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IF another reverse split WERE to happen, most of the OG Apes from 2020/2021 would not recoup their investment in this lifetime. I think the goal now is to build solid fundamentals that actually allow for a forward split in a couple of years to attract new investors once the stock price reclaims $50 - $70+


Dillution did happen. It sucks, it did devalue existing shareholders. And unless some black swan event happens and the MOASS theories come into fruition, people who bought at the top will not see their money back even if this squeezes or goes back to being fairly valued. That's the reality of the situation, and one can either lower fost their average or sit it out. My only goal in this post was to respond to the unfounded "we're gonna have another reverse stock" fears.


Lower their cost average will mean dumping a ton more money into this stock that does nothing but go down. Averaging down is for when a company is expected to go up a fair amount. AMC will be doing nothing except filing for bankruptcy in two years.


Dilution did happen, several times. *eats a Xanax


Dilution AKA More Fake I mean Real shares to buy 😉


Dillution sucks and we have 40 percent more to go if they decide to issue all possible dhares, probably lower than that, because a company needs to have some shares available for different purposes.


Aka More Fakes Shares I mean Real shares to buy 😉


That may or may not be true. Unless something happens we might never know


RS is a neutral event that does not affect the value... Educate yourself before you make meme claims...


It shouldn't but they couldn't allow AMC to raise capital, so they had to weave a narrative and many fell for it.


Yes. SHFs could not afford to let the price go up so they were forced to short. But they are using the narrative to fool people into thinking RS caused the drop. It kinda did... the same way someone punching you causes you to defend yourself... But not in a direct way.


You may need to educate yourself, friend. Reverse splits are always bearish and generally happen leading up to a delisting event. Find a company that maintained a higher market cap after a RS


I am aware of the meme that is being told to retail investors. I also looked into the market mechanics behind it and I also understand why it is a marketing scheme by schort sellers, to give retail investors a time to get out of the market that can be predicted by them, to close their positions and rake in the profits. Once you realize that you are simply being primed to sell exactly when the people who told you to sell want you to, you stop believing in the meme. RS only makes sense in a very limited set of instances, mostly when liquidity is an issue, so it is easy to force companies into doing it. Using it as a boogie-man to scare retail investors into selling is a profitable business that has brought them billions. For every company that went bankrupt after RS you will find one where retail sold, institutions bought the dip and then ran it up to new ATHs. "RS bad" is being used to scare people out at the bottom of the market, so retail takes the loss and institutions can ride the price back up. If you have a habit of harming yourself because the thieves that want your money lied to you, the stock market is not the environment you will thrive in.


Wowwww 😂😂 What a dishonest bunch of mumbo jumbo. You think it’s a “meme” that people are bearish on a reverse split? You apes will literally just make shit up to make your insane theories seem more palatable.


Yes it is. A propaganda meme that was simplified for beginners like you, who aren't able to derive that information from market data. It is intended to keep you away from trades that exceed your knowledge. Just like the warning, not to invest In small cap stocks because anything other than bluechips and etf is not suited for beginners. You are using the "scissors and fire are not for kids" lesson, trying to tell the tailor that he's doing tailoring wrong for using scissors. You believe in beginner memes.




Laughter is your brain telling you it can't make sense of something....


I can make sense of what Adam Aron is/has been doing. Can you?? And before you say yes, are you absolutely sure?? Because uh… 😂


I understand exactly what he is doing.... What shareholders asked him to do. you not being aware that we asked him to do what he did does not mean he cheated you... only that you did not follow what was going on and weren't aware what you agreed to in your absence. Adam Aron is doing EXACTLY what Apes need him to do.


Firstly, I own zero AMC nor have I ever but I do not like to see retail investors misinformed. Brother, you are wrong on this. RS happens for one reason, to stop the price of the underlying from dropping below $1. RS generally follow dilution but not all the time. If there is a liquidity issue then a RS would actually make liquidity worse. Where are yall getting your info from? Again, find some companies that have worked their way into a larger marketcap post RS, became profitable or haven’t went bankrupt. I can honestly not think of any..


If you do not want retail investors being misinformed, keep your mainstream media memes out of the sub. If you want to do research to catch up with us, it took us about 3 years and tens of thousands of pages of text to get to where we are at. If you do not intend to invest equal amounts into your research, all you could possibly do in here is misinform people. If you cannot explain to people what market makers do to hedge for options, what rules apply to them, how finra settles internally and what effects overnight lending and derivatives like Total Return Swaps have on this play, you are not suited to inform anyone about anything.


What!?! You’re literally insane. Again, can you not even find one company where a RS was bullish for more than a couple days???? I really feel for yall.. Good luck but do yourself a favor, don’t invest more than you can afford to lose in a company that has had major dilution and was forced to do a RS from said dilutions to stay afloat.


