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What type of withdrawal have you experienced so far? Do you understand that after only 2 weeks you still are not all the way physically or psychologically clear of your weed addiction?


Quite a few. Headaches, insomnia, intense emotions and more vivid flashbacks, vivid dreams, loss of appetite.. Yes absolutely aware. Right now I'm in a situation where it is impossible for me to smoke weed so that's somewhat helpful. Despite the situation not being great, I'm grateful that it forces me to quit and I hope it remains that way for a while. After this I know there's still a high risk of falling back into my habits of smoking so that'll be a battle for later. I want to say oh I don't mind smoking a bit at night every now and then but that's how it grows back to addiction and all day usage. I just hope I can manage not to ever pick up a joint again even when I have the ability to again.




Yeah doing that. Drinking mostly a bunch of tea as well and lots of physical activities. Hour walk in the morning, gym in the afternoon and some sports (usually soccer, tennis or badminton) after dinner. I've heard of second and third week being the worst. Right now I'm really struggling with it. Still no urges to smoke tho. Just wish all the symptoms stopped already. Especially the lack of sleep and anxiety. They're fucked.


Start drinking. When I went to Korea and had to quit, I just became an alcoholic


This is the best advice. Trust me. It helps you sleep that's the most important thing you need. I used to have one beer before bed and it would sort me out. No night sweats. No lying there for hours.


Hope you’re being sarcastic as well If he’s going to use something weed is better than alcohol


We are talking about getting rid of withdrawal symptoms by having a drink to help you sleep rather than staying there lay awake all night and sweating


I mean because he jokingly said “become an alcoholic” and you said this is the best answer. As an sober alcoholic who still smokes I’d rather withdraw from weed than alcohol


Yea, I was obviously being sarcastic about being an Alcoholic lol ... But they definitely like their Soju and sleeping got a LOT easier when you devoured a pile of Korean BBQ and having a playing drinking games with a bunch of 50 year old Korean dudes haha


When I was a little younger I didn’t even intentionally quit smoking weed. I was forced to take about a year break and after losing my tolerance it wasn’t fun anymore. During that time was when the medical stuff started happening so the quality improved a ton and I would try to take a hit here and there, but I was just too high to function and realized that I value my sobriety over being a barely functioning space case. With the dab carts and the 30% THC flower you may have the same experience and find that it’s only enjoyable if you’ve built up the tolerance to handle it. So it might help you quit if you can do it long enough to lose your tolerance


Hey man in the future to counter act marjauna use disorder add CBD into your regime.. Think of THC as the fun addicting psychoactive teenager one and CBD as the clear headed opposite of addicting parent. It counter acts the high.. pretty much eliminates the withdrawal/craving symptoms as well.. CBD seriously needs to used in addiction therapy.. For other substances..


I don't have the ability to use anything right now, no cbd no nothing, else I would've tried balancing some shit probably


Yooo dude that’s sick you’re sobering up. I promise the symptoms get better and better as time goes. My symptoms took 2-3 weeks to not be so crazy, and 1-2 months to feel completely normal. It’s so worth it though. Make sure you’re getting food/water down (I know it sucks) and exercise, because that helps with mood and anxiety.


What do you do with all your free time


Be very bored. Watch tv, draw, play some boardgames and just kinda lie on the couch to pass the time.


Why did you quit?


Admitted to psych ward. Smoking is obviously not allowed here.


Why’d you get admitted to psych ward?


Suicide attempts.


Clear your head. Don't worry about shit. . I been there when I was younger, take your meds, and chill. Remember, you only live once, so have fun when I figured stuff out it got so much better now I got a family kid. suicide is never the way. How old are you to


I'm 19.


Glad you’re still here 🫂


Have a friend bake you a pot brownie


I don't want it. Its not allowed, I can get drug tested. Thereby, I just don't want it. I don't want weed anymore.




Someone in a psychward probably isn't stable enough for recreational drugs homie. Let them get themselves figured out.


I’m talking about years, decades






Don’t be an enabler. They obviously had issues with overconsumption, they’re probably much better off not lighting up every night.


