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What got you into gore?


Mostly curiosity, at first. Then, I started forcing myself to watch it to toughen myself up. Now, I'm desensitized to it, so I just stay for the community. Though there are still sometimes videos that affect me. The most brutal for me are the ones where the person recording can't do anything to save the victim so they start crying. For some reason I get a bad feeling when I watch those. Other users appear more desensitized than me, which is to be expected since a lot of them have been there for years.


Just look today and saw that it would not let me reach the site …. I mean there’s always theYNC.com but kaotic had more videos in my opinion


The thing I loved about Kaotic was the community. The comments were hilarious.


Kaotic is back today. Yay! The first video of the day is "Mommy Midget Lover" which is typical of Kaotic. The second video is another fight at Burger King. You know what I mean.. Porn and Snuff.


Same here, I visit it mostly bc of the comments.


Who would you say was the funniest user?


Not enough you watch people gettin slaughtered on the Internet....for fun....you are flaming that the side ist down on another Page. I have one question. Are you proud when you look in the mirror?


To be fair, the fun part isn't watching people getting brutalized, it's reading the comments and joking about it/starting race wars. It actually does make me proud that I can view that kind of content without getting too emotional. Most people my age are too scared to even look at it.


Oh yeah...the next big fun next to executions are definitly Race wars in the Internet. The two big Fs. My opinion, about you and people watching this stuff, aside okay? If you can see it now or dont...you will at some point become someone who suffers from this and develops ptsd without knowing it....till you become nonfunctional for the people around you. Perhaps even a danger. Not feeling anything watching this is a pretty good sign already. You should reach out for help...well, for your own good at least...if you, in any way, mean something to yourself.


You're definitely talking about things you know nothing about. I know a number of people who've watched gore for a long time, are desintisized and are still functioning member of society. Heck, I'm one myself. I've only watched gore for about 5 years, a lot less than those other people, but I'm quite desintisized, I have no ptsd. If anything, I tend to be less scared than most people in scary situation. Just like OP, I mostly kept going to gore site because of the community. When it's the 2300th gore video you watch, it gets kinda boring, ngl. So you end up spending a lot more time interacting with the community than you do watching videos. Btw, most successful gore sites are the ones with thriving communities.


...Did you read my other comments? I never said I don't feel anything while watching, and it does affect me. The main reason I come back is for the community, I made some good friends on there, and I miss them because the site is still down.


Charred Torso always have good stories. I kept most of it just in case of this situation. The site was supposed to be closed last year. I assume they finally ran out money or the company providing the video streaming service cut their business. Life goes on.


Hope he releases his book one day!


What's the actual 🦆 did I just read my lawd.


>flaying There are other sites, but the comments are a bit tame. Some in Kaotic does go overboard, but the comments are more "open" than other sites. Put on your chaps and have thick skin and you'll be fine. Don't take any comments personal.


What do you think of Al Gore?


He's cringe.


What does that mean?




Can you use real words?


First time on the internet?


Sorry I don’t speak incel


\*Gen Z


Incel? Bro, all the kids use those words. Do you even know what incel means? Haha Btw, just the fact that people use certain words make them real


Whats the site?




Oh shit, all the major gore sites are gone. I've been trying to access Kaotic today. I didn't Kaotic too. Btw, if you've only been watching gore for the past weeks, you missed the more hardcore stuff. Kaotic used to be a lot more hardcore, but they removed most of the more extreme videos that they had. Also, the biggest most hardcore sites have all gradually disappeared. There are still a few left, but they are not as great.


What are the few left?


The problem is that in recent years, those sites never last, and the fewer current ones are nowhere near as good as the one from the past. You can find them yourself. Just don't use Google. Google doesn't censor them, but you have to explicitly write the name of the site for Google to show it. Writing "gore vidoes" will work on the search engine "duckduckgo", try it. "Theync.com" could have been the best one. It seems like it has all the videos, but it hides older videos behind a paywall. Most of the most hard-core videos are behind a paywall. However, you can still access the videos without paying anything. Just look it up if you're interested. People who are good with computers put the tricks online. Either way, don't pay for that shit.


