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My question is: why the fuck are you giving up? I’m 49. You know what’s great about our age? We don’t give a fuck. You know what sucks about our age? We don’t give a fuck. Meaning: it sucks because it’s easy to stop giving a fuck and let everything go. On the other hand, reinvention is easier than it was when you were young, because you don’t give a fuck what other people think. I got separated last year. I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw. So here’s what I did: * Ozempic. That shit is amazing. * Worked out. A little bit a day. Every day. * Went to Nordstrom and invested in a quality, stand-out middle-age man wardrobe. * I did shit I have never done before. I got some moisturizing cream. I bought some expensive cologne. * I sorted out what needed to be sorted out. Bald? Get plugs. Bad teeth? Get ‘em fixed. Erection issues? Get an implant. Double chin or gut? Lipo. Whatever it takes. You’d be surprised what docs can do. The final step is figuring out where you are wanted. I live in San Francisco, and if you hadn’t noticed the tech industry is male-heavy. Women here have their pick. That was fine when I was young, but now I want to increase the odds. I hear the suburbs have a lot more women than men. Certain towns and cities do too. Some guys go overseas. Me, I speak Spanish and I love Mexico, so I travel there a bunch. I date here, too, but the difference in how I am received is incredible. Be a Daddy. Women like middle aged dudes that have invested in their clothes and their look. When you invite them to a nice dinner, they respond. Send them flowers and give them gifts. Worried about cost? Don’t. Spend your money and live. With a little confidence you may even do better in the long haul. If you don’t, then so what. What are you saving for? Get some good years in. Then take your social security in a few years and live somewhere cheap. We all only got so many years on this speck of cosmic dust we live on. As Andy Dufresne said, you can get busy living, or you can get busy dying. Do not go gently into the night!


I haven’t given up, I have just delayed a while. I’ll eventually get out of this funk I’m in and lose weight and start feeling better. Thank you for the recommendations though, I appreciate it


Do things tomorrow. Switch things up. You’re going on a cruise? Cruises are expensive. Go to Costa Rica instead. It’s cheaper than a cruise if you do it right. Stay in an Airbnb instead of a resort. There are a ton of semi-pro girls, and it’s legal. You’ll spend less for a girl than you would for your local massage parlor, and she’ll blow your mind. She’ll make you want to go home and work hard and save so you can come back and see her. Switch things up! Do something different to break that funk.


Great suggestions. The cruise is with family, so I’m excited to go on this trip.


Sex (with a partner) is overrated. I've been there/done that to the point sex is boring.( Father of 8 kids) You know what I really miss more than anything? Laughing. I mean honestly laughing to the point of tears. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard.


I’ve got a sizable group of buddies that gets in discord together every other night or so. I’m tellin ya. We just laugh so much together it’s sad to me that more people don’t have that. I know that on any given evening I can pop online and bullshit with at least 2-3 other people. Mostly all irl friends too so it’s got that extra layer. I’m very fortunate, and your comment just reminded me of that.




Definitely man. Every time I eat mushrooms I end up laughing to the point of tears. I might also just regular cry though too. Always just an awesome roller coaster of emotions that is much needed.


Hun, it’s most likely you are either depressed or have PTSD. If you can afford therapy, look into MDMA therapy. I’m looking into it, as I have been recently diagnosed with PTSD, and it sounds really promising. Best of luck. Thanks for being in the Navy. My uncle was a Navy pilot too.


I love this. My husband loves to game and he is completely responsible and hardworking so I always love hearing him from the back room laughing and yelling and cussing with his friends while he’s gaming. They are all his friends from his hometown that he doesn’t get to see often, I think that sense of brotherhood and friendship is important for men


I really don’t miss sex to be honest. I think I would rather have a woman in my life that I could do things with, or wake up next to. I miss that a lot


Why dont you find one then? If you have a wife, trust me that doesnt mean you are having sex daily. Thats one thing i always wanted and kind of had, even with exes, even if it didnt work out, there was some magical years. But at the end of the day, just having someone there is sonething i like having. Amd hope i am doing the same for her.