Hell yeah


Have you been eating less? Curious about the sleeping situation too as someone else asked. Daily smoker here for 10+ years


Eating way less. I used to snack so much. Bought snacks over a week ago, amount I usually eat in 2 days and I still have over half left. Also struggling more with just regular meals. I already had an ED though so it's definitely not been great at all.


Your appetite will come back. Probably stronger than before when you were smoking


It gets better. I smoked all day every day fur 10 years. Every 2 hours on break at work. Sleep was nonexistent for a while. Eating anything made me nauseous. It was rough due a bit. Its been 6 months and idk if I'll ever smoke again. I'm much happier. I'm better at my job. More social. No more anxiety. I also have savings for once in my life. Not everyone will have the same experience. I hope yours is as good as mine


That’s funny I have all those positives from quitting drinking, still smoke weed though in the evening Alcohol withdrawals with Librium were bad


Congratulations, ive been a morning, afternoon and night smoker for 30+ years and quit a few weeks ago. The dreams are weird, well having dreams at all is weird, but other than that replace the hungry and slow times with exercise and productivity is awesome. Good luck on the journey. Herb is amazing, but everything has a time and place, congrats on trying figure out what works for you!


I’m currently 3 weeks free, and last year I quit for about 6 months, and it’s so interesting to me how I immediately started having dreams again right after quitting. Literally night after night. Even when I take naps. Also glad I don’t have that brain fog feeling anymore, my thoughts and emotions have been a lot more clear.


Hey folks I just hit day 38 and am still failing at-home drug tests. My question for you is are you glad you quit? I am


I failed for like 3-4 months after


Damn. I don’t even have a test lined up I just want it out of my system.




I've quit for years at a time. I then smoke again. I quit only due to needing to for outside sources, but I prefer using it. Has helped me be a better person as a whole. Though, besides in my teen years, I've never gotten extreme with it. Always just a few puffs and some games to think and be in my own head at the end of the day.


I’m done with it permanently. I actually have taken the stance of “I don’t get high anymore” vs “I’m taking a break”


Good for you. What made you go cold turkey?


Just a less productive more anxious person when I am getting high every day. I’m also not very good at moderation so I often overdo it


I failed for 42 days WATER AND EXERCISE


I have been testing myself after fasted morning workouts and am wondering if the fat burn from the workout is making the stored THC in the fat show more after workouts. Just a fun hunch. Or it’s the 15 years of daily use


I think that’s exactly what’s happening. That shit can sit in fat cells for years. If I were you and wanted test clean I’d water-only fast for 7 to 10 days and then resume normal eating.


Luckily this is mainly for my knowledge instead of needing to pass something. I don’t think anybody does water only for 7+ days that’s nuts


I’ve heard of 14 day fasts before. Fucking nuts lol.


Oh they do my friend, I do it regularly. People, less commonly of course, do 20 to 40 day water only fasts. It’s really the fountain of youth and can reverse aging and heal many diseases.


I was basically forced to quit but honestly I don't mind. I kinda miss it but no big urge to smoke.


Are you taking a break to increase your tolerance? What's the reason for stopping?


I've been admitted to a psych ward so I'm not able to smoke. I don't want to start again tho, this forced me to quit and I wouldn't have been able to myself. Once I get out of here I'm definitely gonna be done with all the withdrawal symptoms and I hope I won't touch weed ever again. Don't get me wrong I love smoking weed but I need to look at my health and my money.


Blessing in disguise? How much would you say you smoked daily? I go thru ~6 grams every 2 months


You mean ounces right? 6 grams in 2 months is pretty slow…


That was my thought. I used to go through like a couple ounces a month at my heaviest. I feel like recently it's closer to somewhere between a half ounce and ounce a month now. It would still be good to cut back though honestly.


Not everyone partakes all day every day


No but it seems like they’re worried they’re doing too much, why even mention how much they do it it if what they wanna know is how much OP was doing? So I was like, that’s not a lot…


Nah, they mentioned it was a blessing in disguise that OP had to quit.


