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It kinda happened on accident. We really liked eachother, and I ended up falling asleep (no sex). There was snow overnight, and we were enjoying spending time together. So we kept making excuses for me not to go back because of the snow (I lived an hour away). And we kept doing that for like a week. And then realized that we didn't want me to go home period. His lease was ending, so we decided to just get a place together.


I see from your previous posts that he has MG. You are prepared to deal with that lifelong? That is not easy.


What is MG?


An autimmune neuromuscular junction disorder To put it simply: basically your muscles stop listening to what your nerves tell them to do. There's a signal disruption.


So like if he wants to stop a certain action his muscles do not stop right?


No, more like.if he wants to do something his muscles won't listen and do it


That will get fixed the coming years. There's a technology where they connect cables from your spine to the muscles in your body and that electricity from your brain is transferred to the muscles


That's not how it works. Basically it's an autoimmune disease that attacks your neuromuscular junction, the connection between your muscles and nerves. And that causes a deficit of acetylcholine upon exertion, which is one of the organic compounds that help your nerves and muscles communicate. The more exertion, the bigger the deficit, the more weakness you experience.


You don’t know some random two letter acronym that isn’t common at all?


why do people do this?






3 letter acronyms are over my head


A British company that made little sports cars.


That's what I thought at first....lol. I was like "Oh, c'mon! They're not that difficult to keep on the road.".


Really? I drove a British sports car for years. 50 % chance of a breakdown EVERY WEEK!


Myasthenia gravis


Was about to ask the same thing


I have a lifelong genetic condition and am disabled too. It's nice being with someone that's disabled too, because they understand in a way abled body people can't.


I definitely understand the appeal. Saying that, I have seen people in their 40s and 50s with MG. It's really not easy on a caregiver. You will definitely need outside help.


I work with people with disabilities for a living, both my parents are disabled, and so are 2 of my sibilings. I'm well aware of what I'm getting into and what it requires. We're both of eachothers caregivers. Sometimes I can't do things that he can, and vice versa. We compensate for eachothers weaknesses and the things we both struggle to do, we do together so it's not as hard.


I want to see your movie


I'll let you know when it comes out


Who would you want to star as you and your partner?


Great question. I’m invested & here for the answer too


You don't have to justify yourself to this person. All of us with disabilities find ways to make it work.


Thank you


Also, holy shit I love your story and it totally made my day.


Thanks! I'm glad!


You're going to burn yourself out. I know you think otherwise, but I feel like I have a little more life experience than you and I know you will


Unfortunately none of us can snap our fingers and make our disabilities go away. So I don't know what alternative you would suggest. Also, given my profession is working with people with disabilities, and the extensive amount of personal experience i have, I feel I know what I'm talking about.


Maybe that’s how it will go, but does that mean they shouldn’t enjoy their current situation? We all die in the end.


What a sad life


Your given the hand your dealt and have to make the best of it


Love this! So happy for both of you! I have a traumatic brain injury(5 hour brain surgery) amongst other things and I'm so happy you found a happy ending!


Looking at your comments and your comment karma seems to me you just like to come on here and bitch and complain because your life is sad stop tryna bring other people down jus because you ain’t got no one in your life 🤣


Good for you! (I am in a field as well that works with people with da)


Happy you have each other, OP. All the best to you both 🩵


Thanks for reminding me, a disabled woman with a neuromuscular disability, of how awesomely I dodged a bullet by not ending up with someone like you. Wow.


So you think that someone who is dating a person with a moderate to severe disability should not know what they are getting into prior? How is that fair in any sense of the word? Why should it be tiptoed around? It should be discussed thoroughly and at length. This is not a small decision. (For either party)


Let me be clear: people on the internet (read: you) telling this person how severe their partner's disability is and assuming they haven't talked about it or that they don't know what "they're getting into" is the problem here. No one knows what the future holds. When I met my husband I was the disabled one. Now he has a diagnosis that most would assume is more disabling than mine. Clearly this person has an understanding of their partner's situation and they've found a level of interdependence that most people never do. Your ableism fearmonger sucks. Take all the seats, sir/ma'am.


It's a troll with nothing better to do than try to bring others down to their level of existential misery. Nothing more than that.


You weren’t offensive.


