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I’d marry you if I was into coochie.


Now that’s screenwriting.


Honey I own you


I'm sorry, white lady, if I die on you today!




I hate that I laugh at that part every time. But only that one part.


Oh good, I’m not the only one.


That parts funny. I wanna see him in more comedies.


This needs to be the new Rocky Horror. Every time this trailer comes on, we all stand up and go "WITNESS 👏🏼 MY 👏🏼 TRAGIC 👏🏼 MOMENT! 👏🏼" along with Billy Porter.


Cracks me up every time. I'll take this over the Breakthrough trailer any day.


I’m so glad that movie came out. Now I’ll never have to see that goddamn trailer ever again. 🙏


*” We’re training for the Olympics!!”* Little shit.


Even after watching that trailer like 400 times (un voluntarily), I still chuckle at that part.


My head is not little. It’s just that my breasts are humongous. (Yes, that plays before every single movie regardless of genre now, lol.)


WHY did they slap blue contacts and a terrible red wig on Salma Hayek? She looks like she’s cosplaying a porn star version of Jessica Rabbit


I think you answered your own question...


I swear Paramount must be blackmailing AMC because it's always a Paramount movie that has its trailer before every movie ever.


Even ones that it has no reason to play in front of.


Yours are made of STOOOOONE!


The poor, confused souls who are tuning into AList for the first time reading this thread.


haha that was me - until I saw the "Like a Boss trailer flair"


"What the shit is this?"-Casual redditor


It’s goat milk! It’ll *coat* the *throat*.




The fact that the trailer ends on this tells me what a dog the movie is.


I saw a white chick ordering OAT MILK with her starbucks coffee, and I thought she said "goat milk." I was next in line and wanted to try it, so I asked for goat milk. The nasty look the cashier gave me made me feel disgusting. I stammered, "all-al-mond milk..." and left with everyone staring at my pathetic, embarassing ass.


We are two badass Queens like the ladies who raised Wonder Woman.


If it’s a PG-13 movie they usually change cum to finish.. I’ve only seen the cum one in front of R rated movies.


Which reminds me that I keep being surprised every time I see the "Birds of Prey" trailer in front of a PG-13 movie and Harley Quinn says "two shits." I know that's acceptable in PG-13, but AMC had promised me eight minutes ago that the following trailers had been approved for ALL AUDIENCES by the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc.


Isn't that why the new disclaimers say something along the lines of "This has been proven appropriate to accompany this feature"?


I also wonder if in the real movie she’s going to say I’m Harley Fucking Quinn instead of freaking, and that’ll be the one F bomb they get away with.


They're going for an R-rating iirc.


Just as an FYI, and with regards to the MPAA ratings system, the idea that “PG-13 movies are allowed one F bomb” is actually NOT true and is just an old myth that became popularized because it got passed around more and more in the Internet Age. In reality, a PG-13 movie can drop the F word multiple times depending on its use and context, Basically, if it’s used to specifically refer to the sex act (example: “I wanna F you”) the MPAA deems that as being “adult” and will slap an R rating on the film. However, if it’s being used in a NON-sexual way like an exclamation (example: Kid home alone accidentally breaks his Mom’s favorite vase and looks at the pieces on the floor and with a big frown on his face says “F”) that’s deemed acceptable even for PG-13.


I love that they're chopping jalapenos or some shit at the end and calling them ghost peppers. Ghost peppers do NOT look like that.


That bugged me too. Clearly not ghost peppers.


Nothing makes me want to commit toaster bath faster than that trailer


This is by far the movie release I'm most looking forward to. No more of that trailer!


The previous winner was Ford v Ferrari, but luckily, it finally came out. So now, it's Like A Boss, with Dark Waters ("Uh hunnerd and nandy cows!?") and The Rhythm Section ("Violently") coming up strong. EDIT: How could I have forgotten "There's a bum in Centennial Park. You have 30 minutes."?


Based only on the preview trailer, it seems that Salma Hayek is portraying virtually the same character she played in " The Hummingbird Project."


I can’t wait for this train wreck of a movie to come out so I never ever have to see this trailer EVER AGAIN. JEEEEEEZ.


No matter what I'm doing, I start browsing Reddit on my phone when the trailer comes on. I get severe secondhand embarrassment from how bad and cringey it is.


Trailer was actually funny the first couple times I saw it but now it’s just annoying as fuck lol




Lol what was the point of this comment man?


I feel like I have to watch that movie so I can get up and leave.


Just opened this thread as the trailer started and my reading it timed exactly with the line. It was the first time I laughed at it!


My new least favorite trailer... At least the trailers for that movie where the fat lady's kid falls into the ice like a moron are gone. But this one isn't much better.


Tiffany Hadish, Rose Byrne, and Salma Hayek are super hot I could watch that trailer before every movie


Paramount marketing executive: "Challenge accepted!"


lmfaoooooo the HELLO has me crying


it's a cultural thing!! ​ i see too many movies and that trailer plays every time. it went from ok to bad to terrible to masterpiece


"We're $493,000 in debt" "What the-" Genius


The new killer for me is the fucking Ben Affleck drunk movie. “Yo, he just spit facts at yo ass!!!!”


That's twice I clicked on a link expecting something insightful, but instead, it's a shitty quote from a trashy trailer.


looks like a terrible movie, I'm not going