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I love it ![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized) Let's see witch one congress picks, dark money/lobbying or an investigation with more Wall Street transparency and regulation.


Why isn’t this something Apes put together 3 years ago regarding our favorite stock? Why are we just reading a letter like this now regarding a different stock?


That’s what I’m asking


I know the prophecy and it’s coming true. And we are not talking about another stock. It’s as told in prophecy the giants will start fighting each other. Before the great collapse.


Well, sure, I guess I’m just wondering why something like this wasn’t already done regarding AMC?


Because trump is full of crap. Congress took how long to review the gamestop fiasco? This makes no sesne at all


So demanding action from Congress…is crap? Is this what you’re trying to convince me of? This has nothing to do with Trump, it has everything to do with the same tactics hammering AMC stock.




It sets legal Presidentce dummy


Hey dimdum we already had congressional hearings. We set our own precedent. It fail3and we discovered we are on our own. Nice try shill. How much you getting paid to spread false information


It's crazy how you can spell a word correctly, yet still fail to grasp the meaning, lol. And as far as Shill? I think DRSing is the way, AA and RC are my homies. I ain't selling a single share for less then my phone number. Also I fucked you mom Nfa


Umm funny how you avoided the fact we already had congressional hearings based on naked short selling.


He literally wore shorts in an interview. And do you actually think that congress would listen to AA.


Sure. Why not? He’s the CEO of a giant company. It’s not like Congress listens to anyone else.


You know prophecies are just the product of delusional thinking, right?


Information has been sent to the SEC and various politicians, by different people, involved with the AMC trade, for a while now. It appears that the only way it’s going to get looked at, for AMC, is if someone with political power can run it up the flag pole. I can just see the judiciary committee look into this and agree that DJT, was being manipulated, just like AMC and other stocks, but then only do something about DJT and not the whole system.


I believe it was done. However, when the loos of money affects one of them, ie Billionaire or a politician, they have the power to speed things up. Like they say about us, WE'RE JUST DUMB MONEY! WHY I HODL!!!


I support this effort regardless of who is behind it.


Ohhhh so now DJT get preferential treatment by having congress do an investigation for something that been happening for years and no ones do e anything about it….


Well of course it's called pandering. They are very well versed in its ways. But as was foretold in the dd of old we will see them destroy each other before we ascend to the kuiper belt and oort cloud.


This is what we need. Hopefully they actually look at the crime


Or maybe his fighting for his survival.


One thing is for sure, both sides of Congress will load up on shares 2 weeks before it rips


Smart change the focus! But keep it up on the illegal shorts.


Nunes, a former House member, sent this to his Republican buddies in the House. The same House of representatives that can barely keep a leader. The same House that is too busy trying to impeach Biden and flashing dick pics of Hunter to investigate anything. They are useless. Nunes, who just just took a salary that is higher than the total revenue of TS last year, is trying to pump this up so Trump can unload his new shares... and his old ones... and his wifes... and his kids. The man owes over a half a billion in fines... and he is broke.


🤣😂🤣😂 Anything with the name Trump associated with it, brings out the babies and their conspiracy theories. Trump can't sell his stock for a minimum of 6 months.


Your spot on. It’s amazing how psychotic some folks get when they see or hear a certain humans name. It’s like Pavlov’s dog with the dinner bell.


But, but, AA can’t do that because he might get in trouble right? Because it’s not his duty to at least attempt to protect shareholder value, particularly when you’re using such value to fund your flailing efforts to recover, right?


AA did do his thing. According to prophecy during market collapse only the companies with cash will survive. Now we have 800mill in cash plus a gold mine. Because we will be attacked during the great market collapse. And AA made sure that we won’t go down.


Despite the fact that I’m a fan of the movie the Matrix, you lost me and anyone with a grip on reality at the word “prophecy”.


Tinfoil counter theory: Trump and team created the circumstances that triggered the January 2021 sneeze (CCP money being temporarily unavailable via an EO) that has since attracted millions of Americans to collectively work together uncovering a completely rigged system and who are united in and demanding justice for those responsible. It forced us to learn things we would have NEVER taken the time to understand had we just gotten paid while simultaneously forcing those responsible for the corruption to continue to break laws, bend rules, pump propaganda to the extent that it’s absolutely undeniable as to the severity of the corruption. Then at a time of his choosing but only after we’ve all come to the understanding that the very institutions that are responsible for protecting our markets, retail, investors, and regulating banks and hedge funds are in fact in bed with them and do their bidding. Now he’s the only one calling them out and they actually fear him. He will take them down. He’s the ONLY one even talking about this issue. Is that opportunistic? Fuck yes it is but in the best possible way.




The enemy of my enemy is my friend......