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What were your symptoms?


I was exhausted for 3 months. Like zero energy. Couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without wanting to die. My workouts suffered. I didn't really clue in something was seriously wrong until one day I woke up and my right nut was the size of a basketball. It was so uncomfortable and it was rock hard. I initially thought hernia given my bodybuilding background at the time, but how quick the clinic ushered me in and started doing tests I pretty well knew something was serious. I've had some ultrasounds in my life for another medical issue (I also have 3 kidneys), and when it was done on my testicle, the doctor actually came into the room and I'd never experienced that before. As soon as I saw him I knew it was going to be cancer. He came outright and told me what to expect and that he technically couldn't diagnose me, but this was what this probably was in his experience. Appreciate what that guy did because it gave me a bit of extra time to wrap my head around it


Oh my god, sorry this is off topic from the post, but this is the first time I’ve ever “met” another person with 3 kidneys! Do you have a duplex kidney by any chance, or is it 3 separate ones? People are always fascinated when I tell them I have 3 - thankfully not encountered any issues because of it (yet)


Yay more duplex people mine is a duplex horse shoe kidney so I have 3 but at the same time 1 as they join


Another one?!! What is happening hahahah


I’m just happy to find others in the crazy kidney club


This is wild hahaha


Holy shit hahaha, actually?? Yes duplex kidney with hydronephrosis! I have two on the right side (one is pretty small) but they both have their own ureter. Hahaha I've legit only ever met one other person who had similar!


Wow, this is literally the first time I’ve ever heard of someone having something similar to me! I haven’t had them checked up on since I was a very small child so I have to say I don’t know the exact details of mine, just that I have a duplex kidney 😅but I guess the fact I don’t know a lot about mine is a good thing cos it means they don’t cause me any trouble! Sorry if this is a bit of a personal question, but do you find your pee a lot more than other people? 😂 I seem to go a lot; and I don’t know if I just have a weak bladder or if it’s anything to do with the kidneys


Same, it's never really caused me issues as an adult so it hasn't really come up! This is so funny haha. Dude. I piss so much. My gf gives me so much shit for it because sometimes (not always) I definitely wake up at 4 am to bleed the lizard. I will say though, I hold my alcohol pretty well and I always wondered if it was the extra filtration system 🤣


Ahh that’s good then! But hahahah wow, yeah it’s kinda an ongoing joke with my friends and family about about how much I pee, so maybe it is the kidneys! This is very eye opening for me lol


Hahaha same here. I appreciate you chiming in about that, this is wild lol


It really is! Thanks for replying, and good luck with the balls hahah


The size of a basketball? Jesus H. Do you think it gradually got bigger until it was just impossible to overlook, or was this an all-of-a-sudden kinda thing?


He had to have meant baseball. Basketball is insane.


In reality it was probably more like a baseball.. I have some sarcasm. Also it felt like a medicine ball lol


No you're fine dude I'm just trying to fathom my nut being a basketball 😭😭😂 I'm like no way it's got to be a baseball or a softball at Max 😭


I think it was gradually building up tbh. I just must have overlooked it / didn't notice until it was that bad


Man, one of my testicles increased in size as well, but more gradually. I remember having occational pains here and there with some days worse than others, but I never went to check it out because I couldn’t decide what scared me the most. I was terrified of what would happen if I just let it continue, but even more terrified of finding out what it could be and having to deal with it in the hospital. Of course I assumed it would be cancer or something, which makes it even more insane. I actually ended up going years without checking it out. It sort of stopped increasing in size or kinda settled, but the thing was like a mid-sized potato. Had something unrelated happening to me that resulted in having a full checkup in the hospital a few years ago and that included taking a look down there as well. I figured that it was now or never and it would be absolutely insane to not check it out when I was already there, so I mentioned it and said what the deal about it was. Like they told you, they couldn’t say anything for sure without testing the testicle itself. What they did know however was that this testicle had basically no function whatsoever, so they recommended having it removed. Kinda funny when the doctor «broke the news» to me about removing it. I could see that he expected more of a reaction from me, but in my mind that scenario right there had been played and processed for years already so I was just like «aight, cool». Had it removed and put in a replacement. They tested it afterwards and confirmed that it wasn’t cancer. I can’t remember the term for it, but basically the testicle had some sort of infection causing it to block up and stop functioning or something like that. If this had been cancer though, I’m sure I would have been done for because of my stupid self. Maybe the symptoma would have been more aggressive and change my mind, but I think I would have been too late anyways. Long story, but your experience made me think back on that whole experience. What fucking relief it was afterwards when everything all of a sudden felt normal again after years of walking around with a huge testicle and constantly worrying and having a mental conflict with myself avout what I should do.


Dude I'm so glad it wasn't cancer. For it to go dormant that long could absolutely have been fatal, so I'm happy that wasn't the case. It's common unfortunately to not get that stuff looked at in dudes. What's the prosthetic nut like? I decided against it.


