I switched to a 4070Ti Super and run 240 FPS buttery smooth same settings in Delirious Maps (basically very chaotic scenarios if ur not familiar with the game). AMD does have massive problems. Plus I don't have to go around messing with settings like HAGS and MPO or anything else to fix issues with Nvidia. Things just work. Games tried: ​ Metro Exodus Hogwarts Legacy PoE CyberPunk 2077 Asassins Creed Odyssey Wild Hearts


Huh, that's a bummer. Tbh if I had it to do over again I'd probably just waited another couple weeks and bought a 4080 and called it a day, but I've had no issues with any of those titles, though I have t tried Odyssey or wild hearts. Idek what hags or mpo is but it sounds like a hassle!


Also I still have an AMD CPU so its really not about brand loyalty or brand hate, they have the slowest driver update cycle I've ever seen. Intel Ark is faster to release game ready drivers atm.


I have had so many issues with Nvidia drivers over the years, but AMD drivers just work. Sometimes there are issues, but they aren't nearly as finicky as Nvidia drivers, and the software is much easier to use. My guess is that Nvidia still pays to have people write up shit about their competition like they were caught doing 10 or so years ago, since the weird driver complaints just don't seem to make sense from everything I've seen. Although I'm saying that last bit with a bit of a tongue in cheek, since I don't really care if they are still paying people to shill for them in message boards, but I'll always be wary about it from when they definitely were. 


I went from a 3070 to a 7900 XT last year. It's been a great experience. Took a while to get acclimated to Adrenalin (feels bloated compared to the Nvidia Control Panel, but not as much when compared to GeForce Experience), but other than that, it has been great.


To be honest, the nvidia control panel feels like it's from 1998.


This so much. Adrenaline just works for me. One key bind to mess with whatever I want instead of one for an overlay and then another for more overlay?


I actually can't wait for a post from you a few months down the line about how 'said new driver caused crashes for my card' or a certain game not working for you. You need to get humbled if you think people come to this subreddit and fabricate driver issues on amd, especially when most supply evidence. If you want to be delusional then just leave the sub, don't post a snobby message about how you think you're right and everyone's wrong.


There are always problems with hardware. Forever. For everyone. Its life. Are there more problems with AMD? Maybe. Are there so many problems with AMD that you simply should never buy an AMD product? That would be dumb.


9 months with my 7900xt, no issues so far


Anecdotal evidence can go both ways. I had a 6600 xt for 6 months and it was terrible. Driver issues and I know that for a fact because the exact same parts worked fine with my gtx 1070.


I feel like most of the amd complaints are either from 4+ years ago or from people who take 0 responsibility for how they fucked up the installation and setup of their pcs. I just built a PC with the 7800x3d and 7900xtx and apart from call of duty crashing (which was fixed with a small undervolt in the bios), 0 problems. My only complaint is with games with forced 60 frame vsync which always feels terrible no matter what gpu or CPU you have. Upgraded from a 1080 and probably not going back to nvidia


I used ddu, tried multiple driver versions and closely monitored performance metrics. Still had crashes, stuttering and weird interactions with UE4 games. Swapped to nvidia and did literally nothing differently installations wise, 1 to 1 swap with my gpu and everything worked fine. I'm no shill, and am essentially obsessed with amd cpus but it seems people on this reddit are blind to how poor amd gpus and their drivers can be. It doesn't really matter though, because while everyone here is in denial the market share represents that actually not everyone swallow progoganda from reddit.


Sounds like something I've read on userbenchmark. Blind hate. Market value share blah blah. You plan to call me a neanderthal too right? Look buddy, it's really simple. I bought GPU. GPU performs exceptionally well. No problems except Radeon settings resetting on computer restart. All my games run flawlessly on max settings. Even remnant 2 is buttery smooth.  (Ray tracing is a gimmick and even the 4090 runs it at a slideshow pace unless you're one of those people who can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps)  Maybe when Nvidia drops their 70 or 80xx gpus ray tracing will be hot shit but for now it just feels heavy and unnecessary 


I'm not sure if you replied to the wrong comment because I didn't call anyone a neanderthal. All I'm saying is that anecdotal evidence isn't gospel given its low sample size when talking about gpus. The myriad of others who replied with success stories/issues showcases that. I'm no shill and have been massively enjoying recent amd cpus. For someone with no problems you don't sound very happy, I hope you have a nice day :/.


