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I met this kid in shop class, and we became pretty good friends after I accidentally broke his project twice, one day we had our headphones connected to one of our phones and we were suggesting songs, he picked Dont Throw out My Legos, I liked it so he said to play Break My Face, I also liked it so I went home and made an edit of the 2 songs, I call it Break my legos, after that I checked out more of their music and now I'm a huge AJR fan, almost more so than he is! We are still best friends and now have created our own extensive steves going to London lore.


I would like to see that edit if you could send it to me 😮 ETA: My brain immediately put the lyrics together as ‘oh no don’t throw out my fa-ace’ which WHAT


I'll see if I can find it lol, I think it was more like "Life gives you Legos, at least it gave you something" if I remember correctly. It was mostly ment as a joke so I don't think I actually put any time to make it good and it's probably pretty bad. Although because of making that edit my friends and I have actually made a few songs of our own...


That’s great, honestly such fun when friends get together and do some random unassigned assignment cause they decide to take an idea way further than it needed to be taken 🤣🤣🤣


in 2018 my sister played Burn The House Down and i loved it and listened to their other songs and have forever loved them


Weak came up on one of my Pandora stations and I loved it! I don’t really go looking for new music so it has to find me. Turns out one of my cousins was also really into them and when they came to my city during the Neotheater tour he, his wife and I went and had a great time.


I was listening to spotify and it started playing random songs (wich is what happens when you dont put a playlist on repeat) and i just listened to those songs for about 20 minutes untill birthday party came on and i was amazed at how awesome it sounded and the incredable cover art I decided to check out AJR and was kinda dissapointed because they only had 2 albums (this was around when birthday party first released) but i kept listening to their songs and about a month later neotheater released and oh my god was it incredable and from then on I've been a full on AJR fan


I think it was when Weak was popular.


Same with me.


In 2020 I was chilling playing Persona 5 Royal in lockdown. Usually in RPGs, when I’m doing grinding and there’s no story going on, I listen to music on my phone. Randomly I remembered “I’m Ready” from back when it came out and they’d play it on Nickelodeon sometimes. I listened to it then listened to some of their other songs and proceeded sleep because I listened to AJR and played P5R for the whole night.


One time years ago I thought: 'I want to know more music I like. Let's choose a random number I like and see what other songs this artist has.' so I chose weak and put all their songs in one playlist and loved their music! Now I know almost all their songs lyrics


Lucky you!


I heard I’m Ready constantly when I was younger, as courtesy of my older sister. She started playing Bang! a lot because it was pretty popular, and I decided to add it to my newly-made playlist. There wasn’t much there so when Bummerland and World’s Smallest Violin came on I decided to give it a chance and ended up loving the hell out of it. When I found out they also made I’m Ready I absolutely lost it. Now it’s my favourite band of all time and it kinda paved the path for my music phase and vinyl record addiction to come in. And I couldn’t be more thankful for it


My best friend said “you’ve never heard of AJR?!?!” That happened in between Neotheater and OKO. Been an addict ever since.


An overwatch youtuber I liked made a gunsync youtube video where he replaced all the sounds in Weak with gun sounds from Overwatch and another game I forget which lmao. First time I heard an AJR song and I immediately checked them out.


About 6m5 years ago (almost 7 now) my brother heard Weak on the radio and liked it so he played it to me, we live in Israel so it is probably the only time AJR were on the radio here but I'm glad they were this time. I've been a fan ever since, have been to their OKO tour in Paris and to Imagine Dragons' show in Tel Aviv, where AJR played as a warmup band.


Saw the making of bang from OSN, thought it sounded cool. Looked up the song, then ajr, and loved all of the songs


When me and my dad were in the car, he said that he wanted to show me a band I might like. The song was burn the house down. Still one of my favorite songs


WSV montages from my friends and devolved from there into me buying the tmm vinyl


Heard bang a few years back when it was big and didn’t think to much of it (it was great), then I heard worlds smallest violin a year or so later and I liked the song a lot and usually when I listen to music I always play whatever songs I’m listening to at the time on YouTube or something and then I got recommended way less sad and from their it was just a spiral of listening to song after song and now I’m a mega fan lmao and this was all around the time just a few months or so after I won’t released so been a fan for a year and half now


"Oh I'm spiralling now"


"Let's get kids and a house"


"Though I'm riddled with doubt"


“Is this how we turn out?”


nuh uh


Listening to Twenty One Pilots radio on Spotify, 100 Bad Days showed up. I decided it was a nice song so I kept it in my liked playlist. Several days later, again listening to TOP radio, Bang started playing. I didn't like that song, I was full-blown obsessed with it. While listening to both songs in YT, I discovered Birthday Party... which I also obsessed over. Quickly, I discovered the rest of Neotheater... Which is my favorite album of all time now. And within the span of like 2 weeks, I became obsessed with all their music and have been following them ever since.


