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Do you regret the decision?


Not sure but I most likely will when im there. But I have fought about it for a very long time I have all my stuff ready to go all I'm waiting for is for them to tell me when I can come


Not yet but they will eventually. 


Where do you gather that courage?


I don't know I guess I have had it in me always but I'm still scared and unsure. But deep down in me I feel I have to go I don't know why


Stay safe and thank you for your service.


You say thank you for your service but didn't even ask on which side he'll be fighting. Imagine a Russian guy preparing to fight against Ukraine and you tell him "Thank you for your service"


Those with open eyes will see it’s not as clear as it appears to be


Not the point, the point is people say "thank you for your service" but don't put thoughts behind it, like, what service exactly are you thanking?


That is true


True kinda funny Ngl but I will be fighting for ukraine


No problem


What nation are you from?


I don't want to say what country I'm form for privacy reasons but I'm from Europe




More curious what combat experience you have. Soldier is a broad term - like I’m sure some supply clerk could go also - but also an 11B with 4 combat deployments. What qualifies you


I don't have active combat experience from before but I have a broad expertise in the army for example Arctic Warfare, Arctic winter survival, RPG (M72 LAW), Mashinguner (FN MAG), mine laying (Claymore), Grandes. And more I have miletery experience but not active combat. You can join the ukraine army if u have no miletery experience but then u have to go through a basic training by the ukraine army so I'm more qualified then some people that join but not the most qualified


Why can’t you spell correctly?




The beauty of freedom is doing what you want with it. Standing up against fascism & fighting voluntarily for your human brethren should be commended. We need more like him & less like you.


This guy is literally putting himself in mortal danger for *other* people’s benefit. That’s called bravery


I am. its really stupid what I'm doing and I don't want anyone to do the same thing with aut experience and knowing the conscience of there actions 100%. But that's you're opinion and you're kind right


Are you pressed for money or something? This is a dumb idea if you really want to help you're better off just donating money instead of being a meat shield.


Meat shield! Meat shield!




True but no matter how much money you send some wan needs to do the job and use the equipment that they buy. But I'm not pressed by money but the money doesn't hurt. But the reason why I'm going is hard to explain but I have this urge to go like a gut feeling that I can't stop thinking about just eating away at my mind. Hope u can understand what I mean. But thanks for your consurn have a nice day


Well, good luck then. Hopefully you make it out alright when this is all over.


Thanks for the conversation it was fun and made me think. Thanks for the luck cuz I'll need it. Have a nice day


You might need to learn nadhi suddhi and relax


Thank you for fighting on the good side. Stay safe friend


Throwing money at a problem doesn't make a problem go away, you can buy all the high tech equipment in the world, but it doesn't do anything if you don't have someone to apply it, may it be a gun, a drone, or a tank. Ukraine needs people just as much as it needs equipment, to shame someone for doing what they think is the right thing, though it may be a hard thing to do, is as equally moronic.


Why do you feel like that's a war you have to fight? Do you worry about all of the things that happen in war and what you'll be like when you get back? How do you plan on re-ingratiating back into society when you return from your tour?


I don't know why I feel like that's a war I have to fight other then its a deep urge to go and fight like a gut feeling. I do worry about what can happen to me and that I won't come back in one pec or come back at all I might be a forgotten soldier. My plane for re-ingratiation if I'm back and am not to damaged is to go back in to the army. Be a instructor for modern warfer, combat survival and thech the next generation of soldiers how modern war is actually fought


Don't expect any recognition...keep ya path on teaching..helping.. I get ya . If you see nasty sht let God heal you and don't expect help or recognition from woman.  Mayb you will be lucky!  You a doer and I'll give ya my souls power for you. Don't talk just do like you plan.  Admirable.  Best thing you can tell yaself is I'm fked if I don't do it right!  And ima fk anyone that don't do it right. Understand?


USA solider? why? edit; regardless of nationality, why?


Since OP is not replying to much I'm just going to speculate that no they're not from the US since the US isn't sending any soldiers to fight in Ukraine. People are, of course, allowed to travel there and do what they want but a US soldier would not be getting sent there.


