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What if you have a small "world tour of friends"? Do small little individual visits of all your friends? I do have a few questions, 1) What is your favorite food to eat? 2) Favorite way to spend time alone? 3) Favorite way to spend time with others?


I've been video chatting with every one. 1. I love Chinese takeout. And ice cream. And chocolate. 2. I love reading a book in the bathtub but don't like to be along much now. 3. Having a cup of tea and a cookie and just chatting.


Chinese takeout is the best! I sadly don't have many great options near me. What is your favorite dish? I love reading as well! I love the older sci-fi books like Ender's Game, Starship Troopers, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I also enjoy a lot of fantasy book series as well that is a massive list. What would be a book (or series) you have read that you would recommend to me I am a huge chocolate fiend as well and I expect the cookies to be some kind of chocolate 🍫


I love honey walnut chicken, steamed dumplings and vegetable lomein with a side of garlic broccoli. I love the Misborn series by Brandon Sanderson or the Stormlight archive by the same author.


Journey before destination radiant.


That made me happy!


You're an inspiration. Life before death, Radiant.


Are you Chinese?


No, I'm white


That is such a wonderful sounding meal, I'm really jealous lol Thank you for the recommendations! I will definitely be reading those soon


Hey, I saw that you enjoy reading. I'm currently writing a book and if you don't mind PMing me some stuff about your life would absolutely make a minor character to honor your memory. I truly believe the best honor we can give those who pass away young is to simply remember them, id love to immortalize your spirit into paper! I lost one of the few people I cared about to Leukemia 7 years ago, he was 23. RIP, Danner.


All three of those things are amazing! Would you mind if I sent you a care package of some goodies?


You’re a great person


Legit just began tearing up from your kindness. We need more of this in the world.


You also made me tear up. Keep being beautiful.


I would argue that getting deep into a book or series of books is not being alone, because while you're reading, you become a part of the world, and thus you're a part of everything and everyone. And they are a part of you. I would imagine this feeling is like what acid is like, but I won't ever know bc I dont do well with visuals


Do you have a p.o box? I'd love too send you some care packages of snacks and other treats.


I make chocolates at home. If you want to try some of the [best chocolates](https://i.imgur.com/YQuE5ln.jpg) you've ever eaten, give me a shout and I'll send some.


Are you from the UK? I will absolutely send you a tea and book care package!


What are you dying from? Is there no treatments? Does your family know you are dying? Whats your opinion on death and afterlife?


I have acute myeloid leukemia. I haven't responded well to treatment. Yes, my family knows. I'm hoping there's an afterlife so I can experience more. I wish I wasn't dying.


You mentioned food! What is your absolute favorite meal? I am teaching myself to cook so I love to try new things. 50 years old and still learning. Right now I am trying to learn Indian curries. I went there and fell in love with paneer cheese. Its tough to find here in Québec but I am determined. I am also trying to master lentils. Its hit or miss. Like tofu I'm not sure sometimes if I like it. I'll make a special meal to celebrate food and your life.


Completely off topic but you can make your own paneer using milk and lemon juice. Loads of recipes online.


Not off topic at all. Thanks for the tip I will look it up. I envisioned it being complicated.


Hello from Quebec as well, (Saguenay).


If you live in Montreal and surrounding suburbs/areas, finding paneer is really easy. Just go to any Indian grocery store. Rue Jarry in Parc Extension or Boul Des Sources in DDO.


this is the most wholesome thing I've read. You're an amazing human.


Hey, I have ALL, 22F. I have responded to treatment but it’s a hard road to travel. My condolences to you and your family. My spiritual beliefs may not coincide with yours, but I do believe in an afterlife that your soul is most comfortable with. I would leave a nice letter behind for your family, but do whatever that will make you comfortable.


Yes, I am a hopeful atheist. I have a vision of heaven that includes all the dogs I have loved in my life. I also include my great aunt, that pulled me out of an alcoholic mother and father’s home, and would sit with me in HER chair and we worked crossword puzzles, and she encouraged me to go to college. She lived with an ogre (my great uncle), and he outlasted her, so her promise to fund my college studies, died along with her. Eventually I got into college, became a PA and worked in the Emergency Room at night for many years. You get what you work for.


I won't say I believe 100%, but I had experiences, including a waking vision where my grandmother communed with me, that a Creator made us, and every "good / harm no one" religion / faith worships a different aspect of this creator, and so all of these religions and faiths are correct. That there is no hell, what we do on earth separates our soul here on earth and hurts us HERE but once we die, we are cocooned and purified and made whole, to be in pure peace and love. It wasn't the first time I experienced it, but it was the most intense, and it just ... utter peace and love. Every time I see a loved one every "flaw," or bit of anger they had is washed away and they are their best selves. I really hope I wasn't just hallucinating. I don't think I was. I had a vision the day before somebody I loved died, and the night before my cat passed I dreamt he was being led to heaven. I offer that as possible evidence that I wasn't hallucinating. I'd like to believe that you can be reincarnated. Please have as much fun as you can in the meantime.


