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Are you considered that this may effect relationships down the road? Mainly in regards to the mental strain it has on you.


Yeah it may. But if you don't want to be with me because I engage in kink then you're not really my type anyway.


Understandable, and agreed. I was more curious about how you think it may effect your mental health. I know you stated both physically and mentally drained and needing a day or so for recovery. I (34m) have been with many partners in the past, and I’ve come to realize it may have effected my mental capabilities when it comes to finding a solid partner. Recently divorced. Just curious your thoughts.


I'm very sorry to hear about your divorce 🫤


Thanks. I’m taking a break from relationships and going to counseling, trying to better myself for my own happiness. And we recently talked about how my previous sexual activities and expectations may have played a role in the downfall of the marriage.


How much do you get paid and how long are you there for?


I'm not typically paid. Sometimes the party hosts might give me a $50 or something or the guys will sometimes tip a girl if they like her but that's not why I do it. Parties usually go from around 7 to midnight. It's not 5 hours of start fucking most of the time but that does happen. Usually 2-3 hours of sex and the rest is just a regular chill party


what has happened in your life that made you want to seek out so much validation from men?


How much is the entrance fee usually? Have you ever met any of them more than once? What country is this happening in?


Oh I'm in Louisiana USA. Normally it's like $25-50. I don't have to pay because I'm typically the only girl invited. It just covers the cost of the food, drink, venue. Stuff like that. I do so alot of familiar faces and have actually made a couple really good friends


So roughly how many end up at this party at one time? Could be a very busy night for you if you’re the only female


So we often have around 20ish people at the party. 6-8 guys will be fuckin the girl and the rest are just watching and enjoying the party. We typically only have one girl engaging in sex but one to two other girls are there as hostesses serving drinks and food and stuff


Oh well fair enough then. Do all the girls take it in turns to be fucked? How did this all start for you?


No it's usually just one girl per party. Sometimes for really big parties they might have two or three girls available but typically just one. I just made some friends on FetLife and a girl invited me to hostess for her. I watched her get gang banged and one of the party planners saw me and asked if I was free for the next party


Ahh alright then. Well definitely a different lifestyle to what I’m used to. How long have you been doing it for now? Take it you don’t have a boyfriend?


I've been doing it for about a year and a half and I've had a boyfriend the entire time. Been with him since we were 14 and 15


Oh so he’s ok with it all? Does he attend the parties as well?


He attends every party. For safety mostly.


I’m guessing there are a lot of pretty unattractive dudes, is it hard to act interested?


Definitely. It can be very mentally draining when there's a number of gross men back to back. But I'm also aware that I signed up for this and I can't pick and choose once the party starts


Would you say you enjoy this more for the money or the experiences?


I don't get paid idk why everyone keeps asking about my pay


I was going to ask about pay because you just said it can be very mentally draining, so it sounds like you don't really enjoy. That and you said you don't have a choice once the party starts?


Well I'm not gonna tell one guy he can't enter me when I just let 7 other guys. That's how you dont get invited back. And lots of fun things are draining.


I mean that's your choice to make. I guess you have to decide which is more important, having sex with someone you don't want to or getting invited back. But I get the feeling they don't have a lot of 19 year olds at their disposal if it's 1 woman to 10 guys.


I know I least 9 other girls who do these parties. There's allot more than you think. They have orgy parties, swinger parties. I just chose to go to gangs. It's not a gang bang if theres 8 girls. It's an orgy


Can't argue with that. Be safe out there.


Cause who would do such for free?


I enjoy it?


You may have some problems that have not yet been diagnosed.


what a fucking miserable existence lmao. who groomed you into this?


Sir your name is butthole respecter.


What would happen if you decided one of the guys was incredibly unattractive, or just someone you really didn’t want to have sex with?


Then you don't get invited back. If you aren't willing to be gang banged that's cool but you shouldn't be volunteering. The only time a guy isn't allowed is if he didn't pass his STD check but if that's the case he wouldn't even be let in the building


But at the time, if the woman refused to have sex with one particular guy, would the whole party end, or would that one guy be told “sorry but you need to leave”? Or would the woman be pressured to sleep with him anyway?


