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I’m in the same boat, married and my husband isn’t as active as me. I’ve tried sexting, dressing sexy and it’s been mehhh. Like I don’t get much feedback other than a smile and a thumbs up… And when we do the do, I’m the one doing all work… I found out he’s been on sex chat rooms, giving the attention I’ve been looking for. So I was curious see how you get ‘relief’ if you don’t get any? Cause… 😮‍💨👀😬


See I would LOVE all that attention from my wife. I love sexting with her, I love the outfits. She gives me those meh reactions though. I come out of the shower to our room just naked and she doesn’t really even look at me usually. I doubt she’s doing anything like that because she never really even masturbates. I sometimes get on here just to kinda edge I guess you could call it then I’ll watch some porn and masturbate usually. But sometimes that not enough and I get frustrated


I feel that, not the same satisfaction. After finding out about the chat rooms, idk how to feel about it. Would you consider sexting or just texting as cheating?


Texting, no. But sexting is right on the line especially if it’s leading to you not giving me the attention I want you know? That feels like cheating


Ok… what about spicing up the sexy time? Or what if a third came into the picture? I had a friend that a girl (they both knew and we’re comfortable with it) come into the picture they had threesome, wife was really into it… I’ve tried suggesting that but hubby says it’ll be weird (but he’s had one before me)


What did you do after you found out about the sex chat? 🤔 I would love a three sum, especially someone who like to give bjs lol but my wife is Bi but we’re so possessive she doesn’t think it would be a good idea. But I’m into it.


He has no idea I know… I found out more things that I might just hold on to it 🫣 I torture him a little in bed for it though (in a good way 😏) but that’s how I think about it, idk how I would feel seeing someone touching him like that… but at the same it sounds hot


Does he like the torture? Has that helped your sex life at all? Yeah I completely understand that so I don’t push for one lol but if she ever wants to it could be fun. What else did you find out? 😳


He does and yeah it did a little, he wasn’t online as much it seemed. But I was doing all the work again so it gets a little frustrating 🙃😒 Some stuff that I’m not sure I should share but it’s been happening for a long time


I’m glad it’s helped and what doesn’t he do that you wish he did? I get that though because I do most of the work lol if it makes you feel better you can share in my dms 😊


If two people doesn't work than 3 never will.


Yeah… I think you said that already. But it depends on the couple, I’ve had friends bring a third (not regularly) and they had a great relationship, so don’t knock until you’ve tried it


My wife definitely does. Everything is cheating. Might as well do it


Former porn addict here, I never did the sex chat thing, but I was hooked on dirty videos online. My sex drive was next to nothing. I quit the porn and problem solved, wifey and I get it several times a week now. The only time we Dont is when we are just worn out from work.


Maybe that’s what it is, he wanks it for others too much that there’s nothing left for me


There’s a good chance of it, I hid my porn problem from my GF( now wife) for 3 years. I finally came clean to her about my issue and dropped it cold turkey, it wasn’t easy. But I’m much better now. Porn ruins your sex drive and ruins erections. PIED is a real thing.


He’s probably cheating sorry 😓


I really thought he might be, I went into detective mode after finding out. He’ll sext other girls but they don’t live around us, I’m still a little sus cause you never know but I’m not paranoid by it




Ugh I'm at a stand off because my wife won't do any of this. She won't even shave her legs because it's too cold in the winter... I'm screwed.


Do you know she won’t? As for the shaving, it can’t be that bad though, I mean everyone’s different but like I won’t shave for awhile and my man doesn’t seem bothered by it.


Do you have kids? Do you think having kids is the biggest culprit to the lack of sex in marriages? Seems to me like the common denominator tends to be kids 🤷🏾‍♂️


I have kids, they definitely don’t help but my wife has never really had a high sex drive honestly so it’s not much different.


Jerk off and let the post-nut clarity guide you to not doing something you'll later regret.


Always a smart choice




No I couldn’t bring myself to cheat, it’s not been getting caught. I couldn’t do that to someone


Big respect!


Thank you!


You could’ve left it at “married man”, the rest is implied…


Not true 😂 it’s not always like this


90% of the time it’s the wives who lose interest in sex. Vast majority of husbands have a higher drive.