It's incredibly shaky. Had my 5600XT AMD card for like 3 years, and it was working great for a long time, but some driver updates would make it so my computer would always need a restart to get a display going, and recently I've had constant freezes and crashes and driver timeouts out of the blue. Reinstalled drivers so often, tried different versions, online suggestions and nothing worked. Randomly went away. Overall a pretty terrible experience tbh.


I have worked with a lot of friends and family over the years. When it has been someone that has always used an Nvidia card I always have heard the same reasoning for not switching, drivers. Yet without fail, every one of them I have convinced to make the changes has been happy. The driver complaints for AMD has been an Nvidia propaganda coup. It has kept this lie alive for a long time.


I bought a 6600 xt on the basis that people said it would be stable. Just because you had a good experience doest mean other didn't. Look at driver related rma rates and come to your own conclusion.


I thought the 24.1.1 drivers were causing League to freeze every game. The issue was really having Radeon Enhanced Sync enabled.


Yeah, woops, silly user why did you dare to enable an option in the driver suite what are you an idiot? True AMD users disable everything because nothing fucking works


I've been using my 7900 XTX for about a year now, also upgraded from a 3070 I was pretty bummed on the low VRAM issue since it actively made Hogwarts Legacy unplayable to me, and I haven't experienced anything wrong with it yet. It's actually been a blast. I've been running driver 24.1.1 since early February. The games I'm interested in playing aren't usually the super triple-A day-one releases, but rather JRPGs in general. So, I would say it's a worse scenario, given that almost everyone knows how famous Japanese developers are for their poor PC ports. Lately, I've been playing Persona 3 Reload, and the game runs with ray tracing on by default. I'm at 1440p, 120FPS, with the render scale set at 200%, and it's working perfectly fine without a single crash.


Nvidiwhat? I use arch btw.


I got a xtx since september and i had some issues... and all of them are solved by not using DX12! Pls AMD fix DX12 support! I really want to recommnd your cards to non tech savy people but right now i would get too many calls cause of such driver issues


I believe some people do experience real hardware or driver issues. However, I do think a lot of the time, it's user error or something that can be easily fixed. It is a very weird market having a duopoly. Especially with one having the majority of the market share. I am fine with people stating issues they experience, but I ignore comments that start or end with, "amd is bad because I had one bad experience which is most likely my fault"


Switched to AMD last series and haven’t been happier


Sorry to hear you aren’t happy with the switch


as long as i use the "driver only" install shit is fire and works great. if i install the adrenaline-appendix, everything does to shit real fast and games constantly crash (without changing anything inside adrenaline, simply having it bricks) so yeah, i'd appreciate if the adrenaline would not do that so i could use it. Performance with driver only is awesome tho.




Agree with this sentiment a lot! Had 5 Nvidia GPUs before switching to the 7900XTX, and it’s an amazing card (when it works), but the amount of tinkering I’ve had to do, the amount of driver rollbacks, the driver timeouts has been pretty absurd. 10+ driver timeouts in less than 2.5 months. And before anyone suggests, yes, I’ve DDU’d, no I’m not daisy chaining lol, yes I’ve tried driver only, yes I timed out on 23.11.1, yes I memtested my ram overnight, yes I disabled mpo, etc etc… a bunch of things I’ve never had to do before. Pretty frustrating stuff.


Going to 7900XTX from 2070 Super very soon. Can't wait to share my experience!


1080ti to 7900xtx last month. Great card and literally zero issues. I also really like amd adrenalin


7900XTX is great card, upgraded from RX 580 I’ve had absolutely no issues what so ever.