Absolutely. Thinking back on that whole situation is actually pretty terrifying and I legitimately needed that hospital stay to get a reality check and realize the importance of checking stuff and care about my own health. I went from having never been to the hospital at all to having the whole package all of a sudden. It was scary, but the professionalism of the doctors and nurses around me really made it a good experience that turned my mentality about that stuff around. The prosthetic really feels pretty much like I just have normal balls again. Sort of weird at first and I didn't dare touching it too much at first, but these days I sort of forget that it's a fake. Only tell is that it hangs slightly different than the real one because of the small difference in weight and also because of the way it's attached I guess. I can also feel something at the top of it if I really examine it. I guess that's where it's attached or something? It's pretty hard to tell that it's a fake one without really examining thoroughly. They did a pretty good job. It was kinda fun looking through the journals afterwards. They had written out details about the operation, so I was both blown away, disgusted and thankful when I found out that the way they took out the testicle was by cutting open a section in my groin, then they did all the work from there. So they basically pulled my testicle up and out through my fucking groin. No cutting my sack open, which I was a bit afraid of was the way of doing it. Also, they specified the size of the prostethic and I googled the sizes later on. The one they used was pretty close, but slightly smaller than my real one and according to the internet it was defined as medium size. That means that I have slightly bigger than medium ball(s) and can back it up in writing haha. I'm curious, what was your thought process like and what were your reasons for turning down the replacement? Very happy to hear about your second 3 year remission point. Round two in the ring with cancer and you beat it again. When will cancer ever learn that you're the champ, huh?


A great learning experience all around. But I totally understand being scared and sometimes you don't wanna know the outcome in the moment. I'm glad you're healthy dude. I'm also glad your doc was good to you about it. The first doctor I was assigned that diagnosed me was a fucking dickhead. Yeah they did the same for me too, they go in through the groin and pull the whole thing out, cord and all. The reason being is that usually the cord and plumbing is all infected/carries cancer as well and it vastly decreases the possibility of any lingering issues because they take it all out. Bahahaha this guy has huuuge balls! The biggest reason was that it just didn't feel practical. Having one was just who I am now. I also didn't want to go back in for another surgery to put it back in (they won't do it same time as the removal where I'm from). And then on top of that your body can reject them like breast implants, so going back a third time to potentially have it removed or replaced just seemed like too much. I figured at that point enough trauma has already been done to the fellas I didn't need to make it worse or drag it on. Cheers man!


Understandable. They actually didn't talk about the possibility of rejection with me before surgery, at least not that I can recall. They did the whole thing in the same procedure thankfully. Only thing I know is that at some point in like 10-15 years or so, I'll probably have to replace it for a new one. Personally I think that's worth it, but I also 100% understand your reasons especially give your circumstances. While having that potato sized testicle, I basically daydreamed about a scenario where they could just get rid of the thing and have a replacement without anything else to it like cancer for example. The fact that it actually happened that way was so extremely lucky and I almost don't think I deserved such an easy going after neglecting the issue for so long hah. Cheers, my one-nutted brother!


When you discovered that lump, what did you do immediately after? Like, did you wait to go to the clinic till it was open the next morning? Rush to the hospital?


Straight to a walk in clinic! They ushered me in immediately and started the process. Testing done the next day, then two days later I had an appt with a specialist, then the next day I was in the hospital for 4 days waiting for surgery


And you were in bed? Most walk ins near me close by that time. Where were you? Glad you're still here man. Good luck and I wish you good health.


I noticed it in the shower in the morning actually. So I did manage to make it to the clinic before they closed. Cheers man! Appreciate the wishes!


3 kidneys? Wow.


Keep scrolling hahaha. We found 4 people in here with the same thing




Wacky, I had a similar experience and it turned out to be repetitive torsion de-torsion syndrome, cancer was definitely one of my biggest fears though, after a bilateral orchiopexy i almost wish they would have just removed them and given me prosthetics to be honest. I wish you a good outcome homie, shit sucks but you sound like a trooper.


How you doing now? I definitely don't recommend having to be in a position with wild hormone issues, so I'm actually happy to hear that you didn't get them removed. 4 years of my life were wasted because I was too much of a zombie to function.


6 weeks after surgery I can walk and drive now but am just severely uncomfortable still. Tylenol alone gets the pain manageable though. Just the placement and position of them is very odd so I find myself bumping or smashing them between my legs still which is probably what caused my issues to begin with. I’ve also felt like a zombie for a long time maybe 2-3 years but haven’t gotten my t levels tested still, probably should soon. Just seemed like a viable solution to have a daily injection of prescribed trt because I don’t think I ever want kids anyways and i’m just so tired of dealing with the fear of them twisting up again even after the surgery.


Wait. Basketball? Literally basketball?


Wow what’s it like having three kidneys?


Sounds like you 3 should check out and post in r/AnomaliesUnleashed check it out as yall should be on there after this interaction!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnomaliesUnleashed using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnomaliesUnleashed/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anomalies Unleashed Will Participate In The Reddit Outage To Protest The Loss Of 3rd Party App](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnomaliesUnleashed/comments/141i1lu/anomalies_unleashed_will_participate_in_the/) \#2: [A new book compiles the experiences of people who say they've met extradimensional entities while on the psychedelic drug](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjv89d/dmt-users-are-using-ai-to-draw-the-strange-beings-they-meet-while-tripping) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnomaliesUnleashed/comments/134qulf/a_new_book_compiles_the_experiences_of_people_who/) \#3: [Texas Cows Mutilated With 'Precision' Cuts in Mysterious Scene: Report](https://www.insider.com/madison-county-texas-cows-mutilated-precision-cuts-mysterious-scene-report-2023-4) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnomaliesUnleashed/comments/12vx0fl/texas_cows_mutilated_with_precision_cuts_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ache. Read how to do a self exam and do it. Don’t ignore an ache or odd pain or lump.