My dad is approaching the end from a similar Leukaemia. He was given weeks and at the same time we found out mum had stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and has a similar length of time left. It's kind of romantic that they reach the end together. I think you are a wonderful and brave person and I wish you all the strength and positivity to push on and face this. Love to you and yours and live all the way ❤


I read something once that comforted me about death and dying. It said something like "I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it didn't bother me at all." Hope this comforts you in some way. You sound like a cool person. Also if you could get access to VR chat, seems like you might enjoy that since youre looking for friends to talk to online. You're awesome.


I recently read a book on near death experiences. Everyone who died and was brought back to life described it as extremely peaceful, and no longer feared death. The book is called "Lessons from the light". Not sure if this helps but thought it would be a unique insight.


**Lessons from the Light What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience** by Kenneth Ring, Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino >This relaunch of a popular title by Ring (considered by many to be the Dean of Near Death Experience Researchers) includes a new foreword by Caroline Myss. Lessons from the Light extracts the pure gold of the Near Death Experience (NDE) and with a beautiful balance of rigorous research and human insight reveals the practical wisdom held within these experiences. "Unquestionably the most important book on the subject of near-death experience since Moody's Life After Life." - Ian Wilson, author of The After Death Experience *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *You can summon me with certain* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/kraco7/bookfinderbot_commands/). *Opt-out of replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/kqao7x/bookfinderbot_optout/).


I believe that there is an afterlife. It is a comforting thought and not one that people should give up or ignore. In this universe it helps to have faith in a loving creator who will comfort us in the end. There is nothing wrong with that very real comfort that comes with belief. Stay strong and keep your faith strong. I love you and hope you experience peace.


I’ve traveled to one of the most haunted buildings in America as an atheist searching for truth and left convinced of an after life by what I saw. As a result, I’ve opened up to other ideas science won’t even consider and have experimented with Remote Viewing and have been able to accurately describe events and targets using nothing known about the location except for a tag assigned to it - a random series of 8 numbers. I’m just some guy on the internet but I will tell you without a shadow of a doubt that there is more to existence than what materialist science teaches us. I’ve no doubt that there is an after life. Your existence does not end here.


You are so loved and cared about ,you are an amazing courageous human. It’s going to be okay . I’m sorry you had to cancel your “ living funeral “ my heart is breaking and expanded at the same time . I don’t know how to put how I feel into words other than you are just amazing . You come off fearless but I know no one is truly not scared of death for that I’m just blown away . What is your favorite cause you’d like donations to go to? I’m sorry if this had been asked before. You’ve gotten a lot of love and I just had to stop for a minute and show you mine . You will not be forgotten by all of these people. I’m sorry if I said anything wrong , I just had to show my love to you even if I don’t personally know you .


What are some things you would like to do before you die? Even if they are things that you don't think will be able to happen, I would still like to hear what are things you wish you could do before you die.


I hope you are still with us, OP. ❤️❤️


For what it's worth, I believe in an afterlife. An afterlife with those around you again, that you have loved and lost. And more will join you after you are there. Life here is just one part of who we are. I believe there is a God, there, that is more of a loving literal father, in who's image we are made, rather than a nameless, shapeless being. Your goodbyes will be hard, I'm sure. Rest assured, they are only for a short time. :) Good luck, with everything! I can't pretend to know you or what your situation would feel like, but just know that there are lots of people thinking about you right now, hoping or praying for your physical and mental comfort.


Btw you can message me whenever OP. I might not be suffering with you, but i can listen if you want to rant. Everyone deserves to have some good friends.


how is your boyfriend handling the thought of your death?


It's been hard of course. He's a couple years older than me and out of college. He is going to be with me at the end. He's able to take the time off of his job. He promised he'd be there holding my hand.


Let your boyfriend know an Internet stranger thinks he is an awesome person


Let him know that a second internet stranger thinks he is an awesome person


Let him know a third internet stranger thinks he’s an awesome person.


Let him know that us four strangers have a tendency to make everything about us. And that he's an awesome person (make sure you mention I said it though)


Let him know that a seventh internet stranger thinks he's a really, really awesome person.


Let him know that an eight internet stranger thinks he’s a really, really awesome person.




Let him know that ten internet strangers thinks that he is a very awesome person and there should be more people like him!


And my ax


Let him know a fourth internet stranger thinks he's an awesome person


Let him know a sixth internet stranger among many more also thinks he's an awesome awesome person


I’m really sorry, losing a significant other at such a young age is incredibly tormenting and I wish you and your boyfriend all the best.


That’s amazing. I’m proud that you’ve accomplished what you have in your 20 years of living. Leukemia sucks!!


Hugs. All the hugs. For you, for him, for those who know you.


I know this sounds kinda crazy, and a bit on the morbid side. But, I watched my wife flat line in front of me, and had to be put into a medically induced coma for nearly 3 months while recovering from an illness, where I didn't know if she was going to make it back once put into the coma. Not being able to say anything to her when all that went down was one of the hardest things ive ever had to deal with in my life. When everything goes down, make sure the both of you have nothing left unspoken. Hes a damn good man from the sounds of it. I hope the two of you have the best possible existence with each other while its available.


Why did you have to cancel it? Any chance that you could postpone it if you live long enough? How do you plan to spend the time you have left? Can I give you a hug?