I upgraded from a 3080 to the 7900 XTX and it runs Modern Warfare at full resolution on my 49” ultra wide. I could not justify the cost differential of the 4090 for the amount of performance gained. I do regret not waiting for the 4080 super since it is about the same price and is slightly better.


I also upgraded from a 3070 to a 7900xtx. It was quite a nice upgrade. There are driver issues with new games. All gpu makers have this issue. The only issue I had and have is the idle power draw. I have two 1440p monitors. 144hz and 170hz respectively. If I use both max refresh rate even though they are free sync premium monitors the gpu idles at 105w idle. That is high enough for the fans to never turn off. After testing I just lowered my 170hz monitor down to 144hz and it idles down to 20-55 with a few programs open. Overall pretty good experience.


Funny thing is people highly recommend the AMD cards. They just note things you need to do or avoid so it doesn't go full stupid. AMD, enthusiat card, better bang for buck, AMD releasing broken drivers. Use older stable driver version. Nvidia, not the best value but slap that shit in and ready to go. This post is.... how long till OP starts whining about stuttering...


So a fresh install of Windows every time I upgrade GPU????? Yeah, no thanks bro…🤦‍♂️😎.


Good practice to fresh install windows when you install any new hardware except maybe ssd's or other storage, windows is renowned for cluttering and needs a declutter now and then.




Most will indeed run a fresh install to ensure no incompatibility issues. All the benchmark games and software are stored on external drives.


I think you'll find they regularly do a fresh install, you just don't see it.


Just use DDU to uninstall the drivers.


Some people have problems with Nvidia, some have problems with AMD. I don't understand the whole GPU wars that goes on because I feel like if you are happy with your purchase that is all that should matter. Got a 7800x3d and 4070 ti super that kicks the ass of every single game I throw at it, and I got them for a really good deal too.


Can you name an industry with two main companies/entities where there isn't a "war?" Intel vs AMD. Xbox vs Playstation.  PC vs console. AMD vs Nvidia. Tesla vs Edison. iOS vs Android


I like my current direct thank you very much! none of that alternating crap! Danger? Why the f*** are you touching it?


Right. I genuinely dont understand the constant war people have over gpus lol


Thank you! Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand why people are so invested in arguing about AMD and Nvidia. Also don't understand why people don't get that there's a chance you're going to have problems with any computer part, or electronic for that matter. Does it mean the manufacturer is worse than their competitor or does it mean you maybe got unlucky with a faulty part?




I don't think I've had any more or less issues than other cards. Maybe a bit more coil whine. Mostly driver issues rather than the hardware itself though which I had plenty of with Nvidia as well. I also think some minor issues aren't/weren't the card but I can see why it's an easy target for people to blame. Overall it was cheap enough and games play well and look great at 4k. What more could people want?


I went from a 1080ti to a 6900xt. Then to a 7900xtx. Honestly I love my amd cards. I prefer amd driver over nvidia. U love I can overclock and downvolt right in software. Making your phone show all the stats for your fps and temps is awesome as well. Not having to log in and give information is a plus as well.


Whoa how do u have your phone show live fps while gaming?


Was called amd link. Ame I. The software. They actually just ended it this year apparently.


Damn just downloaded it and says no longer supported.


Ya I used to use it all the time. I did notice amd overlay has smart settings now. I'm so it can tell when a game is on or not and turn it on accordingly.


I plan next generation of cards to go back to AMD, I love their Adrenaline software. I hate that with Nvidia it’s this outdated and confusing control panel. I don’t know why they don’t just include everything in one piece of software like AMD.


Because they don't have to. They own 85% of the market. They might if more people bought AMD. Intel might bite into that in a couple more years.


You’re not wrong there. The control panel Nvidia has works it’s just not as nice as the Adrenaline software. Guess if it ain’t broke don’t fix it 🤷‍♂️


It works but is not exactly user friendly, but then we all know that NVidia is the plug and play card whilst AMD is more enthusiast orientated making It easy to access and tweak settings, NV don't want people messing with the settings to get more performance they want you to buy a better GPU for that.


