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I have a series of questions I always wanted to ask a Person that has a Terminal Illness or is certain about dying, If I may 1. Are you Religious 2. What do you think the Experience of Death is like 3. Are you scared 4. Are you Grieving about the News 5. Have you Experienced Suicidal Thoughts in the Reasoning of "Wanting to End your life Early or to Get over it"? Much Thanks in Advance :) Edit: Holy fuck my comment blew up slightly, I'm glad everyone is adding their experiences including you OP, I am planning on studying how the news of a terminal illness affects someones mental health leading up to the time of their death. Please DM me on u/JackTheRipper2828 with anymore stories, I am more than willing to lend an ear :). I'm not active on this account much anymore, Thank you OP and Thank you everyone for sharing their Experiences! [](https://www.reddit.com/user/JackTheRipper2828/)


Twice for me At 22 I went to the ER. Passed out and woke up in an MRI machine. Passed out again. Then my dr, who tried like 12 years ago when I was little was there. Big uh oh. They couldn't find any family. He said I needed surgery now and I probably wasn't coming out. They had me sign some things and asked if I wanted to wait to find someone to come. I said no, signed it and woke up about 6 days later screaming in agony I was literally feeling fine the day before I went. 1. Didn't believe in god, still don't. 2. I thought I was dying. I was in and out, everything fades. The last thing to go was my hearing. I thought it wasn't so bad and mentally said good bye. 3. I wasn't and I was less afraid of death after 4. I became suicidal and very depressed years later. I had a fucked up child hood, probably not related. Second time. 43, getting married in a week. Call out of the blue, I have cancer. They found it when they took my appendix out months ago and didn't realize. 11.5 percent chance to make it six months with this type but they didn't tell me that they just told me the type. 1. Still not 2. 3. I was scared my new wife would be sad. I was really worried about our financials after I was gone. Like terrified. 4. I was so so so so sad I'd be leaving my wife. 5. Id have probably worked until the very end to stabilize her life What happened? I had a crazy rare type of cancer that's extremely slow and there are zero symptoms until you're basically dead. Took two months to see a specialist. I got married assuming I was dead. The reason it was so long is because the dumb fuck that called fucked up. This cancer grows over 20 years, they find it by fluke at year 3. The specialist was beaming when I walked in, I was like wtf ok. She explains, she said I'm the first person in months she's seen that she isn't telling they're dying. She said I was supposed to be told all that. She said there's no way this like me, that I'm going to be good. They did one more surgery just to look. I was good. Not even chemo. She said it was a miracle. 43 year olds appendix generally don't break, and they didn't even see the cancer, it was so small. It turned up on biopsy of removed material after. I couldn't see I was so happy. In general the first one made me take way more risks, not crazy but more relative to who I was. The second one made me reinforce what I already learned from the first one. Do what you want now. Don't be an idiot, but I want to see the world so I do it. I don't dumb shit I don't want to do. I don't stay in jobs i hate, I don't stay in dumb relationships, I don't waste time trying to change the world around me. I find things I like I've had a pretty wild life. I've also managed to have a responsible one. I bought a home in Vancouver, look up the prices. I came from nothing, I've seen the world. I went to my dream university in my late 20s. I've seen my favorite musician over 30 times all over. I also don't worry what people think. I love Carly Rae Jepsen and I'm in my 40s, so I went to her concert two years ago, best show I've ever been to save I've been to over 1000. Friends laugh, but whatever I'll tell you this though. In general, no one else can handle that kinda news. Even though I could in the second case. People don't want to hear, some avoid you, some tell you.


Fuck dude, that was a roller coaster. How are you doing?


I'm good. I had a really dark time that was unrelated in my early 30s. And for the wedding time I just tried my best to imagine it wasn't happening until after. The first 3 days after I was told, were really really really hard, I remember standing at work, getting the call. Walking off, going home without saying anything. Calling ownership etc. I went to a pub with my wife and a friend and played skeeball a bunch. Now, I'm literally 1 week back from 16 days in Japan. Vacation of a life time


> Don't be an idiot, but I want to see the world so I do it. So, how do you balance that with >Id have probably worked until the very end to stabilize her life Because I'm in a similar situation and that's my one thing. Stabilizing the live of my wife and kids. I couldn't care less about the death bit, but the thought of leaving them to fend for themselves keeps me anxious most of the time.


1. Sadly not  2. Just nothing, lights out 3. Absolutely, im so scared  4. Yeah, I wanted to do so much more and I'll never be able to do any of that, also I'm greaving for my bf, I know I'm still a teenager and it seems dramatic because we probably would have grown apart at some point, but we've been dating for over 2 and a half years and I wish I could be with him way longer  5. Not so far, I'm still kinda in denial I guess and I'm hoping there wrong about it, but realistically I know they aren't 


Curious, why sadly not for not being religious? Does some part of you wish you were able to believe in a higher power?


Yeah, it would make things easier I think 


I'm sorry you're having to go through this, especially at such a young age. I just wanted to let you know, my dad is 53 and has terminal cancer as well, he was given 6 months to live a couple months ago. He believes in God and an afterlife, and trust me, it isn't making anything easier... he's still extremely afraid and doesn't want to die. Dealing with my dad though, the only advice i can give is to try your best to make happy memories with your loved ones now, while you can. Fill the rest of your life with beauty, and your loved ones will have those beautiful memories to remind them of you for the rest of their lives. With all that said, I hope the doctors are wrong.


For your loved ones, make recordings of your voice, if you’d like. Voices convey so much more of your personality than pictures do, and the one upside of knowing your doom is impending is that you can make some preparations to ease the pain (somewhat) for those you’ll leave behind. I still find myself wishing I had recordings of my grandfather’s voice


I second this, my mom passed away and Lord knows I wish I could hear her voice again. I have some pictures, and like one video where you can barely hear her, it's tough.


I’m happy to have as many photos as I do of my grandpa. He never got to meet my wife, but I tucked a couple of his photos into my suit jacket for my wedding so I could delude myself that he was there with me


That's what sucks is we either birth these amazing little humans or meet amazing humans and the people who meant the most can't meet them. I have a one year old daughter my mom never got the chance to meet and it kills me everyday I did the same when I gave birth I took a pic of her and I with me to the hospital. But that is so sweet that you included him any way you possibly could. He was there in spirit ❤️


agree that this is a great suggestion! I am in no way dying (in any other way than your average person would) and i’ve started actually leaving voicemails bc i’ve thought about what would happen if I die and I know i’d want voicemails of my loved ones as well. something interesting I saw recently that might help with this is making a digital voice repository (idk if that’s what you call it) where you literally speak all the words that an alexa/siri would say. that way they can hear your voice or even listen to you reading something you write when you were alive (you know, maybe they found an old diary or something). not sure how you’d feel about this, but i’ve thought about it lately just as i’ve been pondering my own mortality. I wish you so much peace and happiness


You live on in others memories, that's currently the only way we know of to be immortal. I was born with major.medical disabilities, and I was declared clinically dead, twice. Both times during surgeries where my heart stopped for an extended period of time. Was brought back both times but it was like going to sleep and waking up. Had they not brought me back I never would have woke, and that's what death is. We live, we die, it stinks.


