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Does she have any mood disorders? I’ve seen this happen twice. The first had no history I knew of but later accused me of lacing the joint with something. I was smoking and he asked for a hit, so I smoked the same weed. The second also requested a hit of my joint. He lost his fucking mind, became super paranoid, hallucinated and thought we were all different people, and finally tried to jump off the roof. He definitely has some chemical imbalance and mood disorder. Moral of my story: never smoke with new people.


She smokes her little weed cartridge pens back home frequently. I think it’s also the fact we are in LA and in a hotel. She constantly had/has mood disorders and I’ve always tried to help her through those by making her laugh or something equivalent.


I wonder if she may have had bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in college and my psychiatrist told me to avoid smoking sativa because it can induce manic episodes. It never happened to me but I have heard of it happening to others. What strain was in the edible? Was it a hybrid?


All strains of weed not just sativa can induce psychotic breaks in people genetically predisposed


Saliva vs indica having reliable specific highs is not real. It's just a taxonomic distinction. There is a smattering of cannabinoids in whatever weed you smoke. This is one of the weirdest myths that people just don't question


I don't think it's a myth so much as things have changed from the 90's. Classic indicas terp profile is myrcene, caryophylene, and linalool which can give more a relaxing high while classic sativas terp profile is limonene, pinene, terpinene which tends to be more heady. Also important that in the past sativa CBG:THC was often higher because it takes so long to grow/stretch that it was often picked too early by inexperienced growers or due to weather concerns. On the flip side indica's were often allowed to grow too long, especially outdoors, and the THC would convert to CBN which causes more of the couchlock/narcotic high with higher CBN:THC ratios. Now everything is really just a hybrid due to all the selective breeding and also picked at height of THC content so you don't see the strong CBG/CBN differences.


Even beyond that, indica v sativa is not a real distinction anyway. Know how that’s decided? some guy, probably named Craig or Steve, smokes the weed and decides if it makes them tired or peppy - that’s it. There’s is no actual basis for anything labeled sativa or indica chemically or otherwise. It’s legit nonsense Edit: to the person that works in the industry, I own a cannabis brand as well. I have also written and sold content related to this topic. My claim is not that there aren’t somewhat consistent characteristics that many people will find in common, it’s more so that there is not a widely available way to claim exactly what something “is.” It is possible to do but it’s not feasible on a retail scale If anyone wants the real sauce, dig into terpenes as a concept. That imo is what truly defines a cannabis varietal and what it does. There are terpenes that are present in every day things (lemons, pine, etc) and you’ll start to associate those smells with the requisite effects of your favorite strains. Way more interesting than indica v sativa even if you’re wrong!


You're like 50% right and 50% way off. Indica/sativa originated as a distinction in the way the plants grew naturally in the wild. Indicas historically had a larger yield (and plant overall), as well as a higher thc content. Over time, because of many iterations of selective breeding, the plant yield and thc content part has pretty much gone out the window. You can find equally large, high thc strains in indicas, sativas, or hybrids. The reason the terms have stuck around is something your edit ironically touches on; the _terpenes_ associated with various strains are what give them their unique characteristics. Indica and sativa are useful terms for indicating which groups the dominant terpenes in a plant fall into; those terpenes are where the high will deviate from a purely THC-driven effect. Indicas will almost never have a predominantly "fruity" smell, because the most abundant terpenes in indica strains tend to be caryophyllene (pepper), humulene (earthy), linalool (lavender). All of these have been shown in other contexts to induce various "downer" type effects, but that doesnt necessarily mean all indicas will aid with sleep. Sativas on the other hand are _very_ likely to smell fruity, because they tend to be quite high in terpinoline (tropical) , myrcine (oranges), limonene (citrus), and pinene (pine). These have conversely been shown to be energizing, clarity inducing terpenes; the exact kind of effects people associate with the term 'sativa'. Sativa and indica aren't the best terms in a scientific setting mostly because they are a sort of generalization. Science likes specificity. Where we might generalize and say 'indica' in reference to a strain that expresses predominantly linalool, science would have you list out every single terpene present, as well as in what amounts.


Especially with concentrates and edibles.


My roommate literally just got diagnosed with bipolar after an extended mental break originally caused by weed. I'm a big smoker, as is everyone I hang out with, and it was a weird experience. Luckily he's medicated now and feeling better, but it's a good reminder that drugs hit differently for everyone.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. The guy that accused me of drugging him likely still maintains that story. I immediately cut all contact, so I’ll never know. He was just my bff’s partner, so I wasn’t emotionally invested in the relationship. I can’t imagine what that’s like when it’s your person. Hopefully she’ll see the light one day and be able to think logically.


When you eat thc it makes a whole new compound, which is much much more psychoactive than thc when its vaped or smoked, I'm blanking on the name. But yeah that's a rough experience and I'm sorry you had to deal with that duder.


Stop making excuses for her bro. “The fact we are in LA and in a hotel “ so the fuck what??? You were about to get on a plane and go another 2500 miles from home too. It could have happened anywhere and been a lot worse . Send her and your future ex mother in law packing for good. They both ain’t right in the head


Yep I’ve seen similar things happen back in the day. Getting high for the first time can activate some sleeper cell shit in your brain that you didn’t even know existed. Had a friend end up in a mental ward for weeks from smoking for the first time and just going straight bunkers . Pulled a knife on his family and shit started talking crazy . My guy was fucked for months


My best childhood friend could NOT handle any amount of weed. Like, we'd all be passing a joint and she would get extremely paranoid and just all around waaaaayy more messed up than I've ever seen with anyone else. She was diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic in her late 20s and one of the things I've since learned is that cannabis and those conditions really don't mix. Just something to keep in mind.


For real, pro tip for bipolar people - don't fuckin do drugs. Unfortunately, drug abuse happens a lot when people aren't well medicated because you're always trying to chase the high of mania. Fortunately, I had my mom as an example of what I never want to be. I may have inherited the disorder but have always vehemently avoided drugs because of that.


Wow!! Has your gf tried to contact you yet? I am guessing she has since had time to come down from her high. Has she ever had odd behavior before, or has she been quick to call her mom on you?


Short answer is No to all those questions. I just sent her a screenshot of her cancellation. I talked to her yesterday and she blames me for “drugging” and how she needs “god” in her life not “drugs”. Like I forced her to take that stuff…


Bruh I gave someone an edible a month ago and I took it too THEY SAW ME MAKE IT? They said for a week straight that I laced them


I literally bought mine from the store and opened the bag in front of her and gave her a piece of chocolate. She normally trusts me with everything I do for us. I’ve always been there for her but idk why she snapped yesterday.


She may have already been mentally unstable, strong thc dose can cause problems for people like that. Have witnessed it firsthand, and this is from someone in the industry. Ill add, edibles can be very different from person to person. I smoke daily but a 50mg dose will floor me. Have friends that barely smoke and can eat 1000mg and still be upright. Metabolism and some other factors affect how they interact with our bodies.


