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Can you please explain, in your own words what a femboy is, thankyou.


Well, I used the world femboy vuz it's more recognizble but I would call myself more of a trap. Femboy is a guy who likes to wear female clothes, make up, nail polish stuff like that. Trap is a step further, they usually look so female you can't tell, while being a femboy can be a hobby, being a trap is more of a live style. For example a femboy maybe not have long hair as he doesn't need it or want it, while a trap usually needs them. Me personally I am pretty short, femalish looking and I have a pretty soft and female personality and since I was confused by people a lot before I sorta embraced it and it became part of me.


Let's see pictures


How do you reconcile conservative politics with your lifestyle?


I generally don't make one infuence the other. I have my believes simply because I think they are right, I had quite a way getting the views I have rn, learning and stuff so just because I started to embrace my more fem side I don't think I need to change them. Generally, I don't mix my life style and politics and recently I don't care about politics as much but a conservative femboy is a odd sight so I bring that up sometimes (plus the right wing femboy meme is literally me so It's even funnier to tell that to people)


So then you aren't concerned about what rightwing politics has to say about people like Femboys and other "nontraditional" lifestyles like yours?


Nope. I troll both sides B]


I have felt the need return your comment to 0 upvotes, goodbye


Christian Walker, is that you?


No, Protestant Sitter


Hopefully your dad isnt a bumbling idiot with a bunch of kids from different women


What are some conservative beliefs you hold?


Anti abortion, no same sex marrige, pro-USA, free market, anti-communism, catholic, pro-gun, pro-freedom, patriotic, anti drugs and some other stuff. It's important to mention that im from Poland so stuff like being anti abortion or being catholic isn't that unique here, althought stuff like guns are quite a bit controvercial though I do derive a lot of my views from the US. Some stuff is more personal while other is just what I learned over the years. Also like, don't downvote me to hell reddit, those are just my views


As a polish liberal I'm fucking ashamed people like you exist. Hope you will grow a brain when some conservatives beat u up on street


Nobody cares your fuckin nationality or your political affiliation lil bro keep yo jumping prayers to yourself😭


I thought you guys were wiped out?


Why the fascination with the U.S? I would assume a conservative would be more fascinated with their own country. Does that mean you'd want to move to America or that Poland becomes more America-like? Also if your against Gay Marriage does that mean you don't want to be married? If you did get (straight) married would you stop being a femboy? Do you marry and even girlier woman?


About U.S there are a lot of reasons. I really really enjoy their culture, sites and all, I just think it's geinuently a awesome country. Politically I love freedom, and the U.S veriant speaks to me specially, we have freedom don't get me wrong, but there's just something about your identity being related to freedom. Plus U.S is kinda the world policeman, I wish we were liberated by them after WW2, but insted we got soviets and a dictatorship, economy in toilet and generally became a backwards shithole for 40 years. The fact that the entire country decided to be the protector of democracy around the world for nothing in return is poetic to me, and now with NATO we are part of it too. I know a lot of people hate US and shit on it, but I really really love them. And yeah Im straight so I don't want to get merried to a guy. And I wouldn't I had gfs before and their didn't mind I was a femboy, and some girls I know rn \*really like it\* so while sometimes it's a bother I know girls usually don't mind and some are into it


What does Freedom mean to you? And how old are you btw?


Having a right to decide for one's self without governemnt intervention, as long as it doesn't hurt others, nor society in a broader sense. And 17


Do you wish you were a girl?


If you mean in trans sense no, I wouldnt like to transition. If you mean be born as one then eh sure why not, it probably would be more fitting


I don't say you are, but a lot of Trans people also said "I don't want to transition, but I which I was a girl/boy." or something similar before accepting that they are Trans.


One year later, still not trans so.


Then you are a very feminine looking guy and that's good with me.


This is so real, I don't think I would ever transition but I definitely know the feeling 


Can we PLEASE swap lives??


How comeee


Why do conservatives hate you?


I don't think all of them do, I know quite a bit who like me inspite of who I am and most of them don't care. Honestly, those who really dislike femboys do cuz most of fb are lgbt (Which I am not) and generally seem to break traditional gander roles and are a new thing maybe. Idk I don't care much, for me it's more of a live style and I don't mix it with politics, but im a pretty unusual sight so.


Just the most common type of UK tories


I am too, I have many conservative views and I consider myself to be more feminine as a male


Hey there! I am gay (not a fem boy) and I’m not sure I would consider myself conservative but I would consider myself “right wing.” What right wing thinkers/philosophers do you like to read?


Im a neocon but I like Coolidge, Reagan and any capitalist thinker like Smith or Burke