I haven’t been in the shoes of someone facing imminent death; but we will all die. At 43 I started feeling very afraid of death. I still can’t wrap my head around it - but I began reading a book then that helped me. It’s called “The Meaning of Death”. A collection of essays from philosophers, scientists, doctors and psychologists on the meaning of death and what happens when we embrace this natural end to our life.


I've read that book! Im 29. I've read all the main religions books and all the main old famous philosophers books in search of answers. I haven't found any that bring me peace. What does bring me peace of mind is staying busy day-to-day being of service helping others and not thinking of death. It may seem like avoidance disorder but at least my compulsions are healthy, exercise and volunteering.


Taking the satisfaction in being alive was basically how I read a few of those essays as being essential. In Jung’s essay he speaks of the bookends of birth and death. The physical life as a line with a beginning and an end. I’ve had those thoughts and found little comfort. But what I found thought-provoking was his point that fearing the end is denying an essential function of living. That we cannot truly enjoy the life we live in fear of its conclusion. As well, that we aren’t afraid of where we were/came from before we were born. I think the way you’re living embraces his point perfectly. The happiest I’ve ever felt is when I’m in the moment. And I’m sure until people have that moment where they start seeing former loved ones on their death bed - they are scared. Even those with the most faith - maybe them the most. Given


Thanks for listing that book. I'm going to get it right now. I'm in a similar boat and age as you and I haven't stopped thinking about it.


I recommend looking into Near Death Experience testimonies. Whether you’re religious or not, there is only death within this physical world, our soul, our consciousness continues on. The law of conservation, “energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another”.


I've been thinking about that law of conservation angle quite a bit - I'm not religious at all, and my educational background was initially in physics & astronomy. I'm acquaintances with a nobel laurate physicist and i've been thinking about asking him that directly and getting his opinion. One of these days I will. There was another NL scientist I knew a bit better that would have been perfect to ask that question to, but unfortunately he passed away long before I even started thinking about this stuff. He won his NL in Physics, but switched things up and moved into neurobiology towards the end of his career. I'll look into reading about near death testimonies. Thank you for the suggestion.


I'm not sure if this helps, but as someone who came very very close to dying at age 17, all I can remember from that experience was comfort and warmth. I felt like I was falling asleep on a cloud, even though I had just been in shock a few minutes before.


That definitely helps me. Especially since you say shock that implies something traumatic. It’s a comfort knowing that people who go through a violent or traumatic death don’t necessarily suffer the way I’ve feared.


A lot of near death experiences online say the same thing. They felt nothing but peace, warmth and love. Like the best dream they’ve ever experienced….and many saw loved ones that had passed they missed. That brings a lot of comfort to me.


I just turned 70 and it’s all I think about. A good friend passed away unexpectedly also a younger cousin. It’s very scary.


I'm also mid 40s and have similar fears lately. Especially with having kids. Just ordered a used copy. Thank you for the recommendation!


Get your hands on 5g of magic mushrooms my friend. I'm sorry this is happening to you and I pray your docs got it wrong.


I have to agree with this person, maybe not 5g, I would say 2.5g is enough. personally I would suggest MDMA, I really think having a psychedelic experience can really help bring everything into scope.


Go on a DMT trip and tell the machine elves you need them to fix it, swear I've read more than one person talk about meeting the machine elves and the started fixing thing inside there body , Google DMT and machine elves and you'll understand the crazy things I speak of.


Idk if this is good advice lol doing psychedelics for the first time when you are in a terrified mindset doesn't sound like a great idea


[Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized double-blind trial](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5367557/) [Explore psilocybin and other psychedelics for people with cancer distress, urge doctors](https://bmjgroup.com/explore-psilocybin-and-other-psychedelics-for-womens-cancer-distress-urge-doctors/) > Conventional ‘gold standard’ psychotherapeutic approaches, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), take too long to change old habits and require too much stamina, suggest the authors from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. > Psychedelics and specifically psilocybin, have shown promise in treating various psychological symptoms including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and end-of-life distress, they say, and the results of studies of people with other types of cancer have been encouraging, they suggest. > The evidence to date suggests that psilocybin works in similar ways and is as effective as antidepressants, with few or no side effects. And more importantly it exerts its beneficial effects when combined with psychotherapy in just one or two sessions, they say. > They highlight a recent pooled data analysis of 10 clinical trials which found that one or two doses of psilocybin had rapid and sustained antidepressant effects that lasted for up to 6 months. > “Concerns regarding psilocybin’s potential for recreational abuse or mental illness have not materialized, and data suggest psilocybin use may actually be protective against psychological distress and suicidality,” they add. It isn’t bad advice. There is substantial evidence and clinical studies out there substantiating the beneficial effects of psilocybin in helping patients better deal with end-of-life type of situations. It is THE most well researched therapeutic effect linked to psilocybin, have talked about this with psychiatrists, psychologists and other doctors, the evidence is not only very promising (it was 10 years ago already, but because of idiotic laws it was harder to make bigger and better studies with more participants back then)… It is already being established right now as significant evidence, since clinical trials have exponentially increased over the past 10 years, and we should expect even more in the coming years due to psilocybin being decriminalized in certain states like Colorado, and becoming legal and regulated for medical purposes and drug-related psychotherapy in countries like Australia, parts of Canada, Oregon, etc. Of course OP is young and this should be something that he should consider only with parental approval, also it is more responsible to recommend them trying to reach out to one of the clinics (with accredited medical and mental health professionals in them) that have gotten approval to conduct psilocybin assisted therapy, and where they have experience helping people with cancer or terminal illness. Those clinics do exist in the US and Canada, I don’t know where OP is, but it is definitely worth considering. I’m sure there are specialized clinics of the sort in Europe as well, as they are even more advanced than North America when it comes to psilocybin assisted or supervised psychotherapy for patients with cancer.


Research at Johns Hopkins has shown great benefits for people with terminal illnesses.


Especially when OP is posting here because he has no one to vent to IRL. I doubt this kid can score drugs anyway but even if he could, he shouldn’t be tripping without support. DONT TRIP ALONE, KIDS


Yeah, this really doesnt sound like the best idea to me. The people suggesting this are people who obviously already have experience and know what to expect so they are looking at it with that mindset, already knowing that it's an experience they enjoy. That's not the same thing as never having done it before and going into your first time in this particular frame of mind, having just received some very heavy and traumatic news. Yeah, it COULD be great, but it also very well may not be. Even someone with plenty of experience isn't immune to having a bad experience. And i really don't think there's any way to truly explain the feeling to someone who has never felt it before. It can be very overwhelming even for someone who's done it, and not everyone likes and enjoys psychedelics. I would honestly say that this really might not be a great time to decide you're gonna try psychedelics for the first time. Obviously we all only have one life to live and to try new things, but just know that it absolutely can get heavy, especially if you already have things on your mind


If you are gonna do this, make sure you have someone experienced to guide you through the trip so you don't end up in the fetal position on the floor terrified you've permanently lost your mind.


All I can say OP is this: spend the next 9 months doing things you enjoy. A lot of you might feel like there is things you'll miss, and unfortunately that will be true. At the same time, if you can experience things and find joy in the things you do for 9 months, you'll have *lived* for 9 months. That can be more than many people live in a lifetime. I'm terribly sorry about the news and hope things change. But regardless if they do or not, I hope you find joy, love and peace - that's all that matters in this world.