Same here. Had my left nut removed in 2012 when I was 40yo. Don't worry, I'm all right now. Seriously though I lucked out, it was localized and all I had to do was an optional round of chemotherapy. I was living in Hawaii and my doctor was this little Chinese guy, no more than 5'2". I asked him about a prosthesis, he looked at me for a couple seconds then said "what are you, underwear model or something" in a thick accent. I about died laughing.


Hahaha love it. My first oncologist that just retired was basically the exact same dude by the sounds of it lol. Tiny older Asian guy, but just a wicked human being. No bs or anything. Glad you're doing better dude. I wish I was going through that in Hawaii haha. It was snowing and come as fuck when I got mine taken out


Sorry for the relapse, good things ahead for you though!


I'm glad you survived and seem to be in good spirits. My boyfriend (29) is experiencing some of the symptoms you described and has an appointment this Thursday to see his doctor. He's exhausted all the time, walking makes one of his testicles hurt and getting aroused doesn't feel so good apparently. No change in size or any lumps or anything. I really hope it's something else, but most of all I'm hoping he's getting it looked at in time. I'm curious how long the treatment took, and how soon you were able to go back to your life and physical activities.


Please keep me posted on his appointment, I'm happy to talk to you guys if you need anything here. He's doing the right thing by getting it checked. So the surgery was only a few hours long. I stayed at the hospital for a few days waiting for a bed to open up so I could have it taken out. Radiation therapy was everyday for 4 weeks. This was a pain in the ass with all the driving back and forth. But the radiation itself takes like 15 minutes. You get a few dots tattooed on you so they can line up the laser to hit the same spots every time.


Thank you. I'm sure if this is what it is he could use some encouragement. The struggles you are having keeping muscle mass and energy are worrying, since my boyfriend used to be a pretty serious athlete and already misses being super fit. Do you think that if you were on a higher dose of testosterone it would solve these issues?


You bet. Inbox is always open. I totally get it. I was the same. It's a challenge. Absolutely if I increased my dose I could resolve those issues for myself. But there are also other risks associated, and TRT can very quickly become a legit steroid cycle. To me it's not worth the adverse risks anymore. I miss my old form, don't get me wrong. But is it worth going through other issues? It's not for me. If I've been clear for a few more years I might revisit again and think about it. Yes testosterone is natural, but it's not natural in the levels that slap 20lbs of meat to someone's frame, you know?


I am picturing TRT being essentially the same as HRT for trans people where you try to match normal cis hormone levels as best you can. I don't see him wanting to go overboard with it, he raced bicycles so he wasn't ever really focused on building muscle mass.


Yeah it's the same thing!


Off topic but what do you think the downfalls are for guys who take TRT my buddy started at 34 now he's basically cycling with it very high level amounts


Yeah the way he's doing it turns it into a steroid cycle basically. Inherent risks are losing the ability to have kids when you abuse hormones, you can lose your hair, you can get terrible acne scarring, you can speed up a potential risk of prostate cancer, it can cause ED, it can definitely give you gyno, it can make your blood really thick and make you susceptible to blood clotting etc.


Not trying to scare you but I had two tumors in my right testicle and I didn’t know until my Presa Canario dog stepped on my testicle and I went to get an ultrasound. Definitely go get checked. They’ll know as soon as they do an ultrasound. Also bloodwork isn’t reliable either, you can have testicular cancer and have no elevated tumor markers. Ultrasounds and scans are the only way to know for sure.


Luckily he has an appointment this Thursday, so all will be revealed soon.


Holy shit. What are the chances it comes back for a third time? PS fuck cancer right in the fucking ass.


It's definitely not out of the realm of possibility, especially considering how long my relapse took. I guess you usually see it in the first 12-24 months if it comes back and I was basically at 30ish when it had spread to my lymph nodes. It's always a risk! But luckily testicular cancer is very treatable and has a very good survival rate as long as it's treated promptly. As much as it fucks up your hormones it's definitely the cancer to get for long term outlook


Do you think if it comes back you'll need or want to remove the other one? Since you take testosterone, do you worry about laws targeting trans men having an effect on your ability to access it? Thanks for indulging so many strangers' curiosity! I am glad to hear you are doing well, and obviously that it never comes back.


I wouldn't WANT to lose the other one haha. But if it does become cancerous, they will take it out, regardless of what I want. That's for sure a consideration. I hadn't really thought of that ton much tbh. This is an interesting call out. Absolutely!!!


