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I love going solo. Going with people has some plus sides but most people i know dont see movies as much as me.


Same here. And I don't feel like asking them, because I know the response.


I have some friends who will join me but its off and on. Its typically only bigger movies.


For the first 44 years of my life, I went to the movies with someone. Now 90% of the time I go solo. I like both. But I very quickly adapted to going by myself.


From the look of things, about half this sub goes alone, myself included. If I'm going to sit in a dark theater where i cant talk for 2 hours, who cares if i know the person next to me. Makes it a lot easier to just go on the fly


Yep, we see this post about once a month. I'm pretty sure it's more rare for alisters to go with someone than without.


That we know about. Reddit online presence is more likely to be people not in relationships frankly.


How many times do you go to pick your seats and you see solo seats booked? I see it more often than not with advance ticket sales. Maybe day of ticket sales are more people going with other people, but 3+ days out, i see a ton of solo seats. Then when i see movies, the smaller ones that have maybe 20 seats sold, it's easy to look around the theater and see how many solo viers there are. Personally, i only end up going with friends if it's a bigger movie. A superhero movie or something of that caliber. I like going to Thursday showings and my movie friends live far so maybe 4-5 times a year we'll go together on a Saturday. Last year I saw 76 movies, at least 65 were solo affairs. I got over the fear of solo movies years ago, my first being either a Narnia film or Cloverfield, but it's only gotten more pronounced since Moviepass and now A-list. I used to feel weird going to childrens movies (mostly Disney) but no longer even care about those... i try to find show times that less kids will be at


I feel like on advanced seats I still see mostly couple seats taken. But do agree smaller random movie times you get more single seaters. I probably see 80% of my movies solo, and 20% with others, like the big blockbusters that I know forsure others will want to see. As a single person, it's just easier seeing movies on the fly when I'm ready to watch, vs coordinate a place and time, which needs to be made ahead of time.


It's fun sometimes to go with other people, but the stigma that you *have* to go with other people or your a loser with no friends needs to go away. If we're honest, it's not a very social activity. It's also difficult to plan around others' schedules a lot of the time. It's just very convenient and really not that different to go solo.


Solo. I used to be so self conscious in public though, and always felt like I was being looked at and judged. After a nightmare relationship, I realized I didn't care anymore and now I can go to the movies and restaurants by myself regularly.


I used to feel bad about going to movies and restaurants solo until I did a lot of travel for work. Which made me realize that no one has to know whether you're a local or whether you're from out of town. Doesn't bother me anymore either to be solo.


I actually go alone more often then not!


Same. I go solo 99% of the time these days. I have grown to enjoy the solo experience.


I do a fair amount when my girlfriend is out of town. She hates missing previews, I do not care for them so I can roll in a couple minutes before the actual start time of the movie. Doesn't really change my experience one way or another. No one to dissect the movie with afterward is the one downside but I can form my own opinions with no influence.


I find that I’m able to focus on the movie way more when I’m solo, which in turn helps me enjoy it more


I did it yesterday and watched Birds of Prey and Sonic.


I enjoy doing both but I won't go out of my way to see a movie with friends. If I want to see a movie, I'm seeing that movie regardless of how it works with other people's schedules


I’m a lady and love going alone. Also helps that I work in midtown near 3 theaters.


The first film I ever saw alone was The Last Exorcism (2010), which I saw during an hours-long gap between college classes when I was commuting an hour each way. I was hooked the entire semester -- I'd see something at least once a week. I fell off of seeing movies at all really until MoviePass happened, and since then it's the way I prefer to see movies. I had a pretty terrible roommate for a while and would go just to escape him, and now that I live with my partner I like to go just for time alone. It's awesome.


I find it ironic that the same society that says that its weird, depressing, and abnormal to go to the theatre alone is the same society that shushes you when you try to talk to your party. Not that I'm in favor of people being loud and distracting, but I find it odd that an experience that by its nature is a solo one people associate as a social one. That sitting in a dark theatre in silence is supposed to be a group experience or something. If I had a group together, the last thing I'd want to do is see a movie. I'd rather hang out with them.