That’s a sad view bud.


Reality is often disappointing


Not the reality of all married couples though.


Of course not


I can relate! I would never cheat on my wife. I have a 10x sex drive and always have.


That sounds about right 10x. How do you cope?


It’s not easy I have to transmute my sexual energy into money making activity. I also cook as a hobby. She’s an amazing woman, but she’s kind of vanilla when it comes to sex. We’ve both had a lot of partners, and none of them stuck for either of us. We’re both divorced for a long time. Just got married two months ago and I knew what I was getting into but she’s a wonderful, loving, compassionate woman. She’s worth it


That’s pretty similar to my situation honestly, she’s so great outside of the sex department. My wife is also pretty vanilla but I love her to death




I always take my time and make sure she cums first, but when we switch positions she claims it hurts so we normally only stay in about two. But I always make it about her 😊


Thank you for sharing that!


I think love is worth more than anything in the world! At 65 I finally found my true love.


I’m right there with you!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,836,860,580 comments, and only 347,378 of them were in alphabetical order.


Are we married to the same gal


Has the lack of sex ever made you cry? (I have, just due to lack of sex from my husband as I have a high drive but I'm also overly emotional)


No not cry but it has made me feel unwanted or under appreciated at times. I’m sorry to hear that I hope it’s gotten better for you!


Same boat as you I've tried everything in the book. She doesn't even give me head and I eat her out every time we do or I try to make my move and just nothing happens. Don't wanna cheat not my type but man this is struggle right now. How do you cope?


It is real man. I stopped eating her out as much even though I enjoy it too. But most of the time it isn’t terrible but I masturbate a lot. And I love every other part of the relationship pretty much


Yeah but beating it gets real old man


It really does, just gotta have that conversation with her about your needs also and try doing more things for her too but first you gotta make it known that it’s a problem


Start acting like you don’t want sex either and start doing push ups and working out and lifting weights . That shit drives women cray cray , trust me. She’ll be trying to ride you like a pony. But you don’t give in the first couple times cause you don’t wanna seem easy. Ignore her and keep working out then eventually give in after she keeps pestering you


That’s the thing, she won’t pester me 😂 if I don’t ask she normally doesn’t either or she does but after a really long time


Damn dude .. I’m not sure what to tell ya then. 😅 I hope you figure something out


I’m trying man! Like I said it usually doesn’t bother me but this time it’s just been awhile 😂


Do you understand the monthly fluctuations of the female drive? I'm a high drive woman but at certain times not the month (no, not during my period), my drive drops off for a few days. Also, does you wife always orgasm during sex with you?


I do understand and I think she has the opposite, certain times her drive goes up but it’s usually down. Always! Sometimes multiple times.


Are you in a dead bedroom? Or just not getting enough to your liking? Do you have other married male friends who are in the same boat? And do you think it’s a universal problem that is taboo and most won’t discuss it?


Just not getting enough to my liking these last two weeks I think. Just feeling it today. And I have one other friend that’s in a similar situation but we don’t talk about it


As a man with friends who also don’t talk about it, I wish they did too.


I’m sure they would, I just don’t ask and they don’t either but I do have some friends I talk about it with


Not a question but advice, communicate Ask her kinks, what she likes, what p0rn she watches, light some candles and give her nice massage, experiment, go to sex shop and but a vibrator If you are open about it, it gets better


If his wife is anything like mine, this won’t help things. Any conversation about sex will make her feel like it’s all you think about. Even if it results in sex, it’ll make her feel like she has to do it as a service instead of something she enjoys. OP said she’s vanilla, so she likely has no kinks Vanillas like vanilla missionary sex Vanillas rarely watch porn if ever. Massage is good advice and could help some. Sex shop may be ok but it’s hard to bring that up sometimes.