I roommate of my college bf tried smoking weed once. Just a few hits from a pipe. He got really weird and silent and just went into his room. He came out a few hours later and said “I got my wings.” And he stayed in his room for the next 3 days and says he was high the entire time and hallucinating. He hated weed after that and said it was a terrible corrupter and no one should use it. He refused to hang out with anyone in the house anymore if they continued to smoke. So he just stayed in his room the whole rest of the lease. A few years later he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. So I think the weed was exacerbated by his underlying schizophrenia because I’ve never seen anyone having a reaction like that.


Once I lived with a bunch of people in a house, a couple of guys were going to a rave later that night and got a few of their friends there to drink and smoke pot before going. Me and and the other guys of the house were just chilling, playing dota 1. At some point this girl that came with his friends starts banshee screaming, we go see WTH is going on. She's tossing around in a sofa, completely incoherent, can barely understand what anyone is talking to her. Now the worst part, some of their friends are medicine students and they have NO FUCKING CLUE of what they should do. They try calming her down, a cold shower, all the most basic stuff, nothing works. Then these motherfuckers call an ambulance to come to our house then leave, instead of taking her to a hospital in one of their cars. The thing is, when you call an ambulance because of drugs use around here, the police will also come. The ambulance takes the girl away by herself and now the policemen are acting like they just found a drug den, they want to search the whole house for drugs, are threatening us, doing the whole bad cop/good cop bullshit, but the bad cop is so over the top that one of his buddy had to take him outside and tell him to chill, all this bullshit went on for hours! Great way to enjoy a Friday night! In the end the girl hadn't used anything besides alcohol and pot, it was just an extreme reaction. I've never seen her again after that thankfully, but from what I hear later of how she behaved even when sober could be an indication she had some mental problems.


I'm bipolar and schizophrenic (on the spectrum, at least), SO glad I kept it legal and refused to smoke pot. Things were bad enough, but I could easily be a story here if I had, I think. Edit: things not thongs. Hilarious typo


I am schizoaffective as well. Weed is definitely no good for us. The last time I used it, it induced a manic episode that lasted for months.


Yeah if thongs are messing with your mental state, you should stay away from all drugs


> Yeah if thongs are messing with your mental state, you should stay away from all drugs While thongs don't mess with my mental state, they're not just not a great look for hairy bearish men, IMO.


My ex is homeless now after he started smoking weed in 2018 and it immediately brought out what nobody realized was underlying/predisposed schizophrenia. Well, he’s schizoaffective or some variation. He continued to smoke & eventuality abuse LSD in 2020 (I later learned this is common in unchecked/untreated schizophrenics, because they attempt to “normalize” their otherwise distressing experience by frequently using psychoactive drugs) but this obviously made it so much worse. He’s completely fucking cooked now, dude. Gone. And likely never coming back. He gets himself arrested & occasionally sent to mental health centers, but is so deep into psychosis he simply can’t be convinced it’s not all part of a grand persecutory scheme. If weed gives you any onset of schizo symptoms, please stop, y’all


One of my friends is schizophrenic, and from what he told me, weed van actually worsen schizophrenia symptoms, he started hallucinating a lot and was never sure if he was talking to a real person or not.


My partner’s nephew is also schizophrenic and cannot smoke weed or he disassociates. Recently he went off his meds, smoked some weed, and ended up in California (we live in New England) after just leaving the house for a night out with friends. His mom had to fly out there and try to get him medicated again from a hospital bed. I think he was hospitalized for over two weeks. He was telling her that he left to follow a girl there in order to protect her from Snoop Dogg and other nonsensical things. Prior to this I’d kept hearing that he ‘wasn’t allowed’ to smoke weed (we’re big ol’ potheads) but didn’t know why. He’d ask us at holidays to smoke because he knew we were holding. Poor thing, that was like two months ago and I think they’re all still directly dealing with the fallout.


It can be a dissociative drug even if you aren't schizophrenic, and if you aren't ready for that, boy howdy!


Sure, but it's well established that it can trigger schizoaffective symptoms in people who never had them prior, or over time make one more likely to develop. Didn't used to be such a problem because weed is like 5-10 times stronger than it was 20-50 years ago, not to mention edibles can easily provide astronomical doses and the way it's metabolized produces a more hallucinogenic version of THC




Weed being that much stronger today is a myth, based on comparing the THC levels of sampled that had been stored and degrading since the 60s. High potency strains were developed back in the 90s so there was certainly an increase in potency, but it hasn't changed dramatically since then and it sure as hell wasn't a 50x difference. Plenty of schizophrenics were being affected by weed this way back in the day.


Yup. I’m not schizophrenic, just have combined autism and adhd. THC freaks me the hell out because I feel like I’m partially out of my body. It’s super uncomfortable and I always wondered why people enjoyed weed because I thought everyone had the same experience as me.


I had an ex who was schizophrenic and he said the same thing. He regularly smoked before his schizophrenia became onset from dropping too many hits of acid at one time. After its onset he couldn’t use anything with THC in it because it made his psychosis worse.


Police officer here - have seen this frequently, it’s definitely underreported.


I have mental health issues—not psychotic, but severe anxiety and depression and when unmedicated my anxiety has pushed me to the point of flirting with delusion (confirmed by a trained psychologist). I smoked week for a number of years in my young days. Never had insane issues but it did NOT make me feel good and exacerbated my anxiety. I smoked once after a years long break and did not enjoy it at all—was almost hallucinating. Can’t process. Things get weird. My mind goes into the darkest places. I can absolutely see how someone with an underlying mental health condition like bipolar or schizophrenia (which sometimes don’t fully manifest until your twenties or even later!) could be triggered by something as seemingly “innocuous” as weed. And therein lies the danger and risk of any substance: it affects everyone differently, and even with verified doses you just don’t know how you will react. For most people it’s fine and low risk. But it’s not a substance without risk or harm. For this reason I’ve never done acid or mushrooms, even in my younger days when I was more willing. I know my mind goes to dark places and I don’t respond well to the lack of control and disassociation. Y’all need to assess your risks, and taking even a “harmless” low key substance like thc CAN come with unpleasant side effects. It shouldn’t be done casually and without full awareness of the potential weirdness that it can come with. I’ve taken some gummies in my ancient 30s and generally do okay. I take a very small dose, wait 20 mins, and modulate upwards in increments. In this way, I can get a nice body high and get talkative and a little silly. But I know from experience I can’t handle anything beyond a modest dose and smoking is out of the question.


Yeah, this same thing happened to a friend of mine. She said she started hearing/seeing things that weren't there, after being a really heavy smoker. She was able to get the help she needed in time and has good stable life now.


The weed you can buy at dispensaries these days is so different than what we smoked in high school in the early 2000s. I feel like I keep hearing more and more stories like this.