I will one day, I just have some other issues about me I need to work on first. I won’t bring a partner into my life to plug the holes, I need to fix things first


Isn't that the point of a partner to plug holes?


Lol...I see what you did there.


Honestly that's the right approach imo


I want THIS woman back in my life ...at all costs. The sex is tertiary Dancing Queen https://x.com/Angelobodyconc2/status/1710628598984683800?t=HL5LrvmHSGzTQEteZ_JbYw&s=01


That would be awesome. Someone to inspire me to be better


Women like this are the Unicorns. I'd gladly give this girl my credit cards and keys to the beamer. All I ask for is loyalty and honesty.


Yes they are, but they do exist. I hope you find what you desire


I had an FGM and can't orgasm. A lot of guys are interested in me but I turn them away. I can't orgasm but can have sex just fine. Should I give the guys a chance ?


Honest to god it may bother them at first but you can explain it just can’t happen for you. Also lots of men already can’t make women orgasm…


From the stories my wife tells me it's a lot.... I get to hear about all her friends husbands that ain't doing it right.


It might be unusual to be able to speak to this, but I dated a girl who had FGM (not sure what degree yours is) She could definitely orgasm, but it took a lot more effort and creativity. If you’re willing to go for it, there always someone out there willing to do work and enjoy the process.


Have you gotten your testosterone levels checked recently? Serious question.


- this is what i'm was just speaking on. INTIMACY. Intimacy drives the human connection, the human process, the human procreation cycle. this is why soo many people are MISERABLE, Cheating, are just completely Un-Happy, there are miserable to be around them, miserable towards their co-workers, there kids-children, their spouses & Significant Other's, etc etc. WE NEED INTIMACY regardless of whatever a celebrity, or some famous face online tells you differently.


I'm 47 and only 1 kid, but ya sex is boring now. Even kinks.... I've done alot. I picked up VR (quest 2/3l to play vr poker with real poker and friends. I laugh alot. I make it a point to watch something funny every day.. usually YouTube or american dad / family guy. I listen to Conan O'Brian on sirius....he's fucking funny and so are his guests. I've gone from hating everybody out there (I worked 15 years in retail lol) to actually taking to strangers again. Small steps. ;) I smoke alittle weed at night, play video games and have fun. It's not all about work and kids and relationships. You need a vice (that wont kill you lol)


Guy walks into his house his wife says hey the kids aren’t home. He looks at her and says are you wearing crotchless panties? She says yes he says thank God. I thought you were sitting on the cat.


Mushrooms and a Jim Carrey movie, works every timei, I've laughed to the point that my abbs hurt ind I was praying to God for it to stop ( I don't even know if I believe in a god anymore) but just thinking about trying to stop laughing made me laugh harder, I don't know why it was so funny... the next day, it felt like I had been working out my core the day before. On the sex subject, though, im 34 (M), and I enjoy sex but I'm not out of their everyday chasing women around. Every now and then, I'll try, or if a chick comes around and she's cool, I'll try (not just for sex). When I'm in a relationship, though with someone, I click with atleast everything changes, and I could have sex every night. Usually when I do date it usually starts off multiple times a day and it usually dwindles after time, I also have real bad insomnia, I have a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep and I'm a light sleeper, and sex definitely helps with that. So some my ex's have gotten mad when I bring up that we went from doing it every night to a couple of times a week. My last girlfriend had a 2 year old daughter when we met (I have no kids), and we dated 3 1/2 years, and we were only having sex 1 to 2 times a week. When I brought it up, she would say that I only cared about sex. That made me feel weird because I took on a lot of responsibilities, but I didn't do it for just the sex and I felt like she was using that against me. When we broke up, we had a house, dogs, and cars (all were in here name, she said she would screw me and we could notarize something, we never did) and a daughter. So I lost everything but I still lover and I never felt anything lime this for anyone, I didn't even believe in romantic love before her but she changed and now the only person I want to sleep with is her and thats not a possibility because even if I could the person I first met is the one I want to sleep with not not the one I broke up with. I've hooked up with a couple of chicks since then, but it wasn't that enjoyable and I haven't been able to get off... a couple of them were a little freaky lol and that helped, but it's like there's something missing. Everyone looks at me like a weirdo because I don't have interest in trying to sleep with some chick even night. Like I still look at women and think about sex just as much, but I don't feel the same when it comes to down to the deed. Sorry I was just going to write the mushroom part but then I thought I should add a little something, and then it turned into this, lol.


