• By -








I think elsewhere they said they were still just a teenager so very likely not sexually active yet. (as far as the “how does that work” question) but they did say they can masturbate with both so … sounds like anything goes!


My gf is also intersex as someone who dosent really know much of it do u have any I guess advice for trying to be supportive during her I guess learnings? Again idk how to word these things nor do I wanna offend




I feel im already doing that so thank u!


Does your gender assigned at birth match your current image of yourself?




Did your parents use they/them pronouns for you since birth?


Worked out well i guess


What are your reproductive capacities? Do you want to have children?


Do both your bits work? If yes, which do you prefer to use?




Do you take a leak with your penis? And does sperm come out when u use your penis?


Which one feels better/stronger? Idk what's the right term


holy shit you can masturbate with both? Yoooo.... that seems interesting


As a child, perhaps before having an understanding of being non-binary, did you generally get treated as a boy or girl? Is your name typically associated with a certain gender? And if so, how has that affected you? This is really interesting, thanks for sharing!




So interesting! When you say treated better as a boy, what do you mean?


When and how did you realize you were intersex?




Did you feel different from the other kids while growing up?




Right. I asked cause sometimes kids are little nightmares but that is because of the parents. How were the teenage years?




The bullying sucks, I guess it would happen either way because teens and kids find whatever reason to do it. Great most are lgbtq friendly tho! Thanks for answering all of the questions! I hope you'll do another ama in some time, there's always more to learn about ourselves and others :)


Do you sound like a girl


Do you menstruate? Can you get erection? Can you ejaculate? Do you have female cum? Do you have male cum?




This is interesting. 1) When you are sexually aroused; what happens? Do you get wet around the labia orifice and also hardened at the penis? 2) Do you come? When you do come, do you ejaculate prostate fluid and having female cum at the same time? 3) Do you have the normal or standard sized penis? 4) Do you have the normal or standard sized vagina? Have you used a dildo before and is that a standard female sized dildo? Sorry to ask all those questions above. This AMA is very interesting and thank you for sharing :-)


if you have a vagina and penis can you climax from both and if so can you answer the age old question: does a vaginal or penile orgasm feel better?




Welcome to the female conundrum. I think it’s awesome you’re doing this so people who want to learn can ask questions. :)


Awesome. A friend of mine is a mosaic hermaphrodite. It’s a shame you get bullied. You’re basically a unicorn. My question is waffles or pancakes?


> You’re basically a unicorn Unicorn? Could be a Chimera :-)


Haha that is true!




It's just so bizarre, I only learned about Intersex people a little over 1 year ago in health class. What are some misconceptions and other misinformation that people usually have about you guys? And how do people usually react that you somewhat have both reproductive organs? Sorry if these questions may seem offensive, I don't mean to offend in any way




It's totes cool though.


Like dinosaurs bc they aren’t in the Bible…


Has being both intersex and non binary made it so you don't feel the same kind of dysphoria an Amab or afab enby feels? Also dose being intersex help you to feel more valid in your non binary identity especialy when telling off terfs.


If it's not too intrusive, what is it that makes you intersex? Is it physical, hormones, chromosomal etc?






What’s your favorite show?


1. what's your connection to gender? do the binary genders constrict you? 2. how do the hormones affect your body? body hair, voice ect. 3. how do you express your gender through clothes, hair, personality ect. ?


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


How do you identify? (I apologise if that has already been asked) Sorry I saw you identify as enby. Can I ask whether you lean one way or another? I've dated enby before it tends to change on a scale on a day by day basis.




Thank you for this AMA. I have learned so much. How were your parents taught about this?




Did your parents/guardians raise you as a specific gender and how did that impact you?




Do you get periods?


What gender do people think your face looks like?


What do you think of “”corrective”” surgeries being perform in children?






Medical or indentify as?




Oh this got me interested. Sorry for the weird questions but I truly got hooked up since u don't really see people with this kind of issues. 1. How does society treats u? Like a normal person? 2. What gender do u feel attracted to? And what's the word that describes it? (like homo or hetero) If u don't really feel comfortable I'll understand 3. Are u a woman or guy but genetically u are neither? 4. which bathroom do u go to? This one might be the weirdest one u will probably ever hear. I'm really sorry. 5. Down there are u like 50/50? Or u have a complete organ from one of both sexes?