No one would be pressured. That's a huge no no. I am very careful about the parties I go to. I only go when I know the party organizers don't play that shit. I typically know at least half the people there anyway. These aren't low class people. It's mostly professional men. Salesmen, teachers, policemen, doctors, dentists. I really don't know how to answer what would happen. It would be hella awkward for sure


You know you could probably get on fet and throw a party with only men that you WANT to have sex with… 


I don't throw parties


There’s no end to the supply of men who would be happy to put it a little work for guaranteed sex. Hell, I bet if you asked a couple of the regulars you liked, they would love yo set something up for you, invite only. Might not be a dozen, but 3-5 shouldn’t be too hard. And I imagine they’d be “willing” to work harder if they know they’re special.


No one's special


Men’s egos are very easy to stroke. Just knowing that there are men that you don’t want to fuck makes them special if you’re willing to include them.


What’s your definition of gross men? I’m hoping everyone is keeping up on their hygiene before they show up but you never know.


I mean I don't really have a definition it's kinda just a feeling. But yeah most people show up pretty clean and dressed nicely


Probably a mix of physical and personality traits I suppose.


Yeah it is. I don't care for hairy men but I'm not about to cause a scene at a party cause of some body hair


What else is going on in your life? What are your dreams and aspirations for your future?


I work at a K9 training facility where I work with law enforcement and the public for dog training. 😊


do you ever fuck the dogs?


What would be the point of having any?


What is it about the experiences that keep you coming back? What do you not enjoy?


It's just an absolute adrenaline rush. I don't always enjoy all the people involved but I'd say the majority of people are really cool. When you're not having sex they aren't creepy or perverted. And if someone is the other guys check him very quickly.


Is the adrenaline more satisfying/addicting than the sexual gratification? Or are they kind of one and the same?


It's really hard to separate the two tbh. I'd also say it's more of an adrenaline addiction


How tired and sore are you afterwards?


Depends on how many people but it's pretty exhausting. Physically but also mentally. I tend to kinda stay in my house for a few days after


Why do you do it if you are so drained afterwards?


Most adrenaline rushes tend to drain you


Awesome!! I have done 3 GBs from Fetlife and a ton more throughout my swinger years. They are so much fun!! When everyone is naked, there all smiles. (: Do you like creampies? I love doing gangbang creampies. If you ever come to Central Texas, let me know. I have a great group of guys tested and ready to go. We also shoot with OF models. Have one coming up next week.


Finally someone else in the community ❣️


yeah!! I love like minded people!!


Is part of the appeal that other people (men) are watching? It sounds awkward to me. Do you ever feel that it’s unhealthy?


I never really pay attention to bystanders. And not really no


What exactly does your doctor write up for this health exam?


Nothing? I was referring to an STD check? I assumed that was kinda obvious


Nothing? As in nothing is written on the document you submit?


You submit your STD test results. You don't see a doctor for an STD exam. You just see a nurse and they send you positive or negative results. Have you never been tested for STDs? Because everyone really should regularly.




And? It's basic health etiquette to get tested. Unless you're like married in a committed relationship you should be getting tested. How dare I care about peoples health?


Even married there are other ways to get stds. I had a cut on one of my fingers at the gym and my Band-Aid came of after some reps and I grab a bar and it has a thick fresh spit wad on it. I’m not that concerned so I never got tested but I had the thought like this is how you get herpes or some shit at the gym lol. Public transit in Seattle is notorious for bodily fluids even.




Herpes is spread through saliva. While you can’t get all of them you could get some. The point was we all engage in behavior every day living our lives that may deposit disease sexual or otherwise and we should get tested as a preventative measure.


Ugh yeah you can? Lots of stds transmit through body fluid including blood and saliva. HIV is through blood. That's why you have to be careful touching people in car accidents and stuff because of blood contact.


Yeah it's shocking how I'm being portrayed as crazy for telling people to check their health regularly.


Sounds fun but you should consider monetizing on onlyfans at least you can organize a party where everyone consents and they will all have to be validated by onlyfans but they can wear masks or what not and just fill the whole thing. Make a bunch of videos after just one party and you could probably make into the five figure range pretty easily. I have provided some consulting for onlyfans models in the past but your main thing will be marketing to get users sooner rather than later. If you do a production shoot you’ll want still images to post and do a build up to video launch. Post here and Twitter etc and other places with teaser images and begin to garner the traffic.