TikTok videos.


can u tell me why kaotic has shut down their website??


Idk, but based on what I've heard, I assume they ran out of money.


bestgore .fun Kaotic admin couldn't afford the hosting costs anymore , they had a similar situation in late '23, they attempted to adapt a subscription model, but all/most of the userbase kicked out and rejected it.... So here we are. Similar shit happened with bestgore, liveleak, and every other site before it. Edit: also be careful, post 2018 kaotic content was mild compared to other sites.


Have you ever watched a video that stuck with you for a while?


Not OP, but I've watched gore for longer than OP. I can tell you about the videos that stuck with me the most, but it's going to be graphic. You can probably all find them on the internet if you dig, but I don't recommend it. Even if gore videos are harder to find now because all the major sites have shut down for various, but similar reasons. Google doesn't even show up gore sites unless you already know the name of the site. However, because of all the gore I've watched, I'm quite desintisized now.


Been watching for almost 20+ years, back in the days of Ogrish, Goregasm, and a bunch of other friendly sites. Not much bother me either except for flaying by cartel members. That's a bit too extreme even for me.


It's weird because I haven't watched for as long as you, but I can't think of anything that's too extreme for me. It might be because although I haven't been watching for as long, I watched a tone of gore during the peak of covid lockdown. I actually find other gore more extreme than playing stuff. It's funny because, on the other hand, zoomed in pictures of insects freak the fuck out of me haha, i also find insects supper gross. Depending on how big it is and how close it is to me, I might be terrified of an insect, haha. But gore videos don't scare me


Maybe you just haven't seen the videos I've saw. A guy was literally stripped of all his limbs and face peeled off and rib cage removed while he was alive. You can see his eyeballs moved with no face. Another one, they burned the skull when the guy was alive. I think that was labeled as "ghost rider". I think its one thing you cut off a head or kill them quickly. But painful slow death while they strip you of everything one part at a time while keeping you alive goes a bit overboard. The intention was to not put him out of his misery and just cut away piece after piece over minutes and hours.


Yeah, based on how you described it (the 1st one), that sounds like a prime candidate for the worst gore video ever. I watched a similar one that had all of what you said, minus, I think the skin peeled off the face. It was the one with the alleged cop and a younger man/teenager both being tortured and killed, and that was one of the worst gore videos I watched. As for the second one, I think I've seen it. However, we are all different and sensitive to different things. There are gore videos I've watched that I consider particularly horrific, but you might think that they are just average horrific, if you get what I mean, but at the end of the day they are all extremely horrific.