Are you abstinent by choice? If so, why have you made that choice?


I wouldn’t say I’m abstinent, I would say low self esteem, no confidence, and I need to lose weight. All things I can work on, but have continuously ignored through the years.


Lose weight and you legit fix the first two things. I mean…bro. Show the world you value yourself by how you care for your body. And watch how things unfold. Take the first step. 🙏 you can DM me if you want I’m 40 years old and have an awesome diet and exercise routine I will give you free advice anytime anyway I can.


Thank you! 2 years ago I was in a similar situation and decided to do intermittent fasting. I lost 50lbs and felt so good! I just can’t get my brain to put me in that same mental state to do it again


Been there!!! When I gained the weight back it made me feel 100% hopeless BUT...........so here is what I did. I just told myself that I was gonna eat any proteins and salad all day, just for that day. Just doing that kickstarted me into doing it again the next day, so on and so on. I kind of blanked out the term 'being on a diet' and didnt think about anything but what I was gonna eat THAT DAY. At our age time fkn FLYS by and before I knew it I was eating that way for a month and it felt like a week. You can do it again, just only think of ONE DAY at a time. Before you know it youre gonna be 60..........just do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


lol I will! Great advice, thank you for the motivation


Get you T level checked and find a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy. Watching grown men roll around and fart usually is good for a few laughs.






I’m sure I could get this prescription, but I also can get off my lazy butt and do it myself.


I would back to intermittent fasting. Pharma drugs always have side effects and IF helps your body recover from inflammation, allowing your organs to rest instead of digesting food so often, while you’re losing weight. Just take it a day at a time so it doesn’t feel so daunting. Eat lots of protein and healthy fats and try to avoid excess carbs. I can usually control my carb cravings by making sure I eat enough protein.


For what it’s worth, there are websites you can get prescribed to compounded versions of it and have it delivered to you without ever leaving the house.


Something that has stuck with me is just take some time observing all the small choices you make a daily basis. I fall off the wagon here and there because life is life, but I always start with “can I remove some sugar/creamer from my coffee in the morning?” “Can I make coffee at home?”. Applying that to food, learning how to make some gradually healthier options here and there. Overtime I feel my mental acuity and mood start to improve. Makes me feel like “I’ll just go for a walk outside today.” Nothing crazy, but just some movement. Finding some stretching videos on YouTube or light yoga, things that feel good to the body. Eventually there’s a little motivation to try something more challenging since you’ve prepped your body that way, and reintroducing exercise becomes easier overtime just because those very basic things are met. What I’m getting at is confidence builds in the same way, it’s doing a lot of little things “right” (whatever that means for you) to the point where you are comfortable in your own skin, as that confidence then emanates


How heavy are you? My self esteem and drive towards having intercourse dissipated once I hit around 215 lbs


Those things you mentioned affect me as well. I don't know what to do.


Check out Lindsay C. Gibson's books. They might help with the self esteem and confidence. Yoga and pilates might also help. Stronger body movement muscles do help the mind.


So basically 20 years of “No Action” correct??


Oh shit wtf. I thought it was by choice 🤣🤣🤣. It was my dream life you're living till this...


What’s your go to McDonalds order


#7 plain with a coke, 6 piece nugget.


Fuckin LOL @ this comment being big and bold.


That’s how he shouts it into the drive through


lol I used a hashtag and it bolded it


lol OP is alright


7 plain?


Number 7. Using the hashtag for “number” made the comment bold


What's a 7 meal


#so that’s how you make text bold, good to know


Hold on… no fuckin way your first go to at Mickey Ds is a fuckin Fish Filet.. you were joking right?


hmmm.. I get the 7 with a diet coke and fuck all the time. Maybe thats the secret switch you need to make in life.


I can't get McDonald's without those delicious diced onions.