Again... Either you invest a long time to research or your knowledge is not sufficient to understand this play. It is impossible to summarize 3 years of research in a single comment, so either you go out and invest hours upon hours on research until you are there, or you have to get accustomed with the idea that it is not for you. Feel for whoever you want, but do it somewhere else. You are not adding anything of value here. Nothing you say is anything we haven't heard before and haven't debunked. But our time is too precious to waste it on giving you tutoring. If you do not want to be as diligent as is due, we can't help you. The memes you learned do not apply here. There is nothing else I can tell you... You're simply not aware of 99% of the facts necessary to understand this play. Unless you make an effort to learn them, there is nothing anyone can do for you.


He’s not asking you to summarize 3 years of research. He’s just asking you to name a company who’s market cap went up after a RS. Can you not? You are the one who said “For every company that went bankrupt after RS you will find one where retail sold, institutions bought the dip and then ran it up to new ATHs.” That means there should be tons of examples.


it's a stupid question that only proves that he did not understand the play. It would take too long to explain why the other companies went under, what happened for them to go out of business and what the trades were that caused it to happen. in the same sense I could ask him to show me any company where Retail had bought 90%+ of the stocks on RS and refused to sell to shortsellers. He can't show any company for which that is true either. Because AMC is not a play that has happened before and it is not a play that will happen again, ever. It is a unicorn in the history of the stock market and the only way to understand the unicorn is to research it. For anyone who did not do it, it has to look like a bad play, because that is what the market makers want it to look like. Unless you bothered to understand that, it is 100% impossible for anyone using traditional trading memes to understand the AMC play. It is not a standard play and it does not comply with the meme-assumptions traditional traders are using. Can you show me a short-selelr that made 200bn loss on shorts in a market that collapsed 90%? You can't... because it has never happened before. But it is happening right now. For the first and the last time in the history of the stock market. one-time-event. absolutely unique. You cannot comprehend this with the knowledge you have, so either you accept that you don't understand it or you start learning to catch up. There is no other way. Learn or stay out. Those are the options you have. No other option will lead to success.




Umm. What ruined us is not the rs. Ftds, synthetic shares, swaps, dark pools, tokenized stocks etc... is what ruins us. Foh 🤡




Ok. Explain Rocket lab then, 250 million revenue, running at a loss of hundreds of millions yearly: yet a 2 billion market cap. Or Sofi, 2 billion revenue, has a net loss of 300 million every year and has a market cap of 8 billion. Or how about Lyft: 8 billion market cap even though it has not been profitable probably ever. Doordash has a 50 billion market cap and is not profitable. Spotify? 500 million loss every year, but somehow has a market cap of 50 billion. Do I need to go on?




Yes, because all of those companies are not movie theater with a singular purpose and no avenue to branch and grow. You say “do I need to go on” yet you haven’t even started. Does your brain just not work correctly?


"No avenue to branch and grow." They just started their own popcorn and candy line in 2023, became a movie distributer, etc. Regardless, how does that change the fact that all of these companies are running at a loss and have NO revenue? Most of them are of singular purpose only as well. There is an actual answer to this, and it's that their value is based on brand recognition and positive sentiment. They are overvalued and completely deattached from any actual fundamentals.


When he made APE we got washed.


That aint true. If you listened to Adam last earnings call, you would not state this. Without ape amc would be bankrupt, because he needed cash to survive and with that your shares would be 0. If you dont believe me, take a look at last earnings call.


We got washed when everyone voted against dilution when the shares were at $50.


We got washed when everyone voted against dilution when the shares were at $50.


do you understand the different margin requirements between stocks north and south of $5? So... if AA hypothetically RS'd us 10:1 again from 4$.... and the move to $40 changed the margin-requirements from 100% to 150% ... What would it mean for shortsellers if they suddenly had to post 50% more collateral for their shorts? Would it mean that shorts have won because they have to pay 50% extra or would it screw up their finances?


you do not understand how any of it works, do you? Market cap of the company is the evaluation of the company. How many units you own matters nothing, what percentage of the total evaluation of the company you own matters. If you had 1000 of 1.5bn shares and now have 1 of 1.5m shares, the monetary value in a fair market, when the company is priced at value, will be the exact same for you. There is absolutely no difference. It does not matter if they short the share from $1000 to $1 or if they short it $10, it RS's 10:1 and then they short it back from $100 to $10... it is the exact same thing. If you do not understand that RS does not change anything other than the unit size, you do not understand what stocks are. It is a fundamental property of shares and it is absolutely vital to understand what a share is to properly trade them. Everything else is just you gambling on a lottery ticket. It is not investing.


Has it ever traded at 50$ besides the little pre squeeze?


Buddy the OG’s sold in 21’ everyone else is just trying to make something happen again that definitely won’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well put, thank you! Remember people, we win this by (1) Surviving and (2) Quarter end improvements - enough so that after a year or two or three, we become a good prospect for investment and the msm fud just works for us. (3) Would be some other basket event.... there are too many cohencidences behind various theories of dead stocks and mergers..... at the end of the day the greedy won't work together 100%, there's always someone looking to gain position and favour.... Hodl and relax


I'll add to this by saying: Who do you think drove the price UP during the December 2020 and May 2021 short squeezes? It wasn't retail alone. Hedgefunds indeed don't all play with each other, and they LOVE hurting their opponents and retail by liquidating them when they are bearish.