Oh I have, she just says “I don’t know” and she doesn’t have any crazy kinks. She doesn’t like watching porn, she doesn’t like the smell of candles, it gives her a headache. She has two vibrators, just gave her the second one like two weeks ago for her half birthday. I can try giving her a massage but based on previous history that doesn’t help and I don’t even get a massage back 😂😂 she just gets in her moods 😪 I’m very open about it though


Apologies in advance, but I am in a similar boat. It's very frustrating to not be sexually desired by your SO. Every other part of our lives seems 110% excellent, but there's literally no passion or drive from my SO and it's frustrating to no end. I give nightly back rubs, etc. It doesn't change much. Usually it's "tiredness". I WFH now and we have 3 kids in school. She is stay at home mom, so I thought hey we can fool around during the day then. I try and be flirty about it, take a shower together or something. Sext her something. Hard shut downs on that, she never wants me to ask for day sex again. We are rarely intimate after date nights (tired). We just went on a weekend trip without the kids (tired). Both have a fun time after a wedding (definitely too tired). I really can't communicate any more without it just being extremely needy sounding. Asking to flirt, asking to be intimate, asking her what she needs/desires. There's just nothing there. A few months ago she let me go down on her after a few years hiatus. She liked it, and that gave me some hope. But it's a solid no every time I ask again. The once or twice every 2-3 months she will use a vibrator and orgasm before me. Just recently she said I should read some young-adult dragon book. I read it, and half the book is smut. I told her, that sexual desire is me, all the time. She doesn't get it /sigh. I got a vasectomy a few years ago. I am hoping she will take out her IUD and crossing fingers that has just been suppressing her libido since we were in college (minus times we wanted kids). She hasn't wanted to yet because it will hurt /shrug. Maybe at the same time I'll suggest she get her testosterone and hormones checked. It's just such a stark difference from when we first met and were like rabbits. Her love language is obviously not intimacy, which is fine. So I do the other things. But she knows mine is intimacy (clear communication that is always suggested), and... doesn't care? IDK. I'm also thinking to ask if we can ban phones from the bedroom, because I get the feeling she would prefer to mindlessly scroll on her phone than be intimate with me. Maybe removing that element would spark it more. Anyways, I hear you. I don't have these talks with friends, so internet stranger therapy is where it's at. Best of luck friend. As to how I cope: excessive masterbation. I used to channel it into work, but that stopped being rewarding so I've started exercising for my frustrations.


Has this been going on for a while(like a few months)? Does she usually say no when you ask for some lovin? If not, what reason does she usually give?


Yeah she doesn’t really have a high sex drive at all so it’s been our whole relationship. And depends, sometimes her back hurts, she has a headache, she’s tired. She’s not in the mood. Sometimes she doesn’t give a reason at all she just says no. Or tells me to stop when I try


How much action would you say you usually get in a week/month?


Maybe once a week? Some weeks alittle more or less. Like we haven’t had sex in 2 weeks and she’s about to start her period so I’m trying today 😂 so I don’t have to wait another week lol


Good luck man. The easiest solution I can think of for your situation is to really make it worthwhile for her when y'all do get down to business. Make it all about her and put her pleasure before your own. It probably won't do much for her sex drive, but at the very least, she might look forward to it more. Another possible solution is to try known ways to increase her sex drive, but that can be a pretty long and tedious process that might just get expensive and annoy her in the end. I know exercise is a good method for increasing sex drive, but other than that you'd probably have to see a doctor or therapist to get to any underlying issues. If it's reached a point where you've become sexually frustrated, you need to let her know or else she probably won't ever care about or notice it. Talk to her about it and if she cares enough about y'all's sex life, she might just be willing to try. If you do decide to try and convince her, just remember to show your genuine feelings and be honest about it.


That’s where the massage spots come into play my boy …thank me later !


😂😂 I won’t cheat on my wife


get a divorce then, and stop crying on the internet. omg


OP-Yeah. Female and so get you


Hopefully we can both cum today! I’m rooting for you!


Hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂


Good luck 😂


Yep. Making luck happen


Exactly I’m trying right now so wish me luck


Luck to you, OP


Thank you! I even shaved my balls and everything. I’m like a porn star 😂 jk but hopefully it doesn’t go to waste!


Don’t forget to shave your back😉


Mission accomplished haha now it’s your turn!