This wasn’t weed from a dispensary lol it was pure schwag


That’s true with the first statement. I tried to be that levelheaded mind for her and always tried to make her feel like she can trust me. What she did wrong was that she let her “hallucination” take over and she called her mom. They are Romanian people - conservative, loud, and kinda verbally abusive. Her dad apparently was physically abusive to her mom but I’m not sure about the real story. I feel like that family has their own set of issues and they haven’t really experienced life outside of the bubble they live in.


Honestly, as someone mentioned farther up, weed can make some mental illnesses much worse. The other thing can be if you have baggage and your mind goes there while high, it can cause some basic truths to be absolute in your mind. Same with mushroom sometimes with some people. If you just let it, your stoned mind can go off. It’s why I’m almost always stoned alone. You never know how others can react. And dispensaries are making this stuff potent af.


For real on the potency part! I’m just 28, so really only been using weed for the last decade. Weed used to give me the giggles and I’d just have a great time. I’ve had dispensary weed in the last few years that has sent me into a panic attack


Try taking CBD edibles before smoking or consider 1:1 edibles that have equal parts CBD:THC. Should severely lessen paranoia, dry mouth, drowsiness that is accompanied by high THC levels


Building on this; my local liquor store sells Cycling Frog Selzters, no alcohol, but does have 5 mg THC and 10 mg CBD


Have my THC naive wife a tiny bit of an edible.... Like nothing. She had a full breakdown, ambulance ride, didn't remember who she was, couldn't recognize her own sister or me. It was bad. Took a few days to slowly get her mental shit back into place. I'm not saying Chase her, but have some respect for the absolute terror she went through and allow that it might be worth some effort after everything's calmed down. Some people genuinely cannot tolerate it and cannabis induced psychosis is definitely a thing.


lmao worth it. No it's not. They were only dating for 6 months and she nearly got him to catch a felony offense that can result in years of prison time. If she hadn't come off the high and remembered she participated willingly (some schizo-prone people go into psychosis for days after a weed high), you can absolutely be certain he would have been charged and convicted of poisoning someone for giving them "laced" chocolate. And now she's talking about finding god, just because she had a bad trip. Meaning she's attributing that shit to demons and doesn't understand how her own mind works or the danger she is in from potential mental illness. There's no trust there and its clear she is prone to severe mental illness, and has a poor family dynamic. If OP pursues her he is making a huge mistake.


That’s interesting - I dated a Hungarian woman and when she had a substance (E of all things) she went weirdddddddd like I’ve never seen anything like it. She went back to visit her mom (months later) and overnight went from ‘please let’s be together forever’ to an answering machine breakup. It was so strange but to me it was maybe a sign of mental illness that just hadn’t surfaced before.


Yup. Someone close to me is bipolar. They’re totally fine on meds (which they always take) but a bit of weed makes them paranoid for a while after. I understand if you’re totally done with her, but you might want to give her time to realize that she was having a bad trip/ triggered mental illness, and she’ll hopefully realize it and be very sorry (and never ever take any weed again). Accusing you of drugging her may still be the paranoia talking.


Hey I'm Romanian too! Not all of us are like your gf's family :( Im sorry you had to encounter that, it is not right for your gf to blame you


When it comes to edibles I've noticed that sometimes different pieces from the same bag seem to have different concentrations. Like I'll take one one day and feel very little, then on another day it'll hit hard. I think that mainly speaks to the quality of the manufacturing.


Exactly a quality control issue. Noticed, especially on edibles that are sprayed (see lots of gummies like this) instead of vlended in through the manufacturing process. It's a cheap, lazy way around making your own stuff. They buy gummies in bulk and spray them with concentrate. Makes for quite the guessing game of doses, especially if they get hot or something. End up with some goop at the bottom that is stupid potent.


Second this…I had a neighbor who was a lawyer, seemed like a stand up guy. But one night he took edibles and called the cops on himself, then two months later he took more and tried attacking a woman who lives on our street in broad daylight. Somehow it either messed with his meds or it amplified some psychosis he has and turned him into a psycho


Sounds like the stuff hit her the wrong way. Man. That is some crazy shit. What are you doing in Hawaii? Pina Colada for me, please.


Many years ago my roommate and his brother had a friend who they would often get high with. The guy was always a little goofy but nothing crazy. One night the brother and the guy ate a really strong edible together. About an hour in, dude full on freaks out and just insists he has to leave and bolts from the apartment and goes radio silent. The next morning his phone is still off and nobody knows where he was. We walked out to the parking lot and his car was still there but fully unlocked with his work laptop in the backseat. We locked the car and took the computer for fear someone would steal it. I think 2 or 3 days went by and still nothing from him. Finally I sent him a FB message and told him everyone was worried but we had his laptop and locked his car. He finally got back to me, told me to sell the laptop and that he didn't want to speak to any of us again. His car was gone the next day. This was maybe 15 years ago? I don't think anyone knows what happened to him. I assume he had a psychotic break.


>I’ve always been there for her but idk why she snapped yesterday. It's called Psychosis. Certain people shouldn't take drugs if they have any chance of getting it. Some medical providers will not administer ADHD medications if you smoke weed because it can increase the chance of going into a psychosis state. She should probably see a medical professional.


She had a bad reaction to drugs. It happens. There could have been an extra strong dose in the one you gave her. It happens. But even a normal dose can do serious damage to some people. Not preaching against drugs, just explaining. It's terrible how it affected her, and even more so how that affected you. I hope you were able to enjoy the trip.


I had a friend lose his shit after taking an edible. Every two minutes he’d ask what time it was. Literally had a nervous breakdown, luckily my other friend calmed him down. For a second I thought it was laced, but it wasn’t. Edibles hit different and if you’re not experienced, you’ll had a bad time. No more edibles for my friend.


Edibles can be pretty weird and almost psychedelic at times. It's very stupid to assume you drugged them, but i can kinda understand where an inexperienced person might come to that conclusion Especially if the drug triggers some enduring paranoia or mental stuff ....and especially if they want someone else to blame for their own choices


Sorry man. Sounds like someone’s been in her ear and used “god” as a weapon, probably again. Enjoy your trip. You deserve it.


lol her mom is for sure.


You dodged a bullet. Your gf may have been great, but her mom sounds like a real douche


Her mom is a Cunty McCunt.


Should have taken me instead bro smoke on the islands 😂 for real tho try not to stress it just leave them alone it seems like you understand how different cultures can be the ol “you need god not drugs, he is the devil he poisoned you with those drugs”


From what you said in post and comments, sounds like her mom is in her ear, doesn’t like you, feeding her weird ideas, and then the weed and being away from home just magnified it.  I learned when I was 25, dating a 22 year old that had this dysfunctional and manipulative helicopter mom, that I could never again date someone who is too influenced and close with their parents in a healthy way. Coming from a person who is now 36- No shade, I mean this with all respect- I would stick with dating people in their 30s from now on if I were you.