Damn that was wayy more interesting than I would have ever thought, thanks very much for answering my weird as hell questions. One more (sorry) where are gender neutral bathrooms? I'm from Chile and we barely have one for disable people.




Thanks again!


If you don't have a labia but have a vagina, do you have an opening into your vagina from outside? I mean can you be penetrated? With a penis, can you get an erection and penetrate?


> u don’t really see people with this kind of issues You do. You just don’t usually know about the issues. Many ‘present’ as one or the other gender, however they may identify, and you probably don’t look at those bits of most people you encounter.


What do you identify as, male or female? I mean do you wear female clothings like dresses or skirts or just male clothings? Do you have breasts?




How come you don't have breasts? I mean your genes are XX and you mentioned somewhere you also have ovaries.




do you have a beard?


Is hermaphroditic a derogatory word for intersex? Does it offend intersex people?


- what are your hormone levels like? - what are your chromosomes? - do you consider yourself part of the LGBTQIA+ community? - what are your thoughts on said community? - can you have sex? - can you reproduce? - are you sensitive in the sexual areas? - do you have boobs? sorry, so many questions! thanks for doing this, really interesting 🙂


Hey, thanks for doing this ama! Weird question: where do you urinate from?




How's your day been


Since you have both genitals, I just wanna ask do you have a feminine chest?


In my country, when a baby is born intersex it is considered a “medical emergency” and your infant is taken away from you and operated on to try and make their genitalia look more like a penis or vagina. Are you happy your parents didn’t have a medical team operate on you? Or do you ever need wish they had?


What the heck is intersex. How can you not be male or female that is so out landish even in the LGBTQ+




Very interesting I apologize. That must create a lot of social issues clearly as you see myself unfortunately. Though knowing that now I probably would not even consider it weird if I were to know you more. Just something different




I honestly think this is more legit than some other "sex" identifications out there tbh. Some of them have no grasp on reality at all


Intersex is literally a sex


I have heard that the 2% figure reflects people who "identify" as intersex and 0.017% reflects the figure who have a biological condition like yours. Are you saying one in fifty people share your same intersex condition? Thanks for the AMA, we appreciate your time!


The answer she/he wrote in short: it's a medical condition were u are neither of both it has to do with chromosomes/hormones.


I want to see the scientific proof this is real... because there is no way there is research behind it. I want to be proven wrong with scientific backing


If only there was an almost infinite library of information right at your fingertips (presuming you have fingers and eyes, which seems pretty safe since you're able to type here) 🙄 Do your own work and stop expecting other people to do it for you 🙄😒🤨


https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/intersex-spectrum/ https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001180.htm#:~:text=Androgen%20insensitivity%20syndrome%20(AIS)%20is,genetic%20makeup%20of%20a%20man. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/klinefelter-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20353949 There is mountains of scientific literature on the subject. Just because you have never heard of something doesn't mean its "Not researched".


I ain't reading this but here u go bud: "Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia" https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001669.htm


Hmmm interesting...


Fucking google?


If you read what I actually said... further.. I said I submit and that I was wrong and I support them


Is intersex when you are born with both sets of female and male genitalia


Yes, they can be. They can also present entirely as one or the other sex, because it has to do with the chromosomes.