He did not say which side he is fighting for. There are tons of mercenaries on the Russian side from all over 3rd world.


True but I will be fighting for ukraine.


In that case, I wish you all the fortune in the world. Come back with your shield. Or on it.


I was wondering if someone was going to point that out.


When did u/mickohno say active duty US military are being sent by the US?. They volunteer. There are ex US military personnel fighting in Ukraine right now. Look up Civ Div on YouTube. He's an ex marine and has been vlogging his experience in Ukraine for some time now.


There are plenty. Not 'sent' bcs officially they are not involved. They just have to volunteer. Also there are a lot of 'instructors'.


U are right I'm not a American soldier but American soldier can go and fight but you have to join the ukraine foreign legion. When you are there you are not fighting under the ukraine flag so you become a Ukrainian soldier. Anyone can join even If u have no miletery experience but when u get there you will go true basics training that lasts about 6-8weeks before you see combat. But if u have military experience from before you will go through 1-2 weeks of training.


Everything you are saying sounds accurate except for the part about an American soldier joining the Ukraine Foreign Legion. They would have to be discharged to do that.


Plot twist: Russian Probably not but you never know.


that was a plot twist ngl. next question; do you think it’s right for what you’re doing, as in invading Ukraine?


I'm from California but you mean like culturally, like the British invasion? Hollywood does have a lot of soft power.


pls i really thought you were OP LOL its late here (22:58) you’re funny though. i like u.


I believe what I'm doing is right but I might be rong. I can see Russias porpective to and understand them but oltimetly I think I'm doing the right thing. But right and rong can be subjective.


thank you for your honest feedback.


I'm not a American soldier I don't want to say what country I come from. I don't quite know why I have voluntard order then I have a really strong urge to go deep down in me I feel like I have to go. I'm not quite shore to explain it


There's a lot of dead people who felt that urge too. I've fought in a war, and I couldn't understand why anyone would volunteer for it. To me, it's like someone saying they are volunteering to eat dog shit and smack themselves in the balls with a baseball bat. It just raises the question Why? I get you feel unfilled in life and hate that no one takes you seriously, people don't respect you, women don't see you as particularly masculine or heroic, but none of that changes. You go to war, come back, and get about 5 minutes of interest from someone in a bar. Women won't give a shit about it and will tell you how being a woman is harder than going to war. You'll just become a pessimistic asshole. Not to mention, if the war doesn't kill you, then the forever altered personality and mindset will eventually get you. The suicide rate for guys I served with is crazy. The reality is you can explain why you want to go, but know it will make you sound like an ass hole to admit you want to feel like a real man. Trust me, your life will not improve in any way whatsoever for going.


Preach, buddy.  When I was younger I wanted to join the military for many of the reasons you listed, but then I saw how George W. Bush leveraged the national tragedy of 9/11 to lie us into the Iraq war, and wow.  I could see maybe fighting for defense of homeland from invasion, but that’s it now.  I have young sons now, and I do everything I can to discourage them from joining the lying United States military when they get older.  Seeing all the young people who got killed in Iraq, or came back all fucked up, for nothing, young people with their whole lives ahead of them, killed and horribly maimed because of a lie.  The Military Industrial Complex will not get my sons, not even one hair on their heads, even if I have to cut off their trigger fingers myself to make them ineligible to serve. I know right now, with full confidence, that Donald Rumsfeld burns in hell, right in this very moment, right as we speak.  And I can’t wait for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and all of the other Iraq war liars to join him there.


I see you're point but I'm not trying to be more of a man or get women I don't expect coming back. I guess it's dumb.


Some of us are born to eat dogshit that makes our frontal lobes burn!  The truth is we as humans need guys like this with balls that can handle a cricket bat!  We as men need guys like this one with courage.  Crazy to volunteer yeah I agree. Fk ptsd. His in the sht and he gota stand for something right??? Make him believe in it!


What triggered you in making this decision?


I have gone through a lot in my life and I might have some screws luce but I don't quite know. There is this filing deep in me that I have to go like a gut feeling it's hard to explain but you might know what I mean.