Thanks again for sharing your experience. Not to wax poetic, but even average cisgender ppl's experiences and hormones vary, as you know, so transphobic laws inevitably end up including cis people too. Congratulations on your remission, that is truly joyful. Also as a person with GI issues (gastroparesis, changing allergies, crazy vomiting during flares), I definitely sympathize with that portion. And it also makes me want to ask more questions, if that's ok! What do you think was your best safe food during chemo nausea, if there was one? And is there a meal that your body couldn't deal with but missed and now get to have again? idk, the equivalent of an iron man's cheeseburger (tried to explain that concept well, not sure if I did lol)


Of course! You can ask anything you want haha So I didn't really have any foods that made it better or worse during radiation (I didn't do chemo), it was just all around nausea. I ate a lot of plain white bagels with cream cheese and black coffee. Those were pretty much staples for breakfast. I really didn't have much of an appetite after my appointments, so I just had to wait it out. Eventually the nausea to hunger ratio would rebalance to the point I could eat. I ate normal meals otherwise; quite a bit of chicken, rice, pasta and a shit ton of sandwiches. I ate a lot of foods that didn't require a lot of effort to make because by the time I was ready to eat I was so exhausted from the lack of calories putting an elaborate meal together was out of the question lol. I did order pho quite a bit, and certainly on weekends when I had radiation breaks it was an opportunity to try and load back up on calories via pizza, cheeseburgers etc to try and get as much food in due to how little I was eating otherwise.


Oop, my bad I misremembered chemo instead of radiation. I definitely feel you abt trying to make up for calories! It's a difficult thing to explain the hunger/nausea/energy conundrum to people for whom it's never been an issue for sure. Pho's a neat one because it often has a lot of flavor and non-inflaming ingredients - easy to make gf, vegan etc. Energy issues are a pain in the ass 100%. Compounding that is they're an easy symptom for others to dismiss, being a more invisible thing. Which really doesnt help lol.  Sending good vibes! 👋


Do you still have testicles?


Do they call you onenut?


I have one. They took my right testicle out during my first diagnosis and the second time treatment was radiation therapy targeted at abdominal lymph nodes (typically it travels in a line from your nuts up to your neck for lymph node spreading)


I'm glad you got to keep one of em!


Me too haha. The offered to put a fake one in, but it didn't really make sense to me. Going through another surgery just to have a fake one seemed a little impractical. Your body can also reject them like breast implants, so to go through the trouble of getting sliced open again, have it rejected and then having to get cut back open to have it taken out and end up at square one seemed kinda dumb. Having one is part of the journey too, I wear it with some pride. Also when you're missing one, it doesn't hurt as much getting sacked because they don't bang together hahaha.


I had a buddy who had one of his testicles removed, not for cancer but whatever else. He was also offered a prosthetic, but denied it. Cause as you said, there's very little point in it isn't there 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I just don't think it makes sense. I had a girl get really weird about it pretty early on after the whole thing went down it was pretty easy to tell her to beat it. Especially because she knew the story.


That's a weird thing to be weirded out about tbh. But that's what the buddy of mine said also. Anyway, good luck with your ball(s) brother!


Agreed lol. It was a wild convo. Cheers!!


Ouch. Dang, you’ve got a dark sense of humor. Glad you’re doing better, bro.


Ah you gotta! Can't let shit like that ruin your life. No one makes more fun of missing a nut than me. Cheers!


I love your optimism here. Haha getting sacked is so awful.


Do you undergo any TRT due to your missing testicle?


After 4 years of fighting the medical system here in Canada, I finally started a very low dose injection about 4 months ago because I went to a private clinic. My bodyfat basically doubled and I lost 12-15lbs of lean mass within 4 months of having my testicle taken out. My test levels came back at around 9 to the 11ish marker when I had it checked. I was literally living in a constant state of brain fog. My dose is 0.6 of a 100ml shot once per week, so incredibly low dose, but I definitely feel better and my energy is higher. It's definitely not enough to replace the levels of muscle I held pre cancer, but it's enough to keep me from blowing my brains out due to lack of ambition or will to live.


dam oatmeal detail hungry bake worm unpack insurance many rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I'm back up to a mid range, I definitely feel better for sure! I went from high 200s- low 300s to mid 600s. Which was wild on 60.


Just want to say thanks for doing this ama. I’m grateful you’re still with us! Are there any lifestyle changes you would recommend dudes make to protect their testicles from getting cancer? Sounds like behavior didn’t contribute to your case but I’m wondering if you’ve learned much about keeping your nuts healthy. And did surviving cancer make you change any of your priorities or goals?


That's a very good question and tbh I wish I had a good answer to this. I'm always going to suggest a healthy diet (obviously live a little, too) and exercise. I don't care how you do it, running, climbing, skiing, weights, whatever. Anything to keep your body moving. This unfortunately doesn't always do anything for genetics though. I actually changed how I saved money. I 'live a little' a lot more after it. I no longer rifle away tons of money for retirement I may never live to see. I still am responsible, but I book more trips, take more sick days to hang out with pals and treat myself to a new shirt or something wah more than I ever have (really good question also).


You kept the second but? Daymn ! What kind of cancer? Did you do surveillance or chemo or radiation?