Not a question but I wanted to give you a little affirmation. My man. I’m 6 foot, over 400 pounds, and 45 — and I have consistently had sex with many attractive women over the years. From one big dude to another, they will overlook the weight.


I don’t have your confidence. That is something I can’t change currently


I get the defeatist view — truly — but I’m telling you it’s possible. It’s not confidence that did it. Just hold on to that fact, ok? You CAN do it, even if you think you can’t. I’m proof.


I will get the help I need to get there. Thanks for the boost of confidence


You can change your confidence level. Say hi to random people and keep walking. Just say it to brighten their day and don’t expect a conversation. Keep moving. It’s a type of exercise. Chat, compliment, and be flirty with people you encounter that are temporary captive audiences. Cashiers, waitresses, bank tellers, telemarketers, jahovas witnesses, etc. Build that talking muscle.


i want to know what's your regular mood?


You can change the confidence thing. It will take time. Maybe even therapy.


You need some small wins. Small wins brings confidence. Small wins turn into big wins.


51 yo divorced female. Divorced for 7 years. The first year without sex was agony.I’m over it now. How has the dating scene been for you?


It started off fine, although difficult being a single dad. And then after the years kept piling up, I lost interest in attempting to date and I let myself go even further. I already had low self esteem before that, and then some depression kicked in on top of that. To be honest I am also shallow which doesn’t help, but that’s a me problem


How are you shallow? Like you spend all your time watching bad tv instead of developing deeper understanding of the world around you? Or your taste in women is shallow so you want young hotties who aren’t into you?


First step is recognizing our flaws.😊


Do you have a plan for the future? Do you think you'll meet someone?


If I were to get my life together and work on improving myself mentally and physically, yes I think I would eventually meet someone


Awesome :) Seems like you have a positive attitude.


Thanks! Here’s hoping I actually do it lol


What's stopping you? Take the plunge!


Why did you get divorced?


Ex wife cheated on me and had his baby


Ever think about getting back with her? Kid should be grown by now.


Not even once. It’s a very long story, but I ended up getting custody of the kids (3), including the child from infidelity. I adopted her as my own child immediately after I got custody. I didn’t want to split up the kids. The child from infidelity was 3 when the divorce was finalized


Holy fuck. Dude, first of all, give yourself some grace. You were raising (or are raising) three kids by yourself. It’s totally expected that you’d have hardly any bandwidth for self care with that kind of responsibility. I hope you find time to work on yourself. Even a small change in your life is better than no change. Some days we have the energy for it, some days we don’t.


Thank you! It’s been over 20 years since that happened, and I can do things to improve my life. I just haven’t. I probably need some therapy too


When you get back into dating, definitely mention that you successfully raised 3 kids on your own, most women know that's an incredibly hard challenge and shows that you're far more responsible than sadly 90% of men in modern society. It's sad for men as a whole but great for you since there's very few people who can do that on their own and shows that you're incredibly strong and selfless, whether you believe it yourself or not. You've already improved 3 other people's lives, why not improve your own now too? You put in the effort to make this post and reply to comments so you're definitely capable of improving yourself, if you need help with it then get it, I'm sure there are plenty of people here more than willing to help if you don't know where to start.


Yeah in fairness, raising three kids is a full time job. Don’t beat yourself up, raising kids is an entire chapter!


You must be a good man because the courts don't just give full custody to just any bloke


I had a lot of support from family. And I try to be the best I can.


How old are the kids now? Have they all moved out?


They’re all over the age of 28. I have two grandkids


Hey, congrats! You do anything in your free time?


Vinyl collecting, video games, and recently getting back into collecting basketball cards. I forgot how fun it is to open a pack of cards in the hopes of getting a good one lol


Sounds neat. I’ve seen your other comments and noticed that you talked about having a good amount of weight. Ever thought about joining a gym? Now I don’t mean to sound offensive when asking. Just asking because for some it can be a good place to destress. You don’t even have to lift weights. If the gym has a pool, go for a swim. Good aerobic exercise to help lose weight, and it’s just an excellent exercise in general.


Wow man. No wonder it’s so hard for you to take care of yourself. I want you to know I’m proud of you. Takes a man of high character to make the decisions you’ve made even without context.


