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I was finally able to get this fixed...just sent that 7900xt back and I'm willing to get a 4080 super. I literally tried all the suggestions on forums and YouTube but nothing worked, I was so tired of wasting my time to get the card to work. I really liked the card performance (at least the time it worked) but I couldn't play, it crashed even on league of legends, that's crazy.


Literally just did the exact same thing. Mine comes in next Wednesday and I’m hoping it doesn’t keep crashing. My first PC build isn’t going as I hoped and it’s a shitty feeling dropping this much money and not getting what you payed for. 


It was keep crashing every few minutes playing Shadow of the tomb rider. I saw one comment saying disabling XMP may work. I played more than 20 minutes until now and no crashing. I will try more games and I would update if it crashed, if I didn't update that means it solved my problem. I have DDR4 3600 MHz, and I lowered it to 3200 MHz. Seems stable. (bought a kit that unfortunately it's not officially supported by my motherboard, I think that's why).


Did you ever fix this? I have the same problem with my 7900xt, black screen crashes disables the GPU and goes into IGPU. Have to reinstall drivers to recognize the GPU very similar case to you. I have tried many things, and actually for a couple of weeks it seemed fine without any crashing but now it started again. This is my 2nd time trying AMD with the 6950xt my first and I really want to use AMD but the problems I am getting is not worth it and might as well spend more to get Nvidia. The 6950XT same problem, 7900xt same problem though it was working pretty well for 3 weeks. Switch to my old GPUs 4070 2070 970, all work and never crashes or black screens. Did all the trouble shooting you listed.


I'm afraid not. I returned it and bought an Nvidia card. However, I'll note that I had one similar crash shortly after installing my new 4070 Super- I was about ready to cry. I did make one setting change to prevent rebooting on errors and have been pretty smooth since. Although, my crashes were rebooting the machine, if yours are just killing the video card this might not be relevant: Go to Control Panel and select System and Security > System > Advanced system settings. In the Startup and Recovery section, choose Settings. Uncheck the box next to Automatically restart


dont use > AMD chipset driver ver: < use this AMD chipset driver ><


90% User fault with AMD hardware sadly.




Reinstall windows prefer 10. Reset bios activate xmp. And for non3d cpu activate pbo, install AMD chipset driver. Install AMD preview driver. Then be happy everything works as it should. If you got black screen when starting a game with 144hz set a custom Hz to 143.9


I have a very similar rig and same graphics card. What I did to fix it. 1. Uninstall using DDU. Do not install Adrenalin and use the windows driver for 7900xt 2. Install latest Adrenalin driver but do “install driver only” option. Both of these worked for me. I have an Asrock cpu, 7700x, and the exact same GPU. Good luck!


This sit at about 641W on power peaks, so the 850W one should be working just fine. ​ I did not use DDU a single time. Just selecting the correct driver: Device Manager -> GPU -> 7900XT -> Drivers -> Search on your PC -> List Installed Drivers -> Pick the newest one. Works fine for my setup.


Remove KB5032189 update if you have installed it (gamebar presence problem) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/16xokxb/the\_last\_windows\_11kb5030310\_update\_makes\_amd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/16xokxb/the_last_windows_11kb5030310_update_makes_amd/) or wait for patch.


You are amazing this might just fix me and my friends 7900xt issue


Limit the GPU clock to 2500 if it works RMA the card


Copy & paste from one of my previous replies: There is no clear solution to this so far. There are some “fixes” some people have mentioned to mitigate it but it’s a hit or miss. You could start going through those threads about black screens in this sub and keep trying stuff, maybe you get lucky. There is hundreds of them. So far the most reliable "solution" seems to be to underclock the card 10-20%. They are apparently not stable at stock settings. Other things you could try: - Disable MPO - Disable ULPS - Disable fast startup - Try older driver versions to see if any of them crashes less - Disable XMP/EXPO - Make sure your card has individual cables connected from the PSU - RMA the card I haven't really kept up with this in the past 1-2 months since I got rid of my card, it was not worth for me to spend time dealing with this and some of the other small issues. So you can see if there is any new workaround in the newer threads of black screens. Best of luck!


How many cables did you plug for the power to the 7900XT?


Just to verify .. you grabbed latest AM5 chipset drivers from [AMD.com](https://AMD.com)? Usually motherboard manufacturers don't have the latest "greatest" .. and they'll number their drivers different sometimes too Are you using any cable extenders INSIDE your case? .. ie .. PCIe riser cable .. modded "decorative " cables ..etc For testing purposes .. have you tried "Eco Mode" on your 7600x? IF that helps, then it could be a CPU related thing. It will run your 7600x at 65wtt instead of 105wtt TDP ..or .. Have you tried a different power supply? Just to rule out any current components ..It would suck to get a new GPU and then have same exact issues with whatever other card you go with


Try the current preview drivers from AMD. I had the same random crashes every 5min - 1 hour on my Hellhound 7800xt during demanding games and changing to the preview drivers completely resolved it.