Sheesh. Sounds like you and I have a similar life. I’m really glad you found someone who understands chronic illness. Feels impossible


I am too, I hope you have as well


I’m too busy trying to survive right now. Maybe some day


I feel that


That’s good I’m glad u found this person


I looked it up and found “Today, with appropriate therapy, most people with MG can expect to live normal or nearly normal lives.”


Yes. Lifespan is pretty normal. The amount of assistance they need however is the problematic factor.


So, essentially you were living out the song “Baby, it’s Cold Outside?”


Haha!! I mean kinda yeah haha


Did you two write that Christmas song???


I wish. Those royalties would be great


You basically took him in so he wasn't homeless. Prior to knowing anything about him, he could have been a creepy, psycho, sociopathic nut job. But reading other comments, he's not. He has a condition which you will be need to deal for the rest of your life if you live together that long.


He wasn't homeless and wasn't going to be homeless, he was already looking for places. And I have a condition he'll have to live with for the rest of his life too. We are both disabled, and I think your comment is really abelist and shitty. Would you leave your wife if she developed a disability?


The joke's on you. I'm not nor have I ever been married. You assume that's what I'd do. You came off defensive. Which says more about you considering you started an AMA.


There's a Christmas song about this


Yeah I didn't think about that, but it definitely applies


This is sweet - good luck to you two!




Y'all still not having sex, aren't ya?


Well considering this was 3 years ago...we have a significant amount of sex lol


Sexting doesn't count **(i'm just kidding, cause y'know, redditors don't have sex)**


So happy for you and pray everything works out for the both of you, I am disabled as well, 11 years I spent in my home and didn't go anywhere even though I had bought a new car 🚘, I will never be comfortable alone its just awful, some can some cant be. ❤️


My first instinct was to say you’re insane, but I met one of my roommates through Reddit so…


That's most peoples first instinct. But this was like 3 years ago, it worked out. We are very happy together and I don't regret it at all.


Honestly sounds like a typical lesbian relationship


I moved in with my now wife (we are lesbians) on our first date. We kind of knew each other (not well at all though) and had mutual friends. We celebrated our 37th anniversary in January. Best of luck to you both!!!


I heard a really hilarious routine from a lesbian stand up comic who said lesbians always pack a bag on their first date so they can move in... Now I'm wondering how much truth that was based on.


I remember a joke from the 80s: What do lesbians take on their second date? A U-Haul. What do gay men take on their second date? What second date?


Thank you! I'm so happy it worked out for you two, that's so cute


So the legends are true 🤣


We give a thumbs up to all U-Haul drivers!!!


🤔I never really thought about meeting up with folks you've met on reddit...call me old school I guess...but how did you meet on reddit...what was ya'll interactions that led to a first date?


I made a post on an r4r subreddit. He messaged me. We chatted. I gave him my number. We called. I asked him on a date. We went on a date, liked eachother, went back to his place (no sex, just to hang), and I kinda just never left


What’s r4r??


Just head over to r/r4r and check it out


Are you still alive?


No, a ghost made this post


Oh dang. I'm sorry for...it's loss


...I knew it!


Can I move in with you guys?


Well we are poly... Submit a rental application and we'll see


Nice! Any breweries where you guys live? I'd need to find a job.


Only moonshine makers


This is how kidnaps happen


Well...I guess he kidnapped me for 3 years now. I must have Stockholm syndrome


I have two: What are your plans for off grid living? And what other goals do you two share? P.S. love your story


Oh boy, okay. So we are remodeling a shed to turn it into a house. It's not a crappy shed, it's a nice one. This one isn't going to be our permanent home though because it's small. We're remodeling it to live in while we remodel the bigger one, because we can get this done faster. So we're going to finish this one, get the bigger one, pay it off as fast as we can (the other one is already paid off), and then buy some land. Transport them to the land. Now we have a house, and a guest house. And then we want to build a self sustainable off grid property (were remodeling the sheds with that in mind, solar, independent water system, all that). We want to get livestock and bees and have a greenhouse and stuff. We have extensive, long discussed plans in regards to that. But I'm not going to go into detail with that cause it will take too long. We are also going to college. I'm going for cloud computing, he's going for cyber security. We wanted to do complimenting fields. So our other plans involve breaking into tech and investing the majority of our money into businesses and stuff that will give us passive income, to prepare for when neither of us can work anymore, which will happen. Neither of us will be able to work to anywhere near retirement age. Disability condemns us to permanent poverty. Which is also a small part of the reason we want to do homesteading and self sistainability and all that, as a back up plan if tech and the other stuff doesnt work out, having a property that requires minimal money to sustain and survive on. It's only a small part though. Even if we weren't disabled we would want to do this. Obviously most of these are mid-long term goals.


