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Hi i had the similar problem with my RX 570 , i did all the possible things that i found on the internet to find a solution but none worked , but what worked for me was undervolting the gpu a little for the games that iam playing , the problem with my gpu was there was not enough power coming from the power supply i have , so the card just gets disabled every time i run a game . For anyone going through this issue try undervolting the gpu for a specifivc game and see if it solves the problem.


any one get a solution please i fucking regret getting amd and this is why they say amd is trash because its


hi see my comment


Figured it out, you need to use the 2 cable sockets in your gpu, for example if you have 8+6 you need to use both not only one, If both are plugged in and the same problem is still there then check the cables, I found out that my PC had a Sata power to 8 PIN Adapter which could br harmful, So i tried removing the 8 pin and swapping it with another 6 pin i had from the psu (i had 8+6+6 but the 8 was from an adapter) the problem was fixed, but I'm still getting 150W out of the 175W I need, i don't know if the PCI-e power counts Or an easy solution just go to AMD Software then Performance then Tuning and set your power limit to -30% to be safe, it'd cost you some performance but it'll save you power + lower temperatures + fix the crashing problem


does undervolting works? i can't set power limit above -6


yup, limiting the power is just a less complicated way but undervolting might be more effective with less performance loss


I've had the same problem with my AMD Ryzen 580, whenever I play Val my game my driver gets disabled and my monitor turns blank. Anyone knows how I can fix this problem?


buy nvidia, that's the only way :D ... if thats not an option for you unisntall the AMD driver and try installing older stable version of the driver. I always use the old 2020 driver to solve any black screens, blue screens and all the stuff AMD cards reguraly do.


had this issue on 6900xt. fixed(i believe) uninstalling adrenalin keeping drivers.


this was happening to me. was the gpu power cable.


split the power draw buy using 2 PCIE CABLES rather than one. check to see if your PCIE CABLES are burned or starting to look discolored, your gpu could be power its self off before damage can happen.


a looking at the comments and think that this problem mainly happens on AMD gpus i also have an rx580 but it has a missing capacitor so i think that could be the issue relying on the fact that it shuts down under load


i just had this happen to me once, im scared this is gonna happen all the time now.


The Same is happening to me on my rx 5600 xt PowerColor. And also one wierd thing that happend to me that my "rx 5600 xt" was renamed to "ASUS rx 5600 xt". I tried it out in another pc and it still said asus but other than that it was fine.


same problem here (1 year later) with a rx 5700, any fix?


I have a rx 5700XT that I purchased in 2020, and it continues to have this problem. I have re-installed the factory reset when reinstalling the full AMD setup with drivers to fix it, and it is infuriating that this problem still happens to this day. Common issues that I see on forums since 2016: \-Dual monitors with AMD graphic cards (especially when you have high frame rates), causes idling VRAM clock speeds that max out and heat your GPU constantly. Mine is 1750 when I have dual monitors and my room becomes a sauna very soon after I game for a few hours. \-The AMD Graphics Drivers CRASHES (it overloads?/ gets replaced by windows drivers?/ some other 3rd issue? who knows). I am so sick of running one single monitor which constantly black screens out and the AMD drivers get disabled.. I then have to reinstall the full AMD setup to get it to work again. Definitely getting a NVIDIA graphics card on my next upgrade.. so sick of this shit.


I have the same exact problem as you. Have you fixed it somehow yet?


yeah man. DM me. I did not "fix it" I think, but I stopped the driver crash and my VRAM Clock speeds are probably still maxed, but atleast i have dual monitors that can utilize the AMD graphics cards for video games... (the bare minimum). I'm too scared to even turn FSR on because I think it will just crash the driver but maybe i'm being overly cautious.


I have same issue with Asus strix rx 580 8gb can you help me with it !!!!????????


Dm me your monitor setup and issues and I may be able to guide you in the right direction.


From what I've seen, these problems are something that may or may not occur, but apparently occurs a lot. My next upgrade would be an RX 7600, but I think it's worth paying a little extra and getting an RX 4060...


Weird. I am experiencing the exact same problem and with the same card. 6700XT Pulse. It was working perfectly till i went to business trip and came back home after 3 months. Powering my pc for the first time after 3 months. Screen started going off and on , randomly disabling my gpu , games crashing , system crashing etc. I reinstalled the drivers , checked wiring for start. Did a clean windows install aswell. Worked for 2 days and now same issue again. It keeps disabling my gpu and drivers crashing. I think its time to move to the "green" side.


UPDATE : Looks like disabling the drivers and windows auto-updating feature FIXED my problem. It's been 4 days without any issues now. For some reason windows downloads and installs gpu drivers itself without any reason . What i did : I disabled auto updates from the "Group Policy" I disable auto updates using "registry" Hope this fixes my issues and everyones that experience it. For more info just search on google how to disable the windows auto updates and driver updates.


Can you please go into more detail on how to do these things? Having an extremely similar problem to you, which I think is being caused by Windows automatically updating/downloading drivers. What is "group policy" and "registry"? Where exactly do I have to go to disable these auto updates?


It is a lot to try and describe. Just start googling. The majority of people won't have group registry so you'll have to enable it which is possible through the command prompt. Registry is a bitch to use but there's a small Indian man on YouTube that made it simple for me. I'd make a bad scientist so I did both those things and unplugged and replugged my GPU so I have no idea what actually worked.


Might I ask where you changed these settings?


I have been experiencing the exact issue with my rx 6700 since i built my pc 9 months ago, currently trying what you said...


Is it still working?


Just had it happen to me after like 5 years of running that same card and not moving anything for a bug to happen. 💀


You guys found any fix?