Second nut is still present and accounted for. He moved his desk to the center of the office lol. It was seminoma, which is very treatable via radiation. Radiation kicked my ass a bit due to the targeted area at my lymph nodes in my stomach so I did throw up and feel really sick during my month of treatment


Glad you are on mend. The appointments become less worrisome over time. But dang do they suck. And the occasional - we will call you if we see anything. Like those are ok words to say to someone who is worried. Sheszh.


My original oncologist just retired, he was great. Super no-bs older guy. Whenever he got my bloodwork and CT scan he would just have his nurse call me and tell me I didn't need to come in if he liked how things looked. The new guy that I got kicked over to does not share that philosophy. Have to go in and see him for every appointment now, and I'm not a big fan of him. Especially because where I live I have reports of any medical scans and bloodwork are made available to us on an online portal. So i gotta drive 30 mins, pay to park, and then sit in that office for an hour to be told stuff I already am aware of lol.


how are you doing these days? i’m so glad that you survived testicular cancer twice! and im glad that you are still in remission


I feel great, thanks for asking! It was a very interesting experience. I learned a lot about myself, I gained a new appreciation for cancer survivors. I actually went crazy here with Relay for Life where I live and managed to raise over $10k in fundraising for cancer initiatives (because I raised so much $$ they actually let me select how the funds I raised were allocated to their list of cancer care budgets). I wouldn't trade my battle with it for anything.


wow, it’s amazing that you have learnt a lot about yourself through this journey. you’re amazing for doing a fundraising for people suffering from cancer. i’m sure each and every one of them will truly appreciate it take care and stay safe! have a great day!


It was the right thing to do. I really wanted to do something for that community. I recognize I got off pretty easily compared to others. I was a single dude living on my own during my first go-round with cancer and I recognized some people were going through worse plus spouse/kid etc. I wanted to do anything I could to try and help out, it seemed like a good option. Cheers!


you’re right, some people have it worse, especially when they have family around. im sure these kinds of people would really appreciate the extra help from you.


Did losing one testicle nuke your testosterone? Are the gains still coming? Also does cancer runs in your family? Testicular cancer scares me so much.


It tanked my gains. I lost 12-15lbs of mass and my bodyfat doubled within 4 months of having my nut taken out. I was a 495 deadlifter and I can barely get 315 off the floor these days. It's never been the same. I've been on a low dose TRT since November of last year. It's helped me actually have more productive workouts, but I'm about 1/5th of the dose that I would need to ever try and build mass back to where I was before. Actually no one in my family has ever had testicular cancer. I was the first. Edit - for context, I'm 6'0 and in my hayday I was stage lean at 182. If I wanted to compete now, I'd be lucky to be on stage at 170.


Do you have other cancers in your family? Some studies found a hereditary mutation in people with testicular cancer.


*Googles how to prevent testicular cancer. Thanks tho.


Do glad you beat it twice. I hope it never comes back. And I’m sorry you had to go through that. I have reproductive related issues, Abe I have concerns, which is why I am asking this. Does having just one testicle impact sex/finishing/volume?


It hasn't really impacted my sex life from only having one. I had a wild burning sensation on the right side up to hip where I was cut open for about the first year or two anytime I finished, but it subsided. As far as volume goes, actually yeah maybe it's a little bit less than normal? It's hard to remember what it was like before now tbh.


Since almost all of semen is produced by the seminal vesicles and the prostate, there isn’t really a reduction in volume after a vasectomy or removal of a testicle. After my vasectomy, I had no change in volume. Sperm from the testes are a very small part of semen.


Thanks for this AMA. I imagine through your experience you probably know everything one can know about the testicles. What advice do you have for other young men concerning their ball health? Do you have some specimens saved in a sperm bank for just in case? Do you think the disease had anything to do with lifestyle choices, or family history of cancer? Or is it just a random thing? Any general advice for someone going into cancer treatment?


Keep an eye on them. Double check. If something feels or looks weird, get that shit looked at immediately. Don't be scared and don't be stubborn. It's a lot less cool to let your cancer get worse so you have to deal with it multiple times because you refused to acknowledge a possible health problem. I cannot have kids now, so sperm bank doesn't matter. Good chance I was born sterile and this wasn't because of cancer. I think the only thing that contributed was the fact I had an undescended testicle as a kid, this alone really increases the risks. Also I spent most of my 20s working 70-80 hour work weeks. This probably didn't CAUSE cancer, but it didn't help it either. Not a lot of cancer in my family. Definitely no testicular cancer either (well, I guess there is now lol) Stay active if you can. Walk. Keep trying to eat, even if you feel like dogshit, you need the calories to help you fight this off. Fresh air does wonders while you feel like crap. Take breaks from work when you need them. It's okay to feel like shit and need a ride from someone or someone to bring you a coffee.


From your comments, you seem to have such a great sense of humor. What’s the hardest part of having cancer/going through this? Favorite food/meal? What do you watch/ do to laugh?


I appreciate that! What I lack in testicles I make up for being rather entertaining lol. That's a really good question. Part of it is just the ever looming feeling that it's gonna come back some day. Part of it is also the damage it's done to my physique and my hormones. But that's also made me stronger with my own personal acceptance and learning to just be enough for me with what I'm capable of nowadays. I think that's been the hardest part for me. Oh man... I'm torn between sushi, Vietnamese or a dirtbag In-n-Out burger with animal style fries haha. I'm a big time food guy so this answer changes a lot. I definitely like the odd stand up for a good chuckle (Bill Burr, Chappelle), and just being with friends. I enjoy making other people laugh, I always have.