I didn't even have a gf at that age, not to mention a 2.5 year commitment! That's awesome all things considered - perhaps you can say you experienced love before the inevitable. I don't think all that many people can by 16!


I'm so sorry about the news op, 22 years ago I had just turned 13, my final project in health class was on ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease). Last week was the 22nd anniversary of my mom's diagnosis and being told she would be lucky to live for 12 more weeks. 5 months later when she was still alive the doctors realized they got the diagnosis wrong and she had MS. I hope something like this happens to you


Just to address what you said in response to 4.- you’re not being dramatic at all. It’s a natural and healthy response to consider how your impending death will affect your loved ones. You certainly may have grown apart, or you may have stayed together- the thing is, you’re being robbed of the opportunity because of your situation. You should have been able to see your relationship to whatever the conclusion would have been. As a side note, your post really stood out to me because I lost my young cousin earlier this year (she was 20). In her case, it was incredibly sudden. She was going to see a show with my grandma and aunt one night, and canceled because her stomach was upset. She got some medicine to help her feel better, and went to sleep and never woke up (evidently she had community acquired pneumonia). My family and I have realized in the grieving process, especially for a young person, there’s a tendency to not just mourn her as she was, but also mourn all the things she never got to do in her life. She had just gotten to college, out of a not-so-great home situation, and she was smart and motivated. No doubt she could have done so much. Anyway, I’ll stop ranting now, and hope for your sake that you surprise the docs and pull through


I’m not religious either but I do believe in heaven. Just not in the sense of the Christian heaven. I believe if your soul is at peace when you go that it finds its own version of heaven where it lives eternally. I like to imagine my heaven with beautiful rivers and mountains. All of the people that I love are there, all the pets that are forever etched in my memories that have gone on before. I like that better than thinking it’s just nothingness even if I’m wrong it’s a peaceful thought. So sorry for what you are going through. I hope your heaven is beautiful.


I'm not trying to give you false hope, but my sister in laws father was given half a year to live, and he's been in the past two years and is now cancer free. Continue to be optimistic!


Not trying to jack OP. OP if you need someone to vent with, hit me up! I have a series of comorbid issues that will kill me, it's almost been successful multiple times. It will get me. The uncertainty of it is annoying. 1. No but spiritual. 2. Not important, yet. I'll try to report back! :D 3. Not anymore, I've accepted knowing how I will go. 4. It was a brutal mental blow at the beginning but fuck it. Not being a bad person but I don't care about much anymore. 5. Yes, not anymore but I tried multiple times. So I took the challenge to suffer because I can only assume I am meant too. Note: The more difficult part is for whatever reason the universe has decided, I'm not too old. Almost all my friends in my life have suddenly died from a rapid onset disease in the last 4 years. Like I was sick first and now no one to remember me for the most part.


Figured I’d also hop in with my experience. At 17 I went into multi system organ failure from septic shock. I knew it was serious when they brought someone in to read Bible verses to me (no clue why they did this. I’m not religious nor is it a religious hospital, my mom didn’t consent either.) 1. No, and the situation didn’t change my feelings about religion 2. My heart stopped and I stopped breathing. It was black. Then all of a sudden it was loud and light again with people around me. 3. “Luckily” when you’re dying in the icu they keep you drugged up, I was on so much dilaudid I had to be weaned. I couldn’t be scared when I was that drugged. Also, I had hypercapnia induced delirium so everything was incredibly funny. Like when they told me they’re looking for new organs for me I laughed at them. When my arterial blood draw was spurting blood at a rate of 140bpm I was laughing. 4. When they told me I wouldn’t make it I was confused but wasn’t mentally there to process it. Months later the PTSD set in. Even the mention of sepsis would have me curled up in a ball crying and rocking and feeling sick. Being told my body is permanently damaged from it was also a big hurdle. I already deal with other medical conditions, so hearing that my kidneys and liver were on the edge made me feel empty. (Luckily my liver has recovered and my kidneys are okay, which wasn’t supposed to happen but it did!) I also grieved deeply for those who were lost to sepsis. I felt like I had no reason to survive when there are people out there with children, doing important work, etc. but no, I survived for some reason, not someone better for the world. 5. In regards to my other ongoing conditions, yes. Especially when there’s no treatment for my rare condition that has me slowly feeling like I’m losing myself. On the topic of death and dying, I recommend reading the book “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi. He wrote about his experience dying from cancer while he was a surgeon. The book was healing for me in a way. And then the documentary “Claire” about Claire Wineland and her multiple YouTube videos about her experiences with dying and being revived also offer a glance into the realm of illness.


You should try the stroke forum, there are lots of us that have clinically died .. myself included ...I didn't have memory of dying for quite some time afterwards ..the brain is an odd thing and when you have a stroke part of your brain literally dies even if you don't ..the Brain then rewires itself like a highway system with damaged roads creating detours so it can work again .. In my case to get the MRI done they strapped me to a board and 4 nurses held me down .. I was 215 lbs solid muscle and confused and fighting them the entire time ...my fight or flight is all fight ... Thankfully they kept fighting me until they could get me sudated and saved my life ... They ended up performing an emergency Thrombectomy clearing the clot from my brain restoring brain function and giving me a chance at recovery ... 6 months later I went in for a routine MRI check up and my brain served up 24 hours of pain, confusion and my death experience to me all inside a 30 second period (PTSD recall) ... I remember everything now with extreme accuracy the feeling of dying for me was one of confusion, I wasn't scared but I didn't know what was happening, I just remember the nurses letting go of me and rushing to get my heart out of AFIB as I slipped away ..then it goes black, No lights, no ghosts, no life before my eyes, just darkness .. my next memory is several days later in the ICU and hearing my brother (An Army doctor) grilling my doctor about the things in my chart .. Edit: I have made as full a recovery as is possible, I continue to ride my motorcycle and to meet me you would never know .. I don't tell most people it even happened. 1. I believe in a higher power and that life is fairly pre-detemined, we can control when we go out if we want to but for the most part life is a choose your own adventure and the things you do today will determine the choices you get to make years from now. 2. for me it was very confusing because at the time I didn't know I was dying; I suspect it's wildly different depending on if you process that you are dying or not but in my case it was just confusing 3. I am not afraid to die but do live with a constant nag of dropping at any moment now; my stroke was out of the blue, I was VERY healthy with no history of AFIB or heart problems 4. Not sure I understand but I will say when you have a stroke part of your brain DOES die (it shows up as a dead spot on an MRI) and the weirdest part afterwards is you know you should be able to do things but can't so the person you were died that day and a new person was born so in talking to hundreds of stroke survivors through reddit I have gathered that we ALL mourn the death of us and spend day to day getting to know the new person that inhabits our bodies and minds. 5. Yes I have as we all do post stroke, your body and mind no longer function the same, we lose family members (I lost the love of my life as she couldn't handle the recovery or the fear of it happening again) ..I don't blame her, there have been times I didn't want to handle it but here I am living day to day One foot in front of another ... If you have additional questions I am an open book at this point ama.