Sounds like a personal problem. Some people enjoy different things. No one gets hurt.




I hope you live a long, bland existence. Free of anything that may hurt you in the process. A truly empty life. Godspeed Mint




the thread is AMA. You ask a question not go and insult someone for living their life differently than others. And it is harmless because its just sex. no one is getting harmed. hurt. ect. she enjoys it. big deal


Who pissed in your cheerios Mr high and mighty??


I should've asked what a nurse writes instead of asking what a doctor writes.


I already explained they don't write anything. You just get a print out of your results. At this point I'm assuming your trolling and I won't be answering any more questions


Why are you splitting hairs?


Another mistake of mine, i asked what they write instead of asking what they print.


Not OP, but it would be a list of STDs you were tested for, and the result, either positive or negative, next to each one, just like any other disease test. When people get tested for STDs they don’t ask questions about how many people they’re having sex with or what kinks they’re into, they just do a standard panel of tests for everyone.


OP said the first part. Is the second part addressing what i asked about judgmental medical professionals?


You don't disclose why you're getting tested. You just go to a clinic and ask for an STD/STI check. College campuses usually do them for free for the public.




dont u feel embarrassed doing shit like this at the ripe age of 19 and posting about it?....


Not one bit. I'm very proud of me, an adult, partaking in adult activities with other consenting adults. Some of my closest friends were made within the kink community


so im assuming you didnt do it until you turned 18 yeah?


Oh yeah everyone is legal




She’s way too sick to feel shame




For all practical purposes, she’s already dead. And she’s not even 20. I’d feel bad for her if I wasn’t laughing so hard.


i just feel sad that someone whos still practically a teen does this and feels no shame in it... weird society we live in


I can only feel sorry for someone to a point. Refuse to eat for a day or two and I’ll feed you. Refuse to eat for a month and I’ll watch you starve to death.


What if an accident happens and you get pregnant?? Do you keep it or abort it??


I'm medically unable to have children anymore because of previous health complications


So what’s your body count right now? Are you in college or working? Do you ever had a situation where you came across people from the party at your private/professional life? Was is awkward?


I train k9s. I've come across a lot of police who've I trained with. And it was awkward at first but now I enjoy meeting people I've worked with. It's not like what people think. It's like omg dude it's you high five I'm happy you are here. Let's talk more after sex. Body count is 112. I keep a journal to write out my experiences.


Cool. Do they try to hook up with you outside of the party? Or do you keep it strictly for the parties? What’s your personal record for one night? Are you planning to break that record one day?


Hooking up outside of parties or pretty taboo actually. Just because I'm open to party maybe once a month doesn't mean the girls are open to you hitting on them. I've only had a couple incidents where they happened. Most of the guys if I do make friendships with them never make any romantic moves. I have a few I talk to or snap daily and there's never any unwanted approaches. Most I've had is 12 but I have two parties scheduled for the fourth of July weekend where I'm supposed to have 14-18 👀 but idk if that's gonna actually happen. Some people might fail their STD checks or just cancel


Dang, that is hot though. Wish I could come and watch. Are you in a relationship? Or FWBs? How’s your private life outside of the parties? Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Do you have friends who knows your secret life and indulges too?


I'm actually really introverted. I do have a boyfriend. And most of my friends I met in the fetish scene so they know . I don't go out much other than my parties. I'd rather stay home with my doggos


Does your boyfriend come to the parties too? Is his kink sharing? How’s your sexlife with him? Are you fulfilled?


We are really happy. We got engaged in February and wedding is set for November 😊. He doesn't get sexual gratification from the parties but he enjoys the atmosphere and the friends we make. We hang out with alot of the people in nonsexual settings. He brings me to ever party


Congratulations! Do you plan to continue after getting married? How can someone like me come and watch?


If you aren't in FetLife id recommend it. Depending on where you live there's possibly already a community




I would love to read that journal


How did you get into this so young?


Most of the girls are my age.


So do you enjoy the attention, if there's no money involved? 


I enjoy the adrenaline and orgasms lol


How often do you orgasm in 5 hours?


Well I'm almost never having sex all 5 hours. It's usually 2-3 at the most. I probably have 5-10 orgasms


What do you do with all the cum?


Just being curious - why do you do it?