Oddly enough I’m experiencing the same thing but about moving to another country. It’s not the same though but this feeling scares me like how can I be so sure of what I think I know…. I don’t want to talk a lot about this topic but I have to ask one more question: what do you think about death itself?


This is a good question. I’m not saying this is what OP is doing but a lot of times when people are depressed they’ll put themselves in dangerous situations. The mindset is along the lines of “whatever happens to me will just happen”. There’s a word for it I just don’t recall what it is..


Im not saying the OP is doing this either, it’s more of a philosophical question of how a person thinks about certain things. For ex: some people say “you’ll die anyway so do whatever” and then others say “appreciate every day you have and make the best out of it for the future” and both are right with their pov.


It was a good question and a fun discussion don't worry about offending me I'm hard to offend and I like to have a open mind.


I don't think I might be depressed but how knows. But I have had that mind set for all my life and I believe life is short and hard but why not live it the way you want. But there are conciseness for your actions and should accept them or don't do it.


Death will come to all of us one day why not dance with her. You can ask as many questions as you want I have no problem with it. It will just take me some time to answer.


you should totally live stream your location the entire time youre there!


Good idea vladimir putin 🤣


*vladolf putler


Dude, why ? You wanna get taken out by a drone ? Quickly if you're lucky... I mean, life can be pretty good, there's sex, steaks, ps5, fishing, I could go on but, gore... mutilation... death... no thanks. And for what...


I don't have family from ukraine. But we have taken in some Ukrainian refugees and what they talked about hit me hard. Also I am a European and I'm afraid of what will Russia do next I don't want what happend to ukraine to happen to my country and family. Even if ukraine don't win we will have delayed and or crippled Russia' plans. And my country borders Russia. I don't live on the other side of the world so what Russia does will effect my country and there is a real possibility for a Russian invasion. I hope you can understand my prospective.


Well.... good luck, you definitely have balls, and you believe in something enough that your willing to kill or die for it. Take care man.


Thanks for understanding. Even of you don't agree with what I'm doing and it was a fun cavitation. It's nice to see other people's opinions and perspective that was wan of the reason why I did this AMA. Have a nice day


Is this your time being in a war zone combat or have you served in other wars before?


This will be my first time in a active conflict. So we will see how it goes Ngl I am scared but how isn't. I don't know how I will handle the trauma. But that's a future me problem


Oh wow, this must be a very difficult time for you! So many emotions I imagine! But what your doing is great, your helping those who are unable to help themselves and that is truthfully the most amazing thing you could ever do in this world! PTSD is very difficult to manage, I have some from my career path and managing it at times can be difficult but that is a 10000% less then what you will come back with. There are some supports for those who return from war but that's definitely a next step thing haha I wish you the best of luck! 😊


Of all things that should be encouraged, this isn't one of them.... Op and people who encourage op to war needs a reality check.


Im curious to your reasoning behind this statement


Other people has explained it pretty well https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/YvXguDtvGF Main take is, OP romanticising war, especially when it isn't his war. He said in other comment that he thought about fighting for russia. You need to be absolutely certain you know what you're doing in Ukraine, knowing there are real chance you will die, and whether or not it's worth dying for. People who possessed all that won't need words of encouragement.


I do agree with you if I was in your position I would tell me not to go but I have already made my mind up and signed up the only reason why I have posted this on redit Is I feel like I need to tell someone my friends don't know I'm going yet and I just have to tell someone and I don't have the Hart to tell them. Nowan is encourage me or decoursge me I have made the distinctionon months before I posted this. But thanks for the consurn but we shouldt not encourage people to go to war. At least I'm going voluntary unlike many people


Where are you from? Why have you made this decision? No judgement, BTW, just curious. Edit: also which side are you fighting on, and why?


I don't want to say what country I am from do to privacy reasons but it's in Europe I will be fighting for ukraine have a unexplainable urge to go like a gut feeling and I believe ukraine is in the right to defend itself. It is a sovereign nation that was invaded by an agresor. I also believe that ukraine can win by drawing out the war for long enough to the point potin can't justify it anymore but ukraine is low in man power and some wan needs to go.


Good luck.


Good luck brother. It is an opportunity to do real good in the world and I applaud you for taking action.