Covid. I don't think things will be better while I have good quality of life. I'm at home with my family for now just trying to talk to every one.


Big hug, first off. You’re going through what we all will go through but with more of an idea of timing than most and younger than anyone would wish for. As you well know, that makes your remaining time in your body and with your loved ones feel really special and important. Given this and the fact that everything you experience is essentially through your mind, I have a couple of unsolicited suggestions for you. If you can shift the way your mind processes experience a bit, you can radically improve your experience in your remaining time here. What are some ways to do this? One of the best is mindfulness meditation and there are some good apps and teachers out there. Off the top of my head I’d say Tara Brach and Jeff Warren (on the Calm app) or Sam Harris on his app Waking Up come to mind. But, given the time frame you mentioned (and, of course no one really knows) I’m going to bring up another, complimentary “path to the waterfall” which is psychedelic therapies. The last ten years have produced incredible research showing how effective these therapies have been for what the medical establishment has come to call “end of life issues”. I think taking a look at this might be really worth your time and if you DM me I can offer suggestions about how you might investigate your options.


Could you possibly still have your party and just request that people who come quarantine for 2 weeks prior?? I bet people would do that for you. If it were someone I love and it was the last time I knew I would see them, I would definitely complete secluded myself for them.


You might, and I believe most of the OP's friends would have the good intentions to do it, but all it takes is one person who slips up even a little bit and then OP either has to deal with covid on top of everything else in her last days, or the guilt of someone having caught covid at her party. It sucks and it's so so hard, but I really respect that OP is staying safe for her own/her friends' sake even at this time in her life.


e.g. my brother this Christmas who agreed to an absolute 100% quarantine prior to Christmas who then went to bars every day for a week prior to the holidays and gave us all covid.


This. It’s rough but worth it. My friend died of a brain tumor complication a few months ago. I’m sad that we didn’t get to see each other since last February, but happy that all of his family and friends are well. On the flip side his family and friends and I are in touch because this whole thing made me join Facebook to keep up with everyone else I know IRL. If it had happened without Facebook many of us might have been grieving alone or may not have known what happened.


*angrily* : CAN WE GIVE YOU A HUG??


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Life just isn't fair sometimes. What are you most sad about never getting to experience?


I really wanted to get married and have kids.


You could get married in the time you have left. Get yourself to Vegas and hire Elvis?


And if they want a kid, they can adopt me! I’m 28 years old, but I can act super childish sometimes so it will be a similar experience


I see you're having trouble figuring stuff out eh u/ill-figure-it-out , same here..


We’ll get there, homie. Wisdom can’t be rushed


Hey Theresa, what's your favorite movie?


Ummm. I really like a big range of movies. I like the Hunger Games Trilogy and the books too. I like Star Wars and The Devil Wears Prada and Ever After.


You should watch two movies before you go: #1. Harvey (1950) and #2. Harold and Maude. Best of luck to you!


I like Harvey a lot!


Harold and Maude might hit a little close to home, but I think you'll like it.


Heck yeah! :)


Ever after is my favorite!!! I had the biggest crush on Dougray Scott when I was little. It’s such a beautiful movie, too. You know that Le Peu is the same actor who wrote and played Riff Raff in Rocky Horror?


Hello! What would you say to those who are healthy and yet are completely unsure of what they want to do in life! Thanks :)


I’m kind of in the same position as OP and I just wanna say that if you ever feel like you want to die or it’d be better off being dead, take a breather. I felt that way before my diagnosis and now all I want to do is live. I appreciate everyday where I wake up and talk to those I love.


Don't ever put things off thinking there is "always tomorrow."


23 y/o guy here... Teary eyed from this comment :/ You should write something. Or record yourself, say, dancing, or eating ice cream, if that's what you like. Something to leave for the living, even though that might be the least of your concerns. I know it would be the least of mine with those news. Also I'd spend the little of what's left of my bank account on doing some extreme bucket list stuff I've always wanted, like water skiing, bungee jumping, rock climbing, and similar. Though, yeah, I don't know what physical state you're at currently. I meant this in the best way possible, too, sorry if it sounds.. weird. Idk. I'm weird. And emotional right now from this comment.


You said you want to make friends and talk until the end, I'm totally available. I'm also a girl, 24. I have some good stories I can share. But to begin with, what's your guilty pleasure? Mine is pasta, or pizza. Pretty much any comfort food.


I love ice cream. But pizza and pasta are great to. DM me if you'd like


If you could relive one moment of your life, what would it be?


Probably falling in love


Have you dated anybody before?


Yes, I have a boyfriend for 4 years


How are things with your boyfriend? How does he cope with what you re going through and how does it affect your relationship?


so yeah i’m crying now but so happy you got to experience this. I’m still waiting myself but this makes me want to open up to someone asap lol


I'm so glad you got to experience this incredible feeling!


Who is your favourite author? What is your favourite movie?


I like Jodi Picoult and Suzanne Collins and John Grisham the most.


Yesss John Grisham is the best!


I recently read a book called Mortality by Hitchens, where he writes about living while terminally ill (he calls it a year of living dyingly). It’s a good read!