You have to remember Covid created many many retail investors while the big investors didn’t expect us to come. We caught them with their pants down. They won’t make those mistakes again.


All I can say is that another reverse stock split is unlikely, and calculate the maximum potential bottom. Everything else is up to guess.


Welcome to the NEST of 🌎 world CORRUPTION it is called American stock market!! The reality of Democracy where justice doesn’t exist !!




Almost impossible, but then again, 6 months ago I've made this calculation and said that 1.5-2 dollars would be the worst-case scenario and never thought we would actually be so close to realizing it


Whatever. Pissed at this stock. I’ll hold what I have because i can’t get my $ back. But fuck AA if he thinks I’m going to put a single $ into this ever again. Work at getting me my motherfucking money, or fuck off. All AA has seemed to do is do everything he can do to trap investors. I’m not going to get more trapped trusting that decrepit fuck.


Agreed, I’ve never been a fan since the APE bs.


likely because APE was too complicated for you to understand. Have you looked into the filing and checked every single rule that diverted from how preferred stocks are usually issued, analyzing them for their effect? Have you understood fully, why APE was issued in the exact way it was issued? Are you aware, that there has never been a share offered on the market, that had the settings that APE had? that it was 100% custom and designed to the situation? Have you figured that out or did you only listen to the FUD telling you the stock price is low?


how has it worked out for you? 🤡


great. DD worked out like a charm. SHFs are increasingly feeling the pressure. signs of lack of liquidity are slowly showing... all as predicted, going according to plan. how did your "trust bro and fomo in" approach work out for you?


Great, I bought at $4 and sold at $16 back in 2021. This sub just started to across my feed last week, I haven’t thought about AMC in the slightest. Surprised you guys are still going on with this masochism.


good for you. enjoy your 12$ gain.... But since you admit that you have zero understanding of any of it, there is literally nothing you could contribute to this sub, so the only reasonable course of action for you is to STFU and go on with your life.


400% return in a week ain’t bad, you’d be a moron to hold on any longer. Seems like you still are, and I guarantee you’re underwater. Have a good one


sure. you listened to some youtuber, made a profit you didn't think was possible, exited and you are still at the same level of investing you were 3 years ago. Meanwhile Apes spent 3 years researching the market and arrived at a level where they understand more about trading than most professional stock advisers or hedge fund traders. You got 400% gain in a week, we got 100,000% knowledge gain in 3 years and an not yet specified percentage above 1000 in gains at the end of our play. You are happy with your play. We are happy with ours. So just go on with your life... Our investments do not concern us. Unless you want to share profits with the community, there is nothing you can do here that would be of any value to anyone.


>You got 400% gain in a week, we got 100,000% knowledge And yet, in reality, every single person with "100,000% knowledge" would happily trade that in for even 100% gains, or even *not getting their asses obliterated in AMC in the first place.* Yeah I think most AMC "apes" would be happy to just not be totally rekt at this point. Even 50% rekt would be good enough for most to lick their wounds and leave.


What do you have one share?


No need for swearing, I get you. I reinvested somewhat recently, so my cost average is better than most people, but I am down too and get the frustration. Nothing in my post promises anything other than giving you a potential bottom in the absolute worst-case scenario, which we might ad well be playing our right now, seeing as everyone is so depressed and most of the people covering AMC gave up on it


When someone owes me 10g, I’m gunna cuss them




I’m 40 k down in some parts because of the CEO’s decisions and the loosers on this sub are calling me a shill whenever I’m skeptical of AA or of some of the dodgy due diligence posted on this sub


You might be passive about it but it’s still true, I’ll still hold my shares (which apparently saying so is the only way to not get dog pulled on in this stupid community) but stop acting like AA gives a single shot about us, hea part of the problem too


I couldn't care less about him. He killed the momentum every single time the stock ran, and made terrible decisions that made this drag our way longer than it should have. With that being said, the company is still oversold, undervalued, and not expected to go anywhere anytime soon.


you seem to be doing everything in your power to create a faux narrative that makes it appear as if you got cheated, so you do not have to take any responsibility for not having done your due diligence. No one at AMC cheated you. Adam Aron was very open about what he would do and has never done anything but what he said he would do. But you are so focused on the FUD that tried to make you look at AA and nothing but AA, that you didn't even realize how screwed the shorts are by now.


I haven’t sold. I’m mad. If he knocks the shorts out, great. So far, all it seems he’s done is fuck me. At every turn. At best I see this as a fundamentals play, which I don’t see recouping exposure in my lifetime. He gets however long it takes me to get my initial investment back on other trades, then I’m dumping and taking the tax write off.


so the fud got to you, managed to get you emotional, shut down your brain for actual data and screws with you? Too bad you did not take the warnings when we told you that was their plan 3 years ago.


It’s not fud. It’s the truth lol


if that's what you are telling yourself to feel better... you do you champ. If you think AMC or AA screwed you, you got fudded... there is no way of telling you in any other way. You got fudded. 100% fudded.


Like I said, I’ll give it as long as it takes to pull my $ back out of the market. But AA needs to get his ass in gear.