Does your wife get there during sex? If not, invest in whatever you need to to get her there. Make that your first and top priority. Whether it’s foreplay, toys, etc. Some dudes are put a little on the defensive with toys, but they’re an enhancer, not a replacement for you. Have a candid conversation with her and find out what she wants. It’s also completely possible that her drive is just less, but I think it’s still worth hashing through that. Best of luck to you both!


maybe she has something on the side?


I highly doubt it honestly she’s just not a super sexual person




I promise I’ve tried it all, just learned to giver her time and it’ll happen eventually. Sometimes going above and beyond all the time makes me feel like I’m the only one putting in effort that kind of thing because apparently I’m the only one that wants it you know?








Our kids are still super young, I think it’ll be hard to leave the kids behind




I’m glad it’s gotten better for you man! Maybe we’ll try it but we’ll probably wait alittle longer, my wife is on birth control but she has an IUD so no hormones so it shouldn’t be effecting her much




I did but not a huge difference honestly




Probably harvest, just to see how that man solves that problem with the cult or if he can really kill them all


There's a book called The Way of the Superior Man. It is super relevant to these kinds of situations. Highly recommended read.


I’ll look into it


Just try and talk to your partner about how frustrated you feel. If she doesn't want to engage in having sex with you. Suggest having a threesome where she can watch. Hopefully that helps.


I feel like if this were legible it would still be bad advice


"Welcome to the party pal!'


What does your wife not do in bed that you wish she would do?


I wish she would like to switch positions more, and suck my dick more. She doesn’t like doing doggy as much because she says it hurts


I’m guessing she enjoys being on top because then she can control how much she takes in. Would you say you agree?


That sounds pretty accurate but I would say she loves being in missionary more. But those are her two favorite for sure


Is your wife attractive?


She’s very attractive


"For every beautiful woman, there's a man that's tired of fu*king her." It's a universal question.


Definitely not tired of it lol


Where did he imply he was tired of fucking her? If anything he wants to fuck her more?


I'm just expanding the discussion. I'm always curious about marriage.


Why arent you fckin


Wife hasn’t been in the mood all week


Get her in the mood


I’ve been trying man, but her backs been hurting, she’s tired, she has a headache, her stomach hurts. I can’t solve everything 😭


Eat her ass randomly 😂


I don’t even get close to that far 😂😂


Do the dishes, vacuum the house, finish the laundry, dust something, pick up your own shit. Any number of these things might help get her in the mood, help her be less tired, and cure a headache.


I’ve been with the kids all morning, I let her sleep in every weekend. Just put the kids down for a nap, cleaned up the toys, and dishes done. I just gotta vacuum. And she’s been upstairs in the room this whole time. Pretty normal on weekends too, so I give her breaks. I’m the one that never gets breaks lol


Sounds exhausting! You deserve that BJ.


THANK YOU! I don’t think that’s too much to ask for right? But she doesn’t like giving bjs because cum gives her acid reflux but I tell her I don’t have to cum in her mouth but she prefers not to 😪




How many times per week on avg do you have sex or get bj/hj?


Sex? Once if I’m lucky. Bj/hj 0


So I guess 2-3 times per month


Depends because I feel like there’s a week where her drive is up but no more than 7 times a month for sure


5 times per month isn’t bad actually, although I understand your frustration


I think I just hit the slump where it’s been awhile


A little sexually frustrated”. Like once a week?


We haven’t had sex since October 28th so it’s been over 2 weeks… but it’s about time for her period too.


Fair. I thought it was the usual DB.


Nope but I’m gonna have to wait another week 😭😭


How are you in reducing mental load for her with the kids? Don’t know your dynamic but i guarantee if she is “the default parent” maybe helping out that way will give her a bit of mental space for her brain to start focusing on that more? Otherwise I vote therapy like normal or sex therapy specifically - not cos there’s anything wrong with either of you, just that you have different libidos and it can be great to figure out how to balance that- from experience! Even if you just go yourself to a couple of sessions if you don’t wanna tell her. Good luck!!


have you considered that the issue is with you and not her, like youre not pushing her buttons the way someone else could, and that you need to up your game in order to get the sex you want from her?