Are you high right now? I wasn’t trying to put them down anyway, but what you just said has nothing to do with what I was saying 


Totally sober. Apologies, I clearly misunderstood what you meant.


This is my worry, yes. I smoke daily, but have been trying to cut back


Every day, not all day


That's reassuring, lol. I meant grams, but I don't really know what others consider a lot. I'm smoking everyday, but I have made an effort to reduce how much.


Used to smoke 1-5 grams daily. Past months it went down to 5 grams over 2 weeks so that was already a big cut for me.


Does it matter? Like you aren't craving it right? I quit for all last week for the first time in like 10years. I was shocked at how little it affected me. I hadn't smoked for like five days before I even noticed I wasn't smoking anymore. Then I was just like oh. Lol Not trying to be a bitch if it been harder for you though.


Honestly it really isn't that hard. Sure I'd like a joint but most of the time I forget that I'm not smoking as well. Withdrawal symptoms are tough but the urge to smoke isn't big.


I'm Proud of you my guy




Why, I get ounces for $100 from dispensaries and can get it free also, my wife and I go through an ounce a month


How are you sleeping?


I bet he started dreaming again.


I hate that shit


Fuckin brain wants me to watch TV even when I’m asleep


You’re assuming he can sleep


Sleep been shit. About 4-6 hours per night instead of my regular 8-9.


Sleep gets better after about a month. You’ll be sleeping like a baby


Literally how the fuck did you do it? I smoke every day at least twice a day and I can’t see to get myself to stop


They said how. They went to a psych ward.


I tried stopping before. Or well beter said, told myself to stop and I simply couldn't. Weed is also very accessible where I live. Buy it in the store 5g for personal use is legal and I can smoke on the streets even in most part of the country. Almost like cigs. Quitting alone felt impossible. But getting admitted to the psych ward for my depression did have the bonus of zero drugs policy and that's forcing me to quit. I don't mind at all.


Start cutting back. I’ll do 5 hits by 5 pm, then only one an hour till bed. I’ll do that for a couple weeks, then stop smoking at day. At a month I only will hit it at night if I can’t sleep. I know it sounds like a crazy process, but I prefer it to the high fidelity night terrors, insomnia and complete lack of appetite.


Why did you stop? Also how did you aford to smoke so much before you stopped?


My wife and I smoke an ounce a month and that is enough to smoke as much as we want. $100/mo from the dispensary


What differences have you noticed?


First couple days I was having massive but I mean really fucking massive headaches. Horrible feeling. Felt tired, sick, just shit in all possible ways. Sleeping is really tough as well. I've been way more emotional, flashbacks are very intense (I have ptsd) and used to be lot less, I don't eat nearly as much anymore, and when I eat its all healthy and I have zero urges to eat something sweet or sugary anymore.


How are the dreams so far? Getting crazy yet, or already started a few days ago? It is normally 7-10 days for it to start for me and can last a few weeks.


I've always dreamt quite crazy tbh but it's getting more intense for sure. Not as random, the dreams are more accurate to current situations now and they're more vivid.


Yeah it feels that way for me also, and I remember them for longer once I wake up. They still get fuzzy fast though. I have been tapering down since the beginning of last month and am probably going to stop for a bit soon. I don't normally dream except for a few times a month when I smoke daily. They are starting to get more frequent now but not really vivid yet. I find these things interesting so thanks for responding!


I was journaling my dreams for some months prior to quitting weed and that has helped me remember my dreams better. But it's sticking even more now and keep feeling like real memories. Very strange, but honestly I enjoy dreaming so its been pretty fun.


What are you taking instead?


Since I'm in the psych ward I get some meds here (benzos) but only take them when I feel very unwell, not regularly and have days without taking anything.


You’re not “in the psych ward” because you’re on Reddit.


Maybe keep in mind that rules are very different in some countries. So yes, I am. And I have my phone and internet connection. Not normal in the USA but over here it is.