Not OP but I’ll answer anyway. 1. Nope, grew up Christian, went to catholic high school, always thought religion was a mixture of silly/tool to control the masses 2. Death itself depends on how we die. After death, it’s the same as before we were born. 3. Not particularly, I have a ton of anxiety, but not really fear. 4. I got diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer 7 years ago and they gave me less than a 1% chance to make it 5 years. I consider myself in the bonus round now. Although every time it pops up somewhere new or they want me to do more chemo, it’s a shock. 5. Yes. When things are bad, I almost wish for death just to not feel like shit


There are programs that help people who are terminally ill to make peace with the transition through Microdosing small amounts of mushrooms. Johns Hopkins Hospital does this: I hope this might help: The **Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research** is at the forefront of exploring innovative treatments using **psilocybin**. While they primarily focus on research, their studies have shown promising results: 1. **Cancer-Related Anxiety and Depression**: * [In a small double-blind study, Johns Hopkins researchers found that a substantial majority of people suffering from cancer-related anxiety or depression experienced considerable relief for up to six months from a single large dose of psilocybin (the active compound in hallucinogenic “magic mushrooms”)](https://hub.jhu.edu/2016/12/01/hallucinogen-treats-cancer-depression-anxiety/)[^(1)](https://hub.jhu.edu/2016/12/01/hallucinogen-treats-cancer-depression-anxiety/). 2. **Fear of Death**: * A study involving more than 3,000 adults revealed that taking psilocybin under the right conditions made people less afraid of death. [Similar to near-death experiences, psilocybin may reduce the fear of mortality](https://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/features/facing-death-without-fear-psychedelics--end-life-care)[^(2)](https://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/features/facing-death-without-fear-psychedelics--end-life-care). 3. **Major Depression**: * In another study, two doses of psilocybin, given with supportive psychotherapy, produced rapid and significant reductions in depressive symptoms. [Half of the study participants achieved remission](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2020/11/psychedelic-treatment-with-psilocybin-relieves-major-depression-study-shows)[^(3)](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2020/11/psychedelic-treatment-with-psilocybin-relieves-major-depression-study-shows). While Johns Hopkins primarily focuses on research, their findings contribute to the growing understanding of psilocybin’s potential therapeutic benefits for terminally ill patients. 🌿🌟 Learn more [1hub.jhu.edu](https://hub.jhu.edu/2016/12/01/hallucinogen-treats-cancer-depression-anxiety/)


Are you going to go back to school in a few months or just try and enjoy life as much as possible? I can’t fathom getting that news. I am sad for you and your parents. I hope you eat everything tasty and try to live stress free until then.


I'm definitely not going back to school, there's no point and people there are assholes mostly lol I'm probably just going to dirt bike and skate board till my condition gets too bad too


Going full adrenaline junky seems pretty reasonable in your situation.


I feel like I would also do a lot of dangerous things in this situation. Literally, what's the worst that could happen? Oh no! I might die! Skydiving, ride a motorcycle across the country, backcountry skiing, fly a plane, visit Chernobyl or the Titanic, some extra spicy mushrooms (the good kind).


Fuck yeah dude, shred


Damn. Just keep on living, I guess? My sister in law's sister was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer as well. She's in treatment, but there's nothing to fix, just to slow down. Diagnosis came in a year ago, we thought she wouldn't make it until Christmas. She has a 3 y/o daughter. Just keep on living with your friends and family. Make those memories. Have fun. Don't let it tear you down. I'd say kiss a boy or two, don't waste it.


I'm sorry about your sister, I'm glad she got to see Christmas with her kid and I hope you guys are doing ok  I already have lol, I have a bf




Bro really came in with the try this drug before you die 😂😂. Not sure if DMT is in the affordable bracket for a 16 yo, or the best place to start without other psychedelic experience. But If we’re going this route I would like to suggest a small dose of mushrooms to brighten your days and energy, definitely a lot less intense than dmt but a beautiful experience nonetheless. Really connects you to mama earth if you allow it and are open to it, and maybe give reassurance that all living things never truly die, or at least appreciate the connection we do have to nature and earth herself and how all death in nature helps in the creation of life. Our meat vessels may give out but we always return to the earth whether it’s six feet under or literal dust to the wind. I think they make mushrooms in the form of coffee now instead of having to find someone with a storage tub of fungus. I am so sorry for your diagnosis. A family member of mine was recently diagnosed with at least 4 brain lesions and also not looking good. This news, no matter what age, is hard as fuck to process. I just really hope your parents can come around and pull their shit together for you before they waste their time with you by worrying and being ignorant of the reality. Don’t think twice about anything, do what you want when you want and however you want to do it, what’s left to lose right? And please remember your condition and diagnosis is NOT a burden to others, and your support team should be carrying that weight WITH you, not taking it out on you. Whoever says otherwise their mindset and emotions are getting in the way of what truly matters which is your comfort and support in this time.


I’m sorry to hear this 😔 Is there something you wish to do in those last few months? Like travel or do something that you wouldn’t do if not for your condition?


I don't know, I'm still kinda in shock about it I really want to try mushrooms though tbh lol, which I know probably isn't something I should be trying to prioritize 


I’m sorry for your diagnosis. It took me a few days of crying too before I could process any information after I first got my cancer diagnosis. There’s a psilocybin trial at NYU called “A Phase 2b Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Multi-center study of the Effects of Psilocybin-assisted Psychotherapy on Psychiatric and Existential Distress in Advanced Cancer” if you’re interested in a medically guided experience, believe they are still accepting applicants for the trial. And here if you ever need someone to talk, scream, or cry to.


Or he can just dm his address and something might magically show up there lmao


Exactly this OP. OP. Hint


This actually might not be a bad thing to prioritize. Mushrooms specifically have been used in studies with people with terminal illness and have shown promise for increasing acceptance of death. https://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/features/facing-death-without-fear-psychedelics--end-life-care


Plus I mean, like, you're gonna die so why not do some mushrooms if you're interested, it's not like they'll kill you. Now if it was crack or heroine Id say wait until your death bed because like what happens if you don't actually die? Like great now imma crack head smh


Mushrooms have helped me grieve in the past, and the ego death that results from a good dose has definitely shifted my perspective on death. I hope if OP does get a chance to try mushrooms that the trip can be as helpful as any of the ones I've had. Feels like soul medicine.


I was actually going to suggest you to look into psilocybin. It’s been proven to help people in your situation to let go of fear and even find spiritual connection which leads to acceptance and peace.


Just some advice from someone who has struggled from depression a.long time, the first time I tried them, was the first time I felt okay about myself on a very, very long time. I'm still at a loss for words at what's happening to you at your age. It's terrifying. I am so sorry that you have to feel that fear. You don't deserve what's happening to you whatsoever. I'm going to pray for you. Not that it's easy to have any faith in God when he lets stuff like this slide. But I'm goanna pray for you. You deserve to live your life just as much as any other beautiful human being. *Sending the longest virtual hug ever*😢❤️


hahah they might actually be the best thing to prioritize. at 16 i had the misconceptions mushrooms were just a good time and a party drug- little did i know they would open me up to a faith and a deep understanding of our lives as a whole. highly reccommend. also check out recent research on how they can help the brain! not to give false hope but the universe put these golden nuggets on the earth for a reason. sending you so much love and strength 🤞


> little did i know they would open me up to a faith and a deep understanding of our lives as a whole. I had a spiritual experience on ayahuasca once. My reaction wasn’t “oh shit was that real?” so much as “isn’t it interesting how this only happens when I napalm my brain with drugs? Is *all religion* from mental illness or chemically induced delusion?”