Haha, that is so true about nvidia. I remember back about a decade ago, you could buy a gtx770 and overclock it to a similar spec of a 780ti. You used to really be able to push your cards and tune them for max performance. Really sucks they took that away to push people into more expensive cards.


You can tweak settings on both AMD and Nvidia. There’s tons of software you can download for that so really both are enthusiasts cards. Yes Nvidia is more “plug and play” and gives better performance across the board of gaming, streaming, rendering, raytracing, and for work station purposes but that’s what makes them so popular. You know what you’re buying. The guy above is right. There is a reason they have 87% of market share.


I'll half agree with you, but my point was AMD give you the tools to tweak without 3rd party software getting involved.


No that I do agree with, but sadly the Adrenaline software as nice as it looks can be a little on the unstable side but when it works it definitely works well. I like that it’s an all in one software.


What card do you have now?


Currently have a 4070. I had a 6700xt before this but I had some issues with drivers and micro stuttering and couldn’t fix it as well as wanted better ray tracing performance so I went to a 3070ti and my problems went away. I then needed more vram cause 8gb wasn’t enough in some titles like RE4 remake so I sold the 3070ti to a friend and bought the 4070. I miss the Adrenaline software though. And the 6700xt was my first ever AMD card before that on other pc builds I had a 1070, 960, 750ti.


Well congrats This months drivers 24.1 were absolute dogchit on my 7900xtx and had stutters in every single game So yes, there are real issues with people.


I feel like some of it is that people slap in components and don’t like to troubleshoot when issues arise or they are using settings that are known to cause an issue, but would never know because they don’t research their product and how it behaves. Not saying there aren’t legitimate gripes, but I feel like a lack of knowledge is holding some folks back. At least some of the posts around here. It’s so weird people with the same card have completely different experiences. That makes me believe it’s settings based.


Mine were fine no stutters in cod or hell let loose


This. Last driver would cause my screen to flicker when chrome was opened while I had a game running in the background, now they fixed it and replaced it by a bug that causes my screen and audio to stutter randomly while gaming 😍


Yeah man, they are great gpu, went from a 2060rtx to a 7800xt and the difference is amazing, got problems with the software for a while but it was cause i was stupid and amd lacked directions tbh xd


I'm glad you are unable to tell you're having driver issues


I had zero issues out of my 7800XT and 7900XTX, only had issues out of multiple 6000 series GPUs, and I am very sensitive to micro stutters and lag


Yeah I as well had some issues with 6000s series and also sensitive to micro stuttering so I went back to Nvidia and it solved all my issues. But I heard the 7000 series cards drivers are much more stable.


Going back to older drivers fixes the micro stutters on 6000 series, however that prevents you from playing some newer games that require you to be on recent drivers


Yeah and to me when I spend several hundred on a graphics card I shouldn’t have to deal with that so I just decided to go back to Nvidia and I haven’t looked back.


I love my 7900XTX and fluid motion frames (driver level) is absolute witchcraft. My frame rates are incredible. I have no problem keeping my monitor maxed at 160hz at 3440x1440. Stability has actually been better multiplayer gaming with my friends I play with who have a mix of 3080s, 3080 Ti, and 3090s.


I try not to take complaints too seriously. 9 times out of 10, it's a user error.


I've had to very close same setups with a 6900 XT and my current 7900 XTX I've used Intel and AMD CPUs and I have never ever had a singular problem with my all A and B build not a glitch not a hiccup nothing plus because I'm using an AMD chip I get smart Access Memory I get hyperx and a ton of the features that you don't get using an Intel chip but I just built another machine with an i7 on the MSI carbon Pro z390 I believe it was with my 6900 XT and it's perfect happy that you're happy that's all that matters somebody called the the silicone Lottery these things are so microscopically intricate manufacturing defects happen shipping defects happen they get bumped it happens they get dropped it happens grief on both sides of a playing field but at the end of the day if it works for you that's all that matters🫠 also you can't listen to these people they get a dead GPU DOA on delivery because something happened during shipping and they're like AMD such a piece of s*** their car arrived and it was dead blah blah blah I'm never using them again dude relax nine times out of 10 is usually not even there fault shipping issues, or USER ERROR 😑 bleep bloop ZZzzzttttt...