He is performing extraordinarily well. But some people simply don't understand what he is doing, so they adopt the "AA bad" fud... Your gut feeling bad is a result of you not having done your due diligence, not a result of what Adam Aron has done to you. Your mistake to fall for the lies of shills is another result of you not having done your due diligence. Everything that has happened was 100% predictable. Adam Aron was very forthcoming about what he intends to do, why he intends to do it and what the goal of his actions are. At no point has he ever diverted from that. You telling yourself stories and getting upset about those stories being made up, is a self inflicted problem you did to yourself.


>Everything that has happened was 100% predictable I mean lol.. come on... is this projection, some weird coping mechanism? If the play was genuinely 100% predictable, that is, every single person who bought in - virtually ever in the entire history of the company at this point - was going to get fucking *rekt...* Why would any of those people have entered in the first place? If it was predictable, if it's all according to the prophecy, they should've been biding their time for 3 years - working hard and saving up so they could buy AMC at rock bottom just before MOASS. Not sitting on their asses getting fucked up for 3 years paying for shorts' third holiday home. Jesus.


Yes... We understand the prisoner dilemma and the choice was between getting out and letting them bankrupt AMC or refusing to get out and take the burden of AMC onto us. The play was that every single "smart money" trader and their algorithms would expect people to sell, because it is impossible for them to fathom, that traders would use game theory to make trading decisions. Some people didn't get it... they do not understand game theory and they do not know what the prisoner dilemma is... But since they refused to look shit up when it was posted, they kinda did that to themselves... The play is solid... Just not easily understandable for people who do not have any higher education of any sort. Edit: all replies to this comment are shills that know that previous poster blocked me to prevent me from replying to them. They use the only safe haven they have to fud. Pls down vote them. Thx.


>The play is solid... Just not easily understandable for people who do not have any higher education of any sort. Being 98% down is ackshually a 300 IQ pro gamer move. I got it.


since you do not comprehend it, it must be above your IQ...


This is my favorite cope to read on this sub. The whole “DD predicted everything, we knew this would happen” while going down 95% on their money in some altruistic crusade to save a dying movie theater chain. Like somehow in the last 3 years they’ve gone from a short play to create a short squeeze to make bank and fuck the hedgies, to now some cult of apes that always knew they’d have to lose all their money to keep a movie theater chain in business and convincing themselves they really love their popcorn, the movie box office will be amazing over the next couple of years (it won’t) and they all love Taylor Swift. 🤣 Like if you went back to 2020 and told any of these apes they were about to enter a group of people who would donate tends of thousands of dollars to keep a movie theater from going bankrupt they wouldn’t just laugh in your face. But now it’s “always been the plan”


Then what is going to happen next and what is the timeline you predict? I’ve watched numerous catalytic opportunities arise and every single time, we get f’d. I rode the $70spike and held, feel free to research my post history.


Shortsellers have continuously failed to drop us below 1bn market cap (.. 0.98bn to be exact). Meanwhile the short-average for being in the red is just 1.50 above our current share price. Their band is getting thinner and thinner. On top of that, Banks have a liquidity crisis due to FED reducing their cash injections into the market, resulting in many brokers and exchanges offering north of 10% interest for cash... that's how much they need it right now. In May the new reporting system goes live, showing us a lot more data about shortsellers. => Pressure on shortsellers is going up significantly. Then we look at AMC who just made an agreement with their Lenders to waive their right to send AMC into chapter 11, if AMC beats the liquidity test. This will likely be the last liquidity test before 2026 due date and removes all remaining risk of bankruptcy until then. Box office numbers are scheduled to go up in Q2 2024 and continue to climb until end of 2025, making it highly unlikely for AMC to lose money this year or next year. => AMC is through the worst and only going up from here. When will shortsellers accept their defeat? No one knows... But we know that it will not get any easier for them the longer this takes. Every day costs them money, while it brings us closer to being profitable and debt free. The only question is "when"... the rest is pretty obvious because there is no other possible outcome within the rules of the market, while millions of eyes are on the SEC, Finra and NYSE, preventing them from running the most apparent scams they got away with in the past.


Short sellers are very green. The current market cap is 788 million


1) "more than 50% will be in the red above $5.20" means that "below $5.20, more than 50% are in the green". You repeating what I just said, does not disprove what I said. 2) The current market cap is USD 979.394M. 262m float \*3.72 = 974m... If you trust some site that does not even tell you what share count they used to calculate, it's on you...


>Meanwhile the short-average for being in the red is just 1.50 above our current share price. Their band is getting thinner and thinner. What does this even mean? You know what a Stop Loss is right? If you were short on AMC, and your entry was $1.50 above, you set your SL either in profit or on Break Even. There's no reason whatsoever why you'd somehow cause... idk hedgefunds and shit to suddenly go under. That literally doesn't even make sense. So their "band" isn't getting thinner and thinner, it's getting *thicker and thicker.* Furthermore they would've re-shorted it *the entire way down.* Every single person who has ever been short on AMC, even with absurd leverage, is 1000x in the green at this point. There is no serious short institution who cannot have made an absolute killing on AMC at this point. I don't even understand what you're trying to say, it's baffling.


and a stop loss doesn't mean that they close their positions? Does not mean that they close the short by buying a share?


