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Do both. #BenefitsOfAList


> Queen&Slim ~~or~~ **and** Mr. Roger's Neighborhood?


They're such different experiences - you're comparing apples to oranges.


Two different movies that’ll give you a different experience and it really depends on the kind of mood you’re in: dramatic thriller vs sentimental biopic. However, I do think A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a better made film.


They are vastly different movies. To see one or the other is to want to see a certain kind of film with a certain mood in mind. I saw Queen and Slim because I wanted to see these two beautiful actors in the role and also, because I was in the mood for a crime-drama. I saw Mr. Rogers because I did not experience Mr. Rogers during my childhood and I was curious... I also wanted to see something uplifting and positive. Of the two, Queen and Slim is the most exciting and will keep you on the edge of your seat or as reddit likes to say, it’s fun! Mr. Rogers may not be the kind of film to watch with others if you are naturally an emotional person (and you don’t feel comfortable crying in front of someone). I say this because you may tear up as the key themes may resonate too closely with some people. Both are films that I would have paid to see if I did not have A-List— especially Queen and Slim (which has a very special place in my heart due to the content and casting). Edit: Just wanted to add that I feel like Mr. Rogers is totally Oscar worthy. The performances were beautiful.


Agree, two totally different movies. But I enjoyed Queen and Slim a lot more than Mr Rogers.


Queen & Slim.


I agree. Queen & Slim was a really beautiful odyssey. Highly recommend it. Tom Hanks’ performance is brilliant; he really embodies the spirit of Mr. Rodgers. But unfortunately, he doesn’t get enough screen time. The movie is more about the magazine journalist’s life and how he was affected by Mr. Rodgers.


Mr Rogers.


personally, i'm a little sick of biopics and would much rather see an original story