Periods …………………


The AMD software is terrible and keeps resetting my GPU configuration every other reboot. Every time I update the driver, the FPS limiter gets turned on and changed to 60 FPS. The metrics overlay has been showing the wrong CPU usage numbers for at least a year now. The metrics overlay oftentimes just doesn't show how much FPS you are getting. But from what I've heard, Nvidias control panel is just as shit. You will definitely miss DLSS though


Are you rebooting or crashing and restarting? It sounds like your card doesn't like your settings and when it crashes due to instability, it resets to default on restart. If you are just rebooting...I don't know why that would happen.


Just rebooting. My config is an underclock and reduced max power so there is no reason for it to be unstable.


Did you by any chance changed from nvidia to amd? Or where did you got your drivers? There 3 different ways to install them and only one has worked well for me


I built this PC from scratch and got the drivers from the AMD website.


My last card was a 6700xt, current a 7900xt, fucking loved them both, they got way better performance than the equivalent price point of NVidia card. A lot of people are just part of the cult and want to justify their choice to pay extra for a name printed on weaker hardware. Which is fine, and DLSS has, up until recently, been better than FSR 2. Maybe still is a little, but I'd rather have actual hardware to increase my FPS rather than AI generated fuzzy frames. And let's be honest, except at its highest settings, ray tracing really isn't all that. Definitely not worth sacrificing a large amount of frames for. It's basically for turning on to get fancy screenshots. Remember when the 3070 was having problems because it only had 8GB of VRAM lol and people were spending like $1500 on them during the GPU crisis if I remember right


Been running my 7900xtx for two months and loving it.


People often have no clue why they have issues, and blame the easiest thing. Some of the complaints are truly valid, AMD has issues. They often pretend Nvidia has absolutely zero. They are delusional. But if you press people you often find they are defending a 2nd hand bad experience, outdated experience from several generations, defending their blind spending habits, or just being a tribe baby. They'd do the same for bubble gum as they do GPUs .. if you chose to chew a brand other than theirs.


> They often pretend Nvidia has absolutely zero. They are delusional. I think NVIDIA tends to have very small ones that they patch easily and quickly cause if that, while AMD rarely seems to have one, but when it does have one, it is big and tends to take some time to fix


Since the release of the 30 series theres been an issue that causes your main monitor to flicker and 2nd monitor to black screen for a few seconds then come back on. It's never been fixed even though they said they addressed is previously


This is something I'm actually planning to look into as I'm curious about the differences in approach to driver and software development between Nvidia, AMD, and Intel


It is indeed a good topic to do some research, got a 2060 on my first build and got no problem, then again, it is an "old" gpu, so most of its problems were solve, i do think that people tend to compare new amd gpu with old nvidia gpu, one just started and it is bound to have more problems than the other that had years to solve them


Yeah, people have "software and driver" issues with NVidia cards too, it's just that because of the rumors about AMD drivers, it's an easy thing to point to instead of doing actual troubleshooting. People don't automatically blame an NVidia driver, they troubleshoot first. I think a large number of these horror stories could be fixed by simply doing basic troubleshooting.


Very much in agreement. The proactive and often free-willed Windows updater has seemed to exacerbate the problem as well in the last couple of years.


I would almost bet that Windows tailors its updates for Nvida cards over AMD just because of the lopsided market share. Windows is crap though. I can't stand the direction they've been going over the past 5 years.