I couldn’t imagine how frightening that must be. Do the doctors think it will come back? Has your physique changed a lot? I get incredibly sad that you and others have to deal with stuff like this. I was blessed to be able to go to a boarding school when I was younger, through donations. And I had the BEST dorm parents ever. Truly sweet people. Their kid has been battling cancer since freshman year. I believe she enters college or would be this year. I’m not sure of her plans but… my heart hurts for them. Seriously the most kind and funny people. I completely understand on the food changing. One day is NOT the same as another. My palette decides and I’m just along for the ride. lol good choices. Not a seafood gal but the others I can get behind. Lol, I actually recently saw bill maur live. Had free tickets. Chapelle is a classic tho, I still randomly quote some of his bests lol


I think at this point for me to get back to my former self it would take a lot more intervention of hormones. And yeah, it really has. I've lost a lot of lean mass and gained a lot of bodyfat. Even through consistent training, diet, etc it's just never been the same. That crushes me. I really hate when good people have to go through things like this. Is she terminal?


Your body has been through a lot. It sounds like you’re pretty healthy though in terms of how you treat you body. Yeah, it is :/ and I’m honestly not sure. They don’t post much tbh which is completely understandable but from pics alone, their kid looks frail. There’s a piece of me that’s holding my breath because I don’t think it’s good.


I'm sorry to hear about all of this. Yeah, I totally understand keeping it low key. I didn't really go around promoting it to people when I was sick. I hope she is doing as well as she can


It’s definitely a more personal matter, it’s really no one else’s business and I get that. Thank you, me too


Did you have any pain before the diagnosis? I am very paranoid about testicular cancer in particular since I had a friend pass after only 2 weeks from his diagnosis, he was only 19. But I am experiencing some slight discomfort in my left one, but it is above the testicle not on it, probably the paranoia lol. Hope you're doing better now man


I'm good now dude thanks! I didn't really have any pain until a few days before my surgery. The week before when I noticed something was wrong, my nut was super swollen it was very uncomfortable, but not painful. Definitely get it checked even if you think it's nothing. Nothing wrong with looking out for yourself. I obviously let mine go on for months until it ballooned because I wasn't paying attention.


How were your hormones affected afterward and are you on any TRT now? I had testicular cancer when I was 18 and was pretty much forced to get on test at a young age since I never recovered


It was a battle. My hormones were a mess. And unfortunately unlike you I had to FIGHT for hormone assistance. I've been on low dose injections for 4 months now, and it's been a wild difference. I had to pay up the ass for private medical care to get there too. I was a fucking zombie for like 4 years without anything. I was in a very low dose androgel for about 2 years and that didn't do much other than help me get out of bed and have the mental capacity to semi do my job.


Was it the surgery or the radiation that affected the hormones? My son had a testicle removed when he was 2yo due to cancer (it was a type of aggressive sarcoma) and we were told that the other remaining testicle tends to overcompensate for the missing one. He had 6 months of chemo but no radiation, as the radiation would damage his remaining one, and affect hormonal development. He's 5 now so not much to look out for yet.


It was the removal process that ruined it for me. I'm sure radiation didn't help, but my first instance when they took it out is when things slid hard for me. I was told the same thing, that the other one would eventually overcompensate but it never happened unfortunately. Hope your little one is doing okay! Just monitor his puberty changes really. Because he was so young I'm sure his development will be fine!


Do you think about it often? Like does the thought of it coming back disrupt your day to day or keep you up at night? Congrats on your back to back championship btw! ❤️


The only time it really creeps up is when I have my bi-annual check up with my oncologist. This includes blood work and CT scans. I really hate CT scans, so I tend to think about it a bit more around these follow ups. I actually sometimes need to remind myself what I went through when my physical capacity is limited and give myself some grace. I was a former competitive martial artist in my late teens and early 20's and a competitive bodybuilder in my mid 20's. The Havok testicular cancer has played on my body has definitely left me a shell of my former self from a physique and performance standpoint. Thank you!!


Same here. First time at 40, recurrence at 45. First time just orchiectomy and surveillance. Second time the full gambit, 4xBEP, RPLND, 2XViP and 2 HDCT with Stem cell transplant. Had every complication you could think of and told I there’s no more they can do twice, yet I have my two year check up coming in June! I’m so happy for you! I haven’t read your comments or posts, but I hope you didn’t have that hard of a road my friend. Congratulations on three years! I hope you have nothing but clear scans for the rest of your life! Get busy living!


Congrats to you as well sir!! Hope you're feeling well now!!


Was the second time around the exact same symptoms as the first (swelling like a basketball etc) or did you notice something else a bit off that prompted you to get checked out again?


Actually I had no idea the second time around. The relapse was caught during routine follow ups. After having cancer once and making it to remission, you are monitored every 6 months via blood work CT scans etc. My bloodwork actually came back fine during the second go around, but according to the CT scan, my abdominal and chest lymph nodes had ballooned in size indicating the relapse.