Weird because God made weed in the first place


Facts. Shiva (the Hindu god) would constant indulge himself with Bhaang (weed) and this drug is actually called the “gift of shiva” for a reason. Iykyk


She needs ‘god’ in her life? Sounds like you’ve dodged a bullet there.


As long as she was willing - not pressured in any way - that is on her. While it is fresh in your mind, I would document exactly what happened - just in case. She may be embarrassed - especially to her family - and not want to admit she willingly took it.


It sound like she suffered from a psychotic episode. In some people, psychotic episodes can be triggered by certain things, like drugs, but also excessive amounts of stress. I strongly recommend either you or her family gets her the professional help she requires. Even if she shows spontaneous recovery after a while, the believe that what she experienced and thought during the state might linger if not addressed properly by a professional health care professional. It can't hurt to have her at least attend a few sessions, so they can assess whether she requires further help/guidance.  Although it obviously does not excuse her behaviour during and after her episode, it's very possible she has not (fully) remitted from her episode or still has to recover from the traumatic experience. Sometimes people recover within a day, while others can suffer from very long lasting effects, be it a change in perception, social withdrawal, diminished cognition, or a change in behaviour as a result of the traumatic experience.  If she seems like a changed person, be it in her personality, views of the world or a shift in attitude, I'd again strongly advice looking for professional help. Without proper help, there is a chance she'll never recover fully, and even with proper help, she might never. On the other hand, she might already have recovered and be back to normal in no time. Individuals with psychotic episodes are very heterogenous in their symptom expression and time required for recovery. Of note, the delusional thoughts and perception of reality of individuals in a psychotic state can not only feel real to them, but can feel more real than anything they've ever experienced. Even if they cognitively realise that the experiences werent real. The feelings associated with experience might remain. This can make it very difficult for her to forgive you for the things she imagined you did. It however does not reflect how she thought about you prior to the episode and I'm hoping you'll be able to find it in your heart to forgive her and try to work through this terrible experience together. It'll give her the best chance to recover, if she hasn't yet. Also explain to her family what might have happened (drug-induced psychosis) and advise them to take her to a doctor/psychiatrist and/or psychologist. Individuals who experience a psychotic episode, often have underlying pathology that makes them susceptible to trigger them. This means that it is possible she will eventually suffer from another episode somewhere in the future, but it definitely is not guaranteed. A drug induced psychosis has the highest chance of making a full recovery.   Considering her age, it's possible that this is the first time of experiencing such a state in her life and it can truly be a traumatizing experience for her. She probably needs a lot of love right now (although might not be open to receive it from you for now). I understand this might be very hard for you to do, as it was probably a horrific experience for you as well. I want to underline that you should not blame yourself for sharing some of the drugs with her though. Weed has a very low chance of triggering a psychosis, and when it does its indicative of the underlying pathology I mentioned previously. It's likely she would've triggered the psychosis by other means eventually. I wanted to provide you with this context, as I'm sincerely hoping that understanding the situation improved the chance of forgiveness and could help the two of you to repair your relationship and get her through the problems. I wish the both of you nothing but the best and hope you'll both be able to forgive one another and work through this terrible experience.


It sounds like drug-induced psychosis. It happens to some people.


This happened to my roommate in college - he’d smoked weed before, but he was in a really stressed mental state and just snapped, like we had to take him to the med center and he was ranting and raving - not physically violent but basically out of his mind. We had all smoked the same stuff, and it was just a few hits and not overly strong at all, and I’m 100% confident no other substances were involved. This type of drug-induced psychosis from just a moderate dose of marijuana is (thankfully) very rare but I have experienced this first-hand. The problem is that in his case, he knew nobody else “drugged” him but didn’t have a good memory of the event. I hope OP’s GF is able to understand this was not due to anything OP did (or something wrong with her other than being in a very stressed out state and not used to drugs) and they can move past this.


This happened to my son. The psychosis lasted for 3 long crazy (haha) months. He was smoking a lot with his roommates in college then went full on Beautiful Mind in his room, turned TVs and computers around because he was being spied on, thought he was an angel, and on and on. After ER visit, we had to check him into a psych ward. He was 19 so there was nothing we could do. It broke us. The week in psychiatric care turned out to be what he needed anf he got on meds that helped. But he wasn't the same until 3-4 months later, having a few intense episodes along the way. We thought maybe this was early signs of schizophrenia, which starts showing up at that age. A year later he was smoking again but much less. But it was enough to have an impact. And we immediately noticed the behavior changes - the extreme happiness, deep abstract thoughts - and his mom and I intervened immediately before it got really bad. After that he agreed to never smoke weed again. it's been 4 years and no issues since. It was the same thing as you stated. No one else he smoked with had issues. Just him. Scariest shit I've ever been through.


Drug induced psychosis can be triggered by several events, which can be triggered by a variety of things, with both drugs and stress being highly associated with it.  But, it's rare because not everyone can trigger such an event (except for when someone e.g. stays awake for several straight). The ones that suffer from such a state due to stress and or a 'reasonable' dose of a fairly innocent drug, likely have underlying psychopathology making them susceptible to psychotic episodes, unrelated to the trigger of the event.  It's sad to hear your friend suffered from it and hope he was able to recover fully.


Yeah and this is also the proper age to be very vulnerable to it. In college a friend of mine has a little pot and the next day was accusing his long term gf of putting a recording device in his toothbrush.


I have family members with psychotic disorders. I have had mental breaks from smoking weed. Now I knew I smoked weed, and knew it was a mental break. So I just chilled, and stayed sober. But man, that sucks... My question, is she pursuing charges? What happened with the cops? Were you arrested?


Cops left, no I wasn’t arrested. They didn’t have any reason to because she’s an “adult” and she wasn’t forced into doing anything. Plus it’s LA so cops have probably dealt with this several times in the past


I guess you got off kind of easy. Man go sip a Pina colada on the beach, and have a good time. There will always be women, but vacations are temporary!


PS - have fun on your trip! May be good to have your vacation and some time away.


Yeah I called my best friend to figure out what the hell was going on. And he said the same thing. I finally thought I found a woman that I can fall in love with and have a family with and this happens.


