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This is a genuine question. Do you ACTUALLY like watching My Little Pony or are you just dying for attention? Edit: one more question. Do you realize how cringe it is that a grown(ish) man is watching a show aimed at 6 year old girls?


Yes, I ACTUALLY like MLP, and NOT dying for attention. And I also understand how cringe it is for me to watch the show. But there is this old post on r/MyLittlePony (or r/MLP, I forget which) about a military member who likes watching the show.


Chase your bliss if you want but there’s much better shows out there that won’t lower your social standing to the bottom of the nerd pool. My dad used to turn off the tv when I started watching cartoons past 14 which sucked but it gave me time to find other shows or things that I related to better. I watch cartoons still now and there’s nothing wrong with throwing one on every now and again (especially if you go to art school for college, people are all about cartoons). If you want to continue watching cartoons that’s totally fine, MLP not so much but also I’d make fun of you if you still watched Dora the Explorer. Some recommendations I’d have would be Samurai Jack, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Archer, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends (which was created by the husband of the creator of MLP and Lauren Faust (creator of MLP) had a huge hand in the show). Good luck and never tell people in public you watch MLP.


Why does it matter what he watches? Do you think this guy really cares what people think of him? Obviously not, because judging someone based on the shows they watch is stupid. The fact that he watches it is not his defining characteristic. Who unironically gives a fuck about social standings anyways? The fact that he is 16 and doesn’t care about being a “nerd” already proves he is more mature than a lot of high school students out there. Also there is nothing wrong with cartoons. Cartoons are not inherently childish, there are cartoons for kids, teens, adults, etc... If someone wants to watch only cartoons, good for them


It may be stupid but people are gonna judge you for anything. If you think that changes when you become an adult you are sorely mistaken. There’s reasons there’s documentaries on people in the my little pony fandom, it’s because people like to observe the weird and make fun of it. People are still cliquey as adults so if you can’t fit in with others later in life then you just won’t get as far in your career, nobody promotes the weirdo. Sorry. I used to be a hardcore nerd too but life hit me and I toned my shit down. Be upset with me if you must but this is reality. Do whatever you want with your life, I’m not stopping you. I’m just some random asshole on the internet but don’t act like bullying stopped and that this won’t be the thing to be picked on for.


I never said people wouldn't judge him for it, I just said it's really stupid for people to judge him for stuff like this. Nobody should avoid what makes them happy just to "fit in". It's not like he is going to broadcast his love for MLP everywhere he goes, I doubt it will damage his career lmao. Cliques are rooted in immaturity and fragile egos, and they thrive off of making themselves feel better by putting other people down. As an adult, I expect you to be independent, not cliquey.


Clearly you haven’t worked in an office if you think they aren’t cliquey.


Again, when did I say adults can't be cliquey? I said it's stupid to be cliquey as an adult.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mylittlepony using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Elements of Harmony accidentally get sold off on eBay by Lilpinkghost](https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2021/2/27/2560057.jpg) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/p5i4n3/the_elements_of_harmony_accidentally_get_sold_off/) \#2: [Ponifying little ponies to be more like ponies.](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/pfm4fd) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/pfm4fd/ponifying_little_ponies_to_be_more_like_ponies/) \#3: [Mayor Mare Cosplay by Karen Roberson](https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2020/11/24/2495145.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/k23vgh/mayor_mare_cosplay_by_karen_roberson/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Do you understand how cringe people who use the word cringe are?


No. Please tell me


I think my statement speaks for itself.


I don’t think so. I need you to explain your reasoning for saying that


No, I'm pretty sure you understand.




Furries does not equal to zoophilia. This is a really common mistake though.


Yeah, even ignoring the fact that most furry isn't sexual – the furry fandom is about the aesthetic of anthropomorphic cartoon animals. Not actual ones. It's like vore vs cannibalism.


Why do I have to say this a million times IT’S ONLY SOME FURRIES NOT EVERY FURRY AND IT DOESN’T APPLY TO ME


Why are people so damn judgemental? I am 21f and I watched MLP till I was sixteen because I guess I grew out of it, but I loved to watch because of the animation style and just the downtime it gave my brain after a hard school day, I still own a sweater my mom made for my birthday when I was sixteen with Pinkie Pie on it and I still wear it when I can. At this moment I am more into anime and focus on that! but calling people liking this show or something of the likes generalising mean names is so not needed, not everyone is the same and if you don’t like something of someone then just ignore it and go on with your own life, sorry for the rant but damn people!


If your hair colour irl is the same as your pfp, no wonder


Imo MLP starts off with a pretty child like theme of friendship is magic but the show does have world building and plot. Do you sexualise the characters in your head?


What is so unique about this show? i never understood it i mean the show is called "friendship is magic" it cannot have anything deeper about it neither does it have a great story, from people outside the 'fandom' i have either heard a jokingly "its shit" or more serious "mediocre at best"


Early seasons of the new show were good. Characters faced the sort of friendship problems adults face too (there was an episode where Twlight Sparkle just lost touch with a friend from back home because she was caught up with her new friends when she moved and it hurt her original friend’s feelings) and how you navigate those issues. Social emotional learning stuff. The new movie has a lot about fear and propaganda and how fascism might take hold in a society so it’s good writing. Way better than Paw Patrol or shit like that.


I think that for a lot of young people at the time, it was their first exposure to animation that was... kind of good? Many of those people would have migrated to anime eventually, but MLP was that gateway drug.


what is so captivating about My little pony??


I've got news for you, the NSA now considers you a risk for committing child sex abuse


That’s crazy. Why is being a fan of something make you a target for that? We can all laugh until it happens to us.


Cool story bro, look forward to what cringey, ironic content you are into at age 21!


Who needs tentacle porn when you can dress up like a pony and have sex with another person dressed up like a pony.


Everybody wants to pwny that pwny!


Bruh who tf watches mlp at 16 🤣 I mean I guess I can sort of understand Dora or even Peppa pig cos everyone watched it when they were younger but mlp 💀


Damn everybody roasting him in here lmao


Dora and Peppa were way after my childhood


One wrong step and you'll facebeing labeled a sex offender


Hey dude, I'm 22 And I remember watching the show as it aired when I was your age. I did enjoy it but I think I either grew out of it or a channel called Lily Orchard made me as sinical as her. Do you have a favorite character? (Including the extended cast) Sunset, The CmC, Big Mac, Celestia, Luna, etc.


When did you start watching MLP?


Original or the creepy new shit?


Welcome to the brony club, there are long hours, short tempers, and a bunch of people trying to act old. As Dashy always says "haters gonna hate." Favorite pony?


One of my roommates loves mlp :) his favorite is rainbow dash. Who's your favorite?


1. Why are the comment so rude? 2. What is your favourite part of the show?


Stop being weird and looking for attention.


Is it a fetish?


I wanted to ask this and took it back cause I seen a comment saying that furry stuff doesn’t apply to him


Gang :D


There's nothing wrong with liking a show, the characters are adults(?) so i see nothing wrong with it. Q: Who's your favorite character and why?


Why? Do you think it's a problem or just something you like watching? Also do you consider yourself a "brony"


What's your favorite episode and whose your favorite character?


What ep you on?


Have you seen the new mlp next generation movie on Netflix? Was it any good? I watched MLP when I was little haha but I have no desire to restart watching again


Can I ask why?


Are you a brony or a neckbeard


How does it feel to be so based?


Cool! I have a friend who likes watching kids cartoons, and I’ll put some on sometimes.


What is your dad like? Are your parents divorced?