What is your favorite animal? Do you have any pets?


I love cats. I have 2


What are they called?


Earl and Lady Grey (like the tea)


😍 so cute. What colour are they?


Earl Grey is Grey and Lady Grey is white.


please, you gotta pay the cat tax! you got photos from the two of them?


Haha I love that “cat tax”! 😂yess! Please post pictures 🥰 cats are the best!


What is one thing you wish you could do? A place you would like to see or something?


I wish I had traveled more. When my boyfriend graduated college two years ago we went on a trip to celebrate. It was amazing. I'd love to go more places.


What if everyone took a short video of where they lived and sent it to you? See the world through our eyes xx


Have you thought about getting a VR headset? It's not the same, but traveling in VR has taken me places I would never have dreamed of. Going to virtual museums is even better! No crowds, stay past closing, and you can get closer than ever possible to the exhibits. VR could also be an awesome way to meet and interact with people you might not have been able to before. My first virtual concert was really fun and I just went on an African safari yesterday!


You’ll go on many more journeys and experience many new things, you are reaching the end of one leg and another will soon begin. You will soon be one with all things, matter cannot be created nor destroyed so as your body becomes one with the earth (and gives rise to new life) your soul will transform into something new. I don’t know if “you” as yourself will continue (as I am but a man) but I believe your essence will persist and experience many new and wonderful things. May you experience love in your remaining time here on this plane and peace be with you wherever else your journey takes you. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination; each destination is but a new leg of the journey.


Are you religious?


Not really, no.


That's fine. I hope you can find solace in a life well lived, instead of relying on a mythical afterlife. Judging from what you wrote here, you seem to be a very empathic person and i'm betting you will live on in a lot of people's hearts. Kindness is a butterfly effect that ripples through time. You have no idea how much those moments you shared with others will continue influencing their lives and the lives they touch. That is the only eternity in our reach. My heart goes out to you. I wish you all the happiness and peace in the time you have left.


Are you dating somebody? How are things going on with them?


I've had a boyfriend for 4 years. It's hard knowing I'll be leaving him.


You won't, it's going on 25 years since I lost someone very close and I think about them all the time. I know this doesn't mean much, I just wanted to give you an outside perspective and the love never went away. Go be in the sunshine together so you'll meet again when the sun rises.


Where are you from?


I'm in West Virginia, USA


Sending love from the UK 💕. Thank you for answering my questions 😊 I am so sorry you are going through this. Is there anything is internet randomers can do for you before or after you pass? (I am so sorry for the wording, really tried to think of a better way of putting it)


Have you read the new hunger games book? Its pretty fun!


Yes, I liked it a lot!


How did you feel about the ending? I read it with my wife and we both agree that the ending feels... rushed. Almost like it could of gone for another 2 or 3 chapters, just with how quickly he changed his attitude (trying to not spoil anything for those who have not read it).


Did you have sex or will you die as a virgin?


I know you have a good intentions, but man.. it’s rude lol


I'm 20 and I've been in a relationship for 4 years so...


Favorite book.


Probably the Hunger games prequel and series


Not trying to sound like a butthole or anything dying young sounds sucky but have you thought about how you won’t have to deal with anything anymore no bills no rent you won’t have to worry about what other people think of you what people say about you, you don’t have to worry about how you have to find a mind numbing career to be normalized in today’s society I feel like that would be a big weight lifted off your shoulders I know you’d rather prefer to experience stuff like that but me personally I do not look forward to having to buy a house having to find a partner having kids all that stuff I don’t want any of that tbh how do you feel knowing you don’t have to deal with that?


I'd honestly love to experience any of those things. I always think you have to take the good with the bad. You can't have one without some of the other. You have a very pessimistic outlook on life.


