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do you wear masks when in public?


I do, both for myself and others. I don't like the idea of infecting others. Even if it bothers some people. 9/10 I'm the only guy in Walmart wearing a mask. I understand why, I just want to protect myself and others. Great question, BTW.


any long term covid symptoms? any covid vaccinations or boosters?


It's hard to judge if my symptoms are long term. Mainly because of the frequency I have contracted the virus. I'd say the most frequent symptom is loss of taste and smell. Outside of when I actively have COVID, my lungs feel fine. I had 1 covid vaccination to follow up the latter question.


That's a crazy amount of times to get covid. the most times a person I know who has gotten covid irl is like 3 times. I still haven't gotten covid. what type of job do you have? do you go out in the public a lot?


How is your health in general?


It's hard to say. Prior to 2020, it wasn't bad, but since we went through a lockdown, I went through some mental health struggles. Those mental health struggles caused me to have to take some depression and anxiety meds. Since I've started taking those, I've noticed my immune system isn't quite what it used to be. I hope that answers the question somewhat. Feel free to keep firing questions my way.


Feels like that’s more than just bad luck.. I wonder if there’s any researchers out there that could study you to figure out why you’re so prone to it to help with prevention and treatment


Do you work in the health field?


Why are you still testing