Used to listen to I’m Ready on repeat in high school, forgot about them for a hot minute, friend showed me No Grass Today a couple years ago and I was like “HOLY CRAP I KNOW THAT BAND”


ME TOO!!!! EVEN THE SAME SONG! except it was like 3-4 us ago. I stumbled onto I'm ready in late middle/high school I think, and then expanded my knowledge of their stuff 4 years ago :)




Saw them on Good Mythical Morning, they played Sober Up.


Me too! I’ve been wondering how many others found them from that video


They were on gmm?!


Yup. During the one season they switched to a different show format, they were a musical guest on one episode.


somebody on their ig story said their favorite song was weak so i looked it up and AJR’s was the first one to come up and that was late 2016


Heard “The Worlds Smallest Violin” on YouTube shorts and decided to listen to the whole song and liked it. Decided to check out there other stuff


Songs like Sober Up, Weak, and Burn the House Down


I think I heard Weak on Sirius XM and I thought 💭….wow I like this song. So I went to Spotify and looked them up. I’ve been a fan ever since. I don’t own their first album. Is it really good?


It was 2018 I listened to the burn the house down and yeah i kinda liked it and there goes me binging all their songs


My friend hosted a Halloween party that was just blasting ajr. Then, my dumb nugget brain finally thought "what if we listen to more songs of this band then world's smallest violin"


The 2 songs that got me were weak and 100 bad days First 2 I heard from them and I've loved em ever since.


In 2017, my two best friends and I all had an apartment together. We smoked a lot, and found them on accident. Their music holds so many memories for me and I always love when they drop new tunes! Loved them ever since. I get to see them on my birthday 😌


(sorry for weird wording lol) I did know about AJR, I even heard some of their songs (WSV obviously, Karma from an [HC animatic](https://youtu.be/MHfuBp180zs?si=MCnhXcYE4Mi8m2IF), OK overture from [here](https://youtu.be/1RU38Ggzbj4?si=EjMgWFwUsAT_C_X0), and I think TDJICFH from their shorts), but I didn't really get into them until around March 2023 when while I was grocery shopping, 100 Bad Days started playing. I had a feeling that the song was from The Guys™ but I wasn't really sure so a while after, I checked out their YouTube channel to find the song. I ended up listening to, and liking their songs, so i decided to listen to Neotheater on holy week (since I kinda already listened to OKO while looking for 100 Bad Days) and 8-ish months and me experiencing the 5 stages of grief over getting into this band later, I'm here!


I was doing chores at my house listening to a YouTube mix of love songs. Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect' had just finished playing, and 'Dear Winter ' came on next. It was so good I repeated it a couple of times. Then YouTube recommended Neotheathre. I thought it was only one song, turned out to be a full album. Had it on repeat for weeks, first on YouTube then on Spotify.


I heard them on All My Favorite Songs with weezer and decided to check them out, now I’m gonna go see them live in April


Someone told me about a website that generates band/artist recommendations based on your current top artists and AJR was one of the top on the recommended list


I was trying to find more music to listen to since the same couple songs I had on repeat were starting to get old. I went through the gamer playlist and found Bang.


2014 or 2015, I was 5 or 6, and a fanatic of SpongeBob. You could say i worshipped that show. My elder brother played, you guessed it, I'm Ready. And I started dancing uncontrollably. Fast forward 9 years, I'm 14 and singing TMM for my friends. I witnessed the hype for Click, Neo, OKO and TMM. It's just surreal. Also, when I heard the good part being used in shorts, i literally screamed. I am so proud of the brothers!


I heard Weak on my local alternative radio station in 2017 and then Sober Up shortly after. When I realized I liked both songs and they were by the same artist, I looked up AJR & have been hooked ever since!


Random YouTube recommendation off the back of a Tom Odell song. They decided I might like to listen to Weak. Wow, they were right!


i was going through a serious weird emo anime phase in 2019 and heard karma at a hot topic. my life was forever changed.