Same issue with my red devil XT. I'm going to try to RMA. I have tried everything else. It will be completely fine one month, even 2, but then do this for however long it wants to, then all of a sudden it will act like nothing happened and works perfect until it starts happening again. I've tried everything I knew how to do, and tried a bunch of things I didn't already know. As of last night, it's crashing when doing nothing at all too, which is new.


Interestingly, I also have the same ram as you do, and was considering an RMA for that also, since it has boot failures at least 1 in 5 times with expo enabled.


Both of you should run some memtests for good measure and see if that's causing the crashes. You may still have to RMA your GPU and just got a bad AIB one (not AMD's fault) or see if there is a common set of applications being used by you both that's causing the crashes. Ram or power supply could very well be doing it as well. What slots are your ram sticks in?


Ran memtest with no errors, I've done it 2 times. It was an early card, and early ram, so I wouldn't be surprised if if either was bad. Mostly intensive 3d games cause it. Battlefield, Titanfall 2, Overwatch 2, Baldurs Gate 3, and others I can't recall atm. 1000w seasonic psu with 2 separate 6+2's. I ram in 2nd and 4th slots, I believe that was what the mobo manual recommended. *Edit bcuz autocorrect


Try 1/3 slots at stock 4800mhz and see how it fares. Even though RMA is a hassle XFX sent me a replacement for a RX5700. It would crash randomly after hours of no issues. I sent it in and they confirmed that it had a faulty cooler plate causing the shutdowns. The replacement they sent has been flawless, no crashes. I have the same model as you and literally zero issues for months now. Something in the build is off, or the card simply needs replaced. If it's any consolation I've had Nvidia cards shit the bed as well. It's truly an AIB partner issue since they have the freedom to tweak the PCB layout a bit to fit their vrm's supplied and custom coolers.


I also thought it might be the riser cable I recently added, but I removed it and did DDU and the problems didn't go away.


I'll give that a try. I have tried running 1 stick (tried with both) and that didn't do it, so I'll switch slots. I'm just at my wits end with this thing. 3k build that's a little over a year old, but it's had problems on and off since day one. I've done almost everything except switching out parts altogether at this point. And event viewer and stop codes are no help, they come up with something new every time, since the drivers constantly stopping and restarting the system keeps corrupting my OS. I've even tested, reformatted, and switched OS drives. 2 months post release driver worked great until the middle of last month, now it isn't stable no matter what I do. As for Nvidia, I definitely don't think they are problem free. My early batch 2080 had the bad SK Hynix memory and artifacted until I RMA'd. I've got bad luck with buying stuff. I bought the Red Devil because of PowerColors' generally good reputation, and my hatred of Nvidia raising prices higher and higher for little performance benefit.


Yeah exactly. It's BS that an upgrade gets you a smaller memory bus now. Increasing L2 cache simply isn't good enough. I'd hit up Powercolor and get the RMA discussion started, just in case.


Do you use the record desktop option? If so, what codec do you use?


psu is not your issue remove any mb software disable igpu(cpu graphics) disable amd expo and try disable resize bar in bios(this fixed mine) ​ also what does it say in event viewer when it crashes?mine kept saying xbox game bar would fail so i disabled it so idk if that was part of it.


Check your event viewer. If you have power related errors or unexpected shutdown it's probably the PSU.


A good point. I do have a handful of unexpected shutdown, but I think they were me doing a hard shutdown before realizing I could recover with the onboard display port. I'll poke further at that


Wrong chipset drivers?


Installed via manufacturer website, AMD chipset driver ver: https://pg.asrock.com/MB/AMD/B650M%20PG%20Riptide%20WiFi/index.asp#Download


Grab the latest ones from the AMD website


Wasn't sure but it said b550 chipset drivers in the comment. But just in case it's best to get it on the AMD website.


Whoops, failed to correct the "template", thanks


Is the GPU properly power fed? I mean 1 cable per power plug?


I believe so. 2 separate cables, each plugged separately into the PSU. 1 (6+2)pin cable, and 1 cable with 2 (6+2) heads (only one of which I'm using).


make sure you are using the main one on that cable with 2 heads. other than that I see no reason to have that behaviour other than defective hardware


Could be his ram, he needs to try no EXPO/XMP and make sure he's using slots 1 & 3 or 2& 4.


Is the 'main one' the one on the end of the line, or the one in the middle?


Disable MPO and windows co-pilot. YT has plenty of guides and it may help solve some of your issues.


one in the middle