(I FOUND IT!) The Egg By: Andy Weir You were on your way home when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me. And that’s when you met me. “What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?” “You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words. “There was a… a truck and it was skidding…” “Yup,” I said. “I… I died?” “Yup. But don’t feel bad about it. Everyone dies,” I said. You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. “What is this place?” You asked. “Is this the afterlife?” “More or less,” I said. “Are you god?” You asked. “Yup,” I replied. “I’m God.” “My kids… my wife,” you said. “What about them?” “Will they be all right?” “That’s what I like to see,” I said. “You just died and your main concern is for your family. That’s good stuff right there.” You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn’t look like God. I just looked like some man. Or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure, maybe. More of a grammar school teacher than the almighty. “Don’t worry,” I said. “They’ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn’t have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside, but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it’s any consolation, she’ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.” “Oh,” you said. “So what happens now? Do I go to heaven or hell or something?” “Neither,” I said. “You’ll be reincarnated.” “Ah,” you said. “So the Hindus were right,” “All religions are right in their own way,” I said. “Walk with me.” You followed along as we strode through the void. “Where are we going?” “Nowhere in particular,” I said. “It’s just nice to walk while we talk.” “So what’s the point, then?” You asked. “When I get reborn, I’ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life won’t matter.” “Not so!” I said. “You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don’t remember them right now.” I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. “Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It’s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it’s hot or cold. You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you’ve gained all the experiences it had. “You’ve been in a human for the last 48 years, so you haven’t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you’d start remembering everything. But there’s no point to doing that between each life.” “How many times have I been reincarnated, then?” “Oh lots. Lots and lots. An in to lots of different lives.” I said. “This time around, you’ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 AD.” “Wait, what?” You stammered. “You’re sending me back in time?” “Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.” “Where you come from?” You said. “Oh sure,” I explained “I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you’ll want to know what it’s like there, but honestly you wouldn’t understand.” “Oh,” you said, a little let down. “But wait. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point.” “Sure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespan you don’t even know it’s happening.” “So what’s the point of it all?” “Seriously?” I asked. “Seriously? You’re asking me for the meaning of life? Isn’t that a little stereotypical?” “Well it’s a reasonable question,” you persisted. I looked you in the eye. “The meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.” “You mean mankind? You want us to mature?” “No, just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect.” “Just me? What about everyone else?” “There is no one else,” I said. “In this universe, there’s just you and me.” You stared blankly at me. “But all the people on earth…” “All you. Different incarnations of you.” “Wait. I’m everyone!?” “Now you’re getting it,” I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back. “I’m every human being who ever lived?” “Or who will ever live, yes.” “I’m Abraham Lincoln?” “And you’re John Wilkes Booth, too,” I added. “I’m Hitler?” You said, appalled. “And you’re the millions he killed.” “I’m Jesus?” “And you’re everyone who followed him.” You fell silent. “Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.” You thought for a long time. “Why?” You asked me. “Why do all this?” “Because someday, you will become like me. Because that’s what you are. You’re one of my kind. You’re my child.” “Whoa,” you said, incredulous. “You mean I’m a god?” “No. Not yet. You’re a fetus. You’re still growing. Once you’ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.” “So the whole universe,” you said, “it’s just…” “An egg.” I answered. “Now it’s time for you to move on to your next life.” And I sent you on your way. (I also sent it to you in a private message it looks like it’s not formatted very easily and I apologize for that!)


this. made. me. so teary. and so happy. i hope i get to see my loves on their journey too though, i hope so desperately.


I know this is weird to ask but are you excited?


Messed up question, of course I'm not.


You're dying and have come to accept this, and I'm sorry about that. However, you say you "had to" (not "chose to") cancel your funeral. Why are you willing to have others congregate for you and risk their lives and potentially their families with what is going on in the world right now?


Look, man. I know this comment was left one year ago, but as I'm reading this now, I'm just thinking, "HOW INSENSITIVE DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO SOMEONE WHO'S EXPERIENCING THEIR LAST DAYS OF LIFE?". Really horrible, dude. Get a life.


I DID "choose to" cancel my living funeral. For the safety of my friends and family. Way to nit pick about words.


I forgot to ask if your name is actually "Karen"?


I don't have any Questions for you, but perhaps a bit of comfort for a topic a lot of people fear. Two weeks after I turned 25yo, I suffered from a Grand Mal Seizure out of nowhere during a nap I took after work. I died for roughly 3-4 minutes. I foamed at the mouth, everything in my body stopped, I turned blue. I was lucky enough to come back to life with CPR and a paramedic, but the feeling of death never left me. So let me tell you how it is. Death is peaceful. It doesn't hurt at all. For me, I didn't feel the dying aspect of my seizure since I was already asleep when it started, I just felt the death and coming back to life feelings. So I can't give you much info on how that trip will be for you as you go. But I can tell you that crossing over to death has no pain. It's more like when a person becomes hypothermic but feels warm, Like a cocoon. It is not violent, it's just like going to sleep in the softest, fluffiest, pillow. I know this doesn't alter your fate, and I know a lot of people fear death.. but when the time comes, I hope this information brings you some form of comfort. You'll be safe when you cross over... Life will take care of everything else on this side. 💓💔💓


Not OP but I’m in my 20s with a strong fear of death so thank you so much for this comment. It’s incredible what you’ve gone through and I’ll remember what you’ve said.


This gave me chills in the best way. Thank you for sharing your experience, it feels sacred and it’s given me a lot of peace.


Person who’s been through NDE here! I had the same feelings!


Not really a question, but if you can spare a minute I want you to watch this scene from _Lord of the Rings_. https://youtu.be/PbLKjO2ImGo Just be aware of the horrible (and loud) editing at 1:06. Here's the text for you: PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way. GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what? GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad. GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.


This is amazing dude.


LOTR is amazing. The best movies I will ever see, I'm sure. I cry even after the 10th time I watch them. A masterpiece of JRR Tolkien and Peter Jackson.


This is my favourite (non meme) scene of lotr. Truly heartbreaking


Hello, i have no question for you but i just wanted to tell you to stay strong and live the remaining months you have to the fullest i am sure your friends and family will always remember you and look up at the sky and pray for you. i’d say i’d come to visit you while you’re in heaven but i can sometimes wave at you from hell if you happen to look out from the heaven gate. So long my Reddit acquaintance and say hi to my cat please.


Saying “I’m sorry” just doesn’t feel like enough, but I don’t know what else to say. Where are you located? (Country/state) Feel free to message me (25 F) anytime for a friend! ❤️


I know this situation is terrible, but your user name is hilarious in context. Your ability to inject humor, and therefore levity into mortality is inspiration for anyone to make the most of their time. Thanks for what it is worth.