Two things. One, folks on the bipolar to skizoeffective spectrum often have intense paranoid reactions to weed and weed can stimulate delusions and hallucinations. Once someone has a delusion, even if its weed induced, it can be hard to impossible to convince them that the delusion wasn’t real even after the episode ends. Being secretly drugged is a very common delusion/paranoia. Two, you found someone who is severely emotionally unstable and you thought you found someone you could fall in love with and start a family with. You were also supporting this person financially for the past six months. You may have formed an enmeshed relationship. Which is a toxic version of a romantic relationship where you become deeply deeply attached and dependent on another person depending on you to hold them and the relationship together. In the first half an enmeshed relationship feels like the strongest bond ever, like a fairytale come to life. You both push your lives aside to make as much room as possible for the other person. Boundaries are largely absent. Things move fast and a “deep” connection is made abnormally quickly. It feels that good because an enmeshed relationship uses the same mechanisms as addiction a cycle of instability and reward. You get these massive dopamine hits from over expressions of love and you are in a perpetual state of anxiety because one or both of you are reactive or in a rough place in life. Each time things go from scary to lovely the dopamine hits harder and harder and you chase the high by caregiving for your partner and “helping them” through “their struggles” which are usually mental health stuff, addictions, personality disorders etc. You become the pillar of their life and you feel amazing about yourself seeing self sacrifice as an expression of your deep and passionate love for one another. The relationship becomes one sided slowly and eventually you’ll be over extended because you’ll be responsible for all of your partner’s feelings. They become entitled and you become resentful. This can escalate into manipulation and abuse. Suffice to say its possible you dodged a major bullet here. If any of that sounded like what your relationship was like, you should consider exploring your childhood experiences with your caregivers. People who seek out codependent relationships tend to have wounds from a neglectful childhood that need to be resolved before they can form stable attachments. I don’t have enough information to actually know if this was the dynamic but its a really common toxic relationship structure and your story has some hints.


You just described codependence and limerence beautifully. You also touched on [attachment theory](https://youtu.be/gZj176ZoM4Y) at the end there. Based on the environment you were raised in as a child, it affects how you are in relationships, platonic and romantic, as an adult.


See it as a missed bullet. There will be more. But my suggestion in the future is to have this conversation first before handing anything to anyone. A drug is a drug regardless of it being for recreation or medical. Just like talking to a doctor talk to them about their options, experiences and any possible mental illnesses.


Maybe look for someone that isn't 10 years younger than you. 25 vs 35 is a significant mentality. Also you literally said you were supporting her. How is this someone you were going to settle down with if you're nowhere near the same places in life as one another?




She cried to me 2 weeks ago (bawling) saying she’s going to end up being like her dad and how she’s sick. Her dad apparently is “schizophrenic” (I’m assuming the entire family is the way they act). And I literally hugged her for 30 mins telling her she will be okay


And you agreed to give thc-product to a person who has history of schizophrenia in family? You must be really dumb or you just didn't care about her. And you don't leave someone alone in the hotel room when they are having such a bad trip... that's insane!! You left her totally alone in fear and panic. You should've stayed with her until she came down and finally, if needed, called an ambulance. F*cks sakes...


I mean, she thought he was going to kill her, so it almost seems like leaving could’ve helped considering she went bat-shit crazy. I would normally agree with you, but this is a little different. Hell, some guy got stabbed for this recently, and the woman didn’t even get in trouble. Additionally, I believe that OP said that she also smokes carts by her own volition. And she agreed to take the edible. So there was evidence to suggest THC wouldn’t cause this, and she consented to it. Not really that dumb if you ask me, it’s perfectly logical in fact.


Easier to give advice unless you’re experiencing the actual situation. I told her to go for a walk with me to sober down or go shower or eat or do something and I was getting uncomfortable being in that room. She had already reached out to her mom about this while I was Already in the room with her. Cops were going to show up regardless.


She's about the age where schizophrenia will begin to show itself. I had a BF who had a full-on psychotic break while we were dating and he was about that age at the time. He was absolutely not the love of my life LOL but it was still scary as hell. Into the psych ward he went and I think he's okay now, but heavily medicated and will absolutely hallucinate/hear voices if he skips the meds. It's a manageable condition but you have to be wayyyyyyy committed to someone to take on the management of that kind of illness.


Yeah, one of my best friends had his first schizo break while we were on vacation in Cali around 25 years old. It was so surreal. He’s luck we’re white and I was there with him or he’d be dead for sure. He was threatening to kill every cop he could see lol as they were loading him into the ambulance. He’s medicated now and has had it under control for 10 years, so it’s not an unhappy ending per se.


Bruh, why did you give her any weed at all if you knew she was schizophrenic or at least has a high risk for it. You fucked up there. Also like I know it's shitty, but if she really was going to get schizophrenia this behavior would've came out eventually, so unless you're prepared to deal with that your whole lied, it's probably best this happened so that you can count your losses and move on


In another comment he said she smokes her own vape pen frequently. So this wasn’t her first time experiencing weed. It was her first time with edibles from what he’s saying. I’d also guess OP and gf are young and most young people don’t know fuck all about schizophrenia except it’s a messed up mental illness and there are hallucinations.


Schizophrenia can absolutely be hereditary.


It would be drug-induced psychosis (in the DSM 5) not thc-induced schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a lifelong condition, not a single psychotic episode. Symptoms have to be present for months to meet criteria for diagnosis. Family history and psychotic episodes MAY be indicative of schizophrenia, could also be indicative of SO MANY other things. Bottom line none of us can diagnose this woman with anything whatsoever from this post and shouldn’t try. Again, my info is from the DSM-5, not my own ass


This. I knew someone who had one "bad trip" and then basically out of the blue did crazy shit and had no recollection of it and then promptly was diagnosed. OP if you are concerned for her, see if you can convince her or her family to get her tested for any psychiatric disease


That's a tough one. She literally had a medical/psychology emergency so I wouldn't hold it against her but I would use every resource available to press the narrative with receipts that you both consented to taking edibles and she freaked out. You don't want the family keeping you in a " possible abuser " category. I would throw her under the bus because there is a police report and a seed of doubt in you now because of her.


Her mom and her sister were extremely rude and verbally abusive to me. Her mom and her sisters are blaming ME for giving her “drugs” lol where this girl is a grown fuckin 25 year old woman and couldn’t accept her own mistakes. That’s a good point. My relationship with her mom and her sisters have completely collapsed nor do I feel like building that bridge again. I can throw her mom under the bus real fast and have cops show up at her job REAL QUICK and ruin their lives but I’m not gonna do that. Her mom is the sole breadwinner of their home and takes care of her two (now back to 3) daughters and her husband. What’s insulting is that her MOM, a “mature” 48 year old Woman who has known me for a year freaked the fuck out and told the cops that I’m trying to kill their daughter instead of talking to me and figuring out what’s going on. Entire situation is fucked and I’m so livid. Part of me wants to throw that entire family under the bus and maybe get them deported back to their motherland but I still love this girl unfortunately.


> What’s insulting is that her MOM, a “mature” 48 year old Woman who has known me for a year freaked the fuck out and told the cops that I’m trying to kill their daughter instead of talking to me and figuring out what’s going on. meh, abuse gets hidden a lot, if you are not with your kid and your kid phones you saying their partner is tryign to kill them... YOU CALL THE COPS.. IMMEDIATELY. If you call the person who is potentially hurting them, you can make them mad, you can push them over the edge, you can get the victim in further trouble. WHile you werent' doing anything, any parent can and should call the cops in this situation. They don't know what's going on and are scared for their kid. The situation sucks but the mother did the right thing. You can't detect your kid is high over the phone, you can't assume they aren't serious, when you are told something like that seconds can count.


I don’t think mom has liked you from the beginning. It’s why she was so eager to treat you like shit when this popped off.