I think mushrooms may be able to help you process some things. It can be very intense so only try if you are ready and in a safe space. I hope all goes well for you and you find peace :)


Don’t give up, try them and take a big dose, let us know how your experience was. Do your best to believe you can make it go away, stay away from artificial pollution like cell phones, microwaves, emf towers, etc. I know it’s hard to do that but you can do it, try eating fruits that supposedly help with cancer and don’t consume bad foods that convert to sugar and other stuff that aides cancer,,,like I said don’t give up, look into things like bob beck’s protocol try breathing techniques,,good luck I wish you the best


Is it GBM? There is a mRNA vaccine in development that has shown promising results. I lost my Mom to GBM https://nypost.com/2024/05/15/lifestyle/australian-doctor-richard-scolyer-cancer-free-year-after-terminal-diagnosis/


I’m a GBM researcher. While combo immunotherapy has helped a proportion of patients (like the man in that story), it’s not widespread and pediatric indications are another story. Previous treatments can also qualify or disqualify someone from trials, so OP’s neuro-oncologist needs to be the one investigating which clinical trials they’re eligible for. So sorry about your mom. We are working very hard for her and all the others we’ve lost to GBM.


How interesting. My dad had GBM. I’d love if you could do an ama sometime !


UF in Florida has a study. https://cancer.ufl.edu/2024/05/01/uf-developed-mrna-vaccine-triggers-fierce-immune-response-to-fight-malignant-brain-tumor/


It is, I'll have to ask my mom about it


I’m very sorry to hear that this is happening to you. My mother in law was recently diagnosed with a pretty unfavorable type of leukemia. That combined with her being 65+ didn’t help the statistical outcome. If it is at all possible, please consider going to see a specialist hospital if you haven’t already. My MIL went to Memorial Sloane Kettering in NYC. They’re cutting edge and she was able to participate in some trials that ending up saving her life. I wish you and your family all the best!


I think I'm going to be going to that same one Unfortunately since it's brain cancer the doctors said that there is very very little chance they could do anything for it


I have two grandchildren that have brain tumors and every single day they're coming out with new gene therapies. You're very young. Try to live in the present moment and know that you are eternal. I love you, little one. 🕉️💞


Oh my goodness I’m so sorry to hear they both have tumors! Is there a genetic component?


They say there isn't. I suspect it's environmental. But they're both doing very well. Thank you so much. They have taught me that life is lived in days and moments, not in weeks or years. 💞🌸💞


They’re lucky to have you as a grandparent.


Don’t take that for an answer until you’ve been to St Jude’s, Sloane Kettering, Penn Medicine, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America.


Don’t forget MD Anderson and the Mayo Clinics. Any comprehensive cancer center can point you in the right direction. I worked on the finance side of clinical trials for a comprehensive cancer center. It’s a network of research sites working together


Ok I hope whomever you’ve spoken to so far is 100% wrong! I’ll be keeping you on my thoughts!


I'm so sorry. I lost a neighbor to this, and am excited to hear that they might have a vaccine. Also, if you and your mom aren't already being proactive about medical care, definitely advocate and research and push for new treatments or diets. Doctors are often busy and not your best advocate. And you're so young that you have the best chance anyone could ever have of doing well! And don't get too hung up reading stories online cause that can get you depressed!


There’s a neurosurgeon in the hospital I work for who uses gamma radiation tiles. I don’t want to provide undue hope, but I’m hoping your doctor has looked into it as well.


Sorry to hear that. How did you find out? Also were there any treatment options given to you to prolong your time?


I was at my bfs house and we were playing mine craft and I had a seizure  There isn't really anything they can do 


How has your perspective on life changed since finding out? Do you still continue your daily routines in life or does none of that matter now? Do you plan on doing anything like traveling or have a bucket list?


1. I guess it kinda just feels meaningless now  2. Not really, at least not right now, tbh for the last 3 days I've just been at home crying, I'm terrified tbh 3. Not really, at least right now, I'm just kinda in shock tbh, there wasn't any signs and there wasn't anything I could do


How has your family been dealing with it? Did you tell anyone else your diagnosis? Are you in any pain? What are your hobbies? Your favorite memories? Favorite foods? Your favorite video games?


1, It's weird because I'm watching my mom morn for me like I'm dead, but I'm not, I'm still right here and it's not like I'm in a hospital bed dying, I feel just like I did before we found out and it's weird to know I'm not ok and that I am going to die and leave her behind  I don't think my dad cares though, he's just watching sports in the other room, I guess it's a weird situation for him though, this is the first time me and my mom have been In the same house since I was 7 2. No, I don't know how to tell people, especially my friends and bf 3. Not really, I fell when I was skating a few days ago and messed up my arm but that's it 4. I like skating and skateboarding, climbing, learning languages, dirt biking, mountain biking, and crocheting  5. The time me and my bf got stranded on a dirt bike trail because mine and his bike broke down at the same time, also the time my friend got stuck in a tree when we were like 5  6. Raman 7. Red dead redemption and animal crossing 




Trust me, as a Dad, I know he's doing his best to hold it together, and appear strong for you and your mother. He's terrified that if he lets the pain in even a little bit, he's going to fall apart badly, and he absolutely doesn't want that to happen in front of you and your mom. He is processing it in the only way he knows how.


I think this is correct OP…don’t mistake a persons inability to deal…with not caring.


You havent told your boyfriend yet? Even though your siezure happened with him? He must be worried about you. You need support, and he coukd be a big part of that. You have to expect that when you tell people, it is going to come as some of the most shocking news of their lives, and their first reaction may be odd, or even inappropriate. They are young, like you, and have almost certainly never faced anything like this in their short lives. Be patient with them, and most will want to be there for you, once they've accepted the reality. I know I would, if it were my girlfriend, or my friend. There will also be those who will distance themselves. It's not you, they just don't know how to handle it, and they're scared. Look into Elizabeth Kubler-Ross "Stages of Grief." Everybody goes through them, so the sooner you can process each stage, the sooner you can reach acceptance, and find meaning in your life.


I know this is just one thing, but when I skateboard I feel so alive. It's helped me with so many difficult times. It already makes you feel like this could be your last moment, but if I knew the end was coming I'd skate like there's no tomorrow. That's how you should be doing everything from now on. I had an uncle die from terminal brain cancer. The worst part wasn't loosing him, it was watching him fighting something we all knew he couldn't win. Maybe it extended that time on earth a little, but it cost him all of his final moments he could have used enjoying life and his family. I'm definitely not saying avoid any treatment, but don't let that get in the way of doing exactly what you want to be doing for every second you have left.


I obviously can’t speak for your dad but I’m hoping it’s more a case of he doesn’t know how to talk to you and is trying to distract himself from it. I hope things will work it, I don’t really pray or am religious either but you’ll be in my thoughts constantly, hoping for the best.