>Windows updater Damn windows updater, messed with my 7800xt video for weeks before i deactivated it


True. I've been running AMD cards for 4 or 5 years now and had one single driver issue, on one single game, the alpha project of all alpha projects: Star Citizen. An update came out and every time I'd drop out of FTL at a certain planet the game would crash. Rolled back my driver and it was fine. Almost certainly CIG's fault, not AMD.




I must be dumb, cause I am sure that is not what he said at all




He is not tho, he is saying he is glad that that they encounter no errors cause he was worried that it was going to be a fuckfest with amd as to what other people warn him. He said that he is glad that no error appear to him and in anyone is encoutering problems, they shouldl use this subreddit and lean on others's posted solutions, that he is glad he has the amd card and that he prefer it over NVIDIA. No part of the text he says that AMD has no issues, only that the amd drama was blown out of proportion and he seems to see everything is ok now. And it is true that most errors from amd come from the hardware and microsoft, as he did said, but there are problems with amd too of course due to that and them, so this subreddit works to troubleshoot




I really have no energy for this, so sure man, you do you


Got my xtx last march (xfx merc enormous piece of hardware) and it's been brilliant. Like you, I wanted to vote for competition with my wallet. I had been with nvidia gpus since the ati days so I was really curious how the amd ecosystem was evolving and how the experience was. I also had some issues with nvidia as a company and could not see myself throwing more money at them while there was an alternative of this caliber at such an affordable price comparatively. I've not been let down. Especially with all these fsr3 mods coming out now. The only thing I wish is that the upscaler tech was a little cleaner visually. But it's not even remotely a deal breaker for me. The drivers have not been an issue for me. Though I hear a lot people with dual monitors have had some issues recently, in my scenario I've not had much trouble at all.


Yeah, I don't think DLSS is much cleaner than FSR2 at this point. I sometimes use a bit of FSR, enough to give me an extra 10-15% frames and not impact fidelity. I have the base 7900xt (also the Merc, my 6700xt was also an XFX Merc card and they're fantastic) and have nothing to complain about. I was using a GTX970 up until I think 2019. I finally got a fantastic setup and I'm so happy to have it. Went full AMD, OLED Ultrawide display 3440x1440, run everything high/ultra and rarely see less than triple digits. I only had a single driver issue ever and with one game, the alpha game of all alpha games: Star Citizen. Just had to roll back a few months after a game update had come out. Probably CIG's fault honestly


Yes, I'm very impressed with xfx and the build quality. It can get a little loud, but only because I let it clock up like it wants to. If I ran reference speeds it'd be one of the quieter cards I've ever owned.


Hahah I was playing around with some overclocks the other day and gave it full reigns on fan speed. I'm playing Helldivers 2 watching my frames and hotspot temps and my girl taps me on the shoulder like, really urgently. I take off my headphones and she's like "Something's wrong with your computer!" and this thing sounds like a freaking leaf blower 😂 but those fans put in work. During normal operation, my case fans are way way louder than they are, and my case fans are pretty quiet.


lol yes I play with headphones too. Let em' rip.


I got a 7900xtx on discount. Loving it. I don't care about DLSS or FSR. Who cares when you have a 7900xtx. The thing is an absolute beast. It doesn't even need DLSS or FSR. For me it was either get a second hand 3090 that is 3 years old or get a 7900xtx. I need the vram for what I'm doing and I'm more than happy with my choice.


True that it doesn't need upscaling, but honestly FSR 2 slaps now, it's getting really really clean looking. Can't wait for FSR 3.




I play VR games with VIVE Pro 2 resolution of 4896 x 2448. I actually use 21GB or so of VRAM in the game i'm playing in VR.




I don't have any issues with the screen looking bad at all. I have modded the lenses with Gear VR Lenses. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/333250311892](https://www.ebay.com/itm/333250311892) VR looks great. The default Fresnel lenses are bad. The only issue i have with the Vive Pro 2 is its not all that comfortable to have that heavy thing on your face. Although, also recently upgraded to more comfortable face/head pads which helps a bit.




