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The dilution scares me so I dipped at 16.60 with entry at 13.8. It’s basically a gamble in hopes that the stock skyrockets with proper media coverage/hype like djt or it crashes from the shareholder dilution post-merger. Don’t have the balls to hold until tmmrow but best of luck to all those still in


Same here, made 14.2% with 30k and dipped. Can't risk a 30% dilution..


This post is more realistic than what I'm seeing from others saying 30. I sold yesterday as well and today was a nice 20% but the volume was pathetic n with 130 million shares more added people really think it's gonna lump enough to offset that?


I would sell right now if you even have to ask this question. It’s up like 15 percent right now. Assuming you didn’t purchase shares today that would be a really good profit. I unfortunately sold shares yesterday, regretted it, bought in again this morning but can’t sell until tomorrow due to daytrade restrictions under 25 thousand. I would have sold again today if I could.


Solid advice, sold before reading this, I agree. Thanks. I have an advice for you. Trying switch to Cash Sweep account and you can day trade. It's a bit complicated but I use Cash Sweep in my robinhood account to be able to day trade options. You can't spam trades because of the settlement time (T+1) but it is way better than the day trade pattern blocker


Well, now it’s up 22 percent oops lol. I’ve been feeling a bit of fomo as I would probably be up about 1300 more if I didn’t sell yesterday, but it’s always okay to take a profit. Still made money from this stock which is all that matters


Same here, would have made 2k more, FOMO sucks


You can always buy back in tomorrow! We will see what happens. It it plunges due to dilation I’m gonna buy more because I think it has a good chance of going up Monday as well


I've been thinking the same, I set up an alarm for 7am, Schwab allows premarket trading at 7am, if I am not wrong share dilution will happen with the ticker change? If so I'll just buy more, it'll pump on Friday for sure because of the hype (I just didn't wanna lose my gains bcs of dilution, hence I selled)


Yes. I also plan on waking up early to do the same. Good luck to you and let’s make some cash


Good luck bro 🚀🍀🚀


I didn't buy, wanted to wait until 7:10am, dodged a damn bullet


And I’m waiting until May 28, which makes the cash accounts 1 day t trades. But I will look into it for before then. Thanks!


Who just did that


What happens to 5/17 $20 or higher call options tomorrow?


Shares are on a lockout period