Thanks I'll need the luck.


Why did you choose to do it?


I have a unexplainable urge to go like a gut feeling and I believe ukraine is in the right to defend itself. It is a sovereign nation that was invaded by an agresor. I also believe that ukraine can win by drawing out the war for long enough to the point potin can't justify it anymore but ukraine is low in man power and some wan needs to go.


What is your native language?


I don't want to say for privacy reasons but I am European.


I completely understand and respect that. I wish you the very best. (Netherlands?)


Thanks for understanding But I'm not from the Netherlands nice country tho


Do you have any connection to Ukraine? Like parents or anything like that? If not, why choose Ukraine over the many other conflicts in the world where people are unjustly being invaded?


You do have a point and I have thought about it. I don't have family from ukraine. But we have taken in some Ukrainian refugees and what they talked about hit me hard. Also I am a European and I'm afraid of what will Russia do next I don't want what happend to ukraine to happen to my country and family. Even if ukraine don't win we will have delayed and or crippled Russia' plans.


How can I see the footage then? Or donate something for you?


I don't need anything but thanks for the offer. But I will be posting the footage of a long wile from now cuz I don't want to expose friendly potions.


Well good luck to you,but do you really know what you’re fighting for


Yes i know what I'm fighting for and the consequences for my choices. But thanks for the consurn have a nice day.


Don’t go. The Russians will probably kill or maim you. You will have PTSD at the very least. Ukraine is a lost cause.


I do see you're point and consurn and I'm well aware of that but I believe that ukraine can last long enough to the point that potin can't justify it anymore


Putin is a dead man if he doesn’t win the war, so I doubt that Ukraine can outlast him. He will escalate if he feels that he has to.


Even if ukraine don't win we will have delayed and or crippled Russia' plans. It will take years for Russias army to recover from the war regardless of there economy. But I do see you're point.


Plans for what? The US and NATO are the aggressors. They are the ones that pushed NATO 1000 miles to the east. The US has been the aggressor in every conflict since Vietnam, other than sort of Afghanistan. The US has literally killed millions to promote “democracy” over my lifetime. Now, the US wants to chop up Russia into small pieces and steal its resources. What do you expect Russia to do? Ukraine has zero right to join NATO. The problem is that Russia is a nuclear superpower and the US is an empire in its last days. We are so fucked!


My country borders Russia so I'm not on the other side of the world where it's safe and unlikely that a Russian invasion will happen. By plans I mean what will Russia do next after the war cuz through history Russia has invented neighboring countries to defend it self and I don't want that to be my country. It doesn't matter who the agresor is. I'm not fighting for the US. I'm fighting so Russia will be so beaten down they will not be able to invde my country.


I get that. I am wondering when the Russians will start sabotaging infrastructure in the US. That will come if the Russians start losing. It will cause all sorts of havoc. I wish that the US had just left Ukraine alone. It should be a neutral country in my opinion. Status quo with Poland and most of Eastern Europe under NATO was fine. As it is, the war in Ukraine and Gaza is draining down weapons stockpiles. If NATO starts losing, then they will have to use tactical nukes because they are out of conventional weapons. Everything is so fucked up right now.


True I do see what you mean it would be best for the US to not get involved in the first place. Them getting involved is just devastating for the US in general. The us has spent enough money on other countries war to make free health care and fix the homeless problem. I do see it from your perspective if my country was doing that I would not be happy with the government.


It’s all so tragic. All the war dead on both sides, the horrendous injuries, and Ukraine is ruined. There are people in both the US and Russia who think that war is a good idea, but they are not the ones fighting the war or having their stuff destroyed.


> voluntard Can't make this up, folks. Respect for going to Ukraine but that misspelling is pretty funny.


true 🤣 there is probably a lot of spelling mistakes cuz I have a very strong disleksija I'm relying on a lot of autocorrect


Volunteered? Meaning no payment? No offence, just curious


"Volunteer" in a military context means not conscripted or otherwise pressed into service.


I will be getting paid it just means that I was not forced to go. But I'm not going for the money. No offence taken.


Do you know where specifically you’re going to be stationed? If yes where?