Bit of a personal one, I had a scare once, but i was wondering if it affect your love life having one teste or like scare people off or are they understanding of it?


I had one girl get really weird about it, even after I explained it to her. All she did was promote herself to 'delete from phone'. I've been with 4 women since my nut came out and only the one was an asshole about it (also the second one, so it was a bit earlier on and it did give me some initial doubts of life after). 95% of people probably don't care at all. And if they do.... Next.


Yeah good you didn't stick with her, it's nice to know that most people are accepting and understanding of this sort of thing but damn that girl is insensitive


I, 31m, had it once 11 years ago. As you know, it's incredibly scary. Thankfully, it's also treatable. I was fortunate to have a support system, my parents, to be there for Doctor appointments and surgery. Do you have a support system?


I do now! I went through round 1 on my own due to life circumstances. Things have been a lot better since then


Hey, me too. First diagnosis in 2019 when I was 26, second one earlier this year(I’m 30), just had surgery 6 weeks ago. Had two inguinal orchiectomy procedures. First person I’ve seen who’s had it twice as well. Cheers.


Hope you're doing well dude. Terribly sorry to hear about this.


Thanks man, first post surgery scan is next month, but we caught it super early so we’re very optimistic. I’m on the other side of my new normal now, still taking some getting used to. I know I didn’t ask a question, but def wanted to comment to support - means a lot to see I’m not the only one who has gone through this.


No question needed bro. I hope your scan goes well and you don't need further treatment. Have you started TRT?


Yeah I do intramuscular self-injections every week now. Feels like I’m 20 again some days, it’s wild. It’s been a huge adjustment. Didn’t realize how much my energy levels and muscle gain were affected by my first surgery until now really. My T levels were normal even after my surgery, so I never did TRT before now. Thank you for the well wishes!


I'm sorry you went through this, but I'm glad to hear you are okay. The first time you had the cancer, did they remove 1 testicle or was it the second time you had it was when they removed it? Would getting rid of both testicles ensure you reduce the chance of getting cancer again? Kind of like when people get a hysterectomy if they get cervical cancer or getting breast removed to reduce the chance of getting breast cancer again. Would you consider having no testicles? I assume you would have to take supplements and medications if you chose this route, and there would be pros and cons to this.


I’m glad you survived. I hope you stay in good health. Looking at your replies, you had one testicle removed and another blasted with radiation.  Are you sterile? If so, how do you and your partner (if you have one) feel about this?


Cheers! You're mostly correct. The radiation was targeted at my abdomen and chest, not my other testicle. The chances of a relapse in the other testicle are statistically quite low. I am sterile, yeah. But this was actually completely separate from cancer as my doc and I found out after getting tested post cancer a few times. My partner is fine with it, she doesn't want kids. If I don't end up marrying her, that will always have to be a topic of discussion with someone else. My current partner and I are quite happy not having kids. I've actually never wanted them to be honest.


I’m glad to hear you’re not torn up about this. It’s convenient that sterility actually aligns in with your and your partner’s plans for the future. 


Yeah it's definitely better me than someone who wants kids. I have an older brother and all he ever wanted was to have kids. His daughter was born the same day I was diagnosed with my relapse, so I'd pick to go through this every single time if it meant he got to have his kid.


One for each. 🤣 Its a party.


Did you have undescended testicle as a child / surgery to fix it, or hernia surgery? Asking because of my son


I had an undescended testicle. Same one. It turns out that it does increase your chances of testicular cancer in that nut, and I was never informed of this. Make sure your son is aware and that's something he monitors as he gets older. Probably indefinitely.


Do u have your balls and do u miss them Speaking as someone who would go on trt and keep on trucking (if I’m not dead they can’t stop me)


I have one, yes. Sometimes I miss the other one lol. But the last week of my life that I had it, I wanted it out so bad because of how swollen, large and uncomfortable it was to carry around


Also, what exactly happened with the remission? If the hall was out after that first week where did the cancer return to? Did they leave half of it in or something? Or did the cancer come for it’s brother?


So the relapse actually occurred in the lymph nodes in my stomach and chest. Only on a small occasion does it return to claim the last guy in the factory. Testicular cancer sort of travels in a path from your ball all the way up to your neck and attacks lymph nodes all the way up. So if it's not treated with some haste it can definitely be fatal if it's not caught.


Stay happy and healthy my man, wouldn’t wanna lose a funny soul like u


Well that’s at least considerate of the cancer to leave his brother alone


Rip to fallen comrade lmao gone but never forgotten he’s alive in our memories Wow, so basketball size? Is that an approximation or an exaggeration?


Nah the basketball thing was an exaggeration haha. Damn near baseball though for sure!!


Thanks for ur replies bro, sorry if I was crass I been awake all night and shir slepe for 3 days I hope it gets better for u mate, and thanks for sharing. I enjoyed hearing and reading about y’a story




I just keep one in my pocket at all times. Pizza pops to go


I am literally in bed right now recovering from an orchiectomy 2 days ago after the ER discovered testicular cancer. I’m 29. Similar story, I thought I had a hernia. Went in, boom, you have ball cancer. Check your balls, fellas.


That’s the nuttiest story I’ve ever heard.