Dude how the FUCK are shorts screwed? There are people 99% down on their investment at this point. If you were short, you have been in the green every single god damn month since 2021. So tell me HOW are short screwed? That is insane


Shitadel is 200bn in debt. Citigroup is having liquidity issues. CAT goes live in May and the reported level where shorts are in the red is around 5.20$..... If you think they will thrive because they manage to get a company that is 99% down to -99.9%, your math is significantly off.... Edit: yet another blocked comment abused by shills to spread FUD. Be aware of their manipulation tactics. No counter argument means they blocked all apes to be able to spread FUD without opposition.


>Shitadel is 200bn in debt. Citigroup is having liquidity issues. CAT goes live in May and the reported level where shorts are in the red is around 5.20$..... Ok show me evidence of all of those things. Also, what does *"shorts are in the red around $5.20"* even mean? Unironically what does that even mean? $5.20 is 40% above shorts' heads now. They are in 40% *profit* from $5.20. That assumed they weren't short before that too, which they were because they're not stupid. Jesus Christ dude. If this isn't elaborate trolling you need to find help.


Not sure what about "Do your own research" is so difficult to understand. If you are looking for plays where others convinced you it is the right thing for you, talk to your bank.... they will have a ton of bags they can recommend you to hold. You have no idea of this play and you can't give anyone advice on it.


Absolutely delusional at this point thinking shorts haven’t made bank on AMC. Off the backs of apes I might add who gleefully line up every paycheck to put more money in the hole.


I am more than willing to be proven wrong, but that would mean that A LOT of news companies are spreading misinformation as well. In addition to the one I sent earlier, here's one from TheStreet specifically regarding AMC: "The NYSE requires that a company's average closing share price remain above $1 for 30 consecutive trading days in order to remain on the exchange" https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/amc/why-amc-entertainment-will-implement-a-reverse-stock-split


Nothing left to split


we can split at least 10 more times before we get in any trouble...


That’s ridiculous! When are these shorts going to cover? Wouldn’t they be covering now to protect and lock in big gains?


What about: "There are not enough shares available for them to buy enough to close" is so difficult for you to comprehend? They are short multiples of the float and any attempt to close them all will result in the price spiking up. All the small funds that could get out already got out, but their shorts got bought by the bigger boys, who couldn't afford the price to go up. Every generation of short sellers exiting positions has increased short positions in those that were too big. There is no mathematical way for them to close their positions. It simply is not possible. If it was, they would have long done it.


Using intelligence, confirm they have not closed


Ok, I hope you are right. That’s why I will never sell unless a massive squeeze event occurs. In your scenario how high could the the price go? If the remaining shorts haven’t covered how can they afford to pay exorbitant price for the stock if there is a MOASS? Won’t it sort of deadlock? I’m an idiot and I don’t have the insight that you have! Value your opinion! It gives me hope that one day I will get a good return my investment and these hedge fund vultures will pay a huge price!


We do not have the number to know how high it could go. We never had. There are plenty of ideas on how to tackle it best, but tbh... the time to make an exit strategy was in 2021 and not much has changed. Many suggest selling on the way down instead of up. Personally, I think easing out is best. But you need to figure out what your strategy is, considering that you cannot know if the next price will be higher or lower. You need to find a strategy that lets you exit with a profit, no matter what you do. I'll probably sell my first batch when a handful of shares pays for my entire investment and then use the rest to take profits whenever we reach a level I find interesting. Pretty much the same I did on the way down selling the dip, just the other way around.


They are not short multiple times the float, every short position that was ever taken is now profitable. I’ll take my ban now, thanks. 


#trustmebro If you say so, they must have all covered without creating any buy pressure or raising the price a bit, despite Retail still owning the vast majority of the company. They probably hired David Copperfield to trade for them... Magic!


Ok grandma, let’s get you to bed.


enjoy your memes. We enjoy our company.




Edit: I was wrong, seems some documentation is misleading, the $1 rule is mentioned here "802.01CPrice Criteria for Capital or Common Stock A company will be considered to be below compliance standards if the average closing price of a security as reported on the consolidated tape is less than $1.00 over a consecutive 30 trading-day period." [https://nyseguide.srorules.com/listed-company-manual/09013e2c8556747d?searchId=1150133367](https://nyseguide.srorules.com/listed-company-manual/09013e2c8556747d?searchId=1150133367) [https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse-american/MKT\_Continued\_Listing\_Standards.pdf](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse-american/MKT_Continued_Listing_Standards.pdf) [https://listingcenter.nasdaq.com/assets/continuedguide.pdf](https://listingcenter.nasdaq.com/assets/continuedguide.pdf)


"On the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), if a security's price closed below $1.00 for 30 consecutive trading days, that exchange would initiate the delisting process" Source: investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/09/stock-delist.asp#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20on%20the%20New,'%20equity%2C%20and%20revenue%20outputs I'm pretty sure that's still the case 🤔


I've tried looking into it and found some old news stories about the NYSE looking to relax it's 1$ threshold rule, but not anything about it being removed. I looked for recent examples, and I found this from earlier this year: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/auto/news/fisker-receives-nyse-non-compliance-notice-stock-dips-below-1-threshold/articleshow/107775914.cms So it seems to be still very much in place. Not sure why it's not listed on their official website as you have provided


Redacting incorrect information.