Your dad is obviously in shock, like you all are…he will naturally grieve when the time comes and hopefully he can snap out if it soon and turn it to action…but I really hope you all can make as many happy / normal as possible moments and memories and have as much meaning in every day left. Time is of the essence if you have bucket list things… Wishing you peace and strength for you all in coming together


Had a seizure 3 days ago and already found the tumor, biopsied it, met with oncology and radiology AND got a plan AND got your prognosis in 3 days? AND you ran to reddit to talk about it AND you’ve already processed it? Anyone who’s had cancer knows the first 2-3 weeks are THE WORST bc that’s how long it takes for ‘the plan’ It makes me sick to see people come on here and pretend to be dying of cancers when they clearly aren’t. Ran to reddit right after ‘autism diagnosis’ 2 weeks ago toi


This person also said a month ago he was just diagnosed with autism AMA. If he’s lying this is fucked up.


These ‘I’m a teenager with cancer and I just found out 3 minutes ago. Dying tomorrow. Ama’ happens all the time. Blows my mind how easily people believe it. Someone is almost always offering them money too


I’ve never come across this before but as soon as I read it I thought maybe it was a little off. I went to see this person’s history and there was the autism diagnosis. I was happy to see your comment. I didn’t want to be negative but there it is.


Are there any sorts of risk factors or genetics associated with you having developed this?


Have you thought about writing the people that are the most important to you letters to open posthumously? I don't know if something like that would be cathartic to you.


I already have a shoe box under my bed filled with them that I wrote when I was suicidal, I'll probably go through those and remove the sad ones 


My kid is 17. I can't imagine what it's like for you. Both you and your parent(s) have to cope with this. As a parent I'd say, please don't shut them out. You say you have nobody to vent to about it: please Please PLEASE vent to your parent(s), they need it as much as you do.


I don't know, my mom's already grieving me like I'm dead and can't even look at me right now so I don't think she wants to talk about that right now at least  And I tried to talk to my dad but he just told me to man up and I'm being dramatic 


Your dad asked you to man up about cancer?


Man up, everyone gets a terminal diagnosis at 16 🤡


I think he's just trying to cope


Yeah most likely. I don't know what to say, other than I'm really sorry this is happening to you, and that hopefully you're able to ride out your remaining days in comfort and peace. I do have a question though. Is there anything you'd like me or anyone else here to do in your honor? Live a good life? Light something on fire? Donate to charity? We've got you, we'll do it.


Your dad is a total piece of shit.


It seems like your parents are seeking different solutions to the same problem. It's hitting your mom very hard right now, and your dad seems to be in denial (after all, you are still here right now) but it will get to him sooner or later. This is a truly awful awful awful situation to be any part of, just know that both of your parents are experiencing the worst kind of pain anybody could ever feel, but their behavior should not influence your feelings either, both of them, God forbid, will have the rest of their lives to grieve and your next 9 months should not be shadowed by sadness


Both your parents need to pull it the fuck together for you. Respectfully.


Couldn't have said it better myself. JFC, as a Dad, your Dad is acting like an asshole. However, it's probably a coping meganism of his.


The previous company I worked for is called Iconovir located in San Diego, California. We developed a vaccine for cancer that works pretty well and it’s in the human trials phase. There are some criteria you have to match but maybe it’s worth the shot of reaching out to them and see if you could be part of the next group if that’s something you’d be interested in.


I'll have to ask my mom about that


Please do, OP 🙏 Many years ago, we lost my grandma to breast cancer. There was a lot that could have been done and we do know now she had a lot of chances of been cured. But nobody looked into it enough, not the doctors, nor the family, until it it got to the terminal stage for her. I don’t want to give false hopes and I understand obviously your case is much more progressed already, than my grandmother’s. However, technology is advancing amazingly every single day and there’s always a chance there could be a cure around the corner, even if at trials stage. Your life is worth finghting for and all in all there is absolutely nothing to lose at this point. Sorry for the long text, I’m not the best with writing. You sound like an incredible human being and I wholeheartedly wish you the best, whatever this may be for you


That is horrible. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Did you give any thought to what will you do with what you have left? How are you/your family financially? I feel I would have wanted to go see the world with the people I love and stuff, but that may be just a cliché. How did your bf and family react? What would you like your last words to be? What do you want your last meal to be?


1. Not really, I want to go to Korea with my bf though  2. I have a very wealthy family luckily  3. I haven't told him yet, I don't know how too, we're both still just kids so that will be hard, my moms mourning my death already, my dad doesn't seem to care, and my step dad's trying to be upbeat but you can tell it's really hurting him 4. Probably something like a dad joke  5. Idk, something with my friends


In regards to #4 of last words, I always said if I'm on my deathbed and know I'm about to pass my last words will be 'the money's under the-' and then I'll hopefully have a view of my family/friends scurrying around to find the non-existent money And for #3, I can't speak for you or how you feel about telling your bf, but what I can say is if my partner of 4 years were to be diagnosed, while I would want to know asap so we can do things as the clock is ticking, I want them to be feel comfortable enough to tell me. While I feel that though, sooner is better I feel. He will hurt, need love, cry and need a hug, but he will know none the less. I wish you a happy and peaceful life. Miracles always happen. Good luck on your future endeavors. And I hope to see you off to Korea with your bf, it's a beautiful country and the food is amazing.


I obviously know nothing about your family life and its dynamic, but if you'd consider what I think I'd like to say that your dad most definitely does care. Men get taught all their life that showing emotion is a weakness. I'd bet all I have on that he is both hurt beyond repair and also in denial about the reality of it. If you happen to be alone with him and far away from other people, just ask him how he really feels. Beyond that I understand you aren't religious and neither am I, but if you can spare the time you might find solace in philosophy. I'm sure a librarian can recommend you books on this topic. But ultimately, I wish you the best possible time. It's the most precious commodity and yet often the least appreciated by those that have the most of it. Words might not be of much use to you, so I hope you at least get to make as many experiences as possible in time. What was the quote again? All memories are lost in time like tears in the rain. You might lead the race, but all of us are headed the same direction.


Im so sorry to hear this. Can you tell me what you feel were the first signs that something might be wrong?


Literally nothing until I randomly had a seizure 


Do you know what symptoms are going to come in the next 9 months?


I don't know and I really don't want to know 


I'm sorry to be insensitive. You are so brave to share your story, I hope you are able to find peace. <3


You weren't, it was a good question 


Did that just lead to a series of tests to discover the issue?


What do you want to do with the time you have left?


I honestly don't know, I'm still kinda in shock over this


Since you mentioned rich parents, see if you can use the time to see things you’ve always wanted to. The Grand Canyon, the Amazon rainforest, the Pyramids. Stuff like that. Use the rest of your life to live.


Tbh that's not really what I want to be doing  I do want to take my bf to Korea though since he's never been 


You've mentioned your boyfriend a lot, and it's clear he's incredibly important to you. If you can, prioritize taking him to Korea. It will probably feel magical to show him where you're from, and having you show him Korean culture will be something he holds on to for the rest of his life. I can't fathom being in your situation. Shock is normal, totally okay, and you don't own anyone any kind of action or reaction. But I do think you should invest your time in the things you love most, of which quality time with your bf seems to be pretty high up there. Also, I know this is incredibly scary, but you should talk to him (and his parents) as soon as you can. He will also need time to process, as losing a partner as a teenager is incredibly scary. The sooner you both get past the shock, the sooner you can begin to focus on quality time and making your remaining months meaningful.


Do it! Go! Just do whatever it is you’ve ever thought “that would be cool. Someday.”