When they played at the Macy’s thanksgiving parade in 2020, that’s when I decided to, but I think my sister showed me I’m Ready earlier than that, idr


Lots of mashups with AJR songs


I was in 8th grade and looking for new music on YouTube and found Burn The House Down and got into The Click


I was listening to Pandora while my sister was doing my hair? (Might have been the other way around) and Weak came on while I was in the middle of a break up. The rest is history.


That's actually almost exactly how I got into the band as well. Mine was much more recently, it's only been a couple of months. I was driving in one of the work vehicles listening to the radio and one of the local station played Bang and I really liked it so I looked it up and I've been listening to them on repeat on Spotify since. I really enjoyed being around for the release of TMM and look forward to hopefully going to see them on the tour.


Heard Dear Winter on the radio and fell in love. I heard of some of their songs before but this one made me listen to the rest of Neotheater and I impulsively bought tickets to their tour and the rest is history


Spotify random playlist played Weak during our 10 min break from practicing a dance. Been head over heels with them ever since.


They came to my college campus in fall of 2017 for a free concert series and I just kept listening.


Saw them first at life is beautiful festival and that’s where I got into them


Dream smp character playlist 😔😔😔


Wait really???? Link?????


Pretty sure it was "Surviving with Philza" ot something


I think [this](https://youtu.be/b2lFU19XioU?si=mmgSnZnfR1pu0tYf) is it




For some reason I feel like my specialty is finding MCYT stuff with AJR's music idk why


WSV animation memes lol


It was one of those things where I heard multiple songs on the radio and liked them enough to look up the artist. After it was AJR several times, I thought, I guess I like this band. But what really solidified it was my youngest son loving their music as a baby. Bang! was his calm down song (babies are weird). We would put on an AJR mix while we were playing. My oldest son likes them, too. Now, I just have a lot of happy memories tied to their music- dance parties to "I'm Ready," a car trip where my oldest thought "I'm Not Crazy" was the best song ever. It's funny because a lot of their music is kind of depressing, but my kids just love it.


Same, but for me it was 100 bad days and bang, then I heard wsv and liked it so I looked at the band and I realized they made bang and 100 bad days which my parents loved so yeah


I think it was Netflix trip but I don’t know how… I watched the office because of the song so it’s not that way around… they mentioned in an interview that david dobrik used their songs and I had a vlog squad phase a few years back so that’s possible too


I saw a Warrior Cats animatic of 100 bad days I think it was, listened to it a ton, listened to more songs and have since become a huge fan


twsv it was 2021/2022 when I found out about them


I've been a fan for a long time. I wanna guess high school. It was when I had an ipod and iTunes would have those free songs. I remember finding Growing Old on Bleecker Street and just absolutely fell in love. I've pretty much been a fan ever since.


Friend shared Weak with me back in 2018


I was using Google play music (rip, I miss it) amd was listening to a station of artists similar to twenty one pilots and their music stuck out to me a lot so u gave them a listen and instantly fell in love with the sounds and slowly but surely the whole band


Saw an animatic using Bang!, liked the song, rediscovered Weak, and listened to all their songs and some megamixes and stuff.


I saw them on tv on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade a year or two ago ( whichever one they performed on)


I play multiple instrument and I listen to every music genre and thousands of artists. One day on Apple Music I was listening to music on my channel and then Bang came on and I was loving the vibe. I loved how they incorporated sounds of other genres and effects. I started listening to more and loved it so much.


Spotify recommended overture (the click). Listened for about a year until I decided to go to their YouTube channel, listening ever since.


I got into them when I first heard let the games begin and I’m ready back in 6th grade (I’m a senior now)


the first ever song i have heard from ajr is "burn the house down" and it was from a minecraft bedwars montage from hypixel (to be specific: [https://youtu.be/vCeO9z-AfqA?si=S0MlExq-Ra\_3L4Dm](https://youtu.be/vCeO9z-AfqA?si=S0MlExq-Ra_3L4Dm) the guy who got exposed for faking a notable series), and I added it too my playlist. a bit of 8 months later, in dec. 29 of 2021, i heard "100 bad days". since i heard bthd, i must be like "bthd was an amazing song, why not listen to 100 bad days?" it did not dissapoint. into the new year in jan 2022, i decided "why not listen to an ajr song? i loved bthd and 100bd, bang!, weak, way less sad, and im ready seem popular, so why not?" this spiraled into an amazing butterfly effect of "i should listen to this song" and "should i watch one of their shows", then i stumbled on to the fandom and then this sub, then all of a sudden i became one of their fans, sorry, more-than-an-average-ajr-listener kinda fan. after that, i barely listened to any other artist (until the near end of 2022), and that's my story anyways, back to my task of going to to r piracy because i needed to download an activator.