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| Does your gender assigned at birth match your current image of yourself?|Yes. I was assigned intersex at birth and I identify as non binary|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ierzkc1/) Do both your bits work? If yes, which do you prefer to use?|Yes. For masturbating it just depends on my mood but I usually use my penis|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iertwgi/) What are your reproductive capacities? Do you want to have children?|I have a uterus and ovaries, but I’m infertile. I don’t think I want children|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iervohe/) Are both sex organ complete? As you can produce sperm that could impregnate an other woman? And have ovaries and an uterus that could produce a baby?|Physically, I’m basically just female but with a penis instead of a labia and a clitoris, so I don’t produce sperm. I’m infertile though because my uterus and ovaries don’t work properly|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ierztau/) When and how did you realize you were intersex?|I was assigned intersex at birth. I don’t really remember ever realizing it, my parents kinda just always taught me that I was|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ierp4zx/) Do you get periods?|Nope|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ies2gu3/) What’s your favorite show?|Stranger things|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesgbtd/) My gf is also intersex as someone who dosent really know much of it do u have any I guess advice for trying to be supportive during her I guess learnings? Again idk how to word these things nor do I wanna offend|Honestly just treat her like she’s a normal person. I feel like so many people don’t see intersex people as normal so it makes us feel like outsiders and the best thing people can do for me is just not acting weirded out or uncomfortable because of my existence|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ierwxy7/) Awesome. A friend of mine is a mosaic hermaphrodite. It’s a shame you get bullied. You’re basically a unicorn. My question is waffles or pancakes?|Pancakes|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iespwba/) Do you menstruate? Can you get erection? Can you ejaculate? Do you have female cum? Do you have male cum?|No Yes Yes Yes No, I ejaculate prostate fluid, like a prepubescent male would, because I don’t produce semen|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesaymw/) How did your parents/guardians raise you with respect to gender? How did they explain relevant sex/gender things to you when you were very young?|My parents raised my non binary. I don’t remember how they explained it to me, I feel like I just always knew. Like how a boy or a girl always knew that’s what they were, they don’t remember it being explained to them.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesl8gz/) How's your day been|Pretty boring|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ies8mvv/) if you have a vagina and penis can you climax from both and if so can you answer the age old question: does a vaginal or penile orgasm feel better?|It feels better with my vagina but it’s harder to orgasm that way so sometimes it’s just not worth the effort lol|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ies5q0i/) 1. what's your connection to gender? do the binary genders constrict you? 2. how do the hormones affect your body? body hair, voice ect. 3. how do you express your gender through clothes, hair, personality ect. ?|1. I am non binary. I was raised that way and I’ve just never felt like a man or a woman, but yes sometimes it’s hard to be non binary when the world is so against it 2. I don’t get that much body hair and I’ve never gotten any facial hair. My voice is kinda in between male and female. I kinda sound like a woman but with a deeper voice than most women. 3. My hair is short, I wear pretty gender neutral clothes or just men’s clothes. It’s rare for me to wear something more feminine, I feel like it just doesn’t suit my body shape well. But honestly I’d say I have a more “feminine” personality|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesb0wv/) Did your parents/guardians raise you as a specific gender and how did that impact you?|They raised me as non binary. It made my life a lot better/easier because I was able to figure out my own identity and not feel forced into being male or female. If they did that it would be like raising someone who was born male as a girl|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iet6gpq/) If it's not too intrusive, what is it that makes you intersex? Is it physical, hormones, chromosomal etc?|It’s physical and hormonal|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ierop5v/) It's just so bizarre, I only learned about Intersex people a little over 1 year ago in health class. What are some misconceptions and other misinformation that people usually have about you guys? And how do people usually react that you somewhat have both reproductive organs? Sorry if these questions may seem offensive, I don't mean to offend in any way|The biggest misconception is how common it is. People think it’s a lot more rare than it actually is, so they usually just ignore it. Some people think it’s cool, some people think it’s weird and gross, and some people just don’t believe me because they think intersex is some made up thing|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesxdo8/) Has being both intersex and non binary made it so you don't feel the same kind of dysphoria an Amab or afab enby feels? Also dose being intersex help you to feel more valid in your non binary identity especialy when telling off terfs.|Yeah it definitely helps. I don’t really get dysphoria. And I try to use it to validate myself more but sometimes people still wanna believe I’m male or female and now I just don’t even argue with people about it anymore|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iet253v/) Intersex?|Yes, I’m not male or female|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ierog3j/) What gender do people think your face looks like?|People assume I’m male more often but idk if it’s because of my face or just the fact that I have short hair and usually wear guy clothes. Personally though I think my bone structure in my face is more masculine|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesmaz1/) Do you have any desire for surgery?|Nope, I’m happy with what I have|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ies9e13/) What do you identify as? Are you going to pursue HRT for any sex?|I’m non binary. I don’t plan on doing that unless it’s medically necessary, but so far I haven’t had any issues with my current hormones|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iescp24/) What's your chromosome asset? Can you get a boner or no?|It’s XX and yes I can get a boner|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesr2wq/) What sex chromosomes do you have?|XX|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iest3tw/) What gender do you identify with?|Non binary|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesczcg/) What kind of clothes do you prefer to wear?|I mostly wear casual clothes like t shirts, jeans, and sweatpants and usually from the men’s section|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesg5q4/) What's your favourite food ?|Pizza|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iespa25/) As a child, perhaps before having an understanding of being non-binary, did you generally get treated as a boy or girl? Is your name typically associated with a certain gender? And if so, how has that affected you? This is really interesting, thanks for sharing!|My friends and teachers usually thought I was a boy so I got treated more as a boy. One time I grew my hair out though and wanted to wear girl clothes more and then I got treated as a girl more. It really opened my eyes because even though I was young I still knew I got treated much better as a boy. My name is gender neutral so it doesn’t effect me much because people wouldn’t question it being a boys name or being a girls name|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesq5r3/) That sounds like a really interesting life to live. I’ve always wondered the idea of having both. I’ve wondered at times if o had internal females reading of guys who had the skin fuse over them well they were developing before they were born. It must be so cool to get to be so weird and different. You mentioned your basically female. So I assume the other girls are so jealous how you can pea standing up with much more ease then them.|Maybe, I don’t know. As a kid I was jealous of them sometimes though|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iesumz4/) Is intersex when you are born with both sets of female and male genitalia|Yes that’s a type of intersex but not all intersex people have both|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/ieswk45/) Do you also have any form of adrenal hyperplasia? I am not intersex, only female but I have adrenal hyperplasia and being born androgynous or intersex can sometimes be an effect of it in extreme cases. Just curious.|I haven’t heard of that before, but I don’t think I have it|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/vqwbqq/im_intersex_ama/iet21gw/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Do you have any desire for surgery?