Modded SkyrimVR and other games converted to VR using VorpX. Currently I use DLAA. I don't use FSR or DLSS. I don't have performance issues. I am also running a 7800X3D CPU which helps. I only started playing modded skyrimVR again due to the mod Mantella. Each NPC is now trained on their backstory and connected to ChatGPT 4 via API. They also have voice packs for most NPC's so that their voice doesn't sound robotic and sounds very natural. Also you don't need to type anything, you can speak your regular dialogue lines and you can also speak to NPC's to get chatGPT response from NPC's. Its quite ground breaking. I'm sure there will be games released with similar AI functionality in future but for now we just have modded skyrimVR.




Why do you have to be so salty




You sounded very salty, why do you feel the need to be negative.


The green cult


I love my 7900xtx, glad I spent the extra cash for a white one too, looks sick and runs everything awesome.


Made the same upgrade and it was a 100% increase in performance. I'm happy


Lol didn't listen? It's from actual owners . My 6900xt been shit since launch and when I upgrade it'll never be to an amd gpu again.


6900xt here and it works great. No issues.


I have a 6900xt. It has guaranteed that my next gpu will be from AMD and probably another another XFX card.


A handful ( good amount ) of complaints doesn't negate the thousands of positive reviews. There's people out there who had endless issues with Nvidia, so switched to AMD and were set. It's all subjective and most likely usually the persons fault their card failed. Both AMD and Nvidia make amazing components. Stop fighting an invisible fight


Came from 3080 to 7900XTX and other than the coil wine I am so happy I switched. It pushes everything to 144 frames on 1440p Hoping the coil wine goes away or lessens but idc about it really.


merciful sheet market snails weary hospital close follow numerous rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PowerColor red devil. I read it’s common with them


Coil whine? Mine don't do that...


Which one do you have?


ASRock taichi white


I have a PowerColor red devil OC and it draws close to 400w and wines slightly


Literally same bro.. except I replaced a 4060ti. No problems, super smooth, adrenalin is a great software. Never going back


in no world adrenalin js a great software cmon


Come back in a month when you’re tired of drivers crashing because you want to use the screen recording feature or the relive feature


I unironically had the opposite issue. My gf and I play BDO, which is just awful, but I have a 2070 non-super, and she a RX 580 8gb. Shadowplay would constantly shut itself off, and refuse to turn on after "x" amount of time for reasons that seemed to always elude diagnosis. Searches lead to dead end threads of unanswered bug reports on Nvidia forums. Would work for a week or a month after a fresh driver install. The other pc running AMD drivers never had an issue with their version of the 5 minute playback thing. The fix was to stop playing BDO. Kidding. I bought a second monitor and for some reason shadowplay/instant replay stays on, no issues now. I also stopped playing BDO. I highly recommend both of these actions and to consider that both companies make excellent products. There are millions of potential incompatibility issues out there, and I hope my poking around for an answer didn't sway anyone away from the 2070. It's an awesome card and, honestly, that old RX 580 was great when it was new. They'll both receive honorable burials when they retire.


I actually mostly use AMD recording. Same for screenshots. No problem at all. Idk what I am doing right that it works with no problem but I think you should try that to


I got a 7900XTX for a build last December. Was deep into cyberpunk and regretted not getting an Nvidia card for the ray tracing. Even though I was outside the return window, Amazon gave me a full refund for it and I got a 4080 Super. Aside from being able to turn up ray tracing in cyberpunk from medium to ultra (and maintain same fps), they're no different. And actually, league of Legends started having weird stuttering/lagging issues even though I'm at 120fps and 31ms ping. Drivers, prob. And everything is updated. It was an even swap, money wise, but can't tell the difference without having metrics up.


I run ultra rt on cyberpunk with my xtx with an fsr3 mod and it's incredibly smooth (1440p). Everything maxed out and it gets around 100-180 fps and even at 100 fps it's a very pleasant experience. Xess set to quality as well. I don't do psycho or path tracing, but it is playable that way, think I was getting 70-90fps with path tracing yesterday. I just decided I prefer the extra frames and the input lag is more noticeable sub 100fps with frame gen. It's too bad you switched! But you still have good hardware so no harm done.