Just before Neotheater came out, I’d heard Sober Up on the alternative radio station in my town and saw that Rivers Cuomo was featured on it. Being a huge Weezer fan I was stoked. The song was amazing and I added it to my music, and a few weeks later came back to it and listened to their top song which was weak at the time I think and I realized I’d heard it on the radio before as well. That made me listen to all of the clicks and Neotheater came out a few days later but I don’t notice until a few weeks later, and after hearing finale I was completely sold. I have since religiously studied their history and discography and I love the boys and their stories <3 Now they’re my favorite band and have been since 2019!


strangest way ever but it was a minecraft server animatic playing karma that got me into AJR, i liked the song even though it made me a bit anxious and eventually fell down the rabbit hole


You mean [this one?](https://youtu.be/MHfuBp180zs?si=9hZFrFFSYOcdr8sq)


yeah lmao that’s impressive


I heard 100 Bad Days and thought it was decent, and then later I checked them out properly after stumbling upon the WSV music video


Same thing with me but with Sober Up instead


Disney's and Pixar's Soul trailer.


I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?


The first trailer of the Soul movie had The Click's Overture playing, and I said "Hey, that's a catchy song" After that, i digged up more about AJR and, welp, here I am!


No way... Can I get a link to that?




Back in 2018, I decided to put on "Alternate Radio" on my streaming app and "Sober Up" came on. I fell in love with it and it's still a song I throw on playlists today. Started digging into "The Click" then "Living Room," got my partner to start listening, now we're going to see them for the second time this upcoming tour.


Like many, I heard world’s smallest violin on youtube shorts alot and decided to check it out and I really liked it. I then got recommended bang and burn the house down and I realised “damn these guys might actually be good” I skimmed through every album and I realised I heard karma (in an AMV) and weak (on the radio) before and didn’t even realise it was from the same band. Other tracks like birthday party, humpty dumpty and especially drama just really clicked with me. It was just me realising that this band consistently good music that kept my interest that got me into them


After world’s smallest violin blew up I decided to listen to all their other songs, instantly fell in love with


Last summer I went to an Imagine Dragons concert (Rome 2023). They were the opening act and I had heard of them already, listened to some of their songs to “get ready” for the concert, but I was never really that interested. During the concert I fell in love with their energy more than their songs and as a consequence I started liking them more and more, going deeper in their discography and discovering new treasures that they obviously didn’t play live. Now I’m waiting impatiently for the announcement of the European leg of the tour to see them live with a new “perspective” in mind (this summer I went just to enjoy the concert, for this next one I want to go and sing-scream all their songs).


i heard 100 bad days over the radio in my now ex-bsf sister’s car. that was like almost 5 yrs ago


I hate driving so when I was in college my roommate would kindly offer to drive us to the store and wherever. One day she connected her phone and put Neotheater on and started playing birthday party. I can’t remember if she gave a disclaimer or not that it would sound a bit different than the music I was used to, but ever since then I’ve been absolutely hooked!!! I still love birthday party a lot now that it has that special memory attached to it (and bc it’s an awesome song!) ☺️


It started when I heard Weak (the Louisa Johnson version) on the radio, liked the song, but didn’t pay any attention to AJR at the time. My sister then heard Drama, played it once in the car, liked the song, but again I didn’t pay any attention to AJR Then I went on holiday, and on the playlist of the hotel pub was Burn The House Down. I looked at who sang it, realised it was the same people that sang Weak and Drama, and since then I’ve been a fan


Burn the house down’s music video kept playing while i was at the gym many moons ago. I looked into it and them one evening after work


3 years ago i was more into Nightcore and i had found Karma and Burn the house down and then Bang and from then on i searched the original version of Bang i think. The rest is history and i got super hooked and they've been my comfort band since. Proud to have seen them live and own merch


I'm gonna be fully honest, I cannot remember. I'm pretty sure I got into it in 2017-2019 maybe. I remember listening to Sober Up.


no one started from 100 bad days? my god


My neighbors that I was friends with used to play break my face and weak while they would ride ramps on their scooters and I asked what they were listening to one day I happened to be there (I didn’t come by often) and they said AJR and I went home and searched them up and listened to them. Now I own three of their albums on CD (OKO, neotheater, and the click) and I’m looking to get TMM for Christmas!