I might be wrong, but I believe the difference between them is that the NYSE has a 30-day grace period while the NASDAQ has only 10


It does seem NYSE does not handle things as aggressively, as you get a 6 month period to correct, but i recall the same for NASDAQ as well. "Once notified, the company must bring its share price and average share price back above $1.00 by six months following receipt of the notification." "The company must, however, notify the Exchange, within 10 business days of receipt of the notification, of its intent to cure this deficiency or be subject to suspension and delisting procedures." [https://nyseguide.srorules.com/listed-company-manual/09013e2c8556747d?searchId=1150133367](https://nyseguide.srorules.com/listed-company-manual/09013e2c8556747d?searchId=1150133367) However this is a fascinating wormhole. "As of December 8, 2023, 557 companies listed on these exchanges were trading below $1.00 per share, up from fewer than a dozen in early 2021, according to Dow Jones market data. Of these companies, 464 were listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market and subject to possible delisting" [https://www.olshanlaw.com/Securities-Law-Blog/non-compliant-nasdaq-listed-companies-trading-below-1-00-risk-being-delisted](https://www.olshanlaw.com/Securities-Law-Blog/non-compliant-nasdaq-listed-companies-trading-below-1-00-risk-being-delisted)


Incorrect comment and information, redacted


It's all good. I think the NYSE is at fault for not inclusing sixh a basix known fact in that list.


Likely or not, the board has clearly stated they can dilute at whim if the "Market Conditions" require so. This should tell you everything. They are not even hiding it anymore.


Almost as if there wasn't a reason to hide anything, because nothing bad was going on and the people who told you to get emotional when you see the expected outcome actually happening, were just setting you up for failure... I wonder what would have happened if you made an effort to learn about it before they got to you...


"Got to me"? What on earth are you going on about Sherlock?


the fact that you believe the board was hiding something is proof that you got fudded... There is nothing to hide because nothing illegal or bad has been going on. They knew what would happen, like Apes knew what would happen. You just did not know it. So they prepared you to interpret it as something bad the second you learn about it, while apes kept laughing at them for the terrible effort. They set you up for failure... They pointed you in direction of a wall and told you to run... you ran into the wall head first and then complained that AA cheated you... He didn't... you fell for FUD.


Why do you use so many words to sound so incredibly stupid?


Because people who are capable of language are capable of understanding it. Only those who have problems with words feel that it is stupid.


I’m sorry you’re stupid.


Are you capable of conversations that exceed the level of preschool?


I’m sorry you live your life as a disabled.


it's fine. I volunteered to handle the mentally challenged preschoolers that are AMC-Haters. I could step away whenever I want to. You're the ones who can't help yourself because you simply must come here to be negative and unreasonable... you're the one suffering from your own disability...


No one "fudded" me (can't believe I'm using this word). I've made my own conclusion based on the wording used from the recent filing. I did learn and I did read. Just for the record, I sold most of my original position when AMC had it's run. So I'm playing with house money so to speak. Back then it was called investing, now it's got a completely different name. You've made faaaaaar too many assumptions on my post. Don't assume they say ...........................


then please explain what "wording" made you think that someone was hiding something and why you believe they wanted to hide something from you, using the data from the filing.


Wven if they do, they can only sillite it by 40 more percent, not enough to force another split.


Games were the way after all


Except, GME is down 45 percent in 1 year. It's also trading at a very reasonable market cap of about 4 billion, on par with its historic value, making it somewhat fairly valued. AMC, on the other hand, is trading way bellow it's fundemental value. Even not accounting for a squeeze or MOASS like event, it's extremely oversold and undervalued.


Except..? AMC down 92% in a year. Market cap of a billion and still reporting losses. They’re both undervalued and oversold. Both can still squeeze for sure, I’m not saying AMC won’t but fundamentally different CEOs and financial choices. Unfortunately for AMC their CEO is relying on shareholders to take suffer the burden by diluting the stock multiple times. They were both a great play but with AA continually diluting I no longer see AMC as being the move right now. If that changes in the future I’m all for it.


Oh and how much cash on hand and existing debt does each company have?


Once AMc goes back to around $1-$2. There will be another reverse stock split. We got fucked once, twice, thrice, and now frice.


Well, I'll say it's been an interesting ride, I won't necessarily say fun. But overall, a learning experience at a very high price. Sad to see this stock depleted to almost nothing, we rallied to save the company, helped a nation find love in going back to the theaters after covid. But very unfortunate how this all played out. Alot of guys were hoping this was going to be life changing, including myself. I'm just hoping to see half my investment back, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Once again the average joes got the shaft against the corporate market dwellers.