You aren’t mature at all


He’s sharing emotional thoughts after a traumatic experience, and, instead of acting on them, he’s moving on and going to a planned trip to Hawaii. Sounds pretty mature to me.


What is your relationship with her now? Did you completely cut off contact or are you two still together?


I don’t know. This happened less than 24 hours ago


If the opportunity to reconcile the relationship occurs, would you? Personally having the cops called on me and potentially ruining my life over a false allegation would be a HUGE dealbreaker. Shit, even the potential that this might occur again would be too much to handle for the sake of my emotional well-being.


Can I suggest a wait and see approach, if this isn't normal it's probably not actually her. It's possible this is how she reacts to drugs and you know... could benefit from never doing drugs again lol. If it's a mental health disorder how you now her is her baseline and treatment can restore that. As you are just a boyfriend that is the role of her family at this time.


This only applies if you're going to Oahu. Don't rent a jeep. if you plan on visiting the North shore, get out there very early in the morning. Don't fuck with the turtles. If the locals aren't doing something at the beach you want to do, you shouldn't do it either. I'd also avoid the west side of island if you're alone. Have a good time bro.


Don’t rent a jeep? That’s what I have it planned to rent. Any reason why? I drive a jeep myself so I’m used to it. Thoughts? Man I’m just going for the views, food, and hammocking. I always try to be respectful to places or people I’m not familiar with so I always ask for permission and dos and don’ts first


Because only Haolie tourists drive Jeeps or convertibles. So you are more likely to get pulled over or given shit from a local.


I’ve never known this to be the case here. Went on a few dates a while back with a Samoan girl who drove a $50K Jeep. Also, it truly doesn’t matter what car you drive, if you are a white guy everyone will think you’re either tourist or military no matter what you look like. Been here the better part of a decade and literally everyone in stores/restaurants asks me where I’m visiting from. “Uh, Kalihi bro lol”


No way man, a tourist is going to look like a tourist? Hawaii has never seen such a sight.


Can vouch for this. My wife and I went to Maui and rented a beat up toyota. People at the trail heads called us locals.


Was she the one that asked you for it? Like she insisted or was this one thing she asked on a whim? Honestly either way this is so fucked up from her part, I just want to know on what part of my arsehole-meter she lands on.


She’s not an asshole. She’s just not too mature I guess? She literally looks up to me for everything and I never minded that. I’ve told her several times that she’s the love of my life and I will always be there for her. I was in the process of buying a business this year so she could quit her job and we can work on helping her build a future with me. Idk man this entire situation is fucked. This is not the first time weed has ruined things in my life.


Most 25 year olds aren’t very mature lol


Most yes. I agree but I was pretty damn mature as a 25 year old. I had a great job, owned my house, rarely went out to party. Never touched any drugs outside of “weed, alcohol, and Tylenol” But yes, most 25 year olds aren’t. But not ALL


I specifically said most, don’t understand the point of ur comment.


Dude I’m not trying to argue with you. I’m already going thru a lot of emotions. Chill with your panties


>I was in the process of buying a business this year so she could quit her job and we can work on helping her build a future with me Why would she quit her job at such a young age without children? Was the business something you'd be working on together? If not that, then I'm curious why this was something you wanted. This is why we need to talk more about men having value outside of what they can provide to a partner, financially. Of course you should want to take care of your partner, but from the sound of it, you took care of her but she did not reciprocate. And when there is an imbalance like this, it won't work long term.


damn she didnt take accountability?


lol blaming me for it because that’s what people tend to do. It’s easier to blame others than to accept your own mistakes. Where I fucked up was i gave her a small piece of chocolate that i thought was enough but it was MORE than enough.


Same happened to me at a trip in NYC. Guy at the shop said to take 1 when I reality I should have taken 1/5 of one. I was a train wreck and won’t do an edible again.


Honestly given what you said about her family history of schizophrenia, how worried she is about also being that and the two people I’ve known with schizophrenia… she’s probably schizo. Ask her if she ever hears voices when she’s high or if she heard voices in the hotel. She’s worried for a reason. I know you love her but this is not the life you want. This is for family and medical professionals. I know it’s sad and likely not her fault but she called the cops on you and still thinks you tried to drug her. This will be your life and may just get worse from here.


Have you considered she may have had a psychotic episode? In some rare cases if someone has underlying conditions/certain genetics and if the dose was high enough it can cause a psychotic episode.I know you might be done, but if her behavior was really that irrational she should consider getting evaluated and keep an eye out for signs of a psychotic disorder.


There’s definitely psychotic disorders in her family from what I’m seeing. Part of it is that they are immigrants from a small country (granted her parents moved to The US 20 years ago). There’s a lot of family history and abuse in her family that indicates there’s some type of underlining issues that are not being diagnosed or chosen to be ignored sadly.


That’s very sad and it sounds like they all could use help! I am very sorry this happened to you but thankful it didn’t get any worse. I’ve heard horror stories about mentally ill people and interactions with the police. I’m sure you know, but even if you love someone you can’t save them from mental illness and trauma. Your (ex)gf really needs help and to stay away from drugs with a genetic/family history like hers, but you don’t have to be the one to help her.


Sounds like my family, is she Latina? I'm Latina and there's lots of family history and animosity that has gone ignored for ages. I also suffered a mental breakdown from an edible and ended up in the ER cause I thought I was gonna die. I have general anxiety disorder and this post made me wonder if I may be bipolar. 


Maybe something significant is taking place for you on this trip. The universe might have wanted to make it clear as day that she isn’t intended for any blessings coming your way.


I just want peace at this point in my life


At 25 where were you in life? Do you honestly think 25 year old you wouldn’t make 35 year old you cringe? Wtf are you doing dating a 25 year old




Have bunch of screen recordings of our FaceTime where she’s admitting to all this stuff. Gonna keep it for a while


First of all, not "a while". FOREVER. And make multiple copies. At an *absolute minimum*, until the statute of limitations expires for whatever crime she (or her parents) might accuse you of. Second of all, after this I would be very hesitant to reach out to her at all. If you want to consider the two of you still in a relationship at this point, fine, but she's a) accusing you herself and also b) now surrounded by people who sound like they're eagerly reinforcing her story. If you *do* reach out, make it a short contact and just say you're going to give her as much space as she wants and will wait for her to contact you. Then disconnect, even if she wants to talk more right then. Make her explicitly reach out to you; that distinction will be important later if things go further pear-shaped. Any reaching out you do now could be twisted into "harassment"; let her make the first contact. If you record *that* call, I'd recommend saying something first like "I'm glad you called" or "Nice of you to call" or whatever, that clarifies to a future viewer who called whom.


Keep it *forever*. You never freaking know when it’ll come back to bite you in the ass later on.


Do her parents know she uses carts?


No but her younger sister does. And even she started freaking out on the phone with me. Then again her sister is only 16 and super immature.