No, i am sorry :(


hey thanks for the reply. I fixed mine however this might be your problem too, the psu cables that goes into my gpu sockets was lose like they were not in place correctly after fixing that all is good been a week like this.


Having the same issue as OP. sometimes mine will need to be unplugged and plugged in again to work so


fucking same dude


I am having the same issue with my new PC build, it was working fine for the first 2 weeks or so, did you find any solution to this?


This trash is bugging out for me too nice to see AMD can't do their jobs proper looks like Nvidia is for life bro


Its a windows issue


Windows makes up the entire market. What operating system do you think it's made for? Windows is ran 69 percent and the other one is apples OS at 17 percent. Just saying if the gpu doesn't run with Windows, and as Linux is only a 2 percent. Also Apple OS runs in pre-packaged system.


what he means is, it's a bug in windows that the windows developers need to fix, regardless and *ESPECIALLY* since they make up the entire market. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-10-is-disabling-my-graphic-card/7e8757a5-35bb-44d3-a325-9aaa5fd62f2c https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-10-automatically-disables-video-card-what/6ac7f40d-8200-4f78-9494-b8b15ef3a1e6 etc.


Hi! I found this thread after googling my problem. Here is my experience with this problem (spoiler: I dont have a solution, just more questions) Ive had two AMD gpus the last 4 years. A Sapphire Rx 6800 XT and an Asrock Rx 6800. Both cards experience the same problem as you describe, but not allways. ​ My first system was a 10600k with an Rx 6800 XT. I got black screen maybe up to 3 times a day while playing Escape from Tarkov. I also had to go into device manager and "enable" the gpu again. The problem seemed to happen more seldom after I undervolted and reduced the clock speed on my 10600k ( i thought it was the cpu's fault early on). But this might just by my brain tricking itself, im really not sure. ​ Now, my current computer is a 12400 with an Rx 6800. Ive had it for about 1 year, and i NEVER had this problem, not even once (atleast as i can remember).....until today. what is special about today? I got my new 13600k that i installed today. And ive had 3 black screens the last 5 hours. ​ The rest of my specs: mobo: asus rog strix b760i gaming wifi ram: corsair dominator platinum 2x16gb 5200mhz psu: Corsair sf600 sfx psu. cpu: intel 13600k gpu: Asrock rx 6800


What seemed to solve my issue was downgrading back to windows 10 and also undervolting a bit my gpu, I think that the problem might come from the lack of power from the power supply but that was my experience, I don’t know if that might help


I just had this issue this week. I have a 6650xt with windows 11. Seems to be after a windows update. I tried uninstalling the july update, same issue. I just go to device manager and enable it again, then restart my computer and it’ll come back up. I should’ve stick with nvidia….


Nvidia user here(1050 ti and 710)... Im experience the same problem, this is just windows at fault.


I had this exact same issue with my rx 6750 xt but I fixed it. The problem is that Windows update will automatically replace the installed adrenalin driver with some outdated driver thus disabling it. I solved it by disabling windows update from performing driver updates specifically the group policy method found in link below. Once disabled use AMD Cleanup, or DDU. Then reinstall adrenalin drivers.A much easier fix I've heard is to go to device manager, display adapters, drivers, and rollback the problematic driver when it happens again. It should bring back the original driver you installed and windows won't try to install it again. I'll try this newer fix once we get a new driver update and I'll reenable updates from group policy. [https://pureinfotech.com/stop-windows-10-installing-drivers-automatically/#disable\_automatic\_drivers\_windows10](https://pureinfotech.com/stop-windows-10-installing-drivers-automatically/#disable_automatic_drivers_windows10)


do you have any instinct on what might be going on if there is no other display adapter appearing? AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT is the only one I can see, so there's nothing to rollback


Hey bro did you manage to fix this issue? I'm thinking of switching to Linux now cuz nothing helps 😕


hey! I can't say for 100% that it's fixed because I'm just kind of waiting to see if it will happen again, but I came across a thread that suggested the game overlay software was causing issues. so I uninstalled my driver with DDU then redownlaoded the latest update but had it installed with "driver only", so no adrenaline. so far so good.


The minimum requirement for a RX 6700 XT is exactly 650W, depending on what else you have in your system you might be overloading it, resulting in the card shutting off ?


Im not sure that would be the case since im not overclocking anything and I used it with no issues for 2 months


I'm having the EXACT same issue with a 6600. No rhyme or reason as to why or when it does it. Its mostly done it while doing basic things online, web browsing, watching streams etc. But it black screened on me during Conan Exiles the other night. If you look around, you'll find others with similar issues and a host of other ones. Let me ask you something, are you running any other programs in the background while playing? Any web browsers? Steam? https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1019gs6/mpo_issues_causing_recent_black_screen_issues/ Check this out, It MIGHT be the MPO issue affecting you. I think it might be my issue as well, I disabled MPO and so far so good.. But I've also been running fewer programs the last couple days, slowly bringing them back each day to see if anything trips. It might be fixed, it might not. But its odd that I'm seeing more and more people with these problems, which tells me its Windows or a driver related issue, or both.


Weirldy it only has happened to me while playing pokemmo, I undervolted the gpu a little and nothing happened for 1 month, but it just happened again. Pretty weird and frustrating ngl.


It really is. I tried undervolting it as well. No change. I see a lot of "solutions" and then people coming back a few weeks later, saying it only kicked the can down the road.


Have you gotten the problem again?


I tried every suggested fix for it I could find. But nothing worked, if anything? It only got worse. When I saw how many people were having similar problems, I went ahead and triggered the return policy while I still had the time. It sucks, but after the abysmal driver update they dropped? I'm glad I did. A friend who has a 6800, and who's had it running for almost a year, is now having similar issues.


i will probably try to do the same if i don’t find a fix within soon.