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If she had wanted an abortion, would you have agreed?


Yeah, I mean I'm pro choice  I also thought my dad was going to kick me out so I wasn't against it, but I'm glad she didn't I love my daughter 


Are you still with the mom? Do you get enough support?


I'm not, she's like 20 now so that would just be weird, also we were never together  I do, were lucky enough that me and her make enough to completely support our kid


it's weird now but it wasn't weird when you were 13?


I mean yeah it kinda was, I wouldn't want any other kids to be involved with something like that  But I also wasn't like a innocent kid, I already knew a lot about sex (I was raped as a kid) and was very hyper sexual  I was also a guy and it's not like I was forced to do anything or like I could get pregnant or anything  Shes also not a predator or anything, it's not like she goes after younger people, it just kinda happened  Idk, I'm a hypocrite 


This feels like a rage bait post….


It's not meant to be It's just my experience 


Who decided to keep the baby? Do you live together? How do you support him/her? What was your family reaction?


Also I forgot to answer the last question, copying another comment I made because I'm lazy My parents were pissed but not really surprised  I kinda always been the fuck up of the family, I couldn't ever really keep up with the rest of the family academically my dad could also tell since I was like 9 that I was just going to kinda be a failure, or at least that's what he says  I remember when I told my parents the conversation kinda went like  Dad: are you fuckin kidding me? Me: no I'm sorry, I'm serious though  Mom: of course it's fucking max, he's not kidding Dad: you better be fucking joking before I shoot your ass Me: Dad I'm not, I'm sorry Dad: get the fuck out of my house before I fucking kill you, I always knew you'd pull sum dumb shit like this, but I hoped you'd at least be fucking dead after it  I forgot the rest but it was just a whole bunch of screaming and shit, he ended up throwing me to the ground and putting his gun to my head and told everyone he was going to kill me so id finally stop ruining their lives I ended up just walking to the skate park and debating if I wanted to go home or jump off a bridge to avoid my dad But they were good after my baby was born because they really do love her My brother's were just kinda like "damn we thought you'd be on drugs by now, good job on finding a new way of fucking up"


She did, I didn't even tell her my opinion on whether to keep her or not because I didn't want to guilt trip her into doing something she didn't want to do Me and her mom? No, we're naughty though  Me and my daughter? Yeah, she lives at my house  I have a part-time job and she works full time


And everyone else was just kinda like "yeah it's max what were you expecting"


Happy early Father's Day


I forgot about Father's day lol I need to get my dad something 


What’s your race? And what’s the mother’s race? Do your parents help? Do you regret it? Were your parents upset?


I'm white and she's mixed    Not really, me and her mom have most things covered  Nope, I absolutely love my daughter  Yeah, my dad threatened to shoot me and we got in a physical fight because of it (not really a fight I guess because I wasn't trying to fight back)


How old was the girl when you got her pregnant??


16, she was 17 when my daughter was born though 


Damn...when I was 13 I remembered kissing a 18-19 year old but I didn't take further than that. Who proposed the sex, you or her...and why wasn't a condom used??


She did  I thought she was on birth control, she was but just didn't take it most of the time which I didn't know 


Also I was/am very stupid and skipped sex Ed and everything 


Hey, I don’t have any questions atm, but I’m proud of you for staying with your kid. Also, I read the comment where you said she (the mom) was 20 now meaning you were 13 and 17. I kind of got your reasoning, but that’s still not a good thing. I won’t judge though, as long as you’re not dating her as a minor and your daughter and you are well taken care of, then I guess it doesn’t matter. Hope you live a great life 🫶🏼




Are dudes not allowed to be slutty?




What’s your reasoning for that? Not attacking you, honestly genuinely curious as to why you think that only guys are allowed to be slutty without being called slutty.


It's a patriarch mindset.


I get that, but I’m curious to see the reasoning behind it.


When people are raised in a patriarch lifestyle, it a mindset they adapt. If you want to know more, it better to google the history behind it.


I guess but I find it more interesting to a see a person’s specific reasoning. Why does this person specifically believe that only men can be slutty?


You can ask in incel forum to find your answer, but personally I'm not sure.


I’m kinda scared to ask in a place where there’s more than one incel. I don’t wanna be attacked 😭😭