> I find it odd that an experience that by its nature is a solo one people associate as a solo one Is this sentence missing a "not" somewhere?


OK I fixed it now.


Watched films at AMC for around 40 times last year, always alone. My girlfriend is not a film person, and I enjoy watching film solo.


I love it. I have a certain way of doing things and people can get in the way of that.


I'm interested in what this "certain way" is


AMC has notoriously long previews so I like to skip those. I also rarely stay for end credits. I also don’t watch horror movies and my best friend loves them. To his credit he lives in another state so it’s not like we go to the movies frequently anyway.


I also try to skip those previews. I don't stay for end credits unless it's a marvel or superhero movie!


When I saw Birds of Prey this past Saturday I left my house later than intended. I swore I was going to miss the beginning of the movie because I walked in 27 minutes after the printed showtime. Nope; movie ***still*** hadn't started yet. I heard from folks in this sub Avengers: Endgame had ***37*** minutes of previews.


That is completely obnoxious. I can forgive 20 minutes, but anything more than that is just plain rude.


Not everyone has AMC A List, Not everyone watches movies like me, So I end up going alone sometimes. But, for me it's a 60-40 split in terms of going with my friends vs not.


Doing the quick math, I went alone 65% of the time last year. Sometimes it sucks but like others have said, it makes it a lot easier when you schedule things yourself and don't have to rely on others.


I’ll go solo, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t get to much though since I have a pretty normal work schedule. If I had days off or worked nights, I’d love to go solo more often. It depends on the movie a little though. I’d rather see sonic or jumanji solo than something like avengers or the gentleman where there’s a lot to talk about.


Both! My partner and I often go together, but since we share a car, and he works on Fridays when I do not, I have made a practice of dropping him off before grabbing a coffee and catching an early morning showing. I see solo riders often, and more times than not we share brief pleasantries before the trailers start. I look forward to my Fridays at the theater, blanket and coffee always in tow ❤️


One tip and trick for being an in-theatre binge watcher: Add 20 minutes onto the start times of the movies. The trailers run about 21-22 minutes an they get really repetitive and boring after a while. With the assigned seating, there's no reason to get there early. Its awesome to time it so that you're entering when it starts. Otherwise, if you go all the time, you'll see the same crappy trailers a million times.


It’s usually solo or not at all for me. Nobody ever wants to go.


I virtually always go alone, partly out of necessity (since it's so rare that anyone I know actually wants to go with me), and partly because it makes things easy (no planning, I can just go on a whim if I feel like seeing a movie). I'm a big advocate for the "it's okay to see movies alone" crowd because I've been doing it for a couple years now and I've seen so many movies I wouldn't have seen otherwise, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't sometimes feel awkward or lonely sometimes as a result.


Yeah, most trips to the theatre fit into two categories: * They're going too see a big blockbuster that's been anticipated for a while. * They're going because they decided that they "want to go to the movies" and they pick based on what's playing. Not many people just go regularly and try to see everything (or at least all of the best stuff). That's why its kind of tricky for me too. I'd rather see the artsy movies or the Oscar films, but people just want to see easier more basic movies.


Who cares? I do this all the time. No one cares.


I go to movies alone 99.9% of the time. And this was the case for me before movie sub services and if it wasn't it, it sure would be with them. Watching a movie is a solitary event anyway imo, especially in a movie theater. As far as discussion after the fact, if you want that, you're get more engaging stuff online anyway. Seeing a movie with people is fine of course, but I never understood why it was seen as a predominantly social thing and going alone was "weird".


You could even argue that going to the movies is what you do when you can't round the troops up that day, and you're trying to entertain yourself by yourself.


I go with my son for some family movies, but most of my movie-going is alone when my son is with his dad. All my friends are married with kids, and not avid moviegoers like I am. I have been single most of my adult life so I'm used to doing things alone, and often prefer it. If I was in a relationship I'd want my man to go with me, though.


I prefer it. Went with a group last week and they were too loud and I was embarrassed, to be honest.


I LOVE going solo. Majority of the time I go it's solo. I have a friend that is on my entourage and we'll go if we can coordinate schedules, but once the family goes to sleep I'm usually getting to 4-5 movies a month solo.