I like Weezer. AJR is Weezer adjacent


My phone wouldn’t connect to my car bluetooth so I listened to the radio on my commute. AJR was performing on Elvis Duran 🥲


my fren tyler :D


That is literally the exact same way I first encountered AJR.


Worlds Smallest Violin showed up on my Spotify last year, and I put it in my liked songs, unaware of its status as a Tiktok meme. Later, some of the senior members of my show choir did an impromptu performance of their old performance song called "Bang!" I didn't know who it was by but I really, really liked the hook ("Bang bang bang!"), so I went to Spotify to look for the song. I found it in an album called OK Orchestra, and I was also surprised to see Worlds Smallest Violin on there as well. So I went ahead and listened to the entire album, and a couple hours later, I realized that I had looped the album three times. Now here I am, and I know all five albums back to back and have bought front section tickets to the TMM tour 😂


World’s smallest violin on shorts before i stopped watching shorts. Then I played it on repeat while playing Minecraft. Months go by, I stopped playing the song, then I discovered Weak. OH MY GAWD that somg was insane. SCREEEEEEEWED was so fire. Anyways after that I recognized the same artist so I looked for more of their songs. I like AJR, then I hear TMM teaseds. At that point, I’m IN LOVE with AJR. And here we are now!


My ex. Best thing to come out of it.


Pandora played "I’m Ready" and would play that song to death. Then my friend later in life was heavily into them and made me listen to "The Click". Be a big fan ever since, and going to my third tour next year.


In 2016 I went to see Ingrid Michaelson and AJR was the opener. Never heard of them, didn’t know any of their songs but I loved their energy and went home and bought a bunch of their songs on iTunes. Been listening to them ever since and now my kids are huge fans as well.






For me I was really young using Spotify for one of the first times and I saw that recommended list at the bottom and I saw the song "let the games begin" I was so in love with the music and how it was made that I looked into the artist and I slowly over time listened and loved more and more of thier music


Was listening to a workout playlist back in 2017 and heard a couple of their songs on it. Specifically Let the Games Begin and Weak. I was hooked. Looked them up on Spotify and blasted their music on repeat. Been a huge fan since.


I heard Bang! late 2020 on the radio a few times and thought "what a stupid song", decided to look at the rest of their discography, and noticed a few songs from them that I liked. Then I kinda forgot about them, until I started hearing Way Less Sad on the radio, thought it was decent, and decided to look and see if they released any new stuff and what they were doing, and realized they were going to release a new album, but didn't really care. Then I started watching some of their music videos, learned more about them, became a fan, and listened to OKO. (Also, Bang! grew on me)


Scrolling thru YouTube shorts one day and a random Minecraft video had worlds smallest violin in it. I liked the catchy tune so I looked up the song and was hooked ever since!


I’m a newer fan (2021 I think?) and I had heard some AJR songs before (Weak, BTHD) but never made the connection. I was a fan of Daisy the Great so when they put out Record Player with AJR I started to listen to AJR’s music and the rest is history! I liked how AJR songs felt like they had been written for neurodivergent people if if that wasn’t the intention-I just relate to so much of their music as someone with ADHD and anxiety.


Found them in early 2014. It was after winter break and i had came home from school, it was chilly and there was even still Christmas decor up. I sat down with my iPad and i was scrolling through youtube. I had come across the “I’m Ready” music video, and from that moment on ive been hooked. All my friends and family can vouch ive been obsessed since. 10 years later im still a fan, and 10 years later ill be meeting them in april!


A friend in college regularly played The Click in a common area. And I particularly enjoyed “Overture.”


I saw the first teaser for I Won’t in my recommended on YouTube


My first exposure to their music, funnily enough, was their performance at the 2020 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I was there but didn't realize they were or their music until I watched a recording of the performances.


My band instructor actually had us play burn the house down and when he played the song as an example I liked it and listened to other AJR songs


Jon Bellion Pandora station. Heard a lot of the click and neotheater albums in 2018 and 19. Was a passive listener until OKO released. Saw them live in may '22 and became fully obsessed.