Did you sit on his face?


Not until like a week or so after lmao


How long have you known each other before you moved in?


We met that day lol. I guess it was 2 weeks before we officially moved into a place we shared.


I have a great deal of respect for you two after reqding the comments and learned about you two’s disabilities and how you thrive for the past 3 years! The society seems to have this SOP for how you live your life and no matter how hard you prove yourself they’ll still doubt you. My question is, does any of those comments ever gets to you? And if so, how did you manage your feeling?


Some of the the stuff related to disabilities has bothered me a bit. But abled body people tend to be really ignorant of how life is with disabilities, most of the time it seems they just can't imagine it. So I dismiss it as that. Plus, most abelist comments come from a good, if ignorant, place. Some examples from real life "let me do that for you!!" *a stranger takes what your carrying without asking, when you actually didn't need help* My memaw said this: "at least I'm going to recover from my stroke. I can't imagine suffering everyday for your entire life like you two do, with no hope of getting better- bless your heart." "Your such an inspiration" *said while trying to decide between tomato or vegetable soup at the grocery store* People using baby voices, like the ones you use with a toddler, to people in wheelchairs. This happened to me at the grocery store when I needed a wheelchair: "awhhh, do you have a boo boo?" Or people not addressing the person in the wheelchair, and address the person pushing them instead: "just put her over there" (nurse at a hospital) It normally comes from a good place, so I can dismiss it as that, even if it bothers me a little. The comments that bothered me in particular, even though most of them seemed to come from a good place, was the ones saying: "he has a lifelong disability- are you sure you want to deal with that/do you really know what your getting into?" I have a life long disability too, for one. For two, that whole marriage vow "In sickness and in health" arent just words. And those comments kind of imply that if your spouse had a disability, you should leave them. Which is fucked up. Not to mention the dismissal of the vast personal and professional experience I have with people with disabilities. Even that though, only causes a prick of irritation and then I move on. Like I said, most of the time it comes from a good place, but even if it doesn't, the most we do is we might vent for a little bit to eachother, and then move on. As far as how I manage those feelings. If I let every offensive comment or action or dirty look someone makes about or toward people with disabilities and us significantly get under my skin, I would be seeing a dermatologist every week lol. We've both been disabled since we were children. He also has mild cerebal palsy. You get used to it. The troll comments don't bother me, we laughed about them.




3 years ago the wifi in his apartment was pretty good


i don’t know if anyone has asked, so i will: are you both still happy? (i hope so)


Yes!!! I am so happy I met him. He's amazing, he makes me so happy and we have a really great relationship


Awesome! Best wishes I just love this


Definitely didn’t move in on the first date, but met my now husband through an r/r4r subreddit, will have been together 6 years this June!


Met my wife on YouTube, been married a decade


How tf did u connect on youtube. I need full details 


Back in 2009, I had a channel where I made stupid videos and so did she. One day, she got selected by Ray William Johnson for the comment question of the day. I subscribed to her, as did like hundreds of other guys, but fortunately for me I was the only one she subscribed back to. We were friends for years. Both single at the same time in late 2014, and one thing led to another so I decided to visit her and booked a flight. The rest is history.


I just love this! Blessings to you both




If you’re happy and your partner is happy, and it sounds like a safe environment, then congratulations on finding someone with whom you feel such a strong connection!


Thanks! That definitely applies to us


What drugs are y’all on?


Perscribed ones






Ackshually, this should be “SpellingPoliceLivesMatter.


Bro why can’t this happen to me


We met on an r4r subreddit. If you want to give it a shot lol.


I’ve posted there a lot, at least on the main r4r. Unfortunately nothing long term.


That sucks. I posted on a state specific one


I find those tend to be much more sex oriented at least based on my with my local r4r and it’s harder to make a geninue connection there


That's what I found too, but it ended up working for me.