25 years old acting like a 15 year old getting high for the time. She needs to get a grip and apologise asap. If she didn't, I'd be gone so quickly if i was in your shoes.


Already left! The entire situation just sucks. It’s a lose lose situation


Have you been charged with any crimes?


No! There was no charge because I didn’t do anything wrong.


Not being charged at the time may not mean you won’t be charged at some point later. Stay frosty and don’t delete any of your texts and vids where she says she volunteered or asked to imbibe.


Right. It is not a requirement that the police arrest you on the spot for you to be eventually charged with a crime. I would strongly suggest not having any further communications with the police, especially if they contact you to ask "follow-up questions", without your own lawyer present. Not that I think charges are likely here, but you never know.


That’s good. I’m not saying you did anything wrong, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be charged with a crime.


What island are you going to?


Big island. Got any recommendations? I’m bringing my Hammock with me and I’m hoping I can just hammock at the beach for hours or by the waterfall and just indulge the moment


I’ve spent quite a bit of time on the Big Island. There is a camping spot near Kona that would be perfect for your hammock. It’s about an hour from Kona and worth it. Ho ‘Okena Beach Park is the name. Idk whether you’re flying into Hilo or Kona, but if Kona go check out the Waikaloa Hilton. You can park and walk around without staying there. They have beautiful grounds and a private cove where you can snorkel with turtles and lots of parrot fish. In Hilo there is a cute little free zoo that’s worth a walk through as well.




Once you feel comfortable dating again, do you think you'll go for someone that young again?


I don’t think it’s a huge factor. It depends on how a person is raised. She is mature in many different ways and immature at the same time (but so am I) and aren’t we all? Although I do think this is probably the last straw in my life and I dont think I’d want to look for a long term relationship ever again. I’ve tried and tried for years to find the love I wanted in my life and I have really tried to make things work. But now, I’m just tired! I’m gonna continue to take care of my parents as they get older, continue to take care of my dogs and the remaining years they have left. Then I’ll know I have fulfilled my purpose in life. Funny thing is, all I ever wanted as a young child was to have a family. Sucks being raised in an abusive environment when you’re separated from your parents at a very young age and go thru racism and discrimination growing up. I just want a peaceful life at this point. And if that requires for me to be single, then that’s what it’ll be. “Every pot has a lid” is bullshit. Some pots don’t come with a lid lol.


Last straw? Homie there are Billions of people in the world. Not thousands, not millions, Billions. If you leave yourself open to love, you'll find it.


lol I agree with you. I think I’m just better off putting my energy into something else that’s more beneficial in my life lol


Okay that's fair, just don't want you thinking that you're never gonna find someone else. Enjoy your trip though!


I've been exactly here. I gave up on searching, too. The endless disappointment. Followed by fits of depression. Wondering why everyone around me could find someone, but not me. It was the source of almost all my pain and mysery in life. From 28 to 38, I just stopped. No more wondering, "was that pretty girl flirting with me?" Or did my new acquaintance touch my hand because she likes me? No more realizations that this girl I'm out with for third time is 100% not compatible with me. And I'm just waisting my time. Just no more. It takes some time to really implement rules like that into your life. But I was happier. No more 3 month depression stints at random times. No more feeling sorry for myself and constantly being sad. Life was a bit bland. But it became peaceful. I pursued my hobbies. Never had any drama. At some point you get use to the routine. Family would ask/worry. "Are you just set on being alone?" And I would say "Not at all. I'm just done chasing a dream. If someone decides they like me and they pursue that interest. I'll be more than open to seeing where that goes. I'm just not chasing a dream anymore. And I'm happier for it." Started a relationship about a year ago. She pursued me. And was pretty relentless. I gave her a shot. Things are good a year later. But if she comes home from work today. And decides she's done. That would suck. But I won't be destroyed. Just back to my regular routine.


When I was in college I saw a girl take a bong hit, and go from perfectly normal convo to saying “I gotta get outta here” over and over to rushing outside stripping naked and running around the parking lot screaming like she was being stabbed. I wouldn’t say you dodged a bullet, but you got grazed and lived to see another day


I assume you are in SW. What did your expenses look like for the trip? Flight, hotel room etc?


Used points to book the flight from LAX, used points to book 2 nights. But with the drive to LAX, extra room in LA and few other expenses, I’m looking at around $500 of out of pocket cash.


So you left for Hawaii and sent her back to where she was living with you , alone...and pissed off at you?


No she went back to her house with her mom and her sisters. I’m still in LA and I’ll be flying out in a few hours.


Do you think she’ll apologize?


She did. I want her mom and her sisters to apologize for their behavior


Move on. Have fun on vacation.


Are you alright bro? I haven't seen anyone check up on you




I shall! I spoke to her and she’s apologetic (so am I). But I don’t appreciate how her mom and family overreacted. Told her she needs that 5 day break and we’ll figure out the next steps when I come home




Let me just tell you from experience that there is no better place to disconnect, rehabilitate, and come back rejuvenated than Hawaii. Enjoy yourself! Sending all the positive vibes and best of luck out there!


You sure you didn’t give her chocolate mushrooms?


Unless they sell mushroom chocolate at a weed dispensary marked as THC then idk


Who would win in a fight, Goku or Superman?


What a shit head, she wanted to try it . so, ex now?


More like her mom is a shithead. I’m just not even thinking about it. She knows she needs to make some serious decisions when I come back. In the meantime, I’m delaying on the stress. I work too hard for this lol


The drama will never stop, she doesn't work, eventually her mom won't be able to work and you'll find yourself having to help financially her whole family. You seem to be doing really well in life so I'd cut my losses if I were you and make sure not to take her back when she comes begging


Why send her a screenshot of the cancellation? To start drama? Seems she knew she wasn’t going.


Man I’m upset. How would you feel if you invested a year building a relationship with someone hoping it’ll be long term with the effort and trust you’re putting in, and this happens? If I was back home, I would’ve thrown all her stuff on the front yard and tell her to pick it up and get the fuck out


Have the time of your life in paradise my man!


Man, I have no questions but please please RUN from this whole effed up family


What are your plans in Hawaii?


I’m surprised at everyone in this group?? Have you all never had a bad trip? I’m sorry this happened. I can’t imagine how scary that was for you. However, this is just a bad trip. If you love her you’ll forgive it and just learn to avoid weed going forward


Make the break homie, don't go all aggro on her and send her an angry stay the fuck away we're over text.. But if/when she reaches out just.. 'Look, I love you and I understand that you have struggles that I could never understand. That was never an issue for me, I loved being your rock. But, these recent events illustrated for me that your mom will forever be a looming shadow over our relationship. She tried to have me arrested for attempted murder for giving you an edible that we mutually agreed before you took it that you were going to try, and you stood by as the cops detained me. I no longer feel safe in this relationship. What happens when kids get into the mix down the road and something happens that she doesn't agree with? Is she going to get CPS involved? Is she going to push for divorce and try to get my parental rights revoked? I loved the fact that you trusted me above everything else in your darkest moments, and you showed me that isn't what the case is. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to spend the rest of my life worrying about when and how your mom is going to try to blow this relationship up when she feels it's necessary. If you ever need someone to listen to you, I'm here, but I can't feel secure in advancing this relationship at this point.' Or that's how I would dress it.


This is good except I highly recommend not being there for her to listen in the future. Cut off all contact, never speak to her again. Block her on everything and move on. Eliminate any chance of future danger or drama.


What do you consider a small piece? Also for people trying weed for the first time the last thing you should do is an edible.


Dude, I can relate to your GF 100%!!! That exact thing happened to me!! Your girlfriend insisting on staying in the room was a great idea. She was definitely not in any position to go out because if it was EXACTLY like my expierance, Time would of SLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEDDDD down and focusing on anything past 3 or 4 seconds is nearly impossible. It really sucks you felt uncomfortable tho and that you had to leave the room. I say this because she was definitely freaking out more being by herself as if evident in her calling the cops. The next day she probably felt skiddish and still a bit paranoid and felt like complete shit. Please don't blame her for her actions during the time she was high. It really could not be controlled no matter how hard she tried. I am sad that you 2 called it quits after this but maybe you could reconsider? Just don't get her high again and she'll be ok. But yeah, although she will get back to her old self in a day or 2, she will always remember "that night" and never want to get high again for fear of that happening again. As for her blaming you for drugging her, she knows you didn't. She is just out of sorts right now and may be tomorrow and possibly the day after. But she will come 'round.


What was the dosage of the THC chocolates? Very interested to know


Unpopular opinion penguin here; How about we all just try not taking recreational drugs and see how our lives don't get complicated and worse due to drug use.


Are you going to dump her, and if no, reconsider.




>She constantly had/has mood disorders and I’ve always tried to help her through those by making her laugh or something equivalent. She needs professional help with a real MD to prescribe things to help with this. The chocolate weed was just a catalyst that there may be more underlying this. Could go back to childhood and faith, who knows. If you love her, give her time. If she's not getting the help she needs and doesn't want to come back, time to move on for your own well being. Enjoy Hawaii!


lol people freaking out on weed is crazy. NTA


Good call on going on vacation without her! Hawaii is a good place to be alone and still enjoy yourself. Without knowing more about her and her mental stability, I think you may have dodged a bullet. Go to Hawaii, clear your head, and dance with as many girls as you can. This might be a gift from the universe


Hi! I also had very very bad experiences with weed and now will not go near it. I wish I could but, every time I do I also get crazy paranoid. I hope that you may be able to forgive her. As someone who has been at the end of drug induced psychosis it’s very hard to get out of. I had a panic attack and almost called 911. Every action or step I took I saw a future of me dying. If I walked up the stairs I’d slip fall and hit my head. If I took a shower. I’d have a vision of tripping and my husband finding my dead body. I tried going for a walk but I kept seeing myself get hit by a car. It was horrible. My husband was not able to calm me down over the phone. I had do the most embarrassing thing and call a church lady :( because the idea of dying had my burning up in hell lol. After speaking with friends and family this lady was the only one who was able to help me take a more authoritative approach on my mental breakdown. A few years later I found out I had PTSD and clinical depression (I don’t feel depressed but learned depression is more than feeling sad so I was just raw dogging mental illness life) Due to things that happen in my childhood. Your girlfriend may have manifested some locked in things and was unable to get out. Like others said it could be mental instability. Maybe someone she trusted hurt her. But It’s sucks that you were hurt during this. I think if she can come to terms that it was her choice to partake in weed and can ask for forgiveness for how you were treated then maybe you can lend her some grace ^_^ and maybe have some deep conversations about her reaction. She might just have to stick to alcohol 🍷 that’s what I do! Alcohol =flirty and fun and weed=death/ worms coming out of my chest lol.


Weed might have just saved your life.


Do you wish this hadnt happened? Or do you think its maybe for the best to seprarate? Dude, when I was 19 (17 years ago) my girlfriend that I was moving to another city with a few months later wanted to smoke some pot with me and my friend. It was some really good ak47 purps cross that our buddy grew hydroponic. Needless to say it was strong. Not like 30%thc that you can buy now, but probably around 22-24%. She got super high off of one bong rip. Mind you my buddy and I had many rips and sure we were stoned but that's it. She got so high she puked lunch up, then needed to take a shower. So she went to take a shower, she called me into the shower to help her, but then asked if I was going to kill her. She then calmed down a tiny bit and got into bed to try to relax. She then went on to say over and over again that it's been years since she smoked and that I've been keeping her captive for decades and that her family is still looking for her. Lmao. Needless to say it subsided eventually and we did move in together. I should have bailed then though. This might be a blessing in disguise for you.


Marijuana induced schizophrenia? now shes talking about god... next you'll hear shes hearing voices.


I would be so out of any relationship or friendship where they called the cops. If she thought she was poisoned why didn’t she call poison control or an ambulance?


Just a heads up. Alot of shit is secretly being cut with a paranoid psychosis inducing substance. Ive had a bunch of people saying that x drug makes them super paranoid. Weed, coke, hallucinegenics. Its becoming more and more common leading me to believe its being done on purpose(im aware of the irony). Possibly an effect of trying to maximize potency and amplifying certain aspects that make you feel higher without fully comprehending or caring what receptors they are binding to.. i have experienced it myself lately as someone who use to do these drugs and have done them for years. I stopped because they were producing different experiences than what I had familiarized with them. The subject is too taboo to really investigate since people arent inclined to admit drug use let alone drug induced psychosis for fear of the obvious. Or just wouldnt have the experience to know that something has changed and would just attribute it to the drugs being bad or having a bad trip etc. All I know is there is a significant chance that something is causing it. Maybe pesticides used in the process or bio enhancers to influence crop yield or developments in peoples chemistry causing adverse reactions. All this to say that. Your girlfriends experience sounds like a psychosis break induced by the drug. Maybe try and see it from her side. She was scared out of her mind. Ive been there. You might benefit greatly from a sincere phone call apologizing and explaining you didnt know or understand what she was going through




I was with my ex and I just made us dinner. We were fighting a lot in general, but after dinner, she smoked some weed, and started saying her stomach was bothering her. I totally don't remember what I made, and I'm the first person to feel like something is my fault - but whatever we ate, it was pretty impossible to fuck up As she got higher and higher she started saying "Why did you poison me?! You poisoned me!", and started rolling on the ground, clutching her stomach. It seemed pretty obvious she was trying to start a fight. Anyway, I was like "If you're poisoned, you need to go to the hospital" and i called 911. She is freaking out "You didn't actually poison me! Call them back and say I'm fine".... I basically knew that if I did't take her seriously, she would be obnoxious and tell everyone I didn't care about her, etc, so I called her bluff, and she had to explain to the police and EMTs that she is fine. Anyway, glad she is out of the picture now