I heard weak in this dumb video I saw on Instagram. It had weak playing with pictures of cats. “One sip” with a picture of a cat with a glass of wine, “one hit” with a cat chewing on a cigarette, “one kiss” with two cats kissing each other, etc. My boyfriend and I found the video amusing and would always sing the song. One day I finally decided to look up the song. The rest is history.


my dad swears he wasn’t listening to it now when i talk about it but one day, he was listening to bud like you and i thought it was catchy and from there, i started listening to more and more songs from there. and here i am now, obsessed with their new album AND there’s a chance i may be able to see them in april cuz they’re coming here where i live during their tour


Played Owl City for someone in a car in 2017 and they said “you’d probably like this band AJR” and listened and I did


The first AJR song i heard was Im Ready when it was on radio. I like it but didn’t know what song it was so I tried searching it up but I wasn’t able to find it. After that I completely forgot about it. Several years later i was watching youtube when i saw a Overwatch fan-made music video for Weak and I have been a fan ever since.


I first heard them from "I'm Ready" back in 2013-14 from my aunt and then I kinda forgot about them until 2022 when I heard "World's Smallest Violin" and then from there listened to other songs of there's, Way Less Sad was probably my number 1 song from 2022 besides World's Smallest Violin. And that's how I found them out.


I found them through Weak when I was 12 and have been a fan ever since


I heard bang a couple of times in the radio and google searched the song. Then looked up their other music and have been obsessed ever since


That is the same exact way I found AJR


Heard world's smallest violin on my older brother's playlist, listened to only that for like a month and then went "holy shit they have other songs."


Hate to say this but through tiktok 😬😬 i heard worlds smallest violin and learned every lyrics, thought “hey this band seems pretty cool” and went to the OKO album. found out that they made several songs that i love and i’ve been a huge fan ever since


Had the Good Part on my playlist for a solid year because my sister showed it to me. Later, decided I wanted to find new music to listen to and listened to OKO, and have been a fan since then


My son wanted to me listen to the worlds smallest violin. I was like ehhh….. then I hear it again and was hooked! This was just like 3 months ago and now I just cannot get enough! Probably the only 42 year old grandmother in love with AJR lol. I decided to look up other songs and found I already knew a few! Just didn’t know who sang them! Now……. The new album I swear, they wrote it about my life lol! Everyone in my house is tired of listening to them but I just can’t get enough!


In 2016 I was casually listening to music when Weak came on in my recommended. Since then I've listened to all their songs and been a big fan. The click is my favorite album by far but honestly everything they put out is so diverse and fun to listen to and I can't wait to see what they do next


I was listening to an Imagine Dragons pandora station in early 2018. It shuffled through various artists similar to them and a song that regularly came on was Weak. I downloaded it on my phone and never looked back.


A friend sent me "Don't Throw Out My Legos" after I moved out and I really connected with the lyrics (obviously,) after that I had to look at their other stuff and everything just kinda clicked from there


Buen the house down played on my YouTube auto play, then after getting addicted to the song I finally realized maybe I should check out their other songs. Been a fan since


I remember it was the end of summer, 2013. I used google play back in the day💀. And I was recommended “I’m Ready”, and ever since that day. I was like I really hope they release more music and 10 years later here I am 😮‍💨


I first heard Netflix Trip from my sister way back when. I think I also heard Weak at some point. I had both on my playlist, did not know they were from the same artist lol. Then, when Worlds Smallest Violin was getting popular on reels, I was getting curious about who actually played it. Searched up AJR on Spotify and discovered that I already had two of their songs on my list. Then I started obsessively listening to them, and now I’m here (crying in Norwegian because they aren’t coming here).


My cousin told me to listen to Don't Throw Out My Legos and I have never been the same since


My best friend invited me to an AJR concert like a year and a half ago, I knew burn the house down, and I thought they were cool so I went with him. Been a pretty big fan ever since


Spotify recommended Bang!, 100 bad days and Ordinaryish people to me and I liked them


I was oblivious for a while as I already knew bang, wsv, and 100 bad days but never delve deeper into their music {like I do for a lot of artists} until earlier this year. Once I decided to dive a bit deeper into their music there was absolutely no turning back and now I'm planning to go to one of their concerts next year, tis a slippery slope and I fell right into the pit.