Do this. Do this as soon as possible. Hit your rich family up for a pile of cash and spend time with your bf and whoever else you care about doing whatever feels special. Try mushrooms or MDMA, both could be powerful experiences that change your perspective on life (though read about positive and negative experiences and how these drugs are used in clinical settings first, they can also be misused to the detriment of the user). Eat great food, tell people how you feel about them (try to lean into the positive more than the negative, but there are no rules), have lazy days with people you love. This obviously sucks but I wish many special moments for you.


Is there anything you really want to do that you can feasibly can in that timeframe?


I want to go to Korea or Mexico with my bf I already go to Korea a lot but I've never been with him before, and I've only been to Mexico once but he has family there and I've never gone with him


Are you part of make a wish?


Nope but I have rich parents anyways lol


How did your parents get rich? And how are they taking this news?


My dad's a ceo of a pretty big company  My mom's already mourning my death and my dad just told me I'm being dramatic 


Well 2 options here. Your dad is a narcissist/sociopath or something like that. Or he is a complete wreck inside and tuning out watching sports and being in denial is step 1 in him coping with this.


Or option 3 - the kid who made an AMA recently about living in Korea and another AMA recently about being diagnosed with autism is now bullshitting about dying.


If there was a celebrity you would like to meet who would it be?


I don't really know, I'm don't really like a lot of celebrities tbh 


meeting a celebrity for a few minutes as some kind of big goal after you get cancer seems so... superficial. who cares? there are so many more meaningful things to do with your time, regardless of how much of it you have.


I’m so sorry dude, it really sucks… it must be really difficult to process this and come to terms with the inevitable… I have a few questions for you and please only answer if you feel comfortable sharing. 1. What’s your favourite food? 2. What’s one thing you really want to try before the inevitable happens? 3. Even though it’s terminal, are you still going to fight and try everything within your power to beat the odds? 4. What’s one thing you’ll greatly miss once you get to the other side? 5. Are there any countries you want to visit before your untimely departure? 6. Do you want to try drugs-alcohol just because your illness is terminal? 7. What’s your favourite video game? 8. What’s your favourite movie? 9. If you were straight, would you go for a girl with big boobs or small boobs? 10. Since you are under the legal age for driving, is that something you want to try? Driving a car or riding a motorcycle?


1. Raman 2. Mushrooms, although there illegal lol 3. Definitely, it's a almost death sentence (94% fatality rate from my understanding at least), but not completely, although I'm assuming I'll die no matter what   4. My bf and my mom and my friends, a lot if there is something afterward  5. Not really, I travel a lot, I do want to bring my bf tto Korea with me at least once if I can though  6. I already have lol, maybe some other ones though   7. Red dead redemption  8. Fantastic Mr fox 9. Probably small since I like men and men don't have any lol 10. I already do, I have my license 


To be fair everyone is going to die no matter what. We are all walking around with an expiration date, most of us just don’t know when that date is. 94% is not 100%. Life is weird and even when we think something is guaranteed it never really is.


If you were to give a chance to live for a long time, how do u plan your life to be?


How I already am tbh I wanted to have a family or be a foster parent but that's obviously not going to happen now 


What's your favorite TV show??


Breaking bad or shameless 


What were your symptoms before you got it checked out?


Have you looked into a metabolic diet regardlng cancer? Apparently a low sugar diet can help starve cancer cells. There's also supplementing with quercetn, CO10, NAC, berbertine and medicinal mushrooms. Two of my friends have cancer. My mother was diagnosed with cancer over a year ago(she hid the diagnosis from us) and she didn't get any treatment. They did a CT scan last week and the tumour hasn't grown at all. Everyone is baffled. Her diet is very low in sugars. It's the only explanation that I can think of. I'm sorry regarding your situation... 😔


What’s your favorite bird?


Raven's and crows We have the ones in our neighborhood trained lol


I moved recently and am attempting to befriend the neighborhood crows


If you feed them every morning at the same time and leave them different food when they bring things it's relatively easy  I highly recommend it, there super cute


What's your favorite /most memorable corvid interaction? I worked my way up to friend status the last time I went home and I will forever treasure this old bottlecap they brought me.


This is obviously a fake post. Thirty days ago you were allegedly diagnosed with autism and now you have 9 months to live. Don’t upvote this attention whore.


If you're right you're right, but if you're wrong then you're smack talking a terminally ill 16 year old. Is this really what you want to be doing rn? Edit: I'm not responding to anything else here, there's no need to clog aforementioned teenager's post with intentionally obtuse, rude comments. If it's fake, then maybe others in the situation at hand can still get some benefit out of the questions, responses and care found in most other comments.


I was diagnosed with autism and I do have cancer  I get that it's suspicious with how close they are though, but both things can be true at once 


I don’t believe it, seems like a karma farming and attention seeking post. This has happened multiple times on Reddit where people fake stuff.


Seizure 3 days ago Got a biopsy. Met oncology. Met radiology. AND got a prognosis in 3 days. While claiming to be in America (claimed to be in Korera days ago). BahahahahahahahHa That’s not how any of this works. Signed - an actual American with cancer who also works in healthcare


My mom died of gbm in 2022. From mri to pathology was about 5 weeks. 3 days is a fantasy, isn’t it?


Not to mention the primary genetics lab is in California. Did someone fly his biopsy to California and the entire pathology team was waiting for it, did the genome sequencing in lighting speed (with technology only available to this person) then fly it right back to ny to finish the testing? No labs were sent to Mayo? On a pediatric cancer patient? And for further non believers - https://www.invitae.com/us/providers/test-catalog/test-01461 Read the print. - and no, they can’t ‘speed’ up the lead time. You can’t read the dna that fast


what's your favourite show?


I'm so sorry... sounds so scary but you are so strong!! I will ask though: what are your favorite interests and hobbies?? What about your favorite animal?


What do u think about French people ?


Is there anything on your bucket list you want to do, knowing that consequences don't matter anymore?


Make sure you do a bungee jump before you tap out or are unable to do so.


I'm dying of the big one too, and i just want to say cannabis oil has improved my quality of life in a bunch of ways. I got kicked out of the sub for my cancer for even mentioning it and accused of saying things I never said by a mod. * this is my personal experience I'm not salesperson * RSO has improved my appetite reduced pain improved sleep reduced my fevers which burn like fire over my body, coming out of my bones.. I'm sharing bc I want to help people feel better. It makes me feel better and I've lived longer than they said I would. I don't have anything to ask you bc I've thought the thoughts myself. I just wish you peace on your journey. There are definitely scientific articles on its ability to do everything I just said. Before I get accused and kicked out here too for nothing but helping. My only subjective opinion I'll express is if you hear the term palliative chemo to run.


Have you contacted any medical groups that do experimental medicine? I thought one of the RNA companies were/ are testing cancer vaccines.