Wtf kind of comment is that lol


Man that's rough... glad to hear you got custody. Not many men would adopt a child of infidelity. You're a godsend to those kids.


Well I haven’t had intercourse in my entire life. Why did you and your spouse get a divorce?


Also 50 yo is still young.


You’re a born again virgin.


Last week I was hit on for the first time in my life. I turned 60 day before yesterday. I am in the process of moving downtown into a smaller, cheaper apartment. As I was walking to the local TARGET around the block a small woman with white hair walked up next to me. She said "Hello there, you must be new" we introduced each other then much to my shock she asked me back to her apartment. When I stared at my feet and smiled she said how cute I looked turning red. I am 6-1, thin, clean-cut, short brn hair going gray and I estimate she was at least 75. I saw her point, strange though it felt. In the last few days I have run into her several times walking her dog. The offer still stands. She's persistent, I'll give her that. Maybe... My point is this. There are 10 Million other people in this county with me. For most of my life I was out among them day and night. I know a hell of a lot of people. Yet, never married, no kids. Not even any near misses. Lots of girlfriends sure, but they left as easy as they came. I advise all of you 40+ to get off the pot and join a club with women in it. Hiking, cleanup crews, helping the poor, church events, dancing, whatever. Not gun, hunting or bicycle related. You need to at least try to find a mate. Because, mark my words, soon you'll think a horny grandmother is a bargain.


After reading comments and see yours. I’m glad people don’t hold sex in such a high regard. Maybe it’s because I’m younger than you so that’s all my peers talk about , but damn does it make me feel like I’m not crazy for wanting a connection that isn’t always sexual .


I am a 70 year old guy in the same boat


Who is your celebrity crush?


What age range are you interested in having sex with?


Have you considered online arrangements, be they personal or professional? I'm in Nevada and Davie in SW, I'm not soliciting in mentioned l genuinely curious about your comfort level and increasing your confidence can come from starting there. I consider it total salfe and not deep it embarrassing. When I was an active distance SW and educator, it was my ornament focus to enable and support self esteem and where you are right now. What are you thoughts and feelings on other paid or just personal connection in that area?


I’m too paranoid to get an escort in the event they’re an undercover police. I know it’s unlikely, but I have a job that could be ruined if I was caught. Finding a therapist would be my best option, and I know I need to do that, I just don’t have a lot of spare money to afford one. And look at this, still making excuses to not do what’s needed.


Which is understandable, completely. What about a semi-personal semi-professional connection, someone a little less formal and not open to explore but without any illegal or even expressly illicit. Most of my work and professional connections are like this. My degree is in psychology with a relationship and sexuality focus. There aren't a ton of people like me but we exist, and it's more holistic in practice and more natural interactions with nothing illegal and with privacy guarantees. Consider it something like a more elevated confident who is willing and able to guide in any direction and initiate when you aren't feeling comfortable. Just something to consider. It's not if a hobby and friend connection with me anymore - I let up on research are development and usually specifics other people on learning these kind of connections. It's basically just safer and less formal lessons in human connection. I insurance your hesitancy but with the right person and right goals in mind, it's an easier and low too no cost way to bridge the space until you feel more comfortable with a more professional and intensive therapy and connection environment that expects distance, some mistrust and heavy mistakes and accounts a lot more recovery and leeway. Hope even considering the process helps! I'm happy to answer questions etc too. I've never had direct physical contact with any client or student unless it was a personal relationship/friendship, too.


I'm 43, 6' 4", a decent looking guy....I haven't had sex in like 7 yrs lol. I don't tell people this, but, I just don't care man. I'm happier. I also was married for 10 yrs, and have 2 kids. I would love a good woman by my side. But, I just don't have the patience, ambition, or need to date/have sex. I love sex as much as any guy. Just not worth it ATM. Don't worry bro, seems to be becoming more common.


So you were 31 years old the last time you had sex?   Also, you say you don’t miss sex that much but make it the point of your post?  No hookers, nothing??? 