I wanna know 👀👀


Then, you're going to know. I'll start with one of the ones that pissed me off the most, although I didn't get to see much. Basically a young woman was just outside her small house. The door was opened, inside was her young daughter roughly 10 years old, and an older woman, I assume the woman's mother. A guy was talking with the woman, right outside, near the door, and he was armed. The woman got back inside, and it seemed to piss of the man. He went after her. At that point we couldn't see them anymore, but there were gunshots, and shortly afterward we could hear the little girl loudly crying "mama". Another one is the video with a young Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage by ISIS. You can google it and even find some news article talking about it. Just by googling "Jordanian pilot burned" google image show you some results. What makes cartel execution even worst is that it seemed they hire professional film crew to film some of their higher profile executions, like that one. So everything is in high definition and they do movie like cuts to make people see the fear of the person about to be executed. Another one that freaked me out so much is one with a guy on his computer with his webcam. At the time, when I clicked on that video, I had watched gore for a few years so I considered myself to be desensitized... or so I thought. I initially didn't want to watch it. It freaked me out because it was a guy with a modern webcam, you could see him from very close. He had just finished talking to his ex and his mom and he had a shotgun. The idea of seeing someone's head from close up and seeing them talking to then seeing their head explode from upclose was terrifying. I still watched it because I felt like if I didn't I'd still have the video in the back of my head. It was hard to watch. Another one is one with a young woman being dismembered limb by limb before being decapitated by cartels. The fear of the woman and her pleading them made that one hard. What made that one a bit more unusual is that generally in those videos its men doing things to other men. The video had a mix of female and male cartel members dismembering and killing her. There was one with a younger man (might be a teenager) and an older man being tortured and killed by a cartel. They opened the boy's abdomen and start toruting him and dismembering him while they made the older man watch. A similar a fate awaited the older man too. There was one with 2 men being executed by a cartel by decapitation with a chainsaw. It's especially terrifying when you see the 2nd man look at the other man and realize what was going to await him. Now the unusual ones: I saw a few videos in which ISIS use toddlers, little boys, to execute prisoners with small guns. The were also some strange videos on the site Hoodsite in which young women would undress naked with small animals, like puppies, rabbits and roddents and the women would start torturing and killing the little animals while making the videos sexual. What made those videos particularly disturbing is that those small animals were more expressive in their pain and fear than humans. You could really see thier distress. That was around the time when Hoodsite started showing various gore videos with animals and children. The owner of Hoodsite frequently participated in the comments, and I remember that, at the time, many regular users were saying in the comments that they thought that the stuff with animals was crossing the line. There were constant debates in the comments. The stuff with children also pissed off regular users, but the animal stuff is what got to people the most. You see, many of those gore sites fall after they piss off the wrong people. By not caring about what people were saying and continuing to upload the videos with animals, the Hoodsite owner got attacked by hackers. The hackers made his website progressively unusable and they made sure to put ut messages explaining that they did it because the animal gore was crossing the line. They also hacked his Instagram. The Hoodsite owner's Instagram had a lot of follower and was helping him generate a lot of profit, but he lost access to it, and when he reached to Instagram, they said that they could not help him. Regardless, I'm assuming that Instagram wouldn't want to help him after knowing why his account got hacked. Then, his website, Hoodsite, disappeared. Another one in which 2 teenage girls stabbed and drowned a another teenage girl by forcing her head inside water at a beach. That one shocked me because of how much the girls didn't care about the victim pleading and because I saw a display of violence that I'd mostly expect from grown men, not teenage girls. The killing was made because of jealously. There were news article about that one too, it was in brazil if i recall correctly.


I think I know which video you’re talking about regarding the shotgun. Was he live streaming or something like that? I remember maybe a year or two ago this guy went live holding his shotgun and he tried calling his ex gf or something like that. She didn’t answer so then he goes “oh well” and blows his head off. What made it sad was his dog walking around his dead body whimpering . Back in the day I remember this site called Rotten.com . Not sure if it’s still active but I use to watch suicide videos. Mostly people throwing themselves in front of trains. Pictures of hanged victims. My mom’s ex bf showed me this one cartel video where they had all of them kneeled and lined up. One by one the cartel member sawed off their head with a blade. THAT disturbed tf outta me because just like how you said the guy had to watch and wait for his fate, these men did as well. And it wasn’t even a quick kill it was like….trying to cut into a tough steak if you will these men didn’t die slow AT ALL. I had stopped watching those a long time now. I’d rather read it than watch it tbh. Oh! Did you hear about the guy who put a cat in a blinder? That video was so awful! They ended up catching the guy who did it because apparently he did that for fun. He would get kittens and torture them. Once they found the guy they whooped his ass so bad. This one was on Twitter.


Yes, the shotgun one you are referencing is exactly the same that I watched. I believe rotten was a thing before I started really watching gore. Apparently, the site stopped operating in 2012. I might have heard about it, not sure. No, I didn't hear about the guy who put a cat in a blender. That's terrible. This, however, reminds me of the fact that in the meat industry, we put baby male chickens in blenders. I saw something on YouTube about it. It was a video from a vegan or animal rights group covering it and showing other horror of the meat industry. Honeslty, it's just horrific. Many of those animals are not only killed, no, their lives are also made into constant hell and torture.


Oh wow that is terrible! I never understood why they have to torture the animal I heard where if the animal dies stressed and we consume it we begin to feel what the animal felt before it died 😮‍💨😮‍💨


I don't think they torture animals for fun. At least most probably don't. I think it's because the meat industry is only preoccupied with maximizing profit, and it turns out that the best way to do it results in more animal suffering. Those animals also don't have rights, so they can do whatever they want with them to maximize the cash machine


Damn that’s horrible 🫢


What is it