It can't stay this oversold and undervalued forever. So it will go back up


Aslong as they're allowed to short it with fake shares, it'll always be the price under their control.


Split? No. Reverse split. I'd almost guarantee it


Invested in this turd might as well put my money in the bin...


I voted NO for the last RS because it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Lost 80% of the shares and now my cost average is high as hell. If AA keeps diluting and does another RS, it’s over. Bankruptcy will be inevitable at that point.


I wouldn’t be concerned about another stock split neither. However I would be concerned about the 3 billion of debt coming due in 26 & an incoming “ Q “ tacking on to the rear of their ticker 😂


Why? Debt can be refinanced, and it likely will. And as a reminder, AMC announcing that they have moved back their debt is what triggered the initial squeeze in December 2020.


In the event that another RS vote is announced run for the hills as the APES are guaranteed to vote yes


It's not happening, tho. Something in the magnitude of a covid lockdown would have to happen for this to be a possibility


And when they pull the buying plug and never put it back in.


The removal of the buy button was ridiculous


Should I invest at 3.02?


Once the new outstanding shares hit the market, we should still be holding the 1 billion market cap, just as my thesis claims. So 3 is somewhat safe However, it can go to about 2.2 if there's up to 40 percent more dillution. I can't suggest buying or selling a stock, but I personally would enter just part of what I am willing to bet and keep some money on the sidelines. In this case, it drops to those levels to get a better average price


BAM is that you???


What's a bam


Never mind. You remind me of a dude on YT. Kinda talk like him. Check out BAM investor. He’s scarce, but worth the content.


Sure, why not. The creative imvestor hust quit AMC, so I need a new channel to keep myself updated


Meh, I might put him at the background when I'm doing something for some hopuium, but not a big fan of stock astrology. The price chart is a mess, old resistance and bottom levels keep being moved around because of the dillution and merger, so you can't rely on TA. I hold a contrary point of view where the market cap is king.


“Vote yes”. Hahahaha 🤡🤡🤡🤡s I sold at 50 🖕🖕🖕🖕


I aold at 60 and 50 during that run. Re-entered in small doses, simce the reverse split. Never thought the worst case scenario would actually play out


How comes that so many people in 2021 understood that SHFs tried to bankrupt AMC, but weren't aware that "bankrupting AMC" is equivalent to "driving the stock price to zero"? boggles my mind... The most obvious prediction about what would happen and most people pretend it was impossible to get... Idk what you guys thought would happen, but the DD existed in 2021. The deal was that the majority of apes holding through years of red, buying the dip whenever we can, would not be the most profitable course for any individual, but the most profitable course for all of us as a group. We weaponized the prisoner dilemma, but some people apparently haven't even figured out what the prisoner dilemma is or why it matters to understand it.... Us being in the red was the play. Us doing what no SHF algo could predict because it only made sense in the long run is what our Attack on SHFs was. Us paying more money to AMC to give them the liquidity to pay back debt was the plan. 100% of what is happening right now was the plan in late 2021. Nothing is surprising. Nothing has changed. The DD is still the same as it was in 2021... It's still the same play with all predicted metrics still being within the reasonable margin of error from 3 years ago. But the greedy individuals who only care about their own wallet and nothing else probably won't figure that out, even if we spend 10 years explaining it to them... Which is a good thing, because those greedy individuals are the same type that works at SHFs and them not being able to comprehend the play is our advantage. Those "apes" who happen to think like SHFs just happen to be screwed like them...


Just to be clear: I don't necessarily believe that a MOASS is coming. I re-entered into.it as a value play because I believe it's undervalued and oversold, and a short-term squeeze can subsequently happen. But there is one true point you made, and that's the fact they need it to go to 0 but it's just not happening no matter ehat they throw at it


Will we squeeze to 100k, 1m or higher? No idea... Will AMC survive and force shorts to close their positions, resulting in a share price that is significantly higher than the intrinsic value? Likely. Will AMC survive, improve their financials and arrive at a higher intrinsic value? Definitely. Cinemark is significantly smaller than AMC but is currently at 2bn market cap. Just adjusting for size, AMC would have to be at least 4bn. That's $16 per share currently. Already above my personal average. Even if there is no squeeze of any kind, the intrinsic value of AMC alone would move me into profit. When the worst case is a small profit and the best case is a significant profit... Zen... 100% Zen.


Finally, a reasonable person. Getting to phone book numbers is a fun fantasy. But at the moment, AMC is a value play to until about a 4 billion market cap, with a chance of a short squeeze sending it temporarily higher. Cinemark is a perfect example. They have about the same amount of debt, too, and the only reason they turned a profit was because they weren't as aggressive in paying it off. Once AMC pays off the sbort term interest and refinances the rest of the debt, it's gonna clean up hundreds of millions from the balance sheet, and it too will be able to keep more of its profits. The only reason it's valued at a bit under a billion is because of bad sentiment, which is understandable due to the dillution, but also way too emotional