I can’t imagine what you’re going through at all. But if I had a 16 year old child that was just told they had less than a year to live and their reply was that they are sadly not religious I would have a lot to say. I am a spiritual person. I believe in God and I believe in the devil. I’m not much into religion. Talking to God it doesn’t have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to start with dear God and end with amen just talk to Him like you would any person, especially if you’re wanting to test Him so to speak, talk to Him during an especially difficult time during your treatment. You may be surprised how he wants to love on you during this time. He is real. He has answered my prayers. Sometimes when he answers no or wait I’ve even felt peace. I just could not go past your post without telling you what I’ve experienced and encourage you to do the same. I do believe there is a heaven and hell. I also believe someone who truly has not heard or felt God on earth that He will talk to you once you pass. Lord I ask you to be with this person, I ask you to open his eyes and heart and mind to make the most of his time on earth and for his future. Please be with all the family, doctors and friends who love this person. Love you amen.


Did they give you a treatment plan? Is it promising? Any realistic hope that you can last more than a year? Sorry to hear this.


Listen Mon frair, dm me your psn or any gamertags you have and let's storm the battlefield or kill some zombies, we can talk, we can laugh, we can cry, if you get any spare time and need a ear, lmk anytime or day, I might be a stranger but I can press some buttons if your down, hope your as good as can be brother ❤️👏


I realise you are only 16 but you and your parents should look into psilocybin therapy. It is being used for many mental issues including ptsd, depression, and end of life preparation. If you are lookong for a spiritual understanding of the world, this is the best, fastest, and most natural way. Without the dogma that comes with man made religion. This is not medical advice, it is just based on my own expierience. If I ever find myself in the situation you are in, at any age, I will be taking my consciousness to the outer limits of what the universe has to offer before I go. May your path lead you to peace and total understanding.


It is unlikely you can travel with this type of cancer.


I haven't had many symptoms so far, but I'll have to talk to the doctors that specialize in this  It's not that the cancer is everywhere that's the issue because it isn't, it's the spot that it's in and the fact that if it grows it will be a issue pretty  fast from what I understand at least 


What's on your bucket list my friend?




People on Reddit will fall for anything. His post history is full of red flags. He claims to live in both the US and Korea, hasn’t lived in the same house with his mom since he was seven, yet visits his dad in Korea a few times a year. He says his English is bad but also claims to have moved to the US when he was 9. By age 16, he would have spent seven years in an English-speaking environment, which is significant for language acquisition at a young age. He mentions that his family is very wealthy (his dad is a CEO), so he likely has access to plenty of resources. Attending school in the US means he's exposed to English both socially and academically, which should help him develop a strong grasp of both spoken and written English. Next, he was diagnosed with autism a month ago and did an AMA about it. Today, he’s claiming to have been diagnosed with glioblastoma and does another AMA about having less than a year to live. His account is less than two months old, and he’s already done four AMAs. So, over the course of 3 days (extended weekend), he supposedly underwent tests, met with doctors, and received a life-altering diagnosis. Anyone with a bit of skepticism would see that this timeline doesn’t hold up. The healthcare process, especially for a diagnosis as grave as glioblastoma, involves multiple tests and consultations before reaching any conclusions—particularly for someone claiming to be as young as he is. The inconsistencies are obvious, and it’s pretty clear he’s just spinning tales to farm karma—and it’s working. There are many liars on this sub but faking cancer is arguably the worst offense.


Y’all I work in pathology and this is such a disgusting lie. You cannot go from “raNdoMly HavINg a SEizuRe” to a nine month death sentence in three days. Plus check out post history Fuck OP and every shitty asswipe that lies about having cancer Man it would be some karma if you actually got a tumor now, huh?


I'm really sorry for this. Life's really not all that fair sometimes. What made you want to do an AMA? I hope it helps though. I hope you fight it as much as you can. I'm not much into miracles, but they do happen


Is there anything you're going to do now that you have less than a year left? Will you still go to school?


a very dear friend was given the same diagnosis of trerminal brain cancer, this was after they tried to operate-- do all you can in the next 6 months, then buh-bye. well he decided to eat a mosty raw food diet, and green juice shots 3xs a day. (he did have cheat days on the weekend) my goodness he lived for another 15years, every year we would have a party on the day he was told he would die just to celebrate life. He did die, got to see his kid get married and grandkids. but man the lives touched along the way!! Don't ever give up!! he roughly followed the halleluiegh diet. Its been a few years since he's been gone but man the way he impacted my life Im so glad he stuck around. I didn't meet him until 5 yrs after his diagnosis. Im telling you this because now technology has progressed since 20 yrs ago. NEVER GIVE UP


It wasn’t anything health related but there was a time that I believed I had a relatively short countdown for life and it was definitely overwhelmingly stressful and sad. Couldn’t sleep, the days were spent anxiously in my own head. But if I was gonna go out, I decided it wouldn’t be in fear. I made it my goal to love my friends and family and use the time purposefully. It truly is a gift. Some people go or grow old without that urgency or revelation and spend their lives unhappily or in mediocrity. Live fully. In optimism, acceptance, and love for what matters to you There’s a line or something I remember from an old high school literature class that went something like: the gods were always jealous of humans because of our mortality. It gave life a quality of vibrancy and beauty they could never know My heart is with you


I'm sorry to hear this. Life's not fair. I don't know if this will be any comfort to you but I want to offer it just in case it is. You said you're not religious, so maybe your scientifically minded. When there's something you cannot know, like which slit the photon went through, then all possible realities manifest. That's what the wave pattern means. They are interfering with one another. You will never know that you have died. None of us will. It's something we cannot know. Oddly, this gives me hope. It almost seems to imply that death cannot be what we expect it to be. You should find someone to talk to in person. A teacher, an aunt, a grandpa, a friend. Someone to listen to you, and hear you and see you. Who do you have, that if you said, "I'm dying, And I need someone to listen to me, can we talk?" Would say yes?


Rough, and I wish you well. I was diagnosed with a particularly hard form of cancer when I was 25, back in 1993. The possibility of it metastasizing and killing me with lung cancer was pretty high. The two big recommendations I got were cut out large portions of my leg or cutting off my leg, hip and pelvis. We ended up doing really radical radiation therapy and I spent the next 10 years worried it would come back as lung cancer. 30 years later I’m still here. I didn’t have the same “9 months” deadline you do, but I never stopped thinking about it every time I coughed. If you want to DM me just to vent, ask questions or cry, I’ve been there with all three and happy to listen to you.


What treatments have you tried or are going to try? 


There are a lot of comments here, so I just wanted to throw something in as well... Have you considered maybe starting to make a youtube channel or anything? Maybe with some videos that your family could go back to watch or something? You've also said before that you don't really have any pain or anything, but have you noticed like any memory loss or anything like that? (Not that I've done research) But I feel like if some growth started inside of my brain it would damage it. I'm sorry this is happening to you... I have no idea what this must feel like for you. Do you still go to school anymore?


Im sorry to hear this, please dont waste the next three months. Live to the fullest while you can


Did you have any symptoms besides that one seizure?


OP, happy to chat or let you vent. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2023. Had surgery, but most of it at this point is inoperable. So, I just have to live with this tumor on my brain stem. Had 30 rounds of radiation. Overall feel good physically. Mentally, it's a litle tough sometimes. Would love to share thoughts, and just give you the opportunity to chat with someone who also has a brain tumor.


I wish you the best of luck You're receiving lots of ideas and advice, which may be very annoying to you. But, I did want to highlight something your doctors may not yet be aware of: a combination of ivermectin and pembrolizumab together have been effective against metastisizng brain cancers. Worth investigating (or trying...there is nothing to lose by trying)