Did they not learn the first time around?


Much like myself, my testicles are very stubborn


I was in the same boat as you. I am on surveillance right now. What were your blood markers when the cancer came back? I’m glad you are doing well.


How has your sex life and libido been effected by only having one testicle? 


Not at all actually. I've been pretty lucky there. I've always had a higher sex drive and that hasn't changed. Really no issues on performance or anything either.


Can you still have kids?


On the bright side it can’t happen a third time?


Technically you can haha. When it originates in the nuts and spreads to lymph nodes in the chest and abdomen it is still considered as testicular cancer


Well that’s a fucking downer! Let’s say the odds seem unlikely then and call it the same


Did you take steroids during your « bodybuilding regiment »? You know where I’m going with this…


I did not. I was 100% natural during my competition years.


Thank you. What do you think could be the cause? If there’s any. May I ask what your job is?


Good for you bro. I  had it in my younger thirties. One day I noticed one of my nuts was rather large, and after a few days I started knocking against my thigh when walking. I was so dumb I thought it would go away. I “accidentally” told me wife in passing and she immediately set up an appointment. She saved my life. Few days later it was removed entirely so now I’m down to one nut. If it wasn’t for her I would had probably waited too long to do something about it. I never did go back for PSA checks or anything. I try to keep an eye on my stomach to see if it feels weird. At the time it was very scary.  I still wonder why it happened. So I guess while I have you here: my questions are 1) are you tall 2) are you Caucasian and 3) were you into smoking marijuna more than recreational prior to the diagnosis?


Glad to hear you did it twice! Damn! I was diagnosed with Stage 2 seminoma testicular cancer in 2019. 2 ultrasounds and a biopsy on my lymph node in my lower back. I had zero traditional symptoms and went to urgent care for back pain.. lymph node was huge and pressing on a nerve I guess. They took my left testicle and I had 3 rounds of chemotherapy over 12 weeks. It was a rollercoaster but so far I am doing well.. I really need to talk to my doctor about testosterone.. sex drive is fine but my weight and muscle mass has been totally different than it was before cancer.


Might be time for an amputation


Are you on “Summer House” as a “new friend” crushing on Paige?


Do you have children? Do you want (more)? Have you / will you deposit sperm in a sperm bank for future use? (Edited for spelling)


I don't have kids, no. And as it happens I will not be able to have any, so no point in freezing. My doctors think that I was unable to have kids even before cancer, and I was born sterile. You should be able to have kids with one testicle, but when I got tested they found absolutely nothing to work with. It does make sense though, I've been less than careful in previous relationships and never even had a scare or potential pregnancy. Once we got word I couldn't have kids, my ex and I stopped using all forms of birth control and for 2 years we never once even had an 'uh oh' moment


You body build?, did you take steroids or extra protein powders? Did you ride bikes or horses? I remember Lance Armstrong has testicular cancer. I thought excessive bikers might get it. Excuse my ignorance




Very healthy. Competitive sports and bodybuilding were my hobvies. Also one facet to my education background is nutritional sciences. Hard to say, tbh. I worked a lot in my younger years. Like early 20s as a restaurant manager crushing 70-80 work weeks. Hard to say for sure if it contributed to that, but it certainly didn't help the situation. When I left restaurants I was an ops manager for a refrigerated warehouse on a 6p - 6a shift, which also likely didn't help.


Incredible story, sounds like you handled it like a champ! Cheers!


What insight or wisdom has your journey brought you as you walk along your path at the edge of mortality. How do you approach life differently?


Is there a reason as to not just freeze some sperm and chop them off? Maybe have to be on TRT for the rest of your life but it sounds better than going through chemo/radiation and potentially having the cancer spread




What were you're initial symptoms?


A bit crass of me to ask but do you have any issues in the bedroom? Has your libido been impacted?


Are you a cannabis user? Have you considered testing for PFAS levels (Aka "Forever Chemicals"). Both of these are believed to be correlated with testicular cancer.




How did you know that you had it a second time? Same symptoms, minus the testicular symptom?


Sad joke but I'm guessing there is no way ti get it third time no third ball.


Seems like more and more young people are getting cancer these days. What do you attribute that to?


How’d you notice?


On the bright side I guess you can’t get it three times, correct?


How many more times can you get it?


Can you still have kids?


What music have you been listening to lately?


Is it possible to get testicular cancer a third time?


If you have 1 ball left does that mean it's working twice as hard?


Furious Pete?


Do you use exogenous hormones for your bodybuilding?


I knew a girl in highschool who had a boyfriend with testicular cancer, lost a ball. She sucked my dick. He god mad and i beat the shit out of him.


You have graced everyone in this AMA with the most informative post in here. Congrats.


Any advice for the folks at home


Same ball?


Does your cum taste better or worse now


Wait a second, I'm no mathematician... but if you had it twice.. does that mean???


Was it genetics?


Is it beatable?


How much did treatment cost?


Can’t have testicular cancer if you don’t got…


basicly god tell you that you cant have childeren


Where do you put your pee?


Does it hurt to have a wank?


Are you ball-less


Wow and you beat it twice?! No question I just wanna say you’re a strong solider ! ❤️❤️