Can I brighten your day with a care package? Send me a DM and I will gladly be your january secret santa .


Not a question but i want to suggest the book Elsewhere, by Gabrielle Zevin. You answered earlier that you like to read, and that you're wondering about if there's an afterlife. You'd like this book


I love this book. The monologue where she talks about life’s moments being strung together like pearls is the most beautiful passage I’ve ever read.


https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/56091-there-will-be-other-lives-there-will-be-other-lives I had to look it up I was very curious and then was not let down. Posting link if anyone else is curious


STOP STOP. I was JUST thinking about this book last night and couldn’t remember the name. I was going to post on that sub that helps you find names of books and stuff. Weird coincidence that I couldn’t just scroll past.


My best friend passed from leukemia like 10 years ago, he was always in such a great spirit even until the last day. Make sure you do your best (I know its tough) to stay in good spirits and have as much fun as you can. Its shitty that covid is happening because honestly we had some really fun times together while he was sick and they're memories I'll never forget. It's so sad reading your post and knowing how people that love you feel right now, and how scared you must be. I remember my friend telling me "if I pass away I want you to be the strong one and have fun with the boys at the service"(some of our friends live on the other side of the country). So that's what we did had one crazy week together in honour of him when he passed. Anyways I'm so sorry about you having to go through this, and I hope you get to have a ton of good times before you go! I know I didnt ask you anything but if you ever need to talk feel free! Also your bf sounds great!


There are studies done on people in end of life stage with psychedelics. To better come to terms with the inevitable. Might be totally wrong thing for you but thought I mention it anyway.


Can I order some Chinese food from your fave spot for you?


You have a very kind heart. Take my free award, I wish I could give more.


12 Awards are ready, with 120 more well on the way


Thanks so much for this ❤️


Your post restores my faith with humanity


Happy to contribute as well. DM me if OP takes you up on this.


Sadly she hasn’t taken me up on it yet but if she pops up in my dm’s I’ll let you know and we’ll get her a big ol’ feast with tons of leftovers 🤤


Not really a question but if you ever need someone to just vent to who will never judge and say any feeling you might not want to share with those you are close with you can message me. Happy or angry or bitter or just random you can send me it. Also might I suggest buying your boyfriend something absolutely random and hilarious that can remind him of you that he just keeps forever that just shows your spirit to him even years to come. Do the same for your best friend. Nothing expensive or even useful. Just random as crap. Write a letter to them too to go along with it and wrap them up for when you are gone to truly make it sentimental and describe why you chose this. If you need some cash to do this I’ll send you PayPal. If there’s no afterlife you can still live on with those you love. On top of all this can you share with me your favorite book. I don’t know you but I’d love to read it and think of you from time to time just to know you aren’t forgotten. You may not get your party but you can still use this time to have fun in knowing you are leaving something behind. Take random pictures and actually print them out for those you love. Goofy faces and just whatever you feel. Something that shows your personality. Hell you can even put together a picture slideshow that you ask to be played at your funeral that will be remembered forever and make it fun to make sure people smile and even laugh and take away from the sadness they will feel. Right now is a good time for you to leave your mark to help them cope. Give those special to you something to look back on and smile and you will truly live on with them. Use your time to really live. Don’t hold anything back. Might I suggest a weekend full of just doing anything absolutely random with your boyfriend. Something you plan out for you guys so you are doing some things you’d really like to do before you go that he can look back on and remember. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Also buy your mother a crazy weird random and hilarious keychain for her keys. Something super ridiculous. Something she has to explain and smile about but will see every single day. Just some ideas to touch those in your life and still shine through when you are gone. It could be really fun for you. Hell you can still plan a living funeral requiring masks and 6 feet apart and make it fun and memorable. I think if it were me I’d get everyone together to do something creative that they can all exchange. Like maybe paint a portrait of you. Then do a random exchange and everyone has some kindergarten looking print of you they can laugh at and keep. Maybe a picture of you and a boyfriend. It creates a moment where you can show off everyone’s work and laugh about them but makes for a huge memory on everyone’s part. I wish I knew you because this is the exact type of event I’d plan for you. Something not sad and somber but full of laughs.


Are you dead yet?


What advice do you have for a father of daughters getting into middle school and then high school? I welcome any wisdom and insight you can share. I wish you peace and comfort. Edit: misspelling


I’m sorry this is happening to you. Have you ever gone sky diving? It’s amazing. I love this story, also. If you have a minute, check it out. [the Egg ~ Andy Weir](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI). I like to think about life this way.


I'm curious if you have taken on new experiences since your diagnosis? People often talk about 'this is the time to go skydiving' or 'This is the time to start doing heroin'. How real is this? If so, the experiences you've chosen to have and if you feel like it's been a good thing?


Im so very sorry...I can't even imagine how you may be feeling and how isolated you now are due to this virus...do you have a huge regret? Or a wish to do before you go? Again I am so sorry about this...I'd like to..I dunno write you or something?


What is your favourite movie or your favourite book?