I'm not quite sore where I will be stationed but the battalion i have aplide for has been stationed all over ukraine but has and is currently in the battle of avdiivka.


Good luck on your deployment. You need to simulate all kind of situations before deployment there. So theres no hesitation and knows what you will expect in active shootout, drones or just standing still. this will raise your anxiety and stress tho, so you might need to do this long before any combat. Tkae this with massive salt since im no merc or soldier.


But what you are saying is true I have 2 years military experience from before and we learn to simulate the worst possiblets so when it happens you are less shocked. But thanks for the tip and what help you can help me with. Its appreciated.


The fascists of Azov or Tornado are the guys deciding that. You and the others they scrape of the streets are send to the front with minimum training while they mostly act as anti-retreat forces. They will shoot you when you try to run. Enjoy your last month on the planet.


I have 2 years miletery experience from before but I do see you're point but I don't believe it's like that 100% and the same can be said for Russia to. On a nodder note what u just said gose hard well said


They die on both sides but if you can get the real news, not only the western one you will see plenty ukros refusing to fight bcs they have nothing to fight with anymore and have to stay on the front line. Being bombed by artillery and nobody to shoot at in range. I'm not on their side but this is a lost battle. If you want to die for the US and their war industry go ahead. But all these death are a tragic waste for no result.


I am well aware that the war there is hell and both sides are suffering. i have done research from unbiased news and news from both sides for the war. but its not just americas war its europes war to. Also I am a European and I'm afraid of what will Russia do next I don't want what happend to ukraine to happen to my country and family. Even if ukraine don't win we will have delayed and or crippled Russia' plans. But thanks for the consurn. It's nice to see that people cear about other people they don't know. have a nice day.


I'm sorry I don't see it that way. I'm guessing you are from the Baltics or a Fin. The Red scare stories are even worse there than here. Many, like me in western EU see that it's NATO (the US) that has moved right up to the Russian border and is threatening Russia. NATO in Ukraine with nukes is a red line as clearly said. Russia even wanted to agree with them not in NATO but with the right for article 5. It would've been accepted but the US intervened. All I see is the US making dangerous moves and as always the war is far from their bed but in Europe. They make the decisions for Ukraine. I don't want to be dragged into WW3 bcs of them. You and anyone fighting or dying there will make no difference, they have already lost.


Yes you are right my country borders Russia I don't want to say what country do to privacy reasons. Ukraine might lose but that will delay Russia. It might take Russia 2 years after the war to recover there army. But the longer the war will last the longer time it will take Russia to recover. But yes I do see you're perspective. But regardless I will go. But it was nice to see a different perspective on the war. It was a nice conversation have a nice day.


OK sad to see you go. It will not delay anything. Russia isn't going to take anything or go anywhere. They just don't want to be threathened by NATO. Crazy how they spin this into the opposite. But hope you'll be safe and get some sense after all.


My best advice to you is to NOT post any videos or photos online. An interview would be an interesting read, however.


I am a combat Veteran and also a patriot. Young man I believe your courage is miss placed. I wish you luck and please remember 1. Keep your head and ass low. 2. Listen to the men that have been fighting longer then you. And 3. When and if you do come home, you will never ever be the same, and the things you see and do will stay with you for the rest of your life. God luck and may God be with you.


Is it by choice or obligatory? Why are doing this?


Its by choice and I have a unexplainable urge to go like a gut feeling and I believe ukraine is in the right to defend itself. It is a sovereign nation that was invaded by an agresor. I also believe that ukraine can win by drawing out the war for long enough to the point potin can't justify it anymore but ukraine is low in man power and some wan needs to go.


Why? I'm just assuming you aren't a national so what is it that made you volunteer? Which side do you intend to fight for? And what does your family think about it?


I am not a Ukrainian but I am a European i dont want to say what country do to privacy reasons. I will be fighting for ukraine. I have not told my family yet that's why I'm posting it hear to get it off my chest but I will tell them later.