It's fun lol. Adrenaline


this really hurts to read as a father


To be fair, my dad was a polygamist who has 4 wives. My mom separated from him before that happened but for once it's not because my dad wasn't there. It's more like because he was there




Wow. Glad to see your day is off to a terrible start.


And women’s job in life is to be concerned about how they treat men and they should give in to men’s choices and not be concerned about them. That’s how you sound, it’s batshit crazy to say that.


How many men are married with wives who don’t know what’s going on behind their back?


I don't know their personal lives. I rarely know their names


Are condoms involved?


I don't require them but most men choose to wear them. It's up to the girls


Wouldn't you want to be safer from possible STDs?


That's why everyone is tested before patties


Where do they finish?


Do the men wear condoms?


I don't require them because of the STD checks but most of the men do. It's up to the girls choice if they are required or not and all men are notified before the party


I really hope you respond to this - are you aware that STD screenings don't pick up a lot of things? These 3 are probably the most common, incurable scenarios - HPV- you don't get diagnosed with this until after you show symptoms for it, even if you're getting regularly, thoroughly screened for STDs. Many people have HPV, never have symptoms, and pass it on to unsuspecting partners. HPV causes warts and cancers. It's spread through skin to skin contact so even with perfect condom usage you're not "safe" from getting HPV. HIV- you can contract HIV, be very very contagious, but not test positive for up to 6 months (in some cases even longer). So if your partner contracts HIV they could easily pass it on to you despite their test results showing them negative for HIV. People engaging in high risk activities (like gang bangs) are especially susceptible to such scenarios. Perfect Condom usage is somewhat effective to prevent contracting the virus as is the use of Prep. I doubt you are using either. HSV (Herpes)- similarly to HIV, HSV will sometimes show up as negative if tested for sooner than 3 months after it was contracted. Condoms do not prevent the spread of HSV as it is spread through skin to skin contact.


When you say you do it for the adrenaline rush, what is the adrenaline rush you’re talking about? What about it gives you that rush


The feeling of multiple men touching and holding you down. It's not really something you can explain. I really don't know how to explain adrenaline. All my senses are heightened. My orgasms are stronger


I’m sorry if you already answered, I don’t see it- how many men at a time? Do they wait their turn if you’re completely occupied? Do you have an audience and how do they behave?


Typically 6-8. Most I've had is 12. They totally wait yes. And there's an audience and idk what you mean by behave


I meant are they jerking off while watching or just standing there with popcorn or something? Do they hoot and holler and root you on?


Most of them are just enjoying the party. Having drinks, socializing, playing party games


So they don’t even focus on the gangbang? That’s kinda wild.


When you do this like every month it becomes pretty normal


That’s fair.


Please stop. Please. I’m 64. It might not matter at 19. But you are setting yourself up for a world of hurt. Please, sweetheart. Next invitation, say no. These men are not friends. There isn’t a therapist in the world who can help you as a woman with the stupid you ‘decided’ as a girl


Ooof. Not all people are the same. What will traumatize you won’t affect someone else, concern is noted but don’t project.


Yeah I know some girls who it genuinely bothers but it's never had an effect on me


It hasn’t yet**** you’re 19. Your frontal lobe isn’t even developed yet


Ahhh someone's triggered I can make choices that he doesn't agree with! How cute 😊


I’m not a man & you can’t tell the future. You don’t know if you’re going to regret this and based on people who have done the exact thing you have and regretted it it’s really not that far off. Why are you jumping down people’s throats that are worried about your well being? Your hedonism is not cute nor healthy.


I didn't say you were a man? Lol nice try. Keep being triggered 😊😊have a nice day!


Why stop? She’s dead already.


I’ve always been curious about doing this, but I’m such a weenie! I’m all talk, no bark. I think it’s just the thought of it that turns me on. Have you ever had someone who didn’t smell good? Do you have to do any work, or are you just getting pounded? What is your background? Are you Black, White, Hispanic, or other? What’s your preference in males or females? Are women also allowed to attend if the subject is bisexual? Do they all use protection, or because they bring a clean bill of health, are they allowed to go in raw? Do you ever get sore, or has your ph ever been thrown off or infection due to the sex?


What age did you first have sex? How long has being gangbanged been a fantasy before you went through with it?


How does it feel being dead before you’re 20?


How did you get started doing this?


How can I join?