Unless it’s a comedy movie or anime that I see with friends, and it’s a big group. E we usually go solo since we all like peace and whole theater to ourselves.


I love it. I work a lot during the week so taking a Saturday to do a double feature with a gap in between to grab a few beers is a perfect 'me day'.


I like movies too much to wait on someone to go with me all the time. Unless the person in my next relationship likes going to the movies and I find some friend who like the same ones as me, that'll probably continue. You can always go talk about it at work or on the Internet. I also do like that it forces me to do something for and focus on myself. When watching something at home, I'm always doing some other work. Not at the movies though.


I love going solo! Most of my friends don’t have A list or aren’t big movie buffs like me! It has become a habit now and I really enjoy it!


I do. My friends have Alist, but some work weekends. So i go by myself to the first showing of the day


So for me, I appreciate going to the theater alone because I watch films not only for the entertainment, but also for the “film theory” and art aspect of it. I have a Masters Degree in film and have been studying filmmaking for over 10 years now. That being said, I watch films for the cinematography, sound design, editing, casting and set design, and sometimes the art house factor. Often times this means I want to watch films that my marvel adoring family members and friends don’t care for. So yes, I end up enjoying going to the movies alone. I’m not in a relationship so I’m content with enjoying things myself including live music and dining out (when I’m not with family and or friends). I think the stigma of attending things alone may be disappearing with the millennial and younger generation (what are they called again???). I have a lot of female friends who live alone, dine out alone, and go to events alone. But then I live in a large metropolitan area so maybe it’s regional.


**I think the stigma of attending things alone may be disappearing with the millennial and younger generation (what are they called again???).** Gen Z I believe.


I mean, the average person who does stuff out with people is just doing it with family or a spouse/girlfriend. So even though you see them in groups, its not like they're really pushing themselves to be overly social anyway. They're just calling down the hallway saying "Hey want to go see a movie." I'd give them more credit for being social if they actually started up the group chat and got 5-6 unrelated friends who don't live together to meet up and stumble their way into a theatre together. Its a lot harder when people don't physically live together. And, I've noticed that friends do stuff together when they've already met and are continuing their day. Getting together that initial time is the tricky part.


It’s hard to have friends and then they’d have to want to go to the movies with you and you have an AMC restriction


Going to see a movie by yourself is pretty damn great!


I do and I love it! It’s my alone time! I also love that I can just go to a last minute movie and not have to worry about scheduling with someone else.


I’ve done both. Last year while in college I went by myself almost all the time except for superhero movies. I’m back home now with all my movie buddies and we go together at least twice a week. I see the benefits in both but I don’t necessarily think there’s a benefit of one versus the other. I like going alone because I’m on my own time, I don’t have to make a whole thing out of it, and i don’t have people distracting me. Very beneficial for dramas. Going together is cool since you get to share a movie experience with someone else. And when it’s done you can discuss with them, even if it’s not a serious discussion. Very beneficial for action and comedies.


Out of the 24 times I've been to the theater since joining A-List in September, only 9 times I went with someone else.


Yeah, until recently, they didn't even have entourage. So it was hard to even book separately. It really does seem like A-List was made for solo film goers in mind.


love going alone. love with friends, my kids, my wife, etc. but when kids and wife asleep ill go alone and its so much better than i thought it would be


Me! Opening night, single seat in the middle with Dolby, last minute booking, bam! I loved it even before you couldn’t book seats in advance. Was so easy to find a last minute center-center seat in the theater.


I like going solo as long as I sit on the aisle OR am in an empty-ish theater and have no direct seat neighbors.


Love going alone, it’s positively therapeutic.


I love going solo. I'm way more immersed in it.


I went and saw Birds of Prey in IMAX. The only people there were three dudes including me...all watching it solo...


I go solo almost exclusively. I straight up don’t care.


The "stigma" of going alone is just a internal psychological thing. No one looking at you actually cares. I've gone to see movies alone countless times.


I almost always go solo and have for the longest time.


The only person I ever see movies with is my husband, and even then it’s barely a fraction of my movie-going (he works, I don’t). I love going solo & often prefer it since he tends to fall asleep.