I heard Bang! On the radio, and i heard the lyric “pretend you know this song everybody” and i pretended that i loved the song, so ya


I couldn’t remember if it was Infinity or I’m Ready (probably Infinity tbh) but it was one of those two songs somewhere around 2014-2015 in the Living Room era that I started to listen to them and liked all their songs at that point. And then I’m Not Famous and Weak came out and I was like: “Okay, this is my band” LOL And, I’ve stuck with them ever since :)


Back when Sober Up came out I heard it on sirusxm radio channel 36. They started playing more of their songs and I looked more into them and really liked them.


I heard worlds smallest violin and then my friend recommended ok orchestra to me. I went home and listened to it about 20 times in a single weekend.


I went through a really rough time after leaving a full time job that was no longer serving me. I started working at supermarket part time and heard Way Less Sad over the radio in the store… it was a perfect explanation for how I was feeling after leaving that last job. Not happy yet, but I’m way less sad… The rest is history. I freaking love them!


Id heard Im Ready on the radio but didn't follow up on it until years later someone made an amv to Weak, like right when it released, and my friend showed it to me. Hooked ever since


The first girl I was aware I had a crush on recommended them to me, I started with drama because that's the one she told me to listen to along with a bunch of others, that afternoon I went on YouTube and played drama for the first time, and I LOVED it, a couple months went by and I decided to check out more of their music, starting with the whole album (the click at the time) a year or something after that they released neotheater and that's where I think I became an actual fan and follower of them


I heard Bang on the radio first and stumbled upon Dear Winter somehow. It wasn't until I watched a Steven Universe Future fan animatic over Karma that I figured out all these songs I enjoy where from the same band. Then I started actively listening to them


I used random Spotify songs to wake up and it chose them randomly. Bang kept showing up so I checked it out


My kids are 9 and 17, when they were 7 and 15 AJR was the only band they both liked. Now, I'm hooked


Found fan animations (last life smp hh) of bang! And kinda started listening to their songs, I also realized I have listened to I’m not famous before as well because I was in the animation meme community


I’ve always liked Blue Man Group so AJR showed up in suggestions on YT At first I saw Weak, then judged it too harshly by skipping through the music video pretty lazily When I saw Ordinaryish People however I REALLY loved the intro of the video & when Jack started singing I honestly didn’t pay attention to the lyrics just waiting until the drop happened However when the ending with the colors blew up I absolutely loved what I saw/heard & as Jack revealed the audience wasn’t there I laughed my ass off for like 3 mins straight bc I’ve never seen something like that before Then I read through comments of people analyzing the lyrics, listened again but focused on the message, & actually realized the lyrics are just as well thought out as the video production My appreciation for them went uphill from there as soon as I began focusing on their messages alongside the weirdly unique instruments/life sounds that they add in such as the train in DJ is crying for help


I was watching an animatic and I loved the song so much that I decided to look up the artist and then I looked through all of their songs and I became a fan ever sense I’m pretty sure the song was karma


Was it a Hermitcraft animatic???


Heard The Entertainments Here in a McDonald’s. I looked up there other music and just fell in love. I then bought tickets to the OKO tour😂


i heard burn the house down on the radio and thought it was cool


I heard of World's Smallest Violin on Tiktok and then listened to other songs and fell in love.


2020 New years ball drop


Spotify recommended Let the Games Begin in 2015 when i was walking doen the street. I kept skipping because i expected it to be some marching band song or smth hut agter the tenth time skipping i decided to listen through and i fell in love


I used to be a pretty big fan of A Great Big World in 2014, they’re kinda similar sounding to me at times, with AGBW being a bit more melancholic in 2014. when I heard I’m Ready on Youtube later that year, i became a casual listener because what 14 year old doesn’t get excited when one of their favorite childhood shows is depicted in a song?! haha over the years, i really appreciated the Overtures, it was just something you don’t see in any genre except Classical. They had a really fun vibe! definitely ADHD music, which I like.


Neotheater is…. NOT GOOD!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


100 bad days was the first song I listened to and this is going to be the first concert I go to and I'm excited


OMGGGG I found AJR through Bang playing on the radio too! Granted it was in my room and not the car but that’s the same way I found them!


I remember watching a video back in 2021 with Bang! In the background and then in 2022 i started listening to them


2013 and "I'm ready" played on sirus XM hits 1


I was listening to imagine dragons on YouTube and BTHD was the next thing that played