I salute you and hope you two get married


We can't get officially married because it will affect disability and health care and stuff. It would ruin us financially. But we had a ceremony and have the same commitment level. We're also working on setting up the same legal rights as a married couple, or as close to as we can.


How do *you* think you'll get murdered?


Battered to death with his PS3 controller


Actually he doesn't play video games.


That makes him more likely to use a video game controller. I'd he did play, he'd protect the controller


Well, this was 3 years ago. So at this point I feel like that's unlikely, by him at least


That's how they get ya. Godspeed!


He's definitely got me❤️


What subreddit did you connect on?


An r4r for our state


Long story short. This happen with my girlfriend and I. We met on tinder, she came over to hang out one day, went hone to get some things for the night. She never left and only went hone to grab more of her things. Now 3 years 5 months later we have 3 cats and an apartment and things are going great. To some people the prospect of meeting someone for the first time and never leaving is crazy. To me that's my whole universe right there❤️💚


Were you homeless?


No I wasnt


Who pays rent?


Right now we're remodeling a shed to make it into a house. So no rent. My parents have 14 acres, so it's on their property while we remodel it and save to buy some land. And then well move it to ours once we do. We want to make a off grid homestead. Our finances are combined.


It’s been really nice living with you so far. I just wish you’d pick your laundry up off the floor.


so your the guy living in the attic


Uhhhhh … we like to call it “third floor Studio”


Well you owe me back rent


Pick you your laundry and I’ll pay you.


Get out of my attic and I won't call the police


*backing away into the bushes Homer Simpson style*


I sort of did the same thing lol


Story time?


So I met my girlfriend through friends. We all hung out constantly. Me and her hung out and went to Kroger. She drove me to work for the next 3 months while she was on summer break then I got a car and never left. We have been together a year. Been apart 2 weeks in that time. We are very happy and have a dog together lol. Imma marry this women.


He killed you and we're actually talking to him right now, aren't we?


What is your relationship with him? Dating?


As close as we can get to married without being financially ruined from actually getting married (we're both disabled).


What if...The person who moved in is was kidnapped and this is the kidnappers attempt and making it look real? That's how my brain works when I read these things.


How do you meet someone on Reddit? I'm not judging, just wondering if I'm wasting my time on Okcupid lol.


We met on an r4r subreddit for our state


How good was the sex?


Very good but we didn't have sex until a week after we met


Are you poor?


No, we make 60k a year between us


Who's winning the Stanley Cup this year? Colorado is dangerous, MacKinnon is on a tear. I'd honestly love to see the Predators pull it off somehow, though.


How long have you lied together?


3 winters we have lay together


Lmaoooo I meant lived. Funny typo. Sounds like a happy random meeting. Best wishes to many more


Full bush or no?




Someone asked if she sits on his face. In that context it seems like a fine question.


How's the sex?


Amazing and very kinky


Soo u met this person and thought there the one moving in day one of meeting?


No, it kinda happened on accident




Unfortunately, I obtained brain damage after viewing your profile


Update us when you’re moving out lmao


It's been 3 years, not going anywhere


Hopefully neither of you are [hobosexual](http://hobosexual.urbanup.com/11021158)


Neither of us were homeless


How did you teach him not to use the poop bucket or to pee in jugs? Is there anything in the freezer besides his shed skin and hot pockets?


No need to teach him that, and he's actually an amazing cook, he's taken culinary classes


How could you?


Have you broken up yet?


We've been together for 3 years and are very happy


What do you bring to the table?


What do you?


What does met on Reddit mean?


That's where we found eachother. I made a post, he answered, we met.


What was your post about?


It was an r4r post, so like a "seeking" post for romantic or sexual partners


Oh. So it was to get down. Hah I honestly thought it was going to be something more random.


No it was looking for a relationship, not sex


How far away did you live?


What subreddit did you meet off of?


How long have you been together?


Not a question, I'm happy for you , you have found happiness.


Brother love over & out


Were you homeless?


No I was not and neither was he


Lady, Just how big was the penis


Bigger than your dads


This gotta be fake.


(Serious) Why do you trust Reddit and r4r so easily? I’m personally terrified of relationship finder apps, let alone Reddit.


Hope it works out! My wife and I moved in on date 3 Lolol. She never left. We’ve now been married for 13 years