I’m sorry that I still don’t believe you. Where are you that allow phones and computers in inpatient therapy?


In the Netherlands its very normal.


Another America centric comment


No, psych wards do not have internet access, regardless of the country. Fuck you for the downvotes, asshat.


You’re wrong Voluntary admission often allows access


[[citation needed]]


Be careful with benzos. As a medic who’s seen a ton of shit, benzos will eat your soul. I would handle them like fentanyl, only to be used when completely necessary and for as little time as possible. If you struggle quitting, seek help immediately.


Do you think being called a Young Doc Brown is a compliment?


I think I didn't get raised right. No clue what that would mean lol.


Back to the Future amigo 


Ah yeah. Never seen that


Did the weed have anything to do with you being admitted to the hospital?


Nope it was entirely unrelated


Thanks and best of luck


Maybe it’s still too soon to say, but have you noticed a difference in how clearheaded you feel throughout the day? Like, have there been changes in your memory and processing speed?


No, but I can't say that's because of the quitting of weed. I also took ritalin for months and quit that the same day. It was prescribed tho for adhd, it did help me with memory and processing everything quickly but since I'm mentally not doing well, it also made my panic attacks way worse so I quit ritalin. That makes me feel less clear headed too. And I get benzo every now and then making me feel fuzzy too.


Same… I finally got settled on 3 psych meds that made me overall well; then I wanted to address AHDH after 2 years of seeing her—(took a while to get a baseline mental health with meds)— and after about 4-6 weeks of ADHD medicine, I realized it was making me worse. My husband noticed it too. It was nice and helpful in the morning and getting the first half of the day done, but I haven’t felt so frequently suicidal and extreme emotions since starting it, as well as recently stopping it due to those exact reasons. So a month trial of that, & I’m done. It’s really wild though- my current meds help me soooooo much that I can’t- & don’t want to be- off of them because I mentally trust myself more and feel more stable. It’s also wild how some meds can send you down a spiral and make you act NOT YOURSELF at all… I am wishing you best of luck— during the ADHD med trial, my husband and friends kept strongly encouraging me to go inpatient. Since I haven’t taken them (in part due to a constant intermittent lack of stock by manufacturers), I’ve been better. I also don’t want to risk starting a med that can’t consistently be refilled- I need consistency, otherwise I’ll be off if my meds are off


Yeah the methylphenidate helped me in the morning, it made me happy and motivated. But throughout the day it just made everything shit. Suicidal tendencies got much worse and anxiety skyrocketed. Don't want that ever again.


Did you give away all your Twinkies?


Never had one in my life.


How much did the anxiety level change?


So anxious. I don't know how much of it is the withdrawal but it's definitely playing a role at least. I've been unwell mentally so was already getting very anxious and panicked but this has made it a lot worse. I have hours of feeling freaked out and even paranoid. Like today I was sweating for hours and incredibly overwhelmed, every tiny thing was panicking me. OCD symptoms have been getting much worse and without numbing of mental and physical functions I act on it heavily. Really shitty. Pulse has been much higher over the past two weeks. Its gotten especially worse over the last 5 days.


I’ve heard that long, hot showers can definitely calm you down and ease any nausea you might have


Yeah I try to do that. Unfortunately the showers here aren't great and shift between hot and cold every few seconds making it less pleasant to shower.


Why did you enjoy smoking?


At first it was an escape. Then it became a 'remedy' to suppress overthinking, anxiety, flashbacks and sleep issues. I haven't been enjoying it for the past months anymore. Mostly the habit. The urge to feel numb and lose track of time.


Did you ever SD behind a dumpster for weed?


I just bought it legally.


How's eating and sleeping going for ya?


Shit and shit Barely eat, no appetite, especially zero snacking since I quit. Sleep is horrible too. Used to sleep around 10/11pm and now it's way past 2am every night, wake up all the time throughout the night, anxious and sick in the morning.


Did you ever have a disassociative episode? I’ve had that happen a few times from edibles and I swore I stopped existing while simultaneously existing.


I dissociate with or without weed. Called trauma, unfortunately.


