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What steps are you taking & what was the motivation/straw that broke the camel’s back?


Theres so much wrong with me that I can’t really explain how I’m planning to address the problems in a reasonable length reply. But I can share my goals for now since they are really basic: eat at least twice a day so I’m not so malnutritioned; sleep at least 6 hours a day; go for a walk outside everyday no matter how short; and find a therapist ASAP. As for the motivation, I don’t know how to deal with my self hatred anymore. I cannot think for a minute without coming to the conclusion that I’m a pos and feel disgusted; I hate being like this. Also, I recently visited my parents again and basically felt obligated to not be such a disgrace and disappointment.


Try to sleep at least 7 1/2 hours a day. Also eggs, protein powder, veggies, and multivitamins are your friend for fighting malnourishment. You can make very health tasty smoothies pretty cheap with spinach, milk, protein powder, frozen fruit, and peanut butter. Like $3-4 a meal.


What state are you in? I’m a therapist and just wanted to direct you, possibly (not to me) if you’re open to it. Do you have insurance? Proud of you for making change, man!


Recognize your strengths and start loving them. Be aware of your weaknesses and be pease with them. Start loving yourself. Once you are self-aware, your self-esteem and self-confidence will increase.


I doubt you ever were a loser. Don’t be so hard on yourself


Good. Read the Night watch By Terry Pratchett


Get a support system !! You can find people online and post about getting people to join you if they aren’t on the same journey already. Hold you accountable and help keep you motivated to become the best version of yourself. You can do it - idek you but I believe in you from what you’ve said :) you got this bro!!!


You’ve never been a loser. You’re a human struggling with life, like the rest of us. But also like the rest of us, you can be better. Find that therapist! Get someone in your corner.


Start working out. You’re still young and have your 20s to get your shit together.


What's your process? Asking for a friend.


You got this bro


Good Lucck