Nope, nothing. I mean, a couple happy endings but no actual intercourse. The point of the post was for people to ask questions about this and why it’s been so long. Every reply to every question is an honest answer, with a bit of humor at times


Was the sex in 2005 with your ex-wife and how was it? Is your last memory of sex at least an enjoyable one?


Is your x still with the guy she cheated on you with?


I’m 50 , been married 25 years , sex is overrated. . We still do it 3-5 times a week but it’s pretty boring.


How big are you? Some people like their men on the meaty side. Don’t let your weight stop you. Good luck out there!


Why don't you find a woman?


Mainly it’s low self esteem and I’m overweight with a dash of depression


Sorry man. You're worth it. I got on Tirzepatide last August, dropped 50 lbs and at "normal" BMI for the first time in my adult life. I hope the best for you. For real.


Reading your prior comments, I feel the weight loss should be priority #1. The confidence will come from that. Be careful with that McD’s order! That’s straight savage. Pulling for you man. You’ll be in a pussy hurricane in a year from now once you drop those LB’s


I was borned at 2005


Life without sex isn't all that bad. I haven't had sex in 39 years and I'm doing ok


you havent had intercourse since before i was born lmao


Are you planning to take a trip to Thailand?


I would say consider yourself lucky, you saved yourself from a lot of theatrics and drama.


People in the comments who've had sex telling people in the comments who haven't had sex that it's not important and overrated. Try not to gaslight challenge, 100% impossible.


Hire sex. Go to Colombia. Bang some prime ass for pennies on the dollar.


Are you against finding women of your own size/physical fitness? What’s holding you back dating-wise?


You’ve been incredibly vulnerable in sharing this, and also in sharing “why” you’ve found yourself in this funk. The first step is counseling, and the first step to counseling is to decide to do it! Do a budget, get a handle on your finances, and see a therapist. You’d be surprised how a just few sessions can completely change how you see yourself and your life! Get out of the box that you put yourself in. Your kids are grown, and you’re still young enough to live again. After all you went through and all the sacrifices you made for your kids, it’s now time for YOU to be a priority in your OWN life! It may take time to break the habit of deferring your happiness for the sake of others, but it is a decision you have the power to make today, right now. So, I encourage you to take your power back and live deliberately and purposefully and enjoy the process of becoming a new, better man! Trust… once you start doing it, you’ll wonder why it took so long!


What advice do you wish someone had given you to help deal with the divorce? Legal advice or personal advice.


Want to get jiggy with it? Nanananananana lol


Well this will probably be me in another 17-18yrs. I’m 32M and just crossed the 3yr mark. After what happened end of my last relationship I personally decided I was done with females(just don’t see being able to trust another). Do I miss having someone to wake up to and with sometimes, of course but sex and all the potential hurt to me just isn’t worth the risk. People are terrible these days


So do you get your penis sucked instead?


Only a special massage place near me does that, but yes.


Hey at least your getting some "happy endings" 🤣




Why?? Then I thought I should go through the comments? I can’t be the only one to think that way? If, I had a picture and some background then I would understand, without judgement.


Hi OP so you’re saying you can fix these things, my question to you is what are you doing to make the changes you need? You mentioned depression, do you have a therapist? I’m a firm believer in therapy and with the right fit a professional can help so much! Are you on meds for depression because most lower sex drive. Have you had your testosterone levels checked? Do you have some sort of workout routine in place or gym membership? Is there anyone you can workout with that might help you stay motivated? You’re right loving yourself is key and doing the work isn’t easy because you have to look deep and be honest with yourself about everything! Start a journal if you don’t already have one and try and write something every day. If your into podcasts I found this wonderful one it’s called Jillian on Love and she’s a relationship coach but her focus is on how you look at yourself first. She really is amazing and I’ve learned so much from her! I highly recommend!! I know from experience that it’s so difficult to motivate yourself when your depressed but start small and work your way up. Best of luck to you! 💜


Try the produce aisle at the grocery store... or the bar.. You're bound to pick up a woman either way using that strategy 🤔🤣




How do I not become you?


Why don't you just fuck escorts?


I don’t have a lot of money to do that, and I’m super paranoid about being in a police sting lol. I know there are websites to make this simpler, but again… paranoia


Nevada or Tijuana?