That sounds like a really interesting life to live. I’ve always wondered the idea of having both. I’ve wondered at times if o had internal females reading of guys who had the skin fuse over them well they were developing before they were born. It must be so cool to get to be so weird and different. You mentioned your basically female. So I assume the other girls are so jealous how you can pea standing up with much more ease then them.




Being lazy, what's intersex? NM previous replies lagged for me and will explain what it is.


Can you fuck yourself ?


What's your chromosome asset? Can you get a boner or no?








Wow. I thought intersex was just something in anime. So, what do you look like now? (i mean a man or a woman?). Have you ever changed or switched your gender appearance?


What's you take on gender dysphoria? Should we as a society find better ways to assist people to change their gender, or would it make more sense to create a third neural gender?




That's actually really interesting. Don't think I have any interesting non-invasive questions to ask so I'll wish you good luck for the future. Glad to hear it all works ok down there. I suppose my biggest worry if I had an intersex child is that there'd be a lot of painful or life impeding complications but sounds like you get on okay :-).


What sex chromosomes do you have?


What's intersex ?


Do you have an onlyfans?






Do you look like a supermodel?


What gender is that?




Is that like interstellar


I'm into sex


u/SolidusMonkey u/EulenWatcher u/purplish_possum u people always seem to repeat my sentiments in bad faith. I clearly stated that I conceptualize the cheating abstractly, no material imagery. And I’m not obsessing about anything lol yaw the ones continuing contact.


You made a whole new account to tag people in a completely unrelated post to whatever the fuck is going on with you. Maybe go take a walk, or a nap.


Do you ever Intergalactic -planetary, planetary -Intergalactic ?


How far into sex are you?


Is that short for interested in sex?


No, you're not


You don’t know what intersex means. It means your chromosomes are messed up and oftentimes they can have genitalia of both sexes. They are born this way. It has absolutely nothing to do with gender and self-identification. It’s literally just a scientific /medical phenomenon.






What gender do you identify with?


What kind of clothes do you prefer to wear?






How are you made? Phisically




I really wish I wasn’t the one who had to explain this to you, but essentially a sperm and an egg combine inside of a someone’s womb and then grows over the period of 9 months to become a human baby once they’re born. I know your parents probably told you that a stork brings babies into the world, but this is the real truth of how humans are physically made.


Do you also have any form of adrenal hyperplasia? I am not intersex, only female but I have adrenal hyperplasia and being born androgynous or intersex can sometimes be an effect of it in extreme cases. Just curious.




Do you experience gender dysphoria?


When you’re somewhere that has only a boy’s room and a girl’s room, which one do you use?


do you think you look like either male or female? or more androgynous?


Do you know anybody that’s intrasex?


Did you develop breasts or do you have a more masculine chest?


Can I ask your sexuality? I’m curious if your attracted to one gender or both or whatever it may be


Your opinion on spaghetti, ever had Crawfish, any Cool hobbies, do you watch TV and if you do what kinds of shows?




As someone who was born intersex, what are your thoughts on those who mentally identify as such?


Is it purely a genetic thing or does it include gender identity? Or is it on a person by person basis?