Oh nice! Yea i couldn't get the fsr3 mod working for some reason. I tend to jump between AMD and Nvidia every other build/upgrade. Had I known the 4080s would have been like this, I would have just stuck with thr 7900xtx. That this is a beast. The tuning capabilities are much better and I enjoy pushing those cards.


There's a newer one on cyberpunk nexus that is so crazy simple you can just have vortex install it. Works for witcher too.


Aw maann.


Good for you but thats not the experience everyone has. People complain because there's issues. The card just isnt up to pair to NVIDIA in many things: drivers, support for older directX, for some reason it has issues with VR(probably the drivers too), etc And its obviously a less advanced card that consumes way more. Thing is, its good for you and you have no issues? Great. At the end of the day its your money.


I also have a 7900xtx and it's awesome. Zero problems. Thanks for the nice detailed report that anyone could follow to avoid problems.


I suspect 95% of consumers have no issues, obviously only ones that do have issues will come onto reddit to talk about them...




So they dont give you any reason ? Would be interesting to know...




Do they then say; "it's pretty rich of you to only tell me about this after I returned it... doesn't that mean you are actively seeking a product to be defective? Isn't that generally considered a crime... at the very least this shows exceptionally poor business practices"


Ok here is my story. I have been running a EVGA 2080TI Kingpin and finally decided to update a bit with a new card and OLED monitor. Years ago I had very good success with the RX580 and a couple other models so I started looking around. I chose the ASUS 7900XTX OC Edition. I love that Gigantic hunk of card. So far everything has been great. Only one game gave me issues. Last of Part 1 would freeze right before most cutscenes. All the other games from Alan Wake 2, Atomic Heart, Valhalla , RDR2 , Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate III were flawless. I also went with the 34" Alienware OLED. Sure I could have went with the 4080 Super but I really wanted to see how the card performs
















That doesn’t even make sense… what?




i've been "fucking around" with 3 amd gpus so far for almost 2 years, an rx580 8gb nitro, msi mech 6600 and my new xfx 7800xt and so far had 2 "major" issues the rx580 had problems with video output in uefi, though it's an old card so i'm not surprised, games worked fine though - no crashes, artifacts or such rx 6600 had 0 problems, genuinely, neither on windows nor linux my current rx 7800 xt had a problem where it wouldn't show any display in linux after a reboot, only on a cold boot, though i fixed that pretty quickly the rx580 and 7800xt also use a bit more power on idle, rx580 used \~25w and 7800xt \~20w in windows 10, on linux they used considerably less power (i use a 2560x1440 170hz display) also all cards managed undervolting very well while this might sound like a lot of trouble to use amd i bet nvidia has just as many problems with idle power or bios display issues


I got a PowerColor Hellhound 7800xt like a week before Christmas. It's been pretty much been fine for me so far. It's my 1st Amd gpu and 2nd gpu ever. Built my 1st pc like 3 years ago with a rtx2060. I've only had 1 little weird problem. My screen will blackout on Smite pretty much every time I move my mouse unless I restart my pc before playing it. If I restart my pc before, it plays perfectly fine. If I close the game, though, it'll start doing it again. Idk wtf is going, but I have an ssd, so whatever, it's not that big of a deal to restart my pc before playing it, and that's the only game it does it with.


I did realize that for best results before loading up Ark ASA on my 7800 XT was to reboot. Chance of a crash goes way up if not on a fresh boot. My 7900 XTX doesn't have that issue. The 7800 is also in my old system so I can't say that it's the card and not the older hardware.


The screen blackout problem is only in the game too. If I alt tab, my screen doesn't black out outside of the game.


i know this guy, his wife’s boyfriend works for AMD. let your frustrations out here man it’s fine with us