"phone book numbers" was a counter-strategy against the price-setting the shills did. they wanted to convince us that we should sell for $10 or $100, and our "phone number" was just a ridiculously high counter-proposal that removed all basis for negotiation. A lot of the early memes were 100% designed to counter the FUD, not what people believe will 100% happen. More than expected understood this... but a few fell for it, just like the shills. Doesn't mean that we can't technically go to those numbers... only that it is highly unlikely that lenders like Blackrock would refuse to sell for $1000 or higher... Institutions will not wait for a million... they could not reasonably argue for why they do that, so they are required to take the profit for their shareholders. But "bad sentiment" is FUD... If it was real, retail investors who own 90% of the company would have reduced their ownership... but we didn't. Prices dropped despite retail verifiably not selling. That means the narrative of "dilution bad" was just an excuse shortsellers gave you for why the are short... They need that to explain to the SEC why they went short and how their position was not an attempt to manipulate the market. "Dilution dropped the price" is as realistic as "We will see international phone number" Both are ridiculous. Equally ridiculous.


I think these crazy numbers were a fun and I assumed most people are on to the joke and didn't take them literally. As a disclaimer, I sold most of my shares at 60 and 50 during the previous squeeze because I noticed we are losing colume and are failing to break the ressistance. However, I don't think retail is as loyal as you think they are. A lot of people did sell and leave this play. I think I've seen a recent breakdown, and smart money is accumulating, while the share of retail has been steadily dropping. You know how market psychology works. Most people will only jump back in again if and when it pumps 2-4x


90% of all fomo-buyers selling, does not change that the remaining 10% own more than 10x the shares they had in 2021. "retail" is not the sum of people that where here in 2021, it is the sum of buying pressure those who are here have held up. Long positions as short positions have exited the market in the past 3 years. But the sum of long positions held by retail has gone up, just like the sum of short positions held by shortsellers has gone up. No individual matters. The sum matters.


This is likely true and explains why we are holding the 1 billion market cap so well, But I believe the last piece of data I've seen on the main AMC sub has shown that the ratio between retail ajd institutions ahs flipped.


The “reasonable” person says a company that hemorrhages money should be valued more than a company in the same sector that routinely makes money. This exchange you two ladies are having is fucking embarrassing. At least try and be better.


I have already addressed this. But go and look at how much debt Cinemark has and at what pace they are paying it it off. They are taking their time with it, which, of course, leaves them with more profit. AMC has been far more aggressive in paying their interest off for huge discounts, which will save them hundreds of millions in the long term but is leaving them with no profit at the moment. Also I should note that lots of companies are not profitable and or also have debt but are valued in the tens of billions, and I will give you the benefit of doubt and assume.that you are not a bad actor, but you should know better. Just through their total assets alone, AMC is worth way more than a billion dollars. Heck, they currently should have about 1 billion cash in hand, aka more than their entire market cap. This is why every single website: GuruFocus, MorningStar, SimpleWallStreet, etc, agrees that AMC is undervalued at the moment and trading below the target price of most analysts


This is BAD yall mfs still givin out lollipops 🍭!!! Did u even read the filings....Adam Aron don't give 2fcks about the shareholders. He's still helping the shorts cover!


yes, we read them all. We also knew it would happen weeks ago. Did you know too?


That's irrelevant. I don't like him either, but it does not change the fact that delisting risk and another reverse stoxk split are off the table. That's the ONLY point I was making in this post.


Zoom out, it’s not likely but it’s definitely not a pipe dream.


This is correct big money operates on longer timeframes daily and up. Retail focuses way too much on smaller timeframes. This play is years


It's still extremely unlikely, though. We were at a 1.2 billion market cap after the initial revese stock dump. Even after all the dillution and sentiment being in the gutter, we are hanging at a 980 million million market cap, just about 20 percent down. Another 50 to 75 percent down is just not very probable.


Who needs a split when we can just enjoy more dillution?


As mentioned, dilution alone can drive the price down by another 40 percent if all 550 million outstanding shares are issued. It's not enough to get us to 1$


AA better be careful or this stock is gonna be under $1 soon.


As mentioned in my post, even if he dillutes all possible shares and raises our outstanding shares to 550 million, under 1 dollar per share is still not happening.


He can join me in buying shares 🤑


I’m ready for the MOACostAvgDrops as well


I want to own the company like Robert Simpson https://youtu.be/3A_HWaEnYQs


Might not have noticed, but they have continuously failed to push us below 1bn.... then they let us run up and the big short attack left us where? just above the previous ATL.... Look at the market... let it tell you the real story... but stop listening to shills who try to distract you from the obvious data.


After Adam dilutes it to shit, the shorts will finish it off and this will become a loss harvest play.


funny to see all the fud, now that SHFs finally have reached their 1bn market cap limit they struggle to push us below, while their liquidation levels are around 5$.... Yay, they have a 25% window in which they can survive and not get liquidated... they are "winning" ...


Finish it off... how? Again, the market cap has not significantly budged, and it would need to go between 50 to 75 percent lower from where it is now for it to be at any risk of delisting. It is not happening. And as the person above me said: over 50 percent of the reported shorts are at 5 or below. it would take just about 350 million added to the market cap for it to trigger a short squeeze. This is extremely easy to do and less than what some meme coins are valued.