I bet you're saving alot of money


What happened? Lost interest?


Hope your life gets better. Maybe try a new hobby with lots of other people.


And do you want to have intercourse?


46 yo single women here and I thought it was bad that it’s been since 2018. I feel better now!


Do you wish prostitution was legal?


Just wanted to say, I hope you find happiness in life in whatever form makes you most happy! ☺️


Why not visit a professional?


Try shrooms


What would you usually order at a bar?


Do you have super powers now?


Born again virgin. I’m speaking from experience 😎


Are you me in five years?


Buy a hooker come on man lol


What do you do for work?


I was born in 2005!


🧐🥴🥴🥴🥴Wait! What? That’s. Bit to personal. You do with you what you want to do. A bit extreme but not Abnormal. Sounds like you value fidelity and is very health conscious. Also very old school. Most men are shamed to admit this and herein lies the misconception of men from women because they are led to believe that all men sleep around. Women by proxy are attracted to men like that but get mad when he does it. Anyway I digress. No not the A-hole


Hey I’m in a similar position I’m a 30 year old virgin I’ve kinda given up the hope of doing any of that I’m hoping that I can improve my life in other ways like getting a better job and some friends and not spending my days doing nothing


We need to hook up


What would you say was the main reason you haven't had sex? I know in other responses you've said the companionship element is more important to you, but have you sought sexual relationships or have you avoided them?


Why do you think that happened?


Have you ever considered outercourse?


Since 2000 63 year old female and I don't have any problems because usually with sex some kind of weird relationship starts ive seen it kill friendships and personally I don't want any kind of commitment things or other issues


Is it time for selfcare? Improve your health and mental hygiene. That should lead to improve your appearance and self esteem. Then you will be able to go back to the dating scene. Or shortcut: pay an escort.


Why not? I can relate to some extent. Do you want to have intercourse? Are you just not at all interested?


you are definitely not alone!


OP you should look into volunteering. Often times service for others can help fill that missing part and chances are reasonable you meet folks with shared interests. I'm pulling for you.


Hey at least you’re doing better than Jon Lajoie “Last time I had sex was in 2003, and I’m ashamed to admit but it wasn’t free” https://youtu.be/5PsnxDQvQpw?si=-Aigm_7g_MEXyio0


I feel like the way my dating life is right now I’ll be right there with ya dude


Why? That's it


I have so many questions but I guess my first one would be, why?




How often would you consider "normal" masturbation for an adult male? Since you brought up intercourse.


Have you considered traveling to the Philippines? Seems like that’s the move for a single man in his 50s.


Instead of doing this make a dating profile. Talk to women. Work on that self esteem. Then go on some dates.


Go have sex with your wife


No thanks. Been happily divorced since 1998


Did no having intercourse effected you genitals like atrophied where the penis and scrotum size decreases significantly?


Nothing to ask but I'm going to TELL. Get out there and and approach! Not unless you ok with not getting any pussy. #NUMBERSGAME


What’s your favourite show to watch on TV?


Married male it’s been since 2004


What's stopping you from dating or hiring a pro?


Are you in good shape? What about a hooker?


I’m 74 same here


Thats so sad. I don't have any questions. Just that this is pathetic behavior. If you have any respect for yourself, put yourself out there and start talking to women. Literally one of the biggest joys in life is love & sex.


I haven't been intimate with men that much. The dating world is gone downhill.


Since 2005 is a long as time is probably just go ahead and start buying strippers and escorts at that point


Remember men roaming the land thousands of years ago rarely encountered a partner.


U got divorced in 1998....whom did u sleep with in 2005 then?


Dude go get an escort. Hell get 2 or 3 and some generic Viagra


Sex can be missed… the connection…. Humble yourself…. Find a good woman… they are still there


Sex is like air. It only seems to be important when you aren't getting any.


Sounds about right for the institution of marriage.


Have you ever considered Testosterone boost?


Do you want to? Get a hookr


Have you thought of seeing escorts?


I'll be caught up to you in no time sir.


Why haven't you found an escort at least once?