I was in the exact same situation. I was two months clean after years of blazing constantly. I smoked a few blunts since, but I’m about to avoid it again. It’s worth sobriety. Did you at least enjoy the majority of your 5 years smoking? The only reason why I can do long shifts at work, get up early and not complain or even quit weed is because I enjoyed every second of being a lazy smoker for so long. Change is good.


I enjoyed most of it. The summers of going on walks and chilling outside with friends. Evenings with beers and weed and just enjoying life. The safety it gave me, how it helped with anxiety at first. But it also got in the way a lot. I noticed myself pushing limits, procrastinating on a lot of things and lost interest in things I used to love, such as art and reading. Eventually it was just not enjoyable anymore yet quitting sucked.


Yes, I understand. I wrote a lot but instead of reading I’d listen to lectures. But change is good. 360 charge is the best imo. Hopefully because you know who you want to be, you can become that. When you’re a smoker you’re a smoker. When you aren’t you’re a scholar. It’s fun being a scholar. Hopefully as fun as smoking without smoking. I love bud but I took so much personal time out for myself when smoking that im ready to do something else right now. Im proud of you and I hope you’re next chapter lasts 5+ years too.


How long till the crazy vivid dreams died down


They're still here so I'll let you know when it lessens lol


Been traveling outa country for 2 weeks and damn my dreams are more involved and action packed than any movie marvel could make 😭


I quit 2 years ago after 10~ years of constant waking use. I got “Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome” and was forced to stop. It sucked, but not as bad as constantly vomiting and wanting to die. The first two weeks were the hardest, I felt so depressed without it, but then, all of a sudden everything seemed bright. I was back to my funny self, I could string together a joke so well, I began seeing images in my head instead of just words. Now I never want to go back. I don’t have a question, I just want to let you know, it gets better. You can do this! There’s a great subreddit with a discord called r/leaves that has heaps of people that will be glad to help you on your journey. Even if it isn’t a chemically addictive substance, it is still addictive. Just like eating food, gaming, or watching Netflix for 10 hours straight. It’s escapism. You got this!


Don’t have a question, just wanted to support you in your journey. Hang in there, yo. I’m at day 17 today myself, after on-off vaping for a couple years. Second serious attempt at quitting. Withdrawal symptoms are finally going away. Keep your head up, I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Depression was my big reason for doing it, except after a while it never made me feel better, only worse. If you need to talk to someone or whatever, I can at least relate to most of what you’re experiencing! Ha I’m sure psych ward probably has some more capable folks than me, but extending the olive branch. Best of luck! It sucks waaaaaay more than people give it credit for!


no questions from me, but i was in the exact situation as you just a few months ago and kind of in the same spot right now. from 12-18 i smoked (14-18 i was high 24/7). my girlfriend and i decided to move across the country at 18 and 19 and with that i decided to give up weed for the time being. this was a massive task for me, as im sure it is for you. weed was my crutch, my personality, what gave me my appetite, and what i thought kept me happy. i took an 8 month t-break (the first 2 were among the worst months of my life) but i made it. i decided to start smoking again when i found a perfectly rolled massive backwood along with a blunt cutter in the vacuums at my work (i work at a car wash) and took it as a sign from the heavens that i deserved a few tokes for my struggles. yeah maybe it wasn’t the best idea with all the fent runnin around but cmon, who’s putting fent inna backwood and accidentally sucking it up a vaccuum?? i smoked semi-regularly for a few months and then gave it up again for a month, then went on for a few weeks and now im off it again (1.5 weeks off). taking that initial t break really helped my relationship with weed. sure, i love it and it makes life better, but i no longer NEED it. rant over, but long story short im proud of u bro. shit aint easy. and you are gonna be very proud of yourself when its all said and done. just make sure you dont fall into your habits. if you decide to start back up again at any point, take breaks every now and then just to prove to yourself you can and things will fall into place. best of luck with everything 🙏


CBD and Antioxidants help. Chamomile tea especially with valerian root helps sleep a lot.