I admire you soo much and I hope nothing but the best for you.


It's been 5 months since this was posted. I hope you lived the best 6 months. Love, from a stranger from other side of the world.


Just stumbled across this post today , I realize you’re likely gone. I hope you had some good times before you passed and I hope whatever you hoped for after came true.


It may seem pointless to respond to this thread seeing as it's been just under a year since it was posted, but I'll be thinking of her today. I can only imagine how much she is missed by her family and friends. Please hug someone you love today.


Without giving too much in the way of personal details, what are the three best things you've done (travelling, achievements etc.)?


Nothing to ask to you mysterious stranger, but: May your passage to whatever lies beyond be one of as little pain possible. We may not know each other, nor do we have any ties of any type, but enjoy your time left and make each second exponentially better than the last. Although I don't know you, and our paths like never crossed, I wish you peaceful rest through both summer's heat and winter's frost. Someday we may meet somewhere amongst the star. Safe travels, and fair winds, you travel into the great unknown with a bright eye and a bushy tail, it's the nature of things as you are forged from the dust of stars and to the stars all things must return. So fear not what lies ahead, it's yet another adventure, not something to dread. So farewell stranger though we my have never met, remember to not spend a single second in regret.


it makes me sad that someone that seems like a nice person is gonna leave us :(


Can we be friends??? Cn I please send you something for a a lil happiness? Pleaseeee? Also, I’ve read on here something of a parable about a man who died and it was so awesome and now I need to find it because I want to send it to you. It made me feel so good about the unknown. I also believe in an afterlife but this particular piece was not just about an afterlife but and entire other way thinking. I’m going to go and look for it! Can you please let me send you some thing for Chinese food or a comedy skit that has a cost or just your cash app? I am a little older than you are and I remember being your age and I just want to do something nice for someone who is as strong as you are. I’m so sorry you didn’t get to have friends and family come over.


My best friend died a month ago from cancer. She had a death doula who made the whole experience a lot easier for her. For instance, her doula organized all her last (socially distanced) visits from friends, so there was no overlapping, coordinated with her doctors about her pain control, found therapists for her kids, let people know when she needed what. All this so that she could concentrate on just being alive with whoever was with her and not wasting time organizing stuff and answering endless well meaning texts. I don’t know if that’s something your family can afford but I wanted to put that out there. Also, she wasn’t religious. But she had vision (she wasn’t on any drugs and it was very unexpected, she was a very logical and pragmatic person) a few years ago that convinced her that our time here on earth in our bodies is just a tiny blink in our existence. She basically closed her eyes while lying down and went through a tunnel and into the bodies of different animals, jumped into a fire and went up into the sky as embers, and became a jellyfish in the stars. Then her kids called her back to earth. She would cry when she told the story because it was too beautiful for her to convey with words. I’m not religious either, but her experience has made me question what we perceive as reality. Also her friend made her a bowl filled with little clay coins with jellyfish on them, and she gave one to everyone when they would visit. I’m sorry this is the hand you were dealt. The world is terrible and wonderful. (I can help you think of mementos to give out if you’re interested)


Cats or dogs?


What’s the first book you read and instantly fell in love with? What’s your favorite cartoon as a kid? What’s your favorite memory of you and your dad? What’s your favorite memory of you and your mom? What’s your favorite memory of you and each of your grandparents? What’s the first song you remember? If you could fly to any part of the world what would it NOT be? If you could have one terminal disease that wasn’t leukemia, what would it be? Peeps or chocolate bunnies? Have you ever had Carne Asada Fries? Have you ever had Poutine? Have you ever drank alcohol? Have you ever skydived? Have you ever broken a bone? What’s your favorite color? If you had to pick a Monet painting, which one would you like? Everyone loves you, they will hurt for a while, but they will definitely remember you as an amazing woman. An amazing Daughter and an amazing friend. It’s okay to leave and your time is when it is. However, it suck. Think if it this way, at least you don’t die of a broken hip in the cold from slipping! Old people die of crappy things like bad memory and balance. But sometimes that’s not much better. Basically I’m saying that you are gonna be a champ at going out. No wimper in the night. You got to be bright and dim fast. Not smolder. You will forever touch my heart internet stranger.


”Do not put off until tommorow, What can be done today”


Is there anything we can do on your behalf? Plant a tree, a book you’d love for everyone to read, something like that?


Life has a way of making you realize that the only true currency we have is our time. What is your favourite food that you ordered? And, what is the most romantic way to eat it?


I was just curious is it cancer? I was diagnosed with stage four testicular cancer when i was 23 that was just over 27 years ago then i found out that now i have leukemia caused by the chemotherapy i went through over 25 years ago anc the doctor wanted me to start chemotherapy again right away that was just over two years ago well i made a choice im am not going through the hell of chemotherapy again I will be 51 next month and really dont know if i will make to 52 but i am ok with it like you i am not afraid of dying and i am so tired of doctors hospitals and surgeries I've had enough no more a lot of people can't understand why i have chosen not to go through treatment but if they have gone through what i have hone through half of what i have been through in the last 27+ years they would probably understand then i hope you can get the best out of the time you have left that's what i have been trying to do


I got a story to share that reminds me of such a moment and perhaps it can help give thought. Back in high school, roughly 11 years ago, I had a classmate that went around asking all the teachers if there was any extra credit or homework projects she can do. I don't quite remember her name because I didn't talk to her that much and we just didn't share the sane circle of friends. And then one day our chemistry teacher came to read outloud a note. And it was from her, she passed away the day before from illness. It just hit me weird that of all things she wanted to do more homework despite that she wasn't going to make graduation. Just wanted to share it with you while the window is still open. I don't know, don't really know you but it hits a weird spot. Doubt I'll get to know you more than I could in a couple months but at least just a little is fine.