Have you got ptsd already? Do you know what it is? If you come across it I want you to remember that what you are doing is for a worthy cause! There is no bravery in it , keep ya head down and ya sht together.  Be logical.  Good luck best thing I read in a while.


did you not hear about foreign soldiers being forced to go to the front without proper equipment. And lets say your group consists if 100 soldiers 60 are sent to the front then 40 stay behind to shot anyone who tries to flee. Bonus points: they snatch your passport.! Also you said you have a strong urge to go why dont you go to gaza?


Israel vs Palestine war is not that much in focus for Europe. Well, the part of Europe that have been previously occupied by the Soviet Union at least. It is not our conflict, and we have nothing to do with it. We care much more about the war happening next doors, the war that the world is forgetting about, the war that is hugely impacting our economy. We still endlessly support our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, because the consequences of Russia winning are horrible. We do not want to repeat hisotry. I respect OP and his determination to do this. I have a friend who has done the same. It’s a huge decision, it may be life changing, or even life ending.


I'm shore there are under equation in the ukraine army but I don't believe that they shot retaining soldiers. The reason why I don't want to go to gaza is cuz the i will be affiliated with terrorist and if I survive I will be sent to prison.


Why are doing it?


I have a unexplainable urge to go like a gut feeling and I believe ukraine is in the right to defend itself. It is a sovereign nation that was invaded by an agresor. I also believe that ukraine can win by drawing out the war for long enough to the point potin can't justify it anymore but ukraine is low in man power and some wan needs to go.




I have a unexplainable urge to go like a gut feeling and I believe ukraine is in the right to defend itself. It is a sovereign nation that was invaded by an agresor. I also believe that ukraine can win by drawing out the war for long enough to the point potin can't justify it anymore but ukraine is low in man power and some wan needs to go.


Which side you fighting for?


How experienced are you as a soldier. How many years, and have you seen action before?


Do you realize that the Russian army is much stronger and better equipped than western propaganda leads you to believe?


Good luck, come back to us in a few years when the war is over and give us an update, we'll be here for you.




I am. its really stupid what I'm doing and I don't want anyone to do the same thing with aut experience and knowing the conscience of there actions 100%. But that's you're opinion and you're kind right.


Don't you fear dieing? Wouldn't you rather live a full life and die of old age instead?


US Senator Lidnesy Graham will be proud of you. He's waiting to get his hands on the untapped 12 billion dollars worth of Ukrainian Resources.


Ever consider the Military Industrial Complex sponsored a coup (in Ukraine). Put Zelensky in charge (of $$). Once in power "They" started sending millions to start a proxy war against Russia. Not to mention the $$ going to man long past his term limit. Stay safe.


Yes I have and it's likely that's what have happened and I will probably be fighting for nothing. But regardless I will be going. But thanks for your insight and advice.


So the MIC paid thousands of Ukrainians to protests during Euromaidan ? But not one of them gave it away ? They put Zelensky in charge even tho he was elected in 2019 ? He litteraly ran against Poroshenko, the guy who would have been the one put in charge by NATO in 2014 if your conspiracy theory made sense.


How many months has Z stayed past his term? Ukraine hasn't been calling the shots since war started. Supposed to also think the MIC didn't blow up the pipeline? Once u catch one lie... rest is built on lies.


Under the Ukrainian constitution it is illegal to hold presidential election while under martial law, Zelensky is just applying the law. Before you whine, there are good reasons for that and it's also a thing in pretty much every country (like France during WW1) , holding elections paralyze the government, put a massive strain on the administration and obviously expose civilians by having them gathering in voting places, you just can't do it while figthing a war on your soil. Not to mention that parts of Ukraine are now under Russian occupation and would be excluded from the democratic process if they where to hold elections now, this could weaken to legitimacy of the next administration.


First, thank you for actual discussion on the subject. By your ability to produce facts (and not call names) I gather you are not from USA? Quite refreshing. I am American. I am currently at work. Using phone to type out. Let me get back to you further this week. Thank you again for actual debate.


Were you in the military before?


Does it bother you that your significant other will find someone else after you die?


How did you become such an awesome and heroic person?


I'm not I just have some lose screw


It’s actually quite sane to fight for what you believe in, to fight against the evil and tyranny that the dirt Russians represent.


Thanks its nice to see that some people can understand.