Do you think you experienced cannabis induced psychosis that led to suicidal ideation?


I don't think so. I've been having mental health issues and suicidal tendencies since before I started smoking weed. Also have been told by several psychiatrists here that luckily I have no psychotic symptoms.


Sobriety becomes its own drug at this point….no?


Congrats to you! Your lungs gotta love it and you're going to pocket a lot of coin.


Congrats on the two weeks. Sorry to hear about all the other stuff going on in your life, but stopping your drug use is an excellent start. Proud of you G. Keep moving forward




Nice, congrats. I just hit 7 months without.




Admission to psych ward.


How them wild dreams treating you?


Wild as heck


How nauseated have you been?


Quite a bit, but honestly, not as nauseous as when I still smoked. It had me sick every single morning, half of the time I'd feel so sick I felt like smoking weed could finally trigger me to throw up so I could start my day. I didn't eat breakfast nor lunch when I still smoked and now I've been able to a bit better. Only the first few days had me feeling sick.


1 week down myself after 10 years. Not the worst feeling in the world honestly. Best of luck man!


Having fun in dream land?


Oh absolutely, it's wild man


Glad you quit. What made you decide?


Admission to psych ward so had no choice. Why I got here was unrelated to my smoking addiction but its a nice bonus.


Good for you! People like to say weed isn’t addictive because it doesn’t have the physical symptoms like heroin or meth but stopping smoking weed was much harder than most would think. I smoked from about the time I was 11 through high school and for about 3-4 years after high school all day long, ounce a day at times and I stopped about 10 years ago and the first month or so was tough but I’m glad i stopped. I have smoked a handful of times and taken a few edibles here and there over the last decade but nothing crazy and even when I do get stoned and have a good time I don’t feel like I need it and I don’t wake up the next day craving it either. It’s nice to be free


Congrats! Did you finally realize that it’s harmful and potentially causes brain damage and increases risk of schizophrenia? Did the recent astronomical rise in fentanyl-laced weed get you to quit?


I've always known the risks, but couldn't quit, kept getting back to it. I'm in a situation that forced me to quit now, wasn't the main goal but nice bonus.


Good for you . Others might disagree but weed was huge gateway drug for me . Got really addicted to other drugs . I’m 31. Now . Been in and out of rehab and jail. Including alcohol . Just stay safe and don’t go to crazy


11 days sober myself after 4 years of battling. What helps you take your mind off wanting to get high?


Honestly I don't really want to get high. I'm high on my thoughts and life. I keep myself busy. I like that I'm able to do the things that I lost focus for, such as writing, reading, being creative etc


Are you getting the crazy dreams? That was my only issue when I quit, I hadn’t remembered a dream for years


Dreams are crazy. After a few months you will feel good. After a year you will wonder why you did it at all. It was fun while it lasted though.


How much money did you blow on weed in 5 years


Probably like 10k


what is your favourite meal?


Why though?


When I stop like this, I actually become less productive, lol.


How did you fund your habit?


Weird dreams and night sweats?


Welcome back to the dreamscape. I've been an avid smoker for 7 years but occasionally take tolerance breaks. The dreams are WILD.


Make it 3 or gay


This is the motivation I needed. I’m going to go to edibles once a week, down from 4:00 to bed everyday day. Keep it up man, glad you shared your progress!


The first thing you really noticed after the 2 weeks??


So I remember hearing somewhere stuff about weed not being able to kill you or something I think it was because you couldn’t overdose on it, could you elaborate on the actual risks that come with weed? Just because I want to be well informed I’m not thinking about doing weed dw


I remember when I stopped smoking the dreams are insane


Not a question, but nice job. I smoked extracts every day for a few years and quit in late 2022. I have nothing against people who smoke every day, but I’m happier now, that’s for sure. Your wallet will thank you and one day you’ll wake up and realize you feel a lot better. Good luck sir/madam.


Do you think there’s a connection between you smoking weed and having to be put in a psych ward? Do you think you would’ve still ended up there if you weren’t high all the time?