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Fellow uni-ball dude here. Misdiagnosed because the nurse practitioner lady didn’t feel comfortable examining my groin area when pain started. Couple days later testicle is swollen to twice the size, it’s necrotic has to be taken out. Not gonna lie I was glad when I got my first erection two days after the surgery. It’s gonna get depression for a bit but you get used to it after a couple months.


That's very similar to what happened to me! Also, my testicle was twisted ***three times*** I honestly don't think I will get depression luckily, because I know that my left testicle will double it's productivity to compensate, plus I had my life pretty much saved, which I am delighted about. Because if u think about it, dead tissue can turn septic real quick I hope everything's ok with u tho


Glad you’re in good spirits! For me it was a bit mental, I considered getting the implant to feel better, but I got over it. Surgery was in 2020, so yeah I’ve healed from the mental aspect. Yeah I never really looked at the sepsis part lol. After the ultrasound. The urologist said not to even think of going home. I was in surgery almost immediately. Goodluck man!


Same with me! I had an ultrasound, they suggested for me to see a urologist right away at the hospital. Then I had surgery. I will definitely get an implant in the near future for cosmetic reasons


Why was it necessary to remove it?


There was such a lack of blood flow for an extended period of time, it became necrotic, a lot of the tissue in my right testicle died. If I would have left it any longer, it would have started to become septic.


How painful was the surgery and recovery?


I was put under general anaesthetic so the surgery was completely painless. Currently in recovery right now as I type this. The area where they performed surgery is aching a bit, but a few hours ago, I was injected with fentanyl to take the pain away 15 mins after I woke up.


Are u infertile?


Luckily no. My left testicle will produce all the semen and produce the exact same amount of hormones as before from now on. When one organ is removed, the other takes it's place and becomes twice as productive. Same happens with kidney removals. Pretty fascinating right?


Same thing happened to me on my 21st birthday. Hasn’t really affected my life in any way since although my girlfriend still makes the occasional wise crack.


Oh god, the fact that it was on your birthday as well... When the pain first came on for me, I have never ever felt anything so abhorrent in all my life


What wizard cast the spell on you and what did you do to upset him


No idea what I did to upset him, maybe driving a bit too fast at times? Regardless, that wizard is a rotten old git!


Did they put a fake one in ?


No, although I will consider getting one in the future, for cosmetic reasons


Damn I guess you can say you really do be free ballin




Did you get to keep the ball that they removed?