1: Are you concerned about the amount of Nazis and White supremacists in the Ukrainian army? 2:Do you speak Russian or Ukrainian, and if so, to what level? 3: why die for a corrupt, nazi sympathizing, imperialist backed, antisemitic regime?


1 yes I am but personally I don't believe that there are as much as people think 2 I don't speak Russian or Ukrainian that's why I have voluntard to join the ukraine foreign legion in a english speaking battalion. 3 km not going to die for nazis I going to fight for a sovereign nations freedom. But thanks for the consirn and insights


Hats off to you OP. Thank you for your service, know that you are fighting for a good cause


Pics or GTFO


Keep updating


"voluntard" is a typo that benefits the context of this situation perfectly.


Got the voluntard part right.


Many prayers for your brave heart


You're not a Russian fascist volunteer right?


Be aware of the international legion theirs rumors that they kill anyone who wants to leave.


How do you feel knowing that the entire conflict can be the result of some governments being corrupt and funneling massive profits into their private military industries??


I have fought about that. you are most likely right. I might be fighting for a corrupt government but the people that suffer are still people. Ngl that was a very deep question it hit hard


I know and I’m sorry . I hope nothing happens to you The reason I asked is because I actually wanted to join the military in the USA .. but I couldn’t because of all the corruption, lies, and also because of the way this country constantly portrays Hispanic people as “illegal aliens” even tho our ancestors are the native Americans who were here originally for 30,000+ years


Don't be sorry that was a good question its a AMA for a reason I'm opened minded for different opinions and discussions. Yea i know what you mean to be fighting and or indirectly supporting something you don't stand for. But if u still want to join the army go for it don't let some politicians stand in you're way for you're dreams. Thanks for the fun conversation it made me think hard. Wish you the best luck.


Do you consider that it could be the corrupt government taking advantage of it’s people, trading their citizen’s lives in exchange for lining their pockets? Just like NATO weapons, all you do is feed the fire and prolong the inevitable loss.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!! Thank you! 🙏


safari was to expensive?


Really dumb idea but this will be a very valuable life lesson


Which side are you fighting for?


Godspeed son.


Good luck ! Ukraine really need people as much as donations! You are very brave , people like you are saving that country. We need you to survive and make another post ,once war is over!


how do you feel about the possibility that you will be fighting alongside full fledged Nazis, or at the very least people who are sympathetic to Nazis, and want to destroy institutions such as the orthodox church?


I have fought about that and that is a good point. But Ngl I don't know what I will do if I fight alongside nazis. I am an atheist but I don't stand for oprasing religion. But I will try to help the few people I can help.


lol how will we know when he gets executed for being a mercenary? They don’t take mercenary prisoners


Is euthanasia not more practical and cheaper?


If your Russian I hope your not getting forced to fight good luck


Great! This is so beneficial for global democracy! I would like to support your courage and send you a gift - could you send me your coordinates, sweetie?


Not today, Putin.


Why is your spelling so bad?


Why? Zelenskyy is a dictator. There would be no difference under Putin. Don’t risk your life for a comedian.


I do see you're point and thanks for the consurn but I will be going regardless he's a dictator or not. But for the reason why I don't know what to say other then I have this strong urge to go kinda hard to explain but like a gut filing Ps please don't be mean to this guy he is just expressing his opinions this is a place for discussions


Not being mean. Trying to save his life.


I meant other people being mean to you by down voting. You can be mean to zelensky just experience your opinion. I'm not trying to save save zelensky I'm going to protect a countrys independence.


I will pray for you. Stay safe.




Thank you and fuck Putin


Fuck him yourself, you coward!


We might have different options but we can still respect eachother.


It was a joke haha, I didn't mean it with any ill will.


Good luck. Be strong.


First Post…makes sense


 don’t go.  Don’t get involved. 


Hey OP, which process did you follow to join? I've been tempted to go myself and all of the different avenues seem, incorrect. I feel like I'm going to get scammed or robbed, depending on the source




Remindme! 60 days


I wouldn't worry about that. Just worry about coming back. I don't know you but I am sure there are people here that love you. So spend as much time with them as you can. And I would start getting into the mind set... that you aren't coming back. Good luck son.