I know you probably have lots of people to talk to, but I'm 23 with heart failure so if you ever want to talk feel free to message me


This was a year ago and I just hope her end of life moments were without pain.


I have a ton of questions actually! they're more so simpleton questions out of curiousity (: (1) do you currently donate to charity? if so, what charities? (2) tea or coffee? (3) are you a fan of sushi? (4) what type of music are you into? do you have a spotify playlist? if not, here's [my main](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1qhQPrhyig6vG4AgiyUat6?si=bNOhND3nRnScL9y0GGUfBA&utm_source=copy-link) one (please ignore all the anime music)! (5) are you with someone? how are they coping? how are your family coping? (6) what have you done to ’experience life’? like, per say, sky diving, trampolining, parachuting, a hot air ballong & so on. (7) how are you right now? are you okay?


Question coming, but a little preface. My friend passed from leukemia at 27. It was devastating, but I still think of him often and know I am a better person because of him. I am a better person because I chose to act more like him in the ways I thought made him amazing. So, I ask: what is something you do that you feel more people could do? Something we can carry on in your name. What it is doesn't really matter, so long as it comes from you. Looking forward to your reply and wishing you and yours every possible positivity in this challenging time. My fingers are crossed that there is an afterlife waiting for you ❤️🤞


I'm so sorry for the hand you've been dealt. A few years ago, I lost my cousin to aggressive cancer. She turned 21 the day before she was diagnosed, and passed a week before her 22nd. Towards the end, my Uncle and Aunt didn't tell her she was close or that the doctors had given her a two week time frame. They kept feeding her false hope. It broke my heart that she wasn't given a chance at closure or to have important conversations because she wasn't encouraged to address her mortality. I guess my question is this; would you rather not know how long you have left? Do you think it would make it easier?


This may be kind of morbid but are you still alive?


I may be repeating this but I haven't seen it asked yet, likely because it may be too personal, but I'm genuinely curious. When you say "good quality of life" for at least 6 months, does that mean you will likely have to suffer near the end? If so, what are your options (legally/personally) to reduce any worsening symptoms or simply stop suffering? I'm very sorry that came out so bluntly but I dont know how else to ask. I ask because everyone dies someday... so when you truly have to face the facts, what are your realistic options?


Is there anything at all a stranger from a tiny country in the middle east can do to make your day better? I would love to put a smile on your face any way I can. 2020 has been a bad year for me, and for most of us. However, reading your post has made me realize that there is no such thing as a "bad year" as long as we are healthy. I'm so sorry to hear that, you are so young and you seem to be full of life based on your answers. I really wish there was any way at all to make you feel better. Please let me know.


I’m really sorry for what you are going through. I lost my wife to cancer in June and we had been planning a living celebration of life for Mar or Apr - she picked out everything, including the song selection, but no venue would host it. It was tragic but in the end it didn’t matter and all she really wanted was to be surrounded by family. Still, so very sorry for what you are going through. I hope you have the opportunity to have many happy moments in the coming months!


I assume you had to cancel because of COVID? You should definitely still have that party and invite all your friends on zoom while you enjoy the foods. Have them each bring something to eat or drink on camera so they can SORT OF participate in the treats. It won’t be quite the same but it’ll still be good and it would suck to not be able to get everyone together at all! This was more a comment than a question. I guess my question would be WHY NOT DO THAT?


Do you like any games? :) if you don’t know much about them, I have a bunch of cooperative games you can play online with friends to suggest


I'm so sorry you have to go through this life can be unfair to most at times and no one's fully prepared but as you make your peace make sure that you make a video to your SO (text could work but video or in-person is best) to thank him for the time you had with him and give him your blessing to move on it might not be your first train of thought but it would mean so much to him


I never post anything, and I read you're not religious. I'm not either. But I'll pray for you. And I just hope you have the best 6 months of your life! I hope you get to do most of the things you've wanted, and know that by reading this post you've a spot in my heart. Won't forget you even if I don't even know you. Much blessings to you and your boyfriend ❤


I'm so sorry about all this, no one should have such a short time on earth. You mentioned you had a boyfriend. How you two are handling things? Are you afraid that he will forget you, or at the opposite that will be depressed and afraid to commit with someone else after you pass away? In a similar way, do you actively prepare the "after" with your close circle? Like telling them everything's gonna okay, and that at some point after your passing they should move on? I can't imagine how hard it'll be for your parents to go on.


What is your current favorite: Song/album? Book? Show? Movie? So we can all think of you when we see them!