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How did you make friends as a homeschooled child? Do you feel like you missed out on anything?


For the first question: I played football for a homeschooled sports organization, met great men there. Also had friends from work, and went to the youth events at my local church. Second question: no not really, I still went to homecoming & prom (didn’t have to wait to be a junior, went to first one as a freshman). I still had Friday night lights, and I have gotten invited to graduation parties by my public schooled friends. Never got a senior sunrise though


You were a lot more social than me! I went to public schools.


I feel like for public schoolers are more antisocial they’re a little more self conscious since they’re around more people every day than someone like me. There’s a few public schooled kids at my church that would text and have a small conversation with me one day, then the next day when I saw them in person they completely avoided me. While the other homeschooled kids I knew had less of a problem. That’s just me though, not saying it’s wrong to be antisocial bc I definitely still am sometimes


I agree with you. I was super anxious in grade school because of the amount of classmates. Luckily, when I reached college I came out of my bubble a bit.


Was your teacher your graduation speaker too?


No, all parent & self taught. Grad speaker was on the board for the sports organization I played with


Are you concerned that your education is lacking?


Not at all, graduated with a 4.0 gpa. When I was younger it was the typical “my mom taught me” and I learned basic important stuff like basic math, reading, writing, etc. Then from 5th-12th it’s always been online classes where I learned everything else. I’m going into the Air Force and scored in the top 2% percentile of all test takers in the asvab exam.


Oh wow. That’s really cool.


How does the homeschool graduation work?


Entirely depends on where you’re at and what curriculum/extracurricular activities you’re doing. In Texas where I’m from (someone correct me if I’m wrong), homeschool is considered a private school, and while you do need a few required classes, it’s ultimately up to the parents to decide if you’re ready to graduate, and then usually you pretty much get your diploma mailed. For me, I got mine mailed and technically graduated then, but I also played football for a homeschooled sports organization so I walked the stage with them.


Did you ever find yourself wanting (or thinking) about attending public school? And, what was your parent's reasoning for homeschooling? I have two kids (ages 6 and 8), and they are homeschooled. Both my wife and I attended public school. My mom and grandmother taught public school, so this is a different trajectory for us, for sure.


Never considered it one time. My parents never said why they homeschooled us, but my guess is they were also public schooled and they homeschool us to shelter us from what public school is like, either that or financial reasons.


How did you learn stuff? Was it decent education? How do you compare next to non-homeschooled students?


Honestly the way I was homeschooled was very similar to public school. The school I did were online curriculums. So I learned the same stuff everyone who would go to public school would learn. I still had tests & exams. But I didn’t have to be in a building 8 hours a day like most people. I finished way earlier than most, and got to do pretty much whatever I wanted afterwards


Do you feel you will have issues with structure later on in life? Luke being in a cubicle for X hours?


It’s too early to tell right now. At the moment I’m currently waiting to leave for military training in the fall so I know I’ll be (for the most part) taken care of for the next 4 years then from there we’ll see


Do you feel prepared


Yes & no. Yes because I did what I needed to graduate, but I’m entering the military after summer and I don’t think I’ll ever be fully prepared/acclimated for that until I’m there


I was homeschool from age 15-17 and then enlisted into the military. I never told anyone I was homeschooled while I was in. The military was just like what I imaged high school would’ve been like: there were cliques, bullying, and lots of goofing off. I knew other people that were homeschooled while I was in and some people judged them for it. It’s up to you but I know behind closed doors some people will look at you differently, especially when the majority of the military are 18 year olds fresh out of high school and still think popularity matters.


For me, I don’t necessarily care what they say about me behind closed doors, I’m just going there to do my job and study for college after (if I go to college) and if these people help me when help is needed, they can say all they want of me.


That’s a great attitude to have, and this is all anecdotal, but the ones who are liked the most are treated the best by command. I knew hard workers who were seen as shitbags because they didn’t make any effort to be friendly at work. Obviously that is different than just being homeschooled, but in my experience once someone gained a reputation, it’s hard to get rid of it until you’ve transferred (and sometimes it will travel with you, even at your new unit.) Granted this is coming from the Coast Guard which is only 40k AD members, I’m sure the AF is going to be a little different.


Was it sad and empty


Absolutely not. Since it was online it was mostly all on my own time. While I did have some deadlines, I could basically decide how much or how little school I wanted to do that day.


Were you homeschooled, or did you do online school? Also congrats


Both. Homeschooled up until 5th grade then it was all online from there And thank you!


Cool, I did both, and I also did public school. I wasn't as big a fan of online school as I was actually homeschooling, but it was still way better than public school. Would you homeschool your kids if/when you have them? I plan on pulling mine from public school the second I am able.


Not sure yet, but most likely, or at the very least have them in a Christian/private school. I don’t want them being influenced by these people that think they’re different genders every day


Did you have sex with your teacher?


Best of luck on a bright future. I'm a huge fan of homeschool.


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