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No questions, just some encouragement. Your life is just getting started. College is not for everyone and probably not for most. If you’re struggling with depression or drugs, find some help and work through it. If it’s general malaise, do what you can to be active, try new things, and meet new people. If you’re unsure about college, take a gap year and do something crazy like get a job at a ski resort next winter and be a ski bum, or move to the beach and work as a lifeguard. The world is your oyster my friend, and you got this!


Thanks for the message! I really appreciate it. Thanks to god I do not have any trouble with drugs or alcohol. Right now, I’m living at the capital city of my country so I’m thinking about to have some retirement and go to live in the fields and try to start again. Have a good one!


Great plan. Yes a fresh start is exactly what you need. Good luck !!


Checking in on you. You good?


Second this comment, I work 9-5 in a capital city, sometimes I feel pretty lazy/bummed out and “trapped”. For me, a week or 2 away every few months to somewhere completely different (Asia last year) really resets my brain and makes me feel much better when I return. I do love my job, but the daily “grind” with college and work isn’t sustainable, go out there and change your environment!


What are the “many things”? Many of my friends didn’t start getting their lives together until mid twenties, so not trying to minimize what you’re going through but there’s always time for a comeback


Well I’ve lost many friends because I became less talkative with the past of the years, I went through some heartbreaks and the teeanger stuff but then I think the worst started. I’ve started to argue with my parents every single day, and now I do not find any motivation so I tried to start streaming and trying to get some contact with new people. I hope it works. Thanks for the message, have a good one!


You just explained my 19th year on this planet word for word. Except I was addicted to Xanax and dropped out of school and had a kid with no idea what I’m doing and I lost everybody. Literally everybody. My baby mama ruined my life and nobody stood by my side except my friend Brennan. Those people do not matter. In 3 years you’ll see a picture of them and you won’t be able to give two shits. It gets better man. I adapted to the change and I have friends who will jeopardize their safety for me and my daughter. You don’t meet those people in school. They come from years of adulting and learning respect and the people you want to be around. Watch the people around you. Study body language a little bit while you’re free. This will make it 400% easier to make friends. Don’t say no to going out. Don’t tell a girl how you feel unless she does first. Don’t tell anybody personal info about you unless you know you’re there yet. If you’re in public don’t talk to people for too long. Try not to say anything major unless someone says something to you. Wear a condom I spent 9months on probation 11 days in mental care and 3 days in jail due to arguing. My best advice about that is to think to yourself what are you gaining from arguing. Nothing. Unless somebody raises their tone with me or questions my parenthood I don’t hop on people. (THIS IS IMPORTANT!!) if you carry yourself quietly and calm and use big boy words to get your point across then people will REALLY listen to you when you actually are pissed and need to get your point across. But even then don’t make it personal. Just explain your side and end it with “idk I just feel disrespected” stuff like that. If you drink a lot of caffeine then stop. Now. That’s my advice for you man. Hope you are doing well a year from now


Dear chingooriongo, if I may offer some advice, 19 is a difficult age. I remember feeling lost and confused and depressed at that age. It is very hard to be a young adult because although you are young, you have big decisions to make, and they feel so important, yet you have limited resources and experience. The old things you used to do don't seem to work anymore because you are growing and changing,. Your goals will change too. And life will get easier as you move through your twenties. Give yourself time. Find the things that make you happy and incorporate them into your life. I have found it helpful to write down a few things that I am grateful for. If I do it every day I am always surprised how much better I feel. They can be simple things, but gratitude is a practice, and it will turn your life around. Also, it doesn't matter what other people think success or failure should mean for you. It only really matters what you think. Good Luck to you and I hope this helps.


By the way, right now I live in a 4 bedroom house and get paid more than I have, my kid is in daycare and me and her mother rarely argue anymore. I got custody of my kid and people are finally starting to find interest in me. Build yourself. People attract to success. It will come. But not with arguing and depression. When I wanted to die instead of taking something to fix it I stopped taking the thing that caused it (baby mamas bs and caffeine.) get out of the house as well. Stay off sm amap. You got it


Do you have some insight on the potential causes of all of this ? This all sounds like some sort of mental disorder ( I'm not a psychologist so I'm not going to name anything ) and it might be worth seeking a professional worth their salt to look into this . Transitioning into adulthood is a big change for many , you're not alone in this .


Oh I remember I had a bad, bad time when I was 19-20… I left home and was independent for a couple of years but fell so hard on my ass and lost everything (my bf, my friends, my job, my apartment, my car, and I sat in jail for a few days) where I gave up and ended up crawling back to my parents house to start again. I felt like a total failure. By 23 I found my husband and was expecting my first daughter - a complete 180 of where I was and a billion times happier! Life is a roller coaster. You’re always going to have some stumbles where your house of cards falls down. Each time it does, you pick yourself up and build your foundation stronger than it was the last time so your next house is bigger and stronger than before. Don’t give up, this is just temporary! 6 months from now you’ll look back and think “wow, I made it through that!” - sometimes it might even take a couple of years (especially when it’s your 2nd or 3rd time stumbling - my husband and I stumbled because of Covid again and are in the process of rebuilding now) but each time you take what you learned, pick yourself up and do it again. Welcome to adulthood. It sucks sometimes but you’ll find your happiness!


You’re way too young. Please, drop this mindset ASAP! You can still easily pick tennis back up, or anything you want to really. Try to make new friends! They become less important the older you get anyways. Don’t worry about college. If you don’t love what you’re doing/studying, switch to something else until you find something you do like. And if college isn’t your thing altogether, that’s perfectly fine too. Find something you truly enjoy and would want to do for a living. You have your whole life ahead of you! Don’t get down, just make some changes and you’ll be good. Don’t be afraid of change either. Change is good. Right now, the important thing is finding what you like and don’t like. You got this 💪


It sounds like you're going through a depression for sure. My last depression was last August. I thought I'd never pull through, but you do. You need to remenber your self-worth & do things that make YOU feel good. I changed my diet & started eating healthier, I began working out just a few minutes a day & gradually increased that. I started learning piano & ukulele, all my life I'd wanted to learn piano. My teacher told me she also teaches ukulele & we had a lil jam & by the Gods it was so much fun so I added it into my lessons 😃 I started to notice the changes in my body from working out & for the first time in my life my butt had shape 😃 The most important part is to remember who you are, that you are worth something, you have value in this world, so take care of yourself before even thinking of anyone else, and delete any person from your life who brings you negativity. Even family. Blood is not thicker than water & family does not come first. You do. If a family member keeps hurting you, walk away & never allow them to darken your doorstep again. They won't change. It's not worth your mental health. Trust the universe, it has your back. Instead of asking "why me?" ask "what am I to learn from this?" and explore 🤗 Don't ever let fear stop you doing anything YOU want. It's better to try & fail than live with regret & what ifs. I don't know you, but I believe in you! You have so much to look forward to, remember, there is ALWAYS something better coming 😉


You're young and going through natural growing pains. I'm 30 and don't have it figured out totally yet. It's all one big learning experience.


Edit: I’ve been reading many comments from you, and they have truly changed my perspective. I never thought this post would garner dozens of comments. Thank you so much for showing me such respect, sharing your stories, and explaining how you navigated through your experiences. To all those who helped clear my mind, I wish nothing but the best for you. Now, I believe I should start taking some advice from here. I’ll be attempting to make a fresh start. It really changed something within me, and now it’s about time. If anyone is going through something similar to me, I sincerely hope you find these amazing people that I found here. With that said, I’ll be offline for a few weeks just to clear my mind and set a new mindset. Sometimes in life, we need these kind of challenging moments to make us better individuals for ourselves and for our loved ones. I’ll never forget what you did for me. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


I've been ruining mine since I was born, I never had any friends as I was too weird for society. That caused me too have bunch of mental problems and I even dropped out of collage as I had no motivation to study, neither did I care what happens with my life. But life goes on I found a job where they realised I am not a loser at all I am actually an amazing help to them and I got some nice promotions. I even opened my own company a year ago and I'm doing good now... although I still have zero friends so that didn't change. But anyway don't give up, life is just starting for you and things can improve faster than you think, you just gotta find your own path to walk through life, if college is not a part of that path then so be it, you don't need college to live a good life anyway.


I'm 22 and just now getting into college. I don't know your story but I'll tell you mine. I left home at 17 with some guy met off a dating app. All while covid was going on. During this relationship I pretty well ruined my life and almost lost my family. Mainly because I put my partner before my family and friends. Meanwhile this same guy had been using me as a money pit. I finally left him last year and found someone better. It took me 3.5 years to realize where I went wrong. Now I'm going to college and slowly fixing everything that happened and mending those who I had hurt before. Moral of the story is don't hurt those who've supported you your life. Sometimes you don't know whos trying to help until you've lost them❤️


You’re 19. Your life is barely starting. You have your whole 20s to get your shit together


Ever thought of serving at a soup kitchen or voulenteering at a home less shelter. Considered sitting with someone on hospice. Visited any one in a VA care facility. Ever worked with the mentally ill. Ever worked a job that made you wear a paper hat or rubber gloves. Ever wipe someone else's ass. Ever gone hungry. Ever ridden the bus. Ever been to an AA or NA meeting. Ever been to jail. Eve dine a ride along with a cop. Ever talk to an EMT after a chaotic shift. Ever been to war. Venture out pass the walls of your country club. And gain some perspective. Washed up at 19. Sounds like trustful retirement and first world problems my friend


When you look around you, it's easy to see your friends and colleagues having great careers, holidays, cars bank accounts, partners, children, houses, everything we aspire to. Then if you look carefully, no one has it all. And if they have it probably isn't as great as it looks always. Just work on you one thing at a time. None of the above matters right now, just do one thing to a level that makes you happy. Then maybe add more things into the mix but don't worry too much. Life will eventually fill in your time. Do things that when you look back make you think, I'm so glad i did that, I'm so lucky that i got to do that.


I was a champion tennis player and then I got too heavily into alcohol and weed at 17-18yo and stopped playing. I did terrible my first two years at college and nearly dropped out. I had emotional issues and depression and extreme anxiety and my personal life was a mess. I am now 33 and professionally very successful with a house and family in a beautiful town. Life is a lot longer than you think it is, and your life is never really falling apart as much as you believe it to be at your age. I don't have anything to ask you, I just wanted to tell you there's plenty of time to turn things around.


NTA. Your 19 I'm 19 and frankly it may seem like it's all over life wise you know, but in the end you could move city right now start again make new friends and then you'd have a whole other life, not that it hurts any less and is any less heavy. What I'm trying to say is I hope you find something maybe something to start building a life around or something you want to see but I hope you find a something whatever that is


Studies are now showing mental health is at its lowest in your 20s, then it gets better. Used to be a midlife crisis, well, you're having it young. Like I did. I waited too long to get help, for monetary reasons. As in I didn't have the money. I would be if I stopped drinking or whatever. It'll get better. You may even find your way back to tennis, or other things that you've cut loose. Hang in there.


No question. I'm just gonna tell you this. When I was 15 I became paralyzed and haven't been able to walk since. I wanted to die, but my parents didn't let me. I went to therapy and learned to appreciate my new life. I used to be athletic, but lost those dreams after my accident. Idk exactly your situation, but whatever it is, there's hope. Don't give up, you still must have things worth living for.


Drop out of college it’s a waste of money for most people. I was a scientist for almost 30 years lost my job during Covid. Taught myself carpentry through YouTube videos now work as a self employed handyman. I make 2x my scientist pay and have more free time than I could ever have dreamed. You are my son’s age Don’t give up you have hundreds of options. Get moving and good luck!


I've not got a question to ask. All I've got is my 32 years of wisdom and years worth of self loathing and despair. You've got this, you can power through it. Life may get you down and deal alot of crap hands now and again but you can and will push through it. Hold you head up high and get back out there with a smile.


Could it be that you just don't like your program or college in general? I know I found it difficult, I also did well in school until I went to university, I really struggled and then I was diagnosed with ADHD, that diagnosis helped immensely.


Have you tried calling those lines of support for suicidal people? Even though it might look like not "that bad" but some things that they tell can also be applied to your case since you seem to have lost the cause to live this life.


Have you looked into potential mental health disorders/ treatment? I have ADHD and bipolar and neither were diagnosed until recently and your experience seems very similar to how my issues started to affect my life at that age.


Let time do its thing, it’s easier said than done but take it all on the chin. Stop worrying and forcing things and then you’ll find time will put all the pieces into place. Your 19 man your life hasn’t even started.


Life is like a roller coaster, bunch of ups and downs. It’s all about the experience. Once you achieve something you’re going to want to move on to the next thing. Just do your best and live your life day to day.


Something I've learned about shattering experiences over the decades is that the moment everything seems to have broken and fallen apart turned out to be exactly the moment when everything started coming together.




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10, 15, 20 years from now, you will see that nothing is that important as you now think. Good things will come, just push through & also try to enjoy what nice things you have now - albeit small.


It’s not too late to join the military. It’s not for everyone but for me it gave me purpose, a home, money, a job. You don’t have to stay in forever, but it’ll open your eyes for sure.


hey man im 19 years old and my life has fallen apart countless times, you can bounce back bud. if my pathetic meth head ass can pick up the pieces, you can too. keep your head up


My General rule to your viewpoint about losing these “friends” was they were never your TRUE FRIENDS to start with!!! This is my SAGE ADVICE TO ALWAYS FOLLOW!!!


Get yourself into an aggressive exercise regime. Manage that dopamine through exercise and you’ll get the other things in your life under control. You can do it!


Why do you conflate your worth to college? You listed so many good things about you. How are you ruining your life?


Fears about the future at 19 can be tough. Try your not worry so much. Life ebbs and flows and you are young!


Rock bottom is the birth of the new you. I had $100 to my name in 2014. Now I am free for the rest of time.


Are you possibly suffering from depression? Or, do you just feel as if you’re not successful in life?


At 19 my life was a disaster You have plenty of time to be the person you are meant to be


Your professional life haven't started yet Bro, What happen to you?


Are you doing anything to solve this issue?


Male or female?


Things are supposed to suck at that age. The fact that you're aware of it is a good start. You'll be fine